December 23rd, 2016, Big Visitation Coming to the Nakuru Conference, Prophet Dr. Owuor!

Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, December 23rd, 2016!

The LORD Jehovah spoke with me, again, the LORD Jehovah spoke with me this past night. And when He spoke with me this past night, He showed me the big meeting in Nakuru. It will be really really full. It is so big the entire church is full all the way up. A lot of people are up there and the entire church is packed to capacity bumper to bumper and it will be really, really, really full.

And then I see a lot of people, also, full outside and then as I was about to leave the meeting when I was lifting up my left prophetic arm to pray for people– before I step out of a meeting– when I lifted up my left prophetic arm to pray for people, and I said, “Mighty Father in Heaven please visit this place.” And when I just said that then immediately a massive power of God hit the entire church and outside and many, many, many people collapsed. It was unbelievable. It was a tremendous number. I see them. I see a lot of people. Many, many, many people were touched by the LORD.

The glory of the LORD fell into the church and outside. So, the LORD Himself is saying that He Himself is coming to visit the church. He is coming to visit the meeting that will take place in Nakuru. And it will be a mighty, mighty meeting. Many people will also be healed and touched at the same time; but, as you have heard from the Senior Archbishop and all the other bishops this meeting is going to be an historic meeting, because for those who are coming from other countries the archbishops and National Overseers from other nations you are going to see for the first time first hand how the Man of God the Mighty Prophet has been discipling this land into this highway of righteousness to sustain and be steadfast onto holiness.

They are going to be able to see now why this revival–even after thirteen years–is actually going higher, and higher and higher, and the glory is becoming bigger, and the visitation of the Godhead Himself is here, and the massive healing, and the millions of people returning to the LORD and the proclamation of the Gospel of righteousness, righteousness, holiness, holiness all the time, and how it has been sustained over the many years.

We are so much aware that many revivals were intended by the LORD to come and do a renewal in the church, in many places all over the world you know the names of the places: but those revivals did not last. But you see that this revival is lasting it is going bigger, and it is like every other meeting every next meeting is always thousand fold greater in the visitation than the former meeting. And so, when those from outside will come like the ones we have invited; the archbishops, and the National Overseers, when they will come for the first time first hand they will see how the LORD has sustained this revival Long Haul: for a very long time and it is growing stronger and everyone is steadfast and holding on to righteousness and they have not lost it.

That is the opportunity they have when they come. And yet, for the Kenyan Church the many, many, many thousands of pastors that are coming I know the pastors of this ministry alone are more than twenty thousand (20,000) so they will fill the church until there will be excess pastors who will have to be told to sit at the tent out. But I am also aware that there are a lot of pastors and bishops coming from other denominations so they will be given priority as I have instructed then the pastors of this ministry will move out and give them priority to sit inside and be at the place where the Word will be delivered, in the church.

So, for the pastors, and the bishops of this nation, the overseers for them they will have a different experience, because there is going to be an intensive discipleship that will take place in the big church in Nakuru, at the seat of the Archbishop, that church is the seat of the Archbishop. He is the one hosting the Man of God and that is where now the Kenyan Pastors will have this grand opportunity to partake to get involved in a serious intensive discipleship. And as they will see it will be so vast and so expansive, and be very profound it will be like having a tremendous expedition into the entire Bible and to use that to prepare the church for the coming of the Messiah. That is what will happen there.

For those coming from out of state it will be so shocking and surprising and startling to see how actually the LORD has been discipling the nation, discipling the nation, discipling the nation on one thing; righteousness, righteousness, righteousness; one thing: holiness, holiness, holiness all throughout and how that has been the fire engine that has sustained this revival making it greater, and greater year after year.

I am sure all of you know that were here from before you can see that the Revival of this year 2016 is much, much, much, much greater than the former than ever was. That can be seen. It has been an exponential growth. And so those coming from out you will be able to find out the secrets of Kenya now; the secrets of this land of Revival the secrets of this church. How has this church been able to sustain this revival without losing it?

So that will be seen in this intensive discipleship that the LORD sent His Messenger to directly get involved in and disciple these people to put the Word in their mouth. You see a lot of people with books, hardcover books, and pen writing nonstop as in, “I will never hear this again.” That will be a wonderful way to disciple those Overseers from abroad also that they made transplant it into their country. That they may understand that actually there is zero relenting here zero tolerance and continuous pursuit of righteousness. And that is the secret that keeps this revival. Remember this revival is a Holy Revival of the LORD and so only holiness can sustain it.

But for the church in Kenya, as much as it is going to be also an eye opener and an awakening but it will take you deeper because in the teachings that will take place there there will be different topics and subtopics and they will run for three days. In fact, these teachings–I can announce here–these teachings require twenty eight sessions (28) sessions, and we have only six (6) sessions or so, if I understand. Maybe, plus-minus can be eight (8) we can stretch up to eight (8). So this will be really a very wonderful opportunity to go deep into the Word and understand what the LORD is saying at this hour to the church.

And so already this night the LORD showed me already I was in the meeting–that means I am coming–He is sending me to the meeting. The LORD is now bringing me to you. I saw myself there already, and as I lifted up my left prophetic arm like this to pray and ask the LORD to visit this place–that means the church–then a humongous power of God hit the church and I can see people up there in the higher places touched, moved, people are moved in bulk, moved moved and I see a lot of people slayed in different places. Some of them were brought, brought out, you know? And a lot of people were touched: some were baptized, some healed, some delivered, and everything will take place there. So this is just the amount of love that the LORD has for the church, because I have seen the coming of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah.

And I know that sometimes, in Kenya, now there is so much politics, politics, politics going on campaigns and what. But for us as a church we are preparing, preparing, preparing for the coming of the Messiah and nothing else!

For us it is about the coming of the Messiah because the Bible says that a lot of things will delude men. Men will be totally deluded with the celebrations in their homes, with visiting people, getting married, marrying, giving into marriage. You know what scripture talks about the coming of the Messiah. So even as many nations will be doing other things, Kenya doing its own things, but for us as a church we are going to focus on preparing the glorious garment for the glorious coming of the Messiah, period!


Historic Visitation of God to Befall a Meeting, Prophet Dr. Owuor, November 26th, 2016!

Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, November 26th, 2016!

The LORD Jehovah Elyon, the LORD Most High, the LORD Jehovah El Olam my God and my Sender, the One that sent me to speak to these nations, Jehovah El Gibbor, the Mighty God Jehovah Sabaoth the LORD of Hosts, the greatest Commander of Hosts, the Armies of Heaven, He speaks with me at this past night.

In this conversation, I see that he is sending me to a meeting somewhere, and it is a conference. It looks like it is a conference. And then as I enter at the meeting and begin to minister in that conference, and as I lift up my hand to pray for the meeting then an historic anointing of the LORD befalls the meeting strikes the meeting like this, in this tremendous visitation of the power of the LORD as the Spirit of the LORD strikes this meeting falls over the meeting. And it is a very historic moment to behold: a greater anointing of the LORD the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And there is this woman I see who has tied a baby on the back. So she collapses as the LORD touched quite a lot of people and she falls down, “take away the baby, the baby take away the baby!” A lady is crying, she had a baby tied on her back she falls down and the baby is safe. “So please untie the baby from the back!” I say these things.

So, there is an historic a very shocking anointing that is coming bigger, greater. These things will take place: I walk into a meeting and I pray for this meeting and then in an historic anointing from heaven hits the meeting in a very shocking manner I have never seen before. So, this is going to be very big. I do not know whether it is a meeting in Amsterdam, or it is the end of year meeting that will take place at the Nakuru Main Altar, the Conference, the New Year’s Eve Conference; but I see that very historic visitation of the LORD even as I prepare to leave for Europe. These things are going to happen; these things will happen that they will take place in the church.

And the LORD is saying that this is the hour of the Latter Visitation the Latter Visitation that was promised in the Bible. In fact, this latter visitation is currently the main theme of the conversation that the LORD is having with the church: the latter visitation, the role of the letter visitation, the coming of the Messiah, and how this Latter Visitation is designed to prepare the church to prepare the nations in absolute righteousness. And we all know that every act of righteousness indeed constitutes an holy act. Righteousness is justice; it is being just, honest, and holy.

So, this latter anointing is essentially to prepare the church to prepare the nations for the glorious coming of the Messiah. Again I do not know at which meeting it is. The lady that is touched she ties the baby on the back. I don’t know in Europe if they tie the babies on the back it looks more like something that might happen here. I hope, maybe probably it is going happen in Europe, but she is dark skinned. So, one of the two meetings either at the end of the year New Year’s Eve conference in Nakuru, at the Nakuru Main Altar, or the meeting in Amsterdam; but whichever way let the LORD have His way, and prepare the nations by the tremendous historic visitation of the Spirit of the LORD.

Because I walk into this meeting, and as I pray in this meeting, as I pray I lift up my left prophetic arm like this, and then the tremendous shocking power of God hits the meeting and everybody almost goes down, everybody! And then there is this woman, the baby is crying, you know? I say, “Please remove the baby untie the baby!” She untied the baby on the back. I do not know if in Europe they tie their babies on the back, but in Africa they do the women do.

So wherever the venue will be may the LORD have His way and prepare the nations. I have seen the Messiah coming. The Father has spoken with me about the coming of the glorious Messiah the glorious return of the Christ. He has spoken with me by voice of the coming of the Messiah, and time is winding down. We are counting down until when time will surrender.

But the Messiah is coming for a holy church. This is the one about whom it was written in the Bible, it is written, that I will send My Messenger ahead of you to prepare your way before the glorious coming of God. That is God the Father speaking to the Messiah that He would send me to prepare the way for the Messiah that when the Messiah comes the nations will have returned to righteousness, faithfulness, obedience, holiness, and shun wickedness, apostasy, lies, false prophecy, sin, evil, and everything that does not glorify the LORD.

May those that have ears prepare their hearts for the glorious coming of the Messiah!



Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 26th, 2016!

Now the LORD Jehovah has spoken with me again. And in this conversation, the LORD brings me to a place and I see the revival, the historic revival in the church, in Kenya. And as I see this revival, then the LORD brings me to a place where now a lot of files. I see light blue files, some of them are red, but others light blue, and then a lot of files are brought. They bring the files to the Man of God, the Mighty Prophet of the LORD.

A lot of files of patients who have been healed; a heap of files and the LORD makes me hear “another file” and “this one brought another patient who has been healed”, and examined, and tested, and the hospitals, and cancers, the tumors, the diabetes, the leukemias, those who had psychosis, everything, a lot of files, a lot of medical files.

So, I know that very soon the LORD is going to present very many files of the Revival that happened, in Kenya. Again, I see a meeting in which so many doctors present so many files, a lot of files. These are files from the patients that have now been healed and re-examined at different hospitals. So this revival is just beginning. It is going to be big. It is already too big. Already so many healings across everywhere–the tumors that have dissolved are very shocking.

If you look at the pictures of the big tumors and how they shrunk at the power of the LORD and dried up, even those that were open: it is shocking. And the LORD is saying these files are going to be presented before the LORD. I see a lot of files, a lot of light blue files with records inside, and the doctors that read me these files: HIV cases, the leukemias, the diabetes, hypertension and everything, all that have been healed; the cancers of different kinds all that have been healed. I see a lot of files.

So this is a blessed time when there’s a big, big historic revival in the church. And for the nations that are out there may the LORD create this hunger in you also that you may see this latter revival before the coming of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Prophecy of Fearful Cloud of God’s Glory to Visit His Servant, Prophet Dr. Owour, October 26th, 2016!

Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 26th, 2016!

The Lord has spoken with me today. The LORD Jehovah, the Creator of Israel, the Creator of the heavens, and the earth the Creator of all man the LORD that created even the stars, the universe, the Jupiter’s, He created all creation. Jehovah El Gibbor, The Mighty God, Jehovah El Olam, Everlasting God, Olam, today He has spoken with me in a tremendous way.

He caught me up in a sleep. He slayed me in a moment and I went into a sleep, and then immediately He showed me the skies. And then I looked up into the heavens I saw the mighty, mighty, mighty Glory of the LORD the way he visited in Nakuru. The tremendous and dreadful fearful way He Himself, God the Father, Godhead in His cloud of His glory I saw the cloud of His glory moving, moving from the heavens and coming down to the earth; a huge– it covered the entire sky–a huge presence of the cloud of His glory that covered the entire sky in exactly the way He visited His Servant in Nakuru, in the past meeting.

In the most recent meeting He came down and that same dark cloud coming from heaven the thick dark cloud of the LORD like smoke and cloud mixed together. And He came down the way He came in Nakuru, but this time He covered the entire sky and He was moving, and moving, and hovering around the earth and then finally came down, the cloud of His glory now came down all the way to the earth where His servant was. And it is a tremendous visitation like has never, ever, ever happened before. This has never, ever happened. This is so big that is the glory of the LORD I have seen.

I have seen the glory of Jehovah, the Lord our Maker, Jehovah Hoseenu, the LORD our Peace, Jehovah Shalom, Sovereign Lord, the Sovereign LORD the One that is Sovereign His authority is unassailable, incontestable, indisputable, Jehovah Adonai our Eternal creator, Jehovah Elohim, the Lord of Hosts is coming, Jehovah Sabaoth, Our Shepherd, The Shepherd of Israel, the Shepherd of the church, the Redeemer of all men that Jesus revealed to us His tremendous love of the grace. Jehovah Rohi, Jehovah Tsidkenu, Jehovah El Gibbor, Jehovah Eloheenu, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Eloheeka, Jehovah El Shaddai, Elyon, The LORD Most High I have seen his tremendous Glory coming down.

This indeed, these are the mighty days of the mighty glory of the LORD! These are the days of His Servant! These are the days of His visitation! So, I know that the earth is sitting on the verge of a major visitation. I have seen the Messiah come for a holy church. May all the nations prepare in repentance, and the return to Jesus that they may turn away from all sin. All the people turn away from sin that they may be righteous and holy before the LORD, because the Bible says, “for without holiness nobody will see the LORD.”

So I have seen the LORD coming. I see the tremendous glory of Jehovah Jireh; the big glory the powerful glory of Jehovah Mekoddishkem, Jehovah Shammah. I see His glory coming and this time is so big. The same glory that visited in Nakuru, but it covered the entire expanse coming like thick dark clouds looks like smoke; in coming the way He came down in Nakuru.

It is a tremendous fearful sight to behold! The Messiah is coming, let us prepare! Let the church turn away from sexual immorality, the dressing of women that are immoral. Let the young men turn away from alcoholism, immorality, drugs, and this lukewarm Christianity because He says He will “puke”. In the Book of Revelation, He says that I will vomit (lukewarm) you are neither cold nor hot. I don’t know where you stand.

Let us take a stand! These are the days for which to take a stand in the workplace to let people know that you are born again! You stand with Jesus. For you Jesus comes first. If it means leaving that church, or if it means leaving that friendship these are the days to take a stand to take a stand for Jesus for righteousness; the way He took the position for us on the cross: publicly, and globally, and openly.

Thank you, Shalom.


Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 18th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me this past night. The LORD has continued to speak with me about the events that highlight the closeness with which we have drawn towards the coming of the Messiah. In this past night, the LORD spoke with me on this day about the coming of the Messiah and the signs that He talked about. Then I see now the LORD showed me, the LORD showed me a massive historic fire that is going to break out.

There is a very, very massive historic fire that breaks out, and I see people running. The LORD put me in the fire and I panicked also. And I see people running in all directions but the fire is so vast, and so huge it enclaves the people in it. It closes the people in so there was almost nowhere to run.

But I see a lot of people running in large numbers, large numbers. A big fire is going to break out soon. A huge fire is about to break out soon. It will be in the news, and you will see a lot of people running, running for their lives. I see a lot of people running: an amazing distress I have never seen like that. The LORD puts me in there. I am also stranded. Some people are trying to run to their houses to pick some money and they have put a lot of money in their houses so they want to run there and get the money. But the fire circles them and becomes a raging fire.

So I see a lot of fire is coming. I see people running. I do not know whether it is black people, looks more like there were black people, running in all directions. There’s going to be an historic fire and there is nowhere to run to. So people will be running in large mass, and the fire will consume all sides, all around. It is going to be a distressful time that will consume at this hour.

Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 talks about this unspeakable distress that will consume this hour, and then Daniel 12 verse 2, Daniel talks about the entry of the church into the Glorious Kingdom of God, and Daniel 12-3 he highlights: righteousness, the fear of God, he highlights wisdom, the need for holiness to be upheld. And those are the means by which the nations must now prepare for the coming of the Messiah.

Again, just a few days ago the LORD sent a heavenly Envoy from heaven that sat with me, a very senior one, and spoke to me about making this announcement to the nations to announce to the nations that the Messiah is coming and everybody now needs to prepare in righteousness, and that very fear of God that Daniel celebrates, and that holiness and upright standing with the LORD. This is the hour for righteousness in the church! And again, the LORD in this conversation this night, it is as though the LORD is speaking very clearly  now to the church by voice that these things of money in the house–they were running for it but it was consumed–expensive clothes in the houses they were running to try and salvage them but destroyed, totally destroyed with the homes.

So, the LORD is saying it is at this hour now that people’s hearts, peoples heart’s should be anchored unto the throne room of God, in Heaven, the Holy Throne Room of Jehovah in Heaven where the Messiah anchored the souls of men where He died and He said upon resurrection that woman don’t touch me I have not entered. And then He entered and touched His blood on The Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant of God that is in the Throne Room of God in Heaven. And that’s where he anchored the souls of the believers: the holy Christians, the righteous Christians, those in upright standing, those in the fear of God, those walking in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you.


Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 16th, 2016!

Well now the LORD has spoken with me.

The LORD spoke with me this past night about a big distress that is coming…and falls so much rain, and it is so much that the pilot decides to descend very rapidly, bring the plane down descending. But on the way, as it is descending, there is a whole zone. There is a whole stratosphere that is full of lightning. So lightning also hit the aircraft as the aircraft comes down.

I see an emergency landing.

I don’t know if he lands on a tarmac road, but somewhere he lands and runs for some time. I see an aircraft that is going to be really, really up there with a lot of people. And when it is up there with a lot of people then very, very heavy rain. They encounter heavy rain, extremely heavy rain that the pilot decides to make an emergency landing to descend from very high up to bring the aircraft low, low altitude very fast; a very, very fast descent.

Then as they are descending they hit a zone, and then an entire zone that is full of lightning. So, lightning strikes the aircraft and then the aircraft you know makes an emergency landing on the road or something. And fortunately enough nobody dies there, nobody dies. There is no death.

But that is what is about to happen: severe distress in aviation and these distresses have been well spoken about in the Bible.


Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 13th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me again this past night. The LORD, Jehovah, spoke with me. In this conversation of this past night, the LORD, Jehovah, He showed me me. I could see myself preparing to go to a mission of the LORD a meeting somewhere. Then the LORD tells me by voice that when I get to that meeting there will be a tremendous healing anointing that will strike that meeting, and as I enter into the field and minister there the LORD says immediately whatever word I decree there; if I decree “Open Heaven” Heaven will open and the rain comes down.

I see myself leaving eventually going to that meeting and then reaching there I decree “Open Heaven” before the LORD, and The Cloud of the LORD came down, and Heaven opened and a tremendous rain with big drops fell down. Rain fell over that place in a very, very mighty sign and wonder of this day. Then the healings are unbelievably shocking. There are a lot of people that are healed; all kinds of conditions including the miracles of creation. So this is the time we are living in.

We are living within this hour the days of His Servant the days of His glory. We are living within the days of preparing for the King, the Messiah, the return of the Christ. But this time we are living under the Open Heavens for those that will hearken unto the Message of repentance and the return to righteousness the return to the treasured holiness of the LORD.

This is the conversation the LORD is speaking with the church right now that the nations will obey the nations that will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit with this so much noise that you see across the earth. Right now there is so much noise in church people are preaching their own things; others are preparing the churches to live here forever; others are not preparing them for heaven they are preparing them for the things of the world.

There is also much noise all over the earth, but within that noise if there will be a nation, a church, a people that would listen to this Voice of the LORD, the Voice that is calling out in the wilderness to repent and turn away from sexual sin, turn away from the gospel of prosperity, turn away from the worldliness the moral decay of this hour, turn away from all the beclouding that you see today of sin, and worship, and sin even being introduced in churches the Word they use the Word to justify sin; the money clamoring for money, money, money all these things: the dressing of immorality the children the women the boys the practices of atheism that we see in the church today, if there will be a church, a believer, a church, a nation, a community, a society that will hearken to this Voice within this confusion of this hour, and begin to pursue righteousness as a personal singular focus, on a personal basis one person at a time, one community at a time, one church at a time, one denomination at a time, and so forth; if there will be a people that will hearken to holiness at this hour to return to Jesus to restore their lives in baptism of complete immersion in water baptism of the Holy Spirit and to pursue right standing with God to make sure they purge clean themselves off the decay of this world then those are the people that will see the Eternal Kingdom of Jehovah that I am announcing today.

Again, in this conversation last night the LORD shows me that as I was traveling to a place, I was going for a meeting somewhere. And He asks me to reach there and decree “Open Heavens” there. And He says when you do so He will come down in His Cloud open the heavens and rain in that place.

And then the unbelievable tremendous shocking healing anointing that will strike that place. And those things took place. I executed that instruction very faithfully even as the LORD instructed, and those events took place; the heaven open, heaven opened then a tremendous rain came down with big, big drops and it was such a blessed time to behold.

Now these are the signs of this hour that helped to prepare the church. This is the latter rain of the Holy Spirit that was long foretold that would come in these days to purge the dross, purge sin, purge the decay, clean up the church, restore the house of worship that when the Messiah comes on that day and hour that no one knows about, then you may not be found unaware. You may not be found unprepared, but found prepared, but you may go spend eternity of worship and peace and blessedness, and bliss the maximum state of blessedness with the Lord in the Kingdom of Jehovah the God of Israel.

The Messiah is coming!

Thank you, shalom.


Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 12th, 2016!

The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah Eloheenu, Jehovah El Olam, the Mighty, Mighty God of Israel, the Creator of all the universe, He that created Jerusalem and He saw it fit and declared that, yes, Jerusalem is the center of the earth, now He has spoken with me today.

This past night He spoke with me in a very, very mighty way coming into this day. This time around the LORD, God Almighty, He again sent a messenger from Heaven who came and sat with me. Again, the LORD sent a very senior messenger from Heaven this past night coming into day…a long conversation. He sent a senior messenger from heaven who came and sat with me.

We had a serious conversation about things; the state of the earth, and things that are about to happen, what is going to take place; the mission of this Servant who is speaking with you now beyond this dispensation; and many conversations that we cannot share here.

Again, he sent a messenger from the Throne Room, who came all the way and sat with me in this mighty, mighty dream, and then he spoke with me one on one. He talked with me about the state of the earth now. He talked with me about the earth; the dispensation to come, and also showed me a little bit of that time to come, ahead of us here. Also the role of the messenger that speaketh with you now.

Then, when he was finishing before he left and went back to heaven, when he was finishing, then he said, “Go tell them that the Messiah is coming.” Then I saw myself go all over the earth again announcing the glorious coming of the Messiah…the return of the Christ.

I’ve seen a little bit ahead and a little bit more drama ahead. A conflict also, a very, very severe conflict. But for now, he said, “Go tell them that the Messiah is coming.”

May those who are wise prepare in righteousness, repent, stand in holiness, begin to prepare the church, believers hearts, that now your hearts may be rend. This is such a powerful moment because this conversation comes right at the backdrop of the most recent conversation when He took me to Jerusalem and He showed me the exact spot of the throne of David, and the exact spot at which David sat and played the harp unto the LORD.

And he took me way back in time so that I could see the Throne of David and see the things happening, people walking. I saw King David himself then I also saw King Solomon and  made it very clear that the Messiah is coming to reign, to rule from the same throne. This speaks very clearly about the coming of the Lord; time having gone, the need for people and preparation.

May those who have ears continue to prepare for the coming of the Lord.



Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 6th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me on this day. On this very important day, today. The LORD has spoken with me; it was a very tremendous conversation, a mighty, mighty dream. In that conversation, in that dream the LORD took me all the way to Israel.

Again, this past night the LORD Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah the Creator of all the Universe, the One that has created all the nations, and all the people, the mountains, the valleys, the trees, the land, the One that gives us breath every single day when we wake up, the One that even wakes us up, the One that when He does not wake us up we are gone. Jehovah El Olam, Jehovah Mekoddishkem, Jehovah Elyon, Jehovah El Shaddai, Jehovah Hoseenu, the Mighty, Mighty God of Israel, the God of our LORD Jesus He visited with me this past night in a very, very tremendous way.

The LORD Jehovah He lifted me up and took me to Israel. And when He took me to Israel He spoke to me from there about the events of the end time, the events of this time, the events of the end. As all of you are aware, we are living in a very important time in the history of the church, and the history of the world, the earth.

When the LORD Jehovah took me to Israel this is what He spoke to me. He took me to the place where the throne of David is. Again, the LORD Jehovah El Olam, He took me to the place where the throne of King David is. And He gave me a tour, He said, “Look this is where King David…”

It is kind of cordoned off a bit like this little string, so I was standing on this side. And He said, “This is the exact throne position where the throne of King David was.”  And then He gave me a bag…it is kind of a bag but has like a little skin. And then He said, “Look! This is where King David used to sit and play the harp.” At this place, it was such a stunning sight to behold. And then He took me now there inside so I saw the exact position, and the Voice of the LORD said, “Look! This is where King David used to sit and play the harp unto the LORD.”

The LORD Jehovah He took me to the throne of David to the throne of King David where King David the exact throne position where he used to sit down at the throne position and play the harp. Then he gave me now that– it looks like a piece of item which was part of the original harp that King David used to play, the original harp. The LORD placed in my hand and said, “Look! This is what he used to play there. He used to sit exactly at that spot and play the harp.”

And, when King David played the harp there then the LORD took me to another section, and another segment of that throne; the throne of King David. A very mighty and tremendous visitation this night. When he took me to that section where the throne of King David is, when He took me to that section where the throne of King David was, a second section then I saw at that place I saw another section where King David used to sit.

And so, after then I saw people there; some people that were working there. He took me back in time. So I could see the people that were working there during the time when King David was king over that land. Now, when I woke up this morning then I realized that the LORD has spoken something very big to all the nations of the earth, and to the church. And then it dawned on me that what He has spoken is so humongous that I would have to share it at a greater extent on another day, on radio live; however, there are some key things that I want to bring to the attention of the listeners tuned in world over.

I know people are tuned in globally.  I know people right now are tuned in from New Zealand, as far as New Zealand from Wellington, Christ Church, Gisborne, Auckland New Zealand, all the way to Australia, to Melbourne, Kembra, all the way to Sydney, and we are talking all the way up into Finland, Helsinki, Turku, Jyväskylä, Tampere, Järvenpää in Finland, Germany, all the way from Hamburg, to Frankfurt, to Dresden to all the cities of Germany plus Marburg, Diez, and everywhere, and Canada, the other side; all the way from New Brunswick, Toronto, areas of Nebraska, and down to the far east also as far as South Korea, Boryeong, Inchon, Seoul, Daejeon, many, many cities across even Sweden, the UK, the whole of Africa, Nigeria, all the way Lagos, Abuja down to Angola, Namibia, the whole world is tuned in plus the islands.

I am announcing to you that the LORD, the God of Heaven, He has spoken with me and this past night in that conversation the LORD did take me to Israel. He took me to the exact throne of King David where King David ruled from. And then He took the harp, the original harp that King David used to play and he placed it in my hand and said, “Look! This is what he used to play at that exact location.” And the LORD pointed at the exact spot where he used to sit and He said, “King David used to sit there and play that harp unto the LORD.”

And when I woke up I realized that the LORD has spoken a very big thing.

Now, I want to share with you, briefly, a little bit on the revelation and understanding of what the LORD is saying at this hour. In the Bible you find that there are so many covenants in the Bible. The LORD, the God of Israel, the God of Heaven, the Creator of all men, the nations, and life He always has covenants with man. And that is the way He articulated His agenda on the earth, His mission on the earth. Many times when it was time for Him to bring forth and execute an agenda, a revival, a moment of change when the prophetic time line had arrived, a demarcation had arrived for Him to act on the earth the LORD always used covenants. He developed covenants, He enacted covenants with man, and those covenants were very powerful because those covenants were the ones that bound the two parties: the LORD and man.

The LORD and mankind were bound by those covenants and defined the agenda; the missions the LORD wanted to execute on the earth. And they also defined the relationship that the LORD would pursue with mankind, with the community, a person. He’ll start with a person, probably sometimes a covenant with somebody; a covenant with the community, a covenant with a nation, a covenant with society. There were several covenants in the Bible and these covenants sometimes always involved the slaughtering of an animal the shedding of blood. And these covenants some of them had expiry dates some of them did not even have expiry dates.

Anyhow, in the Bible, for example if you look at the book of Genesis there was one covenant the LORD had there with Adam and Eve: the Covenant of Obedience and Righteousness. That if they did this if they walked in righteousness and full obedience He promised them that they would not have death if they did not eat from the tree that was sitting at the center of the Garden; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they would live forever. And that is why you see the tree of life was there. So there was such a covenant.

And if you go down in the same book of Genesis you see another covenant the LORD enacted with Noah even before the flood, and then when the flood took place. So there was Noah’s Covenant and the same bible talks about the Covenant with Abraham.

And the LORD had covenanted Abraham to bless; a Covenant of Blessing how He intended to bless him. He also had the covenant of how He will give him God’s land. He would give him land. And that would be God’s real estate property. God’s land He would give to him. So the Covenant of Blessing, the Covenant of Land, and then one of the offspring where He said look the Messiah would could from him. He would have a promise, a promised son. There would be a promised son, and this is Isaac.

We all know the story of that covenant; how it developed, and how the Messiah came forth from there. And then also in the bible you get the Covenant of the Law of Moses and the Israelites. In the book of Exodus then it pans out, it rolls out that covenant. Remember Mt. Sinai when the Covenant of the Ten Commandments that were given down, and many other covenants including the book of Exodus 19 where the LORD even said I shall develop a covenant with him. The people of Israel and they shall be even though I created the whole earth–then He says to me they shall be a treasured nation a treasured possession.

So there were those types of covenants the LORD enacted with man, with community, um? And He always observed them for purposes of missions He wanted to perform on the earth. Then there was also the Levitical, the Aaronic Covenant. The Levitical Covenant in which the LORD now rolled forth the priestly covenant, the covenant with the priests; those that would minister before Him their livelihood, their lifestyle, their dressing, the way they would manifest they would dress themselves the way execute themselves, conduct themselves before the nation, and before the world and they would lead worship and sacrifice.

Then, there was now the Davidic Covenant; the covenant that the LORD had with King David. In that covenant He also set out to perform certain things, to do certain things, to help King David in a certain way. That is now the covenant the LORD chose with King David. A covenant He chose with King David and when He chose that covenant with King David He did certain things around that covenant and that is why it is called the Davidic Covenant.

Now, I am going to spend a little bit of time talking about that covenant and bring forth to you this revelation on what the LORD is saying right now in this conversation this dream this past night. However, Christ Jesus the Messiah also came and several covenants were rolled out. Several covenants came into place and we know the Covenant of the Blood and all that, you know? Then, if you go to the Book of Acts chapter 2, Acts 2, you will meet the covenant that the LORD now developed with the church. And that was a tremendous covenant that actually spells out a lot of works the LORD had with the church, and many, many things that happened at that time. Even the visitation the church had. Then in the Book of Acts chapter nine, Acts 9, you find the covenant with the gentiles.

And in Revelation chapter 20, Revelation 20, you find the Covenant of the Kingdom of God; the promises the LORD developed about the Kingdom of God and the millennial reign; He developed a covenant with man. He spoke about the future. He spoke about what He was intending to do, but He took them in a covenant which is a working document. So that covenant generally becomes a working document that is fully observed that the LORD fully observes and as He works through the covenant then that is the time both parties know the governing rules of the covenant.

There is also the covenant of the New Heaven and the New Earth, the New Heaven and the New Earth; however, because of this conversation and this very, very mega dream that the LORD has brought me, and this very tight visitation where now He lifts me up this past night and He took me to Israel, and He took me exactly to the throne of King David. I want now to look now at the Davidic Covenant so that you may understand what the LORD is saying.

Now this covenant, the Davidic Covenant, actually refers which is the covenant the LORD enacted with David. It refers to the promises that the LORD gave King David. Those are the promises that the LORD gave King David at that time. Today He took me back in time and He showed me all the happenings that were taking place there at that time. He took me to the throne position. And so in this conversation, therefore, yeah, in the Davidic Covenant that I really want to talk about now I want to open up a few things that I think are very important for anybody to understand what the LORD is saying in this very, very mighty visitation when He finally takes His Servant to exactly the throne position, to the throne of King David, yah, in Jerusalem. So the covenant the LORD developed with David can be found in the book of second Samuel chapter seven, 2 Sam 7.

Those of you who are writing or will get time to read it later, you’ll see a reflection of it in the book of I Chronicles 17:11-14. You can also see the other spelling out of this covenant in the book of 2 Chronicles 6:16. I’m going to read other verses too, I mean to mention them really without reading.

This covenant that the LORD developed with king David, in Jerusalem, in Israel was actually a non-conditional covenant. It was a covenant that did not have any conditions. He developed it between himself, Jehovah Elohim, God the Creator, God the Father, the One that visited Nakuru recently in a very, very mega way, very massive, a super glorious way, and David. So He developed–developed this covenant between Himself and king David. In the covenant, He promised, the LORD, the LORD promised David and Israel that the Messiah would come from the lineage of David. He promised king David that look the Messiah would come from his lineage; in fact He said, “from his flesh and blood.” He said that when He promised that covenant He would establish the kingdom of King David. He would establish his kingdom eternally.  He said, “an enduring kingdom.” He would establish an everlasting kingdom for King David.

It was an non-conditional, a unconditional covenant. Why? Because when you read all the other covenants in the Bible, when I was trying to go through all the other covenants today in the Bible that I may understand what the LORD is saying to the church now and to the nation, I found out that all the other covenants always had condition; what you would call the caveat. They had conditions and there was a requirement on what Israel had to do or the person or the community or the society had to do or the nation had to do in order to see the fulfillment of the covenant.

But when I checked the covenant that the LORD Jehovah had with Israel and had with King David and of course, Israel because he reigned. I found out, I found out, that covenant did not have any condition. Because the previous covenant the LORD had spelled out the condition of obedience. Because every time He’s going to enact a covenant with you, He would say, “If you do this…”  For example, the covenant that spelled out the Israelites as a special people, a treasured possession. In that covenant you hear Him say, “If you’ll obey me totally, and follow my command, follow these things, be obedient then unto me even though I created the whole earth, for Me, you shall be a treasured possession.”

So there is always a caveat. There is always a condition of those covenants. However, I found out that the one with King David was totally an unconditional covenant; He did not require of anything, any obedience. However, its important to Him, but He did not put it in there. So this was an unconditional covenant with King David.

So if there was anything that you would want to call a surety, a guarantee for the covenant to be fulfilled that guarantee became now, the LORD himself, the fulfillment of the covenant itself. The covenant between Jehovah, God the Father and King David. After that you realize that Jehovah when He was developing this Davidic, the covenant with King David, that covenant had several sections. I want to through one or two or three of them and then I’ll be able to make you understand; in there you’ll understand what the LORD has spoken today.

He says, God reaffirmed to Israel to David, He reaffirmed to David that he would get the land that He had promised Abraham and He promised the forefathers. So again, inside the covenant with David there was a covenant of the promise of the LORD would provide for them land, eh? God had promised Abraham that there would be that land set out for Israel and He had promised Moses too. When you read the book of 2nd Samuel 7:10, He says, “I will provide a place for my people Israel and will plant them there so they have a home of their own.” Inside there they had another section, which was also a very important section, He says, “Wicked people will not attack them anymore.” So you see, He promises land, a home for the Israelites, for His special people Israel.

The second part of that covenant He says the LORD promised that David’s son called Solomon, would succeed him and become king. Which means David would reign and when he finishes, his own son blood, his own flesh and blood would now take over and continue his reign, continue the reign of David, rule in that throne. So He promised that his son Solomon would succeed him as king. That was another section of the covenant the prmises that God had given to David, the Davidic Covenant. Then, God also promised that Solomon now, who is actually the son of king David the one that will take over and reign on the throne of David when David has finished his reign that Solomon would build him a temple.

If you go to 2 Samuel 7:12-13 now you find, you find that Solomon, the son of King David was a promise. There was a promise now that his own son not only would build it, continue to reign, continue the reignship of king David, but also would build Jehovah a temple. He said, “I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood.”

He says, “I will establish his kingdom and after that He says, “He is the one who will build me a temple, he is the one who will build me a temple.” So you see, there’s a big promise in the covenant the promise that He’ll continue the reign and now He also promises here that Solomon his own son, his own flesh and blood would build the LORD a temple. We all know too well that King David had longed so much to build for the LORD a temple but the LORD did not allow him. But look now, in this covenant He promises him that, however, your son Solomon would be the one to build me a temple.

Again, the other promise that came out of there was a very extra ordinary one which now we are dealing with in this dream that the LORD has spoken with me this visitation this past night. The Covenant of David, apart from the land, the home promised and his son Solomon to take over the reignship, and then to build the LORD a temple, then there is a very unique thing that develops in that covenant.

I think this is a very important lesson to all people, to all Christians to everywhere globally that whenever one has the opportunity to encounter the LORD to interact with the LORD to worship the LORD to serve the LORD; it may be a small thing sometimes in your own eyes as you serve the LORD not knowing the big thing that can develop from it, and therefore obedience always becomes so key; faithfulness and all these things that matters to the LORD like righteousness and holiness.

However, in this conversation now we see that the LORD extends the promise and He tells David I will establish the throne of your kingdom forever. Now it looks like the LORD is extending it from the reignship the kingdom of Solomon now the son of David and He says forever.  That’s why when you read the book of 2 Samuel 7:13, uh? Then you see very clearly the LORD saying that you, and your house, your kingdom will endure forever before me, uh?  2 Samuel 7:16, also, uh? And this enduring of the Kingdom of King David where the LORD took me this past night in Jerusalem forever this now became inside this Covenant, the Davidic Covenant, the Covenant between Jehovah and David became the reign of the Messiah. It now finally became the eternal Kingdom of the Messiah.

And that’s why the LORD took me there this past night in the Book of Matthew 21:9 you can read so much from there. And so that is the reason Jesus Christ the LORD the Messiah is called the son of David. The Bible promises that He will come back and reign and rule on the throne sit on the throne of his father David and rule.

I know all of you globally are all beginning to understand exactly why the LORD took me to this place: it is all about the coming of the Messiah. And now He has taken me to Jerusalem. He has taken me and showed me where the exact position of the throne of King David was and He took me back in time and played even the harp, the harp that King David used to play as he worshipped the LORD. And then he showed me the hand of the LORD pointed and the voice spoke and said, “Look! That is the exact throne position that is the exact spot where King David used to sit and play the harp unto the LORD.”

And he brought that harp the remaining piece and put on my hand. Now this is very significant because now the LORD has taken His servant to Jerusalem and He has shown him exactly where the throne of King David is the spot of the throne of King David is and that can only tell you that the events of the end have drawn nigh have drawn nearer now.

The LORD in the spiritual realm in Heaven, Heaven the delegation of Heaven, the Heavenly Hosts they have already recruited and arranged all events and everything is now riveted and well tuned towards the glorious coming of the Messiah. We are all aware that when the Messiah comes back to take the church there is then the coming back of the Messiah to Jerusalem, the son of David.  Remember, “Son of David have mercy on me.” The son of David the Messiah, when He comes back to Jerusalem after He has taken the church to Heaven He comes back now with the holy saints, heavenly hosts He comes back to reign on the throne of David His father.

This is a tremendous historic time in the history of the earth! This is the moment to behold! This is momentous time in the history of the life of man and this earth. If there is a moment at which to now be able to pick the cues and prepare for the glorious coming of the Messiah to be righteous to be holy to make sure you are in holy worship. Let the women dress holy now. You cannot dress on short skirts, tight skirts and what, and all these things the church has been wearing in the past.

He is saying that behold the Wisdom has come now. Behold the trumpeting is taking place in this visitation here that those who are wise they will see these things with their spiritual lenses and they will understand that our deliverance has drawn nigh. The LORD is already talking about the reigning of the Messiah.  The Messiah coming and reigning and ruling on the throne of His father King David in Jerusalem.

How awesome a time we are living to see. What a tremendous generation that we can even live to see these things to live at this hour to prepare for these events. Many, many generations lived they became Christians they were never announced to these events.

So, I am announcing to the Four Ends of the Earth like I said all the way from the easternmost end of New Zealand, Gisborne, New Zealand all the way to the uppermost end of Russia through Helsinki, Scandinavia, to the ends of South Korea, to the end of Canada and to the southernmost tip places like Concepción in Chile and beyond to the (Nocturnals, the dark part), the tip of the continent of South America all throughout the entire Latin American continent: I am announcing throughout Africa from the tip of Alexandria all the way down to Cape Town, in South Africa that I have seen the Messiah coming for the church!

Prepare the way!

This is the time to be holy to deliberately and intentionally choose righteousness and pursue the righteousness of the LORD that you may see the Glorious coming of the LORD. How powerful it will be when now the LORD returns with the Blessed ones the Precious ones the Chosen ones and he brings them after they are raptured here going to heaven and He comes with them according to the Book of Revelation 19:11 down.  Coming with them  that heavenly host swearing fine linen bright and clean coming back to Jerusalem when the Messiah will now sit on this eternal throne. This throne that the LORD with His covenant with David He said, “And your throne and your reignship, your rulership, your throne, your throne will endure forever before me!”

Remember this Kingdom this King and his kingdom has no limit; has no bound in time and space, and in glory!

May the LORD be blessed. May you see the glorious coming of the Messiah. What a beautiful time to be a Christian. What a tremendous historic time to be born again. How powerful a moment to choose righteousness. The Messiah is coming!

This is the one about whom it is written in the Bible when the LORD was speaking to the Messiah before the throne and this Messenger was standing right next there. This is the one about whom the LORD as He spoke to the Messiah He said, “Behold I send my Messenger who will go before you to prepare your way before your Glorious Day.”

Shalom, Shalom Chaverim, Erev Tov!


Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, October 5th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me. For the past three days the LORD has been speaking with me about…there is a situation that is about to develop. I see one of the U.S. warships, an aircraft carrier because I see the runway of the warship. I see the president of that country of the U.S.A. wearing military <id=”boots”>boots</> there. I was also there, in the dream, and the LORD was telling me there is another warship there, even B52 bombers. Those are now nuclear bombers.  They carry nuclear warheads.

There was a situation the LORD showed me that is going to develop; it is going to involve the United States of America.

These are very important days that we live in to see this kind of arrangement; this kind of prophecy finally hit the landscape of the church. When you see the LORD speak about these kind of things at this hour, it speaks very clearly about the hour that we are in that we have entered into. The Christians use their spiritual eyes to see things, and they develop the necessary understanding of what these things mean in the spiritual realm, and especially towards the glorious Coming of the Messiah!

I have seen the Coming of the Messiah, and I have seen the church the Messiah takes that He will take up. I have seen the church taken. It is a glorious church; a holy church, a righteous church. It is a church that lives in the fear of God: absolute, absolute fear of God and totally committed to the cause of righteousness, and uprightness, and right standing with the LORD. And so it is their daily endeavor to always please God, to walk with God in the glorious salvation of purity that Jesus unveiled at the Cross.

These are the hallmarks that the church needs to wear at this hour when the LORD speaks such prophecies of major monumental events, conflicts. And you can see the developments surround the Middle East now. They really point towards a serious meltdown.

Many, many churches right now are not even ready. Many pastors have not cared about preparing the sheep, their churches. And yet, the glory of the LORD is visiting in a very, very mighty way visiting the body of Christ, the church through the church in Kenya here. That is why the LORD is clamoring out and crying out to the church, to the nations, to everybody to repent and receive Jesus, and observe holiness, be holy, be righteous; because nobody knows the day or the hour.

Again, I see a U.S. warship. It is an aircraft carrier. I see–I don’t know why he puts on boots–the president of the U.S. of that warship now wearing military boots. Then, I am also aware that (He makes me know that there is another warship nearby) which has even B52 bombers, but has helicopters also that can respond in case of a situation, and so forth; the Apaches, the Blackhawks helicopters; the war strike helicopters. And so the Messiah is Coming!

The LORD my God is coming. May those that have ears hearken to these words and prepare for the glorious coming of the Messiah, the Son of Man, the Living Stone, the Christ that is Returning, the Cornerstone of Zion, our Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, the True Living Bread from Heaven, the Word of God, the Lion and the Lamb.


Prophecy of a Devastating Earthquake Coming to Earth, September 25th, 2016, by Mighty Prophet of the LORD, Dr. Owuor!

Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, September 25th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah Elyon the Most High God, He has spoken with me this past night. In this conversation there is an earthquake that is coming to a place. The LORD already took me to that place. I also ran for my life, things were falling on me from the roof, and so forth. There is a devastating earthquake that is coming to the earth.

The LORD the God of Heaven, Jehovah El Shammah, Jehovah Mekoddishkem, Jehovah Hoseenu, the LORD Jehovah Eloheeka, Jehovah El Gibbor, Jehovah Hoseenu, He has spoken with me about an earthquake that is coming to the earth.

I see an earthquake coming to place and in this place they produce a lot of cheese. They do a lot of cheese. I am walking there I see myself tasting cheese, a very tasty cheese. I am eating there and as I am eating the cheese and walking seeing all these things happening there. I see also two buffaloes fighting there. And I see somebody involved, also. I do not know whether they play with animals. They have some cattle, someone, you know the buffalo tried to pierce him and he dodges it is a cow or something but I see a buffalo, a black one. There are two, there are two beasts I see someone is playing with, you know? I also see the cheese, a lot of cheese being made there. And then there is an airport when I looked far away I see an airport on my right hand side. Some plane is trying to take off. An earthquake takes place in that place. An earthquake takes place in that place.

It is very devastating because it is really ravages and destroys, destroys and devastates a lot of buildings. I see a lot of rubble, but as I am there as the earthquake has just happened a lot of those, the roof, the things on the roof the broken pieces and the rubble they fall on me so I run for my life with everybody else, in that place.  I do run for my life with everybody else, and towards the airport far away there I see as if the earthquake is going to slice a mountain, it is going to slice a hill. I think this is a hill or a small mountain that I see the earthquake strike. It will look like a quarry, a quarry where people dig soil and dig things. This is what I am seeing and I am talking to the people there already. I am talking to a lot of these other people. So there is a tremendous time there.

But I see also a lot of sexual sin there. There is sexual sin, sexual immorality, there is lies, godlessness in the church, a heathenism in the church, atheism of the church where people are basically not born again. They don’t care for holiness, they literally are not born again, they are worldly they are living their Christian salvation in the world. They have mixed it with the moral decay of this world. I see all that and I understand, as the LORD is speaking with me, He is telling me that that is the point of contradiction, the point of controversy, the point of conflict that He has with this land.

This land that He is speaking this is a white land as He is speaking with me. I see an earthquake coming to this land. There is a land, you are making a lot of cheese. You are a land that makes a lot of tasty cheese. I pick up some of them, I walk there I taste them and I eat some of them and they are quite delicious, very delicious and tasty cheese. Then there is an airport when I look far away, right straight I see an airport on my right hand side. I see some aircraft taking off. And then I see this earthquake that hits this place, this (improvident) place.

So I am even involved now after the earthquake with seriously ravaging earthquake; very, very massive earthquake. I am picking things; I am trying to salvage with you the people of this land. We are picking things that have been destroyed. We are trying to salvage, I am carrying a machine in a box, a small machine that has wires an instrument. It looks like an electronic instrument that is plugged into the socket. So I see the screws and everything, it is in the box. I am trying to very carefully, but I can not even pass.  The passage has been constricted by the earthquake.

We are trying to salvage things and a lot of stuff falls from the rubble, the roof that was shaking was ravaged also. They fall on me and I run for my life with you. I was eating cheese with you here then I run for my life after the earthquake and the after effects are taking place; the buildings are shaking, very ravaged land now. And then at the far end it slices off a hill so it looks more like quarry that has been dug by tractors. So there is a situation.

The Bible speaks very clearly in the book of Matthew 24:7 and it says that at this time and in these days there will be earthquakes and famines in various places. These earthquakes they symbolize, they are the cue, they are that very important sign that the LORD gave us to prepare. When we see these things then we will know the Coming of the Messiah, the Anointed One the LORD, the King of Kings His coming has drawn nigh.

The LORD has sent me to speak to the whole earth and tell the nations of the earth that the Coming of the Messiah is near, and that each and every land, each and every nation, each and every country, every language, every tribe, every people, every dialect, every tongue, every race, they must all prepare for the glorious coming of this King of the Universe: the Messiah is the King of the Universe. Everybody on this earth must submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the authority of the reign of the Messiah.

The LORD has sent me to warn the four corners of the earth to tell them that it is important to prepare well in righteousness to turn away from everything and anything sin to make sure that you take personal responsibility at this hour that you ensure that you receive Jesus, Christ Jesus as LORD, and after receiving Christ Jesus as LORD it is also a personal responsibility for you to ensure that you sustain that holiness of salvation and righteousness. That when that day whose hour is not known whose day can also not be known, when that day befalls then you are not caught unaware but found ready that you may inherit the eternal and super glorious Kingdom of God.

This is the Message that the LORD has sent me to trumpet and announce across the earth to all the nations of the earth to tell every nation, every people, every tribe, language, every dialect, every community on this earth, kings and the most lowly of maid and servants, cities the super sophisticated ultra modern cities to the smallest most primitive villages of this earth, to the mountains the oceans the rivers the lakes the trees the plants the rocks to announce to the birds in the air even to the stars that the Messiah is Coming and this is the hour at which to behold the salvation of Jesus, and to be ready for the glorious Coming of the Messiah!

The LORD has sent me to warn that when that day happens when the Messiah comes for a holy church it will be an irretrievable event, meaning an event that can not be reversed, irreversible. So it will pay a lot; it will be very profitable, it will be very prudent and very wise to spend your time on this earth praying and preparing for that day. Making sure that you are right for that day.

The bible is very clear on how to prepare; make sure that you repent and turn away from sin, be baptized by complete immersion like Jesus himself was that you may fulfill all righteousness and to make sure that you shun evil, immoral dressing of women come to an end, immoral dressing of men, the immoral behavior of woman, the immoral behavior of men and young men and youth and what that everything, moral decay that now you purge it off of your life and be in right standing with the LORD.

The LORD has sent me to warn the nations of the earth to warn every living being including: the rocks, the stones, the oceans, the rivers, the mountains, the hills, the springs, the brooks, the plants. He has sent me to warn every creation on this earth that the Messiah is Coming and He is Coming soon and the church needs to prepare.

This is the one about whom it is written in the bible that behold I send my messenger ahead of you to prepare your way for the Day of the LORD.



Live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, September 23rd, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me. I want your listeners the world over to know that the LORD Jehovah, He spoke with me this past night. In that conversation the LORD took me to one country and in that country I could see I was in a stadium. There was a huge, huge, huge meeting in a stadium including up, you know? Up it looks like the big one up all the way up it is arranged in the stadium. Full, a very big meeting, full stadium, very full, and while I was there I immediately began to worship the beautiful song that says ‘Hallelujah’, singing, (prophetic demonstration singing in a key) “Hallelujah”, “Hallelujah”, “Hallelujah!”

I was singing that song in that way. That song I was singing it in the middle of the stadium it was full, full, all the way up and going down it is a well built stadium. Then as I sung that song then the Glory of the LORD befell that meeting, and so many people, the glory of the LORD struck the meeting. The massive healing anointing of the LORD struck the meeting. And so many people were slayed from up there so many ushers were carrying a lot of people bringing them down from up there, many, many corners.

The healing service was beginning and then I see a little problem with Emukule he was playing a keyboard but the wire, the way you connect the wire the power did not enter…was not entering the keyboard. Then Emukule, the keyboardist, struggled because his wire could not feed power to his keyboard, and then when he touched the nearby keyboard he found that it has power. So he was trying to move to the next keyboard. There were a lot of problems with Emukule now doing that. There is a bit of that hitch there. I have seen the full details of that meeting.

However, a massive, historic healing anointing strikes that meeting. A lot of people are healed in that country. A full, full stadium, absolute full stadium all the way going up, going upstairs, all the way up there around like that. And I was right down there in the middle ministering the Message of the Coming of the LORD, the Message on Repentance, the Message on the need for people to return to righteousness, the Message for the Coming of the Kingdom of God that has drawn nigh, the Message on zero tolerance to sin, the Message on Restoration in the Christian worship experience that now they may be more prudent, more careful and critical with their Christian lives and avoid sin and be the light of Christ.

I was rebuking sexual sin in the church. I was rebuking the false prophets, the false apostles, and all these evils that have plagued the church. But the historic healing anointing strikes that meeting, as I am there. Until now I do not know which country it is.

May the LORD be blessed. May those that have ears prepare for the glorious Coming of the Messiah, because these are the days of His Glory, these are the latter days of His Latter Glory, these are the days of His Servant. The Messiah is Coming! Remember I have seen the Messiah Coming for the church and nobody knows the day or the hour.



via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, September 13th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me so that is what I want to share with your listeners. The LORD Jehovah, the Cornerstone of Zion, the LORD that is the Rock of All Ages, our Refuge, the LORD the Creator of Jerusalem, He that has chosen Jerusalem. And He said in an earlier conversation that, yes, Jerusalem is the center of the earth; the creator of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He that crossed, He crossed the Jordan with the ark, the ark of the covenant of the LORD, the ark of God. And He said the priests should go ahead with the ark, and then as they go into the river Jordan then they should stand there carrying the ark of God, the seat the mercy seat of the glory of Jehovah Elohim, and the waters would hold back, as everybody crosses, all the Israelites cross until the last woman and the last baby in the hands (like this) crossed. That is when finally now the priests carrying the ark of Jehovah crossed to the other side.

And so the LORD Jehovah, the God of Israel that crossed them into the promised land is the one that has spoken with me this past night. And when He speaks with His Servant, the Mighty Prophet of Jehovah, He spoke with me about a meeting in a place. In that country there are light skinned people. I see light skinned but they are not white people, but they are light skinned people. I do not know if they are white they look lighter skinned, like Latin America, Latino people, of this type of people. I do not see that there are purely white people.

And at that place His Servant goes there and you see a lot of these children, the woman are with children, a lot of children there, woman with many, many children there they are taking care of them and they are sitting on the ground, in that meeting. In that meeting the Servant of the LORD decrees Open Heavens. He actually commands, literally commands heaven to listen to him and open and release. And I begin to see a lot of rain that instantly begins to fall out, to break out in an instant. Heaven instantly obeys his voice and listens and releases a lot of heavy drops like this a lot of rain that takes place.

Then after that now I see the Mighty Prophet of Jehovah takes off! He takes off at a very, very high speed. That also reminds me of the previous, the most recent conversation where again he was at a place where heaven opened and then he took off when the rain came when he commanded heaven to open and then the rain came. Then he folded his garment and pushed his assistant aside and he took off at a speed greater than light on a path. And that place at which the Mighty Servant of the LORD did that was in Israel, it was on Mt. Carmel. But now I see this again. So which means that we are living in a tremendous time.

And then the second part of the conversation He showed me the most historic healing anointing that is coming. The most historic, stunning, stunning, stunning that will make people shocked. The whole earth will be very shocked to see this level of healing anointing. Unbelievably, incredibly, astronomically healing anointing; it is a very high healing anointing where healing everywhere and all kinds of stunning ones. So the LORD showed me all this the whole night until morning. The massive healing, the massive cripples, the massive numbers of blind, massive numbers of deaf, massive numbers of lame, of paralytics, mute, spinal cord injuries, broken backs, broken necks, weak necks, tumors, cancers, blood conditions, leukemia, diabetes, hypertension, all these diseases that have plagued the earth.

There will be a massive healing like I have never seen before. That is the second part of this dream, yesterday. However, I want to go back to the opening of heaven and the rain comes down. So that tells me that we are living in a very tremendous time and His Servant now when the rain comes this past night in the dream he takes off at the speed of light. He takes off, he folds his garment and runs. So we are really in a place of escalation. The LORD is now escalating the time line and the Messiah is Coming. Those who have ears may you listen to the sayings of this day.



Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, September 4th, 2016!

Well now the LORD has now spoken with me precious people. The LORD has spoken with me and in this tremendous conversation this morning the LORD took me unto His Altar. I was standing at His Altar. Again, the LORD has spoken with me this morning Jehovah El Gibbor, the LORD thy God, Jehovah Sabaoth, the LORD of Hosts. This morning the LORD took me onto His Altar and as I stood on the Altar of the LORD and then at place of the Altar of the LORD the fire that consumes the sacrifice of the Altar of the LORD descended, descended and when that fire descended and then the LORD called me to command heavens to open and release rain.  And a very heavy rain started and immediately that rain was beginning like this. Then the LORD put me on a road, on a path, and I folded my garment and I ran at the speed of light.

Again, let me repeat this. This morning, The LORD Jehovah El Olam, The Everlasting God, The God of Israel, Jehovah Elyon, The LORD Most High, Jehovah Adonai, the LORD the Sovereign God, Jehovah Elohim, The Eternal Creator, He took me unto His Altar and as the Mighty and most dreadful Prophet of the LORD, the most fearful Prophet of the LORD stood at the Altar of Jehovah this morning and when His fierce Prophet stood at the Altar then the Altar of Sacrifice fire fell from Heaven and consumed the sacrifice and then immediately the fierce and most dreadful Prophet of the LORD, the most powerful Prophet of Jehovah Hoseenu, the LORD our Maker, commanded Heaven. When I commanded Heaven open then I kicked aside my assistant and heavy rain began to fall. When heavy rain began to fall I kicked aside my assistant and the LORD put me on a path, on a road and I folded my garment and ran through that path at the speed of lightening.

So these are the Days we live in. These are the tremendous and fearful days we live in: The Days of His Servant! These are the Days of His glory. These are the Days of the Latter Rain. All those who have ears they know what this means. Nobody is a child anymore now. The Messiah is coming, and those that have ears they know what this means to the earth.



Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, September 3rd, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah El Olam, the Everlasting God, God the Father, the Creator of Israel the Creator of all the universe. The one that has just visited Nakuru in a very, very tremendous and very, very historic way never ever seen since the creation of the earth. The One that has visited in such an historic way in Nakuru just this past week He has spoken with me about certain events that are about to take place on this earth.

Now, there is a place where I see the Chinese, the Chinese have established a base. It looks like a base. And most likely there is going to be a conflict in that place, because I see  even their an emblem which is a star, one big star and some other small stars a red one. So there is going to be a conflict of super powers. The Chinese this is their base, their base. Then it is going to be in that place. It looks more like somewhere in the ocean, in one of the islands in the ocean. So there is going to be a conflict. Very soon you will see a conflict brew in your news. And I do not know how the fight will go. I do not know the extent of the conflict, but I see a situation between the super powers actually; Russia will be involved and the US will be involved. I do not know whether it will go into a combustible end but there will be a conflict.

These events they surely and truly mark the coming of the Messiah! And those that have sound hearing; those that are awake whose minds are rekindled onto the heartbeat of the countdown for the coming of the Messiah. May they prepare in absolute holiness. Prepare the way the Messiah is coming!



Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, September 3rd, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me. The LORD Jehovah, Jehovah El Olam, the Everlasting God, God the Father, the Creator of Israel the Creator of all the universe. The one that has just visited Nakuru in a very, very tremendous and very, very historic way never ever seen since the creation of the earth, He has spoken with me.

He took me to Congo, Kinshasa, Congo. And He showed me a lot of false prophets there and then He showed me a lot of immorality, extreme immorality, very serious immorality by a lot of woman and man. This is the worst form of immorality that I have seen ever going on in Congo. The false prophets there where, you know, doing their game and the LORD says He will bring judgment on them. And then after that I see a river. He shows me a river. it is a and it is quite a large river, it looks like a wide river. Then I see a huge flooding that comes. It really floods everything down there as the judgment of the LORD takes course on the land.

So the LORD Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah El Olam, Jehovah El Gibbor the Mighty God, my one and only friend, my sender, the God that conquered the adversary, Jehovah Hoseenu, the LORD our Maker, Jehovah Sabaoth, the LORD of Hosts He is going to judge false prophets. He has now sent me to bring destruction to false prophets. I have seen He has set me up with false prophets of this continent and I see some false prophets in Congo, Kinshasa. Kinshasa because I see Kinshasa and they are practicing a lot of immorality in the church, and they are involved in a lot of funny witchcraft, immorality, and nonsense and lies.

And so the LORD is going to bring a major slaughter on the false prophets globally, and especially now focused on Kinshasa. He is going to bring a lot of destruction to the false prophets down there. This is a very interesting time that we have entered into when now He has set His Mighty Prophet against these false prophets to bring them down, at this hour. These events, they truly and surely mark the Coming of the Messiah and those that have sound hearing those that are awake whose minds are rekindled onto the heartbeat of the countdown to the Coming of the Messiah, may they prepare in absolute holiness. Prepare the way the Messiah is coming!



Now, the Lord has spoken with me, the Lord Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Hoseenu, Jehovah Adonai, Jehovah Sabaoth, Jehovah Rohi, Jehovah El Olam, Elyon. He has spoken with me today about what is coming to South Africa. I have seen South Africa, the Lord has spoken with me about the nation of South Africa. I see the judgment of the Lord coming to South Africa. I see tension, the Lord took me there and I could see up there a clash. A clash between I think Zulu and some people. There’s going to be ethnic clashes in South Africa. I don’t know whether its going to be a form of xenophobia, but I see ethnic clashes. I hear Zulu.

So there’s a clash between different ethnic groups. I see people hitting at each other, fighting each other. It is very violent when the Lord shows me up the hill. Then it spreads all the way down. The Lord takes me to South Africa. So I also run for my life. They’re looking for particular ethnic communities. These are ethnic clashes in South Africa and I run for my life as those people spread…the spread now of ethnic clashes in South Africa.

The Lord has spoken very clearly when I was in South Africa in Durbin. The church in South Africa needs to mobilize a national repentance and prepare for the coming of the Messiah. The church in South Africa, the few pastors I talked when I was there, I made it very clear that this message is not negotiable, it is about the coming of the Messiah and its a message of love that the Lord can ask us to return to righteousness. A threshold that must be scored for the kingdom of God.

So I see a very, very severe ethnic distress coming to South Africa…I see people running and so forth. The Lord put me there and I run for my life also. So this is what the Lord is saying at this time even as we sit on the verge of a major, major, major visitation in Nakuru, Kenya.

The Messiah is coming and this is the hour to celebrate righteousness and holiness. If there’s any hour at which to abandon every other cause and just pursue holiness, it is this hour. To teach it to your children in Mexico, South Africa, and globally. Teach it to your wives, teach it to your husbands, teach it to your brothers, teach it to your church, teach it to the land. Because it will for sure be beneficial to focus and invest on righteousness and holiness at this hour in the history of the church.

Remember, I have seen the coming of the Messiah. I have seen the Messiah come for a holy church, a glorious church. The Bible speaks very clearly in Daniel chapter 12, verse 1 on before he celebrates the taking up of the sleeping Christ Jesus. Those for whom he prepared rooms in heaven, the Lord went to prepare rooms in heaven…before they’re taken, the Lord talks about this preamble of this introduction of great historic distress that will consume the nations, that does consume the nations. He says after that there will be the taking up of the saints when the distress now escalates beyond when the church has been taken up.

May the Lord be blessed. Shalom.


Amen. Now, The Lord has spoken with me. The Lord Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Hoseenu, Jehovah Adonai, Jehovah Sabaoth, Jehovah Rohi, Jehovah El Olam, Elyon. He has spoken with me today about what is coming to Mexico. In the conversation of this day, the Lord took me to Mexico and I could see a lot of activity in Mexico, a lot of immorality in Mexico. The dressing of the women, the young men, just the general behavior people are immoral walking around. There’s a lot of immorality and lack of godliness. The Lord showed me the people of Mexico mocking God. I see this particular people mocking God. I see also broadcasting on TV something that is, looks like he is mocking God.  I don’t know what program it is…it looks like…I heard the voice said, “satire.” Then after that, the voice of the Lord spoke judgment to Mexico in this dream after showing me the people in their immorality.

The church is full of false apostles, false prophets, a lot of deception, the gospel that puts the church…keeps the church from righteousness. The gospel that hides away holiness from the sheep, from the population, from the land. A lot of false apostles and false prophets in Mexico in the Evangelical churches, the Baptist churches, the Pentecostal churches, and also Catholicism and all their practices. The Lord spoke against all these religions there.

The climax of it is, I heard these people that were telling me, “Look, they are broadcasting some satire, some satire against the Lord. Then I realized that this satire was also against the Servant of the Lord in Mexico.

Then after that, the voice of the Lord spoke judgment in that dream. Then I saw historic floods come to Mexico. Historic floods, so big, so big…restaurants, shops, what, people now could not access…to the extent people could not access their homes and their businesses through the front door. I see people using spiral stairs now reaches the exit route in case of a fire from their homes, from their offices, and for such a situation in Mexico. So there is a judgment of the Lord coming to Mexico because of the ungodliness that has been established in that land. The Lord is speaking with me, has spoken with me about Mexico.

The judgment of God, the Lord Jehovah, is coming to Mexico because of immorality in the land. The women are walking almost nude in that country. There’s so much prostitution, homosexuality, and all these things. So the Lord has decided that this is the hour to bring judgment over Mexico. When the judgment does happen, floods come. I see a lot of people in deplorable conditions. Water flows, floods their homes, floods their businesses, especially I saw a lot of business of their restaurants, people are trying to get…access of their homes also. The using the spiral stairs, the metal that is put for exit outside which is normally at the back. They could not access their homes anymore through the front door. And tremendous very massive destruction.


Earthquake to Hit Region of Caribbean & French Guiana, Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 5th, 2016!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 5th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me, the LORD Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Adonai, Jehovah Hoseenu, the God of Israel He has spoken with me again. In this series of conversations the LORD spoke twice. Yesterday at night, the LORD spoke, and again the LORD has spoken today, and speaking to me about the region where He is sending me to, that region Caribbean, and French Guiana.

In this conversation, the first part of the conversation, the LORD took quite a bit of time today showing me that the area He is sending me to has so much sexual sin. The LORD took me to the French Guiana and the Caribbean, and He began to show me so much sexual sin that is in that area. And there is so much sexual sin involving men and woman. A point He also showed me now the younger. Of course, I can see the beach, the water body. I can see the ocean the beach and the hotel. I can see the tall hotels by the beach.

And there was so much sexual sin going on in the entire land and in those beaches of tourism. I see at this place, several places, He takes me now from hotel room to hotel room, home to home, and I see how everybody is in sexual sin in the entire land. So the land is in sexual sin. And then, also, very young girls, very young girls are involved in that sexual sin.

This is what the LORD took me there and showed me: That there is so much sexual sin in the land and everywhere. These are like centers of sexual sin where everybody all over the world goes there for sexual sin, sexual immorality, to commit sin there. Sexual perversion, commit sin there.

I remember yesterday, He spoke about sexual sin again. And in that sexual sin there were these tourists, a lady at registration and one man with a woman, older. And now again, today, He shows me sexual sin all over the land. I see this tall hotel and I see the water body, the ocean. Those hotels built by the ocean, uh? Where somebody, and sit on the balcony, and name it…and all throughout the rooms, the homes sexual sin. People are busy committing sexual sin in that land. It is like that land is sexual sin central; a center of sexual immorality.

The LORD showed me the land He is sending me to that are of the world, French Guiana, and the Caribbean there. And then after that, now today, in the day here, the LORD again lifted me up and slayed me and took me to the Caribbean, in the day, today. Then eleven o’clock in the morning towards two (2) pm, and again showed me tremendous sexual sin between men and young girls. There are these girls I see wearing hats. They are very young. They are wearing hats. And the LORD shows me how now those girls are in lesbianism. I see them kissing each other and all that. So the LORD also now raises sexual sin, and he raises homosexuality, lesbianism, and all that. I see now these women, these girls, they are young. They are wearing hats, but they are lesbian.

So again now the LORD speaks about sexual perversion, sexual sin, the committing of sexual sin, uh? The committing of lesbianism. Now the LORD raises that to His Servant. He raises it to me. He shows me that. So the LORD is showing me, “Look the land where I am sending you is a land of sexual sin. It is a center of sexual sin, and sexual immorality.” Because relentlessly, now you see, He has been speaking the region I am sending you to the Caribbean, and I am going to French Guiana so you can imagine all the neighboring there that He took me around and showed me sexual sin, sexual immorality. That is where people go to commit sexual sin.

I fear, now I fear, that as the LORD sends me to that region; there might be judgment coming to that region. In other words, the LORD is calling for repentance in the entire of that region. That the people may repent and recognize Jesus as their LORD and prepare for the Glorious Coming of the Son of God, the Messiah. What He is saying, in other words, that He has created all the islands, all the regions of the earth, and they owe Him a worship: they owe Him. The nations owe the LORD a worship, a Holy Worship. He created even all those people that He is sending me to; so they owe Him a worship, that is what the LORD is saying…a Holy Worship. And He’s saying that now that He is sending me there they have to repent and turn away from sin and especially sexual sin that has kidnapped, has taken ransom those nations and islands of the Caribbean.

The LORD has spoken relentlessly, continuously, consistently, unwaveringly He has continued to speak on a daily basis about sexual sin in this region that He is sending me to. That is a big indictment to the church also, because the LORD then is asking questions about the role of the church. The authority of the church to purge the land of sexual sin…the power and the authority of the pastor, of the servants. In other words, the church is the light of the nation, the light of the world.

And so, I can see the heart of the LORD crying out for the people of the Caribbean, the people of French Guiana, and the entire area that they may repent and return to Him. Because He’s raising the rotten state of the land, the lands around there, the region. Where sexual sin is the hallmark… is the order…is the identity of that region. Whereby, people travel now from all over the world to go there to commit sexual sin. He has taken me all over the land repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly before I leave, to show me, “look they are in sexual sin.”

I remember in the conversation, before this one, He also showed me the earthquake that takes place. He puts me in there and I run with them and somewhere we are asking for café, café and they were speaking Spanish. They were speaking Spanish when I was running there. That means the islands around there, when I was running there, they were speaking Spanish, I was running, I ran, I ran with them.

The “cafesito”, he is speaking to us, I was speaking to them in Spanish. They were speaking to me in Spanish, also. And so my fear is that these nations don’t repent the LORD is going to judge those nations. That reminds me very much of when I went to the island of Espanola. The same region, when the LORD sent me to the same region! And He spoke before He sent me to the Dominican Republic. He spoke, and spoke again, and spoke again, and again about sexual sin. Before I went, 2009, the 22nd of November all the way to the 29th of November, and He warned about sexual sin. Sexual sin even in the church, even the pastors are involved in it: sexual sin, sexual sin. The LORD has warned against sexual sin.

He warned at that time, and I went and warned all the way in the Dominican Republic, and that island. I said, “A heavy earthquake is coming! A heavy earthquake is coming! An earthquake is coming, please repent, please repent!” Puerto Plata, Santiago, I went all the way to, huh?, different cities warning; to the Dominican Republic, warning. Warning in that island an earthquake was coming. And a key item that the LORD had raised before I left was sexual sin, sexual sin, sexual sin, and sexual sin, and more sexual sin. He raised it!

And I see a repeat of the same thing that the LORD is raising sexual sin before I leave. That in that region you go to I was speaking Spanish. Sexual sin in that whole area from the French Guiana to Trinidad to all the islands of the Caribbean, Central America there sexual sin, sexual sin, sexual sin; the islands and the beaches of sexual sin.

Today twice, twice, taking me and bringing me back, and then taking me there again. Sexual sin, sexual sin, sexual sin including homosexuality. I see these two girls, they are actually three women and the other one is older, but the two girls do a kiss each other. The LORD takes me there, and they are involved in homosexuality they are involved in lesbianism.

So my fear is the last time I went and warned them the Haiti earthquake took place. The words of my tongue became fulfilled to the letter, and it became historic as I said. And my fear is I have seen an earthquake in that region again. And I am heading there and the LORD is sending me there with a warning on sexual sin, sexual sin, sexual sin, sexual sin. Meaning, repentance, repentance, repentance, repentance!

I fear that as I head there it may not be well there. The LORD is saying that as I go there I need to call those nations to national repentance. Call them to go back to Jesus. That having taken His Son Jesus to the cross the nations He created and the people He created and placed in those nations too; they all need a holy repentance with their life! That is the Message coming from here.

And in that repentance there is a warning, there is an earthquake coming. He is warning that if they don’t repent an earthquake is coming.

The Bible says in Matthew 24:7 that in these days there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Those are the signs for the coming of the Messiah! However, Daniel said, Daniel 12:1 that those whose names will be found written in the Book will be delivered. So even in the distress, even in the distress of this hour, whether it be earthquake or what that the LORD brings; however, those whose names will be found written in the Book they will be delivered in that distress.

And so the LORD is encouraging the nations. He is sending me to command them, not to negotiate with them, not to bargain with them, not to beg them, not to discuss it with them, but to pronounce forth that sexual sin has kidnapped the worship that they owed the LORD.

And that this is the hour for those nations, the French Guiana and all the Trinidad as you move up, the whole of that Caribbean, Latin American, Spanish speaking also there, that this hour is the hour for repentance.

And no nation can afford to ignore this Voice, says the LORD!

Behold, this is the hour to return to the LORD! regardless of how sinful the nations have been because He wants to bring forth revival, and a greater visitation and Open Heavens, and the rain of the Holy Spirit that the nations may be in the latter glory that was promised in the Bible.  It was promised to be realized. Once the Bible promised it; it will realize as you see it in Kenya. That all the nations are entitled to this revival. It is not an exclusive of Kenya. And Kenya begun with repentance and that is why the LORD has now raised forth a warning as He sends me to this region.

Tell them to repent from sexual sin and sexual perversion that nobody enters Heaven through sexual sin. However through repentance and holy worship unto the LORD they will see the eternal Kingdom of God after this temporary life on the earth is finally finished, and over. After time has come to an end, after time surrenders we will have to go into eternity.

And so this Message of warning that if they do not repent–you are going to shake them with an earthquake. This Message here is love. The Messiah is Coming.

And for the other nations that are tuned in globally right now you too can claim for your moment when the LORD to speak to your nation. You may be hearing now the LORD rebuking the Caribbean nations, the French Guiana, Trinidad and the rest; however, the LORD is engaging them! He is engaging with them right now. And this gives them the opportunity to reverse their course, and return to the holiness of the LORD, the Highway of Holiness of Isaiah 35:8-9. Those other nations too, the United States, Canada, Europe, wherever, Africa that are tuned in, Australia, you too now can take this moment when the LORD is speaking to these other nations and cry to the LORD. And tell Him, “LORD speak to us too, we also belong to Heaven!” And then you too may be drawn into this repentance revival.

However, as I head to that side of the world the LORD has raised sexual sin, sexual sin, sexual sin, and more sexual sin. He has raised that and He has raised it in those that is sexual sin central. The center of sexual sin on the earth. And I have seen the earthquake, the tremor, meaning, the LORD is saying that if you do not repent there will be an earthquake. And that only reminds me of the same mission He sent me to when He brought the Haiti earthquake, before He brought it. And so really, we are sitting at a verge, at the verge of a major shaking in that area if they do not repent. How awesome is our God that He gives us the exit strategy, the way out; that if you repent I will relent, I will relent.

Prepare the way even as we leave now to the French Guiana that the Messiah is Coming that you may be ready for eternity with the Messiah, eternity of peace.

Nobody wants to spend an eternity in Hell, with the devil, satan. The LORD is using this voice to awaken the nations, awaken those nations and tell them, “Look, you belong to the Kingdom of God.” You were created by Jehovah. The devil never, ever created anybody. And the church now has to raise up and behold her moment of revival, and the authority it holds, authority that it wields, authority that revival bestows on the church that they may be able to purge the land, clean the land that they may be known as lands and islands of revival, not sexual sin.

May the LORD bless those that have ears, may they listen and hear what the Spirit of the LORD is saying.


Huge Revival to Break out in French Guiana, Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 4th 2016!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 4th, 2016!

The LORD spoke with me about the meeting that is coming up to French Guiana. Yesterday, the LORD spoke about this earthquake and the tremor, the tall tower, a metal chain-wire woven like an electric cable, the trembling and the running away and the sexual sin in that part of the world.

Today, the LORD spoke about the healing service; it is part of the second conversation on the healing service yesterday, when I said I see myself at night time, and people are healed and then the Holy Spirit comes from Heaven as white glorious dove. Today I can say it now. He comes as a white glorious dove over His Servant during the healing service.

It is always my prayer that other people are able to see also, but sometimes it is the preserve of the LORD based on His wisdom, His hidden wisdom and counsel on what to allow people to see, or not; sometimes it is veiled sometimes it is open. I see the Holy Spirit coming from Heaven at the healing service as a white glorious dove over His Servant during the healing service. And it is at night because I see the lights, the flood lights.

And today He showed me this baby who is standing in front of me and eyes are wide open. I think the LORD is going to heal the eyes of a blind baby. I do now know whether this baby stands up also, whether it is crippled also, but opened her eyes. It is a girl, a baby girl at the altar is healed. I see her eyes wide opened looking at me. Even now I see that baby. And that means the LORD is going to heal many people, opened blind eyes there, and He is going to visit the nation of French Guiana very mightily.

I think this is the hour for the nations in that area of the Caribbean that they can partake of the revival of righteousness and the revival of holiness. And remember in this Mission of the LORD while He brings this tremendous visitation, this mighty healing to His people, still most importantly is going to be the restoration in the church, and the call to repentance, the calling of the nation to repentance, and the return to holiness, and eternity, eternity, to prepare them for eternity!

The biggest gift they are going to get in this Mission is that they may also be partakers of eternity, and hear from the throne of God in what the LORD is saying right now about the coming of the Messiah. There is going to be a huge visitation there, massive healing service!

And in the second part of the dream I see people, there will a lot of people, and I see a sign says, I think they are using metal bars to restrain people in the crusade. And I see someone lifted up. It is a wheel chair, I think it is a wheel chair lifted up, and people are walking. There is a surge because last time there was a healing service in Cayenne it was so big there was a situation there where people were being healed and people start walking, this woman has walked. There was a big situation there. I see a similar situation where people are surging they are coming and they are carrying I think it is a wheel chair. I see the two arms of the wheel chair lifted up. This kind of situation I see there and there is a surge. So there are many metal bars that are used to restrain people.

There is going to be a huge revival break out in this very blessed nation of the French Guiana. The LORD appears to be loving this nation so much to say that this is going to be an epicenter of revival in that part of the world. So this is what I see now, I see the metal bars that are normally used by the police to restrain people. People are being restrained. I see wheel chairs carried up. I see two arms, the two parts of metal on the back of the wheel chair lifted up and people are something with it and there is a situation there in this tremendous visitation that will take place in Cayenne.

Again, the last time the LORD brought me to Cayenne and He did a healing service there was a huge situation: people were walking that could not walk, people who could not walk stable, this woman, the blind that were seeing, many things, the deaf, many, many things happened there. It looks like the LORD is going to do this higher, another level of revival. And that is why we have been observing a lot of prayer and fasting all throughout, ever since I came back from the healing service in South Africa; a lot of prayer and fasting.

And I am also praying that the LORD can speak rain to them also in French Guiana like He spoke in Nigeria and South Africa, Kenya.  That the LORD may rain, that it may rain in all the nations. That all the nations may behold this prophecy of the rain. The rain that changed the life of the church in Kenya forever, and catapulted the church into Heaven. That this rain may fall in all the nations that they may all be partakers of Open Heavens, but this visitation when the Holy Spirit comes as a glorious dove I have seen coming down; that is already Open Heaven for that land!

And so this is the time when the LORD promised He would revive the church, He would bring the latter rain, the latter glory, the latter visitation that every nation may be a partaker of the glorious Kingdom of God. What an awesome time to be a Christian. What an awesome time to be alive to see the reviving of the church, and the preparing of the way for the glorious coming of the Messiah.

So as I come to French Guiana I have seen a big healing service that will take place in that land. It is going to be a mighty, mighty visitation to behold!

And mine is to bless all the nations tuned in now to pray that all of you may also be spoken about by the LORD! that the LORD may speak to me about you because this is a train that is going and preparing the way for the Coming of the Messiah. When it reaches every nation it stops, and asks the people to come on board before the train leaves the station and then to the next station, and the next station. And those stations are nations, nations, nations. That at the end when the Messiah comes the nations may be gathered, the sheep nations, not the goat nation, the sheep nations may gather and may enter into the glorious Kingdom of God!

May the LORD bless every nation that is tuned in that they may also claim their position in this revival that they may also be in prayer, and groaning, and crying unto the LORD that the LORD may speak Open heavens to them, also. That the LORD may speak to His Servant about their visitation, also.

I bless you all the Messiah is Coming! Let us all prepare in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen

Severe Earthquake Coming to Latin America, Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 3rd, 2016!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 3rd, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me, the LORD Jehovah, He has spoken with me about a nation, a Spanish speaking nation. Again, this past night the LORD Jehovah spoke with me about the Spanish nation where He took me to. Jehovah El Olam, Elyon, He took me to a nation and they were speaking Spanish. So, even as the LORD begins to send me towards French Guiana this week. I see a Spanish nation. The LORD took me there this past night. And then I see a lot of sexual sin.

The LORD has shown me a lot of sexual sin in that nation. It is a tourist nation as I think they have this big shows, and I see a lot of sexual sin. And the LORD took me there and stood me there to observe everything that is happening in that land. And I see in that land there is so much sexual immorality. In several cases the LORD narrows down and shows me a particular case of this young man. He has lined up for himself woman, he has lined up for himself women, young and old, and he is going about in sexual sin with them, and involved in serious, abhorrible sexual sin. Very, very filthy sexual sin the LORD shows me that.

And then I hear “registration”, “registration”. So I see some people has arrived and I see that there is a registration at the hotel. It looks like a resort where there are apartments or something like that, and so registration at the reception I hear. I hear them say, “we are going to do registration this way”. Some young men appear, and I see a lot of woman also appearing there. They are wearing trousers and they are in a very immoral, immoral position. Some of them are not in trousers they are just in immoral  dressing, the most immoral dressing one could ever think about on this earth.

Then, these young men that arrive, young people, and women also arrive. Then they go into some serious sexual orgies. I can see some young man going into sexual sin and so many other women, some are older, much older than him also. He is making lots of comments, I hear those comments that I can not share here.

The LORD makes me see and hear everything in that land. And then the cafe, in that land there are these small kiosks where coffee is being brewed and people are buying coffee as they walk on; however, when they are involved in this sexual sin the the LORD Jehovah, the voice of LORD speaks from Heaven and says, “You can now bring judgment to this land.”

When I bring judgment to that land, in this dream, then I see now they are so much involved in sexual sin again, as usual. But then, now I see a tall tower, a very tall tower which looks like a metallic tower. A tall metal tower, and I don’t know why I think that the cable looks like a drilling. These towers that are used for drilling, which go very tall and have these woven wires, cables for pulling things and drilling. That looks like what I see. I see, again, this tall metal tower that goes all the way high up, and there are these cables that engineers use for drilling sometimes. They are strong metal but woven like a rope and being pulled up and down. However, at this moment when I have spoken judgment over this land in the dream then that tower, tall tower, metal tower with long cables running by its sides, as if they were pulling, some pumps or whatever; the tower begins to shake violently as in an earthquake or tremor that has taken place.

And then, at that time, we start to run away. The LORD puts me in with them and we run away. We begin to run away out of the fear that the cables are going to cut. As we run away, we fear. I run with them and we are fearing as we run away that those cables when they cut because of the tremor that is going on. When they will cut then if they touch you they would electrocute you. So those cables are also like electric cables also. So there is a bit of running, serious running, run away from the beach uphill. And this is the situation that is happening on that side, in the Western Hemisphere.

There is sexual sin that is happening in the Western Hemisphere by the beaches of those Latin American speaking nations. I hear them saying, “Cafe, Cafesito, Cafesito,” You know? They are greeting in Spanish, you know? And they also ask me, and I said no give me Coka-Cola, you see? I speak to them like that and the other people are taking coffee.

And then now the sexual sin, the judgment comes on and I run with them. And this tall tower is shaking…di-di-di-di-dit-dit-dit. And we knew the cables were going to cut. And the fear is that when they cut they would electrocute people.

So I see the judgment of the LORD coming down on those nations of Latin America, the Spanish speaking nations, and there is so much sexual sin that has restored the reign of satan in those nations. It is sexual sin that has also consumed the church, has entered into the church, the realm of the House of the LORD. So I see a lot of running as the judgment is coming to those nations.

Even as I begin my mission towards the other side, the LORD is saying that this is the hour for repentance. That is the basic baseline reason for which He is speaking to me about those nations out there, the the Western Hemisphere, the Latin American nations. This really includes the North American nations also. They are also caught up in the same issue of sexual immorality, sexual sin, and sexual perversion. It seems as though the devil is using one major instrument called sexual sin to kidnap many, many nations, to hold nations at ransom and deny them of their eternal heritage from Jehovah.

So there is going to be a tremendous judgment that will take place within the Latin American, Spanish speaking nations. I see the country they speak Spanish, and so many people are arriving there for tourism, and name it and everything, and then sexual orgy. I see this young man was suppose to go into sexual sin with another woman here, but when she delayed a little he was going into sexual sin with this woman here older than him, and he makes comments about her.  And then after that he goes to the next woman who he was suppose to have gone into sexual sin with. But the LORD is saying that this is the hour for repentance, holiness, and righteousness, and going into holiness. The churches there have a central role in preparing nations to purge them off that dross of sin, sexual sin. And that the church is the light of the nation.

He is saying that when there is so much sin like this it speaks so much about the condition of the church. And that is the very reason why the LORD speaks to me about this abohorrible sexual sin that is going on down there, as I head in that direction to launch the Missions of the LORD. The last Missions of the LORD for this hour that there is need for the church to restore that she may operate with authority and clean up the sin in the land. However, the judgment of earthquake is coming. there is an earthquake that is coming in those nations, the Latin American nations. The LORD has shown me sexual sin, this tall tower that you will see in the news when that earthquake takes place. You will see this tall tower, the metal tower, and you see the wire, wires that are woven like rope, and so forth: the tremor, the trembling, the panic, the fear, the anxiety that will consume the land.

These are the signs that the LORD spoke about in the Bible regarding the coming of the Messiah.

Prophecy of a Major Visitation Coming To French Guiana, Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 3rd, 2016!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, July 3rd, 2016!

However, in the second conversation this past night, the LORD spoke with me about a meeting that he’s sending me to a Healing Service: looks like it’s at night. So its at night and this is now the French Guiana, it is at night. So again within the same zone again, we’re talking about the Caribbean nation and down in South America, Latin America. Now this time around this is the French Guiana and its night, the Healing Service is going to be at night. It is night and I see a very major visitation that will take place there, a very, very massive visitation because I see the light; then I see the Person of the Holy Spirit come all the way from Heaven and visit the meeting in a way I cannot describe here on this phone and also…I’m not allowed to say so.

But the Person of the Holy Spirit visits the meeting and so there is a tremendous visitation that takes place there. At the same time you can see as the LORD speaks about the visitation of this hour, he’s also now speaking about judgment. The judgment and the revival are coming at the same time. This visitation is the second one for French Guiana so really, really, really this is the hour that they have to grasp and grab the gains of this revival. That now they have to be up to their game and stop sin in the church and prepare nationally for the coming of the Messiah, the way Kenya is doing at this hour. An hour when many nations…I see the LORD is showing me rain, that there is rain coming, also there is rain coming. So the LORD is bringing you rain, the rain of the Holy Spirit unto the nations.

We know very well that Kenya ever since that rain befell this land, the land, the spiritual landscape in the House of the LORD, the landscape of the church has never, ever been the same again. There has been a tremendous visitation that has continued to move from glory to glory to glory and it is going higher, and higher every time including the meeting coming up in Nakuru. And so the same rain has fallen unto Nigeria and that means if the LORD will find servants as He has found there, and if they will now up their game to grasp and grab the gains of this visitation there is going to be a similar revival in Nigeria, even greater.

And the same rain He has spoken to South Africa that is going to take place in a place where when the Man of God stands he will be able to see some buildings, and then there is this tall building. It is as if you are moving towards a valley, and then there is a tall building there and the top of the building is like stairs, step stairs like that. And beyond a little bit, on the other side of the hill there is a hill that slopes, there is a slope on the other side, a hill that runs on the other side of the valley, a hill with residential quarters on that side. South Africa will also see this rain: The rain of the visitation of this hour; The latter rain of the Holy Spirit.

And so the LORD is willing. This is a sign that the LORD is willing to revive all nations. This was never, ever meant for Kenya alone. The revival in Kenya I know right now is too high, the level is absolutely historic: the biggest revival in the history of the Bible, the history of the church. However, this revival and the Cloud of God that is visiting Kenya now is actually global. It is global because when I was in Angola, the LORD put a pillar of Cloud on His Servant as he was moving around like this and following him in front of the pastors at the pastors conference.

So the LORD is saying that this revival is not exclusive to Kenya that all the nations have a right, every nation has a right to partake of this revival because the Kingdom of God was never meant for Kenya alone. It is for all the nations except one thing: That if all the nations would adhere to the Message of Holiness, and Righteousness through the repentance and turning away from sin. Then they too will be positioned in the place where Kenya is and partake of this historic revival of the Bible.

The revival of the Cloud, the revival of the Glory of the Cloud of the Godhead, God the Father Himself visiting the church coming down into the meeting. The revival of the Open Heavens, the revival of the rain of the Holy Spirit. So this revival is essentially by decree here and announce it that it is for all the nations. It was never meant for Kenya alone. And by the LORD promising rain in South Africa, promising rain in Nigeria, promising rain all the time, rain, rain!

That means the LORD is saying that the Heavens are open to all the nations except that He is looking for holy, worthy instruments, worthy vessels that can be able to anchor this revival whenever the Man of God comes to your land and makes His Decree. There are some people that are suppose to anchor this revival like Kenya did. To run around and now turn around from sin and begin to restore holy altars of the LORD in the land. That is the message the LORD is speaking now to the nations. And He is saying that this is the hour for the visitation of the nation. So much sexual sin has been in the church, the gospel of prosperity, the pride of the false apostles, the pride of the false prophets, and all these things you see happening globally.

The false prophets that are lying to the church, harvesting money, false apostles that are accumulating wealth for themselves; the LORD is saying that time for revival is now. This is the hour at which the  LORD is also passing a warning to the nations.

Venezuela experienced a huge revival when the LORD sent me there, one of the biggest that is only closest to Kenya but because of the abuse of HIS Prophet in Venezuela they let go a powerful revival, one of the biggest, I thought it would beat Kenya by a hundred fold. In Puerto Ordaz, El Tigre, in Valencia, in many places the revival lit up, I went across the entire nation. However, the same corrupt pastors, when they came on board… they stole it and thought it would be used for corruption and money again. Then I spoke the judgment that you see consuming Venezuela until today that you see humiliating Venezuela until today.

So the LORD is also passing a warning at the same time as he brings this revival, that you cannot contempt this revival: nobody can defy it and use it for personal gain, earthly gain. This is the hour for the visitation of the LORD and both the judgment against sin. The sin of the love of money in the church, the sin of sexual sin in the church, the sin of lies in the church, the sin of the false apostles in the church, the sin of false prophets in the church, the sin of the nudity of women in the land, women just walking naked and sexual immorality rampant. The LORD is saying, this is the moment to realize that CHRIST is our KING, who died on the cross for us, is coming back. But this time as He comes back, He comes back as the GLORIOUS KING. The nations must now all prepare for the coming of the MESSIAH.

May the LORD bless you. I have seen the MESSIAH coming. May the LORD bless you as you prepare for the glorious coming of the KING. Shalom.


Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, June 14th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me again about South Africa. The LORD, Jehovah, has shown me the big revival coming to South Africa, and also, He presented the conflict between that is in South Africa in that dream; between South Africans and the other immigrants. So the LORD is coming to bring revival and also to heal that land.

This revival that is coming to South Africa is also going to reconcile the nation, and the peoples of South Africa. He spoke again about big healing. And I see this little baby, I think it is crippled, that will get up, a black baby. It is a girl with a whitish dress that gets up and walks. So it is going to be a very massive time; it is going to be an awesome time, a refreshing time in the church in South Africa.

The LORD will do all these things in order to establish the Gospel of Righteousness and the return to Holiness as the only way to prepare for the glorious Kingdom of Jehovah. The LORD is coming to address several issues in the church, but He will demonstrate His blessed visitation, His blessed anointing to the people of South Africa that they may love Him; that they may now adhere to His Voice, and Word and seek righteousness, and a return to holier Christian living than what you see today in South Africa.

By seeing this crippled baby…then I saw others. I think these were deaf or crippled, also. But also sitting having been healed they have sat down. They are given chairs so I know that there will be chairs for the healed people to sit, as we do in Kenya here. There is this little baby dressed in white, a black baby, very wonderful, precious baby dressed in white, a whitish dress: a girl who stands up and walks. It is going to be an amazing time in South Africa.

But most importantly within all that is that in this visitation to love them, to raise the cripples from the ground, and open the eyes of the blind, and help the deaf, the mute, the bound to be set free, and all diseases under the sun; however, in this is the Message that the LORD is saying, “The latter revival is here! The Open Heavens are here!”

So He is going to decree an Open Heaven over that land. He has already decreed Open Heaven over South Africa. And so that will underscore the need for the church to be more righteous that will affirm that this is the hour of holiness in the church.

May those that have ears prepare because I have seen the Holy Spirit take the church, just this month of June 2nd (2016), the LORD spoke with me very profoundly about the Coming of the Messiah, and I saw the Holy Spirit take the church. So this is the most interesting time in the history of the church in which to be a Christian, in which to be alive and born again that we may prepare to receive the Messiah.


Prophecy of Fresh Healing Anointing to Visit South Africa, June 12th, 2016! by Mighty Prophet, Dr. David Owuor!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, June 12th, 2016!

Now the LORD, Jehovah, He has been speaking with me for the past three (3) days consecutively about the big, big, big historic anointing, the fresh–in fact the way He presented it He said the fresh, tremendous healing anointing, the fresh healing anointing that will visit South Africa when He brings me to Durban, the healing service. So there is going to be a big visitation of the fresh healing anointing of the LORD that will visit South Africa. And this is going to be very mighty. This is going to be a very, very mighty moment, a massive visitation of Jehovah, in South Africa. A fresh healing anointing, and newer and fresher healing anointing of the LORD. He is going to visit at that Healing Service.

This is, yet again, another moment when the LORD is reminding South Africa that this is their hour of visitation. We are all aware that when Jerusalem forfeited her hour of visitation then it became very tragic.

And we are aware that the LORD wants to visit South Africa now, and these things are inscribed in the Bible, even as “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem, how I wish you had known that all I ever wanted was to gather you as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings!” And (hens) very defensive when they gather their chicks under their wings.

And so it is my prayer that South Africa would recognize that this is the moment when righteousness will enter the pulpit of the church. The moment for them to behold, the moment when repentance, a wave of repentance revival sweeps the hearts of the believers in South Africa: the pulpit, the clergy, the pastors, the shepherds, the servants that there may be a renewal a revival in that land. Because I have seen a mighty, mighty, mighty fresh anointing. He has consistently showed it to me, a very fresh anointing. I do not even know what He is going to do there it is going to be so big.

Severally, three (3) days consecutively, a very fresh anointing that is going to visit that land, visit South Africa, at the Healing Service. A fresh healing anointing of the LORD. The fresh healing anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is important that when South Africa will make those gains of righteousness, when the gospel will now change to holiness, and when the pastors will embrace the correction to remove the nation from the doctrinal error, the doctrinal mistake that had championed the things of the world, the ways of the world, that now when that moment will behold in South Africa for them to transition, for them to begin,  commence and make substantive gains in Preparing the Way for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah, the Holy Way.

I think that is going to be a celebratory moment in the Kingdom of God, because that will mark their revival, that will mark a new journey with the Holy Spirit, the journey of this day, this hour. It will also speak and mark God’s love; His wonderful disposition of love towards the nation of South Africa, and the city of Durban.

And I know that this revival will move from Durban and go to other provinces. It also comes with a greater responsibility on the part of the pulpit. The responsibility that requires that the church deconstruct from herself the old ways of sin and apostasy. And now reconstruct the new mind frame, the new spirit of revival and righteousness and fear of the LORD; and a responsibility that tells the church that you can not receive this and lose it now because: time is over. A responsibility that requires of her, of the church, the clergy, the pulpit, the shepherds, the pastors that once they receive this they need to start a learning process: to learn how did Kenya sustain this for all these many years?

And I think that will be a beautiful place to be for the Servant of the LORD if the pastors of South Africa can humble themselves to this place of learning, learning in this day and age. The day and age of “know it all,” when everybody wants to prove that they really know it all. But the LORD is saying that I am going to do a new thing, “Behold I am doing a new thing! Behold I do a new thing with you!”

And that new thing will require great humility, great childlikeness as the LORD puts it in the Bible that the Kingdom of God is of those who are like these little kids that innocence of being open to learn, because for sure this revival has not visited many nations. It has not visited the nations before. It is a new thing and the wisdom of the LORD requires, dictates, demands that the church learn. I can see that there is going to be the beginning of a major revival in South Africa once the LORD will find the servants of revival, the pastors of revival those that will be able to develop a new cut of fate.

Because most of what you have seen in the church that has afflicted the church in the form and name of apostasy essentially come from this abhor able faith, faithlessness that has been at the pulpit where there has been lack of faith among the pastors…not even believing that without corruption God can sure provide for them. Not believing that when you preach a squarely pure gospel of repentance and holiness, and a return to righteousness, the observance of a holier living, the moving from one glory of holiness to the next, the adorning of the  garment of righteousness and garment of repentance, you know, they do not believe they do not believe at times that out of that still the LORD is able to watch and take care of them.

So this is now the moment at which the LORD is speaking to the church in South Africa. And it looks like now the heavenly delegation is all focused on South Africa at this hour on the big things the LORD will do there; the open Heavens He has trumpeted across. And I have said that I see a very blessed moment when the LORD brings me there and the heavens will open and some tremendous special rain, the torrents of the blessings of the LORD will come down over that land, and make a tall column and then only on one side and then eventually later the wind sweeps it and it goes on and covers the other side. And I see that at some of meetings I see some people sitting there, some pastors. One of them is light skinned with a red shirt, on this other side. I see things already from here. And that means really the LORD is now focused on the Mission of South Africa. And He is instructing regarding that Mission that South Africa may prepare for His visitation.

And again, like I said, it is beautiful to be visited by the LORD, but it is even much more beautiful to sustain the visitation until the day of the Coming of the Messiah. So I see a fresh anointing, a fresher anointing, a fresher healing anointing of the LORD that will sweep that meeting when He brings His Servant into that meeting. A very fresh healing anointing is going to visit the land, and bring the relief, reprieve, and healing; bring a mark of testimony into their lives, leave an indelible mark that they can use to bring the gospel, to evangelize, and to win souls for the Coming of the Messiah.

So mine is simply to bless the nation of South Africa, and to tell them that I have seen the LORD, my God, speak so much about South Africa. I have seen Him bless and love South Africa.

May South Africa be found ready, worthy of this mega historic visitation of the hour.

Shalom, may the LORD bless you all. I have seen the Messiah coming recently, again. So it will pay for all the nations tuned in to Prepare for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah, our LORD and Savior, Emmanuel!

Thank you, Shalom!


Today at about twelve o’clock the LORD slayed me, and I went to sleep. Then the LORD began to speak with me about the mission that is coming up to South Africa. The tremendous mission in Durban. In that mission I see a very big visitation coming to the nation of South Africa. The LORD now focuses on the mission to South Africa, so he takes me to South Africa.

I see that when the Healing Service will take place there, then the LORD brings His Servant, the Mighty Prophet to the Meeting of the LORD, I see that as he enters there will be a tremendous healing. Now I see this girl, I do not know whether she is twelve or thirteen or so, almost light clothes though, a nightgown, yes…her ear. So when she draws closer to the Man of God, the Man of God blows, he blows the breath of God through the ears that were deaf. And I see the ear open.

Then I see another little baby, and the baby was either blind or crippled and also healed. the mother of these babies, the mother here and then at that time my phone. I do not know whether it is my phone that falls from my pocket. Yes, I think when I kneel down the phone falls from the pocket, and another phone there is another phone on the side there. So I mistook it for my phone, but it was this other one. So this is the situation that I see there a tremendous healing service.

A very mighty, historic visitation, the ignition of a mega end time revival only equal,””is going to take place in South Africa.

The third part of this conversation, but the second part for South Africa, the LORD goes ahead and now shows me that when I come to the meeting, I see that when I come to that meeting, the Healing Service, and I thought I was preaching because I hear myself speaking about righteousness, the return to righteousness, let us now connect to the Sun of Righteousness “S-U-N” who is Christ Jesus. And then I saw also, “Let us turn to the Son of Righteousness “S-O-N”, the Son of Righteousness His name is Christ Jesus.

As I’m saying so, a special group of people enter, they enter. I don’t know why I thought this was a church, inside the church. What happens here, is that as I enter, I was doing that, I was doing that and then another part I was entering the meeting. This looks like, because I can see the building, I can see the neighborhoods, the residential quarters that are being built all across the hill, across the other side. This would look more to me in the Healing Service.

As I now enter the Healing Service, then Bishop Nieswand, Michael Nieswand comes and presents a microphone to me. When he gives me the microphone, the microphone does not work well, the microphone does not work well. So again, Bishop Nieswand, when he gives me the microphone it does not, the volume is too low, so I struggle and struggle; it almost stops the meeting. Bishop Nieswand runs back to the mixer, I see him adjusting, and then the voice…the sound comes. Meanwhile, someone else presents a microphone to me, which I try and is also very low, my voice cannot come through. However, the most important part that I want to lay here, is at that time, the LORD uses that meeting of the microphone to me…the giving…meaning, you’ll have just arrived, I have just arrived to the meeting. As I receive the microphone, rain begins to fall; Heaven opens and rain begins to fall.

So I am announcing here, that when the LORD brings me to South Africa, He is going to open Heaven. The LORD is commanding the Heavens to open right now when HIS Servant comes to South Africa. When he comes to this meeting and this is the Healing Service, yes, this is the Healing Service because I can see the quarters, the residential quarters across the hill, the buildings, the houses, and so forth. This is a unique rain. When Heaven opens and rain comes, this rain comes as a column; the way the column of pillar has been coming down on the Man of GOD, HIS Servant here in Kenya…straight direct from Heaven, a straight pillar that goes direct and covers him. That is how that rain comes from Heaven. That rain comes directly as a column and pours only on a certain section, even on a certain side where there is no rain. Only a certain section gets rain. I was so shocked, I said, “Look now, (I announce it there) look it is only falling on this section and this side has no rain.” So a column of rain, Heaven will open and a column of rain comes. Immediately I said, “Look, its only falling on this side.” The other side, there’s a demarcation, it’s raining right there and you can see on the other side there’s no rain and here there is rain.(demarcation like this) At that time, the wind picks up and the rain now sweeps the other side, it begins to go to other areas now.

I’m announcing here that when the LORD, the GOD of Israel, Jehovah the Cornerstone of Israel, Jehovah the Creator, the Creator of Jerusalem, HE that has chosen Jerusalem, and chose Israel and loves Israel, and HE has decided now to choose the church; the holy, sacred, and repentant church, the righteous church. This church you see in Kenya here. The church that He has sent his Servant to construct and restore. The church that you see building in Nigeria. Is being constructed right now in Angola, in New Zealand, in South Korea, in many nations. Those that have returned to repentance and righteousness.

So the LORD Jehovah is now instructing HIS Servant to command the Heavens to open when he comes to Durban, South Africa. On that day, that it may rain, a strange rain. I see somebody with a microphone. I thought it was a long microphone or light; either a light or microphone in the same meeting..a long one, like for TV. I think there is TV coverage because I see a long microphone above, up like this, trying to pick my sound at that time and the rain when it rains, the microphone will drip, will drip water on me, will drip water on me.

So these are the things the LORD is saying and doing at this time, at this hour, across the nations of the earth in preparation for that wonderful, triumphant, entry of Christ Jesus the Messiah into this landscape. So the LORD has now decreed that when HE brings HIS Servant to South Africa, HE has given him the key to open Heaven over South Africa that a latter, most glorious, powerful, Holy Spirit rain may come down…a unique rain that will come down in a column all the way straight from Heaven.

Later, as the Man of GOD commands, “Look, it’s only raining on this side,” then it will sweep now by wind, like this, a wave of wind now that is sweeping it across to other areas. I don’t know if it comes to this part too, but it really goes to the other side. Then at the end of it, the Man of GOD says, “No, look, don’t run away. Tell the people to not run away. In Kenya, they don’t run away from this rain. This is the shower of blessing, the torrent of blessing from Heaven.” I speak those words, but I see a live TV coverage also.
I see a long microphone raised up above and bent a little bit towards me when its raining. The water, water comes in two columns, two columns…actually, there will be two. Two columns fall from ”’microphone now on me. On top as water flows, flows from the top and I said, “Be careful! Be careful! We can be electrocuted here.” So I don’t know if that was a light or it was the microphone also. But no, maybe its both microphone and light for light coverage. and I said, “Be careful! Don’t let the water touch the electricity.” Then they switch it off, I think, at one point.

However, the most important thing is that the LORD has now commanded that when HIS Servant comes to South Africa, he must open Heaven. Heaven must obey him and open and bring down the blessed Holy Spirit rain. The rain that when it fell on Kenya, Kenya has never, ever been the same again. Kenya now is the nation that is envied and coveted by many other nations. The first word, they run here, they long to be here to see what the LORD is doing, to see the latter revival that prepares the church. To see the glorious bride of Christ that was long foreseen, foresighted, and prophesied in the Bible.

So these are the words of the LORD. When these things come to pass, then you shall know that surely, surely the LORD is preparing the nation and the Messiah is coming. May the LORD bless you all as you prepare for the coming of the Messiah: even as the Servant of the LORD begins to navigate the big ship to South Africa. Shalom.


Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, June 14th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me again about South Africa. The LORD, Jehovah, has shown me the big revival coming to South Africa, and also, He presented the conflict between that is in South Africa in that dream; between South Africans and the other immigrants. So the LORD is coming to bring revival and also to heal that land.

This revival that is coming to South Africa is also going to reconcile the nation, and the peoples of South Africa. He spoke again about big healing. And I see this little baby, I think it is crippled, that will get up, a black baby. It is a girl with a whitish dress that gets up and walks. So it is going to be a very massive time; it is going to be an awesome time, a refreshing time in the church in South Africa.

The LORD will do all these things in order to establish the Gospel of Righteousness and the return to Holiness as the only way to prepare for the glorious Kingdom of Jehovah. The LORD is coming to address several issues in the church, but He will demonstrate His blessed visitation, His blessed anointing to the people of South Africa that they may love Him; that they may now adhere to His Voice, and Word and seek righteousness, and a return to holier Christian living than what you see today in South Africa.

By seeing this crippled baby…then I saw others. I think these were deaf or crippled, also. But also sitting having been healed they have sat down. They are given chairs so I know that there will be chairs for the healed people to sit, as we do in Kenya here. There is this little baby dressed in white, a black baby, very wonderful, precious baby dressed in white, a whitish dress: a girl who stands up and walks. It is going to be an amazing time in South Africa.

But most importantly within all that is that in this visitation to love them, to raise the cripples from the ground, and open the eyes of the blind, and help the deaf, the mute, the bound to be set free, and all diseases under the sun; however, in this is the Message that the LORD is saying, “The latter revival is here! The Open Heavens are here!”

So He is going to decree an Open Heaven over that land. He has already decreed Open Heaven over South Africa. And so that will underscore the need for the church to be more righteous that will affirm that this is the hour of holiness in the church.

May those that have ears prepare because I have seen the Holy Spirit take the church, just this month of June 2nd (2016), the LORD spoke with me very profoundly about the Coming of the Messiah, and I saw the Holy Spirit take the church. So this is the most interesting time in the history of the church in which to be a Christian, in which to be alive and born again that we may prepare to receive the Messiah.


Prophecy of Fresh Healing Anointing to Visit South Africa, June 12th, 2016! by Prophet Dr. David Owuor!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Mighty Prophet Dr. Owuor, June 12th, 2016!

Now the LORD, Jehovah, He has been speaking with me for the past three (3) days consecutively about the big, big, big historic anointing, the fresh–in fact the way He presented it He said the fresh, tremendous healing anointing, the fresh healing anointing that will visit South Africa when He brings me to Durban, the healing service. So there is going to be a big visitation of the fresh healing anointing of the LORD that will visit South Africa. And this is going to be very mighty. This is going to be a very, very mighty moment, a massive visitation of Jehovah, in South Africa. A fresh healing anointing, and newer and fresher healing anointing of the LORD. He is going to visit at that Healing Service.

This is, yet again, another moment when the LORD is reminding South Africa that this is their hour of visitation. We are all aware that when Jerusalem forfeited her hour of visitation then it became very tragic.

And we are aware that the LORD wants to visit South Africa now, and these things are inscribed in the Bible, even as “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem, how I wish you had known that all I ever wanted was to gather you as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings!” And (hens) very defensive when they gather their chicks under their wings.

And so it is my prayer that South Africa would recognize that this is the moment when righteousness will enter the pulpit of the church. The moment for them to behold, the moment when repentance, a wave of repentance revival sweeps the hearts of the believers in South Africa: the pulpit, the clergy, the pastors, the shepherds, the servants that there may be a renewal a revival in that land. Because I have seen a mighty, mighty, mighty fresh anointing. He has consistently showed it to me, a very fresh anointing. I do not even know what He is going to do there it is going to be so big.

Severally, three (3) days consecutively, a very fresh anointing that is going to visit that land, visit South Africa, at the Healing Service. A fresh healing anointing of the LORD. The fresh healing anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is important that when South Africa will make those gains of righteousness, when the gospel will now change to holiness, and when the pastors will embrace the correction to remove the nation from the doctrinal error, the doctrinal mistake that had championed the things of the world, the ways of the world, that now when that moment will behold in South Africa for them to transition, for them to begin,  commence and make substantive gains in Preparing the Way for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah, the Holy Way.

I think that is going to be a celebratory moment in the Kingdom of God, because that will mark their revival, that will mark a new journey with the Holy Spirit, the journey of this day, this hour. It will also speak and mark God’s love; His wonderful disposition of love towards the nation of South Africa, and the city of Durban.

And I know that this revival will move from Durban and go to other provinces. It also comes with a greater responsibility on the part of the pulpit. The responsibility that requires that the church deconstruct from herself the old ways of sin and apostasy. And now reconstruct the new mind frame, the new spirit of revival and righteousness and fear of the LORD; and a responsibility that tells the church that you can not receive this and lose it now because: time is over. A responsibility that requires of her, of the church, the clergy, the pulpit, the shepherds, the pastors that once they receive this they need to start a learning process: to learn how did Kenya sustain this for all these many years?

And I think that will be a beautiful place to be for the Servant of the LORD if the pastors of South Africa can humble themselves to this place of learning, learning in this day and age. The day and age of “know it all,” when everybody wants to prove that they really know it all. But the LORD is saying that I am going to do a new thing, “Behold I am doing a new thing! Behold I do a new thing with you!”

And that new thing will require great humility, great childlikeness as the LORD puts it in the Bible that the Kingdom of God is of those who are like these little kids that innocence of being open to learn, because for sure this revival has not visited many nations. It has not visited the nations before. It is a new thing and the wisdom of the LORD requires, dictates, demands that the church learn. I can see that there is going to be the beginning of a major revival in South Africa once the LORD will find the servants of revival, the pastors of revival those that will be able to develop a new cut of fate.

Because most of what you have seen in the church that has afflicted the church in the form and name of apostasy essentially come from this abhor able faith, faithlessness that has been at the pulpit where there has been lack of faith among the pastors…not even believing that without corruption God can sure provide for them. Not believing that when you preach a squarely pure gospel of repentance and holiness, and a return to righteousness, the observance of a holier living, the moving from one glory of holiness to the next, the adorning of the  garment of righteousness and garment of repentance, you know, they do not believe they do not believe at times that out of that still the LORD is able to watch and take care of them.

So this is now the moment at which the LORD is speaking to the church in South Africa. And it looks like now the heavenly delegation is all focused on South Africa at this hour on the big things the LORD will do there; the open Heavens He has trumpeted across. And I have said that I see a very blessed moment when the LORD brings me there and the heavens will open and some tremendous special rain, the torrents of the blessings of the LORD will come down over that land, and make a tall column and then only on one side and then eventually later the wind sweeps it and it goes on and covers the other side. And I see that at some of meetings I see some people sitting there, some pastors. One of them is light skinned with a red shirt, on this other side. I see things already from here. And that means really the LORD is now focused on the Mission of South Africa. And He is instructing regarding that Mission that South Africa may prepare for His visitation.

And again, like I said, it is beautiful to be visited by the LORD, but it is even much more beautiful to sustain the visitation until the day of the Coming of the Messiah. So I see a fresh anointing, a fresher anointing, a fresher healing anointing of the LORD that will sweep that meeting when He brings His Servant into that meeting. A very fresh healing anointing is going to visit the land, and bring the relief, reprieve, and healing; bring a mark of testimony into their lives, leave an indelible mark that they can use to bring the gospel, to evangelize, and to win souls for the Coming of the Messiah.

So mine is simply to bless the nation of South Africa, and to tell them that I have seen the LORD, my God, speak so much about South Africa. I have seen Him bless and love South Africa.

May South Africa be found ready, worthy of this mega historic visitation of the hour.

Shalom, may the LORD bless you all. I have seen the Messiah coming recently, again. So it will pay for all the nations tuned in to Prepare for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah, our LORD and Savior, Emmanuel!

Thank you, Shalom!


Today at about twelve o’clock the LORD slayed me, and I went to sleep. Then the LORD began to speak with me about the mission that is coming up to South Africa. The tremendous mission in Durban. In that mission I see a very big visitation coming to the nation of South Africa. The LORD now focuses on the mission to South Africa, so he takes me to South Africa.

I see that when the Healing Service will take place there, then the LORD brings His Servant, the Mighty Prophet to the Meeting of the LORD, I see that as he enters there will be a tremendous healing. Now I see this girl, I do not know whether she is twelve or thirteen or so, almost light clothes though, a nightgown, yes…her ear. So when she draws closer to the Man of God, the Man of God blows, he blows the breath of God through the ears that were deaf. And I see the ear open.

Then I see another little baby, and the baby was either blind or crippled and also healed. the mother of these babies, the mother here and then at that time my phone. I do not know whether it is my phone that falls from my pocket. Yes, I think when I kneel down the phone falls from the pocket, and another phone there is another phone on the side there. So I mistook it for my phone, but it was this other one. So this is the situation that I see there a tremendous healing service.

A very mighty, historic visitation, the ignition of a mega end time revival only equal,””is going to take place in South Africa.

The third part of this conversation, but the second part for South Africa, the LORD goes ahead and now shows me that when I come to the meeting, I see that when I come to that meeting, the Healing Service, and I thought I was preaching because I hear myself speaking about righteousness, the return to righteousness, let us now connect to the Sun of Righteousness “S-U-N” who is Christ Jesus. And then I saw also, “Let us turn to the Son of Righteousness “S-O-N”, the Son of Righteousness His name is Christ Jesus.

As I’m saying so, a special group of people enter, they enter. I don’t know why I thought this was a church, inside the church. What happens here, is that as I enter, I was doing that, I was doing that and then another part I was entering the meeting. This looks like, because I can see the building, I can see the neighborhoods, the residential quarters that are being built all across the hill, across the other side. This would look more to me in the Healing Service.

As I now enter the Healing Service, then Bishop  Nieswand, Michael  Nieswand comes and presents a microphone to me. When he gives me the microphone, the microphone does not work well, the microphone does not work well. So again, Bishop  Nieswand, when he gives me the microphone it does not, the volume is too low, so I struggle and struggle; it almost stops the meeting. Bishop  Nieswand runs back to the mixer, I see him adjusting, and then the voice…the sound comes. Meanwhile, someone else presents a microphone to me, which I try and is also very low, my voice cannot come through. However, the most important part that I want to lay here, is at that time, the LORD uses that meeting of the microphone to me…the giving…meaning, you’ll have just arrived, I have just arrived to the meeting. As I receive the microphone, rain begins to fall; Heaven opens and rain begins to fall.

So I am announcing here, that when the LORD brings me to South Africa, He is going to open Heaven. The LORD is commanding the Heavens to open right now when HIS Servant comes to South Africa. When he comes to this meeting and this is the Healing Service, yes, this is the Healing Service because I can see the quarters, the residential quarters across the hill, the buildings, the houses, and so forth. This is a unique rain. When Heaven opens and rain comes, this rain comes as a column; the way the column of pillar has been coming down on the Man of GOD, HIS Servant here in Kenya…straight direct from Heaven, a straight pillar that goes direct and covers him. That is how that rain comes from Heaven. That rain comes directly as a column and pours only on a certain section, even on a certain side where there is no rain. Only a certain section gets rain. I was so shocked, I said, “Look now, (I announce it there) look it is only falling on this section and this side has no rain.” So a column of rain, Heaven will open and a column of rain comes. Immediately I said, “Look, its only falling on this side.” The other side, there’s a demarcation, it’s raining right there and you can see on the other side there’s no rain and here there is rain.(demarcation like this) At that time, the wind picks up and the rain now sweeps the other side, it begins to go to other areas now.

I’m announcing here that when the LORD, the GOD of Israel, Jehovah the Cornerstone of Israel, Jehovah the Creator, the Creator of Jerusalem, HE that has chosen Jerusalem, and chose Israel and loves Israel, and HE has decided now to choose the church; the holy, sacred, and repentant church, the righteous church. This church you see in Kenya here. The church that He has sent his Servant to construct and restore. The church that you see building in Nigeria. Is being constructed right now in Angola, in New Zealand, in South Korea, in many nations. Those that have returned to repentance and righteousness.

So the LORD Jehovah is now instructing HIS Servant to command the Heavens to open when he comes to Durban, South Africa. On that day, that it may rain, a strange rain. I see somebody with a microphone. I thought it was a long microphone or light; either a light or microphone in the same meeting..a long one, like for TV. I think there is TV coverage because I see a long microphone above, up like this, trying to pick my sound at that time and the rain when it rains, the microphone will drip, will drip water on me, will drip water on me.

So these are the things the LORD is saying and doing at this time, at this hour, across the nations of the earth in preparation for that wonderful, triumphant, entry of Christ Jesus the Messiah into this landscape. So the LORD has now decreed that when HE brings HIS Servant to South Africa, HE has given him the key to open Heaven over South Africa that a latter, most glorious, powerful, Holy Spirit rain may come down…a unique rain that will come down in a column all the way straight from Heaven.

Later, as the Man of GOD commands, “Look, it’s only raining on this side,” then it will sweep now by wind, like this, a wave of wind now that is sweeping it across to other areas. I don’t know if it comes to this part too, but it really goes to the other side. Then at the end of it, the Man of GOD says, “No, look, don’t run away. Tell the people to not run away. In Kenya, they don’t run away from this rain. This is the shower of blessing, the torrent of blessing from Heaven.” I speak those words, but I see a live TV coverage also.
I see a long microphone raised up above and bent a little bit towards me when its raining. The water, water comes in two columns, two columns…actually, there will be two. Two columns fall from ”’microphone now on me. On top as water flows, flows from the top and I said, “Be careful! Be careful! We can be electrocuted here.” So I don’t know if that was a light or it was the microphone also. But no, maybe its both microphone and light for light coverage. and I said, “Be careful! Don’t let the water touch the electricity.” Then they switch it off, I think, at one point.

However, the most important thing is that the LORD has now commanded that when HIS Servant comes to South Africa, he must open Heaven. Heaven must obey him and open and bring down the blessed Holy Spirit rain. The rain that when it fell on Kenya, Kenya has never, ever been the same again. Kenya now is the nation that is envied and coveted by many other nations. The first word, they run here, they long to be here to see what the LORD is doing, to see the latter revival that prepares the church. To see the glorious bride of Christ that was long foreseen, foresighted, and prophesied in the Bible.

So these are the words of the LORD. When these things come to pass, then you shall know that surely, surely the LORD is preparing the nation and the Messiah is coming. May the LORD bless you all as you prepare for the coming of the Messiah: even as the Servant of the LORD begins to navigate the big ship to South Africa. Shalom.


Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, June 4th, 2016!

Blessed listeners, today I want to share a little bit more on this very, very important conversation of the LORD and the church. The conversation that the LORD has gotten the nations, the nations of the earth to be caught up in. I shared with you briefly yesterday, a little bit veiled, but briefly yesterday on this very tremendous vision that the LORD has entrusted me with again at this hour.

The vision the LORD showed me, in this month of June 2nd, 2016. Yesterday I shared with you the first portion, how the LORD enabled me and allowed me, and in that portion of that very, very important vision that has very, very important consequence and impact unto the nations of the earth, unto the church, unto Christian life. In that conversation I shared yesterday, you see that I woke up in the morning of that June 2nd, and then I walked away. And as I sat there on the couch, the LORD then slayed me at that place, and I fell asleep on that couch. And in that morning then the LORD immediately lifted me up, and took me to a place, and He showed me this tremendous, ferocious, and vicious beast. And from where the LORD had lifted me up, I could see very clearly the beast He had lifted me up above. I could see the beast from below.

This beast, at first when I looked at him I thought he was a lion. And I said the description of him, which I am still seeing now, is lightish brown, as if coming to creamish or yellowish cream. At first I thought he was a lion. And then when I saw the other heads at that moment I thought the lion would be small ones. Only to realize later that he was actually–as I looked at him farther I saw that he was a huge beast that has seven heads, and then he has horns on the head.

As I saw him lying there for some time, and then all of the sudden I saw this tremendous woman that appears. In that conversation, at that time, in this vision, I almost rebuked her. I almost rebuked her because I wanted to tell her, to warn her that look the beast will hurt you. But she went to him and I saw that where the beast was lying the beast upon seeing her he lay in a way as to enable her. I could see that the beast was responding to her appearing there. And then they greeted each other because the beast raised forth his hands, the fore legs to greet her. The lady took forth her hand, the woman took forth her hand, and greeted the beast. It was such an amazing sight to behold. The beast takes his hands to greet her, she takes her hand to greet the beast. So the beast lifts his front leg and touched her hands where the beast was lying…touch, greet her. So that was very astonishing to see.

And then later I realized that actually the beast had lain in that form in response to her appearing to enable her to sit on him. And that is when I saw the woman sit on the beast. The beast that is a huge leopard, a huge, huge leopard.  That is the moment I realized he was a huge leopard, a huge, huge leopard, but I thought he was a lion at one point until I saw the many heads, the many leopard heads. And then she sat on him. And after she sat on this beast then the beast now stood up. From then I understood that the beast lay there upon seeing her in a way as to respond to her to enable her to greet him and then sit on his back to ride him. So, it was a tremendous thing to see. A very fearful situation to see this woman sitting on this beast. And then now I can speak a little bit more on what I saw.

At the side, the right hand side of the beast, as the beast was now facing away from me, with the woman sitting on the beast, on the right hand side of the beast I see two linens. And I see a very, very rich garment, rich garment and that garment is purplish, very rich purplish with strips, actually has large strips, or stripes of beautiful purple, extremely beautiful, in the context of this world, beautiful purple garment. And then has those strips that are interconnecting strips, the strips in between that I thought were red. Those strips are actually scarlet, I just realized that is scarlet. Scarlet is like red. So those strips I have now understood are scarlet.

Again, two garments–not one–there are two pieces of garment that were down on the right hand side of the beast and the woman on the beast. And the garment, there are two pieces of garment on the right hand side of the beast and the woman, and this powerful–what would appear in the context and definition of this world–a beautiful purple garment; a very, very fine garment, really fine textured garment, fine linen so to say. And that purple is actually striped so you see the stripes the long, large stripes of red, but that red now I understood is scarlet.

So there are two pieces of garment, it is not one. And so that is what the woman takes and wraps herself on. And once the beast and the woman were now aware that I have seen them, and once the LORD was aware that I had gotten the description and understanding of this beast–I have seen him, and I have seen the woman that is on him–then at that moment the beast again went down and the woman disembarked from the beast. I think that is the point which the LORD really wanted me to engage, and develop a confrontation, an encounter with this beast and the woman.

So the beast at that point went down, laid down again to enable the woman, because I said he is a huge beast, the woman to disembark to come off his back. That is when this woman came to me. The LORD now sends this woman to me and she confronts me. And then I speak with her. First of all, I realized–I can describe a few more details now: Number one, there is this sense of aura that she has even though I knew that I have authority over her, in this vision. But again, I am going to time her at one point and strike her, but when she came I realized, the LORD made me know, that she has this authority, this aura around her.

She is very skinny. She is very skinny and very tricky. She engaged with me, we talked a bit. I realized her tricks because I knew her tricks. I realized that she has another agenda. She is the persona, the personification of the wickedness of the devil, satan. That I understood very well. And so, the LORD allows me to engage with her and play smart, and be very careful with her. But I am now describing a little bit more detail on the encounter with this woman after she disembarked from the beast.

And I realized she has a trick. She has come with a plan. And the way she is now dressed when she comes to me is different from the way she is dressed while she is on the beast. Because now the two pieces of garment she has left again on the right hand side of the beast–she has come this way. Now she wears a pair of trousers. She is slim and her face is a little bit slim, with a little bit of a long nose, longer than usual, longer nose, pointed nose so to say. I can still see her now, the upper piece of what she is wearing, her blouse is white. And then the trouser is black, but sleeky black, like silk, or linen, but shiny, very, very glossy, and very tight trouser, extremely tight. And she is very slim, she is kind of slim, and it is a black trouser like these stretchers. The trousers that are stretchers only that it is a little stronger than a stretcher and it is black, and it is very shiny, glossy, has a sheen, a very strong sheen that shines.

I still see it right now. Her upper piece, the blouse, is white. She is  wearing white and then her hair is black hair, and very strait hair. And so it is prepared, she has prepared it straight, she has really stretched it as though she has used what the women, the equipment the women use for their hair to straighten every strand of her hair. So her hair is really from the fore, from the face, from the fore part of the head all the way going back is straight, long hair that reaches almost–I can see up to half of the back.

So she engages with me and I am aware that she is very tricky, she has another agenda, the agenda of the devil. She is evil and she is deadly. The most important thing that comes out of that is the LORD now makes me in that encounter know that she is very deadly, she is very deadly and she can kill. And I knew in that vision the LORD makes me know that I had so much authority and power to strike her. I had so much authority to strike her. I could strike her but I was waiting for a moment to strike her. So the LORD allows me to play it smart, to play smart with her. As though yes it is OK, try to agree with her, but then time her and strike her when she is least expecting. That the LORD made me know at one point I am going to play it smart with her and when she is not expecting I will strike her for her evil and wicked plans.

But what she does is what the agenda of her mission is because I see her now.  She tries to take the people of God, she tried to take me now towards the beast. She talks with you, she talks with you she has one agenda she walks with me. She has this enormous power also around her, but the power the LORD had placed on was higher, much higher than the power she beheld. At that time you could see that she was drawing me towards the beast. So after that she goes back to the beast. Then she goes back to the beast, you see? Yes, she now goes back to the beast meaning her coming, her disembarking from the beast, her coming to engage with me, of course the LORD does that to introduce her to me, as he did all the other personalities of this hour, including the horseman and their riders. He normally brings them close to me, also for identity and for confrontation and for understanding. Then she is done.

Once she is done engaging with me and I timed her. I set out to time her and strike her. And I see her go back to the beast. She goes back to the beast and she picks the garment, again, very beautiful in the sense of this world, very, very expensive in the context of this earth, the world; very, very expensive linen, very, very exotic and truly expensive. It is purple, but has stripes, large stripes. When you stretch out your middle fingers that level of stripes that were running across the purple linen. Beautiful set-up, really beautifully in the sense of this world–set up. She gets the garment again and she is on the beast again.

But this beast is a huge leopard. He is a tremendously shocking huge leopard that I have not seen before. Now, there are other aspects that develop. The second day the LORD comes to advance this conversation. And this advancing of the conversation on June 3rd, the LORD now shows me what happens at that time.

Now I see that woman. She comes and she engages in sexual immorality. She is engaging in extreme sexual immorality. And I see it all, so I see her engaging in some abhorrible form of sexual immorality. There is this asking, I see her also including the bathrooms in sexual immorality. I see the water that is flowing from the shower. She is asking, “where is the large bathroom and suite, the presidential suite?” So she is asking and there are people there that she is talking to. But when she engages in sexual immorality this is what I see: I see the humiliation of man. Yes, she humiliates man, because I see that it is like the men are now naked. And in their nakedness they are attracted to her. So the LORD allows me to see all this.

There is this bit of whole tempest that she does there, because I now see the men are naked, and in their nakedness they are kind of inflamed for her. They are drawn to her. That is the kind of situation that develops there. And then these are leaders, these are people, these are leaders, these are senior people. And then I see her even at the streets, even in the streets she is engaging with them. Then I also see her engaged also with some Israelites. Yes, the Jewish people in this kind of immorality. I see her enter this very interesting shop. It is a very wealthy shop. I think it’s a jewelry shop, a very wealthy jewelry shop. So she’s engaging there too. She’s engaging in there, she walked in there this wealthy man was wearing a red shirt and very wealthy. So he takes her up and again she engages in immorality; she’s so promiscuous. She engages in extreme immorality, abhorrible immorality, sexual immorality.

But what amazes me is this, I don’t know the exact setting of time, the chronology of these two sections that I’m revealing right now. Either before she engages, it looks like before she engages into this, because at one point I see her engaging sexual immorality in the streets and also in rooms, what. The blankets, the bed sheets, I see everything she’s engaged in. And then she walks into this very expensive shop and also there, they are engaged in immorality with her. But an event takes place.

So it looks to me like an event takes place before, before she engages into this promiscuity and immorality. The beginning of her engaging into it or before; but an event takes place. At that moment, I see the Person of the Holy Spirit descend from Heaven and as the Person of the Holy Spirit descends from Heaven, He came like a glorious dove, a powerful white glorious dove this time around. And He came, Heaven opened, and He came all the way from Heaven and then I see, at that moment, then He snatches away some people. He takes some people.

It was so amazing, because the LORD lifted me up above the earth. Now I’m in the clouds and I can see the earth, I see the landscape. It’s amazing, because when that event takes place its small like when one enters an aircraft and an aircraft takes off from the airport and then the pilot or the captain at that point turns the aircraft as you’ve just taken off like this and then he begins to turn the aircraft to get his bearing and flight path and so you see the way the entire earth almost tilts. From the aircraft you see as though the entire earth tilts. So that is the moment at which again now.

Let me repeat this, this a very important part now that I revealed today. When this woman has come into sin and I don’t know whether it was slightly before or right from the beginning from coming into the sin. I see Heaven open and then the Person of the Holy Spirit, GOD the HOLY SPIRIT, the Person, the third Person of the Trinity, the Triunity of GOD, the Trinity of GOD, the Holy Trinity comes from Heaven and this time He comes as a white glorious dove. And when He comes the LORD makes Him shake His wings, as He comes.

So I can see very clearly His descent. He comes as a white glorious dove and when
He comes He takes the church, He takes the church. Again, let me repeat this, He takes the church, He takes some people, He takes some people. And as I go with those people, the LORD allows me to experience what those people experience. It’s so amazing from what the LORD did because He lifted me to a place that I could see from where they were being lifted. There is a lift off, lift off.

So He takes some people and as He lifts off some people, its as though one has just entered an aircraft and that aircraft takes off from a runway and at the point when the pilot…you have just taken off, and the pilot turns his aircraft to get his bearing in order to enter his flight path. So you see at that moment as though the earth normally tilts a bit…I mean if your in the aircraft; so that is the feeling I saw, that is what happened. Then I saw He really took them and took them all the way up, up to a place where they arrived and that event took place in that form. So there is this event also that the LORD has now allowed me to talk about.

As the LORD speaks to me about the coming of this very fearful, dreadful beast. The beast that is, the beast that is like a leopard, a huge leopard, a huge, I even see him now as I speak I still see him, a huge leopard. And then he has seven heads, and he has horns, and when he looks, when he looks at this, when he sees this woman coming toward him, he prepares himself by lying down so that she may be able to embark to climb on his back. But when she arrives there, I see the two garments on his right, the purple with red stripes, which are now scarlet.  I have found out that is scarlet, and then prepares himself for her to embark to climb on his back. But then he greets her with a hand. He takes the fore legs and greets her.

She extends her hand also and greets the beast. Then the beast, the LORD unleashes, releases the beast to come and meet me: So a confrontation takes place. I know I have authority to strike the beast. I have power to strike the beast and strike this woman. And I was to know, that when she comes to me, she comes in a very scheming way, she’s very crafty, she talks you know…very seductively. She has a trick, she’s a liar and she’s lying, she’s trying to win people. But I knew, the LORD makes me know that she has a very evil agenda. But most importantly, there is this great fear that she creates. She creates fear so that you realize your caught up in an aura, one is caught up in an aura and buys into, one buys into her…then that’s the whole thing.

Then after, the LORD brings her to introduce her to me and I see that she’s wearing a white top, a very tight trouser, black glossy. And then the white top is also very fine, I see its very, very fine. And her hair, black hair, totally, completely black and she has made it very straight. Falls up to half the back, half of the back down there, the back: straight strands of hair, very glossy. The trouser is glossy, the white is glossy. Then she’s walking as she is trying to talk to me and the purpose is to draw, to draw me to the beast. And then after that, she goes back and takes the garment again to wear.

But another event takes place which I don’t want to classify. That event is either in terms of a chronology of the event within this vision; this event either took place before the woman appeared, or takes place when the woman disappears, or during her appearance. But that event, looks like takes place either before again, before the woman appears: I see as though it appears before the woman appears.

That event is when all of a sudden I see the white glorious dove, the Person of the Holy Spirit, now lift people, take some people, it was such amazing. They were taken as though in an aircraft. Rather, I’m saying, the feeling of that lift off when the Person, the Third Person of the Trinity of GOD, GOD the Holy Spirit, the Triunity of GOD, the Holy Trinity, GOD the Holy Spirit now lifts some people. And the feeling is as though you were in an aircraft when it hits the runway and takes off and the pilot immediately turns the plane so you always feel as if the land, the soil, the land, the earth is tilting as your in the aircraft.
So this event takes place.

This is the kind of conversation the LORD is having with the church now. The prophecy that He is releasing to the House of the LORD. This is the tremendous prophecy that the LORD has now sent me to speak to the nations of the earth. And it is amazing what this prophecy brings. How this prophecy now changes the dynamics of the events in the church.

And it is amazing because this last night now, the LORD now shows me the group of pastors. Yes, a group of pastors now. They were in the fallen church. Yes, some are in the fallen church, and then they begin to talk now. They talk with me this past night, in the advancement of this conversation. Now, these pastors speak to me about the wine they have been drinking. Yes, so they are talking so much about the wine they have been drinking, this past night in advancing this conversation. And they confess to me on the deeds also, the immoral acts that they have been involved in.

So there was this whole conversation now with the priesthood this past night. And I see that there are all races; white pastors, I see the other races too. This is the prophecy that the LORD is speaking to the nations now. And He is speaking it now to the entire earth, to the entire globe, at this hour. I can see very clearly that this is yet another demarcation of a time point within the prophetic time line of the LORD, the God of Israel, Jehovah, the God of Heaven, the One and only Creator of all man!

Now the appearance of this personality here, this very shocking personality of the woman who is wearing this very scarlet–actually purple and scarlet mixed together, and red which I later found out was scarlet. And this woman is sitting and riding the beast. Now this is very interesting. This is a very significant conversation that the LORD has now brought into play within the whole picture of the zero countdown to the end of time, to the Coming of the Messiah, and the end of the age, the end of time. I think this now speaks a very tremendous volume, a very unbelievable volume into the mix of the prophecy, the different prophecies that have defined the timeline towards the return of the Messiah, and the end of the age.

And now you can see very clearly that in the book of Revelation, chapter 17, the LORD speaks very clearly about this woman, and before we read the book of Revelation, chapter 17, where the Bible now talks about this vision that the LORD presents to me. There are a few points that are important to raise here. The fact that first of all this beast has actually been spoken about in the Bible. The Bible speaks about this beast as one of the personalities that appears towards the end. That personality also acquires a symbolism, a biblical symbolism. It is also important to understand that this woman the way the LORD presented the woman she had so much power and influence, though I knew that I had greater power. But that is now from my side, but you could see that she wears quite a bit of authority and influence.

She rides the beast and key among the things that we may want to know is that she actually kills millions of people. Yes, she brings to death millions of people. That is why when you see that she was speaking with me then she tries to bring me to the beast. So she is used to kill a lot of people, (hmm?) millions of people, of God’s people, God’s holy people, the true church of Christ, hmm? And I think that would be very important for us to understand especially on time, but also the dynamic of her agenda on her mission, at this time; why the LORD speaks about her now; why the LORD brings the prophecy to be spoken for realization; why at this hour?

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 17, He says very clearly here, it comes out very clear verse one:

Revelation 17:1-15

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. 2 With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”

3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery:


6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.  When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. 7 Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from
the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.

9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10 They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. 11 The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

12 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. 16 The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled. 18 The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”

With all the mystery and with all the in depth revelation that is embedded in this scripture, the key thing that I would like to raise here to the church of Christ world over is probably verse fifteen (15).

Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.

So you see very clearly that she comes to ruin the lives of nations peoples, multitudes, and languages. So this woman comes on the agenda–because she sits on the beast. She actually comes to bring the agenda of the beast. Of course, at the end you see her destruction. In the deeper of understanding of the symbolism, the symbols the LORD is using, the symbolism that the LORD is using on this personality of the woman, this personality of the end time, this woman that now He has spoken to me about at this hour, the greater symbolism, at times in pursuing, in seeking the greater symbol that this woman represents you may lose out on the most important point: What the LORD is saying at this hour.

The LORD is simply saying at this hour, “Look, I have now brought into play this other personality of the end time. I am now speaking with my Servant about the woman that wears this very fine linen, and that is very beautiful in the context of this world.” It looks reddish only to realize scarlet, and purple, and she sits on this beast, which is a huge leopard, another personality then with seven heads and horns–so the key thing is that now the LORD has spoken with me about this then to the church of Christ the Message is clear the Message is not ambiguous, the Message is not hidden the Message is very clear that the LORD is saying that “Look, time is over!”

He is saying, “Look I am now engaging my Servant on the conversation of the other side.”

And most importantly now, the LORD to make everything easier for all, for everyone never to say they never understood, He also shows me the taking away of the church: The rapturing of the church, the gathering of the saints, the snatching away of the saints!

So I think it is very important for the nations and the church of Christ, the pastors, the priesthood, the congregations world over to understand whether this shall represent a spiritual promiscuity, a fallen church that will do things that much I do not want to get involved in; a church that will develop an alliance with these kings and commit adultery with them; I do not want to go into that because then we lose out on other people sometimes in describing this. The lowly people that may see it as too complicated to

I am saying that whether the symbolism that will come forth is that this woman will be the fallen church that commits adultery with several kings of this world, and compromise and fight, fight against God’s own true church, a form of global church that will fight God’s true holy people, the true saints of God, God’s true church that much I do not want to go into. But what I want to go into is that now and before the taking away. Because you can see now the LORD again speaks about the snatching away of the church. And I think that is where the focus should be that when they are taken up–He lifts me I feel the lift off that they feel. Because I see the earth tilt as though you were in a runway and the plane takes off, and immediately you take off like this and the pilot begins to turn the plane to pick his bearing on his flight path. And then normally you see as though the land is coming above you slightly tilting like this.

So He makes me feel the taking way, the snatching away and the lift off of the church. And then He shows me the Person of the Holy Spirit, God the Holy Spirit as being the major, major instrument, the major force, enabling power that snatchers away the church. And so the nations need to prepare because really, really time has gone, time is over! And those who are wise will understand that there has been a relentless conversation, a non-ending conversation the LORD has engaged His Servant on over time, again, and again, repeatedly about the coming of the Messiah!

It is very, very important at this hour that in whatever activity the church gets involved in the church should now center and make priority on the instruments the requirements, the major standards, and benchmarks that the LORD has set up over these entire conversations from when this ministry had begun. The benchmarks, the important features of preparing: that is repentance, the zero tolerance to sin, the returning to righteousness, the returning to holiness, the upholding of holy Christian living, the purging of sin, decay, apostasy, lies, deception. And the establishing of righteousness, the crystallizing of righteousness into the lives of the Christian, which of course I have said comes with an active, open, intentional, and deliberate rejection of wickedness and sin.

That now the church may prepare and not be caught up in a quagmire, in a situation where she has to grapple with the beast–that is a huge leopard I have seen and seven heads and has horns, and this woman is that is very seductive, very sly, and very deceptive and that draws the multitudes to be destroyed even though she too is destined for destruction. But you can see that her agenda is to execute the agenda of the devil, evil, to be able to extinguish the holy people of God, the true church of Christ. Again, the key word there is “true”. The true church of Christ, the holy people of God.

It is going to be critical at this hour that you understand that she comes to persecute. She comes to persecute the church. She comes with a, you see, a drunkenness, you know? She is drunk with the blood of the saints, you see? That is a very important scripture that really underscores this entire conversation the LORD is bringing forth. And that scripture is in Revelation 17:6. In verse six (6) He says, if I begin from four (4),

The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.

But that is amazing because in that vision, at one point she appears on my left hand side as though at the window, a reception window, and I see her preparing some things and putting them in a cup, which I though was glittering. I almost thought it was glass, but it is a glittering cup. And I thought she was putting in flour, but now I understand what she was preparing in that cup. Hmm?

She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.

5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery:


He goes on to say now verse 6, which is most important for you.

6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

So when you read that verse it tells you that it will be an intolerable time. This woman comes in to operate at an intolerable time, at a time when there is zero tolerance to God’s holy people bearing testimony for Jesus, worshipping Jesus, reading the Words of Jesus in the Bible, executing the agenda, the great commission of Jesus upon their lives. And these people will be killed.

This is what he is talking about here because I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, and the blood of those who bore testimony unto Jesus. Even worshipping Jesus is bearing testimony unto Him. Preaching Jesus is bearing testimony unto Him. You can see that they have been persecuted and she has killed them. She has brought them to death. The devil uses her, the beast, the beast uses her to execute that agenda.

And that is why in terms of the prophetic time line then you see that you as a believer and a Christian you do not want to find yourself in this time when you have to be beheaded, your blood has to flow, you have to be killed for actually worshipping Jesus. So now that we are still worshipping Jesus then you know that the church is still bearing testimony, the true testimony of Jesus. But He is saying in this vision that He is speaking with me for four(4) days now He is clearly saying that a time is coming when it will not be possible to worship Jesus.

But He is also saying that the true holy church of Christ will have been taken and then for anybody that will remain as part of the true holy church that did not go up, whose name was not written, you see, in the book. So anybody that will remain, and then begin to profess and confess true Christianity after that taking away of the church will have to face this woman, will be persecuted by this woman.

I have seen the Coming of the Messiah. I have seen the taking away of the church of Christ. And now the LORD speaks about events after the church is taken up. That is essentially what the LORD is speaking here.

The LORD is speaking about events of persecution where there will be no worship. Because when the church is here she will continue to worship. But then He is saying that within the great abuse that will take place, the great tribulation that will take place, He is saying that at that time there will be a lot of tremendous difficulty in people to worship Jesus. It will be very difficult to worship Jesus. There will be a lot of persecution and bloodshed. People will die they will be killed. Those that will worship Jesus will be killed. Of course, we see little rudiments of that picking up right now on the earth where there is zero tolerance to a holy Christian living.

The laws on homosexuality are being established almost across the earth as the order of this day.

Holy living is thrown out of the window. Christians have compromised and name it. He is saying that in this vision, in a summary, that the church needs to prepare and prepare now! And prepare well, and be absolutely holy, and be absolutely righteous and that the church needs to turn away from this decay of the love of money, the compromise with apostasy, lies, deception, malpractice. The pulpit now needs to get its act together that they need now to live that true Christianity for which they were commissioned at the Cross upon which Jesus was crucified and resurrected. That the true religion of the Cross and the Blood is the Message of Repentance that ought to have been–again, like I said–to have been engrained in her salvation, crystallized, the fiber of her salvation, crystallized into the salvation of the present Christian.

Because now the LORD is speaking to His Servant, and the Servant is speaking with Him now about the events when the church is taken, already. He is speaking about the taking of the church.  And I think that is the most important take-away Message today. That the Man of God is saying, “He has seen the LORD take away the church, and he has seen the Glory of the LORD take away the church.”

In the book of Matthew 11:9-10 I am now reading and He says the following:

10 This is the one about whom it is written:

“‘I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way before you.’

And when you go into the book of Isaiah 40:1-5 this is what you find, but verse three (3) is going to be our target.

Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.
2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her
that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for,
that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.

Verse three is the target here.

3 A voice of one calling:
“In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord;
make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
4 Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.
5 And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.

For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

Now it is very important to understand; that the entire earth that all the nations to understand; for the entire church of Christ, for all the church of Christ globally to understand that the Messiah is Coming, and John the Baptist has spoken with me about the Coming of the Messiah the Precious, Glorious, Mighty Lamb of God, and that the mouth of the LORD has indeed spoken today.

Prophecy on the Release of the Beast and the Harlot: June 3rd, 2016 by Mighty Prophet Dr. David Owuor!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, June 3rd, 2016!

Praise the LORD blessed people. The LORD has spoken with me, the LORD Jehovah, the Creator of Israel. The LORD that spoke to me in a dream and in that dream HE said, “Yes, Jerusalem is the center of the earth.” The LORD, the King of Zion, Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah El Olam, the Creator of all the Universe, all the stars, their constellations and arrangements, how they position themselves; the One that gives them light and their life, the Creator of all man, the earth and its fullness thereof. The Creator of the church, and all humanity. The One that has created all the nations, their kingdoms, their thrones, their dominions. He has spoken with me. He spoke with me yesterday on June 2nd, the second of June, the year 2016. And in this conversation, the LORD has spoken with me about the events of the end, the end when time will have finally begun to surrender as we can see now. Again, the events that demarcate the end of time; when time as we can see is slowly surrendering until time will come to a stop. The events of the coming of the MESSIAH.

And this mighty conversation with the LORD, the LORD Jehovah, the GOD of Heaven, on June 2nd, 2016, He brought me to a place and at that place He presented to me a beast, a very strange beast, a very unique beast, a very, very scary beast, a fearful beast to behold. That beast was in the form of a huge leopard, a huge leopard. He is almost light cream, whitish light, light creamyish yellowish in color. That beast has many heads. I saw that the beast had seven heads and also some horns. Then while I was still looking at this beast, this very difficult beast, very unusual, unique, scary, something very worrisome to look at, fearful to look at, huge beast, a huge leopard, but with seven heads. And then while I was still looking at this beast, from where I was, the LORD had levitated me, lifted me above, I was looking at this beast and I knew that I’m suppose to attack this beast and kill it. Where I was, I knew that I had capacity, the LORD had given me power and capacity to attack this beast and totally destroy it.

But while I was still looking, raised above, where the LORD had lifted me up and I was looking at the beast down there. Then all of a sudden, I saw this woman that came and sat on the beast. There is this woman that appeared and sat on the beast. The beast that looks like a huge leopard, huge, huge, but with seven heads and now this woman sat on the beast. And in that dream I could not understand, I was like, why is she sitting on the beast? And she played with the beast a little bit. The beast raised his hand, his hands and touched her hand like they greet each other, she took the hand, the beast touched her, her hand touched, they greet each other, she took the hand, the beast and his claw touch her, not her not hurting her, but they knew each other, they were playing.

This woman sat on the beast. And then after awhile the LORD allowed me now to confront the two. So He brought that woman and the beast very close to me and that woman she has dark hair, long dark hair. She has stretched it and polished it very fine, very fine like with oil so it is very shining, glittering, glossy and flowing down her back, straight like this, but falls back on the head like this, long hair, dark hair. She has dark hair and a slim face.

She is a slim woman. And so the LORD sends me to confront her with the beast. And that woman is very seductive. Then I see that woman seducing men and I see them going into a lot of sexual immorality in bathrooms, and then I see they are asking “where is the bathroom the larger bathroom”. And then she is showing them going to bathrooms, so they are going into sexual orgies and sexual sin. She is going into a lot of sexual sin with people, and they are looking for a presidential suite, big suites, the presidential suites of the hotels. So this looked more like very serious dignitaries also.

So I see these things happen. I see her going into a lot of sexual immorality with a lot of people and she is very seductive. So she is walking with people and she is also targeting the church.  So I see that her main target is also the church because she could win them. I see she is targeting them, but I see senior people, so she is having sexual immorality with them in hotel rooms in places. I saw that, the wealthy people, I see some very wealthy people involved. She was having sexual immorality with them people that own aircrafts, name it, because I see one of them take off with an aircraft.

And then come today, June 3rd, 2016, the LORD now speaks with me again about this woman and the beast, sitting on the beast. A huge leopard, very huge, with very scary eyes and teeth, and seven heads, and she sits and they have horns.

So she sits on that beast, and then today again, I see how she is defiling the church. Today she attacked the church and she had many pastors sleep with her. They are sleeping with her.  The LORD showed me how they are sleeping with her, there are many servants of the LORD. She is attacking the church now. This is what the LORD has shown me on this two days.

So the Messiah is Coming and the woman, the harlot, that you see in the book of Revelation 17:1, and Revelation 18:1 finally she is coming. Finally she is here. The Messiah is Coming.  These are the events that mark the end of time when time will have finally surrendered. They mark the Coming of the Messiah and the end of time. Those who have ears may you prepare for the Coming of the LORD and keep away from sexual sin! Keep away from sin. Keep away from wickedness, sexual immorality. I have seen the beast with seven (7) heads. For these two past nights the LORD made me encounter this beast: seven (7) heads, a huge leopard, and on this beast sits this woman the harlot of Revelation 17:1 and Revelation 18:1, and I encounter her, and a severe conflict, of course, ensues, which I am not discussing here.

But most importantly is that this moment is here too. This is the Prophecy the LORD is  speaking to the nations of the earth, to the four ends of the earth today; that time is quickly winding down, and the Messiah is on His way coming. Prepare and be away from especially sexual sin, and all other sin and lies, and perversion. The LORD, the King, the King of Glory is coming. My Master, my LORD and my Savior is coming, and this is a Message from God the Father that I am speaking to the four ends of the earth.

This is he about whom it was written in the bible, “that before that Day of reckoning, the dreadful Day of the LORD, I shall send my Messenger ahead of you to prepare your way.”

God the Father promising Christ the King that He will send he that speaks with you today. To see these things, and announce these things to the nations and prepare the way across the earth, globally, for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah!

Shalom, shalom, the LORD bless those that have ears, circumcised ears that can listen to these words and obey them these words. Remember listening and obeying are two different things. Listening and obeying to prepare for the Coming of the Messiah; they are the ones that have been invited to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb in Heaven: Blessed are they.

Shalom, shalom, Todah Erev Tov!


Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, May 30th, 2016!

Ok now, this is the leading of the LORD, now. The LORD is going to cause me to call a National Day of Repentance in this country. There will be a National Day of Repentance in this country. Why? Because whenever the LORD speaks and commands repentance, a National Day of Repentance, it must be obeyed.

The LORD is not man. He is not a human being. Kenya is the one that must bow down and worship the LORD. The LORD cannot bow down and worship Kenya. Kenya was created by the LORD with all the people in the country: they were all created by Jehovah.

There must be a beginning for turning away from sin; the sin and wickedness that might destroy them in the coming election. So there is going to be a National Day of Repentance  that will be observed in this country. I’m going to call for one day when everybody is going to assemble at Uhuru Park. That they may repent before the LORD Jehovah in the name of Jesus, the Mighty, Mighty NAME of JESUS. Not any other God!  I’m talking about CHRIST JESUS the LORD and repenting to JEHOVAH, the Mighty God of Israel, the Creator of Kenya; only He created Kenya, no other God created Kenya.

So there is going to be a special day that will be announced after the Nakuru Meeting, after the big Nakuru Meeting there is going to be a special day that is going to be announced before the general elections. Where everybody will observe three days of prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting and separating out for the LORD and then culminating into one last day of observing a sacred assembly.

In that meeting everybody will be present to repent and turn away from sin that the LORD may save this country to turn away from the wickedness that you see brewing in the country. That everybody may repent back to the LORD. That the LORD may save the nation of Kenya. Only Jehovah is the protector of Kenya. There is no other protector of Kenya. If the LORD does not keep a country, does not protect the land, the watchman all wait in vain. They watch in vain.

So, there is going to be a massive day of National Repentance, a national repentance that will be observed after the Nakuru Meeting, before the next general election where everybody plus all the leaders will be assembled that they may go down on their knees and bellies and repent unto the LORD and to remember the land. To make sure that peace in this land is preserved, sustained. That is what the LORD has led on this day. That is the counsel and the leading of the LORD. That is what He has lead into your lives today.

And so the mourning, the prayer, and mourning will continue, but now people can disengage and it will take place in Sunday across this land. Over thirty million (30,000,000) people across the country this coming Sunday will be in their churches: they will be repenting in their sackcloth before the LORD. This coming Sunday will be dedicated to that repentance, but there will be a national repentance before 2017 comes. That is the leadership and the leading of the LORD.

Whenever the LORD speaks it is beautiful to obey! And in the process the LORD the Protector and Creator of Kenya will be able now to deliver Kenya. And this land will fear God, respect God, honor God, love God Almighty. His name is Jehovah the God of Israel. There is no other God except Jehovah the God of Israel. And Christ Jesus is the redeemer and Savior of man. So He alone will redeem Kenya, now. And I am His Servant.

The LORD Bless you all. You can now disengage from your churches and go back home. And those who were fasting you can now break your fast tonight. Tonight you can now disengage and break your fasts as you wait for Sunday. Sunday will be a day of total repentance across all the churches in this country.

Those who do not want to repent, up to them, up to them, it is up to you. But the God fearing, we don’t know how many, maybe thirty million (30,000,000) people in this country will be bowed down and be repenting this coming Sunday that the LORD may have mercy on this land. That is the leading and the leadership of the LORD; it is the counsel of Jehovah that I have spoken to you today.

Shalom, Shalom, Shalom Cheverim, Todah Rabah, Erev Tov.


Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, May 25th, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with Me, the Lord Jehovah, the Creator of the universe has spoken with me. I want to bring this to the attention of the church that the LORD has had a series of conversations with me; and in the conversations that the LORD has had with me there are several conversations.

Number one (1);
The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me about the Meeting that is coming up in Durban, South Africa. And in that conversation, the LORD took me into the conference, and there is a big conference that takes place there. And I see as I’m standing to talk to them they were seated–probably more than a thousand (1,000) or more so pastors, probably two thousand (2,000) or so–I see grass that is growing between them, grass. The weed grass growing between them, grass, grass growing between them rather. Like when one plants wheat and the weeds grow, the tares grow to confuse the wheat. And as I was standing to minister to the pastors, I could see a lot of grass has grown, as they sat down between them, a lot of grass had grown.

Then when the LORD led me to begin to minister to them, to minister again, then the words I spoke began to mow down the grass, to mow it down to the point at which now all the grass and the weed was totally destroyed and only the pastors remaining seated in that wonderful Conference of Pastors in South Africa. So I have seen the House of the LORD in South Africa, in Durban, and in the nation of South Africa. I also saw that the pastors were walking out: beautiful House of the LORD, built of brick, something like brick, reddish brick, reddish brown.

Using a remote in the hand like this (prophetic demonstration) I could see that the door, the two doors, the double arch doors are able to close by themselves. Also, I could see the curtain. There is a curtain that closes, but it is a black curtain, it is black. So the curtain that closes is black.

So the LORD has raised and highlighted these things, these elements of the House of the LORD to me.

Again, I see that the LORD brings me to the House of the LORD in South Africa, in the nation of South Africa. Then I see a humongous conference of pastors, in fact there is almost nowhere to sit, large numbers. I see a walkway like this (prophetic demonstration) that is coming between the pastors sitting this side and sitting this other side. I see someone with a TV camera on the shoulder recording this. I already see the events. Then I see grass growing between the pastors as they were sitting, and then the door, the double arch door, beautiful door by remote. You press the remote, the LORD gave the remote to me, I pressed it, and the two doors closed beautifully. The two doors will close beautifully. Then there is a curtain that also closes by remote. Then I found out that this curtain is very black. It is a black curtain so that became one of the issues the LORD is raising unto this hour regarding the condition of the church in South Africa. A very big issue the LORD is raising now. So those are the elements that the LORD Jehovah has raised right now regarding the House of the LORD in South Africa, in Durban.

As I begin to minister, then the grass is somehow mowed by the words of the Servant of the LORD, mowed away. Then the pastors remain sitting. Now the church is cleaned up. Now I could see them clearly, and so these are the elements that the LORD has raised regarding the House of Jehovah, the House of the LORD in South Africa.

In other words, the LORD is saying that there is work that is going to take when he brings me to the nation of South Africa, tremendous work of cleaning up the House of the LORD which means that there is defilement and apostasy that is established inside the House of the LORD in South Africa.

The LORD is sending me on, sending me up, and sending me on a very major clean up mission that the church of Christ in South Africa may also begin the process–be restored–begin the process of restoration that the LORD may clean up the sin that is in the House; that grass that grows is a lot of sin. The sin that has entered in the House and it is ranging from the sin of doctrinal error, the error of doctrine they are teaching. They are teaching another doctrine, a totally other doctrine. They are teaching totally another gospel, another doctrine: It is called the doctrinal error of the day whereby some of them even go ahead and say that “Don’t worry, the rapture will not happen now.” “Don’t worry, those who will be taken up into Heaven are the weak ones who can not survive here, but the church will remain.”

They have a kind of a funny gospel also so that is why I am going to South Africa. That grass that is growing is also part of the doctrinal error that has entered the church, doctrinal mistake that has entered the church of Christ in South Africa. It is the apostasy of sexual sin in the House. It is the gospel of prosperity. It is immorality in the church. It is the many, many, many many, false apostles that you see roving and ranging freely across the nation of South Africa. It is the many, many, many, many false prophets that you see defiling the Bride of Christ in South Africa, the church.

There is sin that the LORD is highlighting here in the church, and He is talking about the sin that had been incorporated into Christian living, Christian life in South Africa. And that is why you see, as He brings me to the House, the House of the LORD then the first thing He raises is this grass that begins to grow as the pastors are seated. The grass begins to grow between them, between them, within them, between them, and cover them, it grows very high.

But then when the LORD begins to minister using His Servant then the grass is mowed and there is a cleaning up of the House of the LORD, in South Africa.

So that is the good news that if they will be able to hearken to the Message to the Words of the Mighty Servant of the LORD, the LORD will bring restoration to them and then revival; that is the restoration revival, restoration, renovation of the image of the church, resuscitation of the heart of the church. The renewal of the gospel of the Blood and the Cross back to the church that is the Message that the LORD is highlighting right now regarding the nation of South Africa, and the condition of the church.

Number 2 (two);

And then after that the second conversation, the LORD now speaks with me about the healing service. It is a very huge meeting. I don’t know how it looks like a hill or it is a place people are sitting up above like this (prophetic demonstration) goes down like this, or a hill like this or sitting: people are standing or sitting. Then goes up in waves like this (prophetic demonstration) this is a small mound a small hill. It is full, very, very, very full: there is a huge meeting. A very huge meeting that takes place there.

Then I see this young…it looks like a boy, a black boy (because South Africa has all the races). It is a black boy, a young boy. I think…I do not know whether he had wounds all over his body and the head. Then the LORD healed this boy, the wounds dry up. And then there is a baby also that is healed. A very young baby, still very young, the mother is holding the baby is also healed. This white thing that pours–I don’t know what it is–that pours as the mother is trying to get the baby. Yes, something white pours I thought was milk, pours. Maybe at that time milk would pour from the baby’s container, the feeding container, the plastic probably. But anyhow, there is a tremendous healing service ahead of us here.

And so the LORD is talking about the big visitation that will come to the nation of South Africa, and the beginning of the conversation about that visitation is now. This is when He is beginning to talk about that visitation that is coming to South Africa. First of all how He is going to clean up the pulpit so that He may bring correction to the doctrinal error, the erroneous message that they are teaching; the message of prosperity that is so much in South Africa. And then after that the LORD is saying that He will open ways for His visitation, His Holy Visitation once the people embrace righteousness, and holiness that He requires of the church at this hour.

So I have seen a very major visitation of the LORD. He is going to bring correction to the church and then He is going to bring a very, very massive healing. Many, many people gathered there, a lot of people are going to be healed. That means that the cripples will get up and walk, the deaf will hear, the mute will speak, the paralytics will walk, spinal cord injuries will be healed, broken back healed, broken knees healed, crushed knees, hips, broken hips, the spine that was injured, wounds will dry up, all kinds of conditions, blocked wombs, cancers, leukemia, all the blood conditions, HIV, hepatitis…

So the LORD is coming to visit South Africa in a mighty way. And He says in this visitation there is going to be first of all the cleaning up of the pulpit, the cleaning up of the church of South Africa. I do not know why the doors to the House close. Why the doors close with a remote. And the black curtain covers so that means the House of the LORD right now is closed. And so the LORD is coming to open up and remove that black curtain, because black stands for sin.

So the LORD is coming to visit South Africa and He is saying that this is the hour for the House of the LORD, the hour for the pastors in South Africa, it is the hour for the ministers of the Gospel, in South Africa, that the LORD may give such a wonderful refreshing at this hour. The renewal that will now redirect them back to righteousness and holiness. That in this process they may take up their assigned duty of preparing the nation of South Africa for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah!

He is going to show forth the powers of the coming Kingdom; the powers of righteousness, the powers of holiness. He will bring forth that very unmistakable message that righteousness has power at this hour, that holiness has power at this hour. that this is the hour to prepare a garment of righteousness an enter into the Kingdom of Jehovah, the Kingdom of the Messiah, the Kingdom of the Gospel, the Kingdom of the Christ that is near.

All these things will take place in South Africa. So a very big conversation regarding South Africa and the church has just begun, has just commenced.

The other nations, it is my prayer that again like Uganda came here last week and their  tremendous three days of refreshing and renewal and redirecting, reprogramming, reconstruction. They went back with a central theme of righteousness, and holiness. They went back rejubilated, refreshed, and renewed, and so much zealed up, so went much zeal. So shall it be in South Africa, so should it be with other nations. This should be the longing of all other nations that they too may get such a sacred moment with the LORD. What I call the quality time with the Spirit of the LORD that He may renew them, renew their salvation, renew their Christian lifestyle, renew their gospel, renew their anointing, renew their direction, and renew their destiny also. That now they may bear towards the eternity, the eternal Kingdom of God.

These are the words of our God Almighty, and He has spoken about South Africa. Those who have ears may they prepare because I have seen the coming of the Messiah.

Shalom, Shalom, Todah Rabah, Erev Tov.


Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, May 12th, 2016!

The LORD Jehovah has spoken with me on this day. The LORD, the God of Heaven, the Creator of Israel. I want to make this announcement even unto the nations of the earth that in the book of 1 Samuel 1:6, we see the LORD, the LORD of Hosts, Jehovah Sabaoth, the Great God of Israel, the Blessed One of Israel, He has spoken with me.

In this conversation, the LORD has spoken with me about the massive, big revival service that will take place in South Africa. The LORD has now shown me the meeting that will take place in South Africa. There is a meeting that will take place in South Africa this coming month, and the LORD has spoken with me about that meeting.

In this conversation about this meeting in Durbin, South Africa, the LORD took me
there already in the Spirit and I saw the service. There is a conference that takes place, a very, very mighty conference of pastors and ministers of the gospel, a huge conference, a big conference, an historic conference takes place in South Africa. Now–for the first time in this major move of God, the move that is bringing restoration and repair to the church, renovation and rehabilitation to the pulpit and the House of the LORD–so, finally the LORD of Hosts has released His heavenly hosts, heavenly emissaries, a strong delegation of His Visitation towards South Africa.

What a tremendous time to be a Christian in, because in this conversation about the Mighty, Mighty Revival Service, the beginning of Revival, the inaugural services of revival that will visit South Africa, the LORD took me there in the Spirit and while there the LORD showed me the worship team.

I see the worship team wearing purple, the gowns I see, like purple collars, I see purple on the worship gowns, and as the Man of God walked, the LORD brought His Servant into the Healing Service, he walked into the tremendous historic healing anointing of Jehovah, the healing anointing of the precious Holy Spirit, Who is the Cornerstone of Zion, the Might Holy Spirit, my one and only friend.

The Man of God, the Mighty Prophet of Jehovah, when he walks in, he walked and the tremendous anointing…I see him walk towards the worship team and I see this Massive Visitation, the LORD touches the worship team; the power, the glory of the LORD departs from him and touches the worship team. I think this is one of the ladies touched, and quite a few are touched as he walks towards them the massive glory of Heaven, the glory of Jehovah YHWH, El Shaddai, the All Sufficient God that we read about in Genesis 17 from verse one on. The Creator, Elohim, His massive anointing and glory leaves the Mighty Servant and touches the worship team and brings healing there.

I see a lady there, she looks more like a white lady, with a baby whose head is round and has a problem, I see that also. I see a big healing that takes place now as that happens a massive Visitation that takes place. The LORD begins to heal all kinds of diseases under the sun in that healing service. Again, I see a very mighty, tremendous visitation of the LORD that is coming to visit, and visit the nation of South Africa.

For a long time I have been praying for South Africa. I have been praying for the states of South Africa, the cities of South Africa, always praying that the LORD may open such a tremendous window in Heaven and bring the much needed reprieve in the church: the visitation of restoration, the visitation of revival to resuscitate the church because of the hour we are in, the minute we are in, the time we live in.

So I see that now the God of Heaven has listened and He has decided that the time to visit South Africa is now. In this visitation the LORD will bring forth a massive, mighty message of the return to Righteousness, the establishment of Holiness back to the Altar of the LORD and He will bring a rebuke.

The LORD is going to rebuke this gospel of prosperity. The gospel that seems to accommodate sin and lies, the gospel that appears to say that it is well to be in sin as long as you pay your way, pay your church, you pay your pastor…it is well. That type of gospel, the LORD is going to engage the church on bringing redress and recourse on that in the church.

The LORD is going to be very strict in His bearing on the matters of Repentance that the nation of South Africa may also enjoy this very mighty, tremendous, glorious, wonderful revival of repentance, when nations deliberately decide to return to righteousness, decide to return to holiness, decide to take an intentional position against sin, decide to take a posture of zero tolerance to sin, the deliberate preparation of nation and church, the Church of Christ, the body of Christ, for the glorious Coming for the King, the Messiah our LORD. My LORD my Savior and my Master, my Sender.

There is going to be this very wonderful engagement between Heaven and the church, in South Africa. South Africa, there is no doubt, is a very instrumental nation on this continent of Africa, and globally too. So one can only imagine what the impact of this will be. How it will reverberate, it will throb from South Africa once South Africa embraces this revival of repentance and the return to righteousness the return to holiness.

The Bible says in Hebrews 12:14. “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and also to be holy; for without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Nobody will see the Kingdom of God, nobody will see the eternity of joy and peace in Heaven. This becomes a very instrumental and watershed moment for South Africa, the church in South Africa, the nation of South Africa; that the discussion and conversation about the entry of nation of South Africa into the eternity of God are going to be launched, they are going to be laid bare. There is going to be that engagement between the LORD and the church; and the re-centering, entrenching of righteousness and holiness at the pulpit.

In other words, the LORD is saying that He will engage the pastors, the shepherds, the ministers of the gospel because they have the key to revival that when they embrace this then the revival will enter the House and the Land. I have seen that engagement. I have seen a big conference, a very massive conference that takes place in South Africa, in the city of Durbin. And then, I see the massive healing service that takes place in South Africa. Considering the massive wave, the big wave, the mega wave of the LORD that has been sweeping the nations, the wave of repentance and holiness, the opening of Heaven, I see a fresh anointing.

Again, I see this morning the LORD showed me a fresh anointing that will be visiting South Africa when the Mighty Servant of the LORD walks into that meeting. A very fresh anointing, a newer anointing, a latter anointing, a more massive anointing, a tremendous anointing, almost sounds like a violent anointing that one that comes to reorganize order, to deconstruct and reconstruct a new order into the church. I saw that this morning.

The LORD is saying that these are the days it is so blessed to choose righteousness and holiness; it so powerful and miraculously wonderful for one to prepare by walking a holier life, and that all this wonderfulness and blessedness is coming to visit South Africa now!

The Messiah is Coming. Many nations are preparing. I know that Mexico is preparing. I know that French Guiana is preparing. I know that South Korea is preparing. I know that many nations in the list of nations that the LORD is sending me to, but for now the LORD is saying that even as He prepares to visit South Africa in such a massive way let all the other nations fast, may they fast and hunger for this visitation.

Remember, the Bible in Matthew 5:13-14, He says you are the salt of the earth, referring to the church. Remember that when you are the salt of the earth, salt when it is eaten causes fast, salt seasons, salt preserves. So the LORD was essentially saying that the earth is full of heaps and heaps of lies, deception, wickedness, unrighteousness, ungodliness, heathenism and all these kinds of perversions that are all over the world: homosexuality, name it. And He is saying that this is the hour at which the salt of the earth, that is the church, ought to be busy purifying those heaps and bringing out worship, and bringing out the children of God, the sons and daughters of the LORD.

He is saying that out of the act, that is the salt of the earth, the church, there has to be a greater hunger that when the nations will watch the salting of the church in South Africa they have greater thirst. Salt creates thirst–they would be thirstier, also thirsty for this visitation. I mentioned French Guiana, I mentioned Mexico, I mentioned South Korea, and many other nations must now thirst for this tremendous visitation of the open Heaven that the LORD is bringing to the church.

The Messiah is Coming! I have seen the Coming of the Messiah. I have seen the blessed, beloved Coming of the Messiah. The Messiah is Coming. May those who have ears indeed listen and hearken unto the words of the LORD, and turn away from sin, deliberately turn away from sin, repent and walk a holier life and choose separation, and live a separated Christian life that they too may salt up this earth that when the Messiah comes He may find a people prepared unto the LORD.

Shalom, Shalom Chaverim, Shalom, Todah Rabah!

May 10th, 2016, Announcement and Prophecy, Super Grand Mega Revival Coming (#1) to Nakuru, Kenya, Prophet Dr. Owuor!

Prophesied live via Jesusislordradio.info by Prophet Dr. Owuor, Mighty Prophet of the LORD!

The LORD has spoken with me, the LORD Jehovah has spoken with me about the mega, the super mega, this is the mother of all grand mega meetings that will take place in Nakuru, coming this August (2016). Again, the LORD Jehovah YHWH, Jehovah El Olam, Elohim, Jehovah Hosenu, He has spoken with me about the Grand Mega Revival Meeting. This is the mother, super mega, revival meeting that will take place in this land; that has even taken place on the face of the earth; the meeting that is to take place in Nakuru this year, in the month of August.

This will be a very big revival meeting like we have never seen before. I see a lot of big healings that will take place there. The LORD has been spending the greater part of today ministering to me, speaking to me about those healings that will take place in Nakuru, in the super mega, super grand mega meeting of the LORD in Nakuru. I see many, many, many cripples get up and walk: young, old, children born crippled, many, many types of cripples get up and walk as the LORD brings His Mighty Servant, the Mighty to the gates of the field then Heaven opens there, and many, many cripples get up and walk.

Many, many blind, those born blind and totally in darkness their eyes open. Many mature blind, those who have lived their life blind, those who were born blind, those who are babies: three (3) years, five (5) years, seven (7) years all blind, I see their eyes opened in a massive visitation of historic proportions.

Then I see many, many lame; their legs stretched and strengthened, the weak legs in a shocking phenomenon because some of them will be seen. It will happen in the eyes of their relatives, the eyes of the camera, many legs that were stretched, strengthened and step down and be able to walk finally.

I see, also, many deaf that will hear, a large number of deaf from the schools of the deaf, many dumb that will speak, many paralytics that will get up and walk; they will be loosened and strengthened so that they can raise their hands, they can raise their legs, and they can walk now; those who have suffered stroke, spinal cord injuries that will be healed and fully restored; I see them there: broken backs, broken spines, broken necks, broken skulls, broken bones, broken ribs, broken hip joints, all of those I see the LORD will replace with brand new bones, brand new hips.

I see a very massive meeting coming; the wounds dry up, the cancers dry up from the blood, removing leukemia from the blood, the LORD will remove death, the tumors dissolve the cancers will disappear, HIV/AIDS dried from the blood, all blood conditions; diabetes, hypertension, all blood viral conditions like hepatitis. the LORD is coming to sweep them and clean them up and establish the testimony of the Blood of Jesus.

I see peoples wounds, many types of wounds dry, shocking, wounds that have been chronic for many years, peoples whose body have been eaten by wounds and bacteria are instantly dry as the Man of God walks into the field. The LORD is going to do a miracle of creation, creates new things, new organs for people, hands, the LORD is going to do a new thing in Nakuru as has not happened before because we are moving closer to the Coming of the Messiah!

I know that meeting in Nakuru will be the biggest meeting of all. I know that Kisumu was very mega, ninety-two (92) acres; but, Nakuru will be even much more mega. This is going to be the most historic (revival meeting) that is why I called it the “Super Mega”, the “Super Grand Mega” that has ever been held. And owing to what the LORD did in Kisumu you can imagine for yourself how many more millions of people are going to pour into the meeting into Nakuru.

Finally the meeting has come to Nakuru, finally the Visitation of the LORD has been announced in this land, and so this is an official notification that the LORD is coming to visit the land of Kenya, and to visit His church globally from Nakuru. There is going to be a major Visitation of the LORD Jehovah our Creator, in Nakuru. The poor people, the destituted people, the people that were very sick and no hope: crippled on the ground, sitting on the dust and can not get up, lying on the dust, lying on the mattress, the deaf, the mute, all those who are destitute now will have hope, because the LORD Jehovah, their Creator, Himself is coming to restore them unto Himself.

These visitations will also be the sign that again the Latter Glory of the LORD is here; the Messenger about whom it is written that He will send His Messenger ahead of the LORD to Prepare the Way for His Coming, to Announce the Way of His Coming is here; and also to affirm that surely, yes, the Messiah the King of Glory, He is Coming back: the Messiah my LORD, the Messiah my Redeemer and your Redeemer is coming: the Redeemer of the Nations.

There is going to be an Historic Visitation in Nakuru, and I see when I am walking in that meeting–today the LORD made me walk to that meeting– I see the glory depart from the Man of God and touch the people, the worship, touch them, touch them, this massive, massive glory.

May the LORD be blessed! Shalom!

May 1st, 2016, Tremendous Healing Service Coming to South Africa, Prophet Dr. Owuor!

by Might Prophet Dr. David Owuor, live via www.Jesusislordradio.info, May 1st, 2016.

The LORD has spoken with me, the LORD Jehovah He spoke with me yesterday, at night. In that conversation the LORD spoke with me about a meeting that is coming up. There is a healing service that is coming up and when I look at my calendar this healing service takes place in South Africa. I see a tremendous healing, in fact a large number of people healed in South Africa. I see they have come to the Altar. I see the person that is recording with the cameras at one position there, and the cripples walk, the blind see…a situation there. there are many that have been healed. They have come to the Altar now, and those that have walked.

I see a little boy, I think it is a boy about twelve (12) or so, wearing probably white, or cream or yellowish shirt, and so forth. So there are people who are healed. The LORD has spoken to me about a big visitation that is coming up to South Africa when He does send His Servant there for a major revival. Also, to announce the Coming of the Messiah, and that the moment for the church to repent and turn away from the decay of apostasy and sin has arrived; that also the moment for the church to pursue righteousness and holiness has arrived. And then at the same time now the LORD opened Heaven there.

I see a tremendous healing service there. Then at one point I kneel down, I see myself kneeling down and almost put my head on the floor I cry when I look at them; many that have been healed: the cripples are walking the blind eyes that are now seeing. It was so overwhelming the Man of God that the Servant of the LORD had to put his knees down and put his head down almost on the carpet and cry. He wept when he looked at how the LORD had removed these people from a bad place, from desperation, from rejection from a world of darkness, from the dust.

So I see a big visitation of the LORD that is coming to South Africa; that means the LORD is
going to open Heaven over that land that they too may be recruited and join this tremendous move of God; the move of preparing the way for the glorious Coming of the Messiah! So this is a very big visitation that the LORD has shown me that is coming and that is why I bless the nation of South Africa now, because it is long overdue. The meeting that is coming to South Africa next month is going to the inaugural meeting, but it is my prayer and belief that it will ignite a continuous revival that will continue to restore the church to prepare the nation for the coming of the King.

Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah El Olam, the God of Israel, Jehovah Mekoddishkem, Jehovah Elohenu, He is going to visit that nation and give them the opportunity also to prepare for the Coming of the that very, very important, glorious day: The Day of the Coming of the LORD! And so, it is ours to confirm, it is ours to obey, it is ours to reorganize our lives and salvation in tandem, in step with the requirements of the LORD. It is very important also to understand that this becomes the official announcement of the great love that the LORD has over the nation of South Africa, and in that love the LORD is saying that He is going to open the portals of Heaven to bless that land with the Holy Spirit the doings of the LORD, and so it is that same Holy Spirit again that will help that nation to prepare for the glorious Coming of the LORD!

This is the hour of the Garment, this is the generation of the Garment. The clergy, the pastors these are the priesthood of the Garment and this is also the church of the Garment. The church that prepares and receives the Messiah.

Again, I have seen a tremendous healing service that is going to take place in South Africa. It is going to be overwhelming and I remember in that dream I am overwhelmed already. I have seen myself overwhelmed, as I put my knees down on the Altar, and my head down. there is a bit of the microphone, I change microphones. I have to change microphones before that. I change from one, then I change to another. I have gone a little bit and then I came back this way, over to the side and then I came, I see myself come back to the Altar and then change microphone and then the one I take is mine supposedly for using. It fails to work a bit, but then it works. I see a switch. There is a kind of switch on the side, switch on. Yes, I don’t know why, it looked creamish and then of course the moment when I am overwhelmed when I see the tremendous number of people healed, and I put my knees down at the Altar of the LORD. I put my head down at the Altar and weep; it overwhelms me.

That means it is going to overwhelm that nation, overwhelm the church. It is going to be the beginning of a tremendous End Revival: Revival of the Holy Spirit, Revival of righteousness, Revival of the Blessed One of Israel, the Holy Spirit. The Revival of the return to the Messiah.

For all the other nations that have not yet been visited in this way this is the moment also to travail unto the LORD, to speak to the LORD that every nation may be given this very wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity to partake of the glory, the Cloud of Glory of Jehovah, God the Father.

The other nations, this also acts now as the announcement that time is over, and that he that speaks with you is he about whom it was written “that behold I will send my messenger ahead of you that will prepare your way before the Day of the LORD.” (Mal 3:1, Isa 40:3) May the nations hearken unto the Voice of the LORD and prepare for the glorious coming of the Messiah.

Shalom, Shalom, Todah Rabah, Shalom Chaverim, Shalom!


By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, April 7th, 2016, live Jesusislordradio.info

Praise the LORD Mighty Prophet of the LORD.
Now blessed listeners this is what the LORD has to say. The LORD spoke with me again this past night.  The LORD had a tremendous conversation with HIS Servant this past night, again.  In this conversation, this is a part of the continuing conversation between the LORD and the earth.

In this conversation the LORD, HE took me to a place, and in that place I can see the sea. Then I saw the water from the sea and it began to make inroads, began to flood the land. So I could see clearly what use to be roads from above. The LORD lifted me above the earth so I could see what was roads, what was road has now been flooded, and you can see how the little outlines of the road that are remaining and the fields are flooded.

There’s was a great fear, people were running away. I think it was because the floods had come into the fields, into the cities, and I see people running also, running away. Even a few minutes ago now, as I was making this phone call, the LORD flashed it to me again. I saw a woman that has dyed hair, she’s running, she’s running…the flood…the flood is coming.

And so, the water came from the see and flooded the land. I see in the process, I see the demarcation like small margins of line like this was a road from above…this was road, this was an airport, this was a…so I see a lot of people that have gone now, taken shelter in different places. When I look at the people there I see that they are Israelis.

There are floods coming to Israel. The LORD has previously spoken about the big shaking that is going to take place under the sea…the Mediterranean Sea; the sea that I talked about here.  The big shaking that would take place at the bottom of the sea, on the bedrock of the sea. How the water will tilt this way, tilt this way and pour into the land, and pour back into the ocean, pour back into the sea, and flood the land.

You see very clearly that barely 24 hours after that most recent prophecy I gave, then there was a big drill that took place in Israel…drill, an exercise, a practice on a tsunami, emergency services, and everybody else, Magen David Adom, and all these people running down again how to see how to evacuate people.

But now the LORD has spoken again, now I’ve seen that the floods are now coming. The floods are coming to precious Israel, to blessed Israel. I see that now the water of the sea combined with the land so it flowed…the sea.  The sea did listen to the words of my tongue. The sea now disobeyed the boarders of the land and came out, the sea came out, and the flooding…and I see some people, I see a lot of Israelis in some shelter where they’ve gone to. People fearing that the floods have come up, closed them in, they cannot get to this other side.

I see this other man who was speaking with me. He has just gotten his new shirt, he’s trying to iron his shirt in the new room where he has…the shelter place, to wear this long shirt, which has a design around the waist…it’s a long shirt…a long jacket actually, it’s a long jacket, it has a design around the back coming from the waist like this (prophetic demonstration) toward the center of the back, it goes wider a bit then narrows again towards the waist, near the edge of the waist. I see them there.

So I see floods coming to Israel. I hear them speaking in Hebrew. The LORD took me there and I spoke with them.  I was conversationing with them yesterday in the dream, at night. The LORD is going to shake the bottom of the sea, and then there’s going to be a flood, because now I see the sea has obeyed my words and come out.

But these are very important times because the LORD is saying that HE’s now speaking to Israel from this end. Indeed we all know that for a long time Israel has needed to be spoken to. They’ve waited for somebody to speak to them from Jehovah their GOD.  The LORD is now speaking to Israel that floods are coming: That means time is fast running out.

But the maker of Israel, the GOD of Israel that we worship is now beginning to draw the attention of the Israelites to HIMSELF and to HIS Servant that they may know that HE is speaking to them; that HE has some requirements about this hour. That the Israeli Society that is very secular as you see that now where sexual sin is so rampant…probably one of the most immoral countries I have seen on the entire face of the earth. Where homosexuality is a big thing they have gay parades in Tel Aviv, they have gay rights and all these things, where there is atheism.  I remember very well when I was in Ghana, the LORD took me to the highest mountain on the earth, Himalayas, he showed me the Israelis on top of the mountain worshipping there, worshipping yoga, and other eastern gods sitting on top of the mountain gazing at the sun.  I remember that very well right now.

The LORD is longing to have the Israelites also worship Him. And He is saying that even with the heedlessness, even with the atheism that is so big in Israel where large populations simply don’t believe in God anymore, the LORD is saying that Israel is still the center of the earth, and that His heart is still longing for the Israelites to close back to Him, and that now He is using the Prophet of Israel to speak to Israel from this end; that they also may repent and receive Jesus the LORD, Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua; that when the Messiah comes they too may be part of this wonderful, glorious Kingdom of God.

Again, the LORD Jehovah has spoken with me.  I remember a few days ago,  He spoke with me about checking the sea, the bottom of the sea, the bedrock of the sea. I said, it is not an ocean it is a sea.  And in shaking the bottom of the sea the water would flow (prophetic demonstration) this way, and this way, this way from the sea.  The way it is in a swimming pool when an earthquake hits…it floods out, goes back in and it floods out. I saw that and the floods came. Then we see that slightly more than twenty-four (24) hours after that notice there was a serious drill that took place in Israel on tsunami, tsunami warning, a practice, to practice in case it happens. Now we see that again two days later from that practice the LORD has spoken with me about the massive flood that is coming to Israel.

Surely the LORD loves Israel and is warning Israel to be prepared for this event. But most importantly to collaborate the spiritual crux and know that Israel, even as atheistic as Israel is right now, where the largest percentage of the population simply do not believe in God anymore, the God of Israel, where many young men finish learning, and young women and they rush to eastern seat on Mt. Everest and begin to worship the sun, yoga, and other eastern gods.

The LORD has brought all these things to my attention, and the LORD is saying with all that sexual sin, homosexuality, with all that happening in Israel now that atheism, Israel is still the center of the earth and still the apple of God’s eye now. And that now He is beginning to speak to Israel using the Prophet of Israel, from Kenya, here in Africa now. The Message is clear: That at this time the LORD is asking Israel to remember her first love, to go back to Yeshua, to go back to Jehovah, and that they may prepare for the glorious coming of the glorious Kingdom of God!

Israel has a central place even in the End Time Prophecy of the Bible, and its fulfillment. And that is why now there are floods coming. Finally this past night, the LORD spoke to me about the flood, and I can see the floods pour out , and the sea and the land are now together. I can see the sea, the entire sea there and the water, the whole water and the land there is no demarcation now, which means the sea obeys the Words of my tongue. The sea finally comes out, and you could see the demarcations of the road, “this used to be a road”, a slight little line which used to be an airport. I see Israelis in shelters.

The LORD will protect Israel; however, the LORD wants the Israelites, Israelis, He wants the Jewish people, He wants His first born to return to Him and worship Jesus, and know that He has sent them a Servant and is speaking to Israel from Africa now. The God of Israel is the protector of Israel. There is no greater protector of Israel, the provider and protector of Israel is Jehovah!

And for the rest of the nations of the earth now that the LORD focused His attention on Israel this becomes a very critical moment to understand the spiritual implication: That really time has run out, that the Messiah the LORD, He is coming for the glorious church.

May those who have ears listen to the tremendous words of Jehovah, the Mighty and Great God of Israel, the God of Elijah and Moses!

Shalom Chaverim, Shalom, Shalom. Erev tov!


By Prophet, Dr. David Owuor, April 3rd, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me, the LORD Jehovah the Creator of all the universe, the LORD, the One that has chosen Jerusalem, and made Jerusalem the center of the earth. Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah El Olam has spoken with me.

This past night the LORD took me to a place, and in that sea I see the movement under the bottom of the sea. Again, I see an earthquake that is going to the cause the ocean (sea) to tilt, like this and like this, it is a sea it looks like a sea, tilt like this, like this, like this for the water to pour on this side and pour on this side, come back to this side. There is going to be a serious earthquake under the sea. I do not know whether it is an ocean, but it looks to me like a sea, and that place looks more like Israel.

The LORD takes me to Israel now, and I see that place…that place at which there is going to be an earthquake under the bedrocks of the sea, the bottom of the sea, very specifically, the bottom of the sea. Then there is going to be the tilting of the water, tilting of the water from this side, and the tilting of the water from that side, there is going to be an earthquake under the sea and it is going to shake the water in that sea. The LORD took me to that place, and that place I see now looks like it is Israel.

This is going to happen in Israel, and around there. These are the signs that the LORD, the Messiah our God is coming. And I know that many, many, many people are waiting for His return. And may of those who are faithfully waiting, blessed are you! And those who are preparing also have time now to just be right in holiness and righteousness: to be right with the LORD.

I see, again, an earthquake that is going to happen under the sea, and it is going to shake the water this way, and shake the water that way, and so forth. The LORD, was speaking to me by Voice. He speaks with me by Voice about the water, the shaking as all this happens. I see His hand shake the sea, the bottom of the sea. He says look, “The water will tilt this way, and this way, but will not jump vertically.”  It will simply tilt horizontal this side, this side, and that side. It is going to be a tremendous earthquake, a temblor, a shaking of the bedrocks of the bottom of the sea!

These things are written in the bible. In the book of Matthew 24:7, He talks about the signs of the time, the signs that would announce to us, scream to us, and announce to us, yell to us about the coming of the Messiah having drawn very, very nigh.

I know that there is a global revival now that is picking up this year beginning from Ghana, the whole nation is right now preparing. The government has gotten involved, the ministers of government are involved, heads of denominations have been summoned to this big, big preparation of a national repentance, a national day of repentance.

Nigeria has seen a big visitation, an historic visitation, a very shocking visitation. They are also mobilizing, the movements are beginning. Angola the same thing. And even now as I leave to the Czech Republic, and then the Netherlands–we may not be coming now. The LORD has restrained me, and retained me, and it will come still to the Netherlands, at the timing of the LORD.

South Africa is preparing in earnest, in a big way. And many, many other nations…Mexico is preparing. They are putting together a national organizing team, a big team of senior pastors. In Spanish they call them “Pastoris Principalis“.  And many nations, Costa Rica is waiting for a date, and we are having a meeting this week to discuss Costa Rica, Finland, and Sweden.

So, there is a deliberate, big move you can see vividly, clearly, the physical move to be able to shake in the spiritual realm, and prepare nations for the coming of the Messiah! There is another move that is going to take place in Congo Brazzaville.

This is a big situation, and a big time in the history of the church. So, the LORD by Voice was speaking to me yesterday, and He showed me how His hand is going to shake the bottom of the sea, and the water is going to tilt like this…tilt to the left, tilt, and you know? This is in Israel because I was speaking with them in Hebrew. I was speaking with the people there in Hebrew, hmm? And talking to those people. In the same night, in a different part of the conversation the LORD took me to Mexico and I was talking to the pastors there, and many of them there.

This is a very important time in the history of the church. May the LORD be Blessed!


Prophecy Fulfilled, VIOLENT EARTHQUAKE SHAKES NORTHERN SWEDEN, Prophet Dr. David Ouwor!

Original Prophecy given live in Uppsala, Sweden, August 13th, 2010, Fulfilled March 19th, 2016!

Who is this that walks among us, commands the earth to shake, calls down rain from Heaven, and calls the church to repentance with a terrible prophetic tongue? (Mal 3:1, Mal 4:5)


Prophecy given live in Congo Brazzaville calling for National Repentance of the Church and received by the senior leadership of Congo Brazzaville!

By Mighty Prophet, Dr. David Owuor!

Amen, praise The LORD blessed listeners. Praise The LORD blessed people.

Well, right now we are standing in Brazzaville, in Congo, Brazzaville. And the LORD has spoken with me about this nation and I’ve already passed the message of the LORD to the leadership of this country, the highest leadership of the country that in this land when The LORD brought me here and in the hotel room, I saw a lot of worms and maggots were eating my body. And a lot of them were dropping all over, all over the field; all over everywhere in the houses.

Now that is the same thing I saw in Brazil when I was in Rio de Janeiro, then I went to Sao Paolo and I spoke with the leadership of Brazil. But they did not pay attention and then you saw the Zika virus that came to Brazil. But in this land the top leadership has received me and received this message and now they are going to address it as a national repentance for the church.

The church must now repent and mobilize a national repentance for all the people of this land that they may turn away from sin. The LORD is asking the church, the pastors to stop the money, gospel of money, money, money all the time because this nation is looking for the LORD. The top leadership has accepted to pursue the agenda of The LORD for this very blessed nation. And for that reason alone the LORD will bless this nation in the Mighty Name of JESUS on this very special day today from Congo, Brazzaville here.


THE SHOCKING REPEAT of 1 KINGS 18 in LAGOS, NIGERIA – Prophet Dr. Owuor! Prophecy of the LORD Fulfilled!

These are the DAYS OF ELIJAH, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF GOD! (Malachi 4:5, Isaiah 40:3, Duet 18:18, Amos 3:7, Malachi 3:1)

Prophecy of the LORD: Mega Revival Coming to Lagos, Nigeria! Prophet Dr. Owuor, March 5th, 2016!

By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info March 5th, 2016!  8th Prophecy of Open Heavens, in Nigeria, and church world over! (Deut 11:11-12)

The LORD has spoken with me again. I want your listeners the world over to know
that the LORD Jehovah, the creator of Heaven, the LORD that chose Jerusalem, He
has spoken with me again about the mighty, mighty, mega revival that is coming to

This is also absolutely very shocking to me also at this point in time that the LORD
can have such a relentless, unending conversation about the upcoming glorious
revival meeting in Lagos, Nigeria. There will be the two days’ of Conference of Pastors
and Senior Leadership of the church, and then after that there will be the mighty,
mega grand healing service that will take place in Lagos, Nigeria.  This past night, the LORD Jehovah, the God of Heaven, He took me to that meeting in Nigeria, and, again, He showed me the mighty visitation that will take place there.

This time around he showed me this man. I think he looks like in the middle age or
something, a maturing man, a young man about to mature that was blind. I don’t
know now I see that there are two (2) blind people and the LORD opens both of
their eyes, and then they stretch their hands to greet as in greeting. They opened
the fingers and stretched toward me to greet me. So, they can now see!

It was such a beautiful moment in the Kingdom of God Almighty, in the Kingdom of
Jehovah! It became the biggest underscoring, and the biggest gain in this Kingdom
of Righteousness, in this mighty move of Holiness that the LORD is bringing back to
the church. Again, this is what the LORD is saying at this hour about what is going
to happen in Lagos, Nigeria.

The LORD has spoken with me about the mega visitation that will take place at the
Grand Healing Service, in Lagos, Nigeria. This time around He took me to that
meeting. There are these two (they look like there are two) young men, almost
coming to mature, and they were both blind and I see that their eyes opened, as the
Man of God walks towards them! And their hand, now they take their hands, and
stretch their fingers to greet me. The way people take hands to greet: arranging
their fingers vertically to greet me. It was such an awesome moment to behold!

This is a very mighty time in the history of the church! And again, like I said The
LORD is now walking with the church. He is now talking to the church. He is
engaging the church at his hour, and He is speaking very clearly to the church.

Yesterday, I shared a little bit on how the LORD Jehovah, Jehovah, He removed the
Israelites from that land of Egypt. The land that is a plain, the desert that is a
stretched plain, a land whose terrain and landscape is monotonous, is boring, has
nothing to write home about. Then He said that He was moving them to a land of
mountains and valleys that drink rain directly from God Almighty in Heaven.

I said yesterday that you can see that the two landscapes; this other landscape of
mountains and valleys that drink rain directly. First of all there is now the Israelites
would have watered would have irrigated the mountains. That is just unbelievable.
There is now way the practice they had in Egypt would have helped them in this land
of mountains and valleys. I said the beauty of the land that drinks rain from
heaven; the land of mountains and valleys, it is so rich to the eyes compared to the
desert plain. I said it is so inspiring to the spirit, to the soul.

Now I am saying this today “drinking of rain from heaven” that was meant to cause
them to adhere to obedience, and to the Holy Worship of Jehovah, for their own
survival, and their own well being! And there was so much benefit in the LORD
moving them from the land of Egypt to the promised land of mountains and valleys.
You see very clearly drinking rain directly from Heaven.

If you read the book of Mark, the book of Mark talks about this man that sowed his
seed and went to sleep. Then at night the LORD came and watered, he rained, he
watered the field and then it grew and then the corn head picked up and there was a
big harvest. This is essentially what Jesus was saying in that parable, but the LORD
had said it to the Israelites on this side. That the land that the Cloud of God is taking
you to is now a land of mountains and valleys that drink rain directly from heaven.

So even as you are asleep in your beds at night, in the comfort of your homes, the
LORD would water your fields at night and your crop would grow, for as long as you
would adhere to the Holy Worship unto the LORD. This is what the LORD is saying to
the church world over today, in this message to Nigeria. He is saying that if we will now follow the righteousness and the leading of God in this Cloud. The Cloud of God that is centralizing the Cross of Jesus, back to the Blood of Jesus, back to the Righteousness of Jesus, back to the Holiness of Jesus, back to the true Gospel of the Blood and the Cross the Gospel of Repentance, turning away from sin.

That if the church will now follow this Cloud as the Israelites did then He will lead them to that beautiful mountain, the beautiful valley. The land mountains and valleys that drink directly from Heaven. The land that inspires the soul.

The soul is inspired to follow God because you realize that this land solely
depends on the LORD. So there is an inspiration here now to adhere to Holy
Worship of Jehovah, the Worship of the LORD that they may prosper, that they may
survive, that they may live both in this life and the life to come, the life eternal.

May those who have ears Prepare the Way for the Coming of the Messiah! I have
seen the LORD coming for the church, coming for a holy church. I see Him take a
holy church. Behold this is the hour to prepare because the Messenger of Prepare
the Way is right now here!


Mark 4:26-29
Jesus also said, “The Kingdom of GOD is like a farmer who scatters seed on the
ground. Night and day, while he’s asleep or awake, the seed sprouts and grows, but
he does not understand how it happens. The earth produces the crops on its own.
First a leaf blade pushes through, then the heads of wheat are formed, and finally
the grain ripens. And as soon as the grain is ready, the farmer comes and harvests
it with a sickle, for The Harvest Time Has Come.”

Historic Visitation of the LORD Coming to Nigeria! Prophet Dr. Owuor, March 4th, 2016!

By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info March 4th, 2016!  7th Prophecy of Open Heavens, in Nigeria! (Deut 11:11-12)

The LORD has spoken with me, the LORD Jehovah has spoken with me, again this last night, about the meeting that is coming up in Lagos Nigeria. In this conversation, I see a baby, and this baby is seated; light skinned I see. The right eye, I thought it was a bit protruded, like a wound also protruded, but the LORD opens the blind eyes of this baby. I see the people of this baby the parents, the guardians of the baby.

In that conversation, in this past night about the Meeting of Jehovah, that is coming to Lagos, about the meeting that is coming to Nigeria, the eyes of this baby opened, the blind eyes opened. Then I decided to move them to where there is more light,
so we can do the recording, and so I can be able to start showing the baby a finger or two, objects to see and the baby was touching them and going for the object, holding them.

I see a big visitation of Jehovah that is coming to Lagos, Nigeria. When I took the baby in this dream, I took the baby to where there is light so that I may take the testimony of the healing of this baby. Then at that time, when I am about to take the testimony, in the Meeting of the LORD in Lagos, Nigeria, then at that time another woman came and stormed in a very, very big way. She stormed that session in a very mighty way. I see another woman that storms here, she storms in a might way. This baby I do not know if she is healed or among the last people to be healed in that meeting, and then this woman, when I am about to take the testimony, this woman storms in a big, big way. And a situation…

So there is going to be a Visitation of the LORD in Nigeria, in Lagos. The LORD is going to visit His church in Nigeria, in Lagos. This is going to ignite a new dispensation and new hour into the church. The LORD will establish the fact that the Messiah is Coming, and now the church needs to prepare in this way. Through this now, the church in Nigeria will know that the Messiah is Coming. They need to make deliberate attempts and effort to prepare for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah.

The bible says that when this Cloud of God came to them, He had removed them from Egypt by tremendous power, and signs and wonders. When they reached somewhere the Cloud came to them because they needed to know how to get their way to the Promise. And when the Cloud stood, Moses went to the Cloud and the LORD spoke. He spoke from the Cloud to Moses, he spoke to him. He said, “Go tell this people that the land where I am taking them in my Glory is not like Egypt where they watered their fields by foot, as in a vegetable garden.” And in that same book, Deuteronomy chapter 11, He goes on to say that, “However; the land where I am taking them is a land of mountains and valleys, mountains and valleys.” He says, “It is a land that drinks rain directly from Heaven. A land of mountains and valleys, not like Egypt. But this land of mountains and valleys drinks rain directly from Heaven.”

So right away you can see that the LORD was describing two separate scenarios, two separate dispensations. In other words, the land in Egypt a monotonous land, same plain, it was a boring land. It was not inspiring at all because you woke up, you saw the same plain. You looked at it on a daily basis it was the same stretch…vast like that. And yet the land that this Cloud was taking them to is a land of mountains and valleys that drink rain directly from Jehovah in Heaven.

That means, right away you can see that He was talking about a land of mountains that were green, greenery, and valleys. Some kind of interrupted landscape that was very inspiring to look at. He said, “The LORD you God cares very much for that land. That land of mountains and valleys, the promised land.” The worship would now be straight, would be upright, would be strict, would be holy so that the heavens would remain open over that land: the mountains and valleys because they drink rain directly from God Jehovah in Heaven.

The land in Egypt, plain, monotonous land, very boring, nothing to inspire at all; but now here was a wonderful picture, a wonderful landscape of greenery, mountains, and valleys that the LORD takes care of. The same thing is coming to happen to the church in Nigeria if they will catch this Hour of Visitation.

The LORD is saying that the landscape in the church has been so much monotony of prosperity, prosperity, prosperity. It has been a horizontal stretch of the gospel horizontal gospel of living well on this earth, eating well on this earth, and staying here forever, wealthy on this earth: monotonous. But the LORD is now saying that where this Cloud is taking the church of Christ in Nigeria is a land of mountains and valleys that drink rain directly from heaven.

Meaning that there is open heaven, the land of Open Heaven that is where He is taking the church in Nigeria to: a land that is very inspiring to the soul. When you look at it is so inspiring! It is not monotonous like the land of Egypt, like the land of the gospel of prosperity, like the land of sin that you see in the church: the perpetual daily sin of immorality, the nudity of the woman in the Nigerian church. That every preacher in Nigeria, when he gets up, he has to promise people things, worldly things. It is not that land of monotony.

He says this would be a land that inspires so much to the soul. A land of mountains and valleys; green ones that drink rain directly from Heaven. Meaning interrupted, once in awhile you run into something: you run into a valley, you run into a mountain. Hmm? “Oh, blind eyes have opened here!” “Look, we were worshipping and a cripple has walked here!” Some very inspiring land that is so inspiring to the soul. May those who have ears Prepare the Way for the Coming of the Messiah.



By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info March 2nd, 2016!

The LORD has spoken. The LORD has spoken with me again about the meeting of the LORD that is coming up in Lagos, Nigeria. And in that conversation with the LORD, He took me to The Conference of Pastors, the Mighty Conference of Pastors that will be there, and also the Healing Service. This is now one of a series of conversations the LORD is having with me regarding the church of Christ in Nigeria. I see in The Conference of Pastors, as His Servant was ministering there, and the LORD showed me The Pillar of His Glory came upon His Servant.

So there is going to a big visitation in Nigeria, a very big visitation. Again, I saw in this past night, the LORD speak with me about the huge Conference of Pastors in Lagos, Nigeria. It looks like all the Heavenly Hosts are now focused: the emissaries of GOD are all focused on Nigeria, and the meeting in Lagos.

He showed me in that meeting–I saw–the LORD raised me above and I saw with the Eyes of the LORD, when I looked in, I saw the meeting of the LORD, and I saw that when His Servant was there ministering then a Pillar of His Glory came…there is a huge situation! May the LORD be blessed that He has remembered the church at this hour. There is a big, big visitation…the Heavens will be open over Nigeria.

This is the moment to catch! The moment of revival, the long awaited time of Restoration. The LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me about that tremendous visitation that will take place, in Nigeria. All the peoples of the earth, this is also the time to hearken unto The Voice of The LORD that we may Prepare a Way of Holiness and turning away from all manner of sin, choosing righteousness as a pillar for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah!

Shalom, Shalom Chaverim, Shalom Toda Raba!

Glorious Visitation To Take Place In Nigeria! February 28, 2016, 5th Prophecy to Nigeria!

By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info February 28th, 2016!

Amen, Pastor Joanne. Now the LORD spoke with me again about the Meeting that is coming up in Nigeria, in Lagos. This past night again, the LORD Jehovah, HE came to speak with me about the tremendous Meeting and the Revival that is coming up in Nigeria, in Lagos. The LORD showed me the Healing Service and when HIS Servant went towards the people, then the LORD showed me how His Glory left HIS Servant and touched people there and they were healed. I saw the Glory of the LORD leave His Servant and touch people there.

Then LORD spoke by voice and said, “Look, the Glory has touched them.” So this is going to be a big, big, opening for Nigeria. It looks like now we are sitting at the brink of a major, major, major, major Visitation for Nigeria. The Church and the people of Nigeria they are sitting at the brink, they are sitting on the verge of a major Revival. If they will catch this…the LORD has spoken repeatedly and consistently about the Revival in Nigeria.

The LORD Jehovah has spoken about cleaning up the Church first to bring about Repentance in the Church, the turning away from sin, the gospel of money, the gospel of lies, the false prophets of Nigeria that are known world over; the false apostles of Nigeria that are known world over, the gospel of deception of Nigeria, that comes from Nigeria. The LORD is going to change the order in the Church. He is going to centralize Holiness again at the center of the practice of Christian worship in Nigeria.

So again, the LORD has spoken with me severally about this very important occasion of HIS Visitation in that land. Taking me into their homes, taking me to their Churches, taking me to their streets, making me stand there and stop the taxis with them…making me sit there and listen to the Bible studies with them…how the world has been perverted to a more earthly gospel, a gospel for living well, but to live well on this earth…promises of this world.

The LORD has spoken profoundly about the Church in Nigeria. The disposition of the heart of the LORD is now for love, for loving Nigeria. But that will only come after Repentance. So it looks like the LORD is going to do a huge purging of the dross from the Church and the pulpit in Nigeria. This is the moment for the priesthood and the pastors in Nigeria to celebrate that finally the LORD has remembered the Church in Nigeria. Nigeria has been known for proverbial material gospel, the commercialization of the gospel of the CROSS, the BLOOD…name it. But now their going to hearken again back to the Gospel and the Salvation of the CROSS and the BLOOD of JESUS; and that is a Holy Salvation.

 May the Heavens open, open in Nigeria. May the people of Nigeria live to remember this hour.


Prophecy of a Great Revival Coming to Nigeria, February 27th, 2016!

By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info February 27th, 2016!

The LORD JEHOVAH, the Creator of Israel, the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem, the Cornerstone of Zion, Jehovah Adonai, Jehovah Eloheeka, He has spoken with me in a very mighty way about the upcoming revival in Lagos Nigeria. This past night the LORD again spoke with me about the big revival that is coming up in Nigeria. In that conversation–there were two levels in that conversation:

The LORD again took me to Nigeria, took me Lagos and showed me the neighborhoods of Lagos. He took me above the city, he took me into the city, and the LORD wanted to show me how much the people of Nigeria love the LORD. They love the LORD except that they got a wrong direction. The direction they got did not centralize holiness and righteousness. The direction they got instead championed the physical world, the church perverted that. So that is what they followed. The church perverted the gospel of Jesus, so that is what they got, as their daily nutrition from the House of the LORD.

So the LORD took me to Lagos and showed me this very, very upscale neighborhood of Lagos. The LORD brought me to this very high end neighborhood of Lagos. I see some some vehicles with UN number plates.  I see a white vehicle with UN number plates, big vehicles in that region, big people. And then the LORD spoke to me about the senior people in Nigeria, senior people that attend bible study in the middle of the week. So He took me to where there were doing bible study and some of those senior people in government, in the corporate world, in the UN organization, international organization–I saw them in the
bible study. The LORD wanted me to know how much the people of Nigeria indeed love the LORD.

And I saw, when He brought me into this room, I saw people. The senior most people sitting in bible study.  In Lagos, in top end neighborhood, even the streets are very, very high end, very quiet, very awesomely built, the sophistication of the world, the awesomeness of this worldliness was it its peak in this neighborhood: wonderful streets, good roads, large streets, avenues, two way traffic. So in there He showed me the senior people and their vehicles they were driving the UN number plates, and so forth, and government leaders; but they were seated in bible study. It was an awesome thing to see: Senior people in the government, senior people in the corporate world in the country, the rich people can be seated in a bible study in the middle of the week!

The LORD took me to that room and stood me there and He said, “Look, they are here!” I could see that their hunger for the Word, their hunger for the truth, can be felt, you can see it, precipitate it, crystallize it, and fell it in your hand. They were very hungry for the true Word. And the LORD said, “Look the Message they are being given is not right. They need to hear the truth on the Coming of the Messiah. They need to hear the revelation on the Coming of the Messiah. Look how much they love the LORD.”

I saw senior people and then He also made me see some other senior people among them that have been very Christian and have followed this very well, the bible, the bible studies, and now they were the leaders that were teaching the bible study. Senior people in Nigeria, senior leaders in government, senior leaders of the corporate world, senior leaders of the medical world, the legal fraternity they were now teaching the bible. After they come from their offices they prepared their bible studies, they are teaching bible study, in the middle of the week.

And in that neighborhood I also saw they were now coming out of bible study. The LORD made me come out with them and we were waiting for taxi, in that neighborhood there are only taxi. If I remember well there were only taxis. I also stood at the taxi stop with them. I was also trying to flag down some taxies, but I had to get any because the people from the bible study were filling the taxies in groups. The group of this taking taxis, another group of this taking taxis. I was trying to stop taxis. I could not get a taxi. I was at the taxi rank, and I could not get taxi in that neighborhood of Lagos.

The LORD wanted me to see how much the people of Nigeria really love the LORD. They love him so much that there is no difference between their high end people and the lowly people; all of them love Jesus! And He said, “Look need the Message. They need to hear the Message on the Coming of the Messiah! The revelation on the Coming of the Messiah.”

Senior people, some of them were there, I was crossing the street with some of them and waiting for– many, many cars were parked. I don’t know if this bible study was taking place in a church or taking place in some building some peoples homes, but there was a bible study. Senior people, senior people in Nigeria, senior most people in that land were attending bible study. How awesome! How wonderful! He said, “They need the right Message. They need to hear about the Coming of the Messiah and how to prepare.”

And then after that the second part of the conversation the LORD brings me to the massive healing service, the great visitation that will take place when His Servant comes into the healing service of JEHOVAH in Lagos. And then there is this young little boy who was totally blind and his eyes are opened. I see he has come now, and his eyes are opened and I ask these eyes were blind? Were these eyes blind? And he says, “Yes, totally blind.” And he stands up and he can see now. And then he sits down on the chair again–these are the special seats that the Man of God prepares for the healed people in healing services across
the earth. He now sits down again.

It was a tremendous moment to behold. A tremendous moment of celebration, and jubilation and felicitation that the LORD JEVOHAH the God of Israel, the Sovereign God,

So there is going to be a massive visitation of the Heavens in Nigeria. The LORD is going to visit in a tremendous, historic way. I see blind eyes that will open. There is this young man again, I see an un-tucked shirt, looks like the shirt is not tucked. I asked, “Were these blind eyes?” He said, “Yes, I was totally blind.” And then he sits again. I use my fingers to show him the sign and he does the same when he can see my fingers and then he sits down.

A huge celebration breaks out and the Man of God begins to worship the LORD before the Open Heaven on Nigeria, the nation of Nigeria. The nation were the gospel has been really perverted. The nation, the LORD has shown me also, has the highest level of prostitution
as I have not seen before. The nation that He has also shown me has a large, large number of people loving Jesus, loving the LORD more than I have seen elsewhere:  bible study by the elitist, the elite class, bible study in the middle of the week. And they are also teaching bible study, in several places.

Now there is going to be a tremendous visitation, a refreshing visitation into the House of the LORD, in Nigeria. This is going to be the beginning of the changing of the order in Nigeria. The LORD is going to dismantle the forces of darkness that have bound Nigeria for so long, through this visitation. And unleash forth a new breeze of visitation that will bring forth revival and dismantle the enemies of Jesus, in Nigeria.

These words will happen when His Prophet comes to Nigeria and decrees the Holy Decrees of Jehovah in the land, and walks the feet, the footprints of Jehovah on that land! The moment of release has come to Nigeria.

There will be Open Heavens and the LORD is going to change the order in the church first, and then empower the church and do the grand harvesting in the land. The harvesting of the souls, not the harvesting of money: the harvesting of souls in Nigeria. The harvesting of the righteous of the LORD, in the land.

And then later, the LORD shows me again this woman who is in the village. I see a village hut, I see village huts. The LORD took me to the homes in the villages. I was walking. I almost knocked my head on the roof. The way the roofs are of the grass type houses really, really, come down very close, I almost hit on the wood that holds the roof. I was going from house to house in the villages of Nigeria, in the homes of the Nigerians. There is this very blind woman whose eyes open. They open and then she could see. There is something that looked more like–I don’t know whether it was walled–and its carved in the corner. One
entrance opened carved here, carved here so that it has three (3) surfaces three-d (3D) foot on the soil, on the ground. She is able to come and pick it. She picks it. And then what amazes us is that she can also see the stretch marks. The very thin stretch marks on that foil something that looks like…

So there is going to be a tremendous visitation. The LORD has now marshaled up the heavenly hosts, the hosts of Heaven are now prepared for the grand visitation of the LORD in Nigeria. If Nigeria get it right at this time, Nigeria will see the biggest revival, even bigger than Kenya; for the disposition of their hearts unto the LORD.

Isaiah 44:3
For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:

Let me repeat this.

Isaiah 44:3 Hallelujah!
For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:

And He says that this is what He is coming to do in Nigeria.

John 7:38
38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

This is the hour. The LORD is coming to visit Nigeria in a massive way, in a mighty way, in an historic way that will stun the people of the earth. The church must now be revived in Nigeria and be turned away from the physical realm: from the gospel of prosperity, the gospel of money, the gospel of things, good cars, good homes, a lot of money, going to America, green cards, aircraft, everything, land. All these things the church is doing: my time is going to America, my son is going to study law, my son has a business. The big things Nigerians talk about.

The LORD is coming for a singular focus now that we may be singularly focused now on the Coming of the Messiah! And this sounds a awakening to all the nations across the earth, also. That this is the hour to repent and turn away from sin because the LORD is visiting nations.

I see Mexico now. I received a letter from the Senate in Mexico and the pastors fellowship. Mexico is also lining up in the same spirit the same breath of this visitation of Jehovah unto the nation. This tells me that time is over! I see the letter from the pastors in Sweden. I see many nations they are also crying they are saying, “May the LORD speak to him about us too. We also love Jesus! We also want to enter eternity!”

May those who have ears hearken and listen to the words of the LORD and prepare a holy way in their hearts for the Glorious Coming of the Messiah!

Shalom, Shalom, and Shalom Chaverim, Shalom U’vracha!

Prophecy of a Major Visitation to Befall Lagos, Nigeria, Prophet Dr. Owuor February 26th, 2016!

By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info February 26th, 2016!

Now the LORD has spoken with me. This past night the LORD spoke with me in a very, very mega way, again about the up coming Revival in Nigeria. It looks like all the delegation of Heaven is now focused on the big visitation that is coming up in Lagos, Nigeria. Indeed, Nigeria must be a very special country to The LORD in the manner of consistent and persistent conversation that He has engaged me on regarding The Big Revival of Lagos Nigeria.

The Bible says in The Book of Amos chapter 9:11. He says, in several versions of course, in one of the versions He says; In that day I will raise up the fallen booth of David and well up it’s breaches, I will also raise up it’s ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old.

And then He says again in the other version; In that day I will restore David’s fallen tent, David’s fallen shelter, I will repair it’s broken walls and restore it’s ruins and will rebuild it as it used to be.

Another says; In that day I will restore the fallen house of David, I will repair it’s damaged walls. From the ruins I will rebuild it and restore it’s former glory.

Now The LORD has spoken with me about the big, big Restoration that is coming to the church in Nigeria. The big work that the LORD the GOD of Heaven is planning to undertake and execute in Nigeria. And in this past evening, the past night, the LORD spoke with me about the healing service. He spoke with me in three different phases about that Mega Visitation, and in that conversation the LORD said when He brings me to The Meeting of The LORD in Nigeria, Lagos, He will open the Heavens, the Heavens will open and I
see a very big Visitation that takes place there. I see a massive healing of people.

There is this particular woman that The LORD heals as He brings her close to me in this conversation. She’s tied her head, she’s tied her head with a, the African clothes, the colors, green, mixed flowers of colors or whatever it is, that mixed colors of green, there is green in it also in the color and her eyes look reddish. I think she was blind and The LORD opened her eyes now. The LORD removes her from blindness. I see her now. The LORD brings her to me, and her eyes, the LORD focuses me on her eyes and her eyes
open. So her blind eyes opened. And that speaks about a very Massive Visitation that will take place now, up there in Lagos.

The LORD is coming in a major way to visit His people. He is coming to establish The Reign of The Kingdom of The Gospel in that land. And many, many blind eyes will open, and many people will be healed from certain conditions: the cripples will walk, the deaf, the mutes, the paralytics, the spinal cord injuries, the tumors, fibroid’s. He is going to really visit that land.

There must be something very special about that land the LORD is routing for and then He takes a very short time and then the LORD speaks with me again about the Visitation in Nigeria. And this time He takes me to the homes of the Nigerians and there is this woman whose baby–I see a lot of people running toward The Man of GOD with their different conditions–but there is this woman that laid her, I can see her now, laid her baby down in front of the Man of GOD. These are sick people and the LORD does a Mega Healing across these people and so He takes me to their homes, their homes, several homes, I enter their homes, I am able to enter and I am also able to walk by the street and see the doors in the homes and they are sitting out by the doors and a then the LORD showed me the Big Healing He is bringing to that land.

So that means the LORD is bringing the tremendous works of The Blood of JESUS into their homes and families. He is going to heal the Nigerian homes and Nigerian families. He is going to do a restorative work. He is going to restore the church in Nigeria. And then after a while He showed me again another; key among the things He shows me is “Look How fresh The Anointing will be”, that He has prepared for Nigeria that will be in Nigeria when you get there.

And so these are very important times in the history of the church, the time in which the LORD has finally again remembered the church. He has now remembered the church and in this last phase the LORD is saying that all this Visitation is geared towards preparing a Holy Church, a Righteous Church. He is preparing a Godly Church. A church that is mature, a church that is upright in right standing with the LORD; the church that has no stain or wrinkle.

And again I am to repeat this. The LORD has spoken with me in three different phases this past night about the tremendous Visitation that will take place in Lagos, Nigeria. At this moment, it is as though the Heavenly focus, the Heavens are focused on Nigeria, on the Mission that takes place in Lagos, Nigeria. I do not know what will happen there with this kind of conversation: persistent and consistently focused on, Lagos, the city of Visitation.

This might as well be the ignition of a huge revival that will rock that country
and prepare her finally for The Coming of The LORD. The church must be in the proper place the proper mindset to receive this Visitation, and champion and take leadership and lead the nation towards holiness and righteousness for The Coming of The MESSIAH.

So the LORD is now Preparing The Way across the continents and this time around He is coming. This big move of GOD, the wave of Repentance and Holiness, this tremendous tsunami that is sweeping across the nations and Preparing The Highway of Holiness that you see in Isaiah 35:8-9. This train, is finally coming to make a stop in Nigeria, and if the people of Nigeria will come on board, if the church in Nigeria will come on board, if the land of Nigeria will come on board, then they will leave with this train towards The Glorious
Kingdom of my LORD JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH YAHWEH, The Holy GOD of Israel.

So the LORD is sending me to Nigeria and I see a tremendous power that sees these blind eyes that will open, babies that will be healed, the big throbbing/thronging of Joy and Revival that will rock the homes and the families. I am walking in their homes and again the presence of the LORD and a foot print of the LORD will be vivid in their homes in the lives of the Nigerians.

So as the nations Prepare for The Coming of The MESSIAH, the Heavenly delegation, the Heavenly Hosts are now all trained and everything now is focused on the big mission in Nigeria. And this should also be a lesson to other nations that have not been visited: that let each nation, let them fight, let them fight for their Visitation that every nation be given the opportunity of witnessing this Humongous Mega Historic Revival before The MESSIAH comes.

I have seen a Massive Visitation, the Open Heavens are unleashed over Nigeria.
There is going to be a shifting in the church. He is going to use that to rebuke the gospel of money, the gospel of private aircrafts that you see the Nigerian pastors are flying around with, this gospel of wealth of homes, of expensive suits bought from America from London to Paris, to Australia to Canada, whatever it is they preach. The expensive hair of their wives, huh? How their wives hair are expensive to maintain. The LORD is now sending me to rebuke that gospel and re-establish The Gospel of The Cross and The Blood of

And so these are the days that were spoken about in the Bible and this is he about whom it was spoken that “I shall send My messenger ahead of you to Prepare Your Way for that Glorious Day. May those who have ears listen to what the LORD is saying to the nations.

Shalom and Shalom and Shalom!

Prophecy of Massive Healing Anointing to Befall Nigeria! February 25th, 2016!

By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info February 25th, 2016!

Now the LORD Jehovah, the LORD Jehovah El Gibbor, Jehovah Eloheenu, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah El Rohi, our Shepard, Jehovah Sabbaoth, HE has spoken with me on three (3) consecutive nights: culminating into the conversation of this past night about their Meeting that is coming up in Lagos, Nigeria. Again, Jehovah the LORD our Creator, the LORD El Olam.

 HE has been visiting with me and speaking with me for three (3) consecutive days/nights talking to me about the Meeting that is coming up in Lagos, Nigeria…the Mission that we are leaving now to. In this conversation today, it was quite elaborate, in this one of this day, He was very extensive. HE took me to Nigeria, HE took me to Lagos, and showed me quite a lot of things He wanted me to see in that land and regarding the Church. And this becomes a very, very important moment in the history of the Church of CHRIST, world over…the body of CHRIST. Because it is a time again where the LORD is focused, when HE has trained HIS focus onto the Church that HE may be able to give her attention that is commensurate with this time that were in. In the first conversation, about three (3) days ago, the LORD did show me the healing service which will take place in Nigeria, in Lagos. I see a very powerful tremendous healing anointing that will come down in that land when HE brings HIS Servant into that land to the Healing Service.

Again, the LORD has spoken about the Massive Healing Service that will take place in Nigeria, in Lagos, the Mission to which we are leaving now. I saw a very fresh, in HIS speaking with me, HE presented a very fresh anointing, a healing anointing that will visit that blessed nation of Nigeria. The people that really, really love the LORD so much. People that long to have a well stream-lined relationship with the LORD. In that conversation, the first one, HE showed me that, and in the second conversation, HE again came and showed me a massive healing anointing that will come down there, the healing service that will take place in Lagos, Nigeria: Blessed Visitation of the LORD, when the Blessed ONE of Israel will visit them.

This is very important because it begins a new dispensation in the Church in Nigeria, in Lagos. When the LORD brings me there, the LORD will cause me to make certain decrees about the land and the Church and they will come to pass…they will take hold of the land…those decrees that were made in Lagos, Nigeria. In the third conversation today, which was quite elaborate, the LORD has showed me the healing service that will take place in Lagos, Nigeria.

And after that the LORD now wanted to show me the other side, the issues of concern that HE wants addressed in that Church, in that land. I see a lot of prostitutes, I’m very surprised. I know that HE has spoken to me again and again of the different nations about prostitution…but I have never seen what the LORD has shown me today about the level of sexual sin that goes on in Nigeria, in Lagos, particularly Lagos.

Many times HE kept taking me to different parts of Lagos showing me the nudity of women, even in the Church an outside there. Until HE even took me to the brothels today, the LORD took me to the brothels and I saw many, many women and they pay…there’s a place where people paid and thy line up there and the LORD also made me line up there, to make payment there. Again, the LORD took me to the brothels of Lagos and I lined up with them there and I heard everything they were saying. They were paying…they were paying for these prostitutes. And these prostitutes, some of them are really young and so forth. Even as they went there was a certain man I heard, a certain man complaining saying, “No. I had come for the other one. Why are you people have given me another one.” I heard everything that happened in the dark, back streets of Lagos and in the dark front streets of Lagos. The LORD continued to show me the nudity of the women, of the women…and that HE showed me all through and including inside the Church. In the entire streets, I was walking the streets in the land and inside the Church.

After that, then HE showed me the land was quite dry at that time…dry…but now this healing anointing that comes will now be able to bring into that land the dispensation of the ‘open heaven’ to that land. However, the LORD is drawing my attention to the events in the land that when I get to Lagos I may be able to decree the demands of the LORD at this hour: That that nation may be called to repentance. But those servants that are hosting this Visitation there, may now take lead and champion this across the nation of Nigeria and call the nation to a National Repentance and the turning away from sin…beginning from Lagos.

So this is the conversation, this is the situation right now in Nigeria…the LORD wants to love them, the LORD is coming to visit them in a tremendous way…HE will make His decrees there, HIS oracles, HIS HOLY ORACLES known to the land for this hour. But in the process HE will call on the land to address the issues, the contradictions in the Church, the controversies in the land.

I have seen the Meeting of the LORD that is coming to Lagos, Nigeria and I believe that this now marked…in this conversation… the way the LORD has spoken, three (3) nights consecutively…I believe that this marks a very important time, the watershed moment of time for the Church in Nigeria. If they will grasp this well, they will begin forth the dispensation of a Major Revival, a Historic Revival that has not visited that land as we see in Kenya now. This is the entire object of the Mission, the objective, the purpose of this Mission, is that after then, they’ll be a Massive Repentance and a Historic Revival visit the blessed nation of Nigeria…people that love the LORD more than Kenya.

I know the Most Historic Revival since the earth was created is now in Kenya. But I also know the Nigerians love the LORD so much, only they did not get the right direction… the Church got the wrong direction. So you can imagine the LORD has begun a process, a rescue process to rescue the Church and redirect her back to the right course. You can imagine how humungous and how Mega the Holy Revival the Holiness and Righteousness Revival that keep in Nigeria, will be, can be; you can imagine it for yourself. This is the conversation the LORD is having with me about the Church in Nigeria, the nation that has such a tremendous influence world over. But at this point, if they will hearken to the WORDS of the LORD, the demands of the LORD, the requirements of the LORD, to repent and turn to righteousness…HE shall use them and use the Church even globally.
This is the reason the LORD is speaking. This is the reason the LORD is sending me to Nigeria.

I see a lot of things. I see a lot of decay in the the church. I see the pastors doing another gospel. They are living another life. They are living a life that is not consistent with the Word because they are pursing a lot of things in Nigeria: deception, lies, fake gospel, man, many occult practices in the church. I have seen all that.

The LORD has drawn that to my attention no that He is sending me there. However, the LORD is also saying that “Look, this is the window of retrieve.” Even Kenya began from a very occult place, a place of sin, dilapidation, deprivation, and they were so depraved, and they were so desolate. But now there is a huge revival the Heavens are open.

The LORD is saying, “I am no respecter of person, I am no respecter of nation.” That even Nigeria, this is the moment for Nigeria, this is the hour when the LORD is going to decree the Open Heaven in Nigeria. The people in Nigeria that so much love the LORD will
now be able to embrace the fear of God, and redirect the course of their salvation, and now pursue righteousness and holiness as a lifestyle, and that they too may be on this glorious Highway to Holiness to the Kingdom of God.

You can imagine how big the Lagos revival will be when it all breaks out after this massive decree that is going to take place there. I believe that this is just the beginning of the many nations on which the LORD will launch me to Lagos, Nigeria, that that nation may see the latter revival of Jehovah!

How blessed is Jehovah our God! Surely He must be humble, patient God, so patient with us that He can even remember us at this hour: nation, by nation. I have seen the coming of the Messiah and all these events are tailored towards the grand culmination, the grand finale, the grand triumphant coming of the Glorious, Victorious King.

May those who have ears Repent and Prepare the Way for the Coming of the Messiah!



By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info February 21st, 2016!

The LORD has spoken with me, The LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me about the church of Christ in Nigeria.

The LORD took me there and I see the church, and I see the meeting in Nigeria moving. I see the changing of venue that takes place. As the LORD changes venue, and the people are going into the stadium, then I see myself going through cracks on the soil and jumping like one meter deep cracks turning up and rocks. It was very tumultuous. I don’t know if that is an earthquake that happens there, but it was difficult for people to get to the stadium. For some reason there were cracks on the soil: it was the whole place on the land.

People are trying to get to the stadium and it was difficult for them and that made it difficult for people, for the church of Christ to get to the stadium and listen to The Holy Oracles of The LORD.  So this is a tremendous moment of prayer in front of us here, in front of me for this church. The church in Nigeria that longs for Christ, the LORD let me know, the church whose heart loves The LORD. This is now going to be the opportunity that the church in Nigeria will get.

The LORD has shown me how the hearts of people are yearning for the truth, and how serious they are with God Almighty.  They are serious with the LORD.  And so the Revival will come, but in between there is a hurdle they have to get over, to surmount this, to get to that Revival.  Because the Voice said, “Let us move to the stadium.” Then there was a  change of venue.  I see as though people are going to the stadium, but then there are jumping, there are rocks that are split on the surface of the soil like one meter, and there are several of them. So there is this hurdle, I do not know if it is caused by an earthquake, or what shakes the earth to cause this big, big crack.

This becomes yet another moment when the LORD is focused on the church in Nigeria to love her, to prepare her for a big visitation that will take place in the next few weeks. This is a moment to behold for that church.  There is going to be prayer and fasting that I will start for this church because the LORD has shown me their hearts. This is a big revival nation.  The nation that fears God much more than Kenya.  They have a greater fear of God than Kenya.  The LORD showed me their heart. And so, when this Message comes there will be a big Revival of Righteousness.  They might even be the leader of this revival.  That is what the LORD has spoken even as we prepare for the mission to Nigeria.  There is a change of venue. There are some hurdles they will get through and the LORD will be able to help them.

I have blessed the church in Nigeria on this day, in the mighty name of Jesus. This is a lesson to Kenya that they may have such a revival:  Please do not take it for granted!  It is not your right, it was by grace.  The LORD for some reason chose Kenya, but you have to  carry it honorably, maturely, and sensibly that you may not lose it. There is a greater yearning for this out there.  This is a wake up call for Kenya to carry this revival with great honor knowing that it is not out there, and many nations are now coming on board like Ghana and Nigeria. Those are much more serious nations when it comes to the LORD than Kenya. May the LORD bless the church in Nigeria.



Given Live by Prophet Dr. David Owuor in Koforidua, Ghana, February 16th, 2016!

The same tongue that prophesied the recent Mt. Everest Earthquake that was fulfilled here :

Prophecy, Vision of the Rapture of the Church, February 10th, 2016!

February 10th, 2016, By Prophet Dr. David Owuor via live Jesusislordradio.info

The LORD has spoken with me, I want your listeners to know world over, the LORD spoke with me today about The Coming of The MESSIAH, again.

In today’s conversation, the LORD took me, and He made me simulate the event that will take place on that day. He made me the church that is going to be taken on that day. So, as He was taking the church I could see that some people have…some churches have impediments that will not allow them to go. I could see that, at the time He had come to take the church, and then others that made it. But, then for others the impediment was removed out of the way as they prepared (the blockade, the obstacles, in other words).

The LORD JEHOVAH in speaking with me today about the Coming of the Messiah, He made me the church that He is taking.  Then as He is taking me, lifting the church, then there were some people that had obstacles, some churches had obstacles and those obstacles were blocking them. They could not go. But, some of them the obstacles were removed. I saw the obstacles removed.

Then The LORD, He lifted me up above the earth and right into the sky, into the clouds, and I saw the tremendous Glory of the LORD. And then a cloud covered me into heaven.  I have seen the events that will take place at The Coming of The LORD, at The Return of the CHRIST when He comes to take the church.

Today, again, He has spoken with me about the Coming of the Messiah. This is the very powerful, resounding warning across the nations of the earth that it really is “time is out now” for everything else.

But it is “time in now” to make sure that people prepare apt, they prepare with serious aptitude, they prepare with diligence, they prepare with carefulness with great heedfulness to remove the great heedlessness of this hour, with great righteousness to remove the wickedness and the unrighteousness of this hour, with great godliness to remove the great ungodliness, to counter it. So that He may remove those obstacles of this hour. Those obstacles just mentioned like heedlessness, the unrighteousness, the unholiness, the wickedness, the evil and the sin of this hour.

Even as we begin this fast tonight, this tremendous fast, as I prepare to leave now for Ghana, the big meeting in Accra, what a mighty way to leave!

The LORD has now spoken, again, about The Glorious Coming of The MESSIAH.

There is no better message at this hour to the nations. There is no better message at this hour to the church than the Message that says, “Let us Prepare in Righteousness, Let us Reform our Ways, and Make Straight our Ways”, “nuestros caminos”, that we may be in perfect aligning (alignment) with the requirement for that day when the church is taken.

There is no greater way to leave Kenya now, as I leave for Ghana, than to leave with this resounding announcement that “Look!” Again, the LORD has spoken about The Coming of The MESSIAH. We all know too well now how to prepare, to have repentant hearts, to turn away from sin, and to make sure that we walk in The Highway of Holiness, to shun all wickedness and evil, to make sure we walk in Wisdom, which is the fear of God.

In that way, when The LORD comes He will find a prepared church. You will be that church that was taken up today. I went up with them. He took me and I went up with them, and we entered Heaven, today. May the LORD bless the nations that are tuned in.

It is my cry at this time, because I realize that time is running out, because if you look very carefully at the way the visitation of the LORD unfolded in Kisumu you need not be a genius to understand that this is surely “this is the end”. This is surely the latter moment, this anointing is speaking about: time is over, the days have gone, and The MESSIAH is Coming.

When you look at that visitation in Kisumu then I am left with nothing other than to cry for the nation, all the nations tuned in: the United States of America, I know we have letters of invitation from there, the letters of invitation from South Korea, the nations of South America, nations of Central America, Australia, Europe, and Africa, we are leaving for Ghana. There is Nigeria, many nations, South Africa has just written an invitation letter.

My heart now yearns for the nations to reach them that they too may me be at this awakening, this level when their souls are awakened. The bible is very clear on the requirements of that day, requirements for the hour. This is The Revival of Repentance and the turning away from wickedness.

May those who have ears listen to the words of the Voice of the LORD.

Shalom, Shalom, and todah rabah!


By Prophet Dr. David Owuor, THE MIGHTY PROPHET OF THE LORD, live Jesusislordradio.info January 31, 2016!

The Lord has spoken with me, um this past night, this day the LORD spoke with me in a very, very profound way and in great detail about the upcoming Revival Meeting in Ghana. Again, the LORD has spoken with me very clearly about the Visitation of the LORD that is coming up in Ghana.

And in that conversation, most of this past night, the LORD took me to Ghana. He was showing me the condition of the Church in Ghana. There is a lot of sin in the church, immorality, false apostles, false prophets, false teachers, false evangelists, false pastors, everything, the whole combination. Most importantly, the LORD has shown me the great Visitation that will take place there when He brings His Servant to the nation of Ghana the first missions of this year. And I see a level of healings that I’ve not seen before take place, in Ghana. I see lot of healing, tremendous healing, indescribable healing visitation that will take place when the LORD walks His Servant the Mighty Prophet to that land and into that meeting and Healing Service. So there is going to be a Big Visitation and ignition of Revival, in Ghana.

The Revival is coming to the nation of Ghana; a big Revival is coming to the nation of Ghana. I’ve seen…I’ve probably not seen that type of healing that is going to take place in Ghana. And so, the LORD has already marshaled heaven, the resources of heaven. All the missions of the LORD…the delegations of the LORD are all now focused into the nation of Ghana and there is going to be a serious Visitation there. That means the LORD is expressing His intent and His blessed objective and purpose at this hour of visiting other nations with this Historic Revival that Kenya is enjoying.

And so, this year is going to be such a profound year…a year of revelation, a year of yet another wave across the nations when the LORD will send His Servant to prepare the Church for the Coming of the Blessed Messiah, the Blessed One of Israel; HE is Coming. Remember, every single day that passes by draws us closer and closer to the Coming of this Wonderful SAVIOR…the REDEEMER of all men…the CHRIST…the MESSIAH… the PRINCE of PEACE, the TRUE LIVING BREAD, the LIVING STONE, the CORNERSTONE of ZION, the KING of ISRAEL.

So may those who are in Ghana also now prepare for a very big Visitation of JEHOVAH. And may the LORD bless you as He has blessed Kenya. And for the rest of the world, we have seen what the LORD has used His Servant to do from Brazil. Essentially to strike the earth yet again with a very serious affliction, the Zika Virus; all these help us to understand that the MESSIAH is Coming. When I was speaking from Brazil…from Rio De Janeiro, and then Sao Paolo up the mountain, at that open air meeting, and saying I see a lot of insects biting them, biting them.

And I said that I’ve entered your rooms and into the houses of the Brazilians . And I’ve seen all these things happening down there in the houses. And now you see, and I said, “trillions and trillions” of insects will bite the Brazilians and afflict them. Now you see the soldiers, the army, everybody is going into peoples living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms…into the houses, trying to spray against the mosquitos. Well ah, Time is Over! Everything and anything we do today, may we see that the MESSIAH is Coming.
