Blessed people tuned in, this past night THE LORD spoke with me tremendously, including by Voice. Now, THE LORD takes the scroll, He takes the scroll with His right hand, a white glorious scroll while I am before the mighty Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven. And then He placed that scroll into my mouth and I ate it. Again, THE LORD takes the scroll and places the scroll into my mouth, so I ate it; I ate the scroll of GOD ALMIGHTY. And then the Voice of GOD yesterday said by Voice, JEHOVAH by Voice said, “The instruction has been given. The instruction has been given.” And He said “That is how the instruction is given.” So the instruction has been given.

And then I understood that THE LORD has given an instruction to another level of this current ongoing Visitation in the church, the Visitation upon the face of the Earth; that now THE LORD has escalated a second level of instruction. And that speaks very much about the time, the time we are in, speaks about many things regarding the Coming of THE MESSIAH and the dispensation after this. And then I understood right away that THE LORD JEHOVAH is speaking with this generation in a very severe way, in a very serious way and relentless, consistent He is speaking with this generation.

I am reading from the book of Isaiah 6:6. He says, “Then flew one of the Seraphim to me, having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with a tong from off the altar.”

Now this event takes place with the Prophet Isaiah Before the Throne of GOD. This time it is the Seraphim that are above the Throne that take this live coal, hot coal, and put in His tongue. But on this occasion it is the hand of THE LORD GOD THE FATHER Himself that takes a scroll and puts in my tongue, in my mouth, and then I ate it fully. And then He says, “The instruction has been dispensed.”

So blessed people it is a tremendous hour in the church, it is a very, very mighty hour. The Book of Revelation 8:5, He says, “Then the angel took the censer filled with fire from the altar, and hurled it to the Earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.” That is just how tremendous the content of the altar of THE LORD is.

So THE LORD JEHOVAH, GOD THE FATHER with His hand, the right hand, He takes the scroll from His altar and He places the scroll in my tongue, in my mouth, and I eat it. But just that you may know, the content of this altar in Heaven, the glorious altar at the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY, this is just how severe the content of that altar is, blessed people, the altar that is at the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven. And so there is so much work, there is so much ministration that comes forth from there.

The book of Psalm 51:7 He says, “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”

So there is a purging and a purification that will come forth. There is a big purging that will take place in the worship, the worship that is supposed to be presented before THE LORD JEHOVAH. And this is what THE LORD is emphasizing at this hour: He is saying that the instruction has been given. And as I understand this instruction traverses this realm, this dispensation, into the next axis which is after the church is taken, after the church has been taken away. That ministration does continue: the purging of worship, the cleaning up of apostasy.

The Book of Revelation ‪9:13‬ He says, “The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard the Voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before GOD.”

This is the altar from which He takes the live coal, the altar from which He also takes the scroll and then He feeds. And then I see THE TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF THE LORD have eaten the scroll of GOD, and now They are totally ready to work, ready for action, ready for service. And it is a very, very powerful hour in the church.

Why do They bring forth the purging, the purification in worship? He says, “But who can endure,” I am reading Malachi 3:2“But who can endure the day of His coming? Who can stand when He appears? For He will be like a refiner’s fire and a launderer’s soap.”

So now you understand why the purging takes place, why the rebuke of sin takes place, the cleaning of worship takes place, because THE MESSIAH is Coming.

And in the Book of 1st Peter 1:7 He says, “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith —of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire— may result in praise, glory and honor when JESUS CHRIST is revealed.” Again, talking about the purging, the purification that come before the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

And finally you can read on and on the book of Hebrews. Hebrews chapter 12, blessed people, I am reading verse 28 all the way down. Again Hebrews 12, Hebrews 12:28-29, He says, “Therefore, since we are receiving an unshakable Kingdom, let us be filled with gratitude, and so worship GOD acceptably with reverence and awe, for our GOD is a consuming fire.”

So that scroll that He placed —and THE TWO PROPHETS that were standing before His Throne ate the scroll, and then They now came out, They are programmed for the action, for the purging, for reproving worship, for the purification of worship. That scroll is meant to prepare. It will bring forth FIRE, the consuming FIRE OF THE LORD to purge the worship, to purify the worship, that when THE MESSIAH comes the bride may be holy.

And then beyond the dispensation we are in, then at that time now will come the great purging of apostasy of the day, and the actors that will be involved at that time, the principles of that time; that will be confronted by They that have eaten the scroll before the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

May those who have ears listen to the Voice of THE LORD, to what THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is saying to the nations.

Todah, shalom.

Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Baruch HASHEM.



Well, blessed people, I know that right now you are waiting for the Visitation that is being prepared, that is being prepared by the office team in Nairobi here that will feature in today’s Sunday services. But as We wait for that recording of the Visitation of THE LORD, for those who are still awake here East African time and also for those who are able to access this teaching in the other time zones, I just want to talk a little bit about THE HOLY SPIRIT OF THE LORD today —tonight.

Today and tonight I wanted to look at the role of THE HOLY SPIRIT. And I thought We could spend this time exploring a little bit on THE HOLY SPIRIT —He that is very, very important to the church — and the role of THE HOLY SPIRIT in your Christian salvation; especially at this time when there is this humongous Visitation, the latter Visitation of THE HOLY SPIRIT, of the Glory of GOD is taking place in the church. So there is no better time at which now to even delve deeper, to go deeper, to dig deeper into understanding the time and most importantly the Visitation of THE HOLY SPIRIT and His role in the church, why He is Visiting the church.

Now, right away from the book of John, John chapter 1 verse 33, John chapter 1 verse 33 He says —and now I read from NIV. John, the book of John chapter 1 verse 33 He says, “And I myself did not know Him, but the One who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The Man on whom you see THE SPIRIT come down and remain is the One who will baptize with THE HOLY SPIRIT.” Again, “And I myself did not know Him, but the One who sent me to baptize with water (that means THE FATHER: GOD THE FATHER) told me, ‘The Man on whom you see THE SPIRIT come down and remain is the One who will baptize with THE HOLY SPIRIT.’”

And so this is very powerful because He is saying that right from the beginning, right from the onset, you can clearly see that THE HOLY SPIRIT when He was sent to the church, we know very clearly that He brought CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH and He incarnated CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH; He brought Him, in other words, in human form, GOD become man to come and deliver man. He came down here as a stranger, as a sojourner, to be able in that short time here to deliver mankind, to save mankind. And so He became THE SAVIOR of all man.

And then We are also aware that the church, when it was now time to birth out the church after THE LORD JESUS CHRIST had completed the beautiful triumphant work on the THE CROSS, and achieved victory, attained victory; and He took victory: victory over sin and death, and then He ascended on high. So when it was now time to birth out the church He told them not to leave Jerusalem until THE HOLY SPIRIT has come. And so on the day of Pentecost when THE HOLY SPIRIT does descend, THE HOLY SPIRIT —if you read Acts chapter 2, when THE HOLY SPIRIT descends, when He descends: the book of Acts chapter 2 — when He descends then He is able for the first time to birth out the church.

So the church was birthed out by THE HOLY SPIRIT from on high. So the church is heavenly; the church is built from Heaven. THE MESSIAH that came to deliver the church came from Heaven and after He completed His work, when it was time now for the church to be birthed out, the church to be inaugurated, then you hear, “When the day —“ chapter 2 of the book of Acts, ”When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent Wind came from Heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. (He says) They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.” Verse 4, the book of Acts chapter 2 He says, “All of them were filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT and began to speak in other tongues as THE SPIRIT enabled them.” So you understand “enabled them” prompted them, caused them to speak; not that they started on their own, they faked what, no, as THE SPIRIT enabled them.

Verse 5, “Now there were staying in Jerusalem GOD-fearing Jews from every nation under the heaven. (and He says) When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, (verse 7) they asked: ‘Aren’t these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native tongue? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, (He says) Egypt and the parts of Libya.’” Then He says, “’near Cyrene; visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts from Judaism); Cretans and Arabs —we hear them declaring the wonders of GOD in our own tongues!’ Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, ‘What does this mean?’ Some, however, made fun of them and said, ‘They have had too much to drink.’ Then Peter stood up.”

Verse 14,” with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd (that is the first inaugural speech right there): ‘Fellow Jews all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It is only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ”In the last days, GOD says, I will pour out My SPIRIT on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My SPIRIT in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire billows of smoke. The sun will be turned—“ all the way down.

But what am I saying here? The reason I bring you that Scripture in the book of Acts chapter 2, is to make you understand that right from the beginning the role of THE HOLY SPIRIT is that number one (1): He brought CHRIST THE MESSIAH. THE HOLY SPIRIT is the One who incarnated CHRIST THE MESSIAH; and He brought CHRIST THE MESSIAH in the human form. GOD become man so that He may come and deliver the church, deliver humanity. But now you see the role that He placed upon the triumphant resurrection of CHRIST THE MESSIAH; when now the church is to be birthed out THE HOLY SPIRIT is the One that came and birthed out the church. So the second role of THE HOLY SPIRIT this night —and I am going to run down, run through the different purposes, services, different jurisdictions that THE HOLY SPIRIT holds today, and then I will narrow down to one (1) of them so we can get a little deeper.

So you see that He brought us CHRIST at Bethlehem, and then now () to birth out the church, the church now to be birthed out —inaugurated. You see that the church was designed in Heaven and THE SAVIOR of the church came from Heaven and went back to Heaven upon a completion, accomplishing of His task. Once He successfully defeated death and locked the gates of hell and hades, He goes back to Heaven. So the design, the plan for the redemption of man always takes place in Heaven; it is always designed in Heaven. Even this second rescue, you can all see that it is designed from Heaven: this second deliverance that is taking place now to restore the church, that she may not miss the glorious eternity JESUS purchased for her at the CALVARY CROSS.

But number two (2), you see that when it is time now to birth out the church THE HOLY SPIRIT has to come. He says, “Do not leave Jerusalem. Do not leave Jerusalem.” In chapter 1 of the book of Acts, “Do not leave Jerusalem until power has come to you from on high.” Acts chapter 1 verse 4 He says, “Do not leave Jerusalem until THE ADVOCATE has come, THE HOLY SPIRIT has come.” Again, the book of Acts chapter 1 verse 4 He says, “After suffering He presented—“ from verse 3, “After suffering He presented Himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the Kingdom of GOD.” Very powerful. He spoke to them about the glorious Kingdom of GOD, the work He had just accomplished in purchasing man for. Verse 4 He says, “On one occasion, while He was eating with them He gave them this command, ‘Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for THE GIFT my FATHER promised which you have heard me speak about. So John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with THE HOLY SPIRIT.”

So you see, even the church at the time before THE HOLY SPIRIT has arrived, He told the disciples that, “Look! You cannot to go and execute the commission of the church, the mission of the church, the purpose of the church. You will only do so when THE HOLY SPIRIT comes on you.” And when THE HOLY SPIRIT comes, as we see now in the book of Acts chapter 2, We have just read, then you see that now Peter is able to stand up and evangelize JESUS; and about more than 3,000 at that time were converted: the first harvest, the first souls that turned in to Christ, came to THE LORD.

So the second role, like I said, is that THE HOLY SPIRIT designed from Heaven the design of the church and He came and birthed out the church. So the church was actually created in Heaven and THE LORD simply lowered the plan to mankind here; He lowered the agenda, the agenda of Heaven, placed it in the church. But it was designed in Heaven. And I said, even now when you look at the second Mission that is going on by He that speaks with you now, you can see that there is a tight command from Heaven. You can see that THE LORD lowers Them —you capture on camera— from Heaven, meaning, this entire Mission is designed and controlled —the Mission control is in Heaven. And the agenda is now deposited in the church, to be able to help humanity not to miss the eternal glorious Kingdom of THE MESSIAH. So the second role, as we have seen, is now to be able to birth out the church —in the book of Acts chapter 2.

Now the third purpose, the third function of THE HOLY SPIRIT, His role in the church, THE LORD JESUS says in the book of John chapter 14 verse 18: He comes as a comforter, a peace bringer; He brings peace. John chapter 14. John 14, blessed people. He brings peace; THE HOLY SPIRIT brings peace. Again, let me open with you: John chapter 14. THE HOLY SPIRIT brings peace. John 14. Now, John chapter 14; if you go down to verse 18 He says the following, He says, “ I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see Me anymore, but you will see Me. Because I live, because I live, you also will live.” Again, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see Me anymore, but you will see Me. Because I live (I am alive), because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in THE FATHER, and you are in Me, and I am in you. Whoever has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me.” And on and on.

So what does He say here? He says He is not going to leave them orphans, to leave the church orphaned. He is not going to leave the church alone, without care, but He would send THE HOLY SPIRIT as a comforter, and to bring peace to the church, to their hearts. The third —the fourth role of THE HOLY SPIRIT, still on the same John 14 verse 27, you can see. Verse 27 He says, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

So in 27 you see when He said He will leave a comforter, then in verse 27 He says that comforter becomes your peace, “My peace I leave with you.” So THE HOLY SPIRIT comforts the church; and the fourth role: that He brings peace to the church.

When you look at verse 26 you still see other functions of THE HOLY SPIRIT in the church, His mandate, His jurisdiction and Mission to the church. So verse 26 —the Mission of THE HOLY SPIRIT— He says, “But THE ADVOCATE, THE HOLY SPIRIT, whom THE FATHER will send in My Name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you.”

That is very powerful. In other words, we remember John chapter 1:33, I read, when He said, “I myself did not know Him, except that He who sent me to baptize with water—“ Meaning, GOD THE FATHER, meaning, “I come from the Throne of GOD. I come from GOD THE FATHER. I come from GOD, and He told me that the One on whom you see THE SPIRIT descend, THE HOLY SPIRIT descends like a dove, a white dove, a huge white dove at the Jordan River and remains (meaning, light on Him, meaning, settle on Him, meaning, overshadow Him, cover Him), that is the One that will baptize with FIRE, with THE HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE.” So THE HOLY SPIRIT was then able to identify JESUS.

So THE HOLY SPIRIT revealed THE LORD. And here in verse 26 you see very clearly, He says —again I read, “But THE ADVOCATE, THE HOLY SPIRIT, whom THE FATHER will send in My Name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you.” Meaning, He is saying that THE HOLY SPIRIT has a role of teaching; He has a teaching role, a teaching job in the church. He is the One who teaches the church.

And then He says THE HOLY SPIRIT —another function— is the One who reveals GOD to the church. Like in John 1:33 He revealed CHRIST THE MESSIAH. We see also here that He reveals THE LORD JESUS to the church. At this point in time He is going to reveal who JESUS is, He is going to reveal the holiness of THE CHRIST, the holiness of JESUS. He is going to reveal to the church —in other words, He was saying, as He leaves, THE HOLY SPIRIT will reveal more and more of CHRIST to the church that the followers of CHRIST, that the nations of the Earth may follow CHRIST and may follow Him rightfully, obediently, in the right manner.

So in order to reveal GOD to the church, THE HOLY SPIRIT normally works in the heart, in the hearts of men. And there in the hearts of men He will work on your belief, that you may believe; He works on your belief. That is how THE HOLY SPIRIT reveals GOD to the church. He works on your belief that you may believe CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, and that GOD THE FATHER in Heaven is one GOD in TRI-UNITY: GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT Himself, the One that you see on that January 1st, 2009, came and lighted on me: He that speaks with you today.

And remember, that only happened to THE MESSIAH —has not happened since eternity and will never happen until eternity to anybody else. Only happened to THE MESSIAH and He that speaks with you; only these TWO by GOD’S design; also to identify Them again. So that role of revealing, THE HOLY SPIRIT is THE REVEALER; He reveals the agenda of GOD, He reveals the Missions of GOD. So He reveals the CHRIST, and this time around He has revealed the One that speaks with you here, that finally, He has come.

So, but look at this now, for THE HOLY SPIRIT to reveal, to do His duty: the teaching job in the church that we see in John Chapter 14 verse 26, to reveal more and more of CHRIST to the church after THE MESSIAH has left —and He is seated on the right hand side of THE FATHER — then THE HOLY SPIRIT, like I said, works in the heart. His work is centered in the heart, nowhere else, in the hearts of men.

I know that He that speaks with you operates with Him and brings judgment to the nations, brings His judgment to the nations. I have told you many times, that at one (1) time —many times actually, not once— He comes: the white, glorious, huge, like a dove, comes all the way from Heaven. But if you look at His feet He is carrying a cup, a white, glorious cup that is full. Normally He comes up to close —some few kilometers above the earth — then He pours that cup. So He also has another role: to execute judgment. And I do not want Us to share that now, because right now we are in this moment when His role is to prepare the bride.

And so the teaching job of THE HOLY SPIRIT: to reveal more and more of CHRIST to the church. In other words, to reveal GOD to the church; He works on the belief of the church. Then after that He works on the faith; He makes you now have faith, He makes you believe and then have faith, faith in the church. That is the way He reveals more and more of CHRIST, that He may now affect your belief, and affect your faith, and affect your obedience to CHRIST JESUS and the laws He left here: “Love one another.” The commission He gave, that you may obey Him when He says,”Be holy for without Holiness nobody will see THE LORD.” So that you may obey. Again, He affects the belief that you may believe. And then after that He increases your faith, He affects your faith, the faith of the church, the faith of the believer.

The first thing He teaches, the third way He does His teaching Ministry is that He now affects the obedience. Once you have had faith then there are things to obey, there are rules that govern the grace of faith, this grace of faith we have, this grace that we have. Then obedience, that you may obey, that you may be righteous, that you may be holy, that you may shun sin. And the fourth thing He does, He is now —He affects holiness; He draws your heart closer to holiness. Why? Because He reveals to you that, ”Look! CHRIST THE MESSIAH is holy. Look! GOD THE FATHER who sent Him is very holy, is holy. CHRIST is very holy; He is holy.” And He says, “Look! THE HOLY SPIRIT is very holy. He is holy.”

So He affects the holiness of the church. He teaches the church belief, He teaches faith, He teaches obedience. And now we see that He affects also: holiness of the church. You see the ultimate; He is coming to the ultimate. He affects the righteousness of the church.

And when you read the book of John chapter 16, John 16 verse 8, you see another role of THE HOLY SPIRIT —which is I think is the 5th or the 6th role if you are making notes. John chapter 16 verse 8 He says, “When He 
comes —“ Again, He says, “When He comes, He will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment.” Again, verse 8 of the book of John 16, He says, “When He comes He will prove the world to be wrong.” Again, “He will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: —” Three (3) things. Verse 9 He says, “About sin, because people do not believe in Me;” Number 10, He says, “About righteousness, because I am going to THE FATHER, where you can see Me no longer.” Number 11, “About judgment, because the prince of this world now stands judged, stands condemned.”

And so now your 7th role, or so, you see THE HOLY SPIRIT coming as a counselor. He now comes as a counselor and He does convict of sin; now He convicts man of sin which is very powerful. How does He do so? He makes —and I am going to focus on this tonight. Once I go through some of the other roles of THE HOLY SPIRIT I am going to come back and focus on John chapter 16, on THE HOLY SPIRIT, the counselor, THE HOLY SPIRIT, His convicting Ministry, how He convicts man of sin. And you will see when We come back to this, when We get deeper you see that the purpose of convicting man to sin, He does it by making you aware of sin. He makes —He brings a greater awareness. His ministry in convicting the church, convicting man of sin, is to bring a greater awareness of sin; that you may know that, “This is sin and this other side is righteous. This is sin and wicked, this other side is righteous and holy.” And then in the process His objective is to lead, to lead mankind to repentance.

We are going to see that shortly, because this is the role that I am going to go deeper on tonight. I am going to teach a little deeper now on the role of THE HOLY SPIRIT, in convicting man of sin. Now, other roles of THE HOLY SPIRIT: Romans chapter 8 verse 26, before we come back to conviction to sin. Romans chapter 8, He says —Romans 8 verse 26. Once you get to Romans 8 then you go down to 26. Let us see what He says. He says here, verse 26, “In the same way THE SPIRIT helps us in our weakness.” You see that now? Again, “In the same way, THE SPIRIT helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the SPIRIT Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans .” Verse 27 He says, “And He searches, and He who searches our hearts knows the mind of THE SPIRIT, because THE SPIRIT intercedes for GOD’S people in accordance with the will of GOD.”

And so this is —in other words, you may take this as a separate role of THE HOLY SPIRIT, or you may combine this with the sensitization, with this convicting on sin, of sin. He says He makes the church sensitive to sin so that they may stop sinning and repent. And if you read Galatians chapter 5:16-23, He says He brings fruits to the church: the fruits of THE SPIRIT. I am just running through for now because I want to come back and really narrow in on this Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT that we have seen, about leading people to repentance: conviction of sin.

So THE HOLY SPIRIT now, according to Galatians 5 —which we will read next time— you see that He brings gifts to the church. He Himself, is the greatest GIFT that CHRIST THE MESSIAH talked about all the time during His public Ministry here on the Earth. And so now you see that He is the greatest GIFT to the church, “My FATHER will send you THE GIFT.” He is the greatest GIFT ever to be received; and He works on the hearts of man, all mankind. And then if you read 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 on, you see that He also has another Ministry; He has another duty to restrain the dominion of darkness.

And so, He is THE HELPER; He seals the believer for eternal life, that is another function. He reveals the truth, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth —many other functions that THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE ADVISOR, THE AID, THE HELPER, our TEACHER, THE TUTOR, THE INSTRUCTOR, our COACH, what He does. But tonight I want to really narrow down when We come back from a short worship break, very short worship break where We will play the song “LORD I believe in you”. Play it both in English and in Spanish. And when We come back I want really to narrow down on this role this role on how THE HOLY SPIRIT comes to do the Ministry, His Ministry of convicting mankind of sin.

So may THE LORD bless you. And then in the next five (5) to ten (10) minutes I will be back to you. Thank you. THE LORD bless you.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Let us prepare the Way. Let us be holy and righteous. Let us receive THE HOLY SPIRIT.

May THE LORD bless you.

Thank you. Amen. Thank you.

(Part 2 Special Teaching)

Well, blessed people from the other time zones and the few that may be awake, those who may be awake on this side —and it looks like everybody woke up. But I spoke about the several roles and the Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT in the church.

—role of THE HOLY SPIRIT in the church in examining His role in the church. We see very clearly () that program, that agenda of GOD and deposited in the church. And that is the role of THE HOLY SPIRIT, one (1) of the roles we saw. We saw very clearly that at Pentecost when THE HOLY SPIRIT comes, then the church is finally empowered to go, to go and serve the Mission of CHRIST, the great commission: to go and baptize all the nations that they may believe in JESUS, to baptize them in GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT.

The great commission: that they may convert the nations and fulfill the promise that THE LORD gave Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verses 1-3, when He said He would bless him, () be a great nation, and his descendants —that is all from the Hebrew line and those who are grafted into the olive tree of GOD, all together as the sand of the sea, of the seashores. And then He says through him He will now bless the nations, all the peoples of the Earth. And that is THE CHRIST, that is the Mission He brought on the Earth. That is the salvation He brought, and the glory of Israel that He brought.

And so we saw very clearly that the church is heavenly; the church was constructed in Heaven, and the church has no business focusing on the earthly agenda at this hour. The church has to continue to focus on Heaven, and Heaven, and Heaven alone. And as she does so, THE LORD will always mitigate on the goings-on here on the Earth, will help her. THE LORD is not out to humiliate her; He will be able to help her, facilitate her.

Now, I want us to move on now to another very important role in the Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT, which I said that THE HOLY SPIRIT is performing a Ministry in the church now. Ever since from Pentecost until now He has been executing a Ministry, doing a Ministry in the church: the Ministry of convicting the church, convicting mankind of sin, conviction of sin. That is His Ministry.

And We saw very clearly from John chapter 16 verse 8, when He says, “And when He comes He will convict and convince, (I am reading Amplified) He will convict and convince the world and bring demonstration to it about sin and about righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with GOD) and about judgement.“ Again, “And He will come, when He comes, and when He does come, He will convict and convince the world and bring demonstration to it about sin and about righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with GOD) and about judgment.”

So, He says the purpose of convicting —right from the onset, the purpose for which THE HOLY SPIRIT comes and executes a Ministry, does a Ministry of convicting man of sin— is that He may achieve the objective of repentance. That mankind may repent; that He may get mankind, who is convicted now, convicted of sin, to repent. How does He do that? How does He go about that Ministry in the church of convicting of sin? How does He convict of sin in the church?

Let us begin by reading from the book of Romans; Romans chapter 6 verse 23 . Romans 6:23. So Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages which sin pays is death.” I am reading Amplified; I will read NIV later, “For the wages which sin pays is death, but the (bountiful) free gift of GOD is eternal life through (in union with) JESUS CHRIST our LORD; through (in union with) JESUS CHRIST our LORD.”

So you see very clearly that the way in which THE HOLY SPIRIT performs His duty in the church —the Ministry of convicting mankind of sin— is by first of all, sensitizing them to what is sin. And once He has sensitized them to what is sin, then He makes them understand guilt to sin; what guilt to sin is. That is the Romans 6:23 I have read: “For the wages which sin pays is death, but the (bountiful) free gift of GOD is eternal life through (in union with) JESUS CHRIST our LORD.”

So He really sensitizes, He makes the church know what is sin, what sin is, and the deadliness of sin, how deadly sin is. Because He says, “The wages of sin is death.” Once He has delivered that gravity of sin to mankind, to the hearts of man through Romans now, 6:23 that I just read, then now He brings the guilt; He makes you aware of guilt to sin, what guilt to sin is. He brings guilt to sin.

The second way that He advances that Ministry in the church, when now He decides on the Ministry of convicting mankind to sin. The other way in which He executes that Mission is when we turn to the book of Ephesians, Ephesians, Ephesians chapter 5. Ephesians chapter 5 verse 5. This is what He says, Ephesians 5:5, He says, “For be sure—“ again I give you time. Ephesians 5:5, once you are there We read on, “For be sure of this: that no person practicing sexual vice or impurity in thought or in life, or one who is covetous (who has lustful desires for the property of others and is greedy for gain) —for he (in effect) is an idolater— and no one who does that has any inheritance in the Kingdom of CHRIST and of GOD.”

So in that way, THE HOLY SPIRIT is now bringing accountability. Not only has He delivered the gravity of guilt; He has delivered guilt now 
—We read Romans 6:23. He makes you understand what guilt to sin is; you have now known —sensitized to what is sin. And then now He makes you accountable to that sin. So He brings awareness of the judgment. He says, “For the wages of sin is death.” But over here now He says, the Kingdom of GOD, you cannot enter the Kingdom of GOD. So that means you enter the other way; you enter hell.

The book of Psalms. If you go to Psalm —again, the book of Psalm chapter 5. Once I get there We will read. Psalm chapter 5 verse 4. Psalm chapter 5 verse 4. He says the following —again, as THE HOLY SPIRIT works His Ministry in the hearts of men, making them realize what is sin, sensitizing them to sin, and then now guilt to sin: Romans 6:3. And then later accountability; He says the judgment of GOD is delivered against sin; you cannot enter Heaven.

Psalms chapter 9, I beg your pardon, chapter 9. The book of Psalms chapter 9 verse 17. Psalm chapter 9:17, He says the following. He says, “For the wicked shall be turned back (headlong into premature death) into sheol (the place of the departed spirits of the wicked), when all the nations that forget and are forgetful of GOD.”

Again, let me read it, “Even all the nations that forget and are forgetful of GOD (forsake THE LORD). He says, “The wicked shall be turned back (headlong into premature death) into sheol (the place of the departed spirits of the wicked), even all the nations that forget and are forgetful of GOD.”

So you see that very, very clearly, blessed people here He says, He says that there will be accountability; there will be judgement on sin. He now brings this information, this awareness to the church: Ephesians 5:5, you will not see the inheritance that the rest will see in Heaven; you will not inherit the Kingdom of GOD in Heaven. And Psalm 9:17 you will go to hell.

So in other words, THE HOLY SPIRIT does convict of sin, does the Ministry of conviction of sin by sensitizing the hearts of men to sin and guilt and accountability and judgment. So in so doing He reproves the church and exposes wickedness in the church. And then He reveals GOD’S purity. You see that He does not only expose the wickedness in that duty of conviction to sin. We saw already that He also reveals the gift of GOD when we read from Romans, “But the gift of GOD is eternal life.” So not only does THE HOLY SPIRIT reprove, purge sin, rebuke sin, exposes sin and wickedness, but He also reveals GOD’S purity, GOD’S holiness.

From Exodus chapter 19 verse 12, we see that He revealed to the children of Israel how holy JEHOVAH is. He said, “Do not touch the foot of the mountain. Do not come up. The mountain is the place of Visitation; where GOD is. So do not come there; Do not come up the mountain. This is now holy ground.”

And you see the same in the book of Psalm chapter 5 —we are going to read it here. Psalm chapter 5. Again, Psalms chapter 5, He says the following. The book of Psalms chapter 5 verse 4. He says, “For You are not a GOD who takes pleasure in wickedness, neither will the evil man so much as dwell temporarily with You.” This is Amplified. But He is saying He reveals the purity of THE LORD. Exodus 19:21, the same thing, “Do not touch the foot of the mountain. GOD is holy.”

2nd Samuel chapter 6 verses 6-7, this tremendous tragedy that befell Israel; Uzzah, Uzzah collapses. Isaiah chapter 6. Isaiah chapter 6, presenting the awesome Glory, the awesome presence of GOD, Kingdom of GOD. Isaiah chapter 6. Again, THE HOLY SPIRIT does that to expose, to teach and reveal the holiness of GOD, the purity of GOD

You see from Isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 on. He says, “In the year that King Uzziah died, (in a vision) I saw —“ This is again Amplified. “In a vision I saw THE LORD sitting upon a Throne, high and lifted up, and the skirts of His train filled the (most holy part of the) temple.”

Then He says, “Above Him stood the seraphim; each have six (6) wings: with two (2) (each) covered his (own) face, and with two (2) (each) covered his feet, and with two (2) (each) flew.” Verse 3, Isaiah 6 says, “And one cried to another and said, ‘Holy, holy, holy is THE LORD OF HOSTS; the whole Earth is full of His Glory!”

So again, the awesome holiness of THE LORD is revealed here. And this is what THE HOLY SPIRIT does, He reveals this holy, holy, holy; the awesome holiness of GOD. And He says, verse 4,” And the 
foundations —“ Again, Isaiah 6: 1-5 He says, “And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who cried, and the house was filled with smoke (the Glory of THE LORD).” Verse 5, “And then I said, “Woe is me (lest I die)! Woe is me! For I am undone and ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen THE KING, THE LORD OF HOSTS.”

So verse 5 is very instrumental, because verse 5 does present just the Holiness of GOD, the role of THE HOLY SPIRIT, what THE HOLY SPIRIT comes to do: to minister. In His Ministry of conviction of sin, He also does present the awesome, the awesome holiness of GOD, the awesome holiness of GOD.

And You see Isaiah here say, “Woe unto me! For I am done.” So in that way, He presents also the sinfulness of man and the holiness of GOD. So you can see, Isaiah here cannot stand when He sees the presence of GOD, the Throne of GOD, the place of awe, where THE LORD always takes me for instruction before the healing services. The awesome splendor of that Throne alone, reveals to you the purity of GOD, the holiness of GOD.

And then Isaiah says, “Look! Unclean man! Unholy man!” So THE HOLY SPIRIT does this: He ministers to the hearts of man by exposing and presenting the sinfulness of sin, sensitive to sin, sensitizing them to sin, presenting guilt to sin, accountability to sin, judgment, reproof, exposing wickedness; then He reveals the purity of GOD. That is what we are handling now. And in the face of the purity of GOD mankind cannot survive.

And all that, I am using all this to drive you to one (1) common denominator, one (1) common objective, the final objective that THE HOLY SPIRIT brings to the church. That once He has convicted you of sin, exposed the guilt of sin, sensitized you to what is sin, and then showed you, taught you, ministered to you the judgment that sin beholds, the judgment that comes with sin, the consequence of sin, exposing wickedness, then now He reveals the purity, the holiness of GOD on this other side, just how holy GOD is.

And once you see that gap: the sinfulness of man and the awesome holiness of GOD, Isaiah says, “No, mankind is so unholy he cannot stand before Your Throne, before Your holy Throne JEHOVAH.” Then now THE HOLY SPIRIT does score one (1) thing, He does achieve one (1) objective, the main objective for which He came: the need, that mankind may see the need for a MEDIATOR, for THE MESSIAH, for THE SAVIOR, for the bridge. That now they may see the need for CHRIST JESUS and receive Him and be born again. That is how THE HOLY SPIRIT does conduct the Ministry, His Ministry of conviction of sin, convicting mankind of sin, convicting this world of sin. So we see that He revealed the deadliness of sin.

Genesis chapter 2:16-17. Remember, “If you eat of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall for sure die. On that day you shall for sure die.” And death came: the deadliness of sin. Genesis 39. Genesis 39. But you see very clearly from the book of Genesis chapter 2 that the deadliness of sin is exposed there too. Genesis 39, same thing: the deadliness of sin, that you may fear sin, that you may run away from sin. Genesis 39 verse 9, He says —again Genesis 39:9, He says, “He is not greater in this house than I am; nor has he kept anything from me except you.” And then He says, “For you are his wife.” And the last part is very key; He says, “How then can I do this great evil and sin against GOD?”

So while Genesis 2:16-17 is exposing the consequence: “If you do this —the deadliness of sin— if you do this then you shall for sure die.” Death came. When Adam and Eve fell, death came. But now look, Genesis 39 verse 9 also presents a very powerful picture of that. And He says, “How? How can I do this great sin and sin against GOD?” So once you know the deadliness of sin then THE HOLY SPIRIT will achieved His Ministry, the objective of His purpose, His Ministry, to sensitize you to sin: that you may reject sin having known the awesome holiness of your GOD.

And that is why, now in that way He is highlighting to the church that, “Look! Ever since the fall in the garden —the Garden of Eden— ever since Adam fell, the fall of Adam, (He says) now, after that fall, death came.” And in Genesis 39 verse 9, I have just brought it in to highlight you, to awaken you, to sensitize you on the fact that aware of the awesome holiness of GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT now achieves the duty, the role of causing you to reject sin, causing you to fear sin. How can I do this and dwell with my GOD? How can I do this and appear, still appear before JEHOVAH, THE HOLY GOD OF HEAVEN, my CREATOR?

And so Genesis, Genesis then We move now. After creating that awareness of the deadliness of sin and the sinfulness of man and the awesome holiness of GOD, then now THE HOLY SPIRIT causes man to definitely need, see that they need a MESSIAH, they need a SAVIOR, they now need a SAVIOR.

So Matthew 27 verse 50. And He says, “And Jesus cried—“ again Matthew 27:50, “And JESUS cried again with a loud voice and gave up His spirit.” Verse 51, “At once the curtain of the sanctuary of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, the Earth shook and the rocks were split.”

Now He makes you understand that you cannot enter the holiness of GOD, the awesome holiness of GOD. That is the Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT: the Ministry of conviction of sin. You cannot enter the holy of holies, you cannot enter the presence of GOD, and hence the need for a MEDIATOR. Now look, when THE MEDIATOR comes, He now tears the curtain from top to bottom and admits the man, admits mankind. So that is what the awareness, that is the awareness THE HOLY SPIRIT brings to mankind: the need for THE MESSIAH, the need for a SAVIOR, the need for a MEDIATOR.

Hebrews chapter 4. I am focusing on this one (1) Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT: the Ministry of conviction to sin, conviction of sin, how He convicts of sin, how He causes mankind to be convicted to sin. And that is when now you are able to see the need, mankind is able to see the need for THE MESSIAH, for the SAVIOR to come and redeem him. Because He presents the deadliness of sin, the guilt to sin; He sensitizes you to know what is sin, then the guilt to sin. We saw Romans chapter 6 verse 23, “The wages of sin is death.” And the judgment thereat; that you will not inherit the Kingdom of GOD: Ephesians 5 verse 5. I also read from Psalm 9 verse 17: the judgment, going to sheol, going to hell —the sinfulness of sin.

He exposes sin in the church; He reveals sin. And after exposing sin and revealing sin, then now He presents the purity of GOD, the awesome holiness of GOD, the tremendous holiness of GOD, the unbearable holiness of GOD. And Isaiah describes what it means for sinful man, sinful man to come right before the holy Throne of GOD. It is shocking. Isaiah, Isaiah presents that; he presents the tremendous holiness of GOD, just the awesome —how holy GOD is. And then in light of that, how sinful man is and hence the need for a MEDIATOR.

THE HOLY SPIRIT is now able to achieve that objective of bringing to man, delivering to man the need —that He needs a SAVIOR, he needs a MEDIATOR. Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12, He says, “For the Word that GOD speaks is alive. For the Word that GOD speaks —” again, Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12, “For the Word that GOD speaks is alive and full of power (making it active, operative, energizing, and effective); it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and (the immortal) spirit (brackets, and then spirit; this is Amplified), and of joints and marrow and (of deepest parts of our nature), exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.”

Exposing sin, revealing sin. And then now, once He has revealed sin and you have seen the need for a MEDIATOR, now the book of Acts, if we turn to the book of Acts chapter 17 —the book of Acts chapter 17. Acts 17, chapter 17 He says this. The book of Acts 17 He says, from verse 30; We read only two (2) verses: 30 and 31. Now He has exposed the sinfulness of sin, in other words, the sinfulness of man and the awesome purity of GOD, the awesome lofty holiness of GOD, the dreadful holiness of GOD; and hence the need for a MEDIATOR. After that, after that then, now the book of Acts chapter 17:30-31 He says, “Such (former) ages of ignorance GOD, it is true, ignored and allowed to pass unnoticed; but now He charges all people everywhere to repent (to change their minds for the better and heartily to amend their ways, with abhorrence of their past sins).”

You see now what THE HOLY SPIRIT targets. That is the final object, His objective in the Ministry of conviction of sin, that He may cause mankind now to repent, to say, okay, in the time of ignorance you were ignorant but now you know. I have sensitized you to what is sin, the guilt to sin, the judgment of sin, the sinfulness of sin and the holiness of GOD. And then now He demands a repentance: verse 31. Why? “Because He has fixed a day when He will judge the world righteously (in brackets “justly”) by a Man whom He has destined and appointed for this task, and He has made this credible and given conviction and assurance and evidence to everyone by raising Him from the dead (that is THE MESSIAH). So He is now bringing it to your attention that there is going to be a day of judgement, therefore repent, that THE MESSIAH is coming, therefore, repent.

And that is why, in finishing I want to read John chapter 6 verse 44. The Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT, the Ministry of conviction to sin, conviction of sin that the Ministry —THE HOLY SPIRIT — the Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT executes in the church, the Ministry He does in the church of CHRIST, of convicting mankind, globally on the Earth, to sin, convicting them to sin, causing them to be aware of sin, of guilt, everything, judgment, and the holiness of GOD, the holiness requirement of GOD, the holiness of YHWH.

John 6:44 He says, “No one is able to come to Me unless THE FATHER who sent me Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to Me, and (then) I will raise him up (from the dead) at the last day.” What does this mean? That means that the Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT is very central in the framework, in the blueprint of the redemption of the salvation of GOD that is sent to mankind.

In John chapter 6:44 He says here, no one is able to come to Him, except GOD THE FATHER has sent THE HOLY SPIRIT and convicted that person. Nobody is able to receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, unless THE HOLY SPIRIT has come and done His Ministry of conviction of sin, conviction to sin. That is when they will realize sin, the sinfulness of sin, the consequence of sin and the holiness of GOD and the need for a MEDIATOR, and receive JESUS.

And again, He says, “No one is able to come to Me unless THE FATHER who sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to Me.” Meaning, without the Ministry of the conviction of sin, the Ministry of THE HOLY SPIRIT convicting mankind of sin, nobody can receive JESUS, nobody can receive the salvation of CHRIST.

So, blessed people, receive THE LORD JESUS. Be born again; because THE HOLY SPIRIT has now been poured out, He is convicting man. You can see how He is ministering across the nations using He that speaks with you: pronouncing sin, rebuking sin, rejecting sin, highlighting sin, sensitizing on sin; and yet, also announcing the holiness of GOD.

Receive CHRIST JESUS and be born again.

And for those who want to receive the LORD I lead you to THE LORD now. Say, “Dear JESUS. I repent tonight and turn away from all sin. And thank you very much LORD JESUS for dying for me on THE CROSS at CALVARY. I open up my heart to you tonight and receive you in my heart, convicted of sin, and receive you as my LORD and SAVIOR. Please, forgive me of all my sin. Establish Your Word in my life and fill me with the anointing of THE HOLY SPIRIT. LORD, cause me to walk holy; command my steps. LORD, order me to be righteous; order my steps. Tonight, in the mighty Name of JESUS, I am born again.

If you have said that prayer you need to be baptized in complete immersion and now seek GOD, seek righteousness; He will baptize you with THE HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

May THE LORD bless you.

Thank you. Todah rabah.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people.

Thank you. Todah shalom.



Now, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me beloved listeners. THE LORD JEHOVAH, THE HOLY GOD OF HEAVEN, THE CREATOR OF ISRAEL, THE GOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, He has spoken with me beloved people. This past night, there is an event that takes place, and then I see a straight line; the sky is split. The sky is split in a straight line all the way from one (1) horizon to the next horizon —split almost halfway like this (prophetic demonstration), split in a straight line. It is like something happened and split the space fabric, the fabric of space; and you can see where it is cut, where it is split all the way across the face of the Earth.

These are the dreadful signs and wonders that will take place in the heavens above, in the skies above, even as raised and exalted in the book of Luke chapter 21, if you read all the way verses 24, 25, 26 down. And He says, “When you see these wonders take place: the collision of the neutron stars, the shaking of the heavenly bodies and all this, and then you should look up into the sky and lift up your head for your redemption has come; your deliverance by THE LORD Himself has come.”

So blessed people, this is what THE LORD is saying to the nations at this hour. He is saying that the hour to prepare the glorious Garment, to prepare the Way for the Coming of THE MESSIAH, that hour is now; it has arrived. And the generation that prepares the glorious, holy and righteous Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH is you now. And He is saying there is no other way to prepare for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH except to wear the white glorious Garment of the salvation of the saints, the pure glorious Garment of the deliverance of the church, the white holy Garment of THE LORD, of THE MESSIAH, that He handed down to the church at THE CALVARY CROSS, and established and facilitated upon the Visitation of THE HOLY SPIRIT at Pentecost, and now during the latter Glory.

So this is a Message of repentance and turning away from sin. This is a Message that is now giving a clarion call to the nations of the Earth that: THE MESSIAH is Coming, please, prepare the Way; THE KING OF GLORY is Coming. Please, be holy. Sort out your Christian salvation. Remove anything that you know can stop you from climbing those glorious stairs and ascending into the Kingdom of Glory, the Kingdom of GOD, the Kingdom of Heaven. Because, if you do not you will go to hell; you will suffer the fire that never extinguishes and the worms that never die, that would eat your rotting body eternally; and the unbearable pain, excruciating pain eternal, to infinity.

So beloved people, may those who have ears prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. If it is the signs, you have seen it. Look at what happened at the Riverside Drive when all of a sudden, the day before, THE LORD speaks with THE TWO PROPHETS and He tells Them at one (1) point in the conference THE TWO PROPHETS will be operating openly, because They operate two (2) of Them, however, He controls —THE LORD controls— when they can see Them, when mankind can see Them, when mortal man can see Them.

So that at one (1) point They will be around the conference; one will be walking by the edge of the wall. And you know They oscillate, They transition from each position severally. The One that walks by the wall, walks by the wall while this One is ministering, and you find that the One ministering is again the One walking the wall. So every other moment there is a complete transitioning; They oscillate between the two (2) position. And you can tell that that is the war formation of THE LORD for combating the enemy in the dispensation after the church is taken away.

And you see very clearly that people begin to yell in the conference —to shout. I was about to close the conference —THE TWO of Us were planning to close the conference— then people began to shout, to cry out, “Look! You are TWO! We are seeing TWO; ONE (1) is taller! We are seeing THE TWO of You! We are seeing THE TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH! We are seeing THE TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH” They began to shout and cry out.

These are tremendous wonders. And you cannot see these wonders and wind up in hell. You cannot see these great deeds of GOD that many nations and many generations had not seen, and then end up in hell. Let these facilitate you to marvel at the greatness of THE LORD, and to understand the signs of the time that THE MESSIAH is Coming and prepare that white glorious Garment of righteousness, the Garment of holiness.

May those who have ears know that this is He about whom it was written in the book of Malachi, Malachi chapter 3:1-5, and Malachi chapter 4 verse 5 when He said He would send THE DREADFUL PROPHET ELIJAH, He would send Him to prepare the Way before THE MESSIAH Come(s)!

And I am reading from the book of Acts chapter 3 from verse 19. He says,

Acts 3:19-21 “So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return (to GOD), that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effect of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of THE LORD.” Verse 20, Acts chapter 3,

“And that He may send (to you) THE CHRIST (THE MESSIAH), Who before was designated and appointed for you —even JESUS.” Acts chapter 3 verse 21, “Whom Heaven must receive (and retain) until the time for the complete restoration of all that GOD spoke by the mouth of His holy Prophets of ages past (from the most ancient time in the memory of man).

Again, I am repeating 21 —20 and 21. He says, “And that He may send (to you) THE CHRIST (THE MESSIAH), who before was designated and appointed for you —even JESUS.” Verse 21, “Whom Heaven must receive and keep (and retain) until the time for the complete restoration of all that GOD spoke by the mouth of His holy Prophets for ages past (from the most ancient time in the memory of man) until all things have been restored.” 

And you can see there is a tremendous restoration going on right now in the House of THE LORD, until the authority of THE LORD is fully restored. And you can see that the tremendous restoration of the authority of THE LORD on the Earth now. That now These TWO PROPHETS have drawn the Earth and the nations of the Earth closer to the reality of GOD THE FATHER, closer to GOD: the doubling, the stars, the sun, the Glory, the sun claps, many wonders.

The power of THE CROSS is being restored fully, the power of THE BLOOD OF JESUS being restored fully, the power of the Gospel that is holiness and righteousness are being restored fully. And the Bible says that when He ascended into Heaven the disciples were in anxiousness “angustia” and pain; they were in depression and fear. And then THE TWO appeared to them and asked them, “Men of Galilee,” they asked, “why do you look up into the sky, into Heaven so anxiously, so intently, in fear? Know ye not that this same JESUS is coming back? He will be back.”

And in other words, These TWO were telling them that, “Please, you have to understand that THE MESSIAH has to go. He has to go and be at the right hand side of THE FATHER and be crowned, and be enthroned as THE PRINCE OF HEAVEN, THE KING OF GLORY, THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE, and THE HIGH PRIEST that now will begin to intercede for the church, because He had already completed the work of mediating between Heaven and man. He had completed the work of mediating between Heaven and mankind, that work He had completed so He had to go, He had finished mediating between Heaven and man.

And He is saying that now the restoration is taking place and about to be completed. Any minute now the restoration will be completed. Why? Because then the Gospel will have attained its maximum duty, maximum purpose of redeeming the church and transmitting the church into the glorious Kingdom of Heaven, of defeating sin, of defeating death in the life of the believers that walk holy.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

THE LORD bless you.

Todah rabah. Todah l’chaim. Todah.




Blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, THE TREMENDOUS GOD OF ISRAEL, THE MIGHTY, MIGHTY GOD of Abraham, THE GOD of Isaac, THE MOST POWERFUL GOD of Jacob, THE MIGHTIEST GOD of all creation, THE ETERNAL GOD, THE FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE CREATOR of all the heavens and the Earth, THE CREATOR of the universe, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, THE LORD OF HOSTS, the One that comes in the thick dark CLOUD and communes with man, THE LORD has spoken with me this past night, blessed people.

This night when I fell asleep, then THE LORD came all the way from Heaven to speak with His SERVANTS. And I see a meeting that I am going to; there is a meeting THE LORD is sending me to. And at that meeting, then in a moment, THE LORD causes me to command THE FIRE OF ELIJAH to fall from Heaven. And in an instant, in a shocking instant in that meeting, a huge FIRE, a very huge FIRE fell from Heaven —fell down from Heaven; and people, people ran away. It was a tremendous moment in this conversation.

Again, there is a meeting and a place at which THE LORD is sending me; and in that meeting I see a lot of people —I have talked with some of them, I already see them; I am talking with them here and there, and some have received me there and We are in a meeting there. And at that meeting THE LORD commands me to command THE FIRE OF ELIJAH to fall from Heaven onto the Earth. And at that exact moment, when I lifted up my Left Prophetic Hand and commanded THE FIRE OF ELIJAH to fall from Heaven, fall down from Heaven onto the Earth, then a huge flame —I have never seen such a flame— a huge flame fell from Heaven, came from Heaven and fell on the Earth, fell all the way from Heaven to the Earth.

People were shocked and (). Everybody was shocked —running. Some people tried to run away. Tremendous times are coming to the church. And I remember at that time, the one that was controlling the camera, Michael Nieswand, then I told Michael, “No, no, no, no. Look ()! The Glory, THE FIRE OF ELIJAH has fallen behind you here. Make sure you record it.” Then he was fumbling with the camera, trying to turn the camera towards his back.

There is a meeting at which THE LORD is sending me THE FIRE OF ELIJAH at my presence. When I command, THE FIRE OF ELIJAH will fall from Heaven and fall on the Earth! Hallelujah! The hour of power has come! Man must repent now! Man must prepare for the Coming of THE MESSIAH, for the Coming of THE KING! Time is over!

“There is a meeting I am coming to.” says THE LORD. And THE LORD brings me to that meeting, and then He causes me to command THE FIRE OF ELIJAH to fall down. And a huge historic flame fell down from Heaven; people ran away!


Repent the nations of the Earth! Turn away from wickedness! Turn away from sin! Turns way from immorality! Turn away from false prophets, false prophecy, false apostles! You see them all over TBN, Daystar TV, all the Christian TV in America; you see them doing the falsehood there. Turn away from tribalism in Kenya, tribalism in Africa, racism all over the world: Australia, everywhere! Turn away from deception! Turn away from immorality! Turn away from the gospel of prosperity! Go back to the Gospel of THE CROSS!

THE MESSIAH is Coming!

THE CROSS is the power of salvation, THE BLOOD OF JESUS. Go back to holiness!

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD! Nobody. No one will see THE LORD.

There is a meeting I am coming to; and I decree today that when I get to that meeting, then THE FIRE OF ELIJAH, THE FIRE OF YHWH will fall from Heaven —a huge flame, bigger than what you have seen before, much broader and bigger, a little bit thinner from above here like this (prophetic demonstration), but from the bottom huge FIRE fall. The shape of that FIRE is that as the FIRE falls, a little bit thinner from the upper side, and then down here is a huge, huge broad, huge flame; and falls like this (prophetic demonstration), and people run away.


Times have changed. THE KING is Coming.

Let us return to THE CROSS. Let us return to the Gospel of THE BLOOD OF JESUS and prepare for the Coming of THE MESSIAH! THE KING is Coming. My LORD is Coming. THE MESSIAH is Coming. Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD. Prepare the Way of THE LORD.

And yesterday He showed me I was traveling to Israel.

Time is over. The false prophets you see in your so-called global Christian TV —time is out. It is time out for the false prophets —time out. The false apostles and the false preachers you see in the American Christian TV spewing falsehood all over the world —timeout! Repent! Repent and turn to righteousness! Revelation 19 verse 6 to verse 9 He celebrates the Coming of the wedding of THE LAMB. And He says, “Finest linen bright and clean was given to the church to wear to enter the wedding banquet.” And He says, “Fine linen is the righteousness of the church.”

Repent! Repent America! Repent Brazil! Repent Argentina! Repent Europe! Repent Africa! Repent Australia! Repent Asia! Repent the nations, the islands, the oceans, the mountains! Repent!

THE MESSIAH is Coming!

Repent! Repent in CHRIST JESUS and return to THE BLOOD AND THE CROSS!

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah rabah. Todah shalom. Todah chaverim. Baruch HASHEM.


Blessed people, I would like to share a little bit more on the conversation that THE LORD did have with me today regarding the mega, most dreadful Visitation of YHWH that is coming up soon. Now, in this very mega and mighty conversation of THE LORD SABAOTH, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH MEKKADDISHKEN, THE TREMENDOUS AND MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE LORD showed me THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD. And one of Them stood —it looks more like an altar but at a higher ground. The one that is slightly bigger and larger stood at the higher; and He was very dreadful when He stood there because He was fully, fully loaded with the wrath of GOD.

And then after that is when THE LORD commanded Him to command FIRE to come from Heaven and fall from Heaven to the Earth. And that is the moment at which I commanded FIRE to fall from Heaven —there were people around me— commanded FIRE to fall from Heaven and fall down on the Earth. And then instantly FIRE fell from Heaven. It was very shocking because it came like (vffooum), it came with a huge blaze, a huge blaze, very big, very, very huge flame, huge FIRE fell from Heaven and fell over the Earth, fell to the Earth where I was standing exactly. And then now people started running.

Then I told Michael, “You are recording.” He was with the camera; I said, “But at your back FIRE has fallen.” So he turns towards his back. I said, “Please record this FIRE.” But the FIRE fell and there was a big panic; some people tried to run away. Remember, the book of Revelation chapter 11 describes exactly the Ministry of these TWO MIGHTIEST, MOST REVERED PROPHETS OF THE LORD YHWH. And so now that THE LORD is escalating this tremendous calling of FIRE from Heaven that should also tell you that time is running out. Time is running out for the church.

May those who are wise repent, return to holiness, receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD, be born again and return to righteousness and holiness. The Bible says, “Finest linen bright and clean was given her to wear.” And the finest linen stands for the righteousness of the bride, the holiness and the righteousness of the church. So let the church now embrace righteousness and holiness and return to the Gospel of holiness, the Gospel of THE CROSS and THE BLOOD OF JESUS. That is the only way for this generation to enter the glorious eternal Kingdom of THE MESSIAH, the eternal kingdom of GOD YHWH, the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

I have seen THE LORD take the church into Heaven. That event will take place.

But this past night He presented the other side of these TWO PROPHETS, THE PROPHETS, They call FIRE and FIRE destroys some people: the enemies of GOD.

May those who have ears listen to the Voice of THE LORD and what THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is saying to the nations.

Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah shalom. Todah. Todah rabah. Yom-tov. Todah HASHEM. Baruch HASHEM.


Blessed people, I would like to open up a little bit more still on this very conversation that THE LORD had with His TWO SERVANTS this past night. THE LORD JEHOVAH this past night, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE CREATOR of the heavens and the Earth, THE TREMENDOUS GOD of Jacob, THE GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, this past night He spoke with His TWO SERVANTS.

And in that conversation, I repeat, one (1) of THE PROPHETS saw the other one standing high up, high up above the ground. And He looked very dreadful; He was totally loaded with the wrath of GOD YHWH, THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE LORD OF THE ARMIES. And it seems to me that THE LORD has now decided to unveil these TWO PROPHETS another notch higher, another level higher, in another different way, drawing Them closer to Their Mission after the church is taken away from this scene. And then this becomes a theater, another theater, a serious campaign, fighting for YHWH, doing the biddings of THE LORD at that time in a very dreadful way.

But so I could see the other PROPHET was standing and THE LORD showed me the other PROPHET standing high; He was quite high above the ground and His garment was glorious. I am now unveiling more of that conversation. His garment had the Glory of THE LORD flowing over the garment, but above the Earth, He was above the soil, above the ground and He was very dreadful there. And then at that time THE LORD commanded me to command FIRE to fall from Heaven, to come from Heaven, fall from Heaven and come and fall on the Earth.

Now what I wanted to add upon this conversation, to unveil more, is that the FIRE from Heaven fell in two (2) stages. So it is two (2) FIRES, two (2) huge FIRES that fell. It is not one (1) FIRE. The first FIRE came and fell and the second FIRE immediately upon the first FIRE; so it was a tremendous thing. And I saw people trying to run away, and a lot of yelling and crying taking place. And THE LORD destroyed His enemies. So He destroyed the enemies of THE LORD: those that have blackmailed THE LORD for some time, those that have come up against the Gospel of JESUS.

And so it looks like THE LORD is intending now to introduce His TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS another level that the nations of the Earth may understand that These are not your friends. These are not your friends that have come from eternity to minister to this generation. That is why you see sometimes They are six (6), with twelve (12) legs, four (4) going this way and two (2) going this way. This formation —These are not your friends. They come to secure the church that the church may exit this place, have a safe exit.

And then there is a terrible situation in this theater here, in this war theater on the Earth, when finally They confront the antichrist and They also confront the false prophet that builds the tribulation temple in Jerusalem. They confront the apostasy that will take place in Jerusalem and the false peace. These are not your friends. Remember, only THE MESSIAH, FIRE comes from His mouth in that way. Remember, only THE MESSIAH, FIRE devours His enemies from His mouth. And these Ones have come after THE MESSIAH, to fight for THE MESSIAH, to fight for JEHOVAH and prepare the nations for the Kingdom of GOD.

So THE LORD intends —I can see in this conversation— to finally begin to draw Them closer, begin to unveil Them closer and closer and closer to the final Mission.

So may those who have ears, the nations that have circumcised ears, the nations that are meek and humble and can pay heed to the instruction of THE LORD, may they listen to the counsel of JEHOVAH and be born again. Stop the idolatry. Stop the sexual sin. Stop this worshiping of buddhism, hinduism, all these religions of the east. Turn to JESUS, receive CHRIST JESUS. And those who are Christians now return to the Gospel of THE CROSS and THE BLOOD. No other Gospel was delivered unto men for salvation and entry into eternity in the glorious Kingdom of JEHOVAH in Heaven, only the Gospel of THE CROSS that crucifies the flesh and incinerates the sin. Only the Gospel of THE BLOOD that is the power of the Gospel, the power of the Ministry of JESUS, the power unto salvation.

May those who have ears be holy. Receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD. Stop this political correctness in the church. Stick to the Gospel of THE CROSS and the salvation of righteousness and holiness. For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

I have seen the TWO PROPHETS this past night, one of Them standing high and He was very dreadful the way He stood there. And then THE LORD commanded me from where I was standing up there, now to call for FIRE from Heaven and fall down here; and FIRE fell, but in two (2) stages. Tremendous FIRE. I saw people trying to run away and screaming and crying —all directions. Then I told Michael, “Record this FIRE.” He wanted to run away also.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.


Todah shalom. Todah chaverim. Todah rabah. Shalom todah.



Well, blessed people tuned in globally, I know that this is a very, very exciting time in the history of the church. And I know that I have just received an email from the Senior Archbishop in charge of China, my son (). And I have made it clear to him —they were showing interest in sending some of their pastors for discipleship in Nairobi upon the completion of the Head Offices here— and I have made it clear to him that once We complete, which is about maybe, probably two (2) months from now, once the () are done then I will be able to start receiving the delegations, and also conducting training workshops and discipleship sessions with the teams from all over the world as THE LORD will lead.

And so this is an exciting time in the history of the church, because the church gets to hear directly from the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven. And in that context I want to share with you what GOD has spoken this time. The day before yesterday, blessed people, there was a tremendous Visitation of THE LORD that took place here, right here at the Head Offices. At this place, THE LORD Visited with His SERVANT in a very, very mighty way. I saw the Glory of THE LORD; first He showed me the tremendous Glory. When the Glory entered here, the tremendous mighty Glory that entered here —very blindening Glory of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

And then after that, then THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, what He did is that He took His Hand, He took His right Hand, the hand of GOD THE FATHER, and He touched my left hand, my Left Prophetic Hand. He touched the palm, the palm of my hand using the palm of His right Hand. After touching —and then He left the Hand a little bit above me for some time, and then He disappeared, the Hand of THE LORD disappeared. So this is the kind of Visitation that is taking place at this hour.

And I know that there is a big healing service that I announced the other time that may come in the course of time as THE LORD leads; when He showed me, He took me to His Throne Room and then presented this tremendous wonderful leaves of the Tree of Life. And this time He showed me the tremendous Glory, the fresher anointing that covered the mountain. This time He placed it on the mountain right ahead of me. And so this is what THE LORD is saying at this time.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

This is an exciting time of Visitation, the latter Visitation promised in the Bible is here. The second wine, the second wine is now in the church. The tongues and the lips of the church have tasted, the tongue of the church has tasted the second wine, so surely there is no stopping us. There is no stopping the church; they are now forward marching towards the glorious Kingdom of GOD. They have centered and prioritized the things of GOD, the things that matter most to THE LORD: righteousness of THE LORD, the holiness of THE LORD, receiving CHRIST and being right with GOD, in right standing with JEHOVAH YHWH, being baptized totally, in complete immersion and then being raised out of there with CHRIST JESUS, being resurrected from that burial with Him that death and burial and then being resurrected with Him.

Everyone, everybody is fighting to be right with THE LORD. And there can be no greater exciting time in the church when now we can see the finishing line; everybody can see the glorious stairs.

And so the race has now entered the home stretch, the final phase. And everybody can see now the prize. The glorious stairs have been now lowered, they have being raised before the church like this (prophetic demonstration) and everybody is racing, whether you are a lawyer in town in Nairobi here, or in the city of —in the cities of Namibia, the cities of USA, Finland, Spain, Barcelona, Madrid, and many other cities there, in the cities of Argentina, wherever you are, Australia. Now the fishing line has been drawn in front and everybody is now racing on their own track ensuring that they are running right, ensuring that the baton is in their hands, that they deliver at the finishing line that they may climb the glorious stairs and enter.

So there is no generation like this. It is a very awesome time. It is a very, very powerful time. And so —and then after that, this night THE LORD showed me that I was processing my travel to Israel; so there is so much happening within the spiritual realm. And this is a time at which to make sure that the Christianity is done with diligence, that now your hands show dexterity, your spiritual hands as you are working for THE LORD in the vineyard of THE LORD that brings forth spiritual dexterity as you serve THE LORD. In order to execute your prowess in salvation now, that the fineness, the fineness of the Christian salvation should come out now.

This is an awesome time; it is a blessed time and these are the things that I wanted to share with you. Yesterday, the night before this, GOD THE FATHER Himself Visited with me in a very mighty way, and He took His —the Glory came. A blindening Glory struck this place: this new Head Offices here, and He took His right Hand, the right Hand, and He touched the palm, His palm touched the palm of my left hand. And then He left His Hand a little bit above me in the sky like this (prophetic demonstration). After that He took it away.

And then after that, today I see that THE TWO SERVANTS OF THE LORD are processing Their travel to Israel; They were communicating with the embassy to travel to begin the Missions of GOD. But for now, until that happens let the church prepare very well. You can see now there is a bit of movement in the Middle East. The war that I have been talking about since 2005, 27th September, from Mbeya, Tanzania; you can see now the formations, the war formations that are taking place within the gulf and the Middle East. And Israel is at the center of that war, just that you may know—and I have seen all these things— but We do not know when they happen. All We know is that the church needs to prepare.

The glorious stairs have been raised. Every Christian is now running the race with a lot of joy and smile in their faces and they have been re-energized; they are now running with a greater strength. They say, “I will finish. I will finish. I will cross the finishing line and I will enter to the prize: the Kingdom of Glory, the eternal Kingdom of my FATHER. When people will be celebrating in Heaven I will be among the number celebrating. I will not languish in hell, but I will celebrate in the Kingdom of peace, the Kingdom of Glory, the Kingdom of my FATHER, the Kingdom of Heaven.”

So JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH is Coming to take the church. JESUS CHRIST my LORD is coming to finally bring His bride into the prepared Kingdom of GOD in Heaven.

So, blessed people, be holy. Be righteous. Turn away from sexual sin. Turn away from perversion, the gospel of prosperity, the lies, all these things that have deluded the church. Turn away from the false prophets, false apostles. Turn away from this worldliness you see in the church: the nudity, the tight dressing of women to show their bodies, that immorality and lust. Turn away from that and be holy. Just simply be holy. Read the Bible. Pray every time. Worship THE LORD; ask Him to help you. Talk to THE HOLY SPIRIT that you may be able to enter the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

May THE LORD bless you.

Shalom, todah.



I know that people are assembled all over the world waiting to hear on this very powerful matter, this very powerful conference that is going to be delivered this night East African time. But I want to bring a very important information to all Kenyans as they are tuned in. That remember that THE LORD has spoken to me about the judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya. That that has not been cleaned out. And THE LORD commanded a national repentance for this country and I see a lot of people running, gunfire, a lot of youth running, a lot of gunfire and all this.

This prophecy I gave when I was in Central Park, Nairobi, and this matter has to be solved. One has to bow down and worship the other. Either Kenya will bow down and worship JEHOVAH or they will expect that JEHOVAH will bow down and worship them. But I know that JEHOVAH created Kenya; He will never bow down to Kenya.

So even as this conference prepares, and everybody is tuned in globally and all over this country, remember the blackmail you () on THE TWO ANGELS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. You will not be forgiven of that except that you begin repenting right now, until that day. I do not know when that takes place.; but I have seen it. I have seen your judgment. So horrific. Even as THE LORD loves you: raising your cripples, HE is simply building a stronger case against you on your witchcraft and your blackmail and slander.

So make sure as you are tuned into this conference you remember that there is a repentance item, there is a national repentance that Kenya must observe. If not, watch my words. Watch my words and you will know that I have come from JEHOVAH.



Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me. And THE LORD, in a very tremendous conversation, He has asked me to pass judgment, to speak the judgment of THE LORD over the nations of the Earth. And after speaking this judgment of THE LORD over the nations of the Earth then I see a historic famine, a historic drought that I have never seen before —probably has never visited the Earth— strike the nations of the Earth.

So there is a very, very shocking, historic drought that is coming to the Earth —and historic famine. It is so historic, I see the land, I see the land on the Earth totally dry, not even one (1) leaf. So this is going to be a very shocking, historic famine. And I do not see people, so it is going to take a toll on people.

Again, THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, THE MIGHTY GOD OF HEAVEN has commanded me to pass judgement upon the nations of the Earth because of their heedlessness, their disobedience, their failure to pay attention to the current Visitation of THE LORD that is on. And this judgment, as I passed it, and then I saw a historic drought and famine strike the Earth; it is so historic I have never seen anything like that happen on the Earth. There will be no rain, there will be no dew during all that time; and there will be no crop, no leaf on the ground.

THE LORD has done this at this time. And I do not know the exact time when this does take place, whether it takes place within this dispensation before the church is taken or it does take place in the dispensation of the great tribulation when the church will have been taken, taken away from the Earth and taken into Heaven. So this is what THE LORD has said today.

And I am reading right now from the Book of Amos chapter 8 verse 11. He says, “‘The days are coming,’ declares THE SOVEREIGN LORD, ‘when I will send a famine through the land —not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the Words of THE LORD.’” And verse 12 He says, “Men will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the Word of THE LORD, but they will not find it.”

And so THE LORD JEHOVAH has asked His TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS to step forward and strike the Earth with a historic judgment: the judgment of THE LORD. And when I stepped forward and struck the Earth with the judgment of THE LORD as I had been commanded, as I was commanded by JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH YHWH, then a historic famine and drought hits the Earth. It is so historic; there is no rain. The heavens are totally closed and there is no water, no rain, no dew, no precipitation, and the soil becomes totally dry, not even one (1) leaf. And then I see the massive ministry of THE TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS becoming very massive —roving and roaming around the nations of the Earth during this ominous judgment, this tremendous judgment.

Now We have read from Amos chapter 8 verses 11 and 12, in which THE LORD says He will send a unique, a strange famine to the land —not an ordinary famine for food or water, thirst for water— but He is speaking of a drought, a famine of the Words of THE LORD. So this prophecy that THE LORD has given, this judgment He has given is dual, is two (2) faceted because you have the physical famine that will take place upon the the Earth, physical drought and famine, and then spiritual drought and famine that will also strike the Earth. And the physical famine is destructive, yes, but the spiritual famine is far more destructive and devastating than the spiritual famine. Because, the spiritual drought and famine essentially devastates the soul eternally. In the physical drought you could say people probably receive THE LORD and be born again.

But all this is happening because they have refused to listen to the Words of THE LORD, to listen to the instruction of THE LORD. And again I do not know whether this happens before the rapture has taken place or it happens after the rapture; the same way with war, the nuclear war coming to Iran, the prophecy I gave September— if I remember well— about September 27th the year 2005 when I was in Mbeya, Tanzania. Then THE LORD spoke with me then, and also continued to speak when I came back to Kenya.

The nuclear war, the two (2) nuclear missiles that I see coming and striking the nuclear facility that is at the foot of a mountain in the desert —there is a nuclear facility. And I think it may be Natanz Nuclear Center in Iran that is sitting at the foot of a mountain in the desert. And I see the two (2) nuclear missiles that come, their tails, the tails are copper and they rotate anti-clockwise as they have been shot. And then they strike the nuclear facility in Iran at the foot of a mountain in the desert. And it blows up with a hugest fire. I have never seen such fire, the Earth has never seen such fire. So it becomes a huge flame and () has these little, little, little, little, little, flames within the big flame, and the flame goes almost as far as the sky is and as far as east is from west. It will be a shocking war. And it is the little flames that made me understand it is a nuclear war.

And I said from September 27th, 2005 that I do not know whether that war takes place after the rapture, the events of post-rapture, or that war takes place in this time. But you can see that from 2005 until now that war has not taken place. Probably there is a movement towards war now. But like I said, I did not know when that prophecy would be fulfilled. The same thing here today; I do not know whether this famine, this drought, the shutting of heavens that I have done on this day —strictly based on the words of my tongue I have shut the skies over the Earth— I do not know whether this is what takes place in the great tribulation for 3 and 1/2 years or this happens before the church is taken up into Paradise in Heaven.

But this should be a very important lesson to the nations. That people should repent, and be righteous, and be holy, and receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR and be ready for the glorious Kingdom of GOD.

The famine for the hearing the Words of GOD is also such a terrible famine. As much as the physical famine is bad —but this could be worse: the spiritual famine. Because, you see also in the same dispensation when the church has been taken away it is only THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD that walk across the land with the Light. That is why They become THE TWO LIGHTS, THE LAMPSTANDS that stand before THE LORD of all the Earth. Because, only They now transmit the Gospel. And it is a terrible time when the entire Earth is worshiping satan, is lost, is in apostasy, including the building of the tribulation temple, the apostate temple in Jerusalem, the activities of the antichrist and the false prophet that these TWO PROPHETS will counter. And it will be such a bruising battle; you do not want to be here. I cannot share with you the details because you will be shocked. But all you need to understand is that you need to be ready at all times, all times for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

This is an unusual curse, judgment of THE LORD. He says, “THE MESSIAH is Coming.”

This is He about whom it was written in the Book of Malachi chapter 4 that, “See, in those days I will send you ELIJAH THE TERRIBLE PROPHET OF THE LORD who will restore all things, who will come and prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, turning the hearts back to the father before the great and dreadful Day of THE LORD, the Day when THE LORD will come and strike the nations, take away His bride, and bring retribution upon the face of the Earth.”

So remember that we are in this very critical and edgy time, this threshold hour when anything can happen to the church. It is important that the church repents, that everybody upon the face of the Earth reject evil and repent.

There is so much homosexuality upon the face of the Earth. There is sexual lust, sexual immorality, sexual sin, sexual perversion, pornography. There is deception, falsehood, false prophets, false gospels, false evangelists preaching. And you see them all over TV leading people aside, claiming that GOD is not holy, that once the Grace came you do not worry about, you do not need to worry about the issues of holiness. And yet Hebrews chapter 12:14 ends by saying, ”For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

And yet Hebrews 6: 4- 6 is a stark warning, a stern warning that you cannot abuse the Grace, you cannot continue receiving CHRIST —that you are now born again and then still live an unholy life, live a life that is heedless that has not obeyed the basic command of the law of the Covenant, the New Covenant of the Grace. He warns and He says, “If we continue sinning after we have received the truth, the knowledge of the truth, the Grace, then no more sacrifice for sin is left for us.”

Again, THE LORD has commanded me to strike the Earth with an unbelievable famine, to shut the heavens over the Earth. There will be no precipitation, there will be no dew, there will be no rain during all that time. And I see that a tremendous historic drought strikes the Earth; the soil becomes red —almost maroon— and dusty, and there is no leaf on the soil. I do not see the people. Then I see THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD roving across the face of the Earth.

May you pray that this does happen after the church is taken away into Paradise, into the New Jerusalem of GOD, into the safety of the rapture, the safety of Heaven. May you be among the number of those blessed saints, the elect that I have seen taken up by THE LORD. This is the time to be holy.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

So may the nations repent and prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. I have seen THE MESSIAH Coming for a holy church. It is a tremendous day, it is a day of reckoning. It is a day of reality; it is a day of the truth. On that day we will know who really was born again, who really was SPIRIT filled, who was really walking in holiness, who was righteous. Because, the unrighteous and the unholy will never ever see the glorious Kingdom of my GOD.

So this is a clarion call for this generation, to this generation that has seen so much blessing, so much love, to turn away from sin and be holy, receive JESUS and be baptized in complete immersion, receive THE HOLY SPIRIT and be baptized with Fire to purge the dross, to incinerate the sinful desires of your flesh and re-conform, to create a conformity between your soul and THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD and to shun evil at all time, and to make a deliberate intentional effort to avoid wickedness and immorality and deception and lies.

THE MESSIAH is Coming. Blessed people, THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

This is the Voice of one calling in the wilderness saying, “Prepare ye the way of THE LORD. Make straight in the wilderness a highway for our GOD.”

Todah, shalom.

May you all that are tuned in have the privilege of receiving CHRIST and being holy, and that may your wisdom never fail you on this one, that you may see the eternal glorious Kingdom of GOD.

Todah, todah. Todah, shalom.



And it has not been easy. Many of them did not even hear the announcement on the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. So probably, even lived their lives in a very casual way; did not uphold righteousness or holiness. But look now, this generation has been privileged to see the awesome Visitations of GOD THE FATHER, to see the ministration of Heaven taking place here, GOD THE FATHER Himself ministering to the church, Visiting the church, Visiting the House of THE LORD, and even presenting Heaven, presenting the New Jerusalem, the city of New Jerusalem —the New Jerusalem— the Jerusalem of GOD. And I just wanted to mention a little bit on that city of New Jerusalem to be able to encourage the Christians across the different time zones, the different hemispheres: the Western Hemisphere and all over the Earth, and even in Kenya, those who are awake who can listen.

It is amazing that THE LORD has now repeatedly shown me this City; He has spoken about Heaven. And the New Jerusalem we all know is where all people who are born again are aspiring to enter: the New Jerusalem. It is the Home of the righteous. And sometimes in the Bible it is called the Holy City, the City of GOD, also called Heavenly Jerusalem or the Tabernacle of GOD. And this is the Home of the righteous; and THE LORD is using this to encourage all Christians at this time to pursue righteousness, to let them know that there is a recompense, there is a compensation. This is an encouragement that in whatsoever the trials and the persecutions, rejections, that the present day Christians may be going through —maybe because of your pursuit for holiness, you have attended many interviews and they have simply declined to take you because of your stand on matters righteousness, matters your faith, matters your religion. But He is saying this is an encouragement to all the Christians. That when He has shown me this City and caused me to announce across the nations, then this is blessed hope. It tells them that, “Look! The finishing line is near and the compensation, the reward will be far much greater than the trials —the tribulations so to say— persecutions you have gone through.

In the Bible, for example in the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse 10, He says, “For he was looking forward to the City that has foundations, whose Designer and Builder is GOD.” And again that still refers to the City of New Jerusalem, the future home of the blessed holy Christians, the ones I saw climbing up when THE LORD spoke with me and showed me the church being taken up into Heaven, the ones I saw going up, going into Heaven. So this is a very powerful encouragement to the church. He says, again, Hebrews 11 verse 10 He says, “For he was looking forward to the City that has foundations whose Designer and Builder is GOD.”

This is an eternal City, the perfect City. In that City there will be the perfect law of GOD, it will be the perfect Kingdom with a perfect government. There will be no dying, no pain, no fear. And the book of Galatians chapter 4 verse 26 says that, “The Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.” And in other Scriptures He refers to that same City. The book of Hebrews chapter 12 verses 22-24 He says, “But you have come to Mount Zion, and to the City of the LIVING GOD, the Heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gatherings,” which means it will be unbelievable gathering of worship, “innumerable angels in festal gathering, and to the assembly of the church of the firstborn, to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in Heaven, and to GOD the judge of all, and to the spirits.”

So this is very powerful because He is saying many things here about that City. So sometimes that City is referred to as the Mount Zion of GOD, the City of THE LIVING GOD, the heavenly Jerusalem. And He says one (1) thing about the citizenry, the communities there, is that you will be part of this innumerable number of angels worshiping THE LORD in a very thunderous assembly. And you can imagine the celebration, the non ending celebration that takes place in that city of New Jerusalem. And so that is why THE LORD is using this now to disconnect the hearts of man, the hearts of the Christians from anything that can stop them, deter them —worldly— that can deter them from seeing that city.

Again the book of Hebrews 13:14 He says, “For here we have no lasting city.” Meaning, on the Earth here whatever you have here is temporary, is perishable, it is mortal. “For here we have no lasting city but we seek the City that is to come.” So again still encouraging you all believers as We worship this very special song that you are playing. And I request you to play it ten (10) times that We may worship JEHOVAH THE LIVING GOD, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, JEHOVAH YHWH, Our Sender.

But you see He is encouraging. Here He is saying that things earthly, things on the Earth are very temporary, but that City of Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem will be an eternal City. And you will be worshiping with angels, and there will be no more sorrows, there will be no more death, no sin, there will be no fear, there will be no terror.

And if you look at The Book of Revelation 21 He still talks about that City to a greater length. And so, in that City He says, by the time now the Christians, you the blessed ones who are tuned in listening to me, listening to this instruction, this command on holiness, the pursuit of righteousness, by the time you enter that City, definitely you will have been gathered as a church in the rapture; you will have been taken up in the rapture.

And The Scripture says, “For this we declare—” again, I am reading the book of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, 15 to 17, “For this we declare to you by the words of THE LORD that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of THE LORD will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For THE LORD Himself will descend from Heaven with a cry of command, with a voice of the Archangel—” and all this. And then He says, “After that the dead in CHRIST will be the first to be taken up, and then those who are alive will be translated.”

So this city of Jerusalem, when you enter that City the rapture will have taken place. And that is why this offers a very opportune time for anybody and everybody who is Christian to prepare. Because it has not happened; the rapture has not happened. But just that you may know, that time the rapture will have happened. And even as you are there the tribulation will have passed; after there the battle of armageddon will have passed and you are safe, you are in the safety of Heaven, away from all this that is being described here: the tribulation, the great tribulation, the battle of armageddon will have also been fought and won by THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. satan will have been chained for a thousand years during the reign of CHRIST on the Earth, the reign of peace that you see in Revelation chapter 20, and then 19 all the way to 20.

And then He says at that time a glorious Temple will have been established in Jerusalem, and the final rebellion will have been crushed, and satan will have been punished, will have been judged, will have receive his just punishment: an eternity in the lake of fire that you see in the Book of Revelation chapter 20. I am reading verses 7 on. Revelation chapter 20 He says, “And when the thousand years are ended, satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the Earth. Gog and Magog go gather themselves—“ and then the war.

You see that war takes place. That terrible war does take place now; the Gog and Magog war. But then at the end again, now he is crushed, the enemy is totally crushed and defeated. You see that together with them, for battle their number is like the sand of the sea. Verse 9 says, “And they marched up over the broad plain of the east, the broad plain rather of the Earth surrounded by the camp.”

Right now you can see very clearly that there is going to be a very important alliance definitely between Iran and Russia and so forth. And you can almost see the formation taking place at this hour. And He said, “The camp of the saints and the beloved city. But fire came down from Heaven and consumed them. And the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” That is very powerful, blessed people.

He promises, He promises here very clearly that by the time you are now enjoying your eternity in the City of the New Jerusalem, then all this will have happened: satan will have been defeated so there will be no fear, THE LORD will have crushed him, THE LORD would have attained victory and mankind also will have been judged. So this is a very powerful time as a Christian because He says it is where the righteous will dwell; the righteous will live there, it is their eternal home; and in their eternal state, in the righteous eternal bodies, the glorious bodies that you will have.

And so THE LORD is really promising this generation tremendous, wonderful peace, the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from GOD, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her Husband. And He says that this City, this is the City that Abraham in his faith —you remember that he was looking forward to this City. That means everybody is looking forward to this City of the New Jerusalem. For He was looking forward to the City that has foundations whose Designer and Builder is GOD.

So you see THE LORD gave Abraham a glimpse of this City. And that is why the Bible celebrates his faith, because he chose then to build a tent, to live on the Earth as a sojourner, as an exile, as a passerby, as a passenger, someone who is on transit, as a transient. Because, he knew that he had already seen the glimpse of this City of New Jerusalem. Now look, THE LORD has spoken with me too about this City and now shown me the City and caused me and told me to come and announce it to you that I have already seen the beautiful City that I cannot describe. The splendor, the magnificence, the brilliance, the expensiveness, the costliness, the awesomeness, the beauty. I cannot describe this City.

And He is expecting of you too, that now you be able to focus on that future City whose Designer and Builder is THE LORD. And the gains are just —you cannot count, innumerable, you cannot enlist the gains when you take time to prepare for that City. And He says Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they all now prepared for this City. And that is why THE LORD says by faith, by their faith when they saw this, then now they are prepared for that City. He is able to use their names —the GOD of Abraham— because they opted to live temporary lives here, they opted not to be attached, not to have anything on this world to detract them, to cause them to lose focus or to detour them. or to turn them away from preparing for that city.

And so you remember Abraham had all these promises that JESUS THE MESSIAH would come through him, the nation of Israel would be created, would be formed, would be established. So upon reaching the Promised Land —even when he saw THE MESSIAH crucified, you remember very well he presents Isaac as he lifts up the knife like this (prophetic demonstration) THE ANGEL OF THE LORD speaks with him, “Now I know that you fear Me.” And then he saw the day of THE LORD; he saw when THE MESSIAH was crucified. But he still understood that there was a greater City than the life he lived on this Earth.

And so THE LORD is really exhorting and encouraging this generation to now pursue righteousness and holiness.

I have seen the Coming of THE MESSIAH.

So Thank you very much Senior Pastor Kennedy and Senior Pastor Ranson for giving me an opportunity in your very busy program this night. But, please, kindly, play for me that song ten (10) times so that We may be able to worship THE LORD OF HOSTS, JEHOVAH ELOHIM.

Thank you and shalom.



THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me. THE LORD JEHOVAH, THE TREMENDOUS GOD OF ISRAEL, THE CREATOR of all the universe, THE CREATOR of the heavens and the Earth, He has spoken with me in a very, very critical conversation that I () to share with you at this hour. THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE GOD OF HEAVEN has spoken with me in this conversation.

And in this talk and messaging to the church, THE LORD, this time around He made me stand on the Earth here —in the dream. I was standing on the Earth here. And GOD THE FATHER Himself allowed me to look up towards the sky and He allowed my eyes, He allowed me to see very deep beyond —all through the universe and beyond the universe.

Again, in this conversation THE LORD JEHOVAH, this time around He made me stand on the Earth in that dream. And in this dream as I stood here on the Earth He allowed me, He instructed me —GOD THE FATHER— and allowed me to look up into the sky. And when I looked up into the sky He permitted my vision, my sight, to see through the universe and beyond the universe. And He made it in such a way that my vision, I was looking through like a corridor, it was like a corridor I was looking through; and it was quite high, up high, and reaching up there. I saw the Glory of THE LORD beyond the universe. I saw the Glory of THE LORD. The radiance and the brilliance and the splendor of the Glory of THE LORD was radiating after the corridor He opened for me to see through.

Again, standing on the Earth in that dream, GOD THE FATHER commands me, He instructs me to look up. And He created what appeared like a corridor and I saw across the sky deep into the universe and beyond. And where that corridor He set ended, I could see the radiance and the Glory of THE LORD. I could see the splendor and the sparkling and the might of GOD’S Glory —end of that corridor. It was as though one goes through a corridor then comes to an end of it and you enter into different expanse. And inside there then He wrote —He wrote— He placed a writing where the Glory was and the writing was written “HEAVEN”, in capital letters, “HEAVEN”. And then after that I woke up, blessed people. And then I understood the message that THE LORD, He is asking me to bring to the nations of the Earth, to bring to the four (4) corners of the Earth.

I understood that THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken in a very critical way to this generation. And that is what I want to share with you a little bit. Now, why has THE LORD shown me Heaven? Many times He has taken me into Heaven but this time around it is amazing because just recently, He again stood me here on the Earth and then He showed me the splendor of the New Jerusalem, the City of the New Jerusalem, and how the glow of the Glory, and the splendor, and the radiance, and the spectacular was glowing through the cloud. You could see where the clouds separate, the different clusters of clouds separate () like fault lines, the Glory of that wonderful city radiating through.

Just recently there was that conversation where He stood me on the Earth and He showed me the spectacular, the awesome City of New Jerusalem: the Home of the righteous, your future home. All of you that are born again, the future home of you, the born-again, the righteous, the holy Christians, the holy believers, those that walk in righteousness. And then now today again He allows me to stand on the Earth and permits my vision, my sight, my eyes to see beyond the clouds, beyond the expanse and the space, and deep above the universe, until the radiance of the Glory and the splendor and the brilliance of the authority of His Glory all the way at the end of that corridor. And then He puts a writing, the writing in capital letters written, “HEAVEN”.

So blessed people, We know very clearly THE LORD has sent me to prepare the four (4) ends of the Earth, to prepare this universe, to prepare mankind for the glorious Kingdom of GOD. That is absolutely apparent and very clear across the four (4) ends of the Earth at this hour. The Bible promised that this MESSENGER speaking with you would come. But now you see that the formation in which He has come is what defines the sovereignty of THE LORD JEHOVAH and also defines the moment, the critical end time events that are coming —formations that you see, now they are TWO PROPHETS walking here. The day before this night They had a conversation. This past night also THE TWO PROPHETS had a conversation here. Everybody is aware They are standing before THE LORD.

You saw the Visitation at Central Park, Nairobi, and THE CLOUD OF GOD had settled on Them. That is GOD JEHOVAH YHWH, GOD THE FATHER, THE LORD GOD Himself. These Visitations are promised in the Bible. This hour is promised in the Bible. But most importantly the Message that these TWO MESSENGERS bring to the church: the Message of prepare the Way for the glorious Kingdom of GOD is near, prepare the Way for the glorious Kingdom of Heaven is near.

Heaven, blessed people, is where GOD Himself lives. And we know that CHRIST JESUS Himself, upon accomplishing His Mission, the Mission of THE LORD on the Earth here, that CHRIST JESUS Himself ascended into Heaven. JESUS is in Heaven preparing a place for all of us to live. In Heaven all the people who are born again and holy, those born (), those Christians that will be righteous will have new bodies in Heaven they will go to live in Heaven. That is what THE LORD has shown me; that is the Message He has brought to you today. That those of you that will enter Heaven, those who love the Kingdom of GOD, love CHRIST so much as to follow Him, that is where you will live.

And so, the Kingdom of Heaven —He wrote, “HEAVEN” meaning, “Go and announce to them about this Kingdom and tell them that the Kingdom of Heaven is ready.” In other words, has drawn nearer than you ever thought. And there you will have new bodies, blessed people, without the curse of sin. You will not have the curse of sin. There will be no blind people, there will not be cripples there, there will not be cancer there, there will not be lame people there. You can read the book of Isaiah chapter 35 verse 4 all the way to verse 6. Philippians chapter 3 verse 20 to 21 He says, “Our citizenship belongs to Heaven.” He says that we do not belong to this world.

And so this is a tremendous Message THE LORD has brought to this generation at this hour in this time, to let you know that your future home, your eternal home where you will stay forever and ever —forever— that home is now ready. And that can only tell you that the Coming of THE MESSIAH is near, has drawn nigh. No blind. No deaf. And JESUS has gone there to prepare a place for you inside Heaven. In Hebrew the word “Heaven”, Heaven is derived from the root word “Shamayim, Shamayim, Shamayim” which essentially means GOD’S dwelling place.

So Heaven is a place where you believers that are devout, those that will choose righteousness at this hour, those that will choose holiness at this hour, you will go and meet GOD face-to-face. You came to church today because you want that one (1) day, when it is all said and done you may find yourselves in the eternal glorious Kingdom of GOD in Heaven. And the opposite of that, the opposite direction is hell: the inferno of hell —“infierno” en Espanol.

And so, this is a very critical Message to you, blessed people, this generation, to all the nations of the Earth that are tuned in. What an awesome Message. That the ultimate, the ultimate reason for which you are in the church, GOD speaks about it and hot from Heaven and then now you receive this tremendous Message which is your ultimate objective in sitting, for sitting in that church. What an awesome church where you are now, because you go to many other churches where they have different agendas. But I am talking about now the church of GOD where He has sent His MIGHTY MESSENGERS and you wake up in the morning, you go to church, and you hear that THE LORD GOD from Heaven has spoken about Heaven and essentially about your entry, about your eternity into that Kingdom of Heaven.

You know too well that every time there is a Kingdom or there is a government, there is a country, a nation, that that kingdom, the image of that kingdom is essentially reflected from the king. The king normally becomes the image of that kingdom. If you go to a country it is essentially the image of the leadership: the president, the prime minister, the chief minister, whoever it is that normally portrays, they project the image of that kingdom: the king.

And here we know too well that from the Hebrew word, from the Hebrew word He says “Shamayim” meaning, the dwelling place of GOD. That means even as we go to Heaven, as you prepare to go to Heaven, Heaven is a place where now the image of the Kingdom of GOD is from none other than GOD YHWH Himself. And it follows suit that even the Kingdom, even the image of the subjects of that Kingdom is derived from the image of the King. And so () THE LORD is saying that even those that are according to Philippians chapter 3 verse 20 that, “Your citizenship is in Heaven.” Those that are citizens of the Kingdom of GOD in Heaven, He is saying you must endeavor by the help of THE HOLY SPIRIT to attain the image of the Kingdom of Heaven, of the King of that Kingdom.

And if the Bible says —and if THE LORD says, “Be holy for I am holy.” Then you understand that THE LORD is drawing your attention, He is soliciting for your soul, He is soliciting your minds and your attention to the fact that the image of the Kingdom of Heaven is holiness. What an awesome morning here. And the Bible says, “THE LORD has established His throne in Heaven and His Kingdom rules over all.” The book of Psalm 103 verse 19. GOD’s Throne is in Heaven. Sometimes you hear it called “the Mountain of GOD”. The Prophet Ezekiel presented the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of GOD as the Mountain of GOD; but essentially saying the dwelling place of GOD. That is what THE LORD is transmitting today into your souls this morning, that in whatever your endeavors of worship today, educated or not, simple or high, whatever our ranking and caliber in the spectrum of society that is assembled this morning, He is saying our primary objective this morning is to aspire to enter the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

I have seen Heaven. THE LORD has shown me Heaven this morning. THE LORD has shown me His glorious Kingdom in Heaven, the splendor and the radiance and the brilliance of His Glory. And therefore now, He is trumpeting to the ends of the Earth that, “Prepare ye for the Kingdom of Heaven is near: the Kingdom of GOD.” So this is an everlasting Kingdom, an endless Kingdom. JESUS Himself was raised from the dead and He went into Heaven, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here gazing up into Heaven? This same JESUS who was taken up from you into Heaven will come in like manner as you saw Him go into Heaven.” The book of Acts chapter 1 verse 11.

JESUS is in Heaven. That is where you will meet GOD face-to-face, you will meet THE LORD JESUS our precious SAVIOR face-to-face. And at that time all things will be new: new bodies, new home, new life, a new family. No more tears, no more sorrow, no more mourning, no more pain. “‘And GOD will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death’, no more sorrow, no crying, no pain, there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away.” Revelation chapter 21, He says so —verse 4.

This is what THE LORD has shown me and sent me to transmit to you: the place where there will be perfect peace, the perfect law will reign in Heaven, perfect peace, a perfect life is in Heaven, no more suffering, no pain, no sin, and therefore no death. And so THE LORD is actually exhorting you now, He is encouraging you now to pursue the things that will help you to enter the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

If He says it is a home of the righteous then receive JESUS and be born again. Be born again this morning here, East African time, and whatever the time in your zone be born again proper by receiving CHRIST JESUS, by being baptized proper in complete immersion of water like JESUS was to fulfill all righteousness, and choose holiness that THE HOLY SPIRIT may now enable you to score the benchmarks of Heaven. Without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.

The Kingdom of Heaven. GOD has shown me Heaven and sent me to you. And He wrote up there in capital letters, huge writing written “HEAVEN”. Then I saw the splendor and the radiance and the brilliance of His Glory. It is a place nobody will ever dream, would ever dream to miss. What an opportunity right before you, laid before you this morning: the Kingdom of Heaven. How awesome.

And He said, “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake, some to everlasting life and others to shame and everlasting contempt.” The Book of Daniel chapter 12. You can read verse 1 to 4, I have read verse 2. He says, “Those who are wise will shine like the splendor of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness,” He says, “like the stars forever.” Daniel chapter 12:2 and 3, where again He is talking about the entry of the church into the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

So He is exhorting you, He is actually summoning you, renditioning your attention to the need to be righteous, to the need to be wise.What does He mean by wise? The Bible says “For the fear of GOD is wisdom.” So you have a real opportunity to choose the fear of GOD. And the fear of GOD is not some lofty aspiration; it is not some thing you desire that you cannot achieve, you cannot reach. Those who are born again and walk in the fear of GOD and love CHRIST, they will walk in the fear of GOD.

If you say you have received THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE HOLY SPIRIT: my best FRIEND, my only FRIEND, will always lead the believer to revealing more of CHRIST to him, the holiness of CHRIST. He will reveal more and more of the holiness of CHRIST to you.

So the fear of GOD is not some very far off aspiration. Every believer can achieve the fear of GOD. And the fear of GOD is seen in the way you execute your Christian lifestyle, you say, “No, I do not want to do so because I fear THE LORD. No, I did not want to take this phone call because I fear THE LORD. I want to live in the fear of GOD. I fear GOD. I do not want to go into sexual immorality because I fear GOD.” You do not say, “I do not want to go in sexual immorality because I fear HIV AIDS.” No! He says, “Because I fear THE LORD.”

What an awesome Kingdom He has laid before you. What an opportunity. And He is saying, going to Heaven is not an obvious thing. It is not obvious. And He said, () there shall by no means enter in anything that is defiled or that defiles and causes an abomination, or a lie. But only those whose names are written in the Book of Life that belongs to THE LAMB OF GOD. Revelation chapter 21, read it all up to 27.

He says the biggest benchmark, the biggest standard for you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the place that GOD has shown me, is that your name be found written in the Book of Life. Then what does it take for your name to be found in the Book of Life? That Book of Life is the ledger, is the register of the righteous of the citizens of the Kingdom of GOD. If you are in Kenya here, you could say that is the electronic register the () for those who are citizens of the Kingdom of GOD ().

And He is saying that, “There are a few in Sardis who have not soiled their garments, they have maintained their garments, finest linen, bright and clean.” And He says, “And I will not erase their names from the Book of Life; I will maintain their names in the register of the citizens of Heaven.” Therefore He is saying, finest linen bright and clean is the righteousness of the saints, of the church, of the believer, of the Christian, CHRIST follower. The Kingdom of Heaven. Beloved people, He says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness.” Then He centers righteousness at the very core of your worship experience.

I have seen Heaven, blessed people. THE LORD has already shown me Heaven. THE LORD has shown me Heaven. The other day He showed me the radiant city of New Jerusalem. Awesome. Nobody ever wants to miss what I have seen. Nobody wants to miss the Kingdom of Heaven, the New Jerusalem with the splendor, the streets of gold and all these things, the presence of GOD, eternal peace, eternal joy.

If you read the Bible, in the Book of Matthew 25 He says it is like a wedding banquet, a wedding feast, a non-stop celebration before THE LORD Himself, an eternal celebration: you finished the morning session of celebration, people go into their mansions, into their rooms that JESUS went to prepare, and then after that prepare for the evening celebration again before THE LORD. Celebration. Worship. Non-stop celebration. And the opposite is non-stop torment in hell where the devil and his demons will be judged. So the choice for Heaven ought to be obvious and apparent to this generation. Heaven is the place that every single person would love to be.

I have seen Heaven. And I am now coming to you this morning to let you know that THE LORD has transmitted a Message to you. He is now beckoning you, Heaven is beckoning you to prepare to come in. That means Heaven is prepared to receive you. That means make sure that you fulfill all righteousness. Choose the things that please GOD. Because I promise you one (1) thing, THE LORD GOD my Sender, He is holy. And if the Word says,”Be holy for I am holy.” And if the Word says, “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.” Then for sure that Word will be fulfilled on that day.

I have seen Heaven.

Blessed people, prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming to take His bride, to take the holy church into His glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

May THE LORD help you. May your wisdom not fail you. May you walk in the fear of GOD whether you are professor of the university, professor of law, professor of medicine, or you are engineers, you are (), you are architects, whatever the profession, whether you are just a village woman, a village boy, you are not educated, but you prepare and enter Heaven. The only requirements here is that you receive JESUS, CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR and be holy. What an awesome opportunity GOD has laid before this generation.

So may THE LORD bless you. I bless you all that one (1) day we may all meet in Heaven and celebrate, celebrate the feast of THE LAMB OF GOD, the feast of the wedding of THE LAMB, the wedding dinner, the wedding supper of THE LAMB. He said, “I shall not drink of the cup of the vine again until I enter Heaven.”

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Please prepare the Way.

This is the One about whom the Bible wrote that, “In the last days I will send you THE MESSENGER, the One that will prepare and restore all things before the coming of the dreadful Day of THE LORD, before the Coming of THE MESSIAH, THE KING of Kings, and THE LORD of all lords.

JESUS is Coming. How awesome. THE MESSIAH is Coming. THE LORD is Coming to take a holy church.

May THE LORD bless you.

Todah rabah. Baruch HASHEM. Todah chaverim. Todah shalom. Boker tov.



…prime time. I got disconnected. You must be having like thousands of phone calls running in. That if I get this opportunity, thank you for taking MY phone, this opportunity. I know there is a buzzing as though my phone is tapped; as usual. But there is so much noise on the phone, If they will un-tap MY phone then I will be able to deliver THE LORD’s Message.

Yes so, anyhow, I am saying that this conversation about Heaven is such an excitement. And it’s striking a climax in the Church. Because again like I said, “We know that there has been a continuous, consistent, constant, relentless nonstop conversation ever since THE LORD sent HIS TWO MOST DREADFUL AND MOST GLORIOUS PROPHETS into The Bible landscape. HE’s been speaking about the eternity of man. HE’s been speaking about the entry of the Church into the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.” The very reason why CHRIST THE LORD, CHRIST THE MESSIAH, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR came to the Church, that one good day, that one awesome day after all is said and done, all of you may get into the glorious eternal Kingdom of JEHOVAH where GOD has taken ME. I have not shared so much about Heaven. I have not shared certain greater details. These have been missions on instruction, the command of THE LORD on how to execute the current agenda and problem on the Earth. But Heaven now speaking in this way like HE did and HE has been doing in the past few days really delivers another gravity. That’s what I was saying before MY phone went off. And I know you really have so many people calling.

But you see from the glorious stairs, when THE LORD causes ME to command Heaven to release the glorious stairs, when THE LORD cause ME by releasing… that became a game changer. That Prophecy that THE LORD lead ME to speak to pronounce across the ends of the Earth. The prophecy that reset the clock of time, the clock of time of the endtime. When HE showed ME the saints, the blessed saints raptured, taken from this Earth and going up into Heaven in the Rapture of the church. An awesome event, a spectacular event, the most awaited moment in the Church. And then finally seeing these wonderful saints in their glorious garments: “white finest linen, bright and clean.” In Espanol, “Lino finisimo, resplandeciente y limpio.” Very powerful going up into Heaven and walking on the glorious stairs of Heaven. Heaven lowering the stairs following the Prophecy that I gave January 15th, the year 2017. And then now we saw the part fulfillment on March 11th, the year 2018, last year, just a few months from now.

And so I connect that, connecting the glorious stairs of Eternity. It’s like THE LORD is saying, “The glorious stairs of righteousness. The glorious stairs of everlasting life are ready.” It’s like THE LORD is laying out a carpet of Glory to this generation, to the believers, to the peoples that are born again, to the nations, to all the Earth, to the Universe. HE’S saying “Look! Your home is ready.” Because THE MESSIAH spoke very clearly in book of John chapter 14 If you read verses 1 all the way to verse 4. When HE was leaving in verse 13 you see THE MESSIAH preparing. John chapter 13, you see HIM preparing the disciples and HE is telling them that, “I’m soon going to leave you. And the place to where I am going, (because they were used to HIM around there), but the place where I am going you cannot come. As at now you cannot come. As at the moment you cannot reach, because you still have a mission on the Earth here.” Because the Church was being birth out. There is no way they would have gone with HIM. They would need now to do exploits after the redemption of the Church.

And so you see that in John 13 THE LORD is preparing them. And HE’s talking about this exit. HE is talking about this leaving, the departure HE is going to make. And HE is going to a place where in their present form they cannot reach HIM. HE said, “Where I’m going to, I’m going to leave you soon, in a very short time I’ll leave you. But where I am going you cannot reach as at now in your form, in your present state (in other words).”

In other words, you see now in John chapter 14, then 1 on, 1 to 4 HE says, “Let not your heart be troubled. (HE’s going to the FATHER’s place), I’m soon going to the FATHER’s place. And I am going to prepare a place for you there.” So HE then tells them that HE is going to Heaven. And JESUS calls Heaven, “THE FATHER’s House.” HE calls it, “The House of THE LORD GOD, The House of YHWH, The House of JEHOVAH, THE FATHER’s House.” So in verse 14 HE talks about going but to prepare a place for the Church, to prepare a place for you and I. And that’s why this conversation on Heaven could not have come at a better time then when now we see that there’s a climaxing of events, climaxing of the life of the Church on the Earth. It’s very clear that we are really drawing nigh to the entry of the Church, you feel that the Church is sitting on the verge of Eternity.

It’s a Beautiful message on the Sunday when you really woke up and said “I am going to the House of THE LORD, that to hear from THE LORD to receive counsel from THE LORD.” And then you received this kind of wonderful beautiful counsel on Heaven. Now I am connecting again, let ME repeat this, the glorious stairs that THE LORD spoke that is Heaven, that is eternity. And the door opens, THE GLORIOUS CLOUD opens and the Church enters. I have seen your entry into eternity. Blessed people, I have seen the entry of the church into the Kingdom of GOD. It can’t get more real than this. The entry of the Church into eternity has now become vividly, a reality, a reality of this generation. A reality of this moment blessed people.

And that’s why it serves ME, it serves ME with great joy, it serves ME with great honor to be able to talk about this ultimate, this climax, this maximum, maximum of Christian salvation. The Gospel was given by CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH when HE delivered the Church, when HE delivered us on the Cross. HE delivered the Church and then HE released the glorious Gospels. The glorious Gospel that would transform the life of man.

But if you look very well at the blueprint and the paradigm of the Gospel and the authority that is bestowed, intrinsic, bestowed within the Gospel, the ultimate achievement whenever anybody received the Gospel, whenever anybody received CHRIST JESUS as LORD, accepts the Gospel, the glorious Gospel of THE LORD. And the Gospel begins to work in them. The Gospel has an objective, has an aim. The ultimate objective of the Gospel is that: you may be transformed, and that one day ye that has received CHRIST as LORD, and chosen the instruction of the Gospel, one day may enter the glorious eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

So really, really speaking this is the ultimate. And that’s why I’m saying it serves ME greatest joy. Because now I know that that which THE LORD set out as the ultimate objective, the ultimate achievement of the Gospel in the heart and the life of the believer of a christian is now dawning now. Now we can see from the horizon that, “Look! Heaven is now near. The Kingdom of Heaven is near. The Kingdom of GOD is near.” And that’s why even when THE LORD spoke with ME about Heaven I woke up with great joy. Because I understand HE has brought ME to Heaven severally, as you know: for instruction, for command, in order to navigate the current Mission on going on Earth and the one coming after this dispensation.

However, for HIM now to make ME stand on other and show Heaven to ME in this form, the glorious stairs. And then today THE LORD in that conversation: when now I look up into Heaven and it’s kind of like column, a long column beyond the Universe. Then up there where the radiance, the brilliance of THE GLORY is. Then the letters begin to type in capital letters with GLORY typed “Heaven.” At that ultimate place HE typed “Heaven” —capital letters. Amazing, amazing, amazing.

And I tagged this and I tied this to the recent conversation: when again HE made ME stand here on the Earth and then to look up and see the brilliance, the radiance, the treasure, the costliness, the expensiveness, the power of the New Jerusalem, the city of New Jerusalem. So I put this together then I realized that THE LORD is delivering a certain gravity, a different gravity on this matter of the entry of the church into the glorious Kingdom of Heaven. And that’s why I was struggling so much that Senior Pastor Gertrude, and Senior Pastor Hilda, and Bishop Joan may give ME a way to come on air. Because everyone is coming in. Everyone is fighting to get to talk about the excitement, what has happened to them upon hearing this Message, this blessed Message: invitation to Heaven. I fought MY way through until finally, I thank GOD, I thank you very much Gertrude and Hilda for taking MY phone.

And so, you see that JESUS went to Heaven to prepare a place for the Church, for the Church. And why, why is it that now we are really riveted on this conversation of Heaven, conversation on eternity in Heaven? HE says that THE LORD, THE LORD in the book of Ecclesiastes, which I have read before, 3:11. You can read 3:10 and so forth. But there you hear THE LORD saying, “HE has already set in HIS creation, HE set eternity in the hearts of men. HE set Heaven inside the hearts of men, (which is a very powerful thing blessed people).” That when THE LORD was creating you, HE did not forget. Then HE was creating the church HE did forget. When HE was creating mankind HE did not forget to be able to engrain, to deposit, to position Heaven at the core, at the center of the soul, at the center of the heart of man.

That whatsoever you go through, the circumstances, and whatsoever the length of time you spend on the Earth, and whatsoever the experiences you experience on this Earth, that your focus and your attention on eternity in Heaven can never be eroded, can never be robbed away, can never be stolen. HE said, “HE embedded that an everlasting treasure that would increase the longevity of your life, that would rubbish, would annull, nullify the temporariness, would nullify the perilousness, the perishability of this life now, the mortality of this life, so that you may be now children of immortality, you may be persons of immortality, that you may be immortal. How awesome in HIS creation? And that’s why now HE’s again now coming and reminding a generation that, “Look! You are created for eternity, in Heaven.”

And this is very powerful because we know very well that HE created and formed all things, living things and all things. But when HE came now to the creation of man, when HE formed him from the dust of the Earth then look: HE took the soil from the Earth and then HE did breathe HIS breath which is THE SPIRIT. So in one man, one being, the Christian, the person, the human being, the mankind, HE placed both eternity and mortality, the Earth and Heaven. How awesome? That even as you’re here on the Earth, you may never lose your bearing on your eternity in Heaven.

So Heaven is a very powerful place and I said that Heaven in the morning, I share with you that “Heaven is the Dwelling of GOD.” In fact I said, “Heaven in Hebrew, if you look at the root word, it really comes from: the Dwelling of GOD, the Dwelling Place of YHWH, the Dwelling place of THE LORD, how powerful?

And so we see very clearly blessed people that in understanding this conversation on Heaven is central now to the church. And you know very many times when you are going to a place, let’s say you are traveling, someone has invited you to a Church or to a function. And HE says, “Please come over.” You’re going preach in that Church, or you going to meet some people, you’re visiting a home, or whatever or to a country, you’re traveling to another country. Many times you would really want to know, to develop some perspective, some expectation about whom you’re going to meet there, which people you’re going to meet there, what kind of people you are going to meet there. Many times those thoughts begin to linger in your mind, “Who are the people I am going to meet there? Same here, same here, blessed people, applies here too when you’re going to Heaven. Now you’ve been told the Dwelling Place of GOD YOUR CREATOR. So you really begin to understand that this is The Place now for once THE LORD JEHOVAH, THE ONE THAT INSTRUCTS ME ON A DAILY BASIS, speaks to ME by Voice everyday. Even today when I got off the phone and again by Voice HE spoke here —by Voice. And HE spoke to THE TWO PROPHETS today in the day after I spoke with HIM in the morning. But I am saying that THE LORD JEHOVAH YOUR CREATOR, you will have now an everlasting opportunity to meet GOD YHWH, THE GOD OF ISRAEL face to face.

So it’s always happening with man that whenever they are going to a place, they would want to know. There is an intrinsic, a natural, an indulgent expectation within you. There is an expectation, () within you that really would ask out of curiosity, “Who are there?” The angels are there. CHRIST THE MESSIAH is there. And The Bible speaks very clearly about GOD’s Heaven. Because HE says, “Where the Church, (HE extends it later and says) where the Church of the firstborn is.”

But I would like to read from the book of Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 in order to extend this very beautiful and exciting Message on eternity, on Heaven. What a Message to speak to the Church. What a message to trumpet at this hour with everybody at a high expectation about the glorious Kingdom of Heaven, about eternity, about departure from this Earth where there is so many cancers, so much sin, so much idolatry, so much immorality, adultery, unfaithfulness from wives, husbands, and sons and, children, and daughters, and everybody —corruption. What a refreshing Message today now to be talking about the grand finale, the ultimate, our exit, the exit of the Church from the perishability and the decay of this life.

And in Colossians chapter 1 as I continue to advance and agree with Senior Bishop Dr. JJ and Senior Archbishop, the ones that spoke really before I came on board, when I was struggling to get through the phone line. Colossians chapter 1 verse 16, “For by HIM all things were created, things in Heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible whether: thrones, or powers, or rulers, or authorities, all things were created by HIM and for HIM.” CHRIST, OUR LORD JESUS is THE CREATOR of all things, including Heaven blessed people.

So you can imagine where we’re headed to. You will discover more about CHRIST. There’s so much about CHRIST that is very concealed at this hour; you don’t know. You’ll discover bigger things about CHRIST. You’ll find out that CHRIST is not your elder brother, no! Because right from here you can see. If you knew what I know, from here HE says, “All things including the Earth and Heaven, invisible and visible.” And HE says, “It is very imperative for this generation also to factor in the truths that are in Philippians chapter 3 verses 20 and 21. HE says, “But our citizenship is in Heaven and we eagerly await a SAVIOR from there, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE MESSIAH. WHO buy the power that enabled HIM to bring everything under HIS authority will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be as glorious like HIS.”

So there’s so much. There’s so much expectation when you hear about Heaven. And HE says, “Your focus as a church, as a people, as a generation, the present-day Church, the today’s Church, your attention and focus and effort should really be concentrated at this hour on Heaven. Why? Because HE says, “Right from the beginning at the creation HE embedded and HE positioned, and HE deposited, HE ingrained in you the capacity to understand that there is eternity with GOD in Heaven; and to choose it at this hour.” And then HE’s saying, HE goes further to say now that, “Anyhow because of that, your citizenship is by design, it is not an accidental thing. A casual accident or something that happened out of you know, some situation, no!” HE says, “By design HE created you the Church. HE created mankind with citizenship in Heaven.”

So why, why are people, why is the church sometimes behaving as though she’s aspiring to go to hell, when HE really created you in such an awesome citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven, nowhere else? How awesome OUR GOD, JEHOVAH YHWH, MY FRIEND, ELOHIM, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE COMMANDER OF THE HEAVENLY HOSTS?

“But our citizenship is in Heaven and we eagerly await a SAVIOR, CHRIST THE MESSIAH from there, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE LORD’S CHRIST, THE MESSIAH, THE KING.”

And if you read other scriptures. There are many more scriptures. I said John chapter 14. You can also read the book of Hebrews chapter 11. And HE says, “These all (the saints before) died in faith not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar. And having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on this Earth. For people who who spake thus make it clear that they are seeking a Homeland (So they built a tent here instead, temporary tent.) If they had been thinking that the land from which they have gone out, they would have had the opportunity. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had the opportunity to return. But as it is, they desired, they desired a better country (That is Heaven, the glorious Home of the Righteous, a Heavenly Home, a Heavenly Country.) Therefore GOD is not ashamed to be called their GOD. For HE has prepared for them and Everlasting City.” Hebrews 11:13, you can read on 11 from 13 to 17 or 16. Again HE’s not drawing attention to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the servants by whom JEHOVAH has adopted a name: THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISSAC, THE GOD OF JACOB, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, THE GOD OF MOSES, THE GOD OF ELIJAH, HE’s referring to them here. And HE is saying that, “They were able to see earlier, they were able to behold Heaven. And out of that they considered their residence on the Earth here sojourners, lodgers, exiles, temporary residents.” This is what THE LORD is drawing your attention to. And HE goes on to say blessed people that “Do not love this world.” It’s a very powerful conversation that THE LORD is having with the Church. HE’S talking about Heaven. This is awesome blessed people. HE is talking about the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

And in Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 to 2 HE says, “If ye then be reasoned with CHRIST, seek those things which are above where CHRIST sitteth on the right hand of GOD.” Verse 2 HE says, Colossians chapter 3, “Set your affections on things above, set your affections on things above, not on things on the Earth.” So there comes the instruction on this Message. HE saying that, “The Splendor, the eternity, the everlasting nature, and the fellowship, and the peace, and the blessing that will be in Heaven overrules everything you see on the Earth. Everything you behold on the Earth today is overruled and rubbished —rubbished by eternity that THE LORD has flashed, the eternity in Heaven, the eternity of man in Heaven.” That’s why I wanted to jump in, but so many phone calls are coming through. There’s a big excitement in the Church. I realize that this Message stirred up the Church. They’re celebrating, they’re saying, “We’re going back home soon. It does not matter what I go through here.” And I was fighting to get MY phone call through. Thank you Senior Pastor Gertrude and Hilda for picking MY phone. But this is the reason I want to come in and weigh in also.

That “If ye then be reasoned with CHRIST (meaning being born again now. HE says), seek those things which are above where CHRIST sitteth at the right hand of GOD. Set your affections therefore on things above, not on things on the Earth here (In other words, on everlasting things).” Because your an Everlasting creation, on eternity. Because you are a creature of Eternity, you are a citizen of Eternity. These things of the Earth however deluding they may be to you, they are only but temporary.

And Matthew chapter 6, when you read verse 19 on. I read verse 20, HE says, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven where neither moth, nor rust corrupt, destroy, where thieves do not break in, do not break in through, nor steal or vandalize.” HE says, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” So now this entire conversation about Heaven, about eternity with GOD in Heaven. It’s really to capture, to rendition you, to rendition your thoughts, and recapture, rekindle in you the urge, the longing to go back home, the desire to enter Heaven, the Kingdom of Peace, the Kingdom of GOD.

I wish you could know what I have known. Even just a tenth or just one hundredth or a thousandth of what I’ve know about Heaven. And so in Matthew here and Colossians 3:1-2, Matthew here 19-21 HE’s saying, HE’s saying very clearly. Because HE says, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. So it’s about the heart. It’s about the heart. This conversation THE LORD is having with the Church on Heaven is really, really about the heart, nikuhusu moyo wako. conversacion acerca de tu corazon, solamente tu corazon, es muy, muy importante para SEÑOR. HE’s talking about the heart. HE saying that, “If your heart will be in Heaven, because HE has flashed it and HE has brought ME before the nations to announce to you that in that “Now If your hearts will be thrown into Heaven then you will go into an anticipation like I said. You’ll anticipate Heaven, then Heaven will become your treasure blessed people. And then now you will have stored your treasure in Heaven after the announcement.”

Like now there’s a big excitement in the Church, “If your hearts will be in Heaven after the announcement I may this day, THE LORD made this morning, if you would draw now your heart to Heaven to long for Heaven then HE says, “That now there also now your treasure will be. If the announcement today makes Heaven your treasure, then there also your heart will be. You can expect to see the Kingdom of GOD because now you’ll begin to make preparations. You’ll begin to rubbish everything left and right about this Earth and make preparations to enter eternity.” It’s such a awesome time, it’s such a powerful time blessed people. THE LORD is speaking about Heaven. HE is speaking about the Kingdom of Heaven blessed people, the Eternity of the Church inside Heaven.

And that’s why I’m so excited that this has stirred up a big Revival in the hearts of men and women, the hearts of this Church. That now there’s an excitement about Heaven, a longing and a desire to enter Heaven. After all who wants to enter Hell with satan and the demons down there? If you wanted to go to Hell then you should also be in the same way asking, “Who are those I am going to meet down there?” There can you find satan there and the demons there. But when we are going to Heaven, when the church is going to Heaven, there you can only expect to see GOD THE KING HIMSELF, JEHOVAH YHWH, finally YOUR CREATOR face-to-face. You’ll see JESUS, THE REDEEMER, THE SAVIOR.

This is an awesome time blessed people, a very powerful time at this moment. Because HE speaks so much about Heaven in a very beloved way with loving this generation about Heaven, the Home of the Righteous, our Eternal Home. And HE says, “In Heaven HE’ll wipe away your tears.” Not that somebody there will hurt you, no! Because probably you’ll be recounting now on what you went through on the Earth.

The beautiful picture of GOD Seat enthroned in Heaven. If you read Isaiah chapter 6, it’s awesome just Isaiah 6. When you read Isaiah chapter 6. Normally when you read Isaiah chapter 6 the first thing that should hit you from just verse 1 is just the splendor and the awesomeness of the authority of the Throne of GOD, the authority of Heaven.

All these are meant to draw your hearts blessed people towards the glorious Kingdom of Heaven. And THE LORD is beckoning this generation. HE’s calling this generation to enter Heaven because HE says, “You will be () glorified state. You’ll be there in your glorified State and you’ll see GOD face to face.” And HE says, “At that time, what we are seeing today, what you are saying today, there’s nothing compared to what is in store for you: eyes have not seen, ears have not heard.” What a generation THE LORD is beckoning to enter blessed people. The Kingdom of Joy, the Kingdom of Heaven.

The entire creation after the fall of man has been groaning and in pain. But In Heaven there will be celebration, big celebration, Why? Because it will be the ultimate restoration from sin, because Heaven will be a place of abundant life. No more going to hospitals, no more surgeries, no more taking pills, and medicine. No more sitting before psychiatrist, psychologist, the ultimate life, the ultimate place for abundant life. The sinful man in you, the old man will have been removed —totally. An overflowing kingdom overflowing with joy blessed people. A place where you’ll have eternal rest. A grand reunion with YOUR GOD, with your family, your eternal family. You have simply been away. You have been in exile blessed people. It will be an end your struggles: “I’m looking for a job, I want to graduate, I’m looking for tuition, I’m looking for, I want to all these things I want, I want, want. Marriage, what, education, jobs, earnings, income, what, it will come to, your struggles will come to an end. The flesh will be brought to an end, It will have been crushed. The devil —finished. No more disease, no cripples, no =blind.

I wanted to be given an opportunity to weigh in blessed people, also to weigh in on this Heaven. Because I think this is an ultimate conversation blessed people. In other words THE LORD is saying that, “You may now begin to store up unto yourselves treasures in Heaven. Begin to walk with greater anticipation, expectation of Heaven, putting your treasures banking them in Heaven, and therefore they are also your heart will be; and then you will prepare appropriately.” Oh, how beautiful a Message, the glorious stairs of Heaven! Then the other day shows ME the radiance and a glow and the glory of the city of Jerusalem, with wealth and treasure. Costly, expensive city saw radiating through the clouds. And then after that, then now today, again writing all the way seeing THE GLORY OF THE LORD, all the way beyond the universe seeing in Heaven, and then typing in capital letters “Heaven” Amazing! HE flashed it like that then I realized HE loved a generation. The Seat of GOD is there. There’ll be a big celebration blessed people. It’s a place you don’t want to miss. Nobody wants to miss going to Heaven blessed people, no one. No one wants to miss going to Heaven. Why? Because there’ll be a Non-Stop celebration, which is a total contrast from the agony, from the agony that you’ll see will take place in hell.

If you read all the way and you can read as much as you want. Revelation chapter 7 verse 9, HE says, “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count (you want to be there you want to be among that number) from every nation every tribe every people and language standing before the Throne in front of THE LAMB. And they were wearing white robes (you want to be there wearing those white robes) and they were holding palm branches (you want to be holding those palm branches! You really would want to hold those branches standing before the Throne of THE LAMB and HIS GOD, THE LAMB and OUR GOD, THE LAMB AND YHWH). Holding palm branches in their hands and they cried out in a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to OUR GOD who sits on The Throne and to THE LAMB.’ And all the Angels were standing around The Throne, and around the elders and everywhere and they said, ‘Amen, and praise, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks, and honor, and power, and strength be to our GOD forever and ever.’”

The grand celebration, the triumphant entry that failed in Jerusalem, now you’ll observe it in Heaven, we will celebrate in Heaven. You really want to be there, the Home of the Righteous, the Most treasured Place, dazzling with glory, the radiance of that city. I don’t know how much I can describe to you, the radiance to that city,dazzling with the Glory of GOD. It was such a powerful thing to see. It is so captivating blessed people. It’s not easy but to give just the imagery of that city. It’s not easy to describe to you in this time because it’s almost imperceptible. After the struggles and the suffering you’ve been through on that on this Earth, it’s going to be important to prepare blessed people.

HE says John 14 verse 6, HE says, JESUS said, “I am the Way, the life, the truth and the light. No one comes to THE FATHER except through ME.” HE also set for you the Way how to get there blessed people, how awesome! Thank GOD Thomas asked the question, ‘LORD we don’t know where YOU are going to. How do YOU expect us to know the way to there?’ HE says, “You know the Way to where I’m going.” HE says, “I am the Way (meaning there is no other way). I and I alone am the Way.” So this generation has to receive JESUS and prepare, and THE MESSENGERS that prepare the Way are here.

I will be coming in. Continue taking your phone calls. But I think this is the ultimate conversation. It has really, really stirred up and inspired, and inspired and stirred up and raised up, and exalted a big conversation, a big excitement in the church. I hear celebration. People are now beginning to place their treasures in Heaven, their expectation in Heaven; and they are also their hearts will be and then they’ll prepare appropriately and enter. So thank you very much Senior Pastor Gertrude for taking MY phone. Thank you for giving ME this opportunity. I struggled so much to get through, but thank you indeed. If I need to come back again, please help me to get through.

THE LORD bless you. THE MESSIAH is coming. Todah, shalom. Baruch Hashem.



Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me this past night. THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, the CREATOR of the universe, the GOD of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, THE LORD GOD, He has spoken with me, blessed people, in a very tremendous conversation. I just want to share a little bit more on the conversation that took place this morning, the conversation that THE LORD had with the church this morning, the conversation that He had with the nations.

And in that conversation THE LORD spoke to me about the false doctrines, many, many false doctrines on the Earth that are gravitating around Christianity. THE LORD rebuked the false doctrine that are periphery to Christianity, you know all of them —false doctrine. And He rebuked them, He took me to some of their temples: the false doctrine. The doctrines that people follow, their teachings, some of them say they do not believe in THE HOLY SPIRIT. Some believe in different — these doctrines, THE LORD, He has now decided to warn them and ask them to repent and receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR and let THE HOLY SPIRIT to help them prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

And also in the conversation I had in the morning, THE LORD has spoken against racism. You see that the church in the USA still continue to watch the Christian TV; they are going on as usual as though nothing has happened on the Earth. And they know very well, they are very much informed that THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT PROPHETS OF THE LORD are already ministering to this generation on the Earth right now. And instead of organizing themselves and seeking THE LORD, seeking the counsel of THE LORD, they are locked in pride. They are locked in pride and racism, looking at color.

And so you see the church in Europe is in the same way, Australia, Canada, New Zealand. Instead of seeking THE LORD —big things are happening, Visitations of GOD THE FATHER, whom they purport to worship, is taking place and they attempt to ignore. Instead they are caught up in blackmail, attempting to blackmail and malice. Nobody can malice THE LORD. Everybody now knows that there is a big Visitation taking place. And that blackmail and wickedness and evil and slander, you know, and racism is simply going to lead them to hell. At one (1) point they have to seek the counsel of THE LORD to find the way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH and to get the instruction because you can see this is a mega, a major Visitation on the Earth.

So THE LORD has rebuked the false doctrine, the sexual immorality In the church, the falsehood by the pastors, you see them all over Christian TV: TBN, Daystar, whichever, TV Faith, you see that in there. And they are continuing on as though nothing is happening and that journey they are on can only lead to hell.

Turn away from sexual sin. Turn away from the gospel of prosperity. Turn away from the racism. You see now there is a lot of racism. In America they are not able to receive THE MESSENGERS OF THE LORD because they are racist. I think they were looking for PROPHETS of their color.

Turn away from racism. Turn away from tribalism. Turn away from sexual sin. Turn away from immorality, the gospel of prosperity. Turn away from the corruption in the church, the corruption you see in the lives of the Christians, corruption in Christian salvation. And again, like I said, turn away from racism.

You see that the church in America is aware, in Europe and everywhere, they are aware that THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD have been sent. But because of racism —they are racist— they are not able to consult THE LORD right now. You will see hell if you do not listen to the instruction of these TWO.

So turn away from anything that can stop you from inheriting the glorious Kingdom of GOD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Prepare the Way.

Again, turn away from racism. Come and consult of THE LORD. Come and inquire of THE LORD. You see the church in America is aware that THE TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS but because of racism —they are racist— they are not able, their pride is not able to allow them. They are going to hell because you can see without holiness nobody will see THE LORD. And you can see the way they run their salvation.

The church in Europe, the church in Australia, Canada, they are aware that THE LORD has sent THE DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD, that THE PROPHET ELIJAH is walking the Earth now, commanding Heaven to open and Heaven is beaming on Him, and there is a tremendous revelation of THE TWO PROPHETS OF REVELATION 11. But because of racism I think they were expecting their color. THE LORD is not democratic. THE LORD cannot be arm-twisted .

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Be holy. Turn away from sin and wickedness.
Todah rabah. Todah shalom.



Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me this past night. THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, the CREATOR of the universe, the GOD of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, THE LORD GOD, He has spoken with me, blessed people, in a very tremendous conversation.

THE LORD took me to Israel; and this is a very, very important conversation because there is going to be a discovery that will take place in Israel; I have seen it. He opened it for me; I read it. He took me to Israel this past night and He took me to a particular place. There is a road that leads there and there were two (2) ladies that were driving on that road —and I had to merge. I was driving also in there, though they could not see me, but I was driving so I had to merge the traffic, merge in the middle lane and then merge to the left.

He took me to a specific place where there is going to be discovery in Israel; the archaeologists are going to dig, they are going to dig out and dig and then make a discovery of some very powerful writings that were written in the ancient times. Again, very powerful writings, THE LORD opened them for me; I have already read them. But they are deep down, right now buried, however archeologists are going to dig them out. And the writings have “Judah”, “Judah says this.” It talks about Judah; the writing is about Judah. And you know Judah is a very sensitive name, a very sensitive tribe, because you know that our LORD and SAVIOR came from the tribe of Judah; He is THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. So these writings were written in the ancient times.

There is going to be a very significant discovery in Israel. THE LORD has spoken with me this night; He took me to Israel. And then THE LORD dig very deep into the ground, and He pulls out under the ground, He shows me the writings that were written in ancient times. And then He makes me read the writings that were written in Hebrew, in that language then, in their script, but THE LORD now translates for me and He reads together with me, GOD THE FATHER reads together with me, I see His Hand holding the writing. And it is written on what looks like a piece of pottery at the back of it.

And then after that He makes it very clear, He goes through the entire text and then, “This then—” He says, “will now be discovered. It will be discovered soon and it will be in the news all over.” It is very critical writings. He told me it is very important writing, important script that was written in an ancient time that has very important implication to this generation, to the state of Israel, to the church of CHRIST and also to the nations, to the whole Earth. So this is something that is coming up —very deep inside the soil.

But He will allow now the scientists to open just like the cave where the first Ministry began when John the Baptist arrived, just like that prophecy that I gave from the Western Hemisphere, that that cave would be discovered, He would allow people to discover it. So it is now with this but He will allow now the scientists, the people that excavate, archaeologists to find these writings. They are very critical writing, very important writing. Now this is going to take place; it will be in the news when it does. And this discovery is going to be a very significant discovery for the church and for the nations and for the nation of Israel and also towards the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

So there is going to be a discovery, a very significant discovery in Israel. The archaeologists are going to dig deep down and they are going to reach a place and unearth and bring out some very significant writings that wrote about Judah, they write about Judah. And I have already seen the writings; they are written in Hebrew. But I have read them already. I have read them because THE LORD has translated them for me. This night We were reading it together with THE LORD; THE LORD was opening up with His Hand and making me read through it: the writings, ancient writings that have been written on a piece of pottery, it looks like a piece of pottery as if the back of a pot, or some clay, so whatsoever it is. But ancient writings are going to be discovered, writing about Judah.

So there is going to be a very significant discovery in Israel very soon, blessed people. And this discovery is going to be very significant in the life of the nation of Israel, the state of Israel and it is also going to be extremely significant to the church. Right now they are buried, they are very deep, but THE LORD is going to lead archaeologists to find them. I see two (2) ladies, they are driving two (2) different cars and THE LORD, took me —I was also driving on that road— and then I had to merge. I wanted to merge left most but I had to merge into the middle first for the other traffic to pass so I can then merge later on the left. And that is how it was. And THE LORD led me all through up to that place where the writings are.

THE LORD has taken me to Israel. There is going to be significant discovery of writings, archaeological writings that took place in ancient times, ancient Israel. And this is going to be a significant discovery for humanity, for the state of Israel, for the church and for the whole world. But the writings have Judah. And the way “j” is written you almost bring it all the way up make almost (). So what happened is that it is written in Hebrew, but THE LORD now wrote it for me, He translated for me in English but into the writing of that time. So the “j” almost —the tail of the “j” goes almost up, you would think it is a “d” because it almost touches the stroke up there. It is a very beautiful situation that happened; THE LORD was reading together with me, He was opening and reading together with me.

So may THE LORD bless you.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah, shalom. Yom tov. Todah.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.




Well, blessed people, I know that in most of your churches today you had this unequaled opportunity and privilege to witness the tremendous Visitations that THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH has set for this hour. And also the wonders, the signs and wonders that He has set out, illustrate to this generation at this hour. And of course that goes a long way to underscore that indeed, this generation is a privileged generation; it is a generation that has been given this very wonderful disposition of love from THE LORD.

And so how you manage it now becomes the issue; it becomes the most important aspect of this conversation. Because you know too well that THE LORD JEHOVAH is Visiting the Earth right now in a very astounding way, and the purpose for which He is Visiting the Earth is absolutely very, very clear now, that He is summoning the attention of all living man; of all man. He is calling the attention of all people, all nations. He is renditioning their attention from the world back to Himself that they may be able to see His MESSENGERS, and then of course receive His instruction for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. And that really is the bottom-line, the fundamental reason behind the Visitation that you see at this hour.

Now we know too well that GOD THE FATHER has now shown this very wonderful love, a disposition of grace, the latter Glory, the latter anointing that He promised in the Bible. And today you saw THE LORD; you saw the physical, manifest presence of THE LORD. You saw THE CLOUD OF GOD ALMIGHTY Visit the Earth. And these are big things; these are not small things. Way back in time past —which I am very familiar with— THE LORD established this Visitation through the Tabernacle worship, and now He has established it through the Grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the Grace that has ruptured the curtain and allowed Him to resend His MESSENGERS at this time. And then THE CLOUD OF THE FATHER has come, THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH.

—???!!!Now previous— which I am familiar with quite a great depth, not yet been allowed to reveal at this point in time, but it came within the Tabernacle worship, and the message was very clear that He came to demonstrate and illustrate to Israel and mankind in totality: The holiness of GOD, the holiness of GOD. He came to illustrate the holiness of GOD JEHOVAH and the sinfulness of sin. And so that becomes a very clear message at this day too, except that now through CHRIST JESUS, THE MEDIATOR —and that mediation was very important (), the Gentile church and the Hebrew nation. Because in Exodus 19 verse 12 He says, “You shall set barriers for the people all around, all around the mountain and saying unto them, ‘Beware that you do not go up on the mountain or touch its border; whoever touches the mountain must be put to death.’” So again, like I said, to demonstrate the holiness of HASHEM, of ELOHIM, JEHOVAH YHWH, to demonstrate His holiness and at the same time to clearly illustrate the sinfulness of sin, in other words, the sinfulness of man because of the fall.

And in that context then you can see the purview THE LORD has used for this current Visitation. So you see that in our time, even now () at Central Park, we can even start all the way from Kapkatet when THE CLOUD first Visited He that speaks with you, and in this time, and in this particular mission, and in this generation. So enumerating probably from Kapkatet and then He moved to Kericho, Kisumu, Nakuru, Menengai 1, Menengai 2, Central Park, Angola, Helsinki. So you can count and count the many times that THE LORD has come and enveloped He that speaks with you, when He that speaks with you has called upon GOD THE FATHER to Visit and He has come promptly into the meeting.

And speaking from that first mission at the time before CHRIST came, in this hour now, again we saw in verse 12 of Exodus 19, to demonstrate the holiness of JEHOVAH YHWH, the holiness of GOD, and to clearly illustrate the sinfulness of sin, the sinfulness of man, that “Do not touch the Holy Mountain, do not touch the mountain of Visitation. Do not touch where My Glory settles.” Because, He only stands, He only settles His PILLAR on holy ground, because wheresoever His PILLAR stands is holy ground. And you see the conversation transmitted at this hour, the Message He is transmitting at this hour also using THE TWO MESSENGERS speaking with you today.

And so then —and the mountain, and here now. He has still brought forth this Visitation in order to express and present to you the church, to you this generation that THE LORD your GOD He cares and He longs to draw mankind close to Him, except that now through CHRIST JESUS and then THE MESSIAH is Coming.

So THE MESSENGERS have been sent, the latter Visitation now in place. So now THE MESSENGERS that are preparing the Way, the Voice that crieth out in the wilderness, “Prepare ye the way of THE LORD!” So now, through these MESSENGERS, now by the grace of CHRIST They have been sent and the instruction is still the same as THE CLOUD come, He Is still saying, “I desire to have a close relationship with man.” Except that the holiness of GOD is totally irreducible because GOD still remains holy forever; eternally, from eternity to eternity He will always remain holy.

So these Visitations when He comes and sits THE PILLAR from Heaven, His PILLAR, His Self, settles on He that speaks with you, THE LORD essentially underscores His greatest desire and need that He wants to draw mankind close to Himself to have this relationship, worship relationship. And CHRIST is very instrumental on this because now THE PROPHETS have been sent through the grace of CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH. And then the other very important aspect is the quality of that worship then; that He is longing for this worship through CHRIST JESUS.

And then now He is settling THE PILLAR on He that speaks with you to demonstrate the quality requirements of that worship. That the quality of that worship —He is clearly pronouncing the quality of that worship through THE PILLAR that is settling on He that speaks with you. And then He is saying, “Like Him, you too now can choose righteousness and listen to the instruction that THE TWO are giving. And then like Him, the righteousness of THE LORD will belong to you now through CHRIST JESUS.”

And THE MESSENGERS that transmit that Message and prepare for the glorious KING, THE MESSIAH, are now here. And then the illustration and the demonstration of the kind and the quality of worship sacrifice that THE LORD requires to be met. So fundamentally, in so doing, in placing forth the worship requirements: THE CLOUD coming in THE PILLAR and settling on He that is speaking with you, and then in that way also transmitting the Message: “Not only do I desire to have a relationship, a close relationship with fallen man—“ for CHRIST JESUS has bridged, but now the holiness of GOD still remains. Now through CHRIST JESUS man must receive CHRIST because this relationship He is looking for, He is saying that time is over, eternity is drawing nearer and that relationship shall endure forever for those that will receive JESUS and be born again.

Except that He now says that the emphasis is also on the pronouncement that He is making in His CLOUD by settling on He that speaks with you, where He is fundamentally and principally saying that, “Look you could not touch the mountain in that time. And so I settled only on the mountain, I said, ‘Do not touch.’ And then look, even as THE MESSIAH is Coming I have settled on He that speaks with you in order to explain to you very clearly the serious, and heinous, and grievous disconnection that sin brought into the sacred relationship between ELOHIM THE CREATOR and mankind.” But now bridged by CHRIST in accepting CHRIST and embracing righteousness. Then that disconnection, that disconnect, that disparity between the original position of creation before the fall —and the moment you climb the stairs when you are entering Heaven to go be with GOD, to go have eternity in Heaven— that disconnection, that disparity, that difference —He says— was created by sin and He is demonstrating that through THE PILLAR that was settled —because He is saying, “Look! I am not settling on everybody here.”

That THE MESSIAH has come and, “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.” So He is using again the same Visit !!![when He has come in His CLOUD and settled on He that speaks with you]!!! in order to magnify, in order to express, in order to underscore, in order to lay out clearly the disconnection that sin brought between Himself and man in that very divine and sacred relationship He established at creation. So THE LORD is saying that this is the time for repentance in other words. That your eyes have seen this, then repentance is very key, very key. You know too well that He placed His residence on the mountain, on Mount Sinai. At that time THE CLOUD, He came in His CLOUD: the physical presence, GOD Himself, manifest nature and presence, local presence of GOD, in a localized place. As you all know.

And so even now there is a fall in the church and He is telling the church that, “Look! I am tabernacled upon Him that speaks with you. I have made My divine residence on Him in your eyes, live, broad daylight. But I long that when you receive CHRIST you be holy and righteous that you too may enjoy this relationship with your CREATOR.” But it is amazing now that GOD is coming to meet His people through He ().

Now THE MESSIAH came, released THE TWO PROPHETS, and then THE MESSIAH is Coming now, the preparing of the Way, the latter Glory that was promised in Haggai chapter 2. And now He comes in that latter Glory, again still to meet His people that they may prepare for the MESSIAH. That is the purpose. A meeting place, that now they may prepare for the Coming KING, THE MESSIAH, their REDEEMER, their SAVIOR.

Then, again they met in the Tabernacle, now that Tabernacle is supposed to be a man but there is apostasy in the church —met with the children of Israel, set out the agenda and gave them their mission, their duty. Very central, THE CREATOR. But now the agenda that He brings is to prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. So it is very critical that this generation does understand the righteousness requirement of the worship that CHRIST brought. That is the conversation ongoing that He has brought when He has settled on He speaks with you: the purity. So demonstrating the holiness of GOD and the sinfulness of man, the sinfulness of sin. And that that gap, that gap that was wrought by sin, brought in by sin, He is saying now should be eroded because THE MESSIAH has come.

But you have to listen to THE MESSENGERS He has sent, that you may receive THE LORD and walk in the rightful Christianity —because of apostasy— the holy Christianity, the righteous Christianity where there is uprightness, where there is purity, the Christianity that He is emphasizing through THE PILLAR is the Christianity of irreproachability, holiness and morality. Because He said ‘blameless’, without blame, washed, the sins washed, purity, separation from the immorality of this world (moral decay). And THE LORD is talking about the integrity of salvation. And so all these are very important aspects that THE LORD is underscoring at this hour in this Visitation. So He is emphasizing the preparing of the Way by the church for the Glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. And we know that that righteousness and holiness He is talking about is from GOD THE FATHER.

And He is saying that for now there is apostasy and there is need for correction, that the Word has been corrupted by the pulpit all across the world. And He is saying, “Back to the righteousness of THE LORD that JESUS restored, and the holiness of THE LORD, without which no one sees THE LORD.” Because THE LORD is saying, that righteousness comes to you from Him but after repentance, after repentance and the deliberate effort to choose holiness. So in this way JEHOVAH YHWH, He is essentially saying that you have a HELPER, you have THE HOLY SPIRIT, you have THE HOLY SPIRIT right now helping you. That, “Look whom I have sent to prepare the Way for the Coming of THE MESSIAH. He will connect you to the Kingdom of THE MESSIAH.” THE MESSIAH is seated on the right hand side of the Throne of GOD and He is connected to THE MESSIAH. These TWO MESSENGERS are connected to THE MESSIAH. And vividly —amazing— you can record, you can capture and see that They are connected to Heaven where THE MESSIAH is. So to reconnect you to THE MESSIAH, to restore the relationship with THE MESSIAH, that vertical and heavenly relationship, the heavenly focused salvation.

So then THE HOLY SPIRIT will be important considering the apostasy of the moment, the delusion that is going on in the House. So there is need to clean off the dross of immorality, moral decay, and all this that has captured the entire Earth, has arrested the attention of man so that now THE HOLY SPIRIT can help you to conform your souls back to the worship requirements of THE CLOUD. That is what JESUS established. And He will separate you from the desires, the same —the wicked desires of this world. But He is saying, “Look! I have settled on He that speaks with you.” —and that— “I am communicating the Message that THE LORD —the holiness of GOD remains, the holiness of GOD remains.”

So in all that, He is saying that there is a greater importance of the redemptive authority of THE BLOOD OF JESUS. So we need to walk in the righteousness, into the salvation of THE CHRIST and the holiness of that salvation in order to realign the redemption power, the redemptive authority of THE BLOOD OF JESUS, which is real —and of course I mentioned the anointing of THE HOLY SPIRIT at this hour to be able to reorganize, reconstruct the church from the fallen —from the apostasy— the fallen position so that she may re-conform to her initial place. Because, the holiness of GOD, He has said, remains. It is irreducible. He is holy from eternity to eternity, one (!) thing about THE LORD my FRIEND, THE LORD My SAVIOR, My SENDER, one (1) thing about JEHOVAH YHWH, My one (1)and only FRIEND is that His holiness changes not.

And all this, when He comes to settle on He that speaks with you, the dreadful FIRE OF THE LORD, He stands: THE PILLAR. And He calls He that —I do not want to divulge a lot of information— THE PILLAR stands and then He calls He that speaks with you and He turns and walks towards Him, towards the FIRE. There is a very important Message. He is talking about the awareness of the consequences of sin. Sin. He is saying sin will separate you from THE LORD. The consuming FIRE will destroy sin.

So again, still to the same very important issue that has gotten the present day Christian engrossed in their ways, in their set ways. He is saying, “No.” Even when THE MESSIAH came to bridge the gap, we read from Exodus 19:12 when He said, “You shall set barriers for the people all around the mountain saying unto them, ‘Beware that you do not go up the mountain or touch its borders.’” So THE CLOUD OF GOD that settled on Mount Sinai is settling now on He that speaks with you. He is the same. He changes not.

Even today here, He spoke with me here. The same CLOUD, He entered here; He spoke with me. He descended here —by Voice— and He rebuked the buddhism of Asia and the idol worship going on in this world —by Voice. He is the same, except that He is saying now, when He has settled on me He is saying very clearly here that, “Never was the redemption by CHRIST, or the Grace that I brought to mankind —fallen man, by THE BLOOD OF JESUS— never was it intended to tolerate sin, accommodate sin. I am still holy.” So then He comes and settles on His holy MESSENGER and His holy SERVANT. The Covenant, He said that Covenant of Grace was never meant to be what you see in the church today where there is tolerating of sin in the church. Never. Never ever.

It was meant to help the church live a more righteous life, a holier living, and then get totally consumed with the requirements of THE LORD through THE HOLY SPIRIT and conform to the worship demand, to the demands of the worship sacrifice. Remember () that is where we began.

And so THE LORD is speaking to the present-day Church; He is saying, “Righteousness, that is the garment, the wedding garment. That is the important garment for entry. The garment.” And He is saying the holiness of THE LORD changes not. The holiness and the righteousness requirements of worship, worshiping JEHOVAH, does not change. That is all He’s saying. And that when the Covenant of Grace came, He never intended that that Covenant now overrule the righteousness of THE LORD.

Verse 7, Luke chapter 3, verse 7 He says, “So He began saying to the crowds who were coming out to be baptized by Him, ‘You broods of vipers! Who has warned you to flee from the wrath of GOD that is coming, that is to come?” —Verse 8 He says— “Therefore produce fruit that is worthy of and consistent with your repentance.” —That is live changed lives, turn away from sin and seek GOD and His righteousness— “And do not even begin to say unto yourselves as a defense, ‘We have Abraham for our father.’” —and so our heritage assures us of salvation— “For I say unto you that from these stones GOD today is able to raise up children, descendants for Abraham.” And () GOD can replace the unrepentant regardless of their heritage, with those who are obedient regardless of their former sinful nature. As long as they repent.

So He says the holiness of THE LORD remains even in the New Testament. The righteousness of THE LORD remains. And that I have read, is the righteousness that comes through the grace: the redemptive BLOOD OF JESUS, the Grace of THE BLOOD, the grace of JESUS, that the present day church has turned it around in a perverted way as though this requirement does not stand. I have read from the New Testament: Luke chapter 3, I have read 7 to 9.

THE LORD is saying that CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH, THE LORD and SAVIOR, our LORD and SAVIOR essentially represents the worship requirements of JEHOVAH. What do I mean by this? That He is the embodiment, He is the physical and spiritual embodiment, representation, the living example of the conformity requirements, of the requirements for this generation and church to conform to the righteousness of GOD, the will of GOD. The will of GOD is that you be holy, that you be righteous and get to enter the eternal super glorious Kingdom of GOD. That is the will of GOD. The will of GOD is that you will be holy, that you will be righteous.

So then the grace of JESUS, that Scripture I have read demonstrates the importance of why THE CLOUD has settled on He that speaks with you. He says the holiness of GOD does not change, that is why I read it from the New Testament; that the fruit for repentance is still a requirement, still a requirement. Still vivid. Hm?

He says, in Matthew 13 verse 17 He says, “I assure you and most solemnly say unto you many Prophets and righteous men {who were honorable and in right standing with GOD} longed to see what you see today and did not see it and to hear what you hear today and did not hear it.” You have seen it. You have recorded, you have recorded that He has come and settled on He that speaks with you —not once, severally. He has settled. He has Tabernacled on Him. He has Tabernacled on Him. So the holiness requirements of GOD remain, that is the message being transmitted here. Then He says, He says in Matthew 23:29, He says, “Woe unto ye {self-righteous} scribes, pharisees, hypocrites (). For you build tombs for the Prophets and decorate and adorn the monuments of the righteous.” So that is the generation we are in, this generation that He has brought Them back to. The same.

So He is again now saying, “Look! There is the requirement, the worship requirements of THE LORD which must be met. And this generation too has not embraced the righteousness requirements of THE LORD. So THE CLOUD has settled on He that speaks with you. In other words, THE LORD is using that to demonstrate the worship of the Grace, the worship through the Covenant of the Grace that He requires of this generation, this generation. The holiness requirements of that worship. He has settled on these TWO live, broad daylight, to demonstrate to you that sin is bad, that sin took away the sacred relationship with GOD. But now CHRIST THE MESSIAH has restored that relationship and therefore those that profess —confess and profess— the New Covenant, profess JESUS as LORD, should now walk in holiness and the righteousness requirements of THE LORD. That standard remains: For without holiness nobody sees THE LORD.

So He is talking about the righteous laws that govern approaching —mankind approaching him: Die to self, “Pick up your cross on a daily basis and follow Me.” JESUS said. He is saying that this generation still has to be born again and be righteous and holy to approach Him, to approach THE CLOUD. THE CLOUD has now settled here, on THE HEAVENLY MESSENGERS. He says, “You will need the Grace of JESUS to approach THE CLOUD.” And when He entered the glorious Kingdom of Heaven, that is the fellowship with THE CLOUD, the fellowship with JEHOVAH ELOHIM Himself.

So He is saying when He presented the Grace of our LORD JESUS, never was that intended to erode, to wish away, to wash away the purity requirements of GOD as you approach Him.

This is a dreadful time, blessed people. There is much more that is still concealed that He has not allowed He that speaks with you to share. But the message is very clear that connecting this church to CHRIST JESUS again. The stairs have been lowered, they are headed towards eternity. THE PILLAR has connected Heaven; He has come with His PILLAR and connected Heaven with They that speak with you.

In other words, where THE MESSIAH is. To connect the generation to THE MESSIAH, back to the original Gospel of THE MESSIAH: the Gospel of THE CROSS, the Gospel of THE BLOOD, the Gospel of holiness, the Gospel of righteousness. That the generation is full of wickedness; they are even attempting to make these () speak wicked, that is just how perverted it is, how terrible the day is, the moment is, the hour is.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Be holy, blessed people.

Now you have understood that the holiness requirements of THE LORD and the righteousness requirements of THE LORD, they change not. For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD. Even in the New Testament He says, “Therefore produce forth the rightful fruits in keeping with your repentance, you broods of vipers.” He said.

May THE LORD bless you.

Todah Rabah. Boker Tov —good morning in Hebrew.

THE LORD is Coming. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Shalom todah. Todah.



Amen, blessed people, I know that the recording of the Visitation that took place at Menengai, at Menengai and Central Park, is a serious conversation between Heaven and the church. It is a very, very mega conversation between THE LORD YHWH and the Gentile church at this hour: the body of CHRIST. What an awesome time to be alive. And this is exactly what the Bible spoke about when THE LORD JEHOVAH, He, in His writings to the church in the Bible, in His communication with the body of CHRIST, with the nations, He said greater things would happen at this time. And He also said that the righteous men, the holy men of that time —of the other dispensation— really, really longed to lay their eyes on the happenings of this hour.

But I just want to weigh in here, to emphasize and exhort the church that this should be able to signal to you on the continuing conversation, the continued conversation regarding the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, and the need for you to be more righteous and be holy, to receive JESUS, be born again proper and be holy and deliberately choose righteousness in a world, in a world that is so depraved, in a world that is full of sexual sin, sexual lust, full of malice, perversion, racism, tribalism, everything happening in the world at this hour, at this time.

This really is a very important conversation from Heaven to the church because you can see very clearly thatTHE LORD is speaking in very clear terms to this generation, this church, and THE LORD is saying, “Look, even within the milieu and the cascade of all the wickedness and the evil, the increase of wickedness that is happening, look, I am still making it very clear to the church that the church is still the vehicle for delivering mankind into the glorious eternity of peace and everlasting life in Heaven.”

And that is why this kind of conversation that has taken place at this hour in the church is very, very powerful, is very healthy for the church. Because, it constantly reawakens the soul of the church; it constantly rekindles the church, the hearts of the church, to the fact that, “Look, we are heavenly beings, we have our heavenly citizenship.” No matter what is going on, throbbing on the earth here, no matter what is happening within your surrounding, your community, your environment, your nation, your world, He is saying we still have to develop our heavenly focus and ensure that we train our attention, that we pull our attention towards Heaven.

If you look at that tremendous Visitation that is now going wild all over the web, that took place when THE LORD, He lowered His PILLAR, he brought His PILLAR from Heaven —from Heaven— connecting Heaven to His TWO MESSENGERS speaking with you now . But now then, from Menengai two (2) this past December 31st, the year 2018, if you look at this Visitation that is now going all over the world, all over the globe, one (1) thing that really touches you that you should not () out on is the fact that these TWO MESSENGERS, the BEAM OF GOD, the CLOUD OF GOD, the pure, whitest, holiest, Glory of JEHOVAH YHWH, GOD THE FATHER, my FRIEND, my one and only FRIEND, CHAVER sheli, that BEAM connects from Heaven, right from the inside of Heaven to the Earth.

And THE LORD is making a very clear statement regarding the MESSENGERS walking the Earth. He is saying that “If you want to connect with Heaven you have to listen to Them. If you want to connect to Heaven you will have to listen to them. If you want to connect to Heaven you are going to have to listen to Them.” That message has come out very, very clearly in this conversation. Of course the dread, the dread and the fear about these TWO PROPHETS, THE LORD is raising that also. He is telling the nations and mankind that, “Fear these PROPHETS. Fear Them because They are walking with Me directly and They are under My direct instruction and command.” Because you see wherever the Glory of THE LORD is going is where They are going. He is guiding Them, navigating Them, directing Them in this Ministration of this hour in the church.

And that is why it becomes very important to make sure that this generation capitalizes on this. You must maximize on this and now listen to the oracles, listen to the pronouncements, listen to the instruction They are trumpeting to the four (4) winds of the earth: repent. Repent and receive JESUS. Repent and turn away from sin. Repent and be holy. Repent. Repent and turn away from wickedness. Turn away from immorality. Turn away from (), lies. Be holy. Be righteous. Be ready. Be prepared anytime. THE MESSIAH is Coming. Anytime THE KING Come.

And that is a very, very powerful Message that He is resonating from this Visitation that you see is now going wild, that has just surfaced again from the Menengai meeting December 31st, 2018. But most importantly you see the connection, how Heaven directly navigates the TWO of Them and how They are witnessing and how They are now giving Their closing argument towards the coming of THE MESSIAH. They are giving Their closing deposition. They are now making Their final submission towards the coming of THE MESSIAH. That is obvious. You can see very clearly now that time has gone and mankind needs to prepare to meet her GOD, to meet his GOD. Mankind needs to prepare to meet her CREATOR, his CREATOR in Heaven. And that is a beautiful time.

and that is why I thought it is very, very important to come to you and also weigh in on this because you see the connection; Heaven is directly connected to Them. When THE LORD said in the book of Revelation chapter 11 that, 
“And I will give power, I will give power to My TWO MIGHTY PROPHETS, My TWO WITNESSES (if you will), My TWO MESSENGERS, My TWO PRINCIPLES.” Then you see the connection, the power that He meant: the direct power of GOD, direct connection with GOD THE FATHER Himself, THE FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST even as They minister, even as They execute the judgment of GOD upon the face of the Earth at this hour, even as They prepare the church for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

But what should really astound you and shock you is that these PROPHETS, these MESSENGERS who are speaking with you now, are actually, principally the main Mission —two of Them, one— to prepare the church and navigate her safely into the safety of Heaven before the big meltdown that takes place here, the big campaign, the big battle, the grand battle that takes place on the Earth.

And that goes very clearly to the hearts of every single person that has watched this, that is following this, that surely, yes, THE LORD is preparing the church at this hour. That even most importantly Their Mission is to Israel and the dispensation of the great tribulation. So that there then talks to you about how much time has gone, how much all these are finishing arguments.They are busy making Their final deposition before THE LORD,Their closing arguments, Their closing remarks, Their closing submission, and that Their major role is there. And THE LORD has defined it very clear and very clearly without any ambiguity whatsoever that, “ Look! They are here already.” That is the Mission He is about to be activating in the other dispensation.

So mine is to wish you all wisdom that THE LORD may help you with righteousness, He may help you with holiness —THE HOLY SPIRIT may help the church. That JESUS may be glorified, that THE MESSIAH may find a holy bride.

This is an awesome time, it is a powerful time. And only the church has this Visitation. Only the followers of CHRIST and only this Ministry has this Visitation. So you are very clearly well instructed on where to congregate, on where to () your ears, on where to listen, on where to take instruction and prepare for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. Matters of eternity are not debatable. Matters of eternity are not discussable. Matters of eternity are personal and THE LORD expects that every single person has the capacity that He engrained in them, that He deposited in them, to be able to (), to recognize eternity and make the determination that, “I am taking eternity and know where to go and how to go.”

JESUS said very clearly in John chapter 14, when He concluded from between verse 4, around verse 4. He said, “You know the Way to where I am going.” Meaning, there will be certain people at this time on the Earth that would be the followers of JESUS, that would follow Him on the Way to where He went. And to be a follower of JESUS is essentially to pick up one’s cross and follow JESUS, to crucify the flesh in other words, because He says, “Pick up your cross daily.” The book of Luke says “daily”. Pick up your cross daily and follow JESUS.

Again, when JESUS was talking about His return for the rapture in the book of John 14 He said, “Let your hearts not be troubled. Trust in GOD; trust also in Me.” And then He talks about how He is going to the FATHER’S place to prepare mansions for you and in His FATHERS place there are many mansions; there are many rooms, there are many palaces for you, many homes for you there. And then at the end He said, “You know the Way to where I am going.”

And that is a very profound statement He made that really, really, really drills the drill bit to the church, to this Visitation We are talking about, this current Visitation going wild like a bush fire now. Because He is essentially saying, “You know the Way to where I am going.” And we know that JESUS () Heaven. He went and He is seated on the right hand side of THE FATHER. So He was essentially saying that at this hour when such Visitations would be throbbing across the face of the Earth there would be the wise ones that would know the Way that JESUS followed through those stairs to go to Heaven. Meaning, would know how to follow JESUS to Heaven; that is what He meant. And the Bible is so clear that to follow JESUS you will have to pick up your cross on a daily basis, crucify your flesh and be a spiritual being, born again, righteous, holy, and see the glorious eternal Kingdom of GOD.

So may THE LORD bless you the citizens of Earth. May your wisdom not fail you on this. May you be able to know where to find the instruction for eternity. There is no more time for the gospel of prosperity right now. There is no more time for immorality in the church right now. There is no more time for deception and what. You can see very clearly that these MESSENGERS —and They came to restore the Ministry of the CHRIST that had been trampled by apostasy. They essentially came to reconnect the church back to JESUS, to reconnect —who is in Heaven— to reconnect the church back to eternity in Heaven.

Remember the reason the church was created, when JESUS finally allowed THE HOLY SPIRIT to come down and create the church, is because the church would be the vehicle to connect mortal mankind to eternity. And there is no better place at which that is well demonstrated and Illustrated and dramatized than in this Visitation you are seeing today that has surfaced that took place at Menengai.

May THE LORD bless you.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah, todah. Todah rabah.

Be holy.

Todah chaverim. Todah HASHEM, CHAVER sheli.

Thank you.



Blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me this past night in a very, very stunning conversation. And this past night, THE LORD JEHOVAH in His conversation with me, He showed me the state of ministries and churches all across different places in the country, and also all across the world. And in this conversation with THE LORD, He showed me —I will describe the detail of the graphics and then I will explain— there is a road. And that road —many vehicles were following that road, keeping left. And there is another road so it is a dual carriage, another road that is coming on the other side, on the right hand side as you keep left. And so, at that time I saw many vehicles driving on that road.

And then I saw THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD take a Vehicle, a white, pure white Vehicle, very white and glorious, a huge Vehicle with huge tires. And I was made to understand that that Vehicle is new; it is a new Vehicle. They were driving on that road, THE TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD, in the same direction as the others were. Then along the way all the other vehicles, I started noticing that they are either muddy or they are colored 
—muddy colored brown (). And there are points along the way where the road on the left —I was following, people could join in the other road; so that road goes back . So I saw some other vehicles leaving this road that is left , left, keeping left, and then going back, taking a U-turn and going back.

At one point also, I saw many, many, many vehicles; they were very dirty vehicles: small, big and so forth —stopped. And so THE LORD takes me ahead, so I fly, I fly with my wings so I am able to see ahead and then I realized, again, a big truck, a big truck had fallen and also blocked the road. A very big, dirty truck had fallen on the road and blocked the road; so all the vehicles were backed up. They stopped. At one point they totally stopped. All the vehicles could not cross. And that was a time at which I was coming at a very high speed with this brand new Vehicle.

So it is amazing because at one time I see that I will crush them, I will knock them. So I applied emergency brakes and then —very sharp emergency— and then I released a bit to be able to release the () of the brakes so that (). And then again now I was able to control. And I found that the truck that had collapsed on its left was just enough room to pass. And then I passed with the white, pure, glorious vehicle —very huge. And the other vehicles remained back there so I kept wondering, “Why have they all remained there then?” But they were colored (): brown, dark, muddy, everything. None of them was white.

We know too well that THE MESSIAH is Coming.

And the Bible says in Hebrews 12:14 that, “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; for without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.” That white color is the holiness of THE LORD the church ought to behold at this hour. But then you see now the browning, the sexual sin, the abortions, the what, the false prophecies and everything. You see that that has painted all the other ministries and all the other churches.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Be holy, blessed people.

THE MESSIAH is coming.

And all the vehicles, because of this truck that had collapsed —I do not know why they could not see that at the left hand side of that truck, on the same left road, there was enough passage to pass. They all remained backed up on a jam, it is a pile up, a pile up. They piled up; they knocked each other —pile up. A pile up accident.

THE MESSIAH is Coming. THE MESSIAH, He is Coming.

And this is coming at a time when yesterday, THE LORD in a tremendous conversation spoke with me about this enormous, enormous glory and anointing that He has released when He took me to the Throne Room of GOD in Heaven; the awesome anointing He has released that when He picked the leaves from the Tree of Life, placed in my hand, and then He presented the flourishing of the anointing, the blossoming that covered the entire mountain 
—this time He placed it on the mountain— the glory of THE LORD and the tremendous flourishing of the anointing on the mountain.

And I said yesterday there is a shocking healing service that is coming. It is going to be historic. It is greater than what you saw on April 28th.

So blessed people, THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Prepare the Way. Be holy and be righteous. Receive JESUS.

And this is now absolutely very apparent to everyone that the religion of THE CROSS is the only religion that gives you a pathway, that gives you hope to enter the glorious Kingdom of Heaven. There is no other religion whatsoever. Let people just be born again and ashame the devil .Make him go to hell alone.

May THE LORD bless you all as you prepare for the coming of THE MESSIAH.

Todah, shalom. Todah rabah. Yom Tov, which in Hebrew means “good day —have a good day.”



Amen, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me. THE LORD JEHOVAH, the CREATOR of all the universe, the One that created all the stars and the galaxies and the trillions upon trillions of planets —some of them bigger than the Earth: 600 billion times, some of them bigger than the Sun, our Sun, 600 billion times, again, the One that woke all people that are awake today, woke them up and gave them the breath of Life, the GOD of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, He has spoken with me, blessed people.

And in this conversation at night, THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke with me in a very, very unusual way, in a very mighty way about the Visitation of THE LORD that is currently ongoing on the Earth and the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. So blessed saints, blessed people, precious people, in this past night, THE LORD, He lifted me up and He took me into Heaven; He took me right straight into the Throne Room of GOD JEHOVAH in Heaven and I had a tremendous conversation with Me there about the events about to befall the Earth. It is regarding those events about to befall the Earth that He had this conversation with me in Heaven.

And in this conversation, blessed people, THE LORD walked with me straight into the Throne Room of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven, and then slightly behind the Throne Room. And then at that place He went ahead and took the leaves of the Tree of Life and placed in my hand while still at the Throne Room of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven, JEHOVAH YHWH, THE TREMENDOUS GOD OF ISRAEL, the One that raises the cripples, the One that created all the waters you see: the oceans of the Earth, the mountains, the trees, the rocks, the herbs, everything that was ever created, the One that watches all the birds every day to make sure they have food, the One that sent us CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH to die on THE CROSS for a fallen generation, to redeem fallen man, He spoke with me in such a way, this past night, at the Throne Room of GOD ALMIGHTY inside Heaven, this past night, coming towards the morning hours.

And so when He plucked with His Hand the leaves from the Tree of Life and placed in my hand, then all of a sudden a wonder took place because they blossomed in a very mighty way, in a manner I have never seen before —the freshest, the freshest anointing ever before befell THE TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH, the Ones that are currently walking the Earth and communicating the instruction and the agenda of GOD to the nations of the Earth at this hour.

And so in this conversation, blessed people, now the leaves of the Tree of Life blossomed. And this time around He did it in a manner I have not seen before because they blossomed from my hand and they went on to a hill, a mountain, like this (prophetic demonstration), and they covered —the healing anointing, the way He covered the entire mountain with the tremendous anointing of THE LORD, He has not done before. So there is a fresh healing anointing of THE LORD that is coming, the freshest ever, never seen before. The highest healing anointing never seen before is coming to the church through He that speaks with you.

There is a massive healing service that is going to take place out of this conversation because I again understood the instruction that THE LORD, He is saying, “My people are suffering. Go to My people and bring the healing of THE LORD, the healing that THE LORD JESUS laid on THE CROSS at Calvary by His BLOOD. Bring it to My people that He may bring remission to them and that they may know that time is over and THE MESSIAH is coming.”

So I have seen the tremendous healing anointing of THE LORD, the historic healing anointing of THE LORD, the grand mega healing anointing of THE LORD that He has released and sent me to the nations to prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, and to quicken the hearts of man to know that the latter Glory is here, the letter anointing is here, and that these are the signs that THE MESSIAH is coming, THE KING is coming, THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH is coming to take the bride, to take the holy church, to take those who have been faithful to Him, who have waited on Him.

I have seen the leaves of the Tree of Life inside Heaven. I have seen the Tree of Life of GOD YHWH inside Heaven and THE LORD has sent me to the nations. And so, there is going to be a mega healing service and cripples will get up and walk, blind will see, deaf will hear, mute will speak, paralytics will walk, spinal cord injuries will be healed, the heart conditions will be restored now normal, normal hearts, spleens will be restored, livers, cancers will dry up, tumors will dissolve, wounds will dry up, mentally ill people will be restored and made wholesome, bleeding diseases will stop, barren families now will have a smile, cancers, leukemia, diabetes, hypertension, all the diseases under the Earth, hydrocephalus, big heads, stranded with them in their homes, hiding them sometimes.

And THE LORD says He is coming to remember homes, families, His people that are ailing, that He may place a smile upon the faces of His people and let them know that indeed this is the SERVANT He has sent at this hour and the TWO of Them are navigating the Earth with this tremendous Message of repentance and the return of THE MESSIAH and that THE MESSIAH is coming, and that this is the hour for righteousness, that there are benefits to walk in holiness, that the religion of THE CROSS is the one and only true religion that leads all people to the glorious Kingdom of JEHOVAH, the Kingdom of YHWH, the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed people, I have seen the Tree of Life in Heaven. A few hours ago I was in Heaven and THE LORD took me and showed me the Tree of Life through His Throne Room and He has placed the glorious, wonderful leaves of the Tree of Life in my hand —and I have seen them blossom; and there is a historic anointing that hits the Earth. And I see He covers the mountain; He has never done this before —tremendous mountain— and another one, and it is a shocking sight to behold. And He showed it twice; He flashed it to me twice this past night. I have been to Heaven this past night: the Home of the righteous.

And I am calling upon all peoples of the Earth, all nations to repent and be holy and be righteous and receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD for THE MESSIAH is coming. Time is over.

But there is going to be a tremendous, a very shocking, historic healing service, a mega healing service. It is going to be a shocker, a bigger one than what happened April 28th.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people. THE KING is Coming. Our LORD JESUS is Coming.

The MESSENGERS that prepare the Way, the Voice that prepares the Way is sounding a clarion call to this generation.

Repent. Repent. Repent and turn away from sin. Be holy. The Kingdom of GOD is near. The Kingdom of Heaven is near. The glorious stairs have been lowered at my word.

Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD, blessed people.

May THE LORD bless the blessed ears that have listened to this clarion call to repentance. May THE LORD bless your hearts and may your wisdom not fail you on this.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

There is a bigger Visitation that is now coming on the Earth: the latter anointing of THE LORD that He promised in the Bible.

Thank you. Thank you.

Todah rabah. Todah l’chaim. Todah chaverim. Todah, todah. Todah.



Amen. Blessed people, what an awesome time to come to you at this time, probably coming to 11 o’clock —4 minutes to. I see in this conversation THE LORD lifts me up. THE LORD JEHOVAH, He lifts me up and I fly with my wings over the clouds, over the clouds, and really go very high up into the clouds, all the way, and meet THE LORD into Heaven. Again, I see THE LORD JEHOVAH lift me up and I fly with my wings, I fly with my wings over the clouds, over the glorious clouds of THE LORD, higher up beyond the clouds here, until the inside of Heaven.

I know THE LORD has spoken on several occasions about this Visitation happening on the Earth just now. THE LORD has continued to unveil, to roll out this Visitation and to center the cause for human endeavor on the Earth, the lives of men, to continue to center them around the coming of THE MESSIAH.

And in the Bible we remember too well in the Book of Revelation chapter 4, John the Apostle, he is lifted up and THE LORD says, “Come up here and I show you what is about to happen.” And Heaven opens and he is lifted up all the way into Heaven.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Let us prepare the Way.

THE MESSIAH is Coming. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Thank you.

Prepare the Way. Be holy.

Thank you.

Be righteous.

Thank you.

“For without holiness nobody, no one will see THE LORD.”

Todah rabah. Erev tov. Todah shalom. Todah, todah.



Well blessed people THE LORD has spoken with ME. This is a very, very critical time in the history of the church. At this hour the church is seeing a tremendous visitation. And all the Nations of the Earth, the entire Earth is seeing a very shocking and tremendous visitation of JEHOVAH YHWH. And THE LORD is preparing for the Nations for the glorious return of THE MESSIAH to come and take the glorious church —so such are the days that we live in.

And at this hour it will count, it will really be very wise for any Christian or any person that will like to see eternity with God in Heaven, to be born again and be righteous and be holy.

And this conversation THE LORD has spoken with ME about some of the signs that HE spoke about in the Book of Matthew 24 and also the Book of Daniel chapter 12 verses 1 to 4. Some of the signs HE spoke about that will proceed, would come before the glorious return of THE MESSIAH.

I see the Judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya. I see the Judgment of God coming to Kenya. But I know that if Kenya repents and stands in a sacred assembly as one man and then THE LORD will relent. The reason THE LORD shows this earlier in good time is because HE is seeking repentance. HE is asking the Nation to repent, return to Jesus. Stop wickedness, evil and sin and be holy and righteous.

I see you this very tremendous moment coming to Kenya, the Judgment of THE LORD. And THE LORD JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH YHWH, HE that speaks and sees things before they happen is absolutely capable of redeeming Kenya from this upcoming judgement.

I see a lot of distress in the land. I see some people. I see being brought with a lot of arrows over there back. Arrows have entered there heads, there backs. I see police officers involved and so forth. This is about what is coming to Kenya

But I know very well that THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD are in this land. And the reason that THE LORD is speaking in this way is because HE loves this Nation. And if that Kenya will come to THEM and meet as one man in a sacred holy assembly in Nairobi and repent then THE LORD will save Kenya.

But these are the signs that you see in the Book of Matthew 24. And you also see them in the Book of Daniel chapter 12 when HE says, “There will be distress as has not been seen before since the beginning of Nations until, before the return of THE MESSIAH.”

So I see distress coming to Kenya but the good news is that THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD are in Kenya, so THEY will always route for Kenya. And Kenya has shown a disposition of love towards THE LORD of repentance. And I know of this occasion too, THE LORD will route for the Nation of Kenya and deliver Kenya and this revival will continue.

But I have seen distress coming to Kenya and THE MESSIAH is coming. These are some of the signs you see in the Bible.

And I know that THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD will be able to lead the country into national repentance and all will be well with Kenya. And that Kenya will continue to sustain this Revival. And the other Nations too will come to Kenya to partake of this mega historic end time revival.

I have seen THE MESSIAH coming. Prepare the way blessed people. Be holy. Turn away from sexual sin. Turn away from lies, apostasy, perversion, lukewarmness in Christianity. Turn away from anything that separates man from God Almighty —the love of God. Turn away from all evil and sin because the Bible says, “For without Holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

I have seen THE MESSIAH coming. Todah shalom, todah rabah.



Well blessed people, coming to you at this time probably about 20 minutes to 1 a.m. east African time on this side of the Earth. And I just wanted to share a little bit on some of the conversations THE LORD has had. And I am compelled at this hour by The Spirit of THE LORD to look back at some of the conversations that THE LORD has had recently.

And we see that January 15th, the year 2017, when GOD THE FATHER, HE THAT KNOWS AND THE DAY AND THE HOUR, HE ALONE, not even THE MESSIAH, not even the angels or the Archangels know the day and the hour, and HE THAT KNOWS THE DAY AND THE HOUR OF THE RETURN OF THE CHRIST, THE LORD’S CHRIST, THE MESSIAH to come and take the church.

It was amazing on that January 15th, 2017 that HE came and spoke with ME about the Rapture of the church, the gathering of the saints, the taking of the holy elect into Heaven. And that is a conversation I have shared quite a bit globally, and continue to share today has become a central theme, a central topic of the conversation in the church globally regarding the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

And then within that same context, in that same season in time after that January 15th, the year 2017, and then come March 11th, 2018. Just slightly after one year after the prophecy I gave, the prophecy in which I said, “I see the church raptured and THE GLORY is pulling them up. They are wearing their glorious bodies, their glorious garments. And then as they approach this huge CLOUD whose door opens for them. The door opens, THE CLOUD opens for them, the door. And as they are about to enter into the door into Heaven then the glorious stairs of Eternity, the glorious stairs of everlasting life appear and then they climb and go.”

And I have shared quite in-depth about this visitation. I continue to share today because I think that almost became the ultimate visitation prophecy and illustration by THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. Surely time has elapsed. We are operating on borrowed time. And also for THE MESSIAH’s return for the holy church, she has really, really drawn, she has drawn nigh —very close.

And you see March 11th, 2018 then, the first part of that was fulfilled when THE LORD makes good of HIS warning and lowers the glorious stairs into the sky. And this generation is now able to see the inside of Heaven, you see the articles of Heaven, you see the glorious stairs of everlasting life.

And I think out of this conversation alone, until this point, there is no greater encouragement to a generation then that that Heaven has now become a reality. And the fact HE was doing so, why THE LORD goes that extra mile, to show this generation with their wicked eyes to be able now to see the glorious stairs of everlasting life is to create an emphasis is to create a longing to make them reprioritize their lives, their transactions, their conversations on this Earth that they may be able not to miss, but to enter into eternal life with God Almighty.

I think that is a landmark conversation that took place, a very landmark conversation. I want you listeners to know this that that conversation is really a landmark because it left an indelible mark on the prophetic timeline on God’s word on the coming of THE MESSIAH. Because you could essentially say that entire conversation on the prophecy of the glorious stairs of the entry of the church and the part fulfillment, which is March 11th, 2018 when GOD THE FATHER now lowers the glorious stairs at MY Word at the conference in the Nakuru.

So you would say that essentially the reason that is such a landmark is because it defines that this church, this present church is really sitting on the verge, at the verge of eternity. In other words, HE’s saying, “This is a church at the door to Heaven, the church at the door. The church that is at the entrance at the door to Heaven.”

And I know that this conversation has spurred up a big revival, and potential to bring revival is of course enormous and continues to do so. And even more astounding of it is the most recent, if I fast-foward recent conversations. Just a few days ago, May 10th, when again HE now shows ME the glorious city of New Jerusalem, the glorious city of God, the New Jerusalem, which we all know is the home of the righteous.

Again still focusing on the same theme; the entry of the holy elect, the born again christians (holy), into everlasting life with God. Because we know very well that the New Jerusalem that HE showed ME on May 10th, 2019, is actually the home of the righteous.

So again, the topic is the same, the emphasis is the same, the purpose is the same illustrations –is aimed at focusing a generation to the same goal to make sure they don’t miss Heaven, but they prepare and enter Heaven.

And, again, I can rewind April 22nd, this same year, within the same season. Then the great Eagle of Heaven, the great águila, the Eagle of Heaven comes out. I see how the door to Heaven opens and HE comes out in a massive way. I cannot describe HIM, I cannot put size to HIM.

And the tremendous GLORY over HIS wings, both above and under the wings. And gliding, gliding to fly a little bit but gliding, try to do like flying a little bit but gliding. These are big things to share with a generation and you know that that is THE LORD GOD HIMSELF. THE ONE that took Israel from Egypt and brought them all the way into the promised land.

So even there you can pick a story, a conversation for the church, a message. Because you could ask yourself, “Why, why has this conversation come?” Because then the other times HE came out, HE carried Israel in the eagle’s wings all the way —all the way into the Promised Land. Could it be that HE is saying —“HE is about to carry away the elect of CHRIST, the elect of God again in the eagle’s wings and bring them to Heaven.”

And this was just recently on April 22nd, 2019. So within the same time span, the same span of space and time span so much is said. Even yesterday, just yesterday, a few hours ago, May 16th, HE hands ME the measuring rod of God in a dream. And that rod is presented —twice, twice (). So HE presents. 

These are now the details I did not give earlier.  HE presents the rod to one on this side, and then the other one HE presents the rod on the other side. And THEY both have the rod. And it has a pencil (), so when it measures it marks. And that pencil never erases. And that pencil never gets finished. But I can see that it was sharpened there. Again, same conversation on the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH and many more other conversations.

And so this generation has seen open Heavens. The portals of Heaven are open. And THE LORD is communicating with the church, is communicating with the Nations. HE is telling them that, “The coming of THE MESSIAH is near. The message is very clear that “Prepare ye the way, the coming of THE MESSIAH is near.”

But all of this coming to one generation. So you see the belovedness of the generation. You see how much THE LORD has really shown a disposition of love to this church. And I think that is the greater strength of the church that is where the church needs to draw her strengths from to know that she has been so much beloved, so much loved of THE LORD. 

So she needs to capitalize.  She needs to take advantage of that to make it an edge and seek righteousness, seek repentance in CHRIST JESUS, seek righteousness, be baptized properly by complete immersion the way JESUS was and be baptized in THE HOLY SPIRIT, and receive the baptism of fire, and walk a holy life, a righteous life and enter.

I think these even the cripples walking, the blind seeing, THE CLOUD pointing coming and settling on ME that I can call down the fire of ELIJAH from Heaven caught on video descending. I think all these are supposed to communicate one very clear message, a clarion call to this generation that “Look!  You have the advantage. You are now different from all other religions.”

So the religion of the cross, the church, the Christianity (holy Christianity, I mean holy. I don’t mean the apostate church), I mean the church that walks in holiness that holy christianity is the only true religion that leads people to eternal life in Heaven. And all the other religions lead people to hell.  That is the message that all these visitations are transmitting that is the message they intended to transmit beloved people.

And I have just mentioned a few visitations, and there is quite a lot, a myriad of visitations; all of them prophesied before. Even the one that is coming up now, a few days from now. I have already given the prophecy and THE LORD is using so to make people the generation, the nation, the church of this hour to know that this is HIM doing these things. HE is the One instructing this for a purpose commanding it into being.

And that is why at this hour the salvation of the Cross is going to be very critical. And every time you read the bible, the bible is entirely full of the salvation of the Cross. And so receiving JESUS and walking the salvation of the Cross, the salvation that crucifies the flesh is going to be very, very fundamental and instrumental for anyone who would want to climb the glorious stairs of Heaven that THE LORD has lowered and allowed this generation to record on their cell phones and put on Twitter, put on WhatsApp, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on instagram, on everything else.

And other than after receiving salvation THE LORD is using this now to trumpet a very clear message that, “This is the hour to exercise separation; to live a separated Christian lifestyle, a separated Christian Life.”

Look, it is 17th of May, the year 2019, and it is about 3 or 4 minutes to 1 o’clock a.m. East African time, deep in the night, and THE LORD is still coming to you, constantly coming to you, constantly focusing you, trumpeting to you on the coming of THE MESSIAH and the requirements of Heaven for you to enter, the benchmark —the standards of righteousness and holiness that are irreducible minimums for God.

And that even when THE HOLY SPIRIT was sent to the church, HIS purpose was to help the church achieve these standards of Heaven that your fleshly, in your bodily mortal form, God knew that you could not achieve HIS required Heavenly standards of righteousness and holiness; and that’s why HE sent THE HOLY SPIRIT as an enabler to advocate for you, to enable you, to empower you.

But THE HOLY SPIRIT bringing the disposition of Grace was never meant to ratify sin, to accommodate sin, and to make it look as though the salvation of CHRIST JESUS is now a little bit sinful —not at all.

THE HOLY SPIRIT was meant to be taken seriously and received, and HIS instructions adhered that the standards that man cannot achieve now by the enabling of GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, mankind can now go into the righteousness of THE LORD, the righteousness of God which is in Phillipians chapter 3 verse 8 all the way to 10.

So THE LORD is emphasizing in these visitations as I’ve said that, “A separation, a separated Christian lifestyle is going to be very critical, very instrumental and very key at this hour in the history of the church.” Especially if this generation is living on the verge, at the verge of Eternity, a blessed generation. You can see all the signs, the collision of the neutron stars that I commanded until even NASA subscribed to our YouTube link because they were very shocked that somebody could prophesy this 13 years ago, the collision of neutron stars that would shake the entire universe, 13 years ago, and would happen 130 million light-years away. How someone could know that and give the accurate details of the colors of the flame, the type of explosion, everything.

So this is a time when the church really needs feel she has the advantage. And she needs to live that advantage to help all the other religions who are idol worshippers to come back, to come back to THE LORD, to return. They too were created by THE LORD JEHOVAH. JESUS died for them all.

So THE LORD is emphasizing number one like I said, “Separation, the salvation of the cross. And the second thing I said, “A separated Christian lifestyle and that means separation from sin.” You remember the book of Romans chapter 6 asked, “Shall we continue sinning, go on sinning because we have received the grace, because the grace is available? HE said, “…By no means!”

So separation from sin. Separation from any event, any moment, occasion, any situation that can ensnare you, that can tempt you to sin, can entice you to wickedness, to evil, to sin, to apostasy.

And in that accord that separation from any events that can entice you to sin I read the book of Jeremiah chapter 51. I’m reading verses 44 and 45.

HE says the following,

Jeremiah 51:44-45 HE says, “I will punish Baal in Babylon and make him spew out what he has swallowed. The Nations will no longer stream to him and the wall of Babylon will fall.” Verse 45 of Jeremiah 51 HE says, “Come out of her My people. Run for your lives, run from the fierce anger of THE LORD.”

In other words, HE is saying that, “A company, walk with people going to Heaven. Walk with people going in the same direction if you are born again Christians.” Because HE is saying that, “Sometimes, most of the time, (HE saying that), bad behavior, bad morals can corrupt a good character. Bad company can corrupt, a good person, a good Christian.”

So HE is saying here, that HE was telling HIS people, “Separate from Baal from, Babylon because of Judgment of THE LORD would come to Babylon; and by association they would be ensnared to sin (God’s people). And so they would suffer the plagues of Babylon when wrath of God comes. When the indignation of THE LORD comes they would then share in the plague of Babylon.”

 And that’s why HE was saying, “Separate, and separate from any situation, moment that will ensnare you to sin and trap you. And lastly, separation from the world, the moral decay of this world.”

Book of Matthew, Matthew Chapter 13, separation from this world, living a separated life blessed people. HE is saying, “The message coming out of these visitations is very clear: To live a separated life.”

And HE says very clearly here,

Matthew 13:38 HE says, “And HE did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.”

So the world, separate from the world. HE moved away from them because of their heathenism, their systems of heathenism, because of their apostasy, their heedlessness, their disobedience, separate from the moral decay of the world.

Beloved people THE MESSIAH is coming. There are many other conversations I would have brought in but the message is very clear that this generation has an advantage.  You have an edge. Now it is established globally that the church, Christianity —holy Christianity— is the only true religion on the Earth that leads people to Heaven through CHRIST JESUS THE LORD. And that is very fundamental, that is absolutely very significant.

And so literally all people can want to go to Heaven anyway; they can literally receive CHRIST and all go to Heaven and depopulate hell and make sure the devil goes to hell alone and humiliate him.

So may THE LORD bless you blessed people, THE MESSIAH is coming. I have seen THE LORD coming (), so prepare the way. This is HE about WHOM It was written in scripture that, “In those days I will send you THE PROPHET ELIJAH, and HE will prepare all things and restore all things before the coming of the dreadful and great Day of THE LORD.”

So may THE LORD bless you and since it’s already morning I say, “Bokev tov.”

Shalom, todah. Todah rabah.



Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH ADONAI, THE EVERLASTING GOD, JEHOVAH EL OLAM, THE LORD MOST HIGH, JEHOVAH ELYON, THE SOVEREIGN LORD, JEHOVAH ADONAI, THE ETERNAL CREATOR, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH EL GIBBOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, He spoke with me this past night, blessed people. And I have been waiting a little bit for people to step out of the offices for their lunch break so they can too partake of this conversation.

Now this past night, today the 16th, this past night, the 16th of May, the year 2019, THE LORD JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, THE LORD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, JEHOVAH ROHI, OUR SHEPHERD, THE SHEPHERD of () souls , He spoke with me this past night in a very, very astounding conversation that I want to share with you now and then open it up a little bit for you. And this conversation appertains to the time that has clocked, the clock that has ticked, the time that has clocked an entire —almost an entire length. It portrays and illustrates to this generation that the clock has ticked in Heaven and continues to tick. And it becomes yet another of those signs that should be able to awaken your souls that you may prepare for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

Now in this conversation this past night I saw the hand of GOD THE FATHER Himself, I saw the hand of THE LORD GOD THE FATHER Himself hand me a rod. THE LORD handed me a measuring rod. And I did not know this side of the road because this part of the rod based on the Bible, the Bible did not mention that the rod, the measuring rod that THE LORD hands down to His PROPHETS in the book of Revelation chapter 11 actually has at the end a pencil. At the end is sharp, as a pencil, and sharpened also so that when you measure you mark, you measure you mark.

Again, this past night the hand of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY handed down to me a measuring rod. A measuring rod was given to me this past night and I did not know that the measuring rod actually at the end of it He sharpened like a pencil. So essentially as I measure I mark, where it stops I mark. The pencil is sharp so it marks. It is a pencil that is not —does not fade off as for pencils the way you know pencils today on the Earth here. But it is a pencil that marks —not a pen. It is a pencil. GOD’S pencil.

So as I measured I mark, and measured and marked. Wherever it stopped it marked. GOD’S pencil. And this is a conversation —and then by Voice, by Voice, prior to giving me the pencil, by Voice THE LORD showed me somebody. I could not see him well; I was not able to make out who exactly he is, and He told me by Voice that that person would build the tribulation temple. Again, by Voice THE LORD spoke about the building of the tribulation temple, the temple that is built during the Great Tribulation; the temple in which the antichrist will sit, his figure will be, the temple at which the false prophet will also be, the false prophet that will be jewish will be.

And this is the conversation THE LORD has had with the church and with the nations of the Earth this past night. And just to open it up for you a little bit that you may understand why THE LORD has handed down to me the measuring rod and at the tip of it is a pencil: GOD’s pencil. So when I measured I marked, I measured and marked. Because He says, “Rise up and go measure.“ So now, the book of Revelation chapter 11 He says the following, from verse 1, Revelation chapter 11 verse 1 He says, “I was given—“ There again, “And there was—“ I am reading now King James, “And there was given me a reed like unto a rod and the angel said—” Again, I read King James. I am going to read the four (4) versions. He says, ”And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, ’Rise and measure the Temple of GOD, and the altar, and them that worship therein.” Now Amplified says, “A reed as a measuring rod was then given to me shaped like a staff; and I was told ‘Rise up and measure the Sanctuary of GOD and the altar [of incense], and [number] those who worship there.’”

The New American Standard says, “Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, ‘Get up and measure the Temple of GOD and the altar, and those who worship there, who worship in it.’” NIV says, “I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, ‘Go and measure the Temple of GOD and the altar, and count the worshipers there.’” Verse 2 He says, “‘But the court which is in the outer temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the Holy City shall be tread underfoot 40 and 2 months.” That is King James. Amplified says, verse 2 of Revelation 11, “‘But leave out of your measuring the court outside the Sanctuary of GOD; omit that, for it is given over to the Gentiles [and the nations], and they will trample the Holy City underfoot for 42 months [3 and a half years].’” He gives it there.

So, blessed people, before I explain to you this let me read from the book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel chapter 40 verse 3 He says, “He brought me; and behold, there was a man, an angel whose appearance was like bronze, with a line of flax and a measuring reed in his hand; and he stood in the gateway.” And He goes on.

And let me read from the book of Psalm 19 verse 4. He says, “Their line is gone out through the ends of the Earth and Their word to the end of the world, to Them hath He set a tabernacle for the sun.” Amplified says, “Yet Their Voice [in evidence] goes out through all the Earth, Their sayings to the end of the world. Of the heavens has GOD made a tent for the sun.” And the New American Standard says, “Their line has gone out through all the Earth, and Their utterances to the end of the world. In Them He has placed a tent for the sun.”

So what is THE LORD saying to this generation, blessed people, when He handed down to me a measuring rod? It is a rod but at the end as a sharpened pencil, sharpened, it was even sharpened. I measured and marked, measured —as you measure, mark. That is amazing, blessed people. We know too well that time is running out, fast running out for the church in the Gentile world. And THE LORD is speaking very clearly about events that appertain to the church now —and also to Israel. He is talking about the revival of the Gentile church and also the revival of the nation of Israel, the national revival of Israel, the redemption of Israel.

You know too well that He that speaks with you has a duty, is duty-bound on this Mission to measure the worship in the House of THE LORD. He has been sent to the Gentile world to measure the worship in the Temple of GOD, in the House of THE LORD. That rod is the standard of GOD, that rod is the yardstick of worship, the yardstick of GOD, the yardstick of holiness, the yardstick of righteousness. And it does represent GOD’S mint standard, the standard of GOD that does not change, GOD’S exacting law when it comes to entry into eternity, the measure of doctrine, of your faith, faith in CHRIST JESUS THE LORD. So that is why that rod is in operation now for preparing the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

But after the church is taken up in the rapture then now you will hear now the Voice that said, “This is the principle, the personality that will build, will build the tribulation temple.” And I could not see him well; I have not been able to identify him. But those are now the principles that are involved in the meltdown, the campaign that takes place in Jerusalem. And then now, there the measuring rod becomes so key now, based on Revelation 11 to go into the Temple of THE LORD and measure the Temple and measure the altar of incense, the sacrifice in other words, being offered there and measure the worshipers there. In other words to bring correction to the kind of worship they are going to perform there. The same way He is bringing correction right now.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people. Prepare the Way.

I have seen the Coming of THE MESSIAH.

GOD ALMIGHTY YHWH, He has given me the measuring rod and at the tip end of it is a pencil sharpened by THE LORD Himself: the pencil of GOD. I measured and mark, I measured and mark.

Be holy; be righteous. Remember, when it is all said and done: the book of Matthew 22. He will come into the waiting room before entry into the Kingdom of GOD and He will measure using GOD’S yardstick, GOD’S measuring rod. That is what He is doing now for the invited guests. He is right now using THE TWO PROPHETS to measure who has the Garment, to measure who befits the standard of Heaven, who reaches the benchmark of Heaven. He is measuring the Garment of righteousness now! That those who measure may enter into eternity with GOD!

THE MESSIAH is Coming!

Shalom, todah! Todah chaverim. Todah l’chaim. Yom tov.



Amen blessed people. It is about a 15 minutes past midnight East African Time, probably one minute or two. And it is such a privilege to come before you tonight and a great honor to speak about this very, very mighty visitation of THE LORD that happened today. And today even as THE LORD brought ME before you people, before for the Nations today in the day. A tremendous conversation, a historic visitation of THE LORD. And I want just to look back at that visitation again and share with you that very, very astounding visitation that is ahead of us here.

And in that conversation that WE are sharing today, this day that is elapsing, few minutes from now. THE LORD JEHOVAH today HE came in THE CLOUD OF HIS GLORY and HE totally covered ME —THE TREMENDOUS MOST DREADFUL HOLIEST WHITEST MOST BRILLIANT AND RADIANT CLOUD OF GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF. And then HE covered ME totally from where I was in a meeting. And then it is at that very time that again THE CLOUD, THE BIG CLOUD stood in a pillar in front of ME —a huge pillar of JEHOVAH YHWH.

These are very shocking visitations of the Bible. These are the visitations that the righteous man in the bible, they cried, they desired, they longed, they wished that they could be given the opportunity to see the generation that beholds this visitation and also partake of these astounding and historic visitations of the Bible.

So this prophecy that I am giving today is something that has happened already to ME, today it happened to ME. THE LORD GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF came and covered ME in HIS GLORY. So already I have experinced this visitation, eye shocking at times in the church. Let ME begin from the beginning that THE LORD took ME to the meeting, a meeting that is coming up.

There is a meeting that is coming up. And there is such a tight security I see there at that meeting because of the huge number of people at that meeting. And then at that meeting, as I am there in that meeting ministering before THE LORD and before the nations. Then all of a sudden, when I am lifting up MY LEFT PROPHETIC HAND to demonstrate, illustrate a very important point, the massive power, an astronomical unbelievable power struck the meeting, THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and swept a lot of people down on the ground violently —swept, literally swept.

And next what happened is that THE GLORY OF THE LORD came and swept over the meeting like mist, like white mist or snow and sweep an area *prophetic demonstration* covered like that, very shocking, It covered. HIS GLORY it covered the entire place like mist like snow throughout over the entire place —in a wave, and swept like this over their heads.

And then at that time I remeber I stood up and spoke to GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT to touch the people. And HE touched them more. But within that instant, then THE CLOUD OF GOD came from Heaven in a pillar. A white pillar of CLOUD OF GOD pointing all the way from Heaven —right on ME. And it moved like THE CLOUD is alive, HE is alive. GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF descended and settled HIS CLOUD on ME. And it was such a shocking thing. It was so shocking that I actually fell down and begin to weep and wail very, very seriously and bitterly. I was crying out of shock that, “Look what THE LORD God is doing, GOD THE FATHER is here.”

And that is when right in front of ME a bigger cloud, white cloud stood. The pillar stood in front of ME like this. In front of ME in the meeting, a bigger pillar. And Micheal Neiswand he was recording the pillar THE CLOUD that has settled on ME and stayed little bit on the left. And then I told him, Bishop Neiswand that, “Look, don’t miss the visitation ahead of ME here. Look THE LORD GOD is visiting this place. Look THE CLOUD OF THE FATHER is here.” Then he turned to record. And as he recorded that then I was wailing and crying, *prophetic demonstration*, I was crying in deep shock. And everybody was down. They are lying on their belly on the ground in their tears.

A very shocking visitation to behold in the land, in the church and in the body of CHRIST, the generation who beholds it. And so, weeping and wailing and crying and people down. Then Neiswand records. I told him “Record this.” Then he records a big cloud, a pillar that stood in front of ME. Then after that he came to ME and said, “MY FATHERS, MY FATHERS, look what I have recorded.”

When I looked at the screen, the monitor of the camera, then I saw that inside the big pillar is HE that speaks with you —ANOTHER ONE. THE SECOND PROPHET is huge but HE is inside THE CLOUD and HE is elevated, And HE is wearing white. HE is wearing different from THE ONE that is on this side sitting with Neiswand and slightly much bigger but inside THE CLOUD OF GOD THE FATHER lifted up off the ground inside THE CLOUD. While THIS ONE was telling Neiswand to record. What a shocking visitation in the house of THE LORD blessed people.

I have seen the visitation of GOD THE FATHER. And I said “I do not know whether it is Central Park, or it is the occasion of the opening of the head offices of THE CLOUD. But it looks more like Central Park. So Central Park is a must go for every living being walking this land. Central Park is really, really a must go.

It is very shocking that I have seen THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD THAT STAND BEFORE THE LORD OF ALL THE EARTH, standing and ministering before THE LORD of all the earth. And HE could see that THE CLOUD OF GOD covered THESE PROPHETS —raised elevated up like this— and THE OTHER ONE talking to Neiswand. A huge CLOUD OF GOD covered THESE PROPHETS but raised off the ground wearing white. And another pillar covered THE OTHER ONE, HE that is talking to Neiswand.

It is very shocking. very astounding, it is really, really perplexing. The perplexity of the visitations of God. THE TREMENDOUS SUPER GLORIOUS BRILLIANT RADIANT MAGNIFICENT CLOUD OF JEHOVAH covered ME —huge cloud. And I was lifted up inside THE CLOUD. And I saw THE OTHER PROPHET talking to Neiswand telling him to record.

What an awesome time to be a Christian. What a powerful hour in the history of the church to be born again. Central Park, Central Park is a must. I know there is going to be a session of repentance. Absolute presenting of the healed. The tremendous cripples that have walked, the blind, the deaf, the mute. There is just a limited time. We are trying to get a few sample to present. Because of time, we need more time also the message. But who knows maybe this visitation is going to be at Central Park, because the place looks more like Central Park.

What an awesome time to be born again and be a Christian and to be holy and righteous and to turn away from sin and receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and Savior and to walk in HIS ordinances and the fear of God and to have reverence for, JEHOVAH GOD THE FATHER MY LORD, MY GOD, MY FATHER AND MY FRIEND. What an awesome time to see the visitation of THE TWO PROPHETS of the Book of Revelation chapter 11. And you see THEM Lowered and manner of THEIR ministrations. And how THEY’re directly riveted under the command of GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF, navigating THEM, and how THEY do the errands of God Almighty, pronouncing the Judgment of THE LORD to the Nations and announcing the coming of THE MESSIAH.

This is a beautiful time blessed people to be born again. THE MESSIAH is coming. Prepare the way precious people. THE LORD JESUS is coming. Let us prepare the way. Turn away from sin. Turn away from sexual sin in the church. Turn away from the gospel of prosperity. Return to the Gospel of repentance and holiness. Turn away from this clclamor, this horizontal living, as pastors, as sheep, as church, as generation. Let the church and the people of God, the elect, now focus more heavenly. We are sitting on the verge of eternity. “For without Holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

Turn away from this endemic and pandemic of wickedness, endemic wickedness in the church and in the land, and the pandemic of evil that is sweeping across the Earth, the church inclusive. Pursue righteousness, the fear of God, wisdom. THE MESSIAH MY SAVIOR is coming. MY LORD is coming. CHRIST JESUS is coming. And GOD THE FATHER has sent ME to prepare a way for THE MESSIAH.

I have seen a mega visitation of GOD THE FATHER coming. And I saw that as THE LORD lifted ME up in HIS CLOUD, I saw THE OTHER PROPHET talking to Neiswand to record —and I was totally pure white.

May those who have circumcised ears listen to THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. THE MESSIAH is coming. Turn away from sin. Prepare ye the way of THE LORD. THE LORD is now reproving and rebuking the church.

Todah, Todah. Today L’Hachaim. Todah, bokev toh. Todah.



Blessed people, THE LORD has just spoken with me today, about one (1) and a half hours or two (2)hours ago. THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me in a very, very shocking manner. I want to share with you this conversation that THE LORD has spoken, the tremendous conversation that GOD has spoken with me, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE LORD OF HOSTS. I want to share with you a conversation that He has had with me about 10:00 o’clock or so, coming to 10:36 East African time this morning.

This morning as We speak here, THE CLOUD OF GOD JEHOVAH came all the way from Heaven and covered me totally, covered me totally. Again, just about two (2) hours away or less, THE LORD made me fall asleep and then His CLOUD, the most powerful, white, super glorious, the holiest CLOUD OF GOD YHWH, the One, THE CLOUD that was over, was hovering, was hovering and over the wings of THE GREAT EAGLE, the tremendous, majestic EAGLE OF HEAVEN, THE EAGLE, this tremendous EAGLE OF HEAVEN, the majestic EAGLE that recently came down from Heaven.

And THE LORD allowed me to see the span of how His wings were so mighty —THE EAGLE, THE GREAT EAGLE that Ezekiel describes, THE EAGLE that carried Israel all the way from Goshen to Jerusalem— and the super glorious white Glory of GOD THE FATHER that was over His wings, above and underneath, as He did glide —and gliding, gliding above the universe. So that super glorious Glory of GOD THE FATHER a few hours ago, probably less than two (2) hours ago He came all the way from Heaven and He covered me.

Now let me give you the details of this very shocking Visitation that has just taken place here. THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me about a meeting that is coming up. There is a meeting coming up. JEHOVAH, He takes me there and in that meeting (). —tight security in the meeting. And people have come —some of them have come from different parts of the country. People have come to that meeting and at that place it seems some of them have also come from —I do not know whether from different countries. So at that meeting —full— people are seated. And then I see a lot of tight security at that meeting and people are seated at that meeting.

Then all of a sudden, as THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD lifted His hand where He was sitting, His left prophetic where He was sitting, He was essentially saying something but when He lifted His hand like this [prophetic demonstration] as He was trying to talk where He was, then the mighty, mighty power of GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT came and swept the meeting and a lot of people were mowed down in that meeting; a lot of people swept like that. And then at one (1) point, at that point I ask the people to lift up their hands. So as they lifted up their hands then I spoke to THE HOLY SPIRIT, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, and He came and swept them again. And people were rolling; some people were rolling down. Very big Visitation taking place at that meeting: the Visitation of GOD, GOD YHWH.

And then at that time, all of a sudden THE CLOUD OF GOD comes and descends on me. THE CLOUD OF GOD, a white pillar of CLOUD descends on me like this [prophetic demonstration]. And it is a very shocking moment; everybody begins to weep and wail and to go down, lying down, they go down on their bellies as the pure white pillar of THE CLOUD OF GOD —living. He is living. He is living. So THE CLOUD is churning over me and churning, and tall pillar towards Heaven but churning over me like this [prophetic demonstration]. And I also went down; I began to cry. I began to cry that THE LORD has covered me with His Glory. GOD THE FATHER is here.

And then at that time Michael Nieswand, Bishop Michael Nieswand who is Our —the director of Our media team was recording this event: THE CLOUD OF GOD on me. Then I saw right in front of me the huge CLOUD of pillar, a bigger CLOUD () pillar appeared in front of me and churning like this [prophetic demonstration] very powerfully.

And then I told Michael Nieswand who was slightly on my —in front of me but a little bit on the left, I said, “Michael Nieswand, look, THE LORD is Visiting here. Look at the pillar of CLOUD behind me.” So Michael turns his camera, and then he is able to catch Him. He is able to catch the huge CLOUD that is churning from Heaven, all the way, and has touched down standing in front of His PROPHET. So when Michael does record this CLOUD —because I alerted him that, “Look, you are recording this PILLAR that is on me, but look, the huge PILLAR has appeared and stood in front of me here.” So when he turns and records the huge, the hugest white PILLAR that is churning like a CLOUD, like smoke, like this [prophetic demonstration] and connecting up, standing up right in front of His PROPHET, His MIGHTIEST PROPHET, then Michael records () THE CLOUD OF YHWH, THE GOD OF ISRAEL.

Michael was able to record by video and many other people do. And then Michael Nieswand comes to me and says, “My Father, my Father, look what I have recorded my Fathers.” And when I check what Michael Nieswand has recorded, now inside THE CLOUD is He that speaks with you —slightly bigger but wearing different clothes, wearing total white: white shoes, white clothes, the ones that He uses for the healing services in the big meeting when He does go out, the white clothes inside THE PILLAR OF CLOUD. And here He is wearing differently. So Michael says, “Look, my Fathers, my Fathers, look what I have recorded.” And then They are now able to see THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION chapter 11. One of Them is in THE CLOUD but raised up inside THE CLOUD, up, raised up inside THE CLOUD, huge, and the other THE CLOUD was standing on Him on this side. This is the Visitation that has just happened less than two (2) hours ago. This is the Visitation that has just happened to me here less than two (2) hours ago.

THE LORD has spoken about a meeting that is coming so I do not know whether it is Central Park or it is the opening of the Offices, the Head Offices of THE CLOUD OF GOD. But I do not know which meeting it is, the way I see there is a lot of security there also. I do not know where it is. Maybe it is Central Park, or it is the opening of the Offices of the CLOUD OF GOD ALMIGHTY in Nairobi here. But there is a big Visitation that is coming, blessed people. THE GREAT EAGLE, THE GREAT EAGLE, I saw Him. He is so mighty. (). The Visitation of GOD THE FATHER Himself. I have seen THE CLOUD OF GOD THE FATHER coming from Heaven and covering me in the meeting. And then I have seen THE CLOUD, a huge PILLAR standing before me . And then I have seen THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION ministering in THE CLOUD, THE CLOUD OF JEHOVAH YHWH.

So I have instructed Michael Nieswand, then he is busy recording one (1) PROPHET on this side, how THE PILLAR OF CLOUD is on one (1) PROPHET. And then this PROPHET highlights attention, Michael’s attention to the big CLOUD that is standing before him here. And then now you are able to see THE TWO PROPHETS that stand before THE LORD of all the Earth. So Michael was able to record —and many people— THE TWO GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS that stand before THE LORD of all the Earth. But you can see that THE CLOUD comes and covers each one (1) of Them separately; one (1) of Them in a more angelic formation, He is a little bit higher, higher, lifted off the ground but higher inside THE CLOUD. He is total white, wearing white shoes, white garment; and the other was wearing civilian clothes.

So this is the Visitation of this hour. This is what the nations have run into. And I am reading the Bible now from Psalm 19. Psalm 19 I am reading verse 4. He says, “Their line is gone out throughout all the Earth, and Their words the ends of the world.” Again, “Their line is gone out throughout all the Earth, and Their words to the end of the Earth. In them hath He set a tabernacle for the sun.” In Amplified He says, the book of Psalm 19 verse 4 He says, “Yet Their Voice [ in quiet evidence] goes out through all the Earth, Their sayings to the end of the world. Of the heavens has GOD made a tent for the the sun.” In New American Standard He says, “Their line has gone out through all the Earth, and Their utterances the ends of the world. In them He has placed a tent for the sun.”

And this line He is talking about you see in the book of Revelation chapter 11: the measuring rod. A measuring rod like a reed that is given unto Them to measure, measure worship and to measure the events of the tribulation temple where the antichrist will sit. And so They bring reproof, They reprove the church, the Gentile church and They reprove Israel.

Has not THE LORD spoken with this generation?

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people.

I have seen the Visitation of THE LORD and I have seen the coming of THE MESSIAH.

Receive JESUS and be born again. Be baptized in complete immersion and in THE HOLY SPIRIT and Fire. Be holy and righteous.

THE KING is coming. My KING is coming. My LORD is coming. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Be holy, “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

I have seen THE TWO GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS that stand before THE LORD of all the Earth and I have seen Them standing before THE LORD of all the Earth, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE GREAT EAGLE, JEHOVAH EL GIBBOR, THE MIGHTY GOD. And I have seen JEHOVAH, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, come and cover each one (1) of Them with His CLOUD to identify Them to this generation, and to the universe, and to the angels in Heaven and all the heavenly Hosts.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah rabah. Todah l’chaim. Todah, todah. Todah, shalom.



Amen Sr. Pastor Gertrude. What a mighty, mighty program you were running this morning. The Saturday morning English worship program, your powerful early bird program is a very blessed program. And I’m just looking at the time that the church is in as you are running this very powerful Saturday early morning program.

I was looking at the few days, I think this week has seen a tremendous conversation from THE LORD —very, very serious conversation.

Remember the conversation where THE LORD even presented how the Ministries of THE TWO PROPHETS relate and how THEY started THEIR origin and also bringing to Heaven and then seeing the lowering of THE OTHER ONE. Those are very powerful, powerful conversations in the history of the church, these are the conversations the church has been waiting for.

The Bible promised the visitations that you are seeing at this hour. And what an awesome time for you to be running that very mighty, mighty program; the Saturday English worship program. Which is your early bird program that gets to start us, start people on a very right footing by worshiping THE LORD, exalting THE KING OF GLORY, exalting HIS Name.

And so I was just reflecting back as I listened to your worship songs that you are playing; the awesome songs you are playing, the powerful selection you put through. And you see that conversation and then another conversation when now the glory, the glory is coming, the glory, the city of Jerusalem, the powerful city in Heaven.

And you know all these things are very important implications. I was thinking about that wonderful city THE LORD showed ME yesterday that very, very mighty city. The dream of every single person walking the Earth to be able to enter that city, the New Jerusalem, our home that is the home of the righteous, the home of all those that are elected into this calling of salvation. The salvation of the grace and that is the reason JESUS came that you may inherit The Kingdom, the Kingdom of God.

And you know very well from John 14:1-3 when HE says, “HE goes to that place, HE goes up there, HE goes to THE FATHER’s house to prepare a mansion for you, to prepare this wonderful living habitation, the dwelling in Heaven.”

And so there’s no better time at which your Saturday early morning English worship program, the early bird program could come to the souls of man. And this program has really touched MY heart this morning because you are playing very select powerful songs that are exalting THE KING OF GLORY, exalting HIS Name. But what a time, what a time to be listening to this kind of powerful worship ministering to the souls of men starting such a Saturday. Wonderful Saturday morning with such a wonderful, wonderful worship in our hearts and souls exalting the Name of JESUS THE KING OF GLORY.

But in the process you know I said, “It makes you look back at the week that was.” And for ME I was looking at the week that has been and I saw that THE LORD really had a very serious conversation with the church. A very wonderful treasured conversation. These are conversations that were concealed even the Ministry that is on earth now at the same time the new city of Jerusalem. This is awesome what is now unavailing. And that coming of the glory that you see was glowing across the clouds and blasting light, blasting THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER, blasting the glory of the city of Jerusalem that also is the coming of THE MESSIAH that is the message HE is raising —and that is why sin, you know, now sin, sin should be something of the past.

Every Christian should endeavor and look at the miracles. Look at the wonderful cripples, the blind that are now seeing, the cripples are walking. And in Kenya you are still handling the cripples; you can’t even exhaust them —and how much more the blind. The twenty-eight (28) total totally blind whose eyes are open they are now seeing.  They’re discovering things and how things look like. The Miracles of the Bible are here. GOD HIMSELF has revealed HIMSELF to this generation in a very, very astounding and shocking manner.

And then now we have not gone through the seventy-two (72) lame whose legs were stretched, columns were added —sixty-none (69) deaf. And we’ve not gone through the hydrocephalus where the head reduced —instant shrink— and many, many other healings that took place: bleeding diseases, cancers that dried up including HIV was cursed.

So I expect that very soon that doctors will be coming out.  People at least one or two or many who have been given reprieve.

But I was calling simply to celebrate with you your new program, the Saturday morning English worship program. And to let you know that this is really a blessing. It is blessing MY Heart. It is a blessing to listen to such powerful worship at this time in the history of the church. So may THE LORD bless you and your new program and WE are listening. Thank you. JESUS is coming. THE LORD bless you, Amen.



What a mighty, mighty way to begin the Saturday morning today —it is already coming to midday. And I know that it has been a very powerful session of worship since morning, since you began today, very, very powerful worship moment. What a tremendous way, what a wonderful, more befitting way to start our Saturday morning in the House of THE LORD. And just looking back a few, the few maybe two (2) weeks that have passed, or so, and then you see that this is a awesome time, its such a awesome time, an awesome time at which to worship the kind of worship songs that you are playing, the kind of worship session and service that you are running this morning. Because of the way THE LORD has come out in a very, very big way to this generation.

And I remember even right before the tremendous, super glorious healing service that took place about two (2) weeks ago, or so, now you see THE LORD came out, you know, even beyond the universe, above beyond the universe. And then He came out in a massive way, the GREATEST EAGLE OF HEAVEN —very huge. He made me know He is so huge. If He landed, probably greater than the size of the North American continent. But so huge We cannot put size to HIm. And then gliding over the Glory, above His wings, and the Glory under His wing. That was a very, very frightening and very shocking Visitation that has happened just within the past two (2) weeks or so.

And then the conversation regarding how He would lower His MIGHTIEST MEGA PROPHET of this hour, and then the relationship of that Ministry and the Ministry of the other PROPHET and the TWO. And He makes me understand They operate like that (hm). And then now look, the City of Jerusalem: the New Jerusalem.

So this is a very powerful time and these are things that cannot be erased from our memories. This generation has had an indelible mark out of this Visitation within their souls. And THE LORD is reaching out to the church; He is reaching our to His people. He is now discerning and separating out His people; He is searching their hearts, He is checking their commitment to His righteousness and holiness. And now the yardstick —He is using the yardstick to measure the worshipers there, those who adhere to His unchanging standard of righteousness.

These conversations are mega conversations in the Bible. They are big, eternal conversations that GOD is having with mankind. And even to know that beyond the universe —and then He makes me see THE LORD up there, this TREMENDOUS GREAT EAGLE. Ezekiel calls Him “THE GREAT EAGLE”. This is THE GREATEST EAGLE OF HEAVEN, () the One that took Israel all the way from Goshen and brought them into Jerusalem. And you see there is so much conversation there. Could it be that He is saying He is about to take His () also, from the church, and now bring them to His promise? And there is a very, very big —deeper— conversation. I know that I have shared that there is more deeper that is always concealed.

This is the time to worship. This is the time to worship THE LORD. I know that I have asked you to extend the worship three (3) times but if you do not mind can you just extend it a little bit more, just one (1) more hour and then I will not ask again because I know that there are crusades happening, there are baptisms running; you need to announce them, there are several () are preparing for Sunday service, preparing for Central Park. There is a very big revival going on in the land and across other nations too, like: Ivory Coast, and Italy, the going on in Australia, in China, in Maputo, and everywhere.

But can you please, kindly, just extend worship so that We may worship THE KING OF GLORY. And this wonderful worship: the book of Psalms 34, if you do not mind, just replay that as We worship, We go before THE KING OF GLORY, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE REDEEMER, the One Who gave us the redemptive covenant by bringing JESUS. Remember, He is THE REDEEMER and He does have an everlasting covenant with CHRIST JESUS, THE WORD, His SON, THE MESSIAH. And so, by extension He brought THE MESSIAH: THE MESSENGER of the covenant. So because THE MESSIAH enjoys this covenant of eternity, so THE MESSIAH connected mortal man to eternity through the covenant He enjoys with THE FATHER.

And so let Us worship. This is a very awesome time in the church; it is a time like none other. And today you are playing wonderful songs that are bringing powerful worship to the souls of man. And there is so much THE LORD has spoken in this time that I hope this generation does not forget: the Visitations of this time. I know there are cripples walking, homes and families are celebrating, they cannot catch sleep as they see their beloved ones now walking, sitting and narrating their () with crippledness, with blindness, deafness, and the joy that is throbbing in the lives of people across the nations that have been Visited.

But, please, just help Us and play a little bit more worship up until one o’clock and then We will not ask for more extension because of the ongoing programs that are set. But this Psalm 34, a very awesome worship song and many other worship songs you have played that We may worship THE KING OF GLORY, because He has come out full scale to reach out to this generation, to solicit their attention, to be able to draw them closer to Himself, and then to deliver His Message of eternity to them, that without holiness nobody will see the glorious Kingdom of GOD.

But thank you very much my daughter Senior Pastor Gertrude for playing a very powerful worship on Saturday and allowing people to start their Saturday in such a glorious and worshipful way. And also your selection, your awesome selection. So I know this is a program people will be waiting, looking forward to, every Saturday.

And may THE LORD bless everybody that worships JESUS. May He draw you closer to the understanding that He is holy and this is the time at which He is separating out His church, His holy elect, His people, the citizens of that glorious city of Jerusalem.

And again I am saying that this kind of worship can only but help reflect, cause you to reflect on the past two (2) weeks, for example, the mega conversation when He came out and He was up there, the Glory THE CLOUD that normally covers me now on His wing, above the wings and under the wing, and to demonstrate especially what He was demonstrating there is the span, the size of the wings, it was very shocking.

And then even one other conversation that I can divulge here when He said He is coming to cover His SERVANT with THE WHITE CLOUD that I saw cover His wing —that will happen somewhere in Nairobi here. Yes, that will happen. And I saw it happen within the new offices that are about to be inaugurated soon; I saw it happen inside there. So THE LORD has come out boldly and openly to reveal Himself to His people, and in the process draw them closer to Him that they may love Him and serve Him better in the mighty Name of JESUS.

So may THE LORD bless you, bless your program, your new program.

But We will be looking forward to this program every single Saturday.

Todah, shalom.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.



It is the sin of this world that will stop this generation from entering the eternity that GOD has prepared for this generation. In this conversation the most important message THE LORD is trumpeting to this generation is that He has prepared eternity for everybody. He has prepared eternity for —it is the sick and filthy sin of homosexuality, the sin of immorality, the sin of lies, the sin of apostasy, the lukewarmness in the church, that will stop this generation from inheriting such a tremendous treasure GOD has prepared for this generation, for all humanity.

Everybody has the opportunity to enter the City I saw. But the sick and filthy sin that has deluded the world and entered the church —it is the sin of this world, the filthy sexual immorality, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender, this kind of defilement that this generation has entered into: the lies, false prophets, the lukewarm Christians mixing the world with things of GOD, with holiness, with the church, with Christianity, with THE CROSS, with THE BLOOD. That is the only thing that can stop this generation from inheriting the glorious City that I saw GOD has prepared for humanity.

How can you hear all this and fail to enter as a generation? It is the sick and filthy sin of this generation that can stop anyone from entering the Holy City I saw. So let everybody turn away from sin. GOD has presented to me the eternity He has prepared for all man, literally all; except that you stop yourself through sin by embracing sin. Everybody has an opportunity to inherit the City that I saw. But it is the sick and filthy sin of this generation that will stop mankind from entering the City I saw.

Who can miss what I saw? How awesome! You can leave anything, you can abandon anything for the sake of this eternity GOD has laid before this generation.

Let the people repent. Let everybody repent and turn away from sin.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

The Kingdom of GOD is near.

But it is the sick and filthy sin that has deluded this generation and they have caramelized it; it is on TV, it is on the internet, it is everywhere. And they have normalized sin so there is no more outrage to sin. THE LORD has shown me the Holy City and He is asking for outrage to sin that now when you see sin you will become outraged, ”Aaah!”, you yell out because you are outraged at sin, that you may embrace righteousness and have zero (0) tolerance to sin: sexual sin, homosexuality, transgender, what, everything this generation has embraced. But now it is time to choose GOD.

He has shown Us eternity, the rest, GOD’S rest. After all the cancers, diabetes, hypertensions, unemployment, wounds, what, of this world, then He has promised now to bring you to a place where you will rest, GOD’S rest: a beautiful city other than going to hell. The opposite of this City is hell. It is the sick filth of sin of this generation that will really, really stop anybody from inheriting the wonderful inheritance, wonderful blessing, THE LORD has laid before the Earth.

May THE LORD bless you.


THE MESSIAH is Coming.



Amen blessed people. THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with ME, THE LORD Your FATHER in Heaven, THE LORD, The Creator of all the universe and all the people, JEHOVAH EL GIBOR, THE MIGHTY GOD—HE has spoken with ME in a very, very powerful way this past night. And in this conversation blessed people, it’s a two-stage conversation—a two step conversation. And in that conversation blessed people, this is a very, very critical conversation because THE LORD from the earth here— HE made ME look up— look up into Heaven. And then HE showed ME, Jerusalem, the city of New Jerusalem.

THE LORD showed ME, HE has shown ME the city of Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem of God, Jerusalem of Heaven— the future home of the righteous and the holy elect.

And in this conversation in the night towards the morning, powerful conversation, very refreshing conversation, a very critical conversation with the church and with the Nations of the Earth.

THE LORD made ME to stand on the earth here and then HE made ME look up. HE that was speaking with ME was standing facing ME but on MY left, though I could not see HIS face, but I could see that HE was radiant. And HE that was speaking with ME was facing ME, but as I faced HIM, HE was more on MY left—though in front of ME, a few meters away from ME, probably about three to four meters away from ME. And then HE asked ME to look up and see the most glorious and the most expensive City of God— the most treasured City of THE LORD God.

So when I looked up, then I saw that HE had brought THE CLOUD—a CLOUD to cover a little bit of the city. So you could see the radiance of the city spilling through, spilling through THE CLOUD—tremendous. It was more like the city lit up.

On earthly terms I do not know how to describe this to you, but it would be like you are approaching a city at night as you are driving, and you are approaching—let’s say a city that is over lit. And You’re driving from darkness and you are approaching a city in front of you and the light of the city is total glow— glows the entire sky in front of you. And you see tremendous glow in front, tremendous light, unspeakable light. This is how it felt if I were to synthesize it and break it down to you— on earthly terms.

So standing down here on the ground, and HE that was speaking with ME— though I could not see HIS face but I could see HIS entire radiant body. And when HE asked ME to look up and see the city, to look at the City of God, The New Jerusalem—when I looked up. So THE LORD covered a little bit with THE CLOUD but the light that was glowing and radiating through, through THE CLOUD— it was unbelievable, unbearable, it was awesome, it was a such a splendor. And it made ME understand it is the most expensive, the most costly, the most treasured, the most beloved, the place that anybody would long to be in—totally lit up.

Again I said in our earthly terms it would be like you are driving through the darkness and you are approaching a city that is over lit, absolutely lit there that it glows all over the sky in front of you— and you see the tremendous glow of light coming through from the horizon.

And then at that point, I had a conversation with HIM. And then after that, HE then know lifted ME up and brought ME very close to the city of Jerusalem. So HE brought ME now into Heaven and HE stood before ME and HE said, “Look, the city is this one here, It is the most treasured City of God.”So the city was next, the city was next.”

So I stood at place and HE points. So again, the same radiance this time so powerful—lit up in a very mighty way— a beautiful radiance.

And then THE LORD, HE that was speaking with ME, I couldn’t see HIS face, HE said, THE LORD said, “Look ,the city is here. This is the city— it’s next.” It was as though I will enter the city any moment—and totally glowing, totally radiant with THE GLORY OF THE LORD, tremendous indescribable GLORY of God.

The Bible in the Book of Revelation chapter 21, The Bible says— I am reading from verse 10, “And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God. Having THE GLORY of God, her radiance was like a very costly stone— as a stone of crystal, crystal clear Jasper.”

And I do not know how to describe to you this blessed people, but the
radiance was so awesome, so powerful, so beloved, you wanted to be there. The New Jerusalem glowing through the clouds, tremendous radiance and brilliance and piercing through the clouds and tremendous splendor, unbelievable splendor, shocking splendor— the home of the righteous.

And again, HE made ME stand on the earth and HE that was speaking with ME— though I could not see HIS face but I could see THE GLORY on HIS Garment, on HIS white garment. And HE asked ME to look up and see the new city of Jerusalem. And when I looked at Jerusalem, HE covered the city a little bit with the clouds— such that I could see the radiance. The radiance glowed out, it glowed out, burst out—it burst out the lusters of GLORY and Light, beautiful light, a very well lit city, I don’t know more than— more than that. And HE made MY heart very joyful that that is a splendorous, costly, expensive treasured place to be—awesome place to be.

And then the second set, HE lifted ME up and brought ME very close, HE brought ME to Heaven. And very close to the city, HE said, “Next to the city, the most expensive city, the most treasured City”, by voice— HE that was speaking with ME. And THE LORD said, “The city is the most costly city— the most treasured city”—It was next, I was about to enter The GLORIOUS City of God, the awesome city, the City of Heaven, the city of YHWH, the home of the righteous.

Be holy blessed people, prepare the way, the Kingdom of God is near.



Amen blessed people. I know that East African time now most of you are out on your lunch break the reason WE deferred this conversation that THE LORD JEHOVAH, THE LORD GOD JEHOVAH has spoken with ME this past night in a very, very astounding conversation. And that is the conversation I want to share with you tonight.

So again, THE LORD GOD JEHOVAH YHWH, HE has spoken with ME. HE has spoken with HIS TWO MOST DREADFUL SERVANTS, MOST GLORIOUS PROPHETS, in a very, very shocking manner. And I want to see how much I can unveil this today.  It is a very complicated conversation.  And that’s why I have written it down here as I’ll read it today. It is a very, very complicated conversation.

Number one (1), THE LORD GOD JEHOVAH YHWH, HE has spoken with HIS TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS in the most complicated way ever, in the most complex manner ever this past night.

And number two (2), GOD YHWH has essentially finally revealed today to HIS TWO MOST GLORIOUS PROPHETS the relationship of THEIR TWO MOST DREADFUL MINISTRIES right from the beginning of the Bible.

Again, number two, in that very complicated conversation that lasted almost the entire night, GOD YHWH, The God of Heaven, today finally came out to address a question that THE TWO PROPHETS have been asking over time onto THEIR finer detail of the relationship of THE TWO MINISTRIES of THE TWO PROPHETS that you have seen that you have seen ministering together and how far it does begin. 

Because WE remember very well in one of the conversations when HE showed, when HE first presented THE TWO OLIVE TREES that did grow on THE TWO as THEY stood before THE LORD of the Earth —THE LORD of all the Earth.

And then remember February 25th, five days later, then THEY lit up two fires in the Great Tribulation. And the voice of GOD THE FATHER said, “And THEY have been doing so even in the Old Testament before THE MESSIAH came.” 

So there has always been this very daunting question, as to how far stretched into the Old Testament— the two Ministries related together and operated together. 

And so GOD YHWH has finally revealed today the relationship revealed to ME, relationship between the two ministries, the relationship of the two ministries, THEIR TWO MOST DREADFUL MINISTRIES right from the beginning of the Bible. So that’s why it was a very complicated conversation.

Number three (3), THE LORD YHWH also revealed some things that cannot be shared here today. Because they’re totally concealed by GOD THE FATHER that in explaining the relationship between THE TWO PROPHETS, THEIR Ministries, the relationships between THEIR Ministries. HE also shared some aspects of the mission that cannot be shared here today, because THEY are concealed, because THEIR appointed time has not yet arrived.

Number four (4), in this very, very complex and complicated conversation this past night; however, THE LORD YHWH has finally revealed how THESE TWO MESSENGERS OF ETERNITY, THESE TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF ISRAEL were actually together right from the onset of THEIR Ministries in the Old Testament. So that THE LORD has revealed very clear today that THEY were together. THEY were actually together right from the onset from the beginning of THEIR ministries in the Old Testament —THEY were together— Whoever started, and THE OTHER ONE was there.

THEY appear together only that THEY were concealed. And HE showed ME how HE concealed THEM, so only ONE could be seen until THEIR appointed time of this generation now. HE was able to allow this generation to partially, in part see THE TWO sometimes concealed.  Sometimes only HE that speaks with you knows where THE OTHER is standing, but sometimes you see THE TWO and you record THE TWO ministering together before THE LORD of all the Earth.

So it was very interesting this past night and very, very dreadful that THE LORD YHWH has finally revealed how THESE TWO MESSENGERS were actually together right from the beginning —the onset of THEIR Ministries in the Old Testament.  And it was such a mega mystery to get to see that to see that reality.

Number four, I have written them down because this was a very complicated conversation this past night. Number four (4), but the most astounding of it all is how THE LORD YHWH presented THEM, THE TWO MINISTERS, THE TWO PROPHETS, THE TWO MESSENGERS as being like one would have two twins, would have twins. HE presented THEM like twins.

Number five (5), ONE of THEM of THE TWO was slightly bigger then THE OTHER, and it’s very, very awesome. awesome and shocking, also.  Again, THEY’re twins. So from where I was I could see only ONE and HE made ME know there was the other twin, there’s THE OTHER ONE. So THEY are like twins. 

And then number six (6), what was also very shocking today is that THE LORD YHWH HE revealed as you expect that GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT was and has always been at the center of THEIR origin and Ministries. I think that was a little bit obvious, but I saw that now. Finally, THE LORD presented GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT at the center of THEIR Ministries, THE TWO. But in a way I cannot share here. In a way I will not share here. But HE presented GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, in first THE PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF was involved right from the origin and Ministries, at the center.

Number seven (7), GOD YHWH then finally showed ME, THE LORD YHWH, HE showed ME that it was by design. It was by HIS design, GOD THE FATHER that GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT now I see in the dream. HE takes ONE, THE ONES that is promised in The Book of Malachi, HE took HIM and HE went through the clouds. So THE LORD took ME all through the clouds. As HE took HIM, HE took HIM and presented HIM to GOD THE FATHER YHWH. 

And there are several different, steps, and stages that took place as GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT presented THE ONE that was promised in the Book of Malachi. HE presented HIM before GOD YHWH, GOD THE FATHER in THE CLOUD. So you see there was so much glory, the brilliance; I even see that glory now. Here I still see, I relive it. So much glory, the pure white glory like cloud when WE entered Heaven. HE brought ME into Heaven and then I saw how HE presented HIM, from a distance within THE CLOUD.

And then at one point HE sat on THE CLOUD and then GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT went, the second stage, went and told HIM, “ Now go to THE FATHER.” So HE walked to THE FATHER —that is from origin, it’s very far. 

There’s so much concealed as I speak. There is so much that is concealed as I speak— so different stages and different steps. 

Here HE appeared Before GOD THE FATHER and then THE CLOUD at The Throne of GOD THE FATHER covered HIM and closed HIM in there with GOD THE FATHER. That is now THE ONE that is promised in the Book of Malachi, but HE also maybe know there is THE OTHER ONE was there on the left—HE was on the left.

And when THEY appeared like this, THE OTHER ONE was bigger; I could not see HIM though. But HE said HE was on the left like this covered by THE CLOUD. And then GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT presented THE ONE that was promised in the Book of Malachi and HE sat down on THE CLOUD. And then GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT in the second stage, step, went and told HIM, “Now walk, to GOD THE FATHER, you can go to GOD THE FATHER.”

And then it was such amazing to see HIM walking towards GOD THE FATHER, and THE CLOUD covered HIM inside Heaven.
Number eight (8), then after THE SERVANT who was promised in Malachi became mature, HE grew. HE grew and became mature before GOD THE FATHER inside THE CLOUD. And then GOD YHWH Lifted ME up into the Heavens. Then I saw the pure white Glory of Heaven, GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER—THE GLORIOUS, WHITEST, HOLIEST CLOUD OF GOD YHWH, very brilliant. THE CLOUD began to lower HIM across space, lowered that SERVANT that was promised in the Book of Malachi in the most stunning Wonder I ever seen —lowered HIM. 

So THE LORD took ME all throughout as HE lowered HIM all throughout. I saw the hand of God, THE CLOUD OF GOD, the purest white CLOUD OF GOD total holding HIM and lowering HIM. I saw HIM lowered all the way from Heaven. And GOD THE FATHER YHWH carried HIM on the purest whitest CLOUD OF HIS GLORY, HIS OWN GLORY. And systematically lowered HIM, lowered HIM, lowered HIM all the way till HE reached the Earth.  And HE place HIM there.

I saw that event this past night, how it took place across the clouds. It was such a stun, it was shock, when HE Carried HIM upon HIS white, purest, brilliant, radiant CLOUD OF GLORY —and now across the space, all the way from Heaven and brought HIM until HE lowered HIM onto the Earth; it was a very shocking thing, and HE covered HIM.

As HE was lowering HIM, I could see HIM from the chest on because THE CLOUD— the rest was in the cloud until HE lowered HIM and reach the Earth and place HIM there.

Now, today I’ve seen THE GLORIOUS HAND of God carrying HIS Malachi 4 PROPHET and lowering HIM to the Earth; what a shock that was this past night.

Number nine (9), after that JEHOVAH YHWH showed ME, HE showed ME the most glorious Ministry of THE GREATEST PROPHET ELIJAH —the Ministry that is running now on the Earth.  And this was a new conversation. I have seen a big visitation.  There’s a big visitation that is coming so HE flashed it in a very short time.  I’ve seen a very, very powerful visitation of GOD YHWH. GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF, coming HIMSELF, in the PUREST WHITEST RADIANT GLORY, HIS GLORY —HOLIEST GLORY coming to HIS SERVANT. After HE lowered HIM, then I see now that the ministry, HE showed ME the ministry, and the radiant glory is coming.

I’ve seen a visitation. A spectacular visitation that is coming where GOD THE FATHER will cover HIM in a radiant Glory.

And I don’t know why I seem to figure out a place. It seems it might take place in a place that I know, but I don’t want to come through with it now until HE speaks again. But HE’s going to come and cover HIM in a place, it will be in a place.

And so HE showed it very short, HE flashed it. And then I saw HIS radiant Glory coming from Heaven cover HIS SERVANT: the way HE did at Central Park, and HE did also at ‘Menegai 2’, and HE did ‘Menegai 1’, Kakamega, all these other places.

So THE CLOUD, the purest CLOUD is going to come and cover HIM from afar; I could almost see that HE was transfigured inside THE CLOUD.

Again, the next point is that (10) GOD YHWH then took HIS MOST GLORIOUS SERVANT, HE took HIM to HIS Throne in Heaven. Again, now HE lifted HIM up back to The Throne and HE plucked the leaves of the purest leaves of the purest Tree of Life and HE placed in MY hand. Then they blossomed and flourished very, very mightily in MY eyes. And THEY became such a flourish, very beautiful flourish. But that was now at the place of the visitation. I could see from Heaven it’s going to be at a place where THE CLOUD will come upon him. 

I don’t think it’s Central Park, though Central Park may come. God is free to do HE wants. HE is Sovereign. But this I have seen happen at a place.

Then after that THE LORD lowered HIS SERVANTS again. HE came back to the Earth, after the tree— the leaves of the Tree of Life. Then GOD THE FATHER JEHOVAH YHWH now came down. I could see HIS two hands and HE presented HIS TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS with the most beautiful and the most wonderful fruits from the Tree of Life; now not the leaves alone, but now fruit. 

HE’s repeating the same thing HE did before the healing service. WE remember very well before the healing service, the mega healing service, the shocking healing service. The wonder that happened about two weeks ago that the leaves at The Throne, and then after THEY arrived, and then THE LORD presented HIS hands and presented the fruits severally. They’re wonderful fruits, those fruits were ripe, very ripe, they were ready, ripe.

So when HIS SERVANTS, when I arrived here on the Earth then I saw HIM present the fruits; ripe fruits of the Tree of Life to HIS TWO SERVANTS.  HIS hand, presenting, severally this past night.

So THE MESSIAH is coming blessed people. THE LORD has spoken in a very complicated way this past night. May those who are wise receive JESUS CHRIST as LORD and Savior, be born again— “Unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” THE MESSIAH is coming. Thank you, today rabah.



THE LORD JEHOVAH, JEHOVAH spoke with ME, HE spoke with ME this past night, and the night before about the meeting that is coming up at Central Park on May 19th.  The meeting that is coming up on May 19th at Central Park is going to be one of biggest gatherings that has taken place in the city here. It is going to be much bigger than the other meeting; the one we had on March 24th, the Year 2019.

So THE LORD showed ME that meeting, and HE brought ME into the meeting and I saw THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD ministering in a very, very mighty way. And it was so full, it was absolutely so overcrowded, it was so full, and it was it was packed, it was packed —capacity. And remember that is the same meeting at which HE has shown ME, but as THE TWO PROPHETS ministered— THEY’re issuing glorious garments, glorious garments, glorious garments, glorious garments, glorious garments to those who are entering into the Kingdom of God.

So it is going to be such a historic time again. And I know also that at that meeting is where for the first time we are going to celebrate these very historic and marvelous and wondrous wonderful healings that have just taken place two weeks ago. People like Evelyne, Evelyne Achieng, Vincent Kibet, Kigen, the ones in Mombasa and everywhere across the country —the cripples that have gotten up and walked, the biblical miracles, the repeat of the Bible, these astounding biblical wonders and miracles that have taken place just two weeks ago.

And so that is going to be such a meeting because I know the first half is going to be national repentance and really everybody would want to be in that meeting. Everyone would want to be in that meeting just to be right with THE LORD because now you know a little bit of what has been sealed, what the nation would have missed if the nation had to continue to blackmail, THE TWO SERVANTS OF ETERNITY, THE SERVANTS OF YHWH, THE MIGHTY PROPHETS OF ISRAEL. And so you see from the level of anointing and the type of healings and the level of crippledness from which THEY have removed people in order to establish that the blood of JESUS still reigns supreme over all creation in order to establish that without a doubt these are THE MESSENGERS OF THE FATHER OF THE LORD, to establish without a doubt that THE MESSIAH is coming.

So this is such a awesome time, an awesome time for you to look back and see where the rain started beating the country from. I know the first half of that meeting, the first bit maybe one and a half hours or two is going going to be a National repentance and then after that WE will come now the big meeting. And I see a lot of pastors coming from abroad. I see a list that has come from China. I know that also South Korea say they’re coming and everyone is coming, large delegations here and there. But this is going to be a very mighty time for the church because there’s going to be a big celebration of the healing; this historic healing as we go through each one of them. We will see where THE LORD remove them from and how the blood and the cross of JESUS being established right in the eyes of this generation at such a time when the church is sitting on the verge of eternity; but, even most importantly is the message that will now be given from there.

And the same meeting I’ve seen THEY are giving out the garment, the glorious garment of eternity, the glorious garment of righteousness, the garment. THEY are dishing out the garment, the garment, the garment to people that are going into the glorious Kingdom of God. So I have seen a meeting that is really, really, huge, huge, absolutely very huge. And then the voice of THE LORD (), and then HE spoke to ME by voice there on what WE are not sharing now; on what to tell the congregation at Central Park.

And I have decided deliberately not to put this on TV so that people may be there. WE do not know whether it will be on internet. I hope it will be live streamed but it is not on TV that people may come and take it for themselves and then be able to be part of this blessing. Take this blessing that THE LORD has opened Heaven and poured. HE has flooded mankind with love, the church, love this generation with to prepare the way to be the people that prepare the way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

So I have seen a very, very huge meeting. I’ve seen a historic meeting; it will be packed. People will have to come early to get their seats but it’ll be packed; it will be the place to be.  It will be the most powerful the biggest meeting on the face of the Earth. And it will be a place where THE LORD GOD will finally speak, HE will actually speak to the church from that place. And so this is a very big blessing that THE LORD can open such a portal, a channel of communication at this hour in time, especially the year 2019, even as WE continue to prepare the bride.

I’ve seen a big meeting, a very historic meeting. You can imagine the first part of the celebration when each of the cripples will be mentioned and they’ll be looking at the screens and seeing their condition. And some of them like Vincent Kibet, the mother will come and speak over how he used to lie down —he used to just be there, she’ll leave him there facing in one direction, you find him, you come back in the evening, he has soiled himself, you put him out when rain comes, rains on him until the rain goes away and he remains in that condition.

It is so heavy, she used to pull him when there is no one to help. she would pull, just pull him with the hand and pull him in. And so much testimony will be given there and you can imagine the celebration that will take place there.

And the worship team please, please, the violinist, please prepare to appear before THE LORD on this very historic, very memorable historic day at central park Nairobi:  it will be a shocking day. The worship team practice very well.  Sharpen your voices because you’re going to stand before THE LORD OF ALL THE EARTH, THE LORD OF HOSTS. And you will worship THE LORD at a time of thanksgiving also, celebration, thanksgiving. You’re going to sing forth and lead the congregation before THE LORD in worship. So fine tune all those songs you’ve been worshipping before. All those nice songs you’ve been having.  List them down. Give them out to (Muhando) to be able to pass through the Senior Archbishop to pass them to ME that WE may choose which ones will be sung first, which one will go at which order so that we may glorify JESUS and glorify JEHOVAH GOD in Heaven, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH TSBEAOTH, THE LORD OF HOSTS.

So blessed people this is an awesome time, this a special time in the history of the church. The church is being revived, being given a new breath. THE LORD is speaking directly to the church from Heaven. And I said in that meeting THE LORD speaks to ME, HE speaks to HIS TWO SERVANTS by voice, by voice. HE speaks by voice there in what I’m not sharing here today and HE instructed THE TWO; those that come there will hear this.  HE speaks by voice in the instruction.

This is a very powerful time. The bishops need to organize themselves, organize transportation. Make sure there is safety on the road: the brakes of the vehicles, the turning lights, the indicators, the vehicles are serviceable, all the security protocols on the road, the driving around the corners(), there is no running. You leave early. There is no kesha on that day and night and just prepare: good drivers, licenses, vehicles that have insurance, observe all the laws of the road, the laws of the land because this is the most awesome time to be born again.

I have seen THE Messiah coming and in THE LORD is in the process of refining the church and preparing a holy church. HE’s preparing a holy bride, and that bride is you. So please let everybody, let us have more than three times what was there on March 24th at Central Park that all the nations ought to be live streaming will be able now to partake of the same meeting. So I hope there will be live streaming. I know there will be live radio streaming, but even video streaming is better that all the nations may partake of what THE LORD JEHOVAH their CREATOR is going to say at Central Park. And that is MY prayer that there will be live streaming that all the nations, all the continents, all the peoples of the earth may partake of this meeting especially now that THE LORD has decided to launch the message from this platform from this nation abroad.

Now THE LORD spoke also with ME about the church in Nigeria. I see the church leadership trying to mock ME, blackmail ME. So please, I don’t know what is going on in Nigeria at this moment. Now what THE LORD is speaking is not very good throughout time so there’s need for a bigger repentance there blessed people.  “You know I get to hear everything from this side”, says THE LORD. And you see now JEHOVAH coming to report what is being discussed in Nigeria the church leaders, you know, people I know. So please prepare the way for the coming of THE MESSIAH. Look at the humility that the church; those who have subscribed to this in Kenya have taken and look at the fruits of repentance and look at the gains, the powerful revival, and the gains of revival.

May all the nations learn from Kenya and be blessed because THE MESSENGERS that prepare the way are here. You really have to harken to this and obey this voice in order to see the glorious kingdom of God. Now it is absolutely clear that THE LORD is not mistaken to send THEM. HE has loved the Nations. HE sent THEM to come and restore the church and show them the way and give them the instruction of GOD THE FATHER for the glorious coming of CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH.

THE MESSIAH is coming prepare the way blessed people. Be holy and righteous. Stay away from slander, blackmail, ridicule, mockery. Just focus on the instruction, repent from sin. Be holy, live a holier your lifestyle. Be righteous. Listen to the instruction from The Throne of God being dispensed by THESE TWO and enter the kingdom of God on that day. Leave these other issues aside, blackmail, ridicule, and mockery.

I have seen THE MESSIAH coming. It will be a difficult day if you are not ready. I have seen so much of those who don’t make it and I have seen those that make it. May THE LORD bless you, shalom todah.



The Bible says, blessed people, the Bible says in the book of Psalms, the book of Psalms blessed people, 36 verse 8. Reading from verse 7 the Bible says, “How precious is Your loving kindness? How precious is your loving devotion, O GOD! That the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They feast on the abundance of Your House and You give them from a drink from the river of delights.” Again, “They feast on the abundance of Your House and You give them drink from Your river of delights. For with You is the Fountain of Life; in your light we see light.”

And then He goes on to say, blessed people, He says, Psalms 63 verse 5, “My soul is satisfied with the richest of foods; with joyful lips my mouth will praise You LORD.” And then He says, “Blessed is the one You choose and bring near to dwell in Your courts! We are filled with the goodness of Your House and the holiness of Your Temple.”

What an awesome time, blessed people. And the reason I am speaking to you now is because I have seen a wonder. I have seen Vincent Kibet of Kericho: sixteen (16) years totally crippled, total, total, total. Total, total, total, totally crippled on the soil for sixteen (16) years. I saw him given a new suit, shoes on the feet that were crippled, and walking into the house; and there was such a tremendous explosion of joy at the Kericho Main Altar. And then awesome, awesome, the way he is walking and learning to balance and sometimes almost going down a little bit and then balancing. I have seen a wonder.

And then I have seen Miriam Mwita in Kuria, Kehancha, the precious little daughter walking on new feet; sometimes one is almost (), learning to balance and moving on. She said, “Work in progress. Work in progress.”

I have also seen another cripple: Shadrack Ishamba at Muthoni Altar in the coast, walking, step, () step, stepping one; and the entire church exploded out with flames of revival. Then I have seen Richard Ochilo, Oyugis, with a wheelchair carried, following him: his wheelchair, walking. I have seen a wonder. Make sure you lay your eyes on these wonders blessed people.

This is the most blessed time in the history of the church when THE LORD is Visiting the House in such an astounding manner, in a very, very shocking manner, in a way that leaves all jaws dropped in shock and fear.

He says, “On this mountain of THE LORD, THE LORD OF HOSTS will prepare a banquet for all the people; a feast of aged wine, of choice meat and of fine aged wine.” This is the feast the church is having now. Make sure you maximize on this. Celebrate this. Because now you can see that only the religion of THE CROSS is the true religion that brings remission and delivers all men into the glorious Kingdom of GOD, to THE FATHER —no other religion. THE LORD has now used this Anointing to rubbish anything else and establish Christianity of THE CROSS, Christianity of THE BLOOD OF JESUS.

And again, these are happening because THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people.

In finishing I say, “ How precious is Your loving devotion, O GOD! That the () refuge in the shadow of Your wings.” He says, ”They feast on the abundance of Your House. You give them drink from Your river of delights. For with You is the Fountain of Life. In Your light we see light.”

May THE LORD bless you.

Make sure you enjoy these wonders and make sure these wonders draw your hearts to a greater devotion and worship of holiness with THE MESSIAH.

This is an exciting time; () in Swahili. It is not possible to sleep when THE LORD is Visiting the church in such a mighty manner.

May THE LORD bless you, and bless you, and bless you indeed.

Thank you.



So, blessed people, what an awesome time to come to you in the history and the life of the church. And this, as you can see already, this is a very blessed time at which to be born again, even just to be alive to witness this hour in the church. And the Bible here says —I am reading from the book of Isaiah chapter 40 from verse 1. I read again Isaiah 40 from verse 1. He says in Amplified, He says, “‘Comfort, comfort My people, says your GOD. Speak tenderly to the heart of Jerusalem, and cry to her that her time of service and her warfare are ended, that (her punishment is accepted and) her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received (punishment) from THE LORD’S hand double for all her sins.”

Then He says in verse 3 of Isaiah 40 that, “A Voice of one who cries: Prepare in the wilderness the way of THE LORD (clear away the obstacles of sin, immorality, apostasy, corruption and decay); and make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our GOD!” He says in verse 4, “Every valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked and uneven shall be made straight and level, and the rough places a plain.” Verse 5 He says, “And the glory (and the majesty and the splendor) of THE LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see together; for the mouth of THE LORD, THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE LORD YHWH has spoken it.”

So, beloved people, what an awesome time to come to you. And I am coming to you to re-emphasize to you that this is the hour at which to prepare the Way in your hearts for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. That at this hour it is going to be important to be righteous and holy and receive JESUS. THE LORD has made it very, very clear that only the religion of THE CROSS, only Christianity is the true religion. He has come out and placed the evidence on the floor. The cards He has been hiding at His back now He has placed them on the table —the last cards.

And He has made it very clear that unless a man be born again, receive JESUS, repent from sin and receive JESUS, and be baptized in complete immersion of water —total immersion— and be baptized of THE HOLY SPIRIT, you cannot see the Kingdom of GOD. Without receiving JESUS this generation cannot see the glorious Kingdom of GOD. And without holiness this generation will not see THE LORD as is written in Hebrews 12:14 when He says, “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

But the reason I say this to you, blessed people, is because of the enormous service, the mega healing service that THE LORD has been promising you for some months, until come April 28th of 2019, then finally THE LORD was able to allow His TWO PROPHETS, His TWO MOST POWERFUL, MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS to come to you, THE ANCIENT PROPHETS that have come back to life, THE ANCIENT PROPHETS that have descended from on High to come and do the Mission and biddings of GOD. That healing service finally took place.

And I want you to take time to enjoy some of the classic healings JESUS brought you. Look at baby Brian. Look at Brian in Busia. Look at the baby —I do not know whether it is four (4) or five (5) years or three (3) in Iten. Look at the cripple in Mombasa. Look at these cripples that got up; absolutely classic, classic biblical miracles of JESUS. And why is THE LORD bringing them to you now at this hour when the church is full of decay and sin, when wickedness is so ripe, wickedness is so pandemic, is so spread across the face of the church and the Earth? THE LORD is doing so that He may be able to summon your attention to the fact that time has changed and THE MESSIAH is coming. Time has changed and THE MESSIAH is coming. The bride of CHRIST must prepare.

This past night THE LORD spoke with me about the need for the bride to prepare and I saw the bride of CHRIST, the one that goes to Heaven in a tremendous, glorious, white, holy garment. So you need to prepare. The nations have to prepare. The church of CHRIST has to prepare. The Christian believer has to prepare in their hearts and turn away from sexual immorality, the corruption you see in this life where sometimes the dressings are evil, the talk is evil, lies and what. Turn away from that corruptment —corruption. Turn away from sin, turn away from wickedness. Repent and receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and be saved. Repent and be born again. Turn away from sin. Call upon the Name of THE LORD and be saved. This is the hour to be saved.

I invite you, all of you, to follow and see some of these classic miracles of JESUS that are now awash, they are all over the cyberspace; the web space is full now. The conversation is global: from Finland, to South Korea, to massive miracles in China, the tremendous miracles in Mozambique, Ivory Coast, total, total, total, total, total cripples that stood up and walked, some of them thirty-eight (38) years on the ground, on the wheelchair. This is an awesome time, blessed people. THE LORD is calling upon this generation to recognize the Visitation, to look, to enjoy this Visitation, to capitalize on this Visitation, to maximize on this. What an awesome —what a blessed time of revival.

And 19th of May is coming. And again there will be a powerful global conference transmitted from Nairobi, Central Park. What a mighty, mighty global revival that has come. And He has now demonstrated to you —especially Kenya— He has demonstrated to you that, “Please, do not touch THESE SERVANTS. Do not touch Them.” Never has THE LORD ever used a sinner to do this kind of tremendous holy work. Do not touch Them. The benefits are enormous, the consequence is eternal. And He has spoken very clearly to the nations too, and telling the nations that time is over.

Now look at the massive healing. All the villages are celebrating (). The villages with their cripples, with their blind, with their deaf, with their lame, with their mute, paralytics, tumors dissolve all the way to Germany. Germany. Those with urine incontinence that were wearing a lot of towels, everything (), and celebrating, and being baptized. It is awesome, awesome, awesome —Helsinki, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, China. What a global revival. What a global revival. What a time in the history of the church. What a time to be alive.

So I invite you to celebrate this. I know this is going to be a massive celebration; I am going to be coming to you. That to watch the way the cripples were pulling themselves on the soil —look at baby Brian. Look at the baby in Iten, look at the one (1) in Mombasa —everywhere— look at the cripples everywhere, the one (1) that was in Kehancha. Look at all those cripples, how they were pulling themselves on the soil. And this time THE LORD sent Us to really go for the total, total, total, total, total, total cripples. Total, on the flat, on the flat. The ones on the ground, on the dust. I know in the past He has healed them too, but this time He really sent Us to go with the massive, massive focus on them —massive power. And to see how they were lifted up: baby Brian in Busia.

So I invite you to celebrate this hour. And I know that even as I speak with you I am still waiting on the conversation from THE LORD. But I have placed a petition before THE LORD and I have told THE LORD I would love to transmit the Missions of GOD from Kenya. After Sunday I went before THE LORD and told THE LORD I want to launch the Missions from Kenya until after the rapture when finally We are able to transceive and transition into Israel. So for now May 19th is coming and revival is in the land. That will be the massive revival of the Word. The Word conference is also very powerful, very big, very enormous, very mighty, ministering to the souls. And the healing service is tremendous, tremendous, tremendous. This is an awesome time. The zeal for the House of THE LORD.

The reproaches of those that reproach THE LORD, they hurt me, they injure me.

And in John chapter 2, I am only reading a section. And He says, “Everyone brings out the choicest wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had enough and too much to drink. But You, JEHOVAH, You have saved the best wine until now.”

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

I invite you to celebrate the Visitation of JEHOVAH. And on Sunday, on Sunday after I came to you in the morning, as I sat on the seat here waiting to come to you at midday, to 1 o’clock, then He slayed me and I fell asleep and I saw THE TWO PROPHETS ministering to you. I saw the other PROPHET coming from Heaven and the One who has spoken with you. But what amazed me also, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT descended in bodily form in that dream (prophetic demonstration) flapping, flapping His wings, and glorious, and came and landed on me, and went up and landed on me, and went up and landed on me a few times. And then He started gliding away with joy and He went back to Heaven.

So there is so much mystery, there is so much hidden, concealed parts of these conversations that I do not share with you. But this is the moment of tremendous Visitation. I invite everybody to celebrate this Visitation all over the Earth because GOD has now remembered the church.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah chaverim. Todah, todah chaverim. Todah HASHEM. Todah Chaver sheli. Todah rabah. Yom tov.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Blessed people, prepare the Way. Be holy. Receive JESUS. Turn away from immorality, homosexuality, lesbianism, corruption. Turn away from all these gospels of prosperity, apostasy. Be holy; be righteous.

THE KING is Coming.

The Advance Team is speaking with you now; THE KING is on the way, He is Coming.

May THE LORD bless you.

And then —andI ask you, I ask you Gertrude to play that song “Even so, come LORD JESUS come.” But can you play () the song that says, “Call upon the Name of THE LORD and be saved.” That this generation may know that THE LORD is making the last call. Call upon the Name of THE LORD and be saved.

Shalom, todah. Todah rabah.



Amen. Blessed people, it serves me with great privilege and honor to come to you today. I know that you are already geared up and set to observe your glorious Thanksgiving Services. I am reading right now right away from the book of Psalms 36 verses 7 to verse 9. And the Bible says, “How precious is Your loving devotion, O GOD! That the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.” Verse 8 of Psalm 36 He says, “They feast on the abundance of Your House and You give them drink from Your river of delights.” Verse 9 He says, “For with You is the Fountain of life; in Your light we see light.”

So I wanted to simply join you in the tremendous Thanksgiving and celebration services that begin nationally here and across many nations —those that partook of the healing service where THE LORD Visited and healed people. And I know very well that the teams have not yet prepared; all yesterday we had meetings here, very long meetings until late in the night, only for Us to discover there was this (), also total, total cripple in Bomet. And then there is Keegan, there is Ezra Kigen also from Iten. And also We have Vincent from Kericho then We have from Mombasa in Kilifi. There are many places, even Nyahururu.

And so I know that the teams are still going to prepare the videos; this is just the beginning. This is just the beginning of the massive national celebration services that begin across this land that, “How precious is Your loving devotion, O GOD! That the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They feast on the abundance of Your House and You give them drink from Your river of delights. For with You is the Fountain of Life; in Your light we see light .”

So right now the church is feasting on the abundance of the House of THE LORD. And this is the most beautiful time in the history of the church. I want that when you are celebrating you bear this in mind, blessed people; this is the most precious and the most treasured and the most beautiful time at which to be alive and to be a Christian and to see how THE LORD has remembered His House. He has remembered the House of THE LORD: the church of CHRIST. He has remembered the Christian believer. He is establishing that now look, only JESUS is the way to the glorious Kingdom of Heaven. He is making it very clear because no () has ever raised a cripple or any other of the () religions, or any other cult or whatever.

This is a tremendous time of Visitation. The joy of THE LORD is in the House of THE LORD; and I encourage you people to maximize on this and focus on righteousness and holiness and on the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. I know that at this time THE LORD is now preparing the bride. Nobody knows the day or the hour, and so take advantage of the Visitation of this hour. And even as you celebrate make sure you understand that all this is done to solicit the attention of your souls so that you may prepare, you may prepare for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. Time is over.

I thank THE LORD so much even for allowing me to be here to do this work for JESUS. Because how awesome to see the church being restored, coming out of apostasy, coming out of decay, coming out of helplessness, vanity, emptiness, to now substantive gains towards her journey to the glorious Kingdom of GOD.

So I bless you wherever you are in your big celebration. Wherever you are going to celebrate today violinists have prepared —they are going to worship wonderful songs unto THE LORD and trumpets will be played and the keyboards will be played before THE LORD. “You have made known to me the path of life. You will fill me with joy in Your presence with eternal pleasures at Your right hand. He makes me lie down in green pastures and He leads me beside quiet waters. There is a river whose streams delight the City of GOD, the Holy Place where the MOST HIGH dwells.” That is the life-giving SPIRIT OF THE LORD that is now flowing in the church.

Again, I want to say this, that this is just simply the beginning of the national celebration services, including the countries like China, like Ivory Coast, like South Africa, and Mozambique, wherever, in Finland, wherever THE LORD raised a cripple. This is simply the beginning of the celebration services that are going to be observed across this land. And the cripples that you are going to view or watch in your respective churches they simply showcase what happened on that day. This is a historic avalanche of the anointing of THE LORD that He has poured upon He that speaks with you here now: THE TWO. And I saw Their ministration this past night again. So there is much more coming; there is the Word Conference coming.

However, there are many other cripples that are yet to be prepared and brought to you. So do not ask and say, “How about our cripple in Mombasa? Where is the cripple in Kilifi?” All those are being prepared by Randy and the team. And this is simply the beginning; it is going to run on throughout, there will be no end to this celebration and it will end up with a national celebration Thanksgiving that will take place in Nairobi at Our new head offices, Our new headquarters, which will be open in probably the next two (2) weeks or so —or four (4) weeks.

So that is where there will be big celebrations, the beasts will be slaughtered. () will remember when THE LORD YHWH Visited you people: the House of THE LORD, the church of CHRIST, in such a tremendous, mighty way. And so as at now I bless you people. I bless all those who are tuned in, the churches that are tuned in. In this celebration service celebrate the Visitation of YHWH.

But for the nations abroad, you learn a lesson from Kenya that the church in Kenya is reverent and obedient and humble. And that is why THE LORD is bringing this tremendous Visitation to them. They have no blackmail. They do not —no I am talking about the church, this church that is being Visited. The secular Kenya has tremendous blackmail, you know. Unbelievable, historic blackmail. But these ones that are partaking of the Glory of THE LORD, they are humble, they are reverent. That is why they gather eighty-seven (87) stadiums. They simply obey. When He tells them, “Collect your cripples and blind and deaf and mute, paralytics, and lame, spinal cord injuries, the mentally ill, the hydrocephali and everything, bleeding diseases, cancers, wounds.” They simply obey.

And that is the key now, blessed people who are tuned in from abroad, the church that I am talking to, this church, not the secular Kenya (), the fallen church. That fallen church is full of blackmail and slander —unbelievable, historic. But I am talking about these that are drinking from the river of delights, the ones that feast on the abundance of the House of THE LORD. The ones whom He gives the drink from His river of delights. The ones that are seeing this wonder that is right now beholding in the land —obedient, humble.

And so other nations too can, other nations too, can gather yourselves without much philosophy (hm), where you ask, you know? They are asking, many nations they gather, they ask, philosophy —I see Them from here. Look, you end up with zero (0) in your hands. And now you know very clearly that THE SERVANT who speaks with you holds the key, He holds the key to Heaven; to open or shut Heaven over anybody, any nation, or the whole Earth.

Please, let us obey and prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. All this is for the coming of CHRIST JESUS THE LORD.

And so, other nations too can partake of this if they step out of that slander and blackmail that I see on the () of this time that THE LORD may have His way in your countries. Look at how beautiful it is in Kenya now. And THE LORD is preparing to give them another Word Conference, Word Explosion, which is food to the soul, nourishing the soul. And for the church in Kenya, this particular church, I also send a warning to you, especially (). THE LORD was speaking to me this past night, some of your senior people there, please, talk to them; let them know that on this One there is no tribalism. You know I hear and listen to everything, absolutely everything.

So as you celebrate I bless you.

Everybody celebrate with violin, with keyboard, with wonderful sounds and voices before THE LORD because THE LORD, He has done a great thing in this land.

Remember, THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Always () receive JESUS, and be baptized, and be holy, and be righteous, and change your life. Have a righteous lifestyle. Live a holier lifestyle; for nobody knows the day or the hour.

So before I go again, I just wanted to bless you and join into your celebration and say that there are many other cripples —the ones you are watching are simply few— there are many others —I think there are thirty-nine (39) or forty (40) right now, all over this country. Tremendous cripples from the dust, down, down, down, down, down, dust; total, total, total —now We are calling them using three (3) totals. Total, total, total cripples; totally crippled on the dust.

And the () enormous () the authority of these TWO, He raised them in order to establish THE BLOOD OF JESUS, THE BLOOD OF JESUS, THE CROSS OF JESUS at CALVARY, to restore the church, to restore the power of the Gospel again, when other people have trampled it with apostasy. Now He is restoring the power of THE BLOOD AND THD CROSS to make it clear to a generation that only THE BLOOD AND THE CROSS can lead you to the Kingdom of JEHOVAH YHWH.

Again, “They feast on the abundance of Your House. You give them drink from Your river of delights. How precious is your loving devotion, O GOD! That the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They feast on the abundance of Your House and You give them drink from Your river of delights. So with You is the Fountain of Life, in Your light we see light.”

May THE LORD bless you.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah, shalom.

Revelation of The Ministry of THE TWO WITNESSES Post-Rapture


Well blessed people, this is about probably 16 minutes past 4 p.m. East African time and I want to share with you a conversation that THE LORD has had with the church that we may all be in step, with what Heaven is saying at this hour and what THE HOLY SPIRIT is navigating humanity and the church of CHRIST to at this hour.

I know that this a really blessed hour, the hour of revival. Now the nations are beginning to understand, the church of CHRIST is also beginning to understand. Again, the nations are beginning to understand that her time is fast ticking, following the recent visitation on Sunday. Even the demonstration of the authority—how THE LORD came out to demonstrate the authority of THESE TWO PROPHETS and the message entailed in that.

 One cripple in Helsinki gets up, a cripple in Mozambique, a cripple in China, a cripple in Ivory Coast. And I see some people healed in Venezuela, and also down in Australia. And the conversation that THE LORD had with ME after the healing service when says HE says, “Look, I have given unto MY TWO SERVANTS the entire Globe—the entire Earth.”  That even in Kenya here, the powerful, the more powerful now— When you see baby Brian, he is not a baby though, but you see Brian, I think he is 12yrs old, pulling himself on the ground. The kind of cripple, the cadre, the rank of cripples that were raised from the dust, without stepping out—THE TWO SERVANTS OF THE LORD, THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD, THE MOST GLORIFIED PROPHETS IN THE HISTORY OF THE BIBLE, THE MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS OF YHWH did not step out.

So that entire demonstration and illustration of the Authority, the final Authority that God has given HIS TWO PROPHETS comes with a message.

And I know it’s a big revival going on globally of course: China, and here (Kenya), and everywhere. Kenya now is even bigger because THEIR so many cripples, and if I heard right the number is 36 cripples who have already walked. And so many blind, a large number of blind, I don’t know whether it is 26, or 28 blind, or even more, the deaf, in large numbers.  And THE LORD has come out to heal many, many, other conditions, and to speak out very, very clearly to the church on the Authority, the illustration of the Authority that HE has given HIS TWO SERVANTS— that HE has sent at this hour to prepare the way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

Now, before I give this conversation, before I give you a scripture, rather, I want to give the conversation what THE LORD spoke with ME about in the dream.

I was seated, and at that place where I was, I opened the Bible, in the night. And I began to read the Book of Revelation chapter 11, after the healing service. I began to read the Book of Revelation chapter 11 after ‘THE ENORMOUS MOST HISTORIC SUPER GLORIOUS GRAND MEGA HEALING SERVICE’ that took place on Sunday. Where THE LORD did not allow US to step out and HIS TWO SERVANTS ministered—One came from above and landed and then ran the ministration as you’ve heard.

But as I was reading in the night, The Book of Revelation chapter 11, and then I reached a place. I reached a place where THE TWO SERVANTS, verse 7 HE says, “Now when THEY have finished THEIR testimony the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack THEM, and overpower THEM, and kill THEM. THEIR bodies will lie in the streets of ‘The Great City’, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, (we know that is Jerusalem, for now, because of the condition she is now), where also THE LORD, THEIR LORD was also crucified. For three and a half days, man from every people, tribe, language, and nation will gaze on THEIR bodies and refuse THEM burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over THEM, and will celebrate by sending each other gifts (because THESE TWO PROPHETS, THESE TWO MEGA PROPHETS have tormented those who live on the Earth— Why? Because they were worshipping the devil, worshipping the antichrist and the dragon. So this is the mission of THESE TWO to testify).

But after three and a half days, (verse 11), the Breath of Life from GOD entered THEM. and THEY stood up on THEIR feet, and terror struck those who saw THEM (meaning the whole Earth, because the whole earth was gazing at THEM) ‘Terror struck those who saw THEM.’”

Verse 12, Revelation 11, (Rev 11:12)  “Then THEY heard a loud voice from Heaven saying to THEM ‘Come up here.’ And THEY went up to Heaven in a cloud while THEIR enemies looked on—(and then when you go on down, there’s a massive earthquake that takes Place and THE MESSIAH comes into the scene. The whole world (), a massive earthquake takes place, and the whole world fears GOD; they now turn to JEHOVAH YHWH and Worship THE LORD, and shun the beast and the false prophet that will be ministering with the beast).”

So this is what I was reading after healing service on Sunday.  And so as I read this, as I read this reaching verse 7, where they had finished THEIR testimonies and the beast now comes to fight with THEM and overpowers THEM. At that point THE LORD makes ME fall asleep, then I see the beast come and catches THE TWO. He caught US, he caught US and then a very severe fight.  It is a very severe fight, you don’t want to know the details, but finally overpowered US. And then, at that time, I saw the death, WE died. WE died in that city of Jerusalem.

And one thing the Bible does not mention here, is that actually people come— so when WE died I saw people coming and throwing things on OUR bodies and spat. They spat on OUR faces, they spat— () spitting on OUR faces. That’s one thing that is not said in the Bible, but I see people spitting— on OUR faces spitting, and spitting.

It is amazing that when THEY finish the testimony, when THEY finish testifying, meaning the mission accomplished; then THE LORD now allows, HE allows. Because if you see verse 3, verse 3 HE says, (Rev 11:3) “And I will give power, MY power to MY TWO WITNESSES, and THEY will prophesy for 1260 days clothed in sackcloth. THESE are THE TWO OLIVE TREES and THE TWO GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS that stand before THE LORD OF ALL THE EARTH.” Verse 5 (Rev 11:5) HE says, “If anyone tries to harm THEM; fire comes from THEIR mouths and devours THEIR enemies.”

So that is absolutely well set out and very clear. Then you begin to understand that the only way the antichrist and the false prophet wage war on THEM, and the antichrist is able to subdue THEM is when God now allows —same thing happened to THE MESSIAH. Only when THE LORD allows then THE MESSIAH was arrested and THEY butchered HIM.

Even here now, I saw, that when the mission was completed, then it was THE LORD that actually allows now, otherwise the battle was bad, it was very bad, because THEY behold the power of GOD HIMSELF, YHWH. But THE LORD now allows them, to arrest US. And at that time, and then they killed US.

And then I saw, what the Bible doesn’t say. I saw people spitting on OUR faces, throwing things at US the dead bodies. But what amazes ME, what amazes ME is that actually THEY don’t die! Actually THEY don’t die. I have shared with a few Bishops in the inner core, the inner circle, a few senior-most Bishops that sit around THESE TWO. I’ve shared with THEM.   I’ve said, “THEY don’t die, what happens is that the life lifts off the body and THEY’re still there alive.”

 Because then, I was able to see the dead body.  I can see the dead bodies. Meaning THEY don’t die. And that’s why you see that after three and a half days there again on THEIR feet. But you see the indignation, the indignity, the worst thing you can ever do is to deny a dead body burial.

So you see owed to the torment of the administration and testimony, and the wonders, the judgment THEY brought to the Earth; THEY are denied burial—-THEY’re totally denied burial. THEY are denied burial to humiliate THEM —that is the worst thing you can do. In Jerusalem, and in Israel, and everywhere else, but especially in Jerusalem for you to deny a dead body burial that is the worst humiliation and indignity that can ever be subjected to anybody.  So that is what they do.

But you see that THEY don’t die, because OUR lives lifted off the body. So, WE were looking at the body.  WE are seeing the dead bodies. WE are right there. And so, when people were spitting in OUR faces, WE could feel also.  I felt it here. When people spat on the face, when WE had died, I felt, I felt the spitting on the face. So that the Bible doesn’t say that they will come and spit and throw things at the bodies.

Now that ‘THE SUPER GLORIOUS GRAND MEGA HEALING SERVICE’ on Sunday has taken place, and every word of the prophecy of THESE TWO that THEY gave prior has been fulfilled. In other words, GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF came down to bear testimony to THEIR words, as to its accuracy, and that it is from Heaven, “Yes, THEY came from Heaven.”

In other words, Heaven bore testimony on Sunday. This past Sunday, Heaven bore testimony on THEIR pronouncement that THEY have given before the healing service. ‘The freshest anointing’, healing will begin before THEY come live on air, cripples will get up, large numbers of cripples, blind and all this, “WE will not leave where WE are”, all this, gather 87 stadiums, gather around the world, there is no spatial limitation, this is a special anointing.

There is a message, THEY say, “There is a message on the coming of THE MESSIAH.”  All these pronouncements before the healing service have taken place. GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF has bore testimony, HE has borne testimony, that “Yes, this is what THEY’ve said: I have fulfilled it.”

Heaven has come down to bear testimony on THEIR pronouncement before the healing service.

What then should you as a church know about THESE TWO PROPHETS, that will be able to help you navigate yourselves, here and there, and also () use to your salvation that you may walk in the righteousness and the holiness THEY’re preaching and THEY’RE walking?

Now Revelation chapter 11 verse 3 (Rev 11:3) that I have just read, where HE says “And I will give power to MY TWO WITNESSES and THEY will prophesy for 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

I wanted you to understand blessed people, that with all this happening the illustration of the Authority and the power of GOD that is happening now before the time that THEY are targeting. The bigger time of THEIR bigger mission is ‘these days’: the 1260 days, meaning ‘The Great Tribulation.’

 And that can only mean that their mission, right within THEIR mission, the center core is the deliverance of Israel, the redemption of Israel, to turn Jacob away from ungodliness.

But you see very clearly that THEY come earlier to the landscape the Bible landscape. THEY enter earlier into the church landscape an illustration that takes place like last Sunday. The authority and power is essentially the authority and power that speaks that is meant to speak to this generation, to the nations that, ‘Look!  If at this time THEY are doing this, how much more power then during the Great Tribulation when THEIR mission now ripens up, THEIR mission becomes ripe, when THEIR appointed time takes place, Grand Finale, grand final?’

And so this is a very powerful time blessed people. Because there was a message in the Sunday service— ‘THE HISTORIC HEALING SERVICE’, That at THEIR appointed time () takes place, grand finale, grand final, there was a message, there was a message, there was a serious message.

There is a message, in the ‘SUPER GLORIOUS GRAND MEGA HEALING SERVICE’, there is a message that THE LORD is transmitting to the church. HE’s saying, “Look at the authority!” HE’s saying,”Look at the power, look at THEIR empowerment, look at the relationship with GOD THE FATHER— directly under the command of GOD THE FATHER in Heaven. Look at the visitation of the Person of GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT in bodily form even on that Sunday.”

In other words, HE’s saying, “THEY are bestowed with the power of GOD HIMSELF— the power of GOD HIMSELF. And that power is for that coming season, for now yes, to minister now and to win the hearts of man, and to prepare the church that the church may enter eternity— but the target is the deliverance of Israel to turn Jacob away from wickedness, from apostasy, from sin.”

And there is so much I’ve cut out on this, but you see that THEY go and THEY confront the Tribulation Temple that will be built in Jerusalem—THEY confront it. What should we know then, what should the church know then about THE TWO? You see Revelation 11:3, HE says, “THEY operate at their max, in the Great Tribulation.” And at this hour THE LORD ALMIGHTY is busy introducing THEM globally to the Earth, with great power:  that is the message.

There was a message that is the message THE LORD is transmitting to the Nations.

Because, how then does a cripple get up in Mozambique, blind eyes open in Australia, a cripple gets up in Ivory Coast, far away 7000 kilometers Helsinki, China? That demonstration there is a message: that THE LORD GOD is introducing THEM. I know HE’S already beamed HIS GLORY on THEM, HE has settled on THEM, HE has sent GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF to introduce THEM. But still the healing service on Sunday has a message: introducing THEM globally to the entire Earth, with great power, “Look, and I shall give power to MY TWO WITNESSES.”

And remember THEY appear in the church landscape earlier before ‘The Tribulation and The Great Tribulation’, why? To prepare the church, because THEY operate in ‘The inter-testamental time’ between the two dispensations. The bigger mission is ‘The Great Tribulation’, the Deliverance of Israel. At the center of this mission is the Revival of Israel, the National Revival of Jacob.

That’s why you see the pressure, the pressure to take THEM to Israel, talking to THEM about Israel. Telling THEM, “Look! I’ve prepared a place for you in Israel.” Telling THEM “Look! The Israelites are calling, ‘Come to us, come back home.’” So this kind of conversation, meaning Israel is sitting at the center at the core of this mission.

But the church can learn so much. How does somebody come here and say, “2 minutes away from now there’s going to be a big visitation in the 87 stadiums”? Look at THEIR relationship with God —THEIR faith.  If that is a demonstration of faith then, then the church can learn through THEIR steadfast faith, unbelievable faith. THEY say things nobody says that, “2 minutes away from now; there’s going to be a visitation across the nations and in your stadiums.”

It’s like saying, I’m asking THE LORD two minutes from now to visit, physically visit, and lift the cripples up, and open the blind eyes, pop open the deaf ears! And when you ask the deaf they say, ‘Pop! Ehh, Ehh, Ehh, *prophetic demonstration*’ they demonstrate that it really popped.

It’s like telling GOD to come two minutes from now, timing GOD and visit! So if there’s a lesson there it’s THEIR steadfast faith in THE LORD.  The church can take that, the church can borrow from that, THEY have a steadfast faith. That’s why THEY say the things THEY say. That’s why THEY say earlier, THEY said, “The neutron stars will collide”, THEY said, “It will rain in Lima, Peru.”

THEY’ve said that, “Cripples walk 2 minutes from now! Fire will come, from MY hand and touch the 87 stadiums all the way to Germany!”

THEIR steadfast faith is a big lesson to the church.

And you see in verse 7, (Rev 11:7) THE LORD now allows THEM to be killed— to die. That means THEIR steadfast faith is so powerful even unto death; THEY’re ready to die for it.

Revelation 11:7, HE says now, “When they have finished THEIR testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack THEM and overpower THEM (meaning THE LORD allows), and kills THEM.” (And I’ve told you even as THEY are killed, THEY are not dead— I can see the dead bodies. That’s why THEY stand again and the whole Earth is struck with terror, struck with terror— because THE LORD allows.

Revelation chapter 2. The Book of Revelation 2:10, what is the lesson? HE says, “Do not be afraid of what you’re about to suffer. I tell you the devil will put some of you in prison, to test you. And you’ll suffer persecution for 10 days. Be faithful, even to the point of death; and I’ll give you the crown of life.”  So you see that is the lesson to this generation. The message from the healing service, ‘THE SUPER GLORIOUS HISTORIC GGRAND MEGA HEALING HEALING SERVICE’ that took place on Sunday, now look at that.

That even unto you now, don’t fear anything. Go through the persecution, don’t fear, but at the end is the crown of eternal life, everlasting life. HE’s saying, “Be steadfast in your faith as THEY walk here, as THEY have demonstrated to this life—this generation.”

Revelation 12:11, HE says, “They overcame him by the blood of THE LAMB and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” HE says, “There’s a lesson, because there’s a lesson from the way THEY are executing THEIR lives now that THEY don’t love THEIR lives, as much, even unto the point of death.”

THEY say, “Let US get rid of this life.” until finally assassinated and killed, but THEY stand with THE LORD. After three and a half days THEY’RE up again, terror strikes the whole Earth and then THEY go to Heaven. The first mission this particular mission is over; but, there’s another mission.

I don’t want to share here because it is imperceptible.  You cannot process it in this life now. Now there’s another mission THEY come, and there were other missions before, some of which are in The Bible, which I have not shared with you, when THE TWO came. Only the voice said, “Look! In the Old Testament, before THE MESSIAH came, THEY used to operate together but HE concealed the eyes of men —did not see THE TWO.

Only this generation, when now the rapture is near, then HE opens the eyes of this generation, the privilege to see that how THEIR operating TWO:  The coveted generation.

Revelation 20:4 that your faith to be steadfast enough to the extent where now you say, ‘Let me get rid of my life.’ CHRIST THE MESSIAH said, “Let ME get rid of MY life for the sake of worshipping GOD THE FATHER, for the sake of obedience to GOD THE FATHER.  Even THE TWO, for the sake of worshipping GOD THE FATHER, for the sake of obedience to GOD THE FATHER, for the sake of obedience to THE MESSIAH, the mission of THE MESSIAH.  So, let’s get rid of OUR lives.  But then THEY don’t die, THEY ARE standing with THE LORD. Look how faithful THE LORD is.

Revelation 20:4, Revelation 20 verse 4, and HE says, “I saw Thrones on which were seated those, to which they were given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for JESUS, and because of the word of GOD. They did not worship the beast and his image, and did not receive the mark on their forehead, or their hands. They came to life and reigned with CHRIST for a Thousand Years.”

They also came to life, like THESE TWO, amazing, like THE MESSIAH—Amazing.

So you too this generation, the nations, the gentile world, the Hebrew Nation, the beloved Israel —Ramat Gan, Holon, Be’er Sheva, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Yavne, Dimona, Sorek, whatever it is in Israel— you too now that are tuned in, you can be steadfast. You can learn from THEIR lives, you can be steadfast in your faith, as to say, ‘No!  I’ll suffer all persecution and stand with THE LORD.’ That, ‘Look, THE LORD always comes through.’

They came back to life and reigned with CHRIST.

“THEY cannot be killed as THEY minister, until THEY finish THEIR testimony.”

And right now, again, THEY cannot be killed until testifying. THEY will not die —it’s amazing. THE HOLY SPIRIT resides in THEM.  Then at one point you can see THREE.  In the same way THE HOLY SPIRIT lives in you. Your unsealed companion looks like you, walks with you, in you. But because the dispensation is gone, and then there are now, HE is restricted to THEM in The Great Tribulation:  THE HOLY SPIRIT.

But remember, the gentile age does not end until the gentiles have trampled on the outer court of The Tribulation Temple, in Jerusalem. So the church, The gentile church goes, but the gentile dispensation only ends when now THE MESSIAH comes in.  That should not be of interest to you, just to prepare now and enter.

So THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD enters THEM, and THEY kill THEIR enemies by releasing fire from THEIR tongues to devour THEIR enemies.

THEY testify and witness CHRIST. So when you look at the book of Acts 1:8, HE says, “But you will receive power when from THE HOLY SPIRIT comes on you. And you’ll be MY witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even unto the ends of the Earth.”

Again, the church can learn from () mission how they’re testifying and witnessing for GOD. The church too can reform, in due time before the Great Tribulation, and become Witnesses and testify for JESUS. You can learn, everybody has a chance.

THEY come to prepare the church before rapture. That’s why THEY come into the Bible landscape before then. And THEY come, THEIR Ministry, if you look at the ministry: THEY come to prepare the church. THEY rebuke sin. THEY preach righteousness, preach holiness, prepare the holy way, in Isaiah 35: 8-9. 

THEY eventually become ‘The beautiful feet that bring the good tidings, to Israel to turn Jacob away from ungodliness and to bring her back to her God.’

THEIR Ministry () to the globe, the whole Earth you see last Sunday.  This Sunday THE LORD has demonstrated that very seriously. THEIR Ministry involves the entire Earth, the whole Earth. However, in the Great Tribulation, THEY’re localized in Jerusalem as you can see. That’s why all the time HE has been saying, “I’ve prepared a place for you. I prepared a place for you in Israel. I prepared a place for you in Israel.  Look!  You are already living there.”

I even sat this past Pesach.  I sat with them and had a Passover meal. So THE LORD was saying that, “There will be a last Passover meal for Israel; when THEY will be very instrumental: THESE TWO. There will be a final Passover meal before the final Exodus fleeing.”  And I’ve seen when I’M guiding them not to go on this road, to go down the valley, this way, to avoid the Holocaust; so that they go to a safer place. And all of Israel will be saved, the Bible says ‘all’.

THEIR ministry as you have seen: Commanding Heaven to release rain, calling on THE CLOUD OF GOD to come, healing the wells and so forth. THEIR ministry is very strong, is very strong with the stripes of the old Hebrew Jewish Prophets— the ancient Jewish Prophets of YHWH of Israel that is obvious now. Healing the wells, healing shriveled hands, commanding Heaven to open —rain come down like was in Mount Carmel— calling fire from Heaven, THE CLOUD coming on THEM, speaking judgement of GOD. THEIR ministry is very strong on the Old Testament ancient Jewish Hebrew Prophets.

And like I said, THEY’re extremely instrumental for JEHOVAH’s deliverance of Israel, THEY hold the key for the deliverance of Israel. Because HE sends THEM to turn Jacob away from ungodliness, and also to get involved in some very perilous moments for Jacob, where she needs to escape in the hands of GOD for safety in the Great Tribulation, especially when Jacob will have realized that that peace pact they do with the Antichrist is false and fake that only JESUS is THE LORD.

Then when the Antichrist begins to turn against them, then THESE TWO are instrumental in their escape, safe exit, to a place prepared for her where she’s far from the reach of the serpent.

So THE LORD has really affirmed that authority.  THEY operate under HIS power. Again, after the healing service, I was reading the book of Revelation 11 then THE LORD took ME to Jerusalem. And I lived already that time.  This is not the first time I’ve lived it. I’ve lived already that time and WE finish the testimonies, and the beast arrests THEM.  GOD allows him. And then he murdered US, assassinated US in the streets of Jerusalem. And I saw people throwing things at US and spitting, I even felt the physical saliva strike MY face, spitting on OUR faces.

But WE did not die, because life left the dead bodies, WE were looking at the dead bodies. After three and a half days, life went back into the dead bodies, terror as WE stood up again. But then THE FATHER called us back home, and that was the end of this mission, with a big earthquake happening, and the whole earth now worshipped JEHOVAH as WE left and THE MESSIAH, it was time for THE MESSIAH to come.

I have seen events of the future. THE MESSIAH is coming. Prepare the way blessed people, todah rabah, todah shalom. Be holy, be righteous, THE MESSIAH is coming. Todah l’achaim, todah haverim. Prepare, prepare, prepare, todah, todah. Thank you indeed, prepare the way, THE MESSIAH is coming.

When you see THE MESSENGERS here, especially those are involved in the other dispensation, please prepare the way THE MESSIAH is coming.  Please do prepare the way. I felt the saliva spat on ME. I felt the events. I have lived the future. I have seen the future events that culminate towards the millennial kingdom of God. May THE LORD bless you, shalom.




And this is such an awesome time in the history of the church because THE LORD has remembered the church, He has remembered the church of CHRIST and He is now establishing the House of THE LORD. He is restoring the church. He is affirming to the nations of the Earth that only the religion of CHRIST JESUS, only the religion of THE CROSS, only the religion of THE BLOOD OF JESUS is the true religion that brings hope to a desperate generation, that brings hope to a lost generation, that brings hope to a deplorable generation that is undergoing all manner of swaying left, right, whether it is for their health or their survival, the storms of the ocean, the famine, the environmental what, to try to find rain, when the Maker of rain is YHWH. A generation of providence.

And so, THE LORD JEHOVAH, He spoke with me about this mega healing service and I see these little children, I think probably they are seven (7) or nine (9) —running— who have been healed. He showed me children healed; some were crippled, some were blind. So tomorrow is going to be a major, major day of Visitation in this land and in the entire body of CHRIST, globally, because this is a global event. This event is greater and bigger than Kenya; Kenya is only privileged with the advantage of hosting THE TWO SERVANTS, THE TWO WORKERS, THE SLAVES OF HEAVEN, THE TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH. And so, by default Kenya now gets all the benefits. But you can see that Kenya is listening. Eighty-seven (87) stadiums are being prepared today; public address systems, security systems in place, checking what, the sick all over the country —it is amazing to see THE HOLY SPIRIT churning a nation.

It is amazing, astounding and bewildering to see how THE HOLY SPIRIT can churn a nation in the year 2019, in the present age, where doctors and medical teams are moving in groups, going door-to-door looking for any cripple, looking for blind. THE LORD has given a command unto the land and the land has obeyed the command. From the doctors to the county government workers who are in charge of disabled, the chairpersons of disabilities, they are moving with them because they have a list. They are saying, “There is one (1) here. One (1) used to be around here; a very, very terrible condition, on the soil. One (1) used to be here, and there is another one (1). After we finish with this there is another one (1) again there.” So it is amazing to see the doing of the greater revival that the Bible promised. He promised a mightier revival, an awesome revival with greater anointing and authority and power. It is awesome to see the latter wine, the latter Visitation, the latter Glory, the latter revival; the end revival.

Blessed people, these are signs, these are signs that THE MESSIAH is coming. So even as we get inundated, we get totally flooded and absorbed into the big situation, the Glory, the mechanics, the mechanisms and the outflow of His grace, the healings and all this, let us not lose, never lose sight, not lose focus, not lose the target. The aim is to prepare your souls, to summon the attention of your souls, and let you know that these are the signs that the latter Glory is here and THE MESSENGERS that prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH, THE FORERUNNERS who are holding a spade and a () in Swahili, preparing the Way —the road— are here, and THE MESSIAH is Coming. When you see the Advance Team, then you know THE KING is Coming. When you see the Advance Team of workers preparing the road, marking it, cleaning up, filling the potholes, then you know THE KING is soon going to pass here.

So I have seen tremendous healings. I see a lot of (), the lady, this little girl running now —walking. Some can see, I see their eyes are opened and it is a tremendous Visitation tomorrow, all over the Earth, wherever you are, even China. And, “I love the church in China.” Says THE LORD OF HOSTS. What an awesome time to be born again and to be alive, alive and born again. These are the days when THE LORD is separating out the church of CHRIST and He is saying, “This is where My favor is. This is where My presence is. This is Me. These are My people. This is the Way to eternity in Heaven.” It is absolutely clear now that only the church, only the church is the vehicle for transmitting mortal man into the glorious eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

And within the church, as you have noticed in Matthew 25 and what is happening right now —even in Kenya— within the church there are two (2) congregations. There is the congregation that has fallen in apostasy and there is the congregation of the oil and wine; the new oil which is the anointing, the latter anointing of GOD, and the new wine which is the power, the authority of that anointing. But They do not even leave the residence in Nairobi, and decree as far as Ivory Coast, as far as Maputo, wherever, people get healed. That is a wonder. That is the authority, the wine, the new wine of this oil, of this anointing, of this latter Glory, blessed people. And that is why at this hour He is showing me so many healings that will take place tomorrow.

And the doctors in the land —it is amazing to see Kenya. It is amazing to see, watch and observe Kenya. What do you see when you observe Kenya? You see a nation that THE LORD has spoken to and given instruction. And the churning that is going on by THE SPIRIT OF GOD it is shocking, it is fearful. People are going door-to-door, people are transmitting through broadcasting systems, people are going everywhere, including the national newspapers. They are writing —they have put the other cripple. I am told they have put precious Njoki that was pulling herself, pulling herself on the soil until the decree was made here, here in this residence, no stepping out, and stood up and is walking today and is even running now.

Even the national newspapers, The Standard newspaper has published. What a nation. What a nation. What a blessed nation. What a blessed paper. But it is awesome to see the churning of the nation by THE HOLY SPIRIT. People going —university students in groups reaching out, opening doors, “Is there a cripple? We are told there is a cripple here.” They saw where he is lying over there; he is right now lying there tired. You find them —sometimes they have relieved themselves on themselves, they are down there, no hope, abandoned. There is no injection in the hospital that could be injected on their legs to raise them up. But now I have good news for you that there is an injection and that is THE BLOOD OF JESUS.

And tomorrow is a wondrous day. Wonders. Wonders and miracles tomorrow; the power of THE MESSIAH, power of JESUS tomorrow. Hallelujah! So I have seen a lot of healings across the entire nation, and I have decreed that healing that tomorrow it will be mightier across the entire land and abroad. I have gone ahead of that healing service and now prepared the way for THE LORD to Visit His people even beyond the borders of this nation. This is too big; it is bigger than Kenya.

And so I see these little kids running, I see those who were blind seeing, now trying to reach out to things and objects. When they are given they try to reach out and when they are told to sit they still use their feelings; they see but they touch a bit also, learning, beginning to learn. I see adults, mature people who were crippled for life now getting up and learning to walk, they do not know how to do the hands, they are being taught. Big things, blessed people.

THE BLOOD OF JESUS is still flowing from Calvary, the wonder-working BLOOD OF JESUS. THE LORD has sent me to restore the power and the authority of THE BLOOD OF JESUS. He has sent me to restore the Ministry of THE MESSIAH that had gone down in apostasy and immorality. Now THE LORD has come back to restore His House.

I have seen THE MESSIAH Coming.

Repent and be holy. Receive JESUS. Be baptized.

People are being baptized left and right. It is amazing to see the churning, how THE HOLY SPIRIT is mixing the nation and churning and reordering the lives of the nation, the lives of the people in the nation. How beautiful. How powerful.

So beloved prepare for tomorrow. If by tomorrow the rapture will not have happened, just prepare for this Visitation. JEHOVAH YHWH is coming. GOD THE FATHER Himself is coming to vsit you tomorrow in a mega way at one instant across the entire nation.

I have seen THE MESSIAH coming

My LORD is Coming. My MASTER is Coming. My KING is Coming. My MASTER is Coming to you, Coming to take a holy church. Even as we enter this Visitation, let us prepare for the Coming of THE KING, CHRIST JESUS OF NAZARETH; the only Way to THE FATHER. How beautiful. What a mighty GOD to worship: CHRIST JESUS OF NAZARETH. And THE LORD has established, He has now established through this that the latter Glory is here, the latter MESSENGERS are here, that there is only one religion for all man —all man— the religion of THE CROSS OF JESUS and THE BLOOD.

Let us prepare, blessed people.

Heaven is beckoning man, mortal man.

Let us be holy and righteous. Turn away from sexual sin. Turn away from corruption, immorality, this nudity you see and orgies.

Let us prepare for the Coming of THE MESSIAH.

Be holy.

May THE LORD bless you.

Tomorrow, tomorrow is an appointment with THE LORD, an appointed day, an appointment between the people of GOD —the church with THE LORD tomorrow. Oh, people are being baptized across the entire land, people repenting across the entire land, receiving JESUS, crusades, door-to-door, doctors verifying, documenting cripples. How awesome a nation. How awesome an hour.

But this must enter China. This must enter Taiwan. It must enter Europe and the rest of Africa and the American continent and Australia and New Zealand.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah chaverim. Todah rabah. Todah, todah.

Prepare the Way.

Todah l’chaim. Todah.

Prophecy on Massive Healing Anointing Coming on April 28, 2019


Amen, now blessed people THE LORD has spoken with me again. After speaking with you this morning THE LORD has spoken with me again about the massive healing service that is coming up 6 days from here, and many nations can partake of this healing service. They can also assemble and be part of this tremendous healing service. But THE LORD JEHOVAH again spoke with me about this massive healing service that is coming up. After I finished the conversation and stopped the communication I was having with you this morning then THE LORD again now began to show me the details of the healing service. I see this baby who was totally blind, the eyes will open. There is a baby, I don’t know, two and a half years or so but totally blind and the eyes opened, I see cripples that walk.

There is going to be such a massive healing service and many blind people. THE LORD is saying that many blind people will see. THE LORD is going to open their eyes 6 days from now they will get new eyes and they will celebrate JESUS. They will be very thankful that JESUS went to the cross at Calvary. And they will be very thankful that He is Coming, that the grace that He has put ahead of Him, the grace that comes before His arrival is so enormous and awesome, it will open their eyes. The cripples walking, I see the cripples walking.

I see many, many conditions healed, wounds, people brain injuries, liver conditions, kidneys, people whose knees were crushed I see them walking again, new kneecaps. THE LORD is going to do big things 6 days from now. Again this morning after I finished communicating with you THE LORD slayed me, and when He slayed me then He showed me again the healing service, but this time with a lot of detail. And so again I urge you to gather in about 84 or 90 stadiums, you can do joint Services. Bring all sick into your joint Services, combine all the churches in your region, the Bishops know how to do this —the Senior Presiding Bishop— And bring all the sick, give every sick person, every cripple, every blind, every deaf, every mute, every sick person in this land, give them an opportunity.

Even in other countries that will gather, please give an opportunity to every person who is disabled, who is sick because this is a wonderful privilege THE LORD has opened here now. The massive Revival is coming to the land, THE LORD is loving the church again, He is loving the church in Kenya and He has come to bless the church in Kenya and the church globally. Because you know the meetings and the things that happen in Kenya here have a global implication into the bigger Body of CHRIST, the larger Body of CHRIST.

So I see this baby whose eyes have opened and I see many, many more blind eyes open across the land.

And it is my prayer that many nations will partake of this that they too, their blind may see. That they may partake of the latter visitation, the latter anointing of THE LORD that He is releasing at this hour. It will be a tragedy for any Nation to miss this, you know in the beginning THE LORD has given nations the opportunity to organize a meeting but you saw how they organized the meetings until THE LORD —THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD— withdrew His servants and decided to communicate and transmit the message from Kenya that you can gather in and do what Kenyans are doing. Kenyans are simply gathering in stadiums and tuning on the radio.

So the anointing that THE LORD has placed on THESE TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS has no spacial limitations and has no limitation in time also. So blessed people as Kenya continues to repent —And I told you this earlier that don’t feel sorry for Kenya because as they are repenting they are simply turning away from sin. Today they are wearing the sackcloth, turning away from sin and preparing for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. Probably the only country on the earth that wear sackcloth as a nation as an entire nation across the entire land and begins to repent of all sin and seek the face of THE LORD and seek righteousness and then THE LORD speak.

So other nations too can join, you can join this massive move of revival. And I see THE LORD speaking with me about Sweden eventually and many other countries. I see it from afar, I see from afar that after all this then THE LORD will missions to Peru, the mission to Sweden. I hear Sweden and so forth, so it means He will remember Europe again. But I see it from afar, I don’t know the time, I don’t know when, only THE LORD knows the time.

However the current Visitation that is coming to take place 6 days from now every single person whether it is thyroids, or it is bleeding disease, or it is breast tumors, or it is a brain cancer, or it is Leukemia, diabetes, dialysis, failure of your kidneys, whatever, crippled, blind, deaf, mute, lame, spinal cord injuries, paralytics, those with strokes, it doesn’t matter the condition. Even those in the hospitals.

So I know that there is a big conversation beginning this moment on in Kenya and beyond, especially in Kenya here. There is going to be a lot of movement, a lot of young men and Doctors and a lot of Nurses, Pastors rushing to hospitals letting them know in those ICU’s, in those wards that they can have a radio next to them and going deep in the villages to collect cripples. I just heard from Bishop Macharia, Senior Bishop Macharia, the presiding Bishop of Molo saying that we have —I quote him “We have so many cripples here in Molo”. What an awesome time that THE LORD has remembered the cripples in the land.

So Kenya this is a beautiful time. But continue repenting because you still need rain to fill the rivers, that the poor people may begin —all the nation, not just poor people. All people may begin plowing and planting late-season now. Continue repenting before THE LORD because THE LORD has raised homosexuality in the land. And remember Sodom and Gomorrah, what happened to them. Sodom and Gomorrah were so wicked in their homosexuality to the extent that they wanted to defile THE TWO ANGELS OF THE LORD, THE MESSENGERS OF THE LORD. Sodom and Gomorrah were so wicked, they were so wicked in homosexuality and sexual perversion, sexual sin, the way Kenya is. And they attempted to say “Let us defile THE MESSENGERS OF YHWH”. But you see what happened at Menengai 1 and 2. You saw that fire that came above my head, that is burning sulfur. Don’t let that fire touch down, that is the fire that touched down on Sodom and Gomorrah and incinerated them eternally, obliterated them from the face of life, the face of the Earth.

So Kenya needs to continue repenting, you need rain to come and fill your rivers so people may not go like I hear now on radio carrying blankets () to go sleep there as they wait for water in the line. Waking up at 4, at 3. Continue repenting in your heart. Continue repenting that THE LORD may fill the rivers, that you may have water to shower, water to drink, water to flush your restrooms. You need water Kenya, continue repenting, the land is dry and you heard from Senior Bishop Adufli yesterday that in that region where he is whenever there is a shortage of water as it is now, the herdsman fight one another —they kill one another for water and pasture. So please continue repenting.

But THE LORD has now loved Kenya, THE LORD is beginning to love Kenya because He has seen the condition of your hearts, the disposition of your hearts, the repentant disposition of your hearts. How beautiful. And I said in all this you are repenting because you fear the earthquakes, you are repenting because you fear the Sword of GOD, you are repenting because you fear the locusts. All these judgments THE LORD has spoken because of touching His MESSENGERS. But in the process you are essentially preparing the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. That is the advantage, that is why I said, let other nations not feel sorry for you. You are already seeing a massive revival, people are running to baptism, people are coming from the streets and repenting and receiving JESUS. I cry for the other nations and I am travailing for those Nations too. And I see from afar that THE LORD launches His SERVANTS again. But the blackmail, be ceased from blackmail. If you blackmail Them, THE LORD will not send Them to you.

I know this is a wicked generation, now look how THE LORD is loving Kenya. He is blessing Kenya today, He is saying their cripples were gets up. And when I finished the first conversation in the morning He slayed me again and showed me now the myriad of cripples, the blind and deaf and mute, and lame, paralytic, spinal cord injuries, broken knees, broken ribs, broken skulls, brain injuries that are going to be healed. It will be a Wonder, a Wonder, a big Wonder. And without going into detail, again presented the leaves, the precious leaves, the glorious leaves of the tree of life in Heaven again.

So this is an awesome Emissary, Envoi of GOD that is now trained, focused on Kenya. They have now riveted their eyes on Kenya. Kenya, THE LORD is loving you. That means THE LORD is loving the entire body of CHRIST globally.

I bless you the church of CHRIST in Kenya, I bless you the church of CHRIST that is repentant globally, that you may see the glorious Kingdom of GOD. Let us reject sin and ashame satan. Let us populate Heaven and depopulate hell, let satan go to hell alone. But be ceased from blackmail that THE LORD showed me some of you out there in those countries that I mentioned in my previous broadcast. Don’t blackmail THESE TWO, don’t try. The One that speaks with you holds the golden key, the golden key that can open for a nation or shut for a nation. You saw what happened yesterday, when they just announced a healing service that key opened and immediately THE LORD JEHOVAH brought them to the Throne Room and now it is a different story in Kenya, Visitations of GOD, Heaven is coming here again.

THE MESSIAH is coming blessed people. Israel is waiting for this moment also, they too want to connect back to THE GOD OF ISRAEL, JEHOVAH, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL. They want to see Him visit, want to see His CLOUD, they want to have a real relationship with Him. But now it is for the Gentile Nations, please capitalize on this, take advantage of this.

I see a lot of healings now. He has shown me a lot of cripples that are going to get up and walk, a lot of lame legs stretched, a lot of blind, a lot of deaf, mute, it is going to be historic here. And those Nations that will gather also. May THE LORD bless you, may THE LORD bless the bride of CHRIST. In the process as you repent you are preparing the Way for the Coming of THE MESSIAH. Turn away from sin, be holy, receive JESUS, step away from the pubs, the disco tech, immorality, the nudity. Sexual sin is the worst sin before THE LORD. It is different from all other sin because when you sin sexually you actually defile the very Temple of THE HOLY SPIRIT who is in you.

So this is the Pastor’s, turn away from immorality, turn away from flirting with the women, turn away from abortions and all these things, the gospel of prosperity. Let us focus on eternity, it is an awesome time. It is a blessed time to be a christian, a christian, a CHRIST follower, a follower of CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH.

THE KING is Coming. THE GLORIOUS KING is Coming. And the nations out there, once you are ready and you stop the blackmail, then THESE TWO PROPHETS are ready to come to you. As you see THE LORD —as you know He shows me everything going on in those countries. Now look, revival has come again, will you miss it? Make sure you grab this, you hold this, you take a hold of this wave. This wave is going to be mightier like I said. This is going to be the most historic Visitation ever, the most powerful Visitation. And GOD is launching those Visitations from Kenya. GOD is not democratic, He chooses and He is sovereign. But He is no respecter of nations and persons, so you can partake of these Visitations from all over the United States, all over Europe, Australia, Asia, everywhere. “I love the church in China” says THE LORD. So THE MESSIAH is Coming. Let us perpetually, consistently and constantly pursue righteousness, pursue holiness, turn away from sin, shun sin.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

THE LORD has blessed Kenya in a mighty way today and in so doing, by extension blessed the entire body of CHRIST. Wherever you are, whether you are sick in Australia, New Zealand, wherever, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Singapore. You can partake of these healing Services. Kenyans are simply tuning on the radio. I am not going to leave where I stay, the same decree will reach you. The Power of THE BLOOD OF JESUS. The wonder working BLOOD OF JESUS is still perculating, is still setting them free from sin. But be ceased from black mail. What a generation of blackmailers, be ceased —don’t touch THESE TWO, don’t touch Them. You know They hold the golden key. You will regret, you will suffer, you will cry. Don’t touch THESE TWO. And for Kenya, repent from homosexuality, and all the other countries too. And don’t try to touch THESE TWO. Don’t try to touch THESE MESSENGERS OF YHWH. Look at what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, look at what happened down there.

Beloved people prepare the Way THE MESSIAH is Coming. Turn to righteousness and shun evil. Prioritize your eternity in Heaven now. The announcement of the Coming of THE MESSIAH is not tomorrow. It is happening now, now, now.

Reject the moral decay of this world. Ohh, a generation of blackmailers. Don’t touch this, THE CLOUD OF GOD has settled on THESE TWO. Don’t touch Them. You will be shocked that you will be touching THE LORD Himself. I bless you Kenya, I bless the church in Kenya, I bless the entire body of CHRIST globally. The church in Kenya I thank you for being repentant. I really thank you, today I bless you for your repentant posture. Thank you, thank you for obeying the command of GOD: to repent and turn away from sin and prepare for the Coming of THE MESSIAH. How awesome.

Look, when you went today in your sackcloth to repent and then He came to say, look He loves you, The Visitation YHWH is Coming. So repentance always pays and when you went back now to your churches in that posture, in that disposition then He slayed me again and showed me, “Look go tell them, this is how much I am going to heal them 6 days from now”. How awesome, may THE LORD bless the church of CHRIST, the body of CHRIST globally. Those who observe in holiness. But for the blackmailers, THE LORD is waiting for you. Todah Shalom, THE MESSIAH is Coming. Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.



Well then blessed people, what a wonderful opportunity to come to you again at this time at about twenty two-zero-two—that is about 10 o’ clock, 2 minutes past 10:00 pm East African time, and I know there are different time zones, different places across the globe.

But I want to share with you a conversation, a continuing conversation, that THE LORD JEHOVAH did have with ME today—in the day beginning morning time towards the day. And THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke with ME in a very, very astounding manner today…in a very shocking manner.

And in that conversation THE LORD made ME look up into the sky, and when HE asked ME to look up into the sky; HE opened MY eyes so I can see far deep into the sky, really far deep. Far deep into the sky, really, really far deep—probably the farthest deep… I could look. And when I looked far deep into the sky. When I looked far deep into the sky, really farthest deep, highest high from the Earth; then I saw this mighty, mighty, mighty eagle. A mighty eagle, THE MIGHTIEST EAGLE of Heaven. And he was…

This eagle, THE MIGHTIEST GRAND MEGA EAGLE OF HEAVEN, HE came from Heaven. And HE was now farthest deep… into the sky, and flying around there. Flying up there, HE was flying up deep there, and you could see HIM meet THE GLORY, and THE GLORY spread on HIS wings, and HE was so huge up there. The huge EAGLE that came down from heaven and remained farthest deep into the sky. THE LORD opening MY eyes; so I can see farthest, farthest…very high up into the sky, the farthest any man has seen.

And from there I could see that this eagle is very huge, extremely huge from up there. Very huge with a huge expanse of his wings—a huge span of his wing. And you could see THE GLORY over his wings… flying, the glory is covering his wings. THE GLORY is flying and THE GLORY sometimes under his wings, and over his wings. And he goes and HE turns again, he comes this way and then he turns, he goes that way, slowly flying with maximum power. The mightiest, mightiest eagle from the Throne of God Almighty…and then at that time I woke up.

But we know very well that the eagle; that is GOD HIMSELF, that is now God. The eagle that is now GOD HIMSELF, that is now GOD YHWH HIMSELF. THE EAGLE that is now HE HIMSELF.

And we know that that is the same eagle that lifted the children of Israel from Egypt, under the EAGLE’S wings, all the way to the promised land.  The massive EAGLE from heaven.

The eagle that is now GOD HIMSELF, this huge eagle.  And at that time as I looked at HIM up there—flying, flying, I wondered “If HE IS  that huge up there, and how about when HE lands here; how huge is HE down here?”

THE MESSIAH is coming. THE LORD has spoken in the very fearful way blessed people, THE MESSIAH is coming. Be holy. Receive JESUS as LORD and Savior. Be born again, THE MESSIAH is coming.

We know too well that the eagle; that is GOD YHWH HIMSELF— that’s now GOD HIMSELF. The eagle is now GOD HIMSELF. The EAGLE is GOD HIMSELF.

May THE LORD bless you ,that your wisdom may not fail you. May THE LORD bless you. THE MESSIAH is coming. Todah rabah, todah l’haciam.

Instructions for SUNDAY SERVICE APRIL 21st, 2019

—Under the severest judgment of THE LORD JEHOVAH. And THE LORD JEHOVAH is no man, He is not a man that He can say something, command something, instruct something and then you get about it, avoid it and get away with it. THE LORD He is GOD, He created everybody that is alive and breathing and listening to me today. And so I just wanted to remind you that as you go at church tomorrow as Kenya —the church in Kenya— you need to make sure right at your Forward, you bring right at your front the following reality, that number one, the judgment of GOD ALMIGHTY is upon the land right now, now it’s official everybody knows. All people now know. And that THE LORD JEHOVAH had chosen this Nation among the gentile Nations to be a Nation from which He would launch the most promised, the most glorious latter wine, the most promised latter anointing, and the latter visitation that would prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

So that is absolutely clear to everybody you have seen the Visitation, the missions of THE LORD to this country. The Visitations of THE LORD to this country. GOD THE FATHER Himself has come and touched down and has visited here, He has visited His PROPHET, His MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE RAIN, THE PROPHET OF THE FIRE. He has visited Him here and you are seeing, most of you have recorded. You have even seen the fire, the burning sulfur that comes from Heaven, that comes and hovers next to His head, hanging around Him and going with Him wherever He is walking. He appointed the Glory of His presence, the dreadful Glory that removed Israel from Egypt. (2:25) He has settled that Glory upon Him and He has also sent GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT Himself who has actually lighted on Him. An event that only took place as you all know on THE MESSIAH. That was the way in which He identified THE MESSIAH to all the Nations, all the universe, and even the Angels of Heaven they saw when He identified THE MESSIAH by GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT coming down like a WHITE DOVE, a HUGE DOVE and lightning on Him. Even the Angels in Heaven got to know that, that is THE CHRIST, that is THE MESSIAH.

Again I repeat that number one: THE LORD had chosen, had chosen this Nation —and I don’t want to speak in the past. He has chosen this Nation to be the Nation among the gentiles, among the gentile world, the gentile church. He chose Kenya to be the Nation upon which, from which He would launch this Mega most promised, most glorious, most powerful, most authoritative latter Glory that was promised in the Bible that prepares the Way for the Glorious coming of CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH. That is absolutely clear and obvious to all people globally right now.

And number two you are also aware that, that visitation when has been a reality, has been realized in this land. That some of you have recorded that Visitation on video, when GOD Himself comes down into the meeting and overshadows, covers, envelopes He that speaks with you now, you have seen that. You have seen the wonders of the cripples walking, the blind seeing, leprosy cleansed, you have seen the enormous miracles of the Bible. Biblical miracles that you only read about. That is obvious that they have been seen here. So you have seen the wonders of GOD ALMIGHTY: The sun clapping, you have seen the collision of the neutron stars spoken here many years —13 years before the advent of that event and then later takes place 2017. And you have seen those wonders, then you have also seen the miracles: cripples walking, blind seeing, deaf hearing, mute speaking, paralytics walking, lame having even columns of legs added. And these wonders and miracles have been a reality, some of your children at home who are listening to me right now were crippled, and right now they’re sitting in those huts, and houses and living rooms listening to me right now. Those are people that were crippled in the dust, in the ashes, on the ground, on the sand and now they are (5:26) —you can send them for a cup, they can go to the shop, they are walking around. You have seen a wonder, you have seen the miracles that were promised in the latter Glory that will surpass the first rain.

And it is true though that when THE LORD does bring such Visitation to a Nation He also calls that Nation to a higher bar, to a higher level, a higher threshold of responsibility. He calls the people who are visited to be responsible, those people who have been visited to be responsible. Such a conversation has taken place in The Book of Exodus chapter 33 where there was that conversation with Israel, “how will we know? Now that THE CLOUD has come. How will the people of the Earth knows that we have been visited this much?” That is a conversation that is for another day. But it is in The Bible there and Kenya among the gentile Nations finds herself in this position with THE LORD raises the bar. He says, if you have been visited that much by My own Glory and presence and chosen among the gentile Nations to be able to lead this revival of preparing the Way, then it is required of you to be righteous, to be holy, the people of the visitation, the people being visited. It is demanded of them to be holy and righteous.

And there is a higher level, that is why for many times THE LORD has kept saying Kenya is a classroom, Kenya is the classroom, the mirror image that the other Nations are looking at and seeing if they can fit themselves to that image of how to be visited, how to realize this latter Glory. Millions coming to JESUS, holiness being preached, righteousness being preached across and trumpeted every day. The conversation, salvation, people been receiving THE LORD on a daily basis in large numbers, baptisms happening almost daily here. That is a Wonder, that tells you that Heaven has chosen you and Heaven has come down here. THE CLOUD OF GOD has come down, you have seen the Glorious Stairs of eternity, of everlasting life with GOD.

But it is in that context, in that backdrop that you cannot make the kind of obvious and deliberate blackmail that your media did commit in this land. Kenyan media did commit unforgivable, unforgivable blackmail, unforgivable blackmail because you ought to have known that THE HOLY SPIRIT Himself has settled on He that speaks with you. So if you attempt to touch Him you will be shocked that you have essentially touched THE HOLY SPIRIT Himself.

And all people know, globally now you know that the Ministry of These TWO is under the direct command of GOD THE FATHER Himself. They receive instruction directly from the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY. That is now obvious globally. And that is why I am saying in the backdrop of that you cannot be wicked, you cannot be evil to the extent that you step out of the line and cross the red line and then begin now to attempt to blackmail Them, to equalize Them. Some of your pastors, if you have seen some of your pastors in apostasy and sin and all. You see that this is a very high bar, “now let’s mix in, let us also force a scandal around Him” you cannot do that. That is what THE LORD is saying, and that is why THE LORD has not forgiven that. The judgment of GOD is upon the land.

If you are going to church tomorrow you need to be well aware that the judgment of THE LORD is now officially raining upon the land. And so tomorrows Services —I hope your Senior Archbishop already had a conversation with you— that the Services are repentance Services. You must begin with a major repentance session across the country —which I don’t want to direct radio broadcast, that is not my calling— But should be directed to churches (9:33) live broadcast from church to church. But National repentance must be taking place in your Sunday Services, why? Because THE LORD was very heartbroken as you can now tell. And these are the judgments THE LORD spoke over the land, number one earthquakes. And in that very severe conversation He shook the Nation, the entire Nation left and right, left and right, left and right violently. And then began —and when the building’s tumbled then He began to shake up and down, up as in to bring down every other structure that was left in the left and right shaking. Then the Voice spoke, by Voice He said “GOD is angry”. Then I understood that you broke the heart of THE LORD. You know it is very easy for me to come before you and say “Kenya for the sake of the Revival of CHRIST, for the sake of the coming CHRIST JESUS MESSIAH, THE CHRIST, the return of THE CHRIST, for the sake of the coming MESSIAH let us preserve the gains, preserve the revival, preserve this Way that has been prepared.”

But remember that there are certain things, they are certain —I have said this over and over again that there is a certain line that when you cross even I cannot remove you from there. There are certain basic requirements, basic irreducible, must needs that THE LORD has placed on this mission upon He that speaks with you, you cannot cross a certain line with Him and survive, and enter eternity and have peace with GOD, you cannot. And that’s why I may come before you and say “okay I forgive you let’s move on”. But remember He is directly under the command of GOD THE FATHER, who is sovereign. And He cannot accept certain things from you, especially that you benefited this much from this mission. That when you cross a certain red line even though I say “I forgive you” you see THE LORD will hold you to account. You have seen how severally I tried to resuscitate, to rescue the nation, I have tried to pull the nation from that kind of judgment but every time THE LORD has come back and spoken, come back and spoken, come back and spoken, as in —spoken judgement, spoken judgment —as in He has refused, as in, this one leave this one to me. As in they cannot cross this bar, they cannot cross this line. So He has spoken earthquakes coming to this country and the voice said “GOD is angry”.

And those earthquakes He has shown them to me severally. He has also closed Heaven over this land, there is no rain. So there is drought, and famine, and starvation in the land right now. The whole world is aware of what is happening in Kenya. (12:33) Global News Network, you hear them talking about how the Kenyan rains have not come, Kenyan rains have failed. How there is drought, a fear of famine coming to Kenya. He has also spoken about locusts coming. And remember based strictly on the words of my tongue, locusts have now appeared and they are beginning to eat crop and they are stinking, they’re smelling bad and they are toxic. When the cows eat them or eat the grass they have eaten the cows died, it is a severe situation. That is judgement. If you did not know, that is Judgement.

He has also spoken bloodshed that is coming to the land, He has also spoken a wild bear, a wild beast that is coming, a wild bear that is coming to devour the land. He has also spoken prior, The Fire of ELIJAH, The Fire of GOD coming all the way and burning the land, burning the people. I have seen it happening, they cannot run away. He has also spoken a terrible Beast, a wild beast that I described, as big as a cow, and the hair is standing along in vertebral column with a black mouth coming to devour being released from a cage. And HE has also spoken that if you do not repent He would take away the revival and you would go to hell.

So as you go to church tomorrow you need to be very cognizant of the fact that THE LORD has spoken judgment over this Nation, it is absolutely obvious that THE LORD has spoken judgment. And the judgment of THE LORD is beginning to take hold, already a very severe warning is taking place in this land, the terrible famine, the drought, people are saying they have to wake up very early, at 4, to go look for water. Famine in the land, drought in the land.

And so THE LORD has spoken very clearly to this Nation. In The Book of Jeremiah chapter 18 verse 7, I’m reading Amplified “At one time I will suddenly speak concerning a Nation or a kingdom that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it” —*repeating* pluck up, break down and destroy it —“If the people of that Nation concerning which I have spoken turns from their evil” —turns from their evil means repent, repent from that evil and sin they had committed— “I will relent and reverse my decision concerning the evil that I thought to do to them.”

It is absolutely clear that THE LORD is saying that this judgment comes with a fair— this is a fair judgement because it comes with council. He says “If you repent then THE LORD is able to rescue you”. And many times, beginning from Kakamega, He that speaks with you has commanded Heaven to open and in less than a minute rain came down. The whole world is aware of this, that video has gone viral, it is global. It is all over the world, that is the identity, those are the stripes of He that speaks with you. I even shared with you how He took me back to Mount Carmel, and showed me how I destroyed all the false prophets and commanded the Heaven to open.

But He has made it so clear to you here in Kakamega, that video is global, it is free of charge, everybody knows. And commanded Heaven to open and rain came down in less than one minute. You have seen it, it also happened in Elvägen. Then it happened in Njoro, then it also happened in Eldama Ravine, Nigeria, Kisii, Lima Peru. That is repeatability enough for you to understand whom to run to that you may get your rain back.

But I am saying that as you prepare to go to church tomorrow remember that the judgment of THE LORD is over this land. And within this land there are TWO PROPHETS who are walking here that you and your leaders need to approach, you need to approach them in repentance and remorse. And when you approach them in repentance and remorse —a National repentance— then THE LORD is fair and just enough to be able to restore you. Remember there is a revival here, the end revival. Millions are coming to CHRIST, thousands of cripples are now walking, more than one thousand blind eyes, one thousand something are seeing. About forty or fifty something, I think fifty-two HIV/AIDS who are negative ever since THE LORD healed them. Their blood is negative they are not on ARVs anymore. Tested every single year, several times a year, totally deleted. Those are wonders, the lame walking. And remember THE MESSIAH is coming and remember the nations are watching. Yes indeed it is true that when you repent not only does THE LORD restore you, but also prepares you for the Glorious Kingdom of Heaven whose Stairs you have recorded.

And yes it is also true that Capernaum had been visited in a manner less than you. And yet when Capernaum (18:07) and drifted away to sin and wickedness as your media did recently then THE LORD cursed Capernaum and judged Capernaum, the entire city, not one person. To the extent that Capernaum is now a monument. Yes it is true that when homosexuality was rite in Sodom and Gomorrah THE LORD then judged the entire Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes it is true that while Capernaum saw less miracles, the cripples probably you count on one hand, you have seen more so more is expected of you. So I expect that tomorrows Services will observe a session of repentance. Because you are aware that there is a raging judgment of GOD upon the land. I know that the benefits and the gains of Revival are tremendous. Today there were many baptisms, people are receiving THE LORD across the land, there is a lot of repentance by people who were born again and making themselves right with THE LORD that is alright cripples are walking around all right.

But the judgment of THE LORD is over this land, is upon this land. Earthquakes, closed Heavens, drought, starvation, famine, locusts, bloodshed, bear coming to devour them. The Fire of ELIJAH falling from Heaven, the terrible beast with a black mouth coming to devour them. And going to hell in the event that you don’t repent. THE MESSIAH is coming, He that speaks with you has seen the Coming of THE MESSIAH. Please obey and repent, let Kenya repent, the Nations are watching. At first they watched how you carried this PROPHET speaking with you, THE CLOUD OF GOD coming and settling on Him. Announcing to the Nations that when I go to such a meeting GOD THE FATHER will descend in His Glory, His most Dreadful CLOUD that brought Israel out of Egypt and then those things have happened as prophesied by He that speaks with you.

But that calls for greater responsibility. And that is why many Nations trembled when they saw the way you were carrying THESE TWO, the way you were hosting THESE TWO. The benefits are immense including eternal, everlasting life with GOD Almighty in Heaven, evading hell, not going to hell. But with all that comes a greater responsibility, and a greater demand from THE LORD on how you carry this revival. Remember this is the grand finale. Remember the first church did their part and passed on the baton, if you destroy it now you destroy for all, the entire body of CHRIST. You destroy it for THE MESSIAH and for Heaven. So this is the finishing line, this is the church that has the baton and she is running to the finishing line with the baton and yet you want to slide and fall and remain on the ground. You should get up, dust yourself off and run to the finishing line. May your wisdom not fail you Kenya, may you repent and receive the Glorious Kingdom of GOD. May you see the Glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, My LORD and My Savior. My SENDER, THE COMING KING, may you prepare the Way for the Coming of THE MESSIAH, thank you. Todah Shalom.



…National repentance, That takes place urgently May 19th—owing to the situation you see in the country. And it is absolutely true that this Nation needs to repent because you can see there is no rain that the Heavens are closed on this land. And it is also true that this Nation knows whom they need to go before that HE may speak to THE LORD. Whom THE LORD has given Authority to command Heaven to open —and this has happened in their the eyes of the Earth. It happened in Lima, Peru just the other day, happened also in Lagos, Nigeria. It happened also in: Kisii, Kenya, in Eldama Ravine, Njoro, in Kakamega.

I think that it is enough repeatability to affirm on whom THE LORD has bestowed the Authority to decree and to speak to the clouds, the rain clouds—and they attend duty to HIS Words.

But its also true that The Nation needs to repent on May 19th. And that is going to be a very, very important day for this country. And it is absolutely true that all the leaders, all the people, everybody to assemble, one man, and observe a sacred holy assembly of THE LORD that they may cry to THE LORD on the big blasphemy and blackmail that was done just a few weeks ago here. When the Kenya media decided to take it upon themselves to blackmail THE LORD, —and they thought they were ‘searching’ on man. They thought they were blackmailing man and ridiculing man:mockery, slander, character assassination, photoshopping pictures and videos, and what.

But it is also absolutely true, it is completely true that this Nation is aware that THE PROPHET OF THE LORD, THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD THE LORD has brought to this land that this land is hosting —has brought benefits to this land. Also thousands of cripples are walking, those who had no help from any medical facility, lots of thousands now.

Probably one thousand something blind eyes are seeing, born totally blind, people that were in total darkness, they can see, Cynthia Wanjiku, many others in Njeri, (), you know all these people. You know all of them, they are walking this land.

And it is absolutely true that thousands of deaf now can hear, some of them have become teachers now in normal schools. Some are in normal schools, doing normal life—and these are big things. HIV AIDS has been healed only this country, not even in Israel, only in this country.

It is absolutely true that if this Nation will gather as one man in a sacred assembly and observe a holy assembly on to THE LORD —and fast on that day you know and appear before JEHOVAH ELOHIM, The God of Israel, The Mighty God Of Heaven.

Then it is true at that point in time that THE LORD will speak to HIS SERVANTS and cause HIS SERVANTS to stand before the mighty Council of Heaven, the council that gives you life on a daily basis, gives breath to every living human being that wakes up in the morning. The Creator of all the universe and all man— HE created all people, all persons, all children, all authorities, all leaders, all, all thrones, and powers, and kingdoms, and kings.

And then HE will stand, THE LORD will cause HIM to stand before Heaven and before JEHOVAH YHWH HIS Friend and command that now Heaven be open—the Heavens be opened over the land and the rain comes.

And it is true that this Nation needs to repent. And that that repentance is going to be a major opening that whenever such a council, such a warning comes from THE LORD as we’ve read from the book of Jeremiah 18 again and again verse 7 on. That whenever THE LORD does instruct that there is wickedness in the land, there is evil in the land, there is sexual immorality, homosexuality, abortions are in the land, prostitution is in the land, bloodshed is in the land. There are daily murders from situations of babies being aborted and all this you know, and robberies; you know all these things demand repentance. There is corruption, lies, everything, slander, malice, wickedness is in the land.

HE that speaks with you has become also now a victim of your wickedness, but thank God HE’s standing with THE CLOUD OF GOD. You cannot reach HIM with your soiling —that’s why it cannot stick.

However, we cannot be blind to the fact that there is tremendous increase of wickedness as promised in the Bible that is right now happening in this land that THE LORD so happened to have chosen to launch forth this latter glory, this most coveted glory —the glory that is not even your right as a Nation.

And so may 19th is going to be very important. And it is true it is going to be an opening on that day again, it’s going to open big door for this country, if they repent—you people, the Nation of Kenya will repent, then THE LORD will do many things; even the most promised healing service.

THE LORD has promised a deeper and fresher healing anointing, I’ve seen it. And HE has spoken about it repeatedly even in the recent past, even this week only that I have not shared with you because of the current situation of the judgment of THE LORD that is reigning on the land.

You hear locust has broken out according to the words of MY tongue in Western Kakamega, Butere —and the Locust are stinky, they have a smell and when the cows eat what they have eaten; the cows are dying. You know these are acts that everybody can tell are the Judgment of THE LORD coming into the land, has entered the land —the drought, the starvation. I have seen the worst end, the worst form of this. But it is also true that THE LORD is very just and faithful () open The Heavens and bring rain and bring remission to HIS people.

()The most promised healing service, much promised healing service, the greater healing anointing, the most historic healing anointing that has never visited the Earth that THE LORD showed ME at HIS Throne Room. And THE GLORY OF THE LORD came like a mist and flowed —over ME like this in front of GOD THE FATHER. And HE said, “This is the tremendous fresh healing anointing, the fresher anointing.” When HE took the leaves of the Tree of Life and placed in MY hand they blossom into a tremendous wonderful garden beautiful garden. And HE said, “These are for the healing of the Nations as you prepare the way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.”

So it is absolutely true that that promised of the healing service is on and awaiting when Kenya will return. When Kenya will repent, when Kenya will be able to Humble before THE LORD as one man in a sacred assembly, a holy assembly and ask THE LORD for forgiveness.

It is true also that whenever you read the Bible you see that as far as HIS MIGHTIEST PROPHETS are concerned, even HE that speaks with you, if you look at the coming —you find there is a red line you cannot cross.

But I’m saying that the promise of the massive healing anointing, the massive healing service never seen before.() and before the Nations because many Nations were also preparing their sick that you may not only have the 84 stadiums in public squares in Kenya. The state of that massive healing service I will stand from Nairobi here.

But they knew that when THE LORD does make that command, it has no special limitation. So many Nations are also awaiting when THE LORD does command the cripples to rise up and walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear that many nations will gather too with their sick and partake the benefits of this visitation currently ongoing on the Earth.

So that’s why it’s very important sometimes to understand the responsibility given a nation. When THE LORD gives you the responsibility to carry this revival and THE CLOUD OF GOD comes and descends into the land on THE SERVANT OF THE LORD in that land —and you are the ones hosting THESE TWO PROPHETS OF ETERNITY. Very, very powerful to understand that it’s a big responsibility —because a little glitch, a little mistake or error does affect also the other Nations.

Indeed also absolutely true that Heaven is crying for God’s lost people, God’s chosen people, the lost sheep of Jacob. And yes it is true, I was sent to the lost sheep of Jacob, the lost sheep of Israel.

And even this past night you could see a lot of pressure from Israel. I could see people from Israel calling, ‘Please come to us. Please come to Israel. Bring the message to Israel, come restore us also.’ There’s a big conversation behind the scenes; some of which I don’t share like this past night when now again THE LORD showed ME a lot of people in Israel. They have recognized that THE LORD is visiting, THE GOD ISRAEL is visiting. And they were saying, ‘Please come to us. Please come to Israel. Please come restore us also. Please come rebuke our sin also.”

So It is also important to understand that when this happens then it means that the ‘Rapture’ of the church is also near. Because the Bible is very clear on the prophetic timeline of JEHOVAH on the Redemptive mission of the Gentile Nations, the Gentile Church and also on the agenda for the national Revival of Israel. And that comes when THE LORD has finished with the Gentile mission as you read from the book of Romans chapter 11.

And so I know that for now THE LORD is going to keep THESE TWO PROPHETS in the Kenya here. But the conversation on THEIR mission beyond the Gentile Church is always continuing that’s why every privilege, every moment, every meeting must be taken as —gracia, as added grace, as extra time, extra blessing that THE LORD is laying before the Gentile Nations, extra opportunity for repentance, and for being holy, for receiving JESUS, for being born again, for being righteous, for ensuring that you understand that “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD”, for making sure every endeavor, every part of your lifestyle adheres to the holiness requirements of THE LORD.

So that is going to be absolutely very critical and very important. Again, like I said, even tonight THE LORD could show ME a lot of Israelis saying, ‘Please come, please come. We have seen that THE LORD is visiting The Nations. Please come to us, also come restore us also.” But I know that for now THE LORD is going to launch HIS missions to all Nations from Kenya.

So Kenya is being given this wonderful privilege and opportunity to be able to host this revival. But THE LORD is asking that you may host it —responsibly, with responsibility, understanding that whatever you do here has repercussions and consequence to the revival, the global revival of the Gentile Nations. And yet you know that the time is over.

I prophesied ‘The Glorious Stairs Of Heaven.’ And in that prophecy of January 15th, 2017 I saw the church climbing up the stairs of God —going into eternity. And you see THE LORD on March 11th, 2018, lowered those stairs into the sky. And most of you are able to record them on your cell phone and camera and share on social media and globally.

So surely the coming of THE MESSIAH is near —there’s no question about that. But it is important that now the Christians work on the quality of the salvations. They make repentance the benchmark of their hearts. They make righteousness the standard of their living. And they make holiness, the strive, endeavor of their salvation. Because the Bible says in Hebrews 12:14, at the end of it HE says, “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

So it is true that there is a promised visitation coming to Kenya. But it strictly depends on wether all people, literally everybody will assemble on May 19th, May 19th at Central Park in Nairobi and observe a sacred assembly before THE LORD and repent before THE LORD. Repent of all sin in the land including the blackmail that the media attempted on THESE TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH. It is also true that when THE LORD sent THESE TWO PROPHETS it is now that the privilege and the advantage has been given you the church of this hour of this generation to see that there is TWO —to see that THEY have Angelic character, to see that THEY don’t come in the normal form. And the voice of THE LORD in the dream said, “In days past before THE MESSIAH came HE did not reveal that THEY were TWO that only now to this generation and church HE has now opened up and revealed THEY are TWO, but it was the same before THE MESSIAH came.”

So these are advantages you have. THEY have only done good. THEY have only preached holiness. THEY have only rebuked sin. THEY have only rebuked wickedness. THEY have only preached righteousness and holiness. And THEY have only announced the coming of THE MESSIAH. THEY have only raised your cripples that were on the dust soiling themselves there abandoned and forgotten. THEY have only open the blind eyes of your beloved ones and loved ones. THEY have only opened the deaf ears. So THEY have come to accomplish the mission of THE MESSIAH; to prepare the way for the coming of THE MESSIAH.

And so if you will take responsibility, act responsibly in hosting them as Kenya ;then the promised greater revival, the most historic healing service that was spoken to THE LORD to this land through THESE TWO PROPHETS will materialize, will come to realize, come to fruition that appointed time of visitation will come. And how awesome to see those visitations before THE MESSIAH comes.

And so let all Christians globally shun sin and live responsibly and avoid this porousness, the modernism that you see has compromised your holiness. God is not trying to humiliate you as a Christian. You can live your life comfortable but stay away from sin. Every single human being has capacity to detect sin and shun sin. THE LORD is saying, HE’s saying, “HE’s not coming to you to downgrade you, or down grace you.” I know the fear that the present-day church is that ‘Look I’m so much used to my friends. I’m so much used to my job. I’m so much used to my things. I’m so much used to my dressings. I’m so much used to my what.” But THE LORD is saying that, “You have capacity to detect what is sin, what is unholy.”

And owing to what is at stake now, owing to the hour, owing to the fact that THE MESSIAH is coming and the clock has ticked —time has changed, time has passed. Then HE expects that the prioritization, you ought to prioritize on righteousness and the eternity that you will have with God in Heaven. The eternity in the glorious, the eternity of everlasting life not everlasting judgement —eternal judgement in Hell. THE LORD expects you to be rational enough to make those decisions between Hell and Heaven now and choose Heaven.

I have occasionally read from Ecclesiastes 3:11, Where I said “THE LORD was so generous that HE put in each one of every single person the capacity to detect eternity, the benefits of eternity in Heaven, not in hell, in Heaven and choose Heaven with God and choose God in holiness and choose righteousness and begin to work on your future with THE LORD.” Life on the earth here is only maximum less than 90 years. Normally after 90, ‘Q.O.L; what we know as ‘Q.O.L’, quality of life goes down to the tomb. You now accumulate all those funny things in your body, diseases and all this you know. And then the quality of life at 90 is now. So maximum you can live is probably 90 for those countries that are so-called ‘First world.’

But eternity of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the New Jerusalem that I have seen. in Heaven where THE LORD normally brings ME, where I pick instruction from. Eternity in Heaven is tremendous, it is eternity it is everlasting —it goes beyond 90 years. After 1 trillion years are over; eternity has not yet begun in Heaven.

So it is really profitable and advantageous and rational to make a decision, a rational decision that, ‘I will choose righteousness and holiness.’ So this generation is sitting at an advantage because they can weigh the disadvantages of going to hell and shun sin. And with that capacity HE has placed in each of your souls to detect everlasting life and choose it; then you can choose eternity with Heaven with God.

You can be born again in CHRIST JESUS, receive JESUS, Shun everything that is evil. And good enough that HE has sent us THE HOLY SPIRIT to awaken you to Kindle your hearts on anything that is evil and shun it and everything that is holy and choose it and empower you.

So may THE LORD bless you. Again, may your wisdom Kenya not fail you as you prepare for the grand, grand healing service. But that healing service is incumbent is strictly based, THE LORD has tagged it now on the mega repentance that is coming May 19th —you’l; either have it or not. You’ll either have that healing service or not because THE LORD is no man that you can blackmail HIM or trick or twist HIM, twist HIS arm.

HE is now spoken and said, “May 19th is very critical to open a new chapter for this Nation that they may find remission If they will repent.” Then THE LORD will see will speak with ME. HE’ll ask ME, HE’ll tell ME exactly what to do. And then after that of course comes the greater visitation and revival.

So may THE LORD help you to choose HIM. May THE LORD bless you Kenya to be responsible in hosting this coveted Revival

Again like I’ve said, there is so much pressure. Even the people in Israel are saying, “Please come to us, come to us.” I see them. Even this night I was seeing, “Come to us, come prepare us also. Come rebuke our sin also. Come talk to us about JEHOVAH. We see that God is visiting the Nations, visiting Kenya right now, even want a visitation.”

But every nation is longing for this: the United States, Europe, Australia, Asia, China. Everyone is longing for this Kenya; therefore rise up. Rise up Kenya, be responsible and repent that the Revival may continue.

May THE LORD bless you, thank you.



…National repentance, That takes place urgently May 19th—owing to the situation you see in the country. And it is absolutely true that this Nation needs to repent because you can see there is no rain that the Heavens are closed on this land. And it is also true that this Nation knows whom they need to go before that HE may speak to THE LORD. Whom THE LORD has given Authority to command Heaven to open —and this has happened in their the eyes of the Earth. It happened in Lima, Peru just the other day, happened also in Lagos, Nigeria. It happened also in: Kisii, Kenya, in Eldama Ravine, Njoro, in Kakamega.

I think that it is enough repeatability to affirm on whom THE LORD has bestowed the Authority to decree and to speak to the clouds, the rain clouds—and they attend duty to HIS Words.

But its also true that The Nation needs to repent on May 19th. And that is going to be a very, very important day for this country. And it is absolutely true that all the leaders, all the people, everybody to assemble, one man, and observe a sacred holy assembly of THE LORD that they may cry to THE LORD on the big blasphemy and blackmail that was done just a few weeks ago here. When the Kenya media decided to take it upon themselves to blackmail THE LORD, —and they thought they were ‘searching’ on man. They thought they were blackmailing man and ridiculing man:mockery, slander, character assassination, photoshopping pictures and videos, and what.

But it is also absolutely true, it is completely true that this Nation is aware that THE PROPHET OF THE LORD, THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD THE LORD has brought to this land that this land is hosting —has brought benefits to this land. Also thousands of cripples are walking, those who had no help from any medical facility, lots of thousands now.

Probably one thousand something blind eyes are seeing, born totally blind, people that were in total darkness, they can see, Cynthia Wanjiku, many others in Njeri, (), you know all these people. You know all of them, they are walking this land.

And it is absolutely true that thousands of deaf now can hear, some of them have become teachers now in normal schools. Some are in normal schools, doing normal life—and these are big things. HIV AIDS has been healed only this country, not even in Israel, only in this country.

It is absolutely true that if this Nation will gather as one man in a sacred assembly and observe a holy assembly on to THE LORD —and fast on that day you know and appear before JEHOVAH ELOHIM, The God of Israel, The Mighty God Of Heaven.

Then it is true at that point in time that THE LORD will speak to HIS SERVANTS and cause HIS SERVANTS to stand before the mighty Council of Heaven, the council that gives you life on a daily basis, gives breath to every living human being that wakes up in the morning. The Creator of all the universe and all man— HE created all people, all persons, all children, all authorities, all leaders, all, all thrones, and powers, and kingdoms, and kings.

And then HE will stand, THE LORD will cause HIM to stand before Heaven and before JEHOVAH YHWH HIS Friend and command that now Heaven be open—the Heavens be opened over the land and the rain comes.

And it is true that this Nation needs to repent. And that that repentance is going to be a major opening that whenever such a council, such a warning comes from THE LORD as we’ve read from the book of Jeremiah 18 again and again verse 7 on. That whenever THE LORD does instruct that there is wickedness in the land, there is evil in the land, there is sexual immorality, homosexuality, abortions are in the land, prostitution is in the land, bloodshed is in the land. There are daily murders from situations of babies being aborted and all this you know, and robberies; you know all these things demand repentance. There is corruption, lies, everything, slander, malice, wickedness is in the land.

HE that speaks with you has become also now a victim of your wickedness, but thank God HE’s standing with THE CLOUD OF GOD. You cannot reach HIM with your soiling —that’s why it cannot stick.

However, we cannot be blind to the fact that there is tremendous increase of wickedness as promised in the Bible that is right now happening in this land that THE LORD so happened to have chosen to launch forth this latter glory, this most coveted glory —the glory that is not even your right as a Nation.

And so may 19th is going to be very important. And it is true it is going to be an opening on that day again, it’s going to open big door for this country, if they repent—you people, the Nation of Kenya will repent, then THE LORD will do many things; even the most promised healing service.

THE LORD has promised a deeper and fresher healing anointing, I’ve seen it. And HE has spoken about it repeatedly even in the recent past, even this week only that I have not shared with you because of the current situation of the judgment of THE LORD that is reigning on the land.

You hear locust has broken out according to the words of MY tongue in Western Kakamega, Butere —and the Locust are stinky, they have a smell and when the cows eat what they have eaten; the cows are dying. You know these are acts that everybody can tell are the Judgment of THE LORD coming into the land, has entered the land —the drought, the starvation. I have seen the worst end, the worst form of this. But it is also true that THE LORD is very just and faithful () open The Heavens and bring rain and bring remission to HIS people.

()The most promised healing service, much promised healing service, the greater healing anointing, the most historic healing anointing that has never visited the Earth that THE LORD showed ME at HIS Throne Room. And THE GLORY OF THE LORD came like a mist and flowed —over ME like this in front of GOD THE FATHER. And HE said, “This is the tremendous fresh healing anointing, the fresher anointing.” When HE took the leaves of the Tree of Life and placed in MY hand they blossom into a tremendous wonderful garden beautiful garden. And HE said, “These are for the healing of the Nations as you prepare the way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.”

So it is absolutely true that that promised of the healing service is on and awaiting when Kenya will return. When Kenya will repent, when Kenya will be able to Humble before THE LORD as one man in a sacred assembly, a holy assembly and ask THE LORD for forgiveness.

It is true also that whenever you read the Bible you see that as far as HIS MIGHTIEST PROPHETS are concerned, even HE that speaks with you, if you look at the coming —you find there is a red line you cannot cross.

But I’m saying that the promise of the massive healing anointing, the massive healing service never seen before.() and before the Nations because many Nations were also preparing their sick that you may not only have the 84 stadiums in public squares in Kenya. The state of that massive healing service I will stand from Nairobi here.

But they knew that when THE LORD does make that command, it has no special limitation. So many Nations are also awaiting when THE LORD does command the cripples to rise up and walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear that many nations will gather too with their sick and partake the benefits of this visitation currently ongoing on the Earth.

So that’s why it’s very important sometimes to understand the responsibility given a nation. When THE LORD gives you the responsibility to carry this revival and THE CLOUD OF GOD comes and descends into the land on THE SERVANT OF THE LORD in that land —and you are the ones hosting THESE TWO PROPHETS OF ETERNITY. Very, very powerful to understand that it’s a big responsibility —because a little glitch, a little mistake or error does affect also the other Nations.

Indeed also absolutely true that Heaven is crying for God’s lost people, God’s chosen people, the lost sheep of Jacob. And yes it is true, I was sent to the lost sheep of Jacob, the lost sheep of Israel.

And even this past night you could see a lot of pressure from Israel. I could see people from Israel calling, ‘Please come to us. Please come to Israel. Bring the message to Israel, come restore us also.’ There’s a big conversation behind the scenes; some of which I don’t share like this past night when now again THE LORD showed ME a lot of people in Israel. They have recognized that THE LORD is visiting, THE GOD ISRAEL is visiting. And they were saying, ‘Please come to us. Please come to Israel. Please come restore us also. Please come rebuke our sin also.”

So It is also important to understand that when this happens then it means that the ‘Rapture’ of the church is also near. Because the Bible is very clear on the prophetic timeline of JEHOVAH on the Redemptive mission of the Gentile Nations, the Gentile Church and also on the agenda for the national Revival of Israel. And that comes when THE LORD has finished with the Gentile mission as you read from the book of Romans chapter 11.

And so I know that for now THE LORD is going to keep THESE TWO PROPHETS in the Kenya here. But the conversation on THEIR mission beyond the Gentile Church is always continuing that’s why every privilege, every moment, every meeting must be taken as —gracia, as added grace, as extra time, extra blessing that THE LORD is laying before the Gentile Nations, extra opportunity for repentance, and for being holy, for receiving JESUS, for being born again, for being righteous, for ensuring that you understand that “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD”, for making sure every endeavor, every part of your lifestyle adheres to the holiness requirements of THE LORD.

So that is going to be absolutely very critical and very important. Again, like I said, even tonight THE LORD could show ME a lot of Israelis saying, ‘Please come, please come. We have seen that THE LORD is visiting The Nations. Please come to us, also come restore us also.” But I know that for now THE LORD is going to launch HIS missions to all Nations from Kenya.

So Kenya is being given this wonderful privilege and opportunity to be able to host this revival. But THE LORD is asking that you may host it —responsibly, with responsibility, understanding that whatever you do here has repercussions and consequence to the revival, the global revival of the Gentile Nations. And yet you know that the time is over.

I prophesied ‘The Glorious Stairs Of Heaven.’ And in that prophecy of January 15th, 2017 I saw the church climbing up the stairs of God —going into eternity. And you see THE LORD on March 11th, 2018, lowered those stairs into the sky. And most of you are able to record them on your cell phone and camera and share on social media and globally.

So surely the coming of THE MESSIAH is near —there’s no question about that. But it is important that now the Christians work on the quality of the salvations. They make repentance the benchmark of their hearts. They make righteousness the standard of their living. And they make holiness, the strive, endeavor of their salvation. Because the Bible says in Hebrews 12:14, at the end of it HE says, “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

So it is true that there is a promised visitation coming to Kenya. But it strictly depends on wether all people, literally everybody will assemble on May 19th, May 19th at Central Park in Nairobi and observe a sacred assembly before THE LORD and repent before THE LORD. Repent of all sin in the land including the blackmail that the media attempted on THESE TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH. It is also true that when THE LORD sent THESE TWO PROPHETS it is now that the privilege and the advantage has been given you the church of this hour of this generation to see that there is TWO —to see that THEY have Angelic character, to see that THEY don’t come in the normal form. And the voice of THE LORD in the dream said, “In days past before THE MESSIAH came HE did not reveal that THEY were TWO that only now to this generation and church HE has now opened up and revealed THEY are TWO, but it was the same before THE MESSIAH came.”

So these are advantages you have. THEY have only done good. THEY have only preached holiness. THEY have only rebuked sin. THEY have only rebuked wickedness. THEY have only preached righteousness and holiness. And THEY have only announced the coming of THE MESSIAH. THEY have only raised your cripples that were on the dust soiling themselves there abandoned and forgotten. THEY have only open the blind eyes of your beloved ones and loved ones. THEY have only opened the deaf ears. So THEY have come to accomplish the mission of THE MESSIAH; to prepare the way for the coming of THE MESSIAH.

And so if you will take responsibility, act responsibly in hosting them as Kenya ;then the promised greater revival, the most historic healing service that was spoken to THE LORD to this land through THESE TWO PROPHETS will materialize, will come to realize, come to fruition that appointed time of visitation will come. And how awesome to see those visitations before THE MESSIAH comes.

And so let all Christians globally shun sin and live responsibly and avoid this porousness, the modernism that you see has compromised your holiness. God is not trying to humiliate you as a Christian. You can live your life comfortable but stay away from sin. Every single human being has capacity to detect sin and shun sin. THE LORD is saying, HE’s saying, “HE’s not coming to you to downgrade you, or down grace you.” I know the fear that the present-day church is that ‘Look I’m so much used to my friends. I’m so much used to my job. I’m so much used to my things. I’m so much used to my dressings. I’m so much used to my what.” But THE LORD is saying that, “You have capacity to detect what is sin, what is unholy.”

And owing to what is at stake now, owing to the hour, owing to the fact that THE MESSIAH is coming and the clock has ticked —time has changed, time has passed. Then HE expects that the prioritization, you ought to prioritize on righteousness and the eternity that you will have with God in Heaven. The eternity in the glorious, the eternity of everlasting life not everlasting judgement —eternal judgement in Hell. THE LORD expects you to be rational enough to make those decisions between Hell and Heaven now and choose Heaven.

I have occasionally read from Ecclesiastes 3:11, Where I said “THE LORD was so generous that HE put in each one of every single person the capacity to detect eternity, the benefits of eternity in Heaven, not in hell, in Heaven and choose Heaven with God and choose God in holiness and choose righteousness and begin to work on your future with THE LORD.” Life on the earth here is only maximum less than 90 years. Normally after 90, ‘Q.O.L; what we know as ‘Q.O.L’, quality of life goes down to the tomb. You now accumulate all those funny things in your body, diseases and all this you know. And then the quality of life at 90 is now. So maximum you can live is probably 90 for those countries that are so-called ‘First world.’

But eternity of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the New Jerusalem that I have seen. in Heaven where THE LORD normally brings ME, where I pick instruction from. Eternity in Heaven is tremendous, it is eternity it is everlasting —it goes beyond 90 years. After 1 trillion years are over; eternity has not yet begun in Heaven.

So it is really profitable and advantageous and rational to make a decision, a rational decision that, ‘I will choose righteousness and holiness.’ So this generation is sitting at an advantage because they can weigh the disadvantages of going to hell and shun sin. And with that capacity HE has placed in each of your souls to detect everlasting life and choose it; then you can choose eternity with Heaven with God.

You can be born again in CHRIST JESUS, receive JESUS, Shun everything that is evil. And good enough that HE has sent us THE HOLY SPIRIT to awaken you to Kindle your hearts on anything that is evil and shun it and everything that is holy and choose it and empower you.

So may THE LORD bless you. Again, may your wisdom Kenya not fail you as you prepare for the grand, grand healing service. But that healing service is incumbent is strictly based, THE LORD has tagged it now on the mega repentance that is coming May 19th —you’l; either have it or not. You’ll either have that healing service or not because THE LORD is no man that you can blackmail HIM or trick or twist HIM, twist HIS arm.

HE is now spoken and said, “May 19th is very critical to open a new chapter for this Nation that they may find remission If they will repent.” Then THE LORD will see will speak with ME. HE’ll ask ME, HE’ll tell ME exactly what to do. And then after that of course comes the greater visitation and revival.

So may THE LORD help you to choose HIM. May THE LORD bless you Kenya to be responsible in hosting this coveted Revival

Again like I’ve said, there is so much pressure. Even the people in Israel are saying, “Please come to us, come to us.” I see them. Even this night I was seeing, “Come to us, come prepare us also. Come rebuke our sin also. Come talk to us about JEHOVAH. We see that God is visiting the Nations, visiting Kenya right now, even want a visitation.”

But every nation is longing for this: the United States, Europe, Australia, Asia, China. Everyone is longing for this Kenya; therefore rise up. Rise up Kenya, be responsible and repent that the Revival may continue.

May THE LORD bless you, thank you.



Well, beloved people, THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke with me again, this past night, in this very continuing conversation, in this very continuing conversation between the nation of Kenya and THE LORD ALMIGHTY. Between THE LORD JEHOVAH and the people in the nation of Kenya. Now, this past night THE LORD did show me the meeting I was having with the Bishops yesternight, with the Senior Archbishop and the other Bishops that came.And in that meeting that I was holding yesterday with the Senior Archbishop and the other Bishops there was somebody somewhere who was in one (1) of the tall buildings recording that meeting. So THE LORD showed me a video camera recording that meeting, and they were listening to everything We were discussing regarding the repentance of this country and all the other issues We have shared.

And then after that THE LORD shows me that these people are trying to take the TWO PROPHETS and put in a bus that is muddy, and put Them in a bus that is muddy. Because, I was trying to lean —when I sat I was trying to, I saw that if I leaned on the back rest of the seat in the bus, the mud would touch on me. Down at the feet there were mud; there is mud everywhere. So I was trying to avoid touching mud. Let me explain to you what that means. That means they are trying to blackmail the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD again. That means some people in the media are trying —they are in a pursuit; maybe have been paid or whatever, but in the process of trying to record Them and blackmail Them and slander Them and mock Them and character assassinate.

But I want to make this very clear for Kenya: these TWO PROPHETS and He that speaks with you today now, He has the capacity to shut down the heavens over this country for even three (3) and a half years if you fool around. If you continue your blackmail, the ultimate I saw where the entire land was so dry not even one (1) single leaf was in the land. A historic famine never seen since the Earth was created will take place. Again, this is a warning to Kenya: the sooner you stop your blackmail and repent the better for you. And even the key to open Heaven and bring rain is beheld by He that speaks with you. So if THE LORD continues to report you, to accuse you, before the TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH that, “Look! They are still in pursuit for blackmail, pursuing blackmail.” Then the ultimate can take place; the one (1) I have seen where nobody survives in the land.

“Has not THE LORD spoken with this nation? Has not THE LORD warned this land?” says THE LORD. “My PROPHETS and I have warned you again and again and you have not listened.”

KENYA REPENT OF BLACKMAIL AND HOMOSEXUALITY (Parts #1 through part #5) April 18th, 2019


Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, JEHOVAH EL OLAM, JEHOVAH ELYON, JEHOVAH ADONAI, JEHOVAH EL GIBBOR, JEHOVAH ELOHEENU, JEHOVAH HOSEENU, He has spoken with me, blessed people, this past night, a very, very severe conversation that THE LORD had with me this past night. And in this conversation THE LORD spoke about why He has judged Kenya. THE LORD has continued to speak about the judgment that is raining over Kenya; the current judgment of THE LORD that is happening over Kenya. And He spoke in very, very serious and severe terms about the judgment of THE LORD that has happened —that is happening— in this land, that is currently ongoing in this land. When this nation decided to blackmail His TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS. THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken again in a very, very serious () this past night, about between one (1) o’clock all the way to two (2). Then I woke up and began to make phone calls around.

Then I understood that this nation is in for a rough time; they have touched a very sensitive place. This nation must repent with all their leaders, they must repent all the way down to the smallest person. Even the animals must be given the sackcloth. They must clothe their animals in the sack also. Because I have seen an unbelievable drought. I have seen the entire heavens shut; not even one leaf (). And yet THE LORD has also made it very clear that if they will repent and honor these TWO PROPHETS, honor this Voice that He has placed here, He will remember them according to His Word in the book of Jeremiah, blessed people. Jeremiah chapter 18 and I am reading verse 7. He says —in Amplified, again, He says— “If a nation will repent then He will remember the nation.”

But before I tell you what THE LORD has spoken I am reading Jeremiah 18:7 on. He says, “at one time I will [suddenly] speak concerning a nation () but I will pluck up [to pluck up and ()]” () very clearly here that, “I will pluck up.” He says, “Breakdown and destroy it. At one time I will [suddenly] speak concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up, break down and destroy it; and if the people of that nation concerning which I have spoken turn from their evil, I will relent and reverse my decision concerning the evil that I thought to do to them.” And so, He is very clear on that: that there is an exit strategy, there is a way out: that is repentance. If they can turn away, turn from their evil then He will relent. And verse 9 He says, “If they go back and speak evil again He will still destroy them.”

So this past night THE LORD spoke with me about sexual sin in this land. So this past night, on this night, THE LORD spoke with me about the judgment of THE LORD in this land and He said He is going to raise up His judgement, He is is going to aggravate it. THE LORD took me all across the country and He showed me sexual sin in this country. Sexual sin in this land. Sexual sin in the nation that bears the name “Kenya”. And the worst kind of sexual sin: homosexuality, in this country. THE LORD took me across this country and showed me homosexuality going on in this country.

THE LORD Is holy. THE LORD is righteous. THE LORD demands that a people that have been at this point selected to carry such a holy revival, be holy. He says, “Be holy for I am holy.” THE LORD JEHOVAH, the One that woke up everybody in this country today. He woke them up and He gave them breath. He gave them breath so they woke up. If He did not give you breath you died. The One that woke up every single child, every adult, every person in this country and gave breath, those who are alive today, the One that created everybody that is today listening to me in this country, He took me across this land and He showed me terrible homosexuality going on in this country.

This country is like Sodom and Gomorrah and THE LORD has commanded repentance. Repentance of everybody including the animals for Him to bring rain to this land. THE LORD has commanded every living person in this country to repent because this country is as Sodom and Gomorrah. He showed me the most abhorrable sexual immorality, homosexuality and lewdness going on in this country. Kenya must repent.

And He said blackmail to His PROPHETS will sink this country to hell. Will crush this country in the unbearable wrath of GOD. THE LORD has commanded repentance in Kenya. THE LORD JEHOVAH has commanded repentance. THE LORD has asked the nation by command to repent. Homosexuality is in this country, immorality, prostitution, lewdness, corruption, lies, deception, apostasy in the churches.

How come you cannot see that He has placed a treasure here? And blackmail, blackmail directed to His PROPHETS will crush the country. Do not try. Do not try. THE LORD is GOD. THE LORD has commanded Kenya to repent. Look! There is no rain. Look! There is no dew. There is no food. The prices are up the roof. There is no water. How will you flush your toilet? Where will you get water to drink? How will you shower? The rivers are drying up. What will your animals eat? What will they drink? Kenya must repent.

And this past night He showed me homosexuality. And He said, “If Kenya repents [the next part of the dream] if Kenya repents then He will present His PROPHETS before the nation and before the Council of THE LORD in Heaven; and They will command Heaven to open, and rain will come.

Repent Kenya! Repent!

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Be holy! Be righteous Kenya!

How come you did not know that hosting these TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF ISRAEL is a big responsibility? Do not fool around. Mature up Kenya. Repent! Repent! “Shalosh”. Repent! A third (3rd) time.

In other words, in other words, THE LORD is saying that if this nation will repent, and only when they repent, then I have seen ELIJAH THE GREATEST PROPHET OF YHWH, THE GREATEST PROPHET OF HEAVEN, I have seen THE MIGHTIEST, THE MOST TERRIBLE PROPHET OF YHWH standing before the nation and standing before YHWH. Only when they repent then I have seen Him command Heaven and Heaven obeys Him. Then I hear Him saying, “Now you can go and grow the fruits and grow the vegetables.” And at that point the bananas were very huge; the vegetables were huge.

I have seen your future; but you must repent and turn away from homosexuality. Turn away from blackmailing GOD! Do not touch ELIJAH! Do not touch! Do not touch this PROPHET. Do not blackmail Them. Run to Them for help; They have come to prepare the Way for the glorious ().

In other words, THE LORD is saying if you will continue blackmailing these PROPHETS He will crush you and He will sink the nation. Again, in other words, THE LORD is saying, “Kenya must repent together with your animals. Every living being in Kenya must repent and return to JESUS and be holy and stop the homosexuality.” Sodom and Gomorrah were sunk by the FIRE OF ELIJAH. GOD ALMIGHTY is saying, if you will not repent () He will crush you. He will crush you. But if you will repent He will deliver you, He will rescue you, He will save you.


But do not think of blackmailing these TWO PROPHETS. No matter who you are do not try. Repent Kenya. Repent. If you try to blackmail Them He will crush you. Look at the nation now; there is no rain. They hold the key to Heaven. Repent Kenya and prepare ye the Way. Repent from homosexuality. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah. Please, repent. Repent now, But I have seen that when Kenya repents then ELIJAH stands before THE LORD and opens Heaven, commands Heaven to open. And I hear Him telling them, “ You can go now and grow your vegetables.”

So May 19th is a must in Nairobi. Everybody must come down there and repent to save Kenya. Repent. Repent. Repent.


Amen, blessed people, now I can proceed to the second (2nd) part of this conversation. And again, as we saw the first (1st) part, THE LORD YHWH, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE HOLY GOD OF HEAVEN, my SENDER, the ONE that created the heavens and the Earth, all human beings, and everything that was ever created, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, THE MOST HIGH GOD, JEHOVAH EL OLAM, THE EVERLASTING, SELF-EXISTENT GOD YHWH. Now, the first (1st) part we saw that He spoke with me this past night again between one o’clock, around 2:38 like this, and a tremendous conversation: the judgment of THE LORD that has now befallen Kenya.

And you see that THE LORD has raised the issue of homosexuality. He is saying on top of blackmailing His SERVANTS in this land, THE MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF HEAVEN ()—. In the first (1st) part of the conversation THE LORD has raised repentance. He has raised homosexuality. He compared Kenya to Sodom and Gomorrah where His ANGELS —We remember too well in Sodom and Gomorrah there was so much homosexuality. There was so much lewdness of homosexuality that they attempted even to defile THE ANGELS OF JUDGMENT, THE ANGELS OF THE THRONE OF GOD, THE ANGELS OF YHWH, THE ANGELS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL.

But look at what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Look at the burning sulfur that wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah. So, beloved people, again, after the first (1st) part of the conversation that THE LORD had with His SERVANT in the night and THE LORD brought His SERVANT to a place that was a hill. This conversation was taking place on a hill, up the hill, at the top of the hill. And after that conversation, the first (1st) part where He showed me the homosexuality and the sexual sin that has totally inundated and flooded Kenya, that is drowning Kenya —homosexuality. After that part and the warning that Kenya must now repent, and the warning that Kenya should never ever attempt to blackmail THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD walking this land, and the warning that Kenya looks like Sodom and Gomorrah, and the warning that Kenya should remember THE FIRE OF ELIJAH that descended as burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah. After that warning, warning Kenya, reproving Kenya, commanding Kenya to repent, telling Kenya Sodom and Gomorrah attempted to engage THE ANGELS OF THE LORD on homosexuality and THE LORD set them on fire, incinerated them —a monument until today.

After that warning then now, then as I was about turn to face right then THE LORD sent an ANGEL. THE ANGEL OF THE LORD came running towards me with a Bible open in His hands, the Bible open in His hands as He was running. And I turned, so when I turned right and began going down the slope then THE ANGEL ran, He came now from behind and said, “Look! Look! The book of Psalms. The book of Psalms, 73.” And then I spoke back to Him because I heard “23”, I thought ”23”. I said, “Is it 23?” He said, ”No, Psalms 73. Read it to them.” And then He placed a Bible in my hand, and He passed in front of me like this [prophetic demonstration] then He disappeared back into Heaven.

And I read the following Scripture in that dream. And He said, “This should be read to Kenya: Psalms 73.” And I knew that the emphasis was verse three (3) but I read the entire. I was required to read the entire to the nation that bears the name “Kenya”. And Psalms 73 says, verse 1, “Surely GOD is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”

That was the target. He made me know in my heart that He was targeting Psalms 73 verse 3; but He required I read the entire for Kenya. Verse three He says, “For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity wicked.” Then He goes on to say, verse 4, “They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from common human burdens; they are not plagued by human ills. Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence. They clothe themselves with violence. From their callous hearts comes iniquity; their evil imaginations have no limits.

They scoff and speak with malice; with arrogance they threaten oppression. Their mouths lay claim to Heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth. Therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance. They say, ‘How would GOD know? Does THE MOST HIGH know anything?’ This is what the wicked are like— always free of care, they go on amassing wealth. Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure and have washed my hands in innocence. All day long I have been afflicted, and every morning brings new punishments. If I had spoken out like that, I would have betrayed Your children.

When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deep till I entered the sanctuary of GOD; then I understood their final destiny. Surely You place them on slippery ground; You cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! They are like a dream when one awakes; when You arise, LORD, You will despise them as fantasies.” Now verse 21, “When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.

Yet I am always with You; You hold me right hand. You guide me Your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory. Whom have I in Heaven but you? The earth has nothing I desire except You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but GOD is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from You perish; You destroy all who are unfaithful to You. But as for me, it is good to be near THE LORD. It is good to be near to GOD. I have made THE SOVEREIGN LORD my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds.”

And again, verse 3 was a target. 1- 3 says, “Surely GOD is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me my feet had almost slipped. I had nearly lost my foothold for I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”

That is the story of Kenya. Do not envy the prosperity of the wicked. Look at France. Look at that cathedral in Notre Dame, the beasts they were worshipping. Do not envy the prosperity of the wicked; THE LORD shall crush them. Kenya in your pursuit for being modern you captured homosexuality, you took up the tradition and the behavior and the conduct of the modern and the postmodern. Now the judgement of GOD is upon you. He is saying those in prosperity, the wicked, they may appear healthy, they may appear doing well but finally THE LORD will crush them to fire, to eternal fire. Hell.

Again, in the second (2nd) part: THE LORD sent an ANGEL and when His feet touched on the ground He came running to me with a Bible open in his hands. And he was shouting, He says, “Read them Psalms 73. Psalms 73.” And I thought “Psalms 23”. So I thought I heard “23” so I asked Him, “Is it 23?” He said, “No. Psalms 73.” And I also got to know verse 3 was the target to read to Kenya, “ For I envied the arrogant and when I saw the prosperity of the wicked I envied.”

Repent! Kenya repent and return to the old traditional, the old ancient CROSS and THE BLOOD OF JESUS. Return to the original faithfulness of the church. Can you imagine this conversation? GOD sends an ANGEL running with me with a Bible open in His hands and He hands the Bible to me and I read this to you. Repent Kenya. Do not envy the arrogant. Do not look at the prosperity of the wicked.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

The benefits —the profit is higher when you enter everlasting life.

Repent! Repent! Repent Kenya! Everybody repent! The animals repent! Wear the sack cloth! Put ashes on your face! Repent!

Shalom . Shalom. Todah rabah. Todah l’chaim.



Well now, the final part, the third (3rd) part of this conversation that THE LORD had with this nation, speaking to the church of CHRIST in this nation () the past night () the devastation that is happening in the land ().The third (3rd) part of this conversation, the third (3rd) part: now I see the devastation of the judgment of THE LORD in the land. I see burials, I see people being buried. I do not know who they are, whether they are people who have suffered from the drought and the hunger or they are just the blackmailers of GOD whose judgment has come. But I see burial in the land.

So let the nation not fail to repent, because I have seen the end when the devastation of the judgment of THE LORD has taken course on the land. And I see buriers. I see burials, people gathered at the burial and all this. So I do not know whether these are blackmailers of THE LORD or these are people who have perished from the starvation, and the thirst, and the hunger, lack of water. I see animals also have died and so forth —but I see burial.

So this is a very serious conversation; Kenya has to repent. And you remember that there is a way out of this: if you respect and honor THE MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD in this land and you call upon Them, you come before Them and ask Them to go before THE LORD JEHOVAH Their GOD, and ask THE LORD to forgive you, to hear your repentance in CHRIST JESUS, then all this will not take place. But the instruction from Heaven is that you repent because THE MESSIAH, CHRIST JESUS THE LORD is coming; so you cannot ignore this Voice.

Again, the last part; I see burial. Burial. Burials taking place. I do not know who they are, I think devastation of the famine and hunger. I am hoping it does not reach that far. Or they are just the blackmailers of GOD whose judgment has come —I do not know who they are. But I hope it does not reach that far. That the wisdom of Kenya would not fail Kenya, that Kenya would remember that I warned them in 2005, 2006 in this similar place —I looked like I am standing at the same place. Earthquakes have been spoken over this land, the sword has been spoken.

So may the wisdom of Kenya cause Kenya to choose righteousness , choose peace with CHRIST, peace with GOD, and repent from sin, and stop the immorality and the blackmail over His PROPHETS. Otherwise He will crush the nation. I have seen it: the other end, so make sure you do not reach there Kenya.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah rabah. Todah shalom.

KENYA REPENT OF BLACKMAIL AND HOMOSEXUALITY (4th part on devil worship) April 18th, 2019


Well, blessed people, the 4th part of this conversation: THE LORD speaking with Kenya, THE LORD warning Kenya to repent and turn away from wickedness. In this fourth (4th) part of the conversation THE LORD took me across the land and He took me to a place where they were sacrificing a dog. What they did, they slaughtered the dog open, so the mouth going down into two (2) pieces —open. And they sacrificed the dog in this kind of devil worship. That means THE LORD is reporting that there is devil worship in the land.

Again in the fourth (4th) part of this conversation THE LORD takes me to where there is devil worship in this land and they slaughter the dog, but they open, they slaughter open the dog through the mouth. The teeth, the upper teeth, one (1) side goes one (1) side, the lower teeth go with the other part. It was such a disgusting thing to see. And their hands were full of blood in that sacrifice. So THE LORD is raising the fact that there is devil worship in the land.

And then THE LORD presented to His MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS some of those worshipers as if they were attempting, or daring these TWO PROPHETS. Now this is the warning to this nation: do not dare these TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH. Do not try. THE CLOUD OF GOD has settled on Them. They will crush the land. Take the goodness of these PROPHETS alone, alone: raising your cripples from the dust, opening the eyes of the blind, opening the deaf ears, healing HIV/AIDS, raising those who had kidney problems, liver, chronic wounds, lame people, all these blood conditions, all the mega healings that have taken place here.

Take only the good side of these PROPHETS Kenya. Do not dare these TWO. You know by yourselves also, that if you dare these TWO PROPHETS They will crush the land. Look at the drought now. Look at when you dared Them on the media. Look at the drought. Even BBC was announcing and saying that the rains in Kenya may not show up. THE LORD has shown me devil worship in the land. Do not worship the devil when these TWO PROPHETS are in this land. Do not worship the devil when ELIJAH is in the land. You do not need to be a genius to know this. Do not try. THE LORD Their GOD will crush the land, will crush the land and the people in the land.

Repent! Repent Kenya! Repent and receive JESUS! Repent and be born again! Turn away from devil worship!

The Kingdom of GOD is near. Be born again.

Repent Kenya!



Now, I would like to give the fifth (5th) part of the serious conversation that THE LORD has had with the nation called Kenya. And He well put it: the Gentile nation called Kenya. Well, beloved people, THE LORD spoke in a very, very astounding way today about the nation called Kenya. And you can see that the red line has been crossed by this nation that THE LORD has chosen as a launching pad for His end time revival, the place from which He would start preparing the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, and affect all nations of the Earth, and prepare the Way globally.

So the big part of this conversation is that THE LORD did take me to Israel; He took His SERVANT to Israel. And in Israel THE LORD brought me to a place, to a room, to a house at which they had prepared the first (1st) dinner of the Passover; it is called “seder”. They had prepared seder, the seder dinner, the first (1st) dinner of the Passover, the one which the Hebrew people observed their Passover —and I sat there. And again, THE LORD took me way back in time and sat me at that table of seder —the dinner— and I had dinner, the first (1st) part of a dinner with them in Israel. And there was a conversation there and He shared many things that took place there.

Again, the first (1st) dinner of the Passover. And then I began to share with them and He took me way back in time —which I cannot share on this phone call. But THE LORD took me to Israel and sat me at seder, seder, the first (1st) dinner of the Passover, the first (1st) dinner —and of course there is the last dinner. But He took me there and I had dinner with them and shared. And He took me way back in time even regarding events you see in the Bible.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Repent Kenya. Kenya, you have to repent because THE LORD invested so much here. THE CLOUD OF GOD descended here. THE CLOUD OF JEHOVAH YHWH, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH EL OLAM, JEHOVAH ELYON, JEHOVAH ADONAI, JEHOVAH EL SHADDAI, settled here. THE CLOUD has settled on He speaks with you today.

And THE LORD took me back to Israel and He took me back in time and I sat at the first (1st) Passover dinner called “seder”.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Kenya please, repent.

Todah. Todah. Todah rabah.

Prepare the Way and be righteous. Be born again. Be holy.

And let all the nations also learn from this and repent. The nation of France will repent because I saw everything that would happen to Notre Dame five (5) days before, including the Sunday before that Monday. So everything, THE LORD showed me everything that would happen. But please, repent. Please, repent the nations of the Earth.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Shalom. Todah.



Blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me this past night. I want to share with you this conversation from the Throne of JEHOVAH YHWH, THE LORD ELOHIM, JEHOVAH EL OLAM, THE EVERLASTING GOD, JEHOVAH EL SHADDAI, JEHOVAH EL GIBBOR, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, He has spoken with me this past night. There is going to be a very severe earthquake coming to the Earth; a very, very severe earthquake is coming to the Earth. And THE LORD has shown me that earthquake. He is going to shake for some time. A very, very severe earthquake is coming to the Earth, and it is going to be a historic earthquake, blessed people. It may start in whichever way but it will be a historic earthquake.

Again, there is going be a severe earthquake coming to the Earth. There is a severe earthquake coming to the Earth and He is going to shake for quite a bit. He is going to shake for quite a bit. It is going to be severe; it is going to be a severe earthquake. And the Bible says in the book of Luke chapter 21 verse 11 that, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from Heaven.” That is the NIV. And then the New Living Translation says, “There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from Heaven.” And at the same time if you look at the book of Matthew, Matthew 24 verse 7 talks about this very prophecy THE LORD has just spoken now. And He says, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”

So again, this past night THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, He came and spoke with me about a very tremendous earthquake coming to the Earth. I do not know whether it will be one (1) or it will be several earthquakes hitting within a span —a time span. But earthquakes are coming to the Earth. Earthquakes are coming to the Earth.

And these are the signs that CHRIST JESUS gave the church when they asked Him, “LORD, how shall we know that Your coming is near,Your return is near to take the church?” And then He said, “These are some of the signs you will see. And one (1) of them is earthquakes and famines, famines and earthquakes in various places.”

And you can see that THE LORD has already decreed famines, He has mentioned the upper part of Africa that upper lobe, and now of course you see what Kenya is going through now. You can almost tell that there is going to be a tremendous famine ahead of this country and many other parts of the world. There is a massive earthquake coming to the Earth. And that speaks very, very clearly to the dead core, to the center of the church.

And yesterday THE LORD spoke very clearly that whosoever has ever attempted to blackmail these TWO PROPHETS, whether you are in Brazil or you are in Australia or in Nigeria, your day is coming when you will meet JEHOVAH YHWH face to face. Face to face. And I tell you it will be unbearable. I have seen your day. I have seen now THE LORD change and begin to smash His enemies and crush the enemies of these TWO PROPHETS in a very shocking manner. And you will not enter the glorious Kingdom of GOD if you dare to blackmail this Mission, this final Mission of THE LORD.

All people need to repent and prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

He spoke with me about the Notre Dame, the Notre Dame cathedral five (5) days before that event and all that happened there. Five (5) days including the Sunday before.

So, blessed people, let the nations repent from idol worship and prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah Rabah. Todah l’chaim. Todah, Todah. Todah HASHEM.

 Severe Earthquake Prophecy, (part #2) April 17th, 2019

Now, the time now is about 1:23 p.m. East African time and I want to share again this very, very critical Message of THE LORD, JEHOVAH has spoken from His Throne in the Kingdom of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven. And the Message is that number one (1) : There is going to be a severe earthquake coming to the Earth. There is a severe earthquake coming to the Earth; and He is going to shake for quite a bit. He is going to shake for quite a bit. It is going to be severe; it is going to be a severe earthquake.

And the Bible says in the book of Luke chapter 21 verse 11 that, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from Heaven.” That is the NIV. And then the New Living Translation says, “There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from Heaven.” And at the same time if you look at the book of Matthew, Matthew 24 verse 7 talks about this very prophecy THE LORD has just spoken now. And He says, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”

So again, this past night THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, He came and spoke with me about a very tremendous earthquake coming to the Earth. I do not know whether it will be one (1) or it will be several earthquakes hitting within a span —a time span. But earthquakes are coming to the Earth. Earthquakes are coming to the Earth.

And these are the signs that CHRIST JESUS gave the church when they asked Him, “LORD, how shall we know that Your coming is near,Your return is near to take the church?” And then He said, “These are some of the signs you will see. And one (1) of them is earthquakes and famines, famines and earthquakes in various places.”

And you can see that THE LORD has already decreed famines, He has mentioned the upper part of Africa that upper lobe, and now of course you see what Kenya is going through now. You can almost tell that there is going to be a tremendous famine ahead of this country and many other parts of the world.

And then number two (2): THE LORD JEHOVAH also spoke with His SERVANTS this day, this morning here, and He took Them to Israel. And He showed Them how He has prepared a place in Israel. He has prepared a place, there is a place preparing, He is preparing right now. They are preparing a place to receive His SERVANT in Israel. I do not know what city it is in, but the same people that He brought in the dream that were calling THE TWO PROPHETS saying, “Please, come.” The same two (2) people He brought in the dream. The same two (2) Hebrew people that came in the dream and called the TWO PROPHETS in the dream and said, “Please, come to Israel.” THE LORD brought them in a dream and called the TWO PROPHETS to come to Israel, “Please, come back home. Please, come back home.” They said. These same people are the ones I see in this dream when THE LORD took me to Israel this morning preparing a place. They have prepared where They will rest, they have prepared the food, everything.

And then the ministration that takes place in Israel. And I see a tremendous healing service take place in Israel, then I see the same people that were preparing food and preparing things, cleaning up the house and so forth. The same people were involved in preparing, making those preparations to receive THE SERVANTS OF ISRAEL, THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD, THE GOD OF ISRAEL. So this is a very tremendous time. This is the best time to be a Christian. It is the most powerful time to be born again.

And that tells you that any minute, any minute, any second, any meeting you are given is an added time, an extra time, extra bonus. In Swahili they say (). It is a bonus “gratis” added to you. Because the Bible speaks very clearly in Romans 11 that when the fullness of the number of the Gentiles has been achieved then THE LORD will focus on the national redemption, the national salvation, the national revival of Israel. And with Heaven, now heavily involved in preparing a place in Israel for the Mission of these TWO then you can almost tell that THE LORD is saying that very soon We enter another dispensation when His focus will be Israel, the national revival of Israel, the national redemption of Israel that they may come to THE MESSIAH, and THE LORD may now redeem them from the big dark day that is ahead of the Earth.

I have seen the dark day ahead of the Earth. I have seen how THE LORD uses these TWO to fight for Israel when they are deceived, they are lied to. But it will start from land because THE LORD put a lot of title deeds of land in my hand and then there is a conflict with the Palestinians and the Arabs. And then the Israelites begin to flee, but because the TWO are there they tell them, “Do not follow this road because they have prepared a genocide ahead of you there.” And then THE TWO lead them through a valley like this [prophetic demonstration] and they escape. They escape the massacre. So THE TWO have seen —I have seen my involvement in Israel.

But it is amazing. What an hour to be born again. What an hour to be alive on the Earth. Because, now you can see that this is the best hour in which to be a Christian, to pursue righteousness and holiness, and turn away from sin and receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, and be holy. Because at this hour you can see that THE LORD is preparing to take the church into eternity. The church is sitting on the verge of eternity. And righteousness and holiness are the most important benchmarks for entry into Heaven.

Remember I prophesied on January 15th, the year 2017, I prophesied the glorious stairs of Heaven that would be lowered and I saw the church climbing up the stairs. And remember when it came to 2018, March 11th, THE LORD lowers —lowered— those stairs in the sky and everybody was able to record them and see them. They are all over the web now: the glorious stairs of eternity. It is a wonder. This generation has seen eternity with their eyes. This generation has looked up into the sky and seen Heaven with their mortal eyes before they are raptured.

And so, if you see Heaven making movement, making great emissary and envoys, sending to Israel, preparing a place for these TWO, then you know that Central Park, May 19th, is a must, must, must. It is a must for every single person in this country. Why? Because, every meeting We have from this point on () —I have seen myself in Israel— every meeting We have with the Gentile nations at this point on is a bonus, is an addition, is an added advantage, extra grace, extra time. And that is why May 19th I really expect that the entire nation comes and repents. And May 19th. This one (1) We are opening it up, I am opening it up now to all the Pastors and the Bishops and the Archbishops abroad who want to come, who can make arrangements, their arrangements to come. This one (1) is open because it seems time is running out.

Those from Australia who want to come can come, from Europe, many of you have been asking if you can come. This one (1) is open now because it seems that it is going to be quite a tremendous time in the history of the church. Because time seems to be ticking out. Time seems to have changed in Heaven. The clock has ticked for THE LORD to relentlessly, continuously present His SERVANTS in Israel. Same people, same people that were helping arrange Their things in the house, cook for Them. This day they brought some vegetables. They say, “You like these? Yes, let me prepare for You these.” And so forth. Same people that He showed me the other day, He took me to Israel and showed me where He is prepared, where the same people preparing a place, preparing Their meal and trying to make Them settle in, and the ministry began. That tells you time is running out.

The SERVANTS OF ISRAEL are going back home. Time is shifting. Attention of Heaven, JEHOVAH YHWH, is now shifting His attention. He is going to be focusing on the redemption of His covenant people, His chosen people: the Israelites.

May THE LORD bless you chaverim.

May THE LORD bless you.

Shalom. Todah.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Todah rabah.



Now, blessed people, I want to share with you this very, very important conversation from the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY. And this is a Message that THE LORD gave the night before this night, yesterday night. And it is a Message that is direct to the nation of Kenya and the church of CHRIST in Kenya. And the Message that calls for further repentance, further repentance in this land, because THE LORD, THE LORD spoke with me and in that conversation a bear, a white bear appeared. A white bear; very vicious and very bloody and very violent and very wild. The white bear appeared —it seems as if he came from up. THE LORD took me () appeared all of a sudden. And he was very agile. And then I saw him attack Kenyans. I saw a white bear attack Kenyans very, very viciously. White. White. And so the white bear, white in color, and very white, he attacked Kenyans. And he attacked them for the blackmail which they subjected THE LORD upon, for the mockery, for the slander.

And it was such a () the bear is such a terrible thing to behold, to see; how he devoured them and attacked them, he attacked them viciously: () was tearing them, destroying them. It was a very, very shocking conversation that THE LORD had with me. And I think quite some time, the whole day today since that conversation about twenty-four (24) hours ago, to be able to reflect on this massive anger. Why? Why the massive anger of THE LORD? Including THE LORD speaking aloud by Voice and saying, “GOD is angry.” And shaking the nation violently, horizontally, horizontally, and then when the buildings have crumbled —comes up but still remaining— then shaking vertically, vertically, vertically, and the remaining ones that were surviving finally come down. All these conversations We have () and now this past night comes the bear. This is a very shocking conversation of the judgment of THE LORD.

And I am reading from the book of 2 Kings chapter 2 verses 23 to 24. And He says, “Then he went up from there to Bethel. And as he was going up [the servant of THE LORD[ by the way, young lads, young men, came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, ‘Go up, you bald head! Go up, you bald head!” Verse 24 He says, “When he looked behind him and saw them he cursed them in the name of THE LORD. And then two () from the woods and tore up the 43 young men. All of them ().”

So again, this is a very tremendous and a very shocking conversation that THE LORD is having with this land that is so beloved, the land He gave the opportunity even to see and behold His TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS OF HEAVEN, THE MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS OF ETERNITY, the Ones that come to combat the antichrist and the false prophet during the dispensation of the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation, blessed people. () into the dispensation of the Great Tribulation to do battle, to fight for THE LORD. And They light up () the flame of (). And so, you see very clearly here that when they mocked THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD, when they mocked THESE MESSENGERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and slandered Them and blackmailed Them, and then the bears appear in 2 Kings chapter 2 verses 23 and 24. And the bears eat them. The judgment of THE LORD comes from a bear. The bears; the two (2) human bears.

Meaning, THE LORD cannot stand, He cannot stand blackmail. If there is a red line it is for THE LORD to be blackmailed. You see now in this conversation, in the earlier days, you see that THE LORD does not tolerate slander, mockery . And so He is the same JEHOVAH YHWH that you are worshiping, the One who is preparing to bring CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH to take the bride. And He does not take this kind of mockery, malice, malicious intent, malicious slander, malicing THE TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF THE LORD. That is a line nobody can cross.

And so again, this past night a white bear. Remember white. White. Pure white appeared and began attacking Kenyans and devouring Kenyans very seriously.

I have seen THE MESSIAH Coming, blessed people.

And Kenya needs to repent a little bit more seriously now. If there is a time at which you need to enter your sackcloth, this is the hour. But Kenya needs to repent a little bit more serious because the conversation is very consistent which means Heaven has decided that Kenya will be judged because Kenya touched these TWO MYSTERIOUS MESSENGERS OF ETERNITY, MESSENGERS OF HEAVEN, these TWO PROPHETS OF ETERNITY, THE PROPHETS OF (), THE TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF ISRAEL, the Ones that fight for the city of Jerusalem.

Kenya received all the goodness and blessing and then Kenya turned around and touched Them. It looks like Heaven has decided that Kenya must be judged. So between now and 19th of May, of course now you know that all Kenyans must—if you ever live to see 19th of May— all Kenyans must be at Central Park for a major repentance. But between now and then let people repent a little bit more seriously now. Because The conversation is very relentless, is very consistent, is very repeated. He is speaking about judgment, judgment, judging in Kenya. It makes me understand that this nation indeed they hurt THE LORD. You really hurt THE LORD. You hurt Him so much. You crossed the red line.

I have seen THE MESSIAH coming.

(). Do not lose it. The nations are watching.

I have seen THE MESSIAH coming.

Todah, shalom.

Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Capernaum. Capernaum, Capernaum, shall you today be in Heaven and then tomorrow be in hell? Oh, how I wish that if the wonders and the miracles and the mighty works that were done in thee had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented in ashes and sackcloth and they would have seen an eternal revival that would have brought them into the glorious Kingdom of GOD —even unto this day.

I have seen THE MESSIAH Coming.

Again, THE LORD is amounting that Kenya has a window here before the () of this to repent and repent very seriously. This time you have to repent very seriously.

Todah, shalom. Todah chaverim. Todah rabah.



Blessed people, THE LORD has spoken with me. Blessed people, THE LORD made me very tired and slayed me and spoke with me. I see a beast that was caged. I saw two (2) people were crossing and then I saw it released. I see a beast, a terrible beast. I have never seen such a terrible, terrible beast. And people were running. A beast. And then after that I saw people, some on crutches. And then a fire came and they were trying to run away from the fire and they slid. And I could see them falling with their crutches; they could not run.

And then after that then I have seen people whose heads are big. I have seen people whose heads are big and they are so thin. Again I have had a first session with you, blessed people, to talk to you about this tremendous, tremendous drought that is coming, that if you do not repent THE LORD may cause it to take place in this land. And then after that, blessed people, then THE LORD slayed me and I fell asleep immediately. And then He showed me a beast that was caged. And that beast —people were passing by, walking, going around there (); and then that beast was uncaged, was released and I saw people running.

And then after that I saw —I do not know whether it is from the people that were running from the beast after the beast had devoured people— I saw people in crutches. Crutches. Crutches. And then the fire came so they were trying to run away from the fire, but I could see that they slid and fell. I could see that they could not run so they slid and fell.

And then after that, then THE LORD shows me —I see these, they look more like the national () service or something, running to help people. But those people have big heads and the body is emaciated so the head has become bigger. That means famine and starvation. And the eyes have come out; the eyes now are bigger. The head, the () are out —bigger. The heads are a bit bigger than the body now. Those are people who are starving. I see people emaciated terribly (). This time in the land please, repent. Please, repent that these things THE LORD is speaking do not come to pass in this land. Remember revival is ().

Again, please repent. Please, repent. This nation needs to repent. This nation needs to repent. There has been so much need for this land to repent. You do not know these TWO you are dealing with. These are TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF YHWH. You need to repent. After speaking with you about the drought and the closed heavens that THE LORD would shut in the land if you do not repent (hm?) then THE LORD makes me fall asleep and shows me a beast that is released (), and people are running. And then after that I see people on their () —crutches— on crutches. I do not know wether they are from the devouring of the beast (), but there was crutches. But fire breaks out and as they attempt to run they fall. You see they slide and fall; they cannot run away. And then after then, THE LORD then shows me people with the heads are bigger; the body is totally emaciated, wasted away. Their bodies are wasted from famine and starvation.

You need to repent. You know Kenya needs to repent. This nation needs to repent. You do not know who these DREADFUL PROPHETS are. You will repent. You will be compelled to repent.



(Reprinted from July 28, 2018)

Well, people, beloved people, THE LORD has spoken with me. This past night THE LORD, this day, THE LORD JEHOVAH —I know you are tuned in from across many nations— I want you to know that the LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me. And I see a tremendous drought coming to the Earth. There is a very serious drought that is coming to the Earth because I see a lot of people lined up with containers looking for water. A lot of people lined up with containers looking for water. A lot of people lined up with containers looking for water. So there is a severe drought that is coming to the Earth where there will be a scarcity, a scarcity of water.

I see a lot of people, () men, women, children lined up with containers and baskets and the jars and the () and (), waiting, lining up for water at one (1) single water point. So there is a severe drought that is coming to the Earth. There is going to be a water shortage on the Earth; a severe drought hit the Earth where there will be a water shortage. But again, I have seen a severe drought and it is unfathomable, unimaginable.

And so this is the hour to be prudent. This is when your wisdom cannot fail you. May you all receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR, () repenting for your sin and then walking in absolute righteousness, as enabled by THE HOLY SPIRIT, the righteousness of THE LORD. Because, THE HOLY SPIRIT is available to help you achieve the righteousness of THE LORD, and that is the fine linen bright and clean you find in Revelation 19 verse 8 that the church that climbs the stairs going into Heaven does wear.

Todah todah. Todah l’chaim. Todah. Todah rabah.



JEHOVAH has spoken with me. JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH HASHOPET, THE LORD THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE, He has spoken with me again about the tremendous, unbearable judgment that is coming to Kenya. And I see this time around He has released a lot of locust. I have never seen such —they covered the entire nation, the entire nation on the soil and all the way up into the sky; probably one(1) kilometer up into the sky. It is dense; it is —they are knocking each other, it is thick locust all over the land. I see a lot of locusts that have covered the entire land, and those go all the way up, almost one (1) kilometer up and they are knocking each other. It is too thick you cannot walk through them. And then I tried to close the door, the Kenyan door, that the locusts may not enter but a lot of locusts entered into Kenya and they smashed the land, they ate up the land, they crushed the land.

And then when I woke up, again THE LORD made me sleep. And when I slept He showed me these very venomous insects. Venomous. they began to sting people. They seem to be crawling on the ground; they do not fly. But they began to sting people with tremendous venom. They were killing, stinging people and when people tried to step on them to crush them they do not —they are uncrushable; they do not die. You cannot crush them. And a lot of insects biting people, sting people with unbelievable venom, almost seven (7) times stronger than snake venom. And it is such a terrible, unbearable, deplorable moment In the land. Now, this is very serious what has happened in this country

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

2004 I spoke, I spoke and said 2004, 2nd of April 2004, from the Western Hemisphere and I said, “It will be Benjamin Netanyahu two (2). Benjamin Netanyahu two (2).” When I stood before the Throne of GOD. And then at that time John the Baptist came and spoke with me. And then THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD lifted me and said, “Let Me show you what is about to happen before THE MESSIAH comes.” And then took me above, in the clouds, in the sky above Jerusalem and then I saw two (2) changes of leadership. And then in 2004, 2nd of April, when I woke up I said, “It will be Benjamin Netanyahu two (2).” And then after that —so the change of leadership, the right-wing government change of leadership that took place in Israel, and then two (2) changes, two (2) changes of leadership. Then I said it would be Benjamin Netanyahu two (2). After that, before the Throne of GOD, then behold, THE LAMB OF GOD came. The garment was glorified; I was transfigured. This transfiguration has taken place.

But I see a tremendous judgment of THE LORD hit this land. Repent. Repent in CHRIST JESUS. Repent Kenya. Repent and turn away from wickedness. Remember, between you and THE LORD JEHOVAH, you will have to bow down and worship THE LORD. THE LORD cannot worship Kenya, cannot worship Kenyans. He is THE LORD, He is THE CREATOR. One has to bow and that will be Kenya. All these judgments have come that you may repent and you may repent while the window is still open at this hour that these things may not happen to you. I have seen them. I have lived them in this land.

He has spoken the beast, He has spoken the sword, He has spoken the drought, the famines, the (), the (), died from starvation and thirst, no water. He has spoken these terrible judgments on this land. Now I see a lot of locusts that have consumed the land. And then after that, stinging insects begin to sting people with serious venom.

Repent Kenya! Repent! Repent Kenya! Repent in CHRIST JESUS! Repent! Repent and turn away from sin! Repent Kenya! Kenya, repent! Repent now! Repent! Kenya, repent! Repent and turn away from sin! Repent and return to THE LORD! Kenya, repent! Repent now Kenya! Repent Kenya! Kenya, repent!

THE MESSIAH is Coming.




Well, beloved people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me. Blessed people, THE LORD YHWH he has spoken with me today. This morning, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE CREATOR OF ALL MEN, THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, JEHOVAH EL OLAM, THE EVERLASTING GOD, He has spoken with me this morning in a very, very serious conversation. And in this conversation THE LORD spoke with me about the judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya. And in this judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya then THE LORD showed me the severest judgment ever, the most severest judgment ever coming to the nation of Kenya. And I see Kenya try to close the door to that judgment but it was a little too late. It was the most severest judgment; it shocked me very much. It shocked me very, very much to see the wrath of GOD that is coming to Kenya.

JEHOVAH EL OLAM, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, the severest of all judgment, the most severe of all the judgment of THE LORD He showed me this morning coming to Kenya. It shocked me very much. Then I understood, I understood that THE LORD is angry. GOD, your CREATOR is now angry. So when I woke up I reviewed everything that Kenya has done and I realized that Kenya has severely offended THE LORD. Kenya has severely offended their MAKER. So when Kenya attempted to touch these TWO MOST GLORIOUS PROPHETS OF ETERNITY, Kenya really, really hurt THE LORD. Hurt THE LORD so much —irreparably; that cannot be repaired.

Because, on a daily basis THE LORD is speaking about how He is coming to strike Kenya in the most historic manner that all nations will fear. Now I understand that to whom much love is given, much responsibility is expected. Now I understand that when He showed the wonders, and the cripples are walking in mass, in thousands, the blind in mass, in thousands are seeing, including Kemuma now in Kisii, this is probably her sixth (6th) day seeing, new eyes. And now she is doing things, people are recording her doing things: learning how to walk with sight, how to touch things (hmm), asking things.

So when THE LORD does those things now I understand there is a big responsibility that is expected of you. The deaf, the mute, the paralytics, HIV, leprosy, dead body has been resurrected here. Now I understand that when the land attempted to touch THE MOST GLORIFIED PROPHETS, the Ones that are moving TWO. TWO. THE TWO PROPHETS of THE LORD walking TWO together for the first (1st) time since creation, moving TWO, and different personalities, different Persons, moving TWO together.One is always in the background; and oscillating Their positions, One from the other every few seconds. The front One goes forward, the back One goes forward, the front One —changing and oscillating. That wonder that when THE LORD does that and He brings Them to your land there is a big responsibility that goes with hosting Them.

You cannot error. Your wisdom cannot let you down on these TWO! The Glory of THE FATHER has covered Them, totally! You cannot! You cannot error! You cannot try to tribalize Them, to nationalize Them. You cannot try to cause —force, because They are walking very holy, now you try to force a scandal, to force a scandal. You cannot. You will not. You will not get away with it. I have seen the severest of all the judgments of THE LORD coming to Kenya. And Kenya tried to close the door to the judgment of THE LORD. Sorry, it was too late; it had entered. Very severe.

Then I saw the TWO PROPHETS of THE LORD ministering at Central Park. I saw one of Them facing another direction, another one facing another direction; They were ministering together. One of Them became glorified again, totally glorified, the other one moving this way and so forth. You cannot error on this one here! Announcing the Kingdom of GOD, THE FORERUNNER announcing the coming of THE MESSIAH. You cannot error! Never! You have to curse the flesh! You cannot touch! THE FORERUNNERS OF THE MESSIAH announcing the coming of THE MESSIAH, you cannot touch! Announcing the coming of the Kingdom of GOD, you cannot touch! You cannot! THE HOLY SPIRIT Himself, in bodily form like He did THE MESSIAH, has settled on Them, you cannot touch! You will get hurt. It will hurt you. He will crush you.

It will not matter how many cripples have walked; He will crush you. You cannot publish in your papers, you cannot, blackmail Them. Never! Never! Never, ever! Heaven will not forgive you! THE LORD will not forgive you. Heaven will not forgive you. You cannot. I see you running. I see you running, you have nowhere to run to. You have nowhere to get to. Nobody can run away from the judgment of GOD. You cannot touch. You will not touch. You will not touch Them and get away with this. Never ever! Never! Never. You cannot not touch. You will not touch. It is bad. Things are bad. Things are bad now. You cannot touch. You cannot touch and get away with it.

The book of Exodus 23 verse 21. From verse 20 He says, “Behold, I am sending an ANGEL before you to protect you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to Him and listen to Him. Listen to His Voice and do not defy Him. Do not bring your rebellion to Him, do not bring your apostasy to Him, for He will not forgive you. He will not forgive your rebellion since My Name is in Him. But if you listen, if you will listen carefully to His Voice and do everything I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes.” He says, “You cannot.” You cannot! It is virtually unforgivable. He will not forgive you! Never.

He says, Jeremiah 18 verse 7on He says, “At anytime I announce that a nation or a kingdom will be uprooted, torn down and destroyed [the way He is announcing now. He is announcing that Kenya will be uprooted torn down and destroyed.] but if that nation I warned turns from evil then I will relent of the disaster I had planned.” You cannot get away with this. He says, “ To show you the way, to lead you to the place I have prepared for you. But you cannot touch. He will not forgive you.” Now you will know that They came from the Throne of GOD YHWH. Now you will know. Finally you will know.

Second Chronicles chapter 7 , from verse 13, “If I close the sky so there is no rain or if I command the locust to devour the land [like I saw this morning, this past night: the tremendous locust that devoured everybody, everything in this land.] or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, and My people who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn away from their wicked ways and sin, then I will hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.” And He says, “And now My eyes will be opened and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.”

He is saying, “Repentance.” If there is any human being, any soul in this country, May 19th you will never ever miss Central Park here in Nairobi. If there is any soul in this land that wants to save this land you will run to Central Park, May 19th, and cry to THE LORD. So He says, “He will not forgive you for touching Them.”

And THE MESSIAH is Coming.

“You lose this revival, you go to hell as a nation.” says THE LORD.



Amen, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me, blessed people, on this day. On this day, precious people, JEHOVAH ADONAI, THE LORD GOD has spoken with me in a very, very serious manner. And this past night THE LORD, He again spoke with me about the tremendous and the most dreadful and fearful judgment of THE LORD that is coming to Kenya. And I think that Kenya must have at this point in time offended THE LORD very, very severely. Now I am beginning to understand that Kenya has offended THE LORD extremely very, very severely. Because, this past night again, yesterday, THE LORD spoke the judgment of the earthquake. And it was such a tremendous, a very fearful earthquake THE LORD spoke —tearing down buildings and shaking very violently; shaking the land and tearing, bringing down buildings of the land, the building and the land, the buildings in the land. And people were running everywhere.

And then on top of that you see there is a severe drought has hit the land —and famine. Animals and people are dying in this land. And then now, today, after speaking the judgment of the earthquake that is coming to Kenya, then today, this morning, THE LORD takes me ahead so I can live in the future of Kenya; so I lived ahead of Kenya. And when THE LORD took me in the days to come, to see the life of Kenya in front, ahead, in the future from now, then I saw the following: I saw a serious distress consume this country and I saw a serious clash. I saw young men come out —and I have shared this with the authorities, I shared with them this morning and explained to them what exactly THE LORD has said is coming to this land. So I see a lot of distress; I see people clashing and it is a very, very ugly scene to behold. So I think this nation at one (1) point has hurt THE LORD, and this nation has crossed the red line of GOD.

And so it is very important to understand that when the nation, the country that is called Kenya, when they touched on His TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD and the media began to blackmail Them in the public, the nation and the people of this country must have crossed the red line of GOD. And that is why THE LORD is speaking in dream about the judgment that is coming , the judgment that is coming. The judgment He showed me this night is unbelievable, it is very distressful; it is a very difficult () for Kenya, it is a very difficult time that is coming ahead of you. It is a very serious and most revered judgment of GOD that is going to strike the land that THE LORD had loved so much and brought so much revival to. It is very sad and very shocking to see how just wickedness and evil and malice can destroy a beautiful nation.

And again when I woke up I shared this with the authority; I shared full detail what is coming to this nation that they may understand that there is need, there is need to remedy, there is need to mitigate, there is need to organize a national day of repentance. And I promised them that I am going to organize a national day of reconciliation, peace and repentance at which all the leaders of this land, I will bring them to one (1) place called “Uhuru Park” and call them to vow that they will uphold peace. This nation has angered THE LORD.

How do you move from where cripples are walking, getting up and walking, blind can see, deaf can hear, mute can speak, paralytics walk, spinal cord injuries (hm), that is healing, HIV AIDS, doing wonders in this land to now where THE LORD is speaking to His TWO PROPHETS on a daily basis about the judgment of GOD that is in pending, that is coming upon Kenya. What THE LORD showed me this night is absolutely very distress, distressful, it is serious distress that is going to consume this country. Unbelievable distress.

THE LORD is saying He will turn them against one another; turn them against each other, because they touched, they touched His MIGHTIEST PROPHETS and blackmailed Him using fake news. They blackmailed Him; they said He took what, He did what, and published it and they put it out there. They crossed the red line of THE LORD.

The book of Jeremiah. I am reading the book of Jeremiah chapter 18 verses 7 to 10. He says, “If at any time I announce that a nation or a kingdom is to be uprooted down, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict upon it the disaster I had planned. [verse 9] And if at another time I announce that a kingdom is to be built up and planted, and if it does evil in My sight and does not obey Me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.” In other words, tear it down. Again, “If anytime I announce that a nation or a kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict upon it the disaster I had planned.”

That is the exit strategy. That is the exit route for Kenya. Now you can see THE LORD is announcing that He will destroy the country, He will destroy the country because of wickedness, tribalism, all this evil, corruption, everything, immorality that is in the land, when the TWO PROPHETS are walking here and preparing the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH and announcing the dispensation of righteousness —holiness. But the land has continued to remain heedless, unrepentant and disobedient to THE LORD. When you disobey these TWO, how come you did not know you disobeyed THE LORD JEHOVAH Himself?

So now THE LORD is announcing on a daily basis that He will destroy the land. THE KEEPER of Kenya is saying that Kenya will now be destroyed. And He is asking that if Kenyans will repent and turn away from sin and tribalism and wickedness and this () evil, just evil against one another, that kind of evil can build up into a national evil and destroy a beautiful nation. GOD is rescuing —He is trying to rescue this nation. He is warning this nation that the nation may repent.

I know that I am going to organize for a national day of repentance, reconciliation and peace. I am going to organize for a national day of repentance, reconciliation and peace when all Kenyans can be given the opportunity to repent. And I know that I have also announced that May 19th is going to be a national day of repentance at Central Park in Nairobi. In the process that now begins to roll out, to rescue them, rescue the revival that is here, rescue the wonderful nation and people, this nation that has been founded at this time to carry the latter revival for the coming of THE MESSIAH.

And THE LORD says, “If My people which are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn away from their wicked ways—“ That is repentance: “turn away from their wicked ways —that is repentance, “And turn away from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.” GOD is crying out to Kenya. How do you move from such a peaceful nation, a nation whose cripples are walking, the blind can see, the deaf can hear, righteousness is being preached by He that speaks with you, holiness, the wonders are in the land, how do you move from this to now a nation where THE LORD is announcing earthquakes? A big earthquake is coming.

When I stood at Central Park and began to worship in sadness at how the media in Kenya has blackmailed these TWO PROPHETS. (). Those are not good signs. THE LORD is saying, “These are My CONFIDANTS. These are My PRINCIPLES. These are My HOLIEST PROPHETS. Do not touch Them. Touch not the anointed of THE LORD. Touch not My anointed Ones.” But Kenya touched. So you need to repent. Kenya must repent and turn away from sin and wickedness. () There must be a day of national repentance.

I see a lot of young people coming out. It is bad. I cannot give you the () it is very bad; and there is a () down, it is bad! THE LORD is crying out to Kenya to repent and turn away from sin. Repent that you touched THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF GOD. Repent! Repent Kenya! Repent! Repent and turn away from sin! The media must repent! The church must repent! Everybody must repent and turn away from sin! Turn away from wickedness! It will destroy you as a nation! GOD is warning you! He is saying, “Look! In front is bad. The future is bad.Repent that I may rescue you.” Kenya must repent!

I am going to organize for a national repentance May 19th. May 19th let nobody fail to come to Nairobi at Central Park. Let the entire nation come and repent to save the country. That THE LORD THE GOD OF HEAVEN may now rescue Kenya, may defend Kenya again, THE DEFENDER of Kenya may defend Kenya again, may protect Kenya again. THE PROTECTOR of Kenya may protect Kenya again. Repent Kenya! You have touched THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD on whom THE CLOUD OF GOD has settled ()—.

Repent Kenya! Kenya must repent. Repent. I have seen your future; I see you running. I see you running. Repent! I see you running but you have nowhere to run. Repent. Let the leaders repent, let the churches repent, let everybody repent. Kenya must repent in CHRIST JESUS THE LORD, the only PROTECTOR of Kenya.

Thank you.



Amen, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE LORD OF THE ARMIES OF HEAVEN, HE has spoken with HIS TWO SERVANTS, this night, this past night. And I see a massive earthquake coming to Kenya. I see a serious earthquake hit Kenya, a very serious earthquake, very, very serious earthquake hit Kenya. I see a serious earthquake coming to Kenya.

Now if you read in The Bible in the Book of Matthew 24:7, HE says that there will be signs like this before, THE MESSIAH comes, there’ll be earthquakes and famines in various places, famines, earthquakes in various places. This is very clear in The Bible, that THE LORD spoke about earthquakes. However, now that it’s happening to Kenya, that  THE LORD is announcing to Kenya that there, there is a severe earthquake coming.

THE LORD IS fair and just; so HE’S asking for repentance, that means this meeting coming up in May, May 19th nobody who was called Kenyan can miss that meeting at Central Park— to give this nation an opportunity to go before THE LORD and repent.

Again, I’ve seen a very severe earthquake coming to Kenya, very, very severe, a very massive earthquake coming to Kenya, and THE LORD has spoken this and therefore the land needs to repent. The Judgment of THE LORD IS coming to the land. And I know at one point I will stand before THE LORD, in a major very big, in a very major national repentance, reconciliation, and healing, which is going to take place.

We are going to arrange this very well with the authorities. At one point I have to stand before THE LORD and plead —plead the Kenya case before THE LORD, plead for Kenya before THE LORD. However, May 19th for that matter, nobody called Kenyan can miss that meeting at Central Park to give you an opportunity to go before THE LORD and repent, and turn away from sin.

You remember when I was at Central Park, the most recent one, 24th of March. And I begun to Worship: in sadness, in sorrow, in pain, in agony; and then I said the Judgment of THE LORD IS coming. Two hours after that, the massive earthquake rock this country.

So beloved people, THE LORD IS just and HE IS Fair, and when you repent; HE relents. And The Bible says in the book of Jeremiah 18, if you get a chance to read all the way down from verse 1, HE says “Whenever I warned that a nation is to be judged, a nation is to be uprooted, and when if that nation repents from its sin, then I will relent and not afflict upon that nation the disaster I’d intended.”

So THE LORD IS very fair. A fair warning comes with a fair counsel. THE LORD has given Kenya the exit route; repentance. THE MESSIAH IS coming blessed people. Be holy. THE TWO PROPHETS ARE here, be very careful how you handle THEM, THEY are such a blessing as you can see blind eyes open at THEIR mere announcement of a healing service coming.

Cripples are walking, the deaf can hear, the Wonders are taking place here. Kenya is now chosen among the gentile nations to carry this revival. However, there’s a serious responsibility, The Bible says very clearly that, “I have placed MY WORD, MY NAME, and MY GLORY upon THEM.” So do not bring to THEM your disobedience, your apostasy; otherwise they will lead you to The Kingdom of God if you follow THEIR counsel.

The Bible gave warning before THESE TWO PROPHETS were sent. HE says HE has laid upon THEM, HE has placed in THEM: HIS NAME, HIS GLORY, HIS Power, HIS Authority —even the sun is clapping, even the neutron stars are colliding, and the entire universe is shaking— and THEY ARE preparing the holy way, righteousness, holiness for the coming of THE MESSIAH.

Turn away from sin, for the Bible also warns that, in that goodness of grace, the grace of our LORD JESUS, as THEY prepare the way for JESUS, please; there’s a responsibility. Be holy, be righteous, turn away from sin, turn away from corruption. If you look at the life of the Believers today, so much corruption; even in the church. Stay from immorality.

THE MESSIAH IS coming. Thank you, Todah, shalom.



Well, blessed people, again like I said THE LORD JEHOVAH YAHWEH, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, The Mighty God of Israel, HE has spoken with ME blessed people.  And I would like to share this conversation with you, before this phone goes off again. This past night, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, HE spoke with ME.

But before I share that conversation, I want to share another part that relates to Nigeria.  I see a death in Nigeria. I see a death in Nigeria, an important death in Nigeria. And, I see mourning and all this going on.

However, this past night THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke with ME, and HE spoke with ME about HIS mission HIS current mission on the Earth. And I know that many, many, many people, are tuned in from, all over the world, many of the nations across the continent.

Now this past night THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, HE presented to ME The Ministry of THE TWO PROPHETS that walk the Earth right now. And they were walking in the wilderness and leading the entire church of CHRIST through the wilderness of repentance. And, it was such a wilderness where, there was not even a single plant that has grown, it was so dry there. And THEY went through the Sinai desert, and as THEY led the church there were also climbing. I see them climbing, in a very mighty way, by the way, climbing with the church, the slopes, the rugged slopes of Mount Sinai. And then THEY went through the Sinai desert; THEY were leading the church of CHRIST.

And THEY were proclaiming, “Repent, repent, repent and prepare the way of THE LORD; in the wilderness. Be right with THE LORD your God, and turn away from sin, accept the gospel, be born again and be baptized, choose righteousness live a holy life; for THE MESSIAH IS coming. THE KING OF GLORY IS coming, prepare the way ye the nations of the Earth.”

And I saw the way THEY leading the church through the desert, and at one point even I see that still now as I talk to you, through the Sinai desert the rugged hills of Mount Sinai— but the ministry was very powerful, extremely very, very powerful the way, THE LORD presented it, extremely very powerful as, HE, THEY were going with the church and the people of THE LORD through this journey to the glorious Kingdom of God.

So THE MESSIAH is coming blessed people. I see some people are tuned in from Tel Aviv,(Tel aviv-yafo), Ramat Gan and many other places in Israel, Haifa, from Kinneret, Galilee, Nazareth and many places.

THE LORD IS saying that this is the time to prepare the way for the GLORIOUS coming of CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH. THE KING IS coming blessed people and right now THE TWO SERVANTS OF THE LORD, in this conversation as you’ve heard, THEY have led the nations Into the Wilderness of Repentance on their way home on their way to the eternal most glorious Kingdom of God.

THE MESSIAH IS coming. Prepare ye the way; I have seen THE MESSIAH coming.

Todah, todah. Todah rabah, todah l’haciam…Todah, todah haverim. Shalom.



THE LORD has spoken this day that there is going to be a serious healing service, a very major healing service that will take place. And He is going to instruct that you gather people, you gather the sick, you collect the cripples, you collect the blind from the villages, the cripples from the villages where they are stuck, where right now they are abandoned by —hospitals have nothing to help them with. And so that is going to be a tremendous () time in this land and also across the whole world —those that will partake of this healing service. And THE LORD has repeatedly spoken about this healing service and the tremendous anointing, the historic anointing that is going to () from that healing service. And so that is ().

Again, like I said, that is the most awaited day that this nation is waiting for. As THE LORD has spoken that you will bring out your cripples, the medical teams and the volunteer doctors will join you, as they always do, to go and verify the cripples, to pull them out from the villages, from deep into their home where they have been on the sand, on the dust. Those in wheelchairs, to wheel them out that THE LORD may be able to bring a very powerful Visitation unto this situation, their situations, this land and this church.

And so THE LORD has spoken very clearly about that () Visitation that is coming. And also THE LORD has given a date for Nairobi: that May 19th, May 19th is going to be another very powerful Word explosion in Nairobi. And so this is going to be even bigger, much, much bigger. We all know that the one (1) that took place March 24th, this year 2019, by 7 o’clock all the seats, ocean of seats, the ocean of seats were full and the whole place was full. People were standing; there was no space. And this one (1) is going to be even much bigger because of the demand —the other denominations, there are pastors from the other denominations have asked also that they come, they come and hear. Because they read, they read all this on the Standard Newspaper when it was published and they said they too, want to come and hear the announcement on the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

And so THE LORD has spoken about these events, so there is going to be a very big Word explosion in Nairobi that will take place, Word exposition that takes place at Central Park, Nairobi, and that is May 19th. And then there is going to be a healing service after that. The healing service will follow the Word explosion. And before THE LORD takes His TWO SERVANTS to the different counties, to bring the Word explosion there, there is going to be this meeting in Nairobi to continue the conversation on the coming of THE MESSIAH in Nairobi. But THE LORD is doing so in order to give Nairobi the same opportunity that Nakuru and Kisumu, Kakamega and all the other towns had when they had repeated Visitations, repeated Visits: Menengai one (1), Menengai two (2), the conference, Buhungu one (1), Buhungu two (2), Kisumu one (1), Kisumu two (2) all these.

The third (3rd) conversation that I want to share is THE LORD has been speaking with me for some time, including this past night, this past night THE LORD showed me some of the false prophets in Nigeria. And they were scheming with some pastors somewhere, to invite me —I do not know whether they are in this country; it looks like a pastor in this country. I see he is wearing a cloth with stripes, green stripes, white stripes going down; green and dark —to invite me.

And then in that conversation, in that dream, THE LORD now brought His SERVANTS to that place, to the plan —it was a scheme: invite me there and then where I sit, where I will sleep. And then in the process as His TWO SERVANTS leave, then the other false prophet will come and try to sleep on that bed, will sit on that seat, will touch these things, you know? THE LORD, He shows me greater details: trying to touch some of the things that They touched when They were there. So THE LORD has shown me a scheme by some pastors. Now I have come to public with it. Finally, today I want to come public with it.

So THE LORD has spoken repeatedly about this. He has repeatedly about some pastors who are going to invite me; they intend to invite me, to invite these TWO SERVANTS OF THE LORD. And then, yesterday I shared a greater detail and revelation on THE TWO to the Deputy Archbishops —and the Senior Archbishop was here— how They are operating and why They are TWO. But anyhow, some pastors intend to invite me as a schemed plan. Okay now, so again THE LORD () repeatedly that is why I bring it now publicly that some pastors intend to invite me and then where I will sit, where I will sleep, then they will take those bed sheets and everything.

But THE LORD has been speaking this for a very long time. And then some false prophets from Nigeria, THE LORD shows me, they came to that place, that was part of the scheme. So I just want people to understand the following: that THE MESSIAH is coming. THE MESSIAH is coming and everybody needs to repent and turn away from wickedness. THE LORD, He sees. He does not slumber; He does not sleep. You cannot steal the anointing of THE LORD. Leave these TWO PROPHETS alone. Just prepare the Way for the coming of THE MESSIAH. THE LORD never slumbers. The KEEPER OF ISRAEL never slumbers.

So THE MESSIAH is Coming.

And let all the pastors globally be ceased from sin and evil and simply prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. You cannot steal the anointing of THE LORD. The anointing of THE LORD belongs to THE LORD, it is a preserve of THE LORD, prerogative of THE LORD. Right now there is so much at stake on the coming of THE MESSIAH. Let all people repent and be ceased from wicked ways and just prepare. Be holy. Receive JESUS and be holy.

Do not be planning how you are going to invite Him and where He will sit, the cup He will use, where He will sleep, the bed sheets you will () them, and what. These are some of the reasons of which THE LORD shut down the missions abroad. Because, for a long time THE LORD has been speaking about some other pastors who has also been planning that and putting this, () all of these things here, this kind of wickedness: “Where He will sleep, I will go and take the bed sheets.”

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Let everybody be ceased from evil. The anointing of THE LORD belongs to THE LORD. It is a total preserve of THE LORD. And you cannot say, “He will be asleep.THE LORD is looking away I can steal something here.” No, you cannot do that.

So prepare the Way, blessed people. Let the devil not lie to you, whether pastor or not. Just prepare the Way. Receive CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH as LORD and SAVIOR and turn away from wickedness. Be baptized. Be baptized in complete immersion in water and then baptized in THE HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE, and then walk holy, be righteous.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

THE LORD has spoken for so many months now including yesterday. This is the second (2nd) part of the conversation I did not share with you: when He took me up into the Throne Room of Heaven and spoke about the massive healing service that is coming, the massive anointing, the fresher anointing, the deeper anointing. But there is other parts that I did not share, which is now this part where He also highlighted how some pastors would lie, would try to scheme and lie and say, “Let us invite Him and wherever He sits we will take that seat. The bedsheets on which He will sleep we will take.” Do not do that.

Just prepare the Way. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

You will not do it. I will see you before, like I have seen them now. THE LORD is GOD. You cannot steal from THE LORD, blessed people.

Let us prepare the Way and ashame the devil. Let the devil not lie to you. And if that be you, repent. Repent. Repent and turn away from sin. Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

() down the mountains in your heart, those mountains of idolatry. Bring down the depressions, raise those depressions, of immorality and wickedness in your hearts.THE KING is coming. One (1) day you will be shocked, you will shocked and say, “This (), this () has been announcing, this () has been announcing the coming of THE MESSIAH on a perpetual basis. Now look, it has happened.” I do not want you to be in that state. Repent and prepare ye the Way of THE LORD. Be righteous. I have seen THE MESSIAH coming.

May THE LORD bless you.




THE LORD has spoken this day that there is going to be a serious healing service, a very major healing service that will take place. And He is going to instruct that you gather people, you gather the sick, you collect the cripples, you collect the blind from the villages, the cripples from the villages where they are stuck, where right now they are abandoned by —hospitals have nothing to help them with. And so that is going to be a tremendous () time in this land and also across the whole world —those that will partake of this healing service. And THE LORD has repeatedly spoken about this healing service and the tremendous anointing, the historic anointing that is going to () from that healing service. And so that is ().

Again, like I said, that is the most awaited day that this nation is waiting for. As THE LORD has spoken that you will bring out your cripples, the medical teams and the volunteer doctors will join you, as they always do, to go and verify the cripples, to pull them out from the villages, from deep into their home where they have been on the sand, on the dust. Those in wheelchairs, to wheel them out that THE LORD may be able to bring a very powerful Visitation unto this situation, their situations, this land and this church.

And so THE LORD has spoken very clearly about that () Visitation that is coming. And also THE LORD has given a date for Nairobi: that May 19th, May 19th is going to be another very powerful Word explosion in Nairobi. And so this is going to be even bigger, much, much bigger. We all know that the one (1) that took place March 24th, this year 2019, by 7 o’clock all the seats, ocean of seats, the ocean of seats were full and the whole place was full. People were standing; there was no space. And this one (1) is going to be even much bigger because of the demand —the other denominations, there are pastors from the other denominations have asked also that they come, they come and hear. Because they read, they read all this on the Standard Newspaper when it was published and they said they too, want to come and hear the announcement on the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

And so THE LORD has spoken about these events, so there is going to be a very big Word explosion in Nairobi that will take place, Word exposition that takes place at Central Park, Nairobi, and that is May 19th. And then there is going to be a healing service after that. The healing service will follow the Word explosion. And before THE LORD takes His TWO SERVANTS to the different counties, to bring the Word explosion there, there is going to be this meeting in Nairobi to continue the conversation on the coming of THE MESSIAH in Nairobi. But THE LORD is doing so in order to give Nairobi the same opportunity that Nakuru and Kisumu, Kakamega and all the other towns had when they had repeated Visitations, repeated Visits: Menengai one (1), Menengai two (2), the conference, Buhungu one (1), Buhungu two (2), Kisumu one (1), Kisumu two (2) all these.

The third (3rd) conversation that I want to share is THE LORD has been speaking with me for some time, including this past night, this past night THE LORD showed me some of the false prophets in Nigeria. And they were scheming with some pastors somewhere, to invite me —I do not know whether they are in this country; it looks like a pastor in this country. I see he is wearing a cloth with stripes, green stripes, white stripes going down; green and dark —to invite me.

And then in that conversation, in that dream, THE LORD now brought His SERVANTS to that place, to the plan —it was a scheme: invite me there and then where I sit, where I will sleep. And then in the process as His TWO SERVANTS leave, then the other false prophet will come and try to sleep on that bed, will sit on that seat, will touch these things, you know? THE LORD, He shows me greater details: trying to touch some of the things that They touched when They were there. So THE LORD has shown me a scheme by some pastors. Now I have come to public with it. Finally, today I want to come public with it.

So THE LORD has spoken repeatedly about this. He has repeatedly about some pastors who are going to invite me; they intend to invite me, to invite these TWO SERVANTS OF THE LORD. And then, yesterday I shared a greater detail and revelation on THE TWO to the Deputy Archbishops —and the Senior Archbishop was here— how They are operating and why They are TWO. But anyhow, some pastors intend to invite me as a schemed plan. Okay now, so again THE LORD () repeatedly that is why I bring it now publicly that some pastors intend to invite me and then where I will sit, where I will sleep, then they will take those bed sheets and everything.

But THE LORD has been speaking this for a very long time. And then some false prophets from Nigeria, THE LORD shows me, they came to that place, that was part of the scheme. So I just want people to understand the following: that THE MESSIAH is coming. THE MESSIAH is coming and everybody needs to repent and turn away from wickedness. THE LORD, He sees. He does not slumber; He does not sleep. You cannot steal the anointing of THE LORD. Leave these TWO PROPHETS alone. Just prepare the Way for the coming of THE MESSIAH. THE LORD never slumbers. The KEEPER OF ISRAEL never slumbers.

So THE MESSIAH is Coming.

And let all the pastors globally be ceased from sin and evil and simply prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. You cannot steal the anointing of THE LORD. The anointing of THE LORD belongs to THE LORD, it is a preserve of THE LORD, prerogative of THE LORD. Right now there is so much at stake on the coming of THE MESSIAH. Let all people repent and be ceased from wicked ways and just prepare. Be holy. Receive JESUS and be holy.

Do not be planning how you are going to invite Him and where He will sit, the cup He will use, where He will sleep, the bed sheets you will () them, and what. These are some of the reasons of which THE LORD shut down the missions abroad. Because, for a long time THE LORD has been speaking about some other pastors who has also been planning that and putting this, () all of these things here, this kind of wickedness: “Where He will sleep, I will go and take the bed sheets.”

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Let everybody be ceased from evil. The anointing of THE LORD belongs to THE LORD. It is a total preserve of THE LORD. And you cannot say, “He will be asleep.THE LORD is looking away I can steal something here.” No, you cannot do that.

So prepare the Way, blessed people. Let the devil not lie to you, whether pastor or not. Just prepare the Way. Receive CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH as LORD and SAVIOR and turn away from wickedness. Be baptized. Be baptized in complete immersion in water and then baptized in THE HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE, and then walk holy, be righteous.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

THE LORD has spoken for so many months now including yesterday. This is the second (2nd) part of the conversation I did not share with you: when He took me up into the Throne Room of Heaven and spoke about the massive healing service that is coming, the massive anointing, the fresher anointing, the deeper anointing. But there is other parts that I did not share, which is now this part where He also highlighted how some pastors would lie, would try to scheme and lie and say, “Let us invite Him and wherever He sits we will take that seat. The bedsheets on which He will sleep we will take.” Do not do that.

Just prepare the Way. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

You will not do it. I will see you before, like I have seen them now. THE LORD is GOD. You cannot steal from THE LORD, blessed people.

Let us prepare the Way and ashame the devil. Let the devil not lie to you. And if that be you, repent. Repent. Repent and turn away from sin. Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

() down the mountains in your heart, those mountains of idolatry. Bring down the depressions, raise those depressions, of immorality and wickedness in your hearts.THE KING is coming. One (1) day you will be shocked, you will shocked and say, “This (), this () has been announcing, this () has been announcing the coming of THE MESSIAH on a perpetual basis. Now look, it has happened.” I do not want you to be in that state. Repent and prepare ye the Way of THE LORD. Be righteous. I have seen THE MESSIAH coming.

May THE LORD bless you.




Now blessed people I come to you today at about 10 p.m. East African time to share with you just a little bit on a reflection on the prophecies spoken in the past, and to see if THE LORD can help you here in the process.

I remember too well the prophecy of the year 2004, The 2nd of April 2004, when THE LORD spoke many prophecies, big prophecies, but there is a particular prophecy that stands out very, very much, I just mention them in passing. The prophecy when I stood before The Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY. and when THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD stood before THE LORD of all the Earth.

The Throne of THE LORD was covered with pure white glory like snow and totally covered—totally covered white. But that HE made ME know that HE that sits on the throne was seated on the throne, and paid particular attention to the conversation that would ensue as THE TWO stood before THE LORD of all the Earth Seated on HIS throne.

And then I remember also very well that when THE TWO PROPHETS OF YAHWEH stood before The Throne of God in Heaven; then THE LAMB, THE GLORIOUS LAMB OF GOD, THE KING, THE MESSIAH was also seated on HIS Throne, The White Throne. And then after that, also, a lot happened —there. I’m mentioning bits and pieces here and there.

Again I want to go through this very important prophecy, the prophecy of THE LORD, the prophecy of YHWH.

So 2004, 2004 the 2nd of April, a very, very significant prophecy I want to share. And standing right before The Throne of God Almighty in Heaven, when THE TWO that stand before THE LORD of all the Earth stood before THE LORD of all the Earth seated on HIS Throne at the throne position. And THE GLORY OF THE LORD covered the entire Throne like a mountain.  I’ve described this everywhere in every country that has gotten the opportunity, I’ve described this like a mountain of GLORY cover.  And when THE TWO that stand before THE LORD of all the Earth were standing before THE LORD of all the Earth then JOHN THE BAPTIST left from the Throne position and came to THEM.

And then after that, a lot of cascade of events take place, the voice of THE LORD after the conversation with JOHN THE BAPTIST, the voice of THE LORD says “Let ME show YOU what is about happen to the Earth.”

And THE TWO are lifted and taken to Jerusalem, and then THEY saw the changes of government— the 2 changes of leadership in Israel. And I have said so ever since then that that was Benjamin Netanyahu one (1) and Benjamin Netanyahu two (2). 

Because the 1st Benjamin Netanyahu took place when these TWO were in Israel (that’s when Benjamin Netanyahu was prime minister at that time in Israel.)  And so WE knew very well that for Benjamin Netanyahu to come back; that would be Benjamin Netanyahu two (2).

And so right now there’s so much happening: THE LORD has placed a flame on Israel.  THE LORD has shown these TWO the transmitter, the TV transmitter for the Global TV station in Israel, the sanctuary where THEY will minister, the habitation where THEY will stay.  I see the authorities involved in Israel, the people have come to meet THEM the ministration.  Then I see THEY begin to minister the details on ministration, and at the same time there’s also now elections going on in Israel.

Again blessed people, I’ve said that many things are happening globally. There is this particular prophecy of 2nd of April the year 2004 that I spoke from the Western Hemisphere, and I said so many things about that prophecy, many parts of it have been fulfilled others have yet to be fulfilled, and we see that that was a significant prophecy.

If you follow the full detail of the prophecy, on the web, the teaching, I’ve given across the nations you know even as THE LORD says nobody knows the day or the hour, it’s important for the church just to be on the alert.

It’s important for the church to prepare and have the glorious garment for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

But in that prophecy THE TWO are lifted, THEY stand before THE LORD of all the Earth the throne position. I’ve left out many details even how THE GLORY opened and THEY were able to see deep and see THE LAMB that was slain, and blood was flowing on HIS GLORIOUS Chest seated on the pure white super GLORIOUS Throne. And then lifted taken to Israel, seen the changes of leadership, the right-wing government one (1), another right-wing, Benjamin Netanyahu one (1) Benjamin Netanyahu (2).

The Bible says nobody knows the day or the hour, only THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, THE ONE that speaks with ME knows the day and the hour, and only HIM HE does know a season to not even the angels, not even THE MESSIAH HIMSELF.

So it’s always good to be ready, whether it’s ten (10) years from now, ten (10) hours from now, ten (10) days from now, ten (10) weeks from now, whenever it is, it’s always good to be ready, it pays to be ready, it’s beneficial to be ready; to have the finest linen bright and clean—which is the righteousness of the church

May THE LORD bless you, thank you. THE MESSIAH is coming.



Well, blessed people, I am coming to you today at this time, East African time. And it serves me indeed, a great pleasure and honor and privilege to come to you at this time. This is a tremendous moment in the history of the church when the revival of preparing the Way for the coming of THE MESSIAH is on. And every nation is given the exact opportunity to be able to prepare for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. So this moment is unequaled. This is a moment like no other ever since the church was inceived, ever since the church was launched at the Calvary CROSS.

Well, blessed people, again, like I said this is a very powerful time in the history of the church. At this hour we are seeing a tremendous churning and stirring of the church by THE HOLY SPIRIT, to prepare for the Honor of the church, the One that died for the church, our LORD and SAVIOR, CHRIST JESUS THE MESSIAH. And it has been a wonderful, wonderful time, a very mighty time ever since THE LORD launched this Mission on preparing the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

We know very well that the original Mission of the church, as THE LORD set out the church, was to be able to connect mankind to Heaven. Again, let us remember the original Mission as to why THE MESSIAH started the church. THE MESSIAH was sent to connect fallen man, mankind, the world, to Heaven. And so when He launched the church, He birthed out the church and launched the church at Pentecost, the purpose remains and remained: to connect mankind to Heaven. And along the way you know very well the narrative of the church. That along the way the church lost direction and lost way. But that did not surprise THE LORD because it was long foretold, it was long fore prophesied that there would be a fall, there would be apostasy, and there would be need for a refreshing, a renewal, a revival, a resuscitation, a rehabilitation of the church.

And that is why when the Mission that is inscribed in the Bible was launched upon the release of these TWO PROPHETS of Heaven, then I am saying it has been a beautiful time, a wonderful time, an awesome time, a refreshing time, because finally again, Heaven has been connected to the Earth. The Earth has connected to Heaven to fulfill the original mission of the church. You know, over time the church has done other things; the church has engaged herself in other procedures, practices, and ways. And in so doing she has lost contact with Heaven. But when THE LORD sent Us you can see that again the ministry of CHRIST THE MESSIAH was fully restored to connect the church, connect fallen man, connect the world to Heaven.

And that is why you see the Visitation of THE CLOUD OF GOD has been coming to the Earth. The Visitations again. GOD is connected to the Earth; Heaven is connected to the Earth. GOD is connected to His people again. And that is why, that is the importance —if you did not know, that has been the full message, the complete message of the Visitations you see in: Menengai, Kisumu, Kapkatet, Kericho, the Visitations you see in Lima, Peru. “But today I come to you with a lot of great, wonderful joy in my heart.” Says THE LORD.

Why? Because eventually you see the repentance taking roots in this land. You see that the revival that THE LORD has brought to this land surpasses human effort, surpasses human (), surpasses all human calculations. Why? Because I now can put together from the article that the standard newspaper wrote yesterday, the article that covered fully the meeting of THE LORD that took place on March 24th, the year 2019 at the Central Park in Nairobi here. You can see very clearly that that is now an act of repentance from the Kenyan media. The Kenyan media now repenting and saying, “No, we did not understand this. We may not have known Him but this is now who He is. This is now who these PROPHETS are.” And published word for word the message that was given by THE LORD on March 24th, the year 2019 at Central Park, Nairobi.

So this is a very refreshing time. This is a powerful time. When you put it together with the national assembly, the lawmakers of this country within the Parliament building coming together also and saying, “No, no, no, no, no, no. THE MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD we know, what They stand for we know. And look, now, all that was written was fake and false against Them.” You put all together you see a nation that is repenting. And I know also that I have been receiving from the highest authorities on all this. And the message has been very clear that, “We repent.” That, “We repent that such a thing could happen in this land.” That, “We need the help of THE LORD for this nation to navigate her way into her posterity, her future, whether while still on the Earth or eternally in eternity into Heaven.”

So this is an awesome time when I looked at that article yesterday with the Bishops here. And then I realized —previously I think, past weeks before Central Park they took it upon themselves to advertise the meeting free of charge; half page, quarter-page. It is a very expensive practice to do. And that is an act of repentance by this nation. And really, really, it goes a long way to underscore the fact that this nation is remorseful and this nation is beginning to understand the treasure of revival that THE LORD has deposited here.

And so I think this finally should bring to finality all this that you people have gone through. The pains you people have gone through. Because now you see the truth has been published: the message of the coming of THE MESSIAH. There is no greater thing than to see a national newspaper in the land publish about the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. And you know the paper is circulated all over the country. So now that has to cure, that has to cure the malady, the infirmity that had been inflicted, attempted to be inflicted upon the Mission of THE LORD.

And that now again positions Kenya to the same advantage place they have been before. But now you can also look at Kenya at their worst. Look at all those pictures that you see on jesusislordradio.info and you see that Kenya at her worse still has the biggest revival on the face of the Earth. So surely, I can see very clearly that the gains have been preserved. That the gains are here even as THE LORD navigates this Mission to other nations. But the gains are here. The gains for THE MESSIAH must be preserved.

And I am also happy that until now, I know that as THE LORD prepares to launch His TWO PROPHETS to Israel, until now though THE LORD has not mentioned the time. So still, again, from this place THE LORD is going to transmit the announcement and the instruction regarding the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. He is going to transmit the announcement and the instruction for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH from this place, from Kenya, to all other nations.

And even as LORD does that, even as THE LORD does transmit the announcement, the instruction and the Message on the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, and the daily conversation GOD has been having with the church, ever since He sent these TWO PROPHETS you have seen the living GOD; the GOD of the Bible. Because on a daily basis you see there is a conversation regarding the coming of THE MESSIAH, regarding the church.

And I know that for a long time I have not shared with most of you, but the core, at the core, at the center of this Mission is the redemption of Israel; the national revival of Israel. So all these processes that you hear, the conversation regarding relocation, regarding launching from Israel, all these are within the paradigm, within the framework, the grand master plan for which this Mission was launched on the Earth.

But eventually as the Gentile church, the Gentile Mission is launched, within the heart, at the heart of that Mission: the rapture of the Gentile church, is the redemption of Israel. So Israel is always sitting at the center of all this. But we saw very clearly, blessed people, that the conversation THE LORD had at Central Park, Nairobi was very well pegged, very well riveted on the Mission of the CHRIST: the original Mission of the CHRIST, and on the Mission of these TWO MEGA PROPHETS OF ETERNITY, THE PROPHETS OF THE RAIN, THE PROPHETS OF THE FIRE. That Mission is simple: to separate unto THE LORD a people, a people unto THE LORD. And that is why you saw me read at Central Park the Book of Revelation chapter 18 verse 4. Which I still read again now for you. The Book of Revelation chapter 18 verse 4.

And before I read that I want to bring to you the greatest joy. The messages of good tidings that I bring today is that there is going to be a mega, mega healing service in this land. And THE LORD is going to cause His TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS to decree from Their residence in Nairobi. And again, you are going to gather yourselves in approximately 84 stadiums —and of course, plus those globally who will care to do so. And the doctors will start earlier. I will let you know when they should start going out. Probably in the next three (3) weeks or so —or four (4). Three (3) weeks and then I will release the doctors and the medical teams to go deep into the villages and start looking for the cripples that have been abandoned there, for the blind that have been abandoned there, for whom there are no appliances in hospitals to address their disabilities, their problems, their sicknesses.

I think about four (4) weeks from now, in about four (4) weeks time I will be able to release the pastors, the overseers, the bishops and the doctors, the senior directors of medical services that THE LORD has privileged us with. Remember, only Kenya does this. In all those countries abroad I have never seen the directors of medical services coming and saying, “Can we verify for you the patients and the disabilities? Such that when THE LORD has healed them the glory is bigger.” Only Kenya does this. But I guess this is still a learning class, a classroom for all the other nations.

But in about four (4) weeks time I am going to be sending out the Bishops, the Senior Presiding Bishops, the Senior Overseers, the Senior Pastors, the Senior Medical Teams led by the Directors of Medical —we have the Deputy Directors of Medical Services, we have the Senior Assistant Directors of Medical Services, we have all the senior doctor consultants and specialists who are involved in this surgeon. And then we will go out to the villages and pull out: those abandoned, the abandoned cripples, the abandoned blind, the abandoned deaf, those who are in the village huts.

Like some of them the Njambutos. And we know very well in Kisii —Nyamira area, Kisii there— that the Njambutos, a complete family that was totally crippled. When We went there We know what We found. We found them; they had no help. They were helping themselves there, relieving themselves in the house and on their own. And they were crippled; three (3) of them. That that is the kind of dilapidation until THE LORD raised them, lifted them from the soil; He lifted them up from the sand. And now they are walking, they are doing their life as normal now. Now they are people again.

So these are the kind of people we are going to ask the doctors to go out and pull out from the villages: abandoned, those who do not have fare, the villages, even villagers gave up on them, stopped caring for them. And so these are the: cripples, and the blind, and the deaf, and the mute, and the paralytics, and the lame, spinal cord injuries, the cancers, the tumors, that We are going to pull out into your 84 stadiums. About three (3) to four (4) weeks from now I will announce it when the Senior Presiding Bishops should lead teams out to bring all the sick out into your stadiums; 84 of them, or more. And then THE LORD will make a decree from Nairobi here and then from Our head offices in Nairobi here. And then you will see what will happen in the land. It will be a wonder.

Because the healing anointing that I have seen THE LORD release from these TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF ETERNITY is very shocking .This time around it is absolutely shocking; the freshest anointing —and very deep. And when He put me within that presence in front of His Throne Room, and He showed me that healing service, then even the Glory of THE LORD like a mist —pure white Glory— came and swept through. And with a sound, like a hissing holy sound, passing, just passing around. It was like mist. The Glory, white like mist. It was such a tremendous, astounding Visitation before the Throne of GOD YHWH, the One that sent me to prepare the Way for the Darling of Heaven, for the King, for THE MESSIAH, HAMELECH, that is coming.

But the Book of Revelation chapter 18 verse 4. Again, He says, “Then I heard another voice from Heaven saying: ‘Come out from her, my people, [come out from her, comma, my people, comma] so that you may not share in her sin, neither participate in her plague.’”

So this is very powerful, beloved people. THE LORD is commanding a separation of His people at this hour. He is commanding that His people be separated at this hour. Why? Because THE MESSIAH is coming. The glorious coming of THE MESSIAH has drawn nigh, and so THE LORD is now separating His people as we saw from Central Park, Nairobi. And He is using the BLOOD OF JESUS like He did in Egypt before the plague struck. He is using the tremendous, wonder-working BLOOD OF JESUS to separate out His people.

And you see the same in the Book of Isaiah chapter 48 verse 20, where He says, “Go forth out of Babylon, flee from the Chaldeans! With a voice of singing declare, tell this cause it to go forth even to the ends of the Earth; say, “THE LORD has redeemed His servant Jacob!’”

He is talking about a separation that will take place, that takes place at this point in time. Again, separating His people from the others that they may not suffer the plagues, they may not suffer what the others will suffer. Again, separating and essentially dividing the Earth into two (2) portions and two (2) populations.

The Book of Romans, Romans chapter 6 talks about the same separation. But before I read Romans chapter 6, I would like to read Jeremiah chapter 51. The Book of Jeremiah chapter 51. Jeremiah 51:44- 45, blessed people. And He says the following about Jeremiah. I will get back to 50 also, but Jeremiah 51:44-45. He says —again, I am reading Amplified. I could have read any other versions. He says, Jeremiah 51, blessed people, verses 44 and 45. He says, “And I will punish and execute judgment upon Bel [the god] in Babylon and take out of his mouth that he has swallowed up [the sacred vessels and the people of Judah and elsewhere who were taken captive].The nations will not flow anymore to him. Yes, the wall of Babylon has fallen!” And We have other versions, too, on the same.

I am reading —let me open other versions here. Jeremiah. Jeremiah 51. And this is what He says. Jeremiah chapter 51. He says, verse 44-45. Jeremiah 51. Now, in King James He says, 44-45, “And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together anymore unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.” And then He goes to 45, “My people, go ye out of the midst of her, deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of THE LORD.”

Again, when you read it from The New American Standard He says, “I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will make what he has swallowed come out of his mouth; the nations will no longer stream to him. Even the wall of Babylon has fallen down.” NIV says, “I will punish Bel in Babylon and make him spew out [puke out, vomit] what he has swallowed. The nations will no longer stream to him. And the wall of Babylon will fall. ‘Come out [out] of her, my people!Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of THE LORD.”

And this conversation has been well spoken, eloquently, in the message that was delivered at Central Park, on the 24th of March this year: the year 2019. When THE LORD spoke very clearly, with absolute certainty that there is a tribulation that is coming, and a Great Tribulation that follows that. And all that is well inscribed in the Bible. And everybody now is a little bit enlightened on what is coming to the Earth.

But He is saying that every time before such a storm hits the Earth, THE LORD has a protocol that He executes. He always separates His people from the wrath. There are certain people that He endears Himself to; He calls “My people”, His people. And then He separates them from the storm, the thunderstorm, from the wrath that is coming. We all know that THE LORD is coming to judge this wicked world, the antichrist, and the entire world that will be worshiping the devil at that time, at that point in time.

And so, this message of separation, blessed people, is the one I pronounce to you today as we celebrate the fact that Kenya is now getting back to her feet. Kenya is now resuscitating; she is taking back her position. She is regaining, she is upholding, beholding glory again, the revival that THE LORD has placed in this land again. The newspapers, the secular newspapers are publishing the message of the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. What a greater time in the land.

And I want to declare today there to be massive celebration across this country. That now finally, in every office, in every marketplace, in every street, people can read about the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. That is a big achievement what the standard newspaper has done. They have done a big thing. The other time it was the k24tv that brought out the message of THE LORD and the defining of the stripes of the moment of the hour, when THE LORD commanded from Italy that in Lima, Peru, when THE TWO PROPHETS walk there that Heaven would open and then rain would come. And then it rained even crystals and dust of gold.

And so I just want to re-emphasize this entire message at this hour when Kenya now is beginning to celebrate her getting back to her feet, because the healing services are coming. The Word explosion will continue. The Word ‘expo’ —exposition of the Word— will continue. And it is such a powerful time because many, many quarters from the authorities in the land they have called me and told me, “Continue with the Word explosion in this land.” They have called me and told me that that is a mega transformation that is taking place in the land. The lives of people are being transformed, people are being prepared for eternity, people are being told to be more righteous, to be holy, to be repentant.

There is no awesome greater thing to happen to a populous, a people, a nation, than to see the (23:19) transformation to be a more righteous population. And so this separation here is very powerful, because that message that was delivered at Central Park it really trumpeted the original Mission of the church. The church was called out. When THE LORD launched the church her calling was to separate out a people unto THE LORD, to connect the Earth, to connect the world, to connect mankind that had fallen, back to their inheritance, back to their destiny in Heaven.

And so I celebrate today as I am talking about the wonderful broadcast and dissemination the standard newspaper has done. I celebrate with you Kenya. () THE LORD prepares the Mission to Israel. We do not know when it takes place, whether before the rapture, or after the taking of the saints. But whichever the time, it will take place I have seen myself there executing the Mission of THE LORD. But at the center of this, at this prime time is separation; this message that trumpeted the doctrine of separation at Central Park. And you see very clearly that that separation that was being exalted at Central Park by THE LORD is essentially asking you people as Kenyans to separate from sin; to separate out totally from sin.

And that is why I mentioned Romans chapter 6 verses 1 to 5, for example. Still celebrating the same separation THE LORD is trumpeting today. That was the original Mission. It remains the Mission of THE LORD. It remains His commitment that the church, as she continues to execute her life, separation, a separated Christian lifestyle must be at the core center of her being.

Now, Romans chapter 6. Romans 6:1 to 5 —or 1 to whichever; you can read as far as you want when you get time. But that is the continuous celebration on separation, because He says, “Dead to sin and alive in CHRIST.” He says, “What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that the grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how then can we live in it any longer?” Verse 3, “ Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into CHRIST JESUS were essentially baptized into his death? And we were therefore buried with him through the baptism into death in order that, just as CHRIST was raised from the dead through the glory of the FATHER, we too may live a new life.” In other words a resurrected life.

That is again now, the trumpeting and the exalting of separation. And you can read on and on, all the way down. Separation. This separation that the church needs to undertake right now. If you read 2nd Corinthians chapter 6, same thing. He talks from verse 14. 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 from 14-18, He repeats the same thing: exalting separation, the original Mission of the church, why you became a Christian. He says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between CHRIST and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?”

So, blessed people still on this separation. Verse 16, “What agreement is there between the temple of GOD and idols? For we are the temple of the LIVING GOD, JEHOVAH. As GOD said, ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their GOD, and they will be my people. ‘”Verse 17, “Therefore, ‘Come out of them and be separate, says THE LORD.’” This is the same clarion call that you heard made. You heard Him making that clarion call at Central Park, March 24th, this year: 2019. That, “Come out of them lest you share into their conversation and you share into their plagues, you share in their sin and share in their judgment.” And He says, “‘Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a FATHER unto you, and you will be my sons and my daughters, says THE LORD Almighty.’”

That is the “My people” church that THE HOLY SPIRIT is building at this hour. But to emphasize this and to bring it to closure in this broadcast today, I want to run back to the Book of Matthew. Same Matthew. The Book of Matthew chapter 5. Still on the same emphasis on separation. And that is why today it serves me with great joy that the standard newspaper has stood out they have stepped out and said, “I think the messages that are being released by these PROPHETS are such a treasure.” And they have decided to carry it. Can you imagine a secular newspaper? Only in Kenya this happens.

And this is a beautiful revival time. Those are the hallmarks of revival. And I think today this bring to finality the mourning that has been going on here of the abuse and the blackmail. Because the standard newspaper has essentially cured it. They have cured that malady. They have come out and said, “No, we will now carry the Message of THE LORD.” And that is such a tremendous act of repentance in the land. I know there is a national repentance. working with authorities. We are working on that.

But I am talking about now the people on the ground, their act, their conduct that bespeaks repentance, bespeaks remorse. The Book of Matthew chapter 5. Matthew 5 from verse 29, look at what He says here. Matthew 5:29 on He says, “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.” In other words into [basura en espanol], into the garbage, into() for German. Again, I repeat verse 29, “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go to hell.”

This is a very powerful message on separation. This is what I am talking about. THE LORD is saying that if there is anything that entices you to sin, that causes you to sin, then you have to separate from that thing. And that is still the same message THE LORD transmitted, was trumpeting on March 24th, the year 2019, from Central Park, Nairobi. And I know that many have asked me that We may be able to set up a particular regime, a particular calendar for the Central Park Revival, for the Nairobi Revival, for the Nairobi Sunday Gospel Crusade. And maybe We will hear what THE LORD says as THE LORD navigates me to the other counties, the other places, before I leave the land. As THE LORD takes me now —of course We are planning the meetings to: Bungoma, to Kisumu, to Mauralel, to Kitale, Mombasa, and all these as We wait on the timing of THE LORD.

But you can see very clearly that THE LORD is trumpeting separation, a separated Christian lifestyle. Essentially separation from sin. And that is why He really, really came out very big. He came out big on that thread: the scarlet thread that was being used to distinguish between the firstborn and the second-born, so that the firstborn may enjoy certain rights. And He used Perez as an example. He said, “No, corruption cannot separate, you cannot do that separation by corruption.” There is so much that goes into that dysfunction that you saw take place when Perez and Zerah were being born. When Zerah stretched out his hand and received the scarlet ribbon, the scarlet thread. And then later it only turns out that Perez is the firstborn.

He is saying that when THE MESSIAH is coming, separation cannot be executed by corruption. That Perez had to take his place as the firstborn. And I read for you the lineage of THE MESSIAH, that indeed, THE MESSIAH came from Perez. He came through the lineage of Perez. So corruption cannot execute that separation. But you see that same message, you see that message, the prototype of that message in the church today. He is saying that corruption in the church cannot be the instrument that executes that separation. It will collapse. So that is why Zerah, whether Zerah means the scarlet thread or scarlet ribbon, scarlet cord, still the Perez, Perez has to take his place because this separation is executed from the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven.

And that is why Matthew 5:29-30 really speaks speaks into this separation, blessed people. This mega separation, this mighty separation, the separation that the church ought to understand, undertake and behold in her Christian lifestyle separation from sin. Separation from anything; temptation also. Anything that will entice you, ensnare you to sin (eh?). Separation from the world. There is so much about separation that THE LORD is now bringing to the nations of the Earth and to the House of THE LORD.

And that is why today I want to celebrate so much what the standard newspaper did. And I want to thank THE LORD that now that healed, that cured this whole thing. And I told you people that that is the testimony: that you do not have to fight back. All you need is to let the testimony of your life bespeak. Let the testimony of your life, the cripples that are walking, the blind that are seeing —when has THE LORD ever used a sinful man, a sinful person to do such mighty works? To command the sun to clap, to cause Him point from, point His Glory from Heaven like He said is going to take place soon again.

And so, right now THE LORD is commanding the church in this nation and beyond to observe separation in their lives. And I am very glad that this has been transmitted to you —even by the secular mass media— that this nation may never have a case before THE LORD. That you may know that THE LORD has spoken separation. That the world may know that the message on separation has been well transmitted, has been well trumpeted to the nations, to the church, to the body of CHRIST.

And so you know what to do as a believer: execute separation from sin, separation from anything that will entice you to sin —temptations in other words. Separation from this dark world. This is time to separate that you may be able to see the glorious Kingdom. Now I have come forth to announce that there is going to be a mega healing service. I have seen that healing service. There is going to be massive, historic healing, historic, mega healings that will take place —including the miracles of creation that will take place in this land and beyond, for those who will care to partake of the healing service.

And I know that right now THE LORD is preparing the nations. And I am still asking THE LORD, the exact paradigm, the exact calendar, the exact timing of the Mission to Israel . There is another Visitation that is supposed to take place in Lima, Peru when THE CLOUD OF GOD, THE DARK CLOUD comes all the way from Heaven and settles on me right in the eyes of everybody —and then it rains. All these things have been said and pronounced. They will come to pass. But We have to wait on the timing of THE LORD.

So may THE LORD bless you, precious people.

And I ask you to celebrate this moment. Why? Because THE LORD has come through. THE LORD is now announcing to you the coming of THE MESSIAH. You have seen the wonders not seen before. You have seen the healings historic. You have seen the message of separation trumpeted to you. And now you know how to walk as a Christian. The original Mission of the church was that THE LORD JESUS came to separate out a people unto THE LORD.

And that is why, at Central Park in Nairobi I did read from the book of Revelation. At Central Park in Nairobi I read from Revelation chapter 5, on what THE LORD did when He came to launch the church. And I read very clearly the Book of Revelation chapter 5. And I read verse 9 where He said, “And they sung a new song: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased man for GOD from every tribe and every language and every people and every nation. And you have made them a kingdom and priests to serve our GOD, and they will reign on the earth.’”

So I celebrated this in Central Park. You heard THE LORD raise this Scripture. Why? Because this is sitting at the core, at the living core, the living center of the Mission of THE CHRIST to launch the church to launch the salvation of the grace, separate out a people, toucheth a people unto THE LORD.

So may THE LORD help you today.

But I am celebrating with you that a healing service is coming, other conferences are coming in this land. So if the devil thought that the revival and the gains that THE MESSIAH had made in this land were finally collapsing, I have sad news for the devil: that the revival is going to be stronger, and stronger, and stronger, and bigger, and greater. They call it bigger and better. It is going to be much bigger and better. Bigger and better. You can see Kenya at their worst —now look at the pictures on the web. At their worst they have a monumental revival. How bigger then will be the other revival? And the other nations, too, when THE LORD now releases me to Visit those nations.

So the gains THE MESSIAH is making across the Earth will continue on and on. And I bless the church in China. I bless the senior Bishops in China for the great zeal they are exuding, the great work they are doing in China. And THE LORD will release me to those nations too.

May THE LORD bless you.

Todah rabah.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Make sure you live a separated life, a holy life, a righteous life, a life that is befitting to the honorable CROSS and THE BLOOD that our King, THE LORD JESUS brought unto the church.

Shalom, todah. Todah rabah.

Leaving to Israel a Parallel, April 1st, 2019


So well, blessed people, what an awesome opportunity to come to you again. As you can tell every single occasion, on every single blessed occasion that the THE LORD does allow US to come to you, to speak to you on the Oracles of JEHOVAH, on The Decrees of God, on The Decrees from The Throne of God Almighty in Heaven. It always serves US with a wonderful honor, it humbles US to come to you, because WE really understand how important you are to The Kingdom of God Almighty, that when it’s all said and done you are the target, you are the special guests into the Glorious kingdom of God the invited guests, the invited guests, the one for whom CHRIST THE MESSIAH, went to The Cross.

But now, these TWO are slaves, THEY are slaves that are meant to serve you special guests of Eternity, the special guest of our God in Heaven, the special guest of CHRIST. And that’s why on every occasion, when THE LORD gives ME the slightest of opportunity to come to you, it always serves US with such a tremendous honor unspeakable, an honor that can only be perceived in the life to come.

Well, I’ve heard quite a conversation, that is going on across the globe now, in terms of the relocation THE LORD has announced that The Heavens announced relocation, for THE TWO SERVANTS that have been walking around here in Kenya, launching from Kenya and visiting many nations from Kenya— and I know that there is a continuing conversation people asking, ‘What does this mean towards the Glorious coming of THE MESSIAH?’ And I think those are the right questions to ask at this time that you may be able to get the message THE LORD IS transmitting.

And remember, that again, WE have said very clearly, WE have said that WE do not know the exact timeline, the time frame, the exact timeline are not known, THE LORD has not revealed that to US—But all I know very clearly is that THE LORD has already presented US in Israel, presented that booster, that transmitter, that TV transmitter that is sitting most likely on Mount Hermon, and half of it is covered by mist.

I just wanted to draw a parallel here to bring us a greater understanding on this move, this relocation that THE LORD has announced, that HE IS going to relocate HIS SERVANTS. HE’S announced to the whole Earth that HE IS going to relocate THEM to Israel and Heaven said, THE LORD said, “Yes, Jerusalem is the center of the Earth.”

However I now want to bring a little enlightenment onto this relocation and how it takes place, that we may operate from a point of greater understanding and knowledge and wisdom. I’M going to draw a parallel here, when THE LORD sent ME to India, sometime back THE LORD sent ME to India, I did leave Kenya, I left Kenya and went to India—and when I went to India, THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD lead ME to Hyderabad, and from Hyderabad where I landed; then I took a train all the way to Tenali because THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD wanted to announce the coming of THE MESSIAH all the way from Tenali, which is really at the tip down there, I know Coimbatore is the end tip, but Tenali is quite south also—and begin sweeping across India going north.

So, I remember too well, when WE arrived, at Tenali, then the host pastors at that time, uh they, they, they were not very compliant, they, they, they, they didn’t cooperate well, after WE’D arrived in Tenali and checked into the hotel room— and then because they didn’t cooperate; then other pastors from another Village in India appeared and said, ‘We’re aware that YOU are here and YOU brought the Glorious Tidings of God, about the Glorious salvation of JESUS, and the coming of THE MESSIAH.  Why don’t YOU come to our village?’

And I remember, those pastors I gave them a green light go ahead and they prepared a wonderful Crusade in a village, an entire Village at night— and so as WE went there and preached the Gospel, people received THE LORD, it was very powerful, the entire Village repented.

And so the next day as WE came down, WE came back to Tenali where OUR base was, in one of the hotels there. Then, at that time, I had a dream.  THE LORD came and spoke with ME, and when HE spoke with ME THE LORD showed ME a transmitter, the same way HE has done it in Israel now.

And that’s why I want to bring this parallel to you, to bring a greater understanding onto this, in terms of timeline, in negotiability, huh, negotiability wether these, these, these, this relocation is negotiable, because sometimes I hear negotiation… going on on radio—but, THE LORD spoke with ME from Tenali and showed ME that I should go north that if I go north in India from Tenali towards Hyderabad there is a transmitter somewhere HE has prepared, which will transmit the messages of the THE LORD. 

Same, same conversation—as you are now having for the relocation, towards Israel.

And I remember too well, that finally, out of that conversation that there is a transmitter prepared a TV station that will transmit the message.  It is a Global TV. I remember too well WE set out the next day by train and went north up to Hyderabad, and when WE arrived Hyderabad, I remember so well we checked, I went to the university there, there are many universities but one of them to look for a place in YMCA to stay— and the place was full.   YMCA was totally full, so I joined the waiting list, and they said ‘But if YOU go down there; there are many hotels.’

So I crossed the street, and saw ‘Yashoda Hospital’ and right beyond it was the residency, it’s called ‘Residency Inn’, a hotel. And as I went to residency inn, and checked in for the week, in order to begin looking for churches, begin organizing meetings to begin to announce to them, “Stop idol worship.” That Indians, the people of India may get to know that THE MESSIAH has gone to The Cross, HE has died and resurrected for them and HE has bought the Glorious salvation of THE LORD to the nation they included that now they cannot do idol worship.

And I remember so well blessed people that at that time then when um, I checked in there then all of a sudden news spread through the town of Hyderabad.  News, news spread that ‘THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD’ is in town, that night— and it spread through the DVD, there was a DVD I was giving people, and then the authorities got to know that I was there— and the next day was shocked, when it was actually the chief minister, who is actually like the president of that state sent a team to come and meet ME at the hotel and tell ME that they’re aware that I am here. 

They have watched the DVD, they have watched The Visitations of God—and to cut the long story short, now it is from those authorities, these authorities here that they said, ‘We have a TV station where you can broadcast this message.’

Now you remember the dream from Tenali, you remember the transmitter THE LORD showed ME from Tenali, way South— and then all of a sudden arriving into Hyderabad, here I was in a TV station now broadcasting the messages of THE LORD to hundreds of millions of homes of the Indians. So these two dreams are very parallel.

You can tell now that THE LORD is saying HE has already prepared the structures on the ground to transmit HIS message— and so some of these things are not negotiable. The way I hear you trying to negotiate them, on radio. Again, the dispensation, the time and when THE LORD has not revealed to ME— but you can tell HE is saying that HE has laid up the structures, the authorities are going to be involved, and the TV station, Global TV that will transmit is ready and so, that relocation will take place.

Of course, the prayer is that it does take place after the Rapture of the church, that the Revival here is preserved and many nations may receive the message launched from Kenya.

But I wanted to bring you this parallel that when THE LORD spoke to ME about this wonderful transmitter in Israel that is already prepared— and I see a newspaper has also published that THE TWO PROPHETS are already in the land in Israel, and I see the house prepared, and all these things. It is an exact repeat of what had happened way back when I was traversing India— and that is how THE LORD navigates HIS SERVANTS and such astounding awesome and shocking that HE can navigate them in this day and age this modern time, in that old biblical way.

And so, again I’M always blessed to come to you, to serve you, to love you and to be part of your wonderful story with JESUS, The Calvary story in your—your life, how The Cross at Calvary transforming your life, The Blood of JESUS is reshaping your destinies.  It has been a beautiful thing—but just that you may know, that when THE LORD shows this transmitter, this is exact parallel to a similar story I had before and these are almost non-negotiable.

The time and the when I do not know, THE TWO have not been told but I see in Israel THE TWO speaking to one another. I see the place where THEY’RE ministering in Israel, the hall. I see the transmitter station the transmitter of the TV station. I see THEIR residence that is prepared. I see the authorities involved, in the same way in India the authorities were involved, in fact the chief minister himself was involved in Andhra Pradesh, in Hyderabad who is the head of state for that state.

And so, these are structures that THE LORD has laid in place that The Message, The Mission, HIS agenda may be rolled out— and so I bless you, I bless you beloved people. 

Again, it is always been a blessing to come to you and to serve you, and so for every meeting that will hold in this land transmitting them globally; it is a bonus blessed people, count it a bonus.

May THE LORD bless you, THE MESSIAH IS coming. Turn away from sexual sin, turn away from the corruption in the church, the love of money, the love of the things of the world. Turn away from sexual immorality, sexual lust, the nudity in the church, the nude dressing of women in the church. Turn away from all these scandals of pregnancies in the church. Turn away from the modernism within the today’s Christian salvation. Let us go back to the old biblical gospel, and salvation of The Cross and The Blood; the Salvation that has Deliverance.

I have seen THE MESSIAH coming, I have seen THE MESSIAH take the church, a holy church. May THE LORD bless you, todah rabah, todah l’achaim, todah, todah… todah.



Well blessed people I come to you today, this morning at 3 zero 7 (3:07) a.m. East African time, because THE LORD has spoken with ME here. There was a meeting that took place here, of
the National Council of Bishops and they left, and as they left, when I finished with the last group and walked in, and then, in a moment fell asleep. In that flash of falling asleep, immediately THE LORD JEHOVAH, HE showed ME the rapture of the church.

Again, today, after this night, the Council of Bishops meeting, sharing quite a bit with them, then walked in and immediately I begun to fall asleep like this. THE LORD showed ME like lightning going across the sky going (prophetic demonstration) like lightning you know when
you charge your phone, you normally see that sign of the battery charging, that zigzag line that shows lightning or electricity, whichever the sign stands for, but that sign that goes left, right, left, right, the one of lightning, the sign of electricity.

Again, this night, today after meeting the National Council of Bishops and sharing with them at great lengths on very deep things about this mission of THE LORD on the Earth—and then, when I walked in and fell asleep, the moment at which I was falling asleep like this, then I saw like lightning that went from the earth across the sky (prophetic demonstration) like this (prophetic demonstration) went across the entire sky, all the way up; then The Voice of THE LORD said, “The Rapture of the Church”, then immediately I jumped out, I jumped up and, came to you, told them to prepare the radio for you.

Again let ME repeat this, today after a very long session, a very long time with the National Council of Bishops here and shared very deep, on this mission of THE LORD, with them and spoke to them also in the possibility of  THE LORD moving the mission and also how it was a greater longing that these missions be launched from here to preserve the revival.

Then after the Bishops left and the last batch that was the senior Archbishop and the deputies left, when I walked in, then immediately I began to fall asleep like this. Then THE LORD showed ME, like lightning coming from the Earth going all the way up into the Heavens it went (prophetic demonstration) over the sky like that, and then The Voice of THE LORD said “The Rapture of the church” then I jumped up—and that’s why I come to you at this morning, late in the night and also very early in the morning, without waiting. 

This is a very, very powerful time blessed people, first of all shocked ME quite a bit because I realized that “Oh, this cannot wait.”

Again THE LORD has spoken with ME about the Rapture of the church, and then by Voice HE said “The Rapture of the Church” but HE showed ME like lightning, coming from the Earth going (prophetic demonstration) up through the clouds, through the sky, and into the clouds and beyond.  I’ve seen the Rapture of the church.

Now the Bible says very clearly here that nobody knows the day or the hour when this event will take place (Matt 24:36); however, I’ve always known very well, that THE LORD will always make ME know THESE TWO PROPHETS THE MESSENGERS that have come to prepare the way, THEY will always know in advance when it’s near, without knowing the day or hour but THE LORD will always speak to THEM like HE has spoken severally for many years now, about the
Rapture of the church, the taking of the church, the gathering of the holy saints.

THE LORD has spoken continuously and I know because of this mission HE will always make ME know even when the proximity is closer. But The Bible says in the book of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 15 all the way to 17 HE says, (1 Thess 4:15-17)

“According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. (verse 16 HE says) for THE LORD himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, and the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God, and the dead in CHRIST will rise first. (verse 17 HE says) After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. so we will be with the Lord forever.”

So this is the scripture that describes the dynamic of the Rapture, the mechanistic, the process, the procedure, how it will take place on that day— and it’s a very powerful scripture because it lays out very clearly what happens to those who are asleep, and those that will be resurrected and then glorified in the process.  And those who are awake that will actually be translated, so those who are asleep and will be resurrected and transformed, while those who are awake and, holy that will be translated.  And HE says, ‘Those who are asleep’ first and then after that,  ‘Those who are awake.’

And then another scripture that describes the Rapture of the church is the book of 1st Corinthians, 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 50 to 56 HE says, (1 Cor 15:50-56)

“I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. (And then HE says), ”Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—(verse 52 HE says) in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable,…”

Again 52 I repeat, “In a flash”, so you see what THE LORD has just shown me this night, (prophetic demonstration) like that over the sky, in a flash, and it was zigzag.  It went zigzag like lightning you always see when you’re charging your phone, that lightning sign so it went up, everything went up, in a flash like lightning (prophetic demonstration) like that, then THE LORD said “The rapture of the Church.” 

That’s when I jumped up and called the radio station and told them to wake you people up, that you may hear what the Throne of God, what JEHOVAH YAHWEH has spoken from HIS throne.

And because nobody knows the day or the hour, I thought it’s very important to come to you now that everybody be informed, if it does happen today so you will be aware, it has happen tomorrow you will be aware, 10 years from now, you’ll be aware, 2 days from now, you’ll
be aware, 36 hours…

But the instruction is that this has been spoken by THE LORD.

Again HE says “I declare to you Brothers” 1st Corinthians 15 versus 50 to 56, (1 Cor 15:50-56)

“I declare to you brothers and sisters that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Glorious Kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable (then HE says) listen I tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we will all be changed (verse 52 is very key, HE says) in a flash”, (What THE LORD showed ME this night is a flash (prophetic demonstration) like that, like lightning (prophetic demonstration) at once  “In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed for the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality (verse 54) when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality then the saying that is written will come true death has been swallowed up in victory (verse 55) where o death is your victory where o death is your sting for the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law.

So again now, here HE’S describing the same event more accurately now, what HE has shown ME tonight. Again, because it went like up lightning (prophetic demonstration) like that, like lightning from the ground, across the sky deep across past the clouds and beyond. It
went (prophetic demonstration) and then HE said, “The rapture of the church.”

Then I jumped up, immediately I jumped up, And HE says, “In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye it will take place.”

Another scripture that talks about the Rapture of the church, is this one, in the Book of Revelation chapter 19.  Revelation 19, it’s almost similar to 1st Corinthians 15 that I have just read; I’ll explain to you why.  In Revelation 19, verses 6 to 9 HE says, (Rev 19:6-9)

“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: ‘Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty Reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. (Verse 8 HE says), Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear (Then HE says) (fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)”

So you see revelation 19 verse 8 is what connects Revelation 19, the narrative of the rapture, to 1st Corinthians 50-56, why; because here HE mentions the standard, the benchmark for entry.

HE says,

“Fine linen bright and clean was given her to wear and (HE says) fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God holy people.” HE says, those that will wear fine linen; are the ones that enter, in other words wear righteousness— and yet in 1st Corinthians 15 verses 50 to 56
HE also raises the standard there and HE says, the perishable flesh and the perishable blood that you wear today will not inherit the Glorious Eternal Kingdom of God.

The imperishable Immortal kingdom of God— and then at that point HE brings it to you in just that verse alone.  HE brings it to you that everything perishable, everything flesh will not enter. In other words, only the imperishability of your salvation will bring you into the Glorious kingdom of God.

In other words, HE’s saying that only righteousness will earn you a place in the Holy Kingdom of God, why because HE is saying only righteousness increases the shelf life, the lifespan, the longevity of the Christian, of the church that when you wear righteousness then you can live forever.  So that is the similarity between these two.

And then for Revelation chapter 19 verses 6 to 9 HE goes on to say in verse 9, “Then the angel said to me, ‘Write: blessed are those who are invited into the wedding supper of the Lamb! And he said, ‘These are the true words of the Lord.’

Then Another scripture that is similar to 1st Corinthians 50:56 and Revelation 19: 6-9, is Revelation 16 verse 15, (Rev 16:15) HE says,“Look, I come like a thief! And blessed is one who stays awake and remains clothed so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.”

Again here HE exalts The Garment of Righteousness, The Garment of Righteousness that one needs that they may be able to enter the Glorious Eternal Kingdom of God.

And then as a caution now, so you see HE has raised righteousness and HE is exalting righteousness, and HE’S exalting you the Christians that given the kind of critical conversation that THE LORD has had with ME, remember, nobody knows the day or the hour when
the Rapture takes place, however the season we can see, the season we know. 

And however THESE MESSENGERS that prepare the way we know very clearly that THE LORD will somehow engage THEM in a conversation like HE has done before across the years about the rapture when it is near, and then when it’s really proximate at one point HE will signal THEM.

And so THE LORD is saying that this is the hour for righteousness in the life of the Christian believer and for those who are not born again this is the hour to receive THE LORD, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, and be born again, be baptized in complete immersion of water, and that you may die and be buried with HIM in baptism and resurrect with HIM in eternal life, and then be baptized by THE HOLY SPIRI T.

So again, this night, THE LORD has had a tremendous conversation with HIS TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS, this is the conversation as I finish— after meeting the Bishops the whole day here, the National Council of Bishops and sharing quite passionately with them on what is coming to Kenya, and the mission of THE LORD, agenda of THE LORD at this hour, The Visitation that is ongoing, and celebrating what is going on, even in the nation of Kenya, and in The House of THE LORD.

When I came up, then I fell asleep, the moment at which I was falling asleep like this then (prophetic demonstration) like lightning that I saw lightning coming from the Earth and going all up across the sky, across the clouds, and went up in a flash (prophetic demonstration).  It went like that, like the lightning that normally goes across the sky; and then The Voice said, “The Rapture of the church.”  And I jumped up and I have come to you today.

So beloved people, prepare the way for the Glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, I have seen the coming of THE MESSIAH, I’ve seen that that event happens so fast you don’t have time to repent. 

The time to repent is now.  And so, I want to lead many and everybody to THE LORD now across the Earth, in your millions right now that when that event does take place, whether you’ve been a Christian over time and you’ve backslid, that this is the hour to renew and be right with God.

Maybe you have been a Christian, you’ve thought you were right, but backsliding is coming today in many forms: the lusting of the eyes, what your ears hear, by association and all that.

So, those who want to receive THE LORD repeat this say, “Dear JESUS, YOU ARE Mighty Mighty,The Mighty Savior sent by God to come and die for me on the cross, and Redeem me from sin. So precious JESUS, I Repent tonight and receive YOU in my life as my LORD and my Savior, and ask YOU LORD JESUS forgive me of all my sin, and ask YOU mighty LORD JESUS to establish YOUR Holy WORD in my life, in my heart, and in my being.

Precious LORD JESUS I ask YOU to send me YOUR HOLY SPIRIT to seal me for eternity and resolve me, to build a resolve in my heart for righteousness and holiness precious LORD JESUS. I thank YOU for the wonderful work YOU did on The Cross at Calvary, that I may get this opportunity to receive YOU in my life, and to be right with God Almighty JEHOVAH YAHWEH, our Holy FATHER in Heaven; in the Mighty Name of JESUS, today I am born again!

Again precious people if you said that prayer you need to be baptized and be right, it is proper to do so, so that you fulfill all righteousness.  But again this is what THE LORD has spoken today.  I was falling asleep, and then HE showed ME like lightning the Rapture takes place (prophetic demonstration) across the sky, from the earth down, all the way cutting across the sky and then The Voice of GOD THE FATHER said, “The Rapture of the church.”

May THE LORD bless those who have ears, todah, todah, todah
rabah, todah L’achaim, todah.



Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken judgment over this nation today. It is very clear that THE LORD has spoken the judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya because of the blackmail, the abuse, the character assassination, the blackmail, the ridicule, the mockery that this nation has subjected THE LORD JEHOVAH, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, over. And you know that the GOD OF ISRAEL cannot take one (1) blackmail. He does not stand blackmail, ridicule, and mockery from those He has come to rescue.

And so, THE LORD has spoken a very massive judgment. And the Voice of THE LORD Himself said, “GOD is angry. THE LORD GOD is angry.” And then He led His TWO PROPHETS to strike the land with a judgment, to pronounce the judgment of THE LORD over this nation. Now, and then I saw the buildings trembling, swinging left and right, and also up and down. An earthquake. A massive earthquake hit the land.

Ever since I had this conversation with you, until now, I have been negotiating with THE LORD, talking to THE LORD, and telling THE LORD that, “LORD, why don’t You command Your TWO PROPHETS to turn the judgment of THE LORD specifically on the people that have abused THE LORD?” Because, when you look at the meeting that took place at Central Park this past weekend, the entire Kenya Is there. You can see that the entire Kenya loves THE LORD. They honor THE LORD, they revere THE LORD, they worship THE LORD, the fear THE LORD. And yet there are cripples that have walked in this land, the blind that have seen, the deaf, the mute, and the revival is on.

So I asked THE LORD, “Will you crush all these people with that judgement?” Then THE LORD has spoken with His TWO PROPHETS and said, “THE PROPHETS OF THE LORD that are walking here have sufficient power to ensure the protection of all the people that love THE LORD. They simply need to decree.” And that is the decree I make today. But the wrath of GOD must still come. THE LORD must still shake the land, but THE LORD will direct His wrath towards the enemies of JEHOVAH. That power and authority and capacity We have. And that is why today We have stood before THE LORD and decreed that THE LORD will pursue the enemies of GOD in this land. Pursue them viciously with extreme power and dread that they will run for their lives and find nowhere to run to.

But for the millions of people that love THE LORD, the huge numbers that have gathered at Central Park this weekend, in the churches, the cripples, the blind, the lovers of GOD, for them THE LORD will now protect them by THE BLOOD OF JESUS. This is the decree We have made before THE LORD of all the Earth, today. And for the celebrations that were decreed by the Senior Archbishop yesterday must continue. We must celebrate the goodness of THE LORD and that THE LORD is now going to turn His anger and His sword unto the enemies of GOD —and they are few.

The rest of this nation, the majority of this nation, they know who THE TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD are. They know that ELIJAH, ELIJAH THE MOST FEARED PROPHET OF YHWH is walking there! The rest of the nation is aware. They are very much alive to the fact that MOSES, THE CLOUD OF GOD has settled on MOSES THE MAN OF GOD. Unto man it is appointed to die once. That is why he has come with a glorious body. That is why he is always in the background. That is why he is transfigured.

And so THE LORD has decreed today that the wrath of GOD must fall. The earthquake must come. But THE LORD will pursue the enemies of GOD. He will make them run; He will chase them. And at the same time He will protect His own covered by THE BLOOD. I have decreed this. We have stood before THE LORD and THE LORD has approved this. So you can now celebrate the goodness of THE LORD, celebrate the revival, because judgment and revival have entered the House at the same time. And THE LORD is now separating His people.

Wait and see the wonder now. From this point on wait and see the wonder: the judgment that will befall the enemies of GOD, the blackmailers, those that ridicule THE LORD, those that have character assassinated GOD. Wait and see the wonder: how THE LORD is going to separate His people and bring a tremendous, unbelievable wrath on the other side and bring down the enemies of GOD —unless they repent in the public.

Has not THE LORD spoken with this land again? So let everybody celebrate now. Those that belong to THE LORD continue celebrations today and forever; because, the revival continues. But the enemies of GOD, they will be pursued. They will see the fear, the terror of GOD. He will pursue them. Read the Bible. Read the Bible and see the terror of GOD in the Bible where how He pursued His enemies. How he pursued them, when He pursued them. They have nowhere to hide. Wait and see.

But for the children of GOD, now you can begin celebrating the goodness of JEHOVAH. The revival is still here, the healing service will take place, the Word explosion will continue. And at this point in time this revival is unstoppable. The enemies of GOD are only few. Look at the crowds that gathered at Central Park, Nairobi, March 24th, 2019. And then you will understand that the entire country is standing with THE LORD and only a few people in the media. THE LORD will now shake this country. He will shake it because of the Nairobi Star, and the newspapers, and the blackmailers on the web. But for the rest, they are fully secured by THE BLOOD OF JESUS.

Has not THE LORD spoken with you? Has not JEHOVAH spoken with this nation? Now wait and see the wonder of GOD. Wait and see how He separates His people and pursues the other people unbelievably.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Turn away from your sin. Repent and stop blackmailing THE LORD.

You will now fear these TWO PROPHETS.



Amen. Now, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me about the nation of Kenya. Today, this past night, THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke with me about this nation of Kenya. And this nation of Kenya has blackmailed THE LORD, has blackmailed THE LORD, has blackmailed His TWO SERVANTS. And THE LORD spoke this morning —this night, morning time— and in great anger. And the Voice of THE LORD said, “ THE LORD is angry.” The Voice of THE LORD said, “THE LORD is angry.” And then immediately at that time THE LORD instructed His TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS to speak judgment over this land, and then I saw an earthquake hit this country. I saw the buildings shake very, very violently. I saw an earthquake that hit the country.

So again, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me about the blackmail in the media, in the internet, and everything that this country has done against His TWO SERVANTS. And THE LORD spoke by Voice and He said that, “THE LORD is angry. THE LORD is angry with this country. Angry.” And then after that He shook this nation.

So the blackmail, character assassination, the mockery that this nation has conducted against THE LORD and against His TWO MOST DREADFUL SERVANTS, MOST GLORIFIED SERVANTS, that everybody can see in broad daylight that these SERVANTS OF THE LORD are glorified. These Ones you cannot touch and get away with it. And then you decided —you chose as the media— to touch them. You decided to attempt to touch Them, and blackmail them, and write vitriol and venom, and photoshop pictures and videos and what, against Them, and put in your newspapers and everything. And you have blackmailed Them. You cannot do that and get away with it.

So THE LORD has spoken a very severe judgement. And by Voice He said, “THE LORD is angry.” And then I saw that He instructed His SERVANTS to strike this land with an earthquake. And then an earthquake hit the land. I have seen an earthquake hit this land; the buildings shake violently up and down, up and down, left and right. I have seen that already. And so THE LORD has watched everything: how this nation has blackmailed THE TWO PROPHETS who are very glorified and glorious. And everybody can see that these are very GLORIOUS PROPHETS, even the CLOUD OF GOD settles on Them. And everybody can see that these TWO PROPHETS are very, very serious; you cannot touch them. It will hurt you. And yet this nation attempted to blackmail Them, to ridicule Them, to mock Them, and slander Them, and photoshop what, what, what, and put on their newspaper and their media houses.

And then, I know they have attempted to pull them down now from the internet. I know that they have attempted to clean them out after realizing that their slander was obvious. However… however, THE LORD has not taken it lightly with them. He has taken it very seriously that they could attempt to touch these TWO PROPHETS OF ETERNITY. You cannot touch these TWO PROPHETS OF ETERNITY and enter the eternity of Heaven with GOD. You cannot touch these TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH, THE PROPHETS OF ETERNITY, THE PROPHETS OF THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH and then enter into the Kingdom of GOD. That is obvious to even a small child. Even a twelve (12) year old can tell that, a six (6) year old can tell that.

And so, I have seen the wrath of GOD coming to this land for the manner in which they attempted to slander, blackmail, ridicule, and mock, these TWO TREMENDOUS HOSTS OF HEAVEN. And I can see very clearly that THE LORD is saying to this nation: that you cannot fail ignorance on this; you cannot fake ignorance on this. You cannot pretend ignorance on this.

And so, even as the revival continues in this land, now you know that THE LORD must shake this land. There is an earthquake that is coming to this land. There is an earthquake coming to this land owing to this, owing to the fact that this nation —the media— attempted to touch these TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF YHWH. And He is saying there is a big responsibility when you host such HOSTS OF ETERNITY, OF HEAVEN. There is no room for ignorance. So He is holding you to account.

Again, by Voice He said, “THE LORD is angry.” And then He sent His SERVANT to make a pronouncement of judgment on the land and He shook the nation. He shook the nation. And then I saw an earthquake; and the buildings did swing left and right, left, right, and then up and down, up and down. I have seen that. So, THE LORD is going to hold them to account. It does not matter if you are media or who.

But this nation needs to repent. If you do not repent you cannot see eternity, you cannot enter eternity with GOD in Heaven. You will enter eternity in hell. Again, I just want to make it very clear here that you cannot mock these TWO PROPHETS OF ETERNITY WITH GOD, and enter into the glorious Kingdom of Heaven. Let me repeat this. You cannot attempt to touch these TWO PROPHETS OF ETERNITY and then enter Heaven. That will not happen, I can assure you on that. You can take that to the bank. You cannot touch this One here that has the golden key that opens Heaven, and then enter Heaven.



Amen. Well, blessed people, what an awesome time. I know that the country is now going through such an awesome time of revival. This is probably going to be the biggest revival Sunday service that ever takes place on the face of the Earth. I know it is () people —the organizers— people are running up and down to make systems go and set all the systems right. What an awesome, awesome time that you can live to see this revival hit this country. Many, many, many () for JESUS and running to THE LORD, running to hear the instruction of THE LORD on righteousness, on holiness, on repentance and turning away from sin, on walking a holy Christian life.

Many people coming to the churches. This past Sunday I was told there was a big avalanche of people, even greater than the previous Sunday —doubled. So the previous Sunday you guys were celebrating; more than 3,150 new people that rushed into the church. And all of them saying, “The reason I have come in here: I have decided to be born again because I saw the way they blackmailed THE MESSENGERS OF THE LORD in this land.”

And they stand in defiance. You could see that they were hungry for THE LORD; that THE LORD had used the blackmail now to draw the hearts of people back to JESUS. But now people want to be born again. Now people want to receive JESUS. Now people want to know more about the truth of the BLOOD and the CROSS OF JESUS, the salvation that was laid before the nations at the Calvary CROSS.

So it is an awesome time; movements have began, I am told () people are already on the road from Turkana, as far as (). I bless you as you come. I bless your safety, all of you. And I see that the city is going to be over flooded in a big, big gospel crusade. It is a Sunday service. It is a one (1) day Word conference. But you can see that this Word explosion is very strange, very unique. It is very uncommon; it is unordinary. It speaks the revival of the hour. It bespeaks the fact that really, really the clock of GOD is ticking down, is winding down, for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

This unusual hunger for CHRIST, unusual hunger for salvation, unusual hunger for righteousness, unusual hunger for holiness. This is awesome. It is my wish and cry that all nations to live to see this. This is the most awesome moment at which to be a Christian and born again.

Now this past night THE LORD spoke with me —I was coming to the morning— THE LORD spoke with me again about this entire situation about moving His SERVANTS out of this land. And I see that I am in a place; I had arrived in a country and —the building, THE LORD was showing me (), He says, “This is Our building now.” It looks like over there they will establish for the people () the headquarters where They can settle. They will honor Them differently from Kenya, because THE LORD took Them into the building; someone offered a building to the ministry. And I could see the government there was involved, also, in establishing —I do not know whether it was owned by the government, or somebody, but they were working with the TWO PROPHETS (), “This is going to be where You minister from every Sunday.” It was such a big building.

I can see that there is a place THE LORD is intending to move His SERVANTS to. But those people are different; they are different from Kenya. They have already provided a place for the offices, for the conferences, and for the church services. Huge, a very huge—almost looked like an amphitheater inside there; a huge sanctuary. And so this night —and then THE LORD removes me also, so I walked outside —there is a door that passes— and THE LORD says, “Look, this is Our building.” So I was passing on the other side where the road is —the back side, the side of the building— and He says, “This is Our building.”

I could see it is a building. It looks like a () building but one (1) or two (2) floors up —maybe three (3). And the movement, THE LORD is talking about the movement of His SERVANTS from this land. And it is such a stunning hour; it is a very, very sad moment indeed for the nation of Kenya and the people of Kenya. Because, this is not the way it was supposed to end. It should have ended honorably, celebratory in a very honorable way as THE LORD, if He intended to move Them away.

But again, I see that THE LORD is speaking about moving His SERVANTS. So, probably, these are some of the meetings —I do not know. I do not know when this is going to take place. I do not know the exact time. Every single meeting We have is a treasure now in this land, because this is a very sad ending for Kenya. It is a very shocking way to end it.

But you can see the people of the other country are very humble. And I think it is the government or somebody, they offered a building. And I can see that the government was involved; they were trying to settle the PROPHETS, open the offices for Them and say, “Please, stay here and bring healing. Bring that message to our people. Our people are hungry; they need this message. Do it like you did in Kenya.”

 There was a big meeting taking place; senior pastors were seated there in the land. They were saying, “How can we organize for you the meeting.” And you remember, it is still the house that puts, they put on the table. They walked with Him from room to room, “This is where You will be sitting.” And so forth. meeting people.

So this is ending in a very sad way. I am just hoping that it does not mean the massive judgment for Kenya. Because THE LORD cried out, He cried out to Capernaum. He cried out to Capernaum, “Shall you be in Heaven today and tomorrow be in hell?” And then He said that, “If the miracles and the wonders that had been done in thee had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah they would be revived, they would never have been judged, they would be continuing that revival even unto this day.” He says, “If the miracles and wonders that had been done in thee had been done in Tyre and Sidon, those cities would have repented, they would have walked righteous, they would have been revived until this day.”

And so it is ending in a very shocking way. I do not know when this takes place; I do not have the timeline. But there is a constant conversation: THE LORD is speaking about moving His SERVANTS out of this land. And I know that this will have to involve conversation with the top leadership of this country. It will have to be involving talking with the senior leadership, the topmost leadership of the land, and to let them also know about this, because this has national implication and significance .

But I am just hoping that the revival —my fear is that it will plunge down. I do not want to say what I have seen —it will plunge down to hell. And again He says that, “Thou Capernaum which are exalted into Heaven shall be brought down?” As a question, “Shall you come down to hell?”

And so the meeting we have on Sunday is such a wonderful moment again, to come out before THE LORD to plead —I mean, I do not know whether you are pleading with THE LORD at this hour. I do not know what is going on because I am really disconnected totally from the land, I am not even following the news, the (), everything. But I do not know whether they are pleading with THE LORD to be able to to bring remedy to this situation.

But Sunday becomes a very important moment for the church, for this land, for everybody to come out, to come out before THE LORD, to come out and and speak, speak to THE LORD, and come out in your largest numbers. Probably, who knows, He will see the yearning of your hearts. His mercies are new every morning. He may change things.

But I think this is a big revival now. In the process let us focus on the big revival it is. Every nation would want to be in this particular place of rebuke where the revival has churned up, the Word of GOD has totally seasoned the land and totally set in control of the land. Every nation would really want this. So this is an awesome time; the cripples have walked. I know that I simply told them that We do not have time in this meeting because We want more time that THE LORD may minister to the land and the greater thirst.

But I told them to get ten (10) cripples to come for just showcasing, ten (10) cripples that have walked, and they have run into bigger miracles, greater wonders, ten (10) blind, ten (10) deaf, and just showcase in Nairobi and then immediately, quickly, go into the message that THE LORD will speak to the church. Because remember it is not about Kenya; there are many other nations tuned in.

But this is a beautiful time when the hearts of men have been churned, have been stirred, and they are seeking THE LORD with all their being, with their all. The hearts of men and women they are now running to THE LORD, they are yearning for salvation, looking for righteousness. Every nation would want to be where Kenya is. So we are sitting on the verge of a mega, mega revival which is now exploding out in the land, and also the coming of THE MESSIAH. So all the repentance you see on radio, the repentance you see going on, wherever, everywhere in the churches, that is a good thing because it is the turning away from sin and that is the way a nation prepare the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH.

Now, again, I have seen a country I have gone to, but they are different because I think () I do not know whether it is the government, or the people, someone, they offered the office building and places where He will be meeting —They will be meeting people. I see a sanctuary also, a big one for meetings. And they said,”Please, do here what you have done in Kenya. Tell THE LORD you have () to come here.”

So, I have seen that country and I figure out where the country is. I do not know what time this will take place. So that every meeting We have is a golden opportunity in this land. But it is very sad, it is really indeed a very sad day for Kenya.

I know that THE MESSIAH is coming. I have seen the coming of THE MESSIAH.

May THE LORD bless you.

Todah rabah.



Blessed people, those tuned in across the globe. The LORD spoke with me in a very, very shocking manner today. This past night the LORD had a conversation with me the morning of this day, East African time, on this other side. And the LORD took me to a rocky brook where I was —a little cave— and He began to feed me from there to remind me of days past. THE LORD took me to the brook, He served me that delicious bread; and so some meat was served, and the water was flowing there —very clear water.

And this is to escalate with this nation that He is determined to move His SERVANTS out of this land, and He will take care of His SERVANT. The message that comes out of there is that He will take care of His SERVANT. I do not know which dispensation that is now. He will take me to the brook and hide me there and feed me from there.

And there is other conversation of a big conflict with the enemy that I am not sharing at this point in time. But I saw the smashing of the enemy also, of the serpent; smashing of the serpent. But that conversation is not relevant to you now. What is relevant to you is that the LORD is escalating the process of removing His SERVANTS from this land. And He took me to the brook and He was feeding me there; seated in the book there, and provided very delicious bread and meat, and He was communicating with His SERVANTS from the brook. It is a cave. It is a cave. And still escalating the conversation that He will remove His SERVANTS from here.

Because, if you see the way Kenya has abused the MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD, the Ones that have raised their cripples, opened the eyes of their blind, in mass, I do not know how many, there are one thousand (1,000) or more now, We lost track of these healings, many thousands of deaf, the deaf were more, HIV, leprosy, the sun has clapped, He has beamed from Heaven His CLOUD, He came Himself and settled on Them the Glory that is whiter than the Sun, that is why you can see the outline clearly within the Sun, He sent both the HOLY SPIRIT to light on Them, to identify them an () for THE MESSIAH, and all these things. They have commanded Heaven to open, rain has come here, the Fire of ELIJAH has come down to identify Them, and many times They have said, “Do not let this Fire touchdown, this is burning sulfur.” The wells that were toxic but are drinking water and healthy, where they had no water.

So, many, many benefits have taken place in this land owing to the ministration of these TWO SERVANTS here as They walk with GOD in modern era, modern time; in broad daylight. But if you see the way Kenya has blackmailed Them —if you look at the web, the vitriol, the venom, the venomous they have poured, the venom they have poured on the internet. If you look at the toxic, the poison they have poured out on the internet, in their press, in their papers, and publishing, claiming that these PROPHETS that have come to bring eternity to you, lowered Heaven here, the stairs of Heaven, claiming that They have come to steal your land. And then, you know, all these parliamentarians get up and rebuked them very severely. But anyhow, they have done it.

So the LORD is escalating the process of removing Them from the land. And let Us wait and see. Again, I have seen the LORD take His SERVANT, and He took His SERVANT into the brook. And He was feeding Him from there and speaking with Him from there, and He was doing ministration. I do not know where exactly that brook is. I can figure out roughly, but you can I am sure. But from the brook. And to still emphasize the fact that He is going to remove Them from here, and He is going to sustain Them from Heaven. He is going to take care of Them Himself without any man getting involved that the Mission of the LORD that They behold will be accomplished.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

You see the prophecy of the flood that I spoke has already began. Fulfillment happening big in Indonesia, and then down here in a lot of countries: Mozambique, Malawi, all these countries down there —Zimbabwe. When the LORD asked me to shut Heaven, to close Heaven over the nations of: Nigeria, Chad, () Egypt, on that side, the other lobe of Africa towards Mauritania. So these events talk about the Coming of THE MESSIAH. And the LORD is very serious with His TWO SERVANTS, and He is very serious that THE MESSIAH is Coming. The () of the LORD.

So those who are wise just prepare in righteousness. Turn away from corruption, the gospel of corruption, the gospel of prosperity and the property on the Earth, the gospel of immorality. Just go back to the gospel of the CROSS, the gospel of righteousness, the gospel of repentance and the BLOOD OF JESUS, the gospel of holiness, “For without holiness nobody will see the LORD.”

Todah, shalom.



Now, the LORD has spoken with me. Today the LORD did speak with me in the morning about the meeting that is coming up at Central Park, Nairobi; a very, very powerful meeting. Now this meeting has become a very, very serious meeting, because the LORD lifted me up above to the clouds, and then He showed me the meeting from there. And this is going to be one (1) of the biggest meetings ever that We have held in Nairobi here. And it was full and totally packed, shoulder to shoulder.

So the LORD again showed me this meeting: the meeting that is coming up to Central Park this coming Sunday. And now, Heaven has decided that this meeting must take place. But it is a massive, massive, super grand mega meeting. I do not think there is any such Sunday service that has taken place anywhere in the world. This is going to be the biggest ever, the most historic of it all.

So the LORD lifted me up to the clouds and showed me the meeting. And He called it by Voice He said, “The stadium. Look at how the stadium is full.” And totally full, shoulder to shoulder; packed. If there is any meeting that has taken place in Nairobi of this magnitude, this is the meeting: the super mega, grand historic Sunday service that it is coming up this coming Sunday.

The super mega, glorious, historic Word conference on Sunday, this is the place for everybody to be, because I saw that everybody —people from Kenya, it is like the entire nation descended on Central Park. It shocked me very much when the LORD showed me this meeting. And that is why, blessed people, the revival has broken out; the humongous revival has broken out and Heaven has decided that this is the hour for this revival, for this awakening, for this ignition of the rekindling of the souls of men, to awaken the souls of people —and you can imagine, if it is being transmitted globally.

So what a huge sacred assembly going on globally. Again, today the LORD took me to Central Park; I have lived Sunday already, I have lived on the day of the meeting. And this was a super glorious, grand mega historic Word conference seated in there were serious people, all kinds of people, the entire nation. The entire nation is going to assemble. I have seen the assembly, the sacred assembly of the LORD. It is like all corners of Kenya descended on Central Park. And from above it was such a stunning sight to behold.

So the LORD has decided that this meeting must now happen. What an awesome time in the history of the church, blessed people. And for those who are in many nations can always partake of this meeting, because the conversation that will take place in that meeting has eternal consequence. It will change the life of the church forever; it will change the destiny of man forever and ever. And I know that people are arranging travel, organizing movement, and so forth. But the meeting I saw, I have never seen any other meeting of this nature. Huge meeting from above.

And the LORD just wanted to show me how packed the meeting will be because I have lived Sunday already. He has lifted me up into the clouds. I have seen the meeting from above and it is a shocking meeting. The end time revival, the most coveted and most promised end time revival has indeed broken out, blessed people.

May the LORD bless you as you come —even as you come from all your respective regions. May the LORD bless you as you tune in from all over the Earth to partake of this meeting. These are the Visitations of these days, the Visitations of this time. Because, two (2) days, or so, He had shown me the meeting and He showed me how people will surge, how He would present His SERVANTS on one (1) side and people would surge towards Them. And then He said,”Present Them on the other side.” And people would surge towards Them. But to now see the complete meeting from above it was very shocking. It shocked me very much. The end revival is here, blessed people. You are such a blessed generation to live to see this.

May the LORD bless you.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Let us prepare the Way.

JESUS CHRIST is coming —is coming back for a holy church.

Turn away from sexual sin, lies, perversion, immorality.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people. He is coming for a holy church, a church that has zero (0) tolerance to: apostasy, the love of money in the church, a righteous church, a holy church.

In the mighty Name of JESUS, amen.



Well, blessed people, right now it is about twenty-three (23) minutes past midday, East African time; and I wanted everybody to come on board. So THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me. This past night THE LORD YHWH spoke with me in a very, very mighty way, in a very tremendous conversation, in a very shocking conversation, very pertinent conversation, an extremely crucial and critical conversation between the CREATOR of all the heavens and the Earth, and the church of CHRIST.

Now, THE LORD spoke with me about this massive Word explosion, this tremendous Word conference that is coming up this weekend. And now, only now then, I have understood the gravity of this coming conference before the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven. Because, He took me to the conference and at that conference He placed before me a garment, a pure white garment. Pure white. It was so glorious; the light was —the glory was too much light on my eyes. A pure garment. A pure white garment; whiter than white He placed before me. And that garment was —the light was too much for my eyes. The glory that was beaming from that garment was too much for my eyes. And that is the first (1st) part of the conversation: this wonderful, glorious garment from Heaven that He placed there. And the light from that glory —the glory of that garment was too much for my eyes.

And then as the conference began, then THE LORD allowed me to look at the conference with His eyes: how He looked at the conference. And I saw that virtually everybody in the conference, including those tuned in globally, they were naked. So I could see them in their absolute nakedness. Everybody. Totally nude. Naked. Nude. And that is the time then as the conference began, I began to take —I saw people taking pens, taking pens to write, taking pens to write what THE LORD would say. But I began to take this garment and as I dished out —I dished out— this garment was exhaustless. It did not exhaust.

So when I gave them the garment they dressed them like gowns; everybody began to tie it. Then now they were not nude; their nudity was covered. Every single person sitting in the conference, I began to give them this white, super glorious garment whose glory and light was too much for my eyes . As I gave them they were wearing now like —it looked more like maybe your gown, the gown that you would wear at home which goes all the way up to down your feet and covers the feet— but tying, I saw them as though they were tying the rope, tying it around the chest, waist-level here. And everybody was now wearing a garment and getting out of the nudity, absolute nudity; nakedness .

Again, blessed people, this past night THE LORD has had two (2) conversations with me. The first (1st) part: THE LORD from Heaven, He dropped a garment, a super glorious garment. The light from that garment, the glory that glowed from that garment, the reflection, was too much for my eyes: whiter than white, brighter than the sun but pure whiter white. And then He made me look at the people in the conference, this mighty Word conference, the Word explosion, the prophetic explosion that will take place in the city of Nairobi at Central Park —and it will be beamed globally for all the nations to partake.

I saw people with the eyes of THE LORD. Everybody was in absolute nudity. Naked. It was shocking to look at it. Sitting there nude —all. And then I began to take —as I began to minister I began to take this garment and give them. And each one (1) that received, stood up and wore it and began to tie, and their nakedness was now covered and they were glowing with the glory of THE LORD’S garment. And this went on until the entire place was covered with people in white, pure white, glorious gown. That is the reason I waited for those in the offices to come out: that they, too, may partake of this most critical information, most important conversation from JEHOVAH YHWH, GOD THE FATHER Himself, the One and only who knows the day and the hour when THE MESSIAH will come for His church.

The Bible says very clearly in the Book of Revelation chapter 16:15. He says, “Behold, I come as a thief! Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garment, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” Again, He says, ”Behold, I come as a thief!” Revelation 16:15. () for the Spanish-speaking. “Behold, I come as a thief! Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garment, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” So that tells me that this conference to take place in Nairobi is —no wonder He showed me a big, big, big, big conference. It is like a crusade. It is like one of those big meetings that take place. No wonder THE LORD has summoned everybody at this conference. The gravity, the significance of this conference before GOD THE FATHER is apparent. That the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD will minister about entry and about the standard of entry, and about the garment of righteousness, the garment of THE LORD the church ought to be wearing now, the garment of holiness, without which nobody will see THE LORD.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people.

And then He showed me also the serpent. And I saw that THE LORD was preparing to crush the serpent. The serpent had deluded —he was out there, I may not share this part of the conversation, and how He was engaging these TWO PROPHETS to go crush the serpent that had deluded the church. But the part you need to know is that THE LORD has handed me the garment from Heaven. It is the glorious garment that you see prepared in Isaiah chapter 53 when THE MESSIAH travailed, the passion of the CHRIST, and He purchased it for you for free.

But now He made me look at mankind the way GOD looks at the church and the church was purely nude. You can imagine. Pure nude. Absolute naked —everybody. No clothes. It was very shocking to see. And then after that, then THE LORD YHWH allowed me to dish the garment, to give out the garment, glorious garment, everybody was wearing and tying. There is a rope that is used for tying around your waist, around your chest. People were tying and they were glowing and they were worshipping.

This is a tremendous hour, blessed people. And that means Nairobi, Central Park is a must. A must . A must. If THE LORD is going to be dishing out the garment for entry into eternity then for sure a must. If He that knows the day and the hour, He alone, is now saying at Central Park the dishing out of the garment, the giving of the garment, then I know that He has also instructed me now on the message to give there. But not only that in the spiritual; you can imagine what will happen in the lives of people. He has set it out at this appointed time to admit His people into eternity that when that day like the twinkling of an eye strikes, they may enter right into Heaven as the judgment of THE LORD, retribution, strikes the Earth, judges the people of the Earth and the antichrist for satanic worship, devil worship. And We know that garment is very important as the benchmark for entry. The Kingdom you are going to is the Kingdom of the garment.

Has not THE LORD spoken with you, blessed people? This is the hour of the garment. You are the generation of the garment. This is the hour of righteousness in the church, holiness in the church.

And I know that Kenya, you are sitting at a place now where THE LORD has spoken judgment coming your way. But hearken to this, who knows, if you come in your largest number —I am told the first (1st) session is going to be repentance— if you come in your largest numbers and repent, who knows, His mercies endure forever. However, I have seen you running. I see you running and you have nowhere to run to. It is a bad place. What I have seen is bad. And I shared already with the leadership in the land about what is coming to the land. Who knows, maybe you come in large numbers and repent He might wake up the next morning and have mercy on you.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.
Shalom, todah.



Amen. Blessed People, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with ME. I know that most of you are probably finishing up in your, in your respective churches. You are just finishing up the repentance services you had today in your churches. I am just hoping that people repented today from what is happening in the land against THE LORD. And I am sure, people are finishing today on repentance items and the biggest national repentance that must have been happening there across the land because of the way this nation handled THE LORD JEHOVAH EL GIBOR THE MIGHTY GOD, THE MIGHTY GOD HEAVEN, THE MIGHTY GOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHIRST, THE GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, JEHOVAH EL GIBBOR, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL.

But today, I want to share with you the conversation THE LORD has had with ME and sent ME to the nations to deliver this very, very serious conversation.

Number one (1): THE LORD, HE spoke with ME about what is coming to the earth, what is coming to the earth. And I am going to share what is coming to the earth at two (2) different places of the earth and then the third event.

But what is coming to Kenya I will only share at Central Park. And then, Kenya will know that you cannot touch these TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD and get away with it. That you will never, ever touch THEM, try to force a scandal on THEM, try to smear THEM in your media or whichever way and get away with it. So what is coming to Kenya, I will share at Central Park.

You remember (too well) before the 2002 blood shed, I warned this nation, 2005 published in the streets, 2006 and part of 2007—continued to warn the country. But, what is coming to Kenya I will share from Central Park. And then you will know that you cannot touch these TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD, whether through your media, fake media, propaganda, malice, character assassination, because, THEIR righteousness is such a challenge to you.

You cannot do that and get away with it! You will know that there is consequence in hosting these TWO PROPHETS in the land. And there is real consequence if your wisdom does fail you.

So, I am going to share what is coming to Kenya from Central Park. That for now, again, for now, I want to talk about what is coming to the earth, two (2) different points of the earth. And then, I will talk about what is coming above the earth.

But what is coming to Kenya, I will share from Central Park in Nairobi, next Sunday at THE WORD EXPLOSION. And then you will know that when these TWO PROPHETS come to you and raise your cripples for free —without charging one (1) penny— but when these TWO TERRIBLE PROPHETS come and raise your cripples, the cripples getting up and walking from their residence in Nairobi and you gather eighty-four public squares and stadium, it is a serious event to host THEM in the land. When THEY opened the blind eyes, the Cynthia Wanjiku’s are seeing, the deaf ears, some of the deaf are now teachers in normal school, tshe cancers, HIV healed, THE ONE you see THE CLOUD OF GOD settling on THEM, live on video, you will understand that there is severe consequence in hosting THEM and witnessing such monumental events of THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

And HE calls for serious and severe responsibility to host these TWO PROPHETS in the land. On Sunday, when I do speak to Kenya, you will fear. That is when you will know there is dire consequence

in attempting to touch THEM, attempting to scandalize THEM, force a scandal on THEM. You will fear THE LORD on Sunday when you hear HIS Word () HE has spoken to Kenya owing to your behavior.

But for now, THE LORD has shown ME the African continent. And THE LORD showed ME Nigeria, and HE took ME to Nigeria. And cutting from Nigeria all the way to Chad, and then parts of Egypt, because HE goes a little right and then Libya, N’Da, all the way to () Cote d’lviore, Mauritania, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Equatorial Guinea, all that zone, cutting from Nigeria, taking Chad on your side, and going up to Egypt, and then taking that frontal lone that frontal lobe of Africa, there is a severest drought and famine that is coming to that part of the world.

Again, THE LORD JEHOVAH, HE asked ME to stand up and point MY finger at this part of Africa. And the severest drought consumed that place. There were no plants blowing at all. And a lot of people will die from this, from the severe famine. Animals will die.

Again, THE LORD directed MY finger, when I pointed MY finger, then HE took Nigeria in, HE took Chad in, HE took parts of Egypt in, and then HE took Libya, (abidjan) N’dja, He took Equatorial Guinea, Cote d’lvoire, Nigeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, all these countries in that frontal lobe of the African continent.

There is a severest, most historic drought and famine that is coming to that part of the world.

THE LORD has already commanded HIS TWO PROPHETS to decree judgment on that part of the earth. And it is going to be a historic famine, historic drought —I even see the soil already. When I pointed everything dried up. No plant did grow. No plant stood. And the soil became this kind of yellowish, orangish soil that is dry, dusty and dry— and the whole of that lobe.

Again, as THE LORD commanded HIS TWO PROPHETS to lift up THEIR Prophetic Finger and point at this part of the world and decree the judgment of THE LORD JEHOVAH SABAOTH, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, then beginning from Nigeria, took Nigeria in. So, HE took ME in to Nigeria. So I could see the people talk how they were, how they had been devastated by famine and drought, no water, no food.

And HE took Chad in. HE took Egypt in, Libya, (abidjan/Niger?) N’dja, Cote d’lvoire, Burkina Faso, Mali, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and many, all those countries in that lobe, and HE dried up at the power of THE LORD, unleashed by these TWO PROPHETS.

And there was no green plant and the soil was dusty. This kind of yellowish soil, kind of yellowish orangish soil, dusty around. So, there is a severe drought that is coming to the earth and a severe famine. And many people will die, many animals will die. I have seen it already.

Tunisia, you name it. All the way down to this one.

Again, HE took ME to Nigeria in, and Chad, and went all the way right and took Egypt, and then came to Lybia, Ndja, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Malie, all these countries on that frontal lobe of the African continent.

And then, after that THE LORD JEHOVAH, HE again now, HE showed ME the map of the globe.

And when HE showed ME the map of the world, then I saw fire. I saw fire. A fire that came all the way, Blessed People, and that fire, it came and HE placed it —a flame, a fire of flame— and HE placed it and positioned and placed it with HIS hand, HE placed it upon Israel. I have seen the fingers of THE LORD place fire —this is now the second prophecy— HE placed fire, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELYON, JEHOVAH ADONAI, I saw HIS finger place fire on Israel. I see a fire there. And HE did not tell ME what type of fire this is.

When I woke up, I took authority and I said, “LORD, may it be the fire of THE HOLY SPIRIT. The FIRE OF REVIVAL consuming Israel.”

But HIS finger pushed the fire and placed it on Israel. And HE did not tell ME what this fire is.

But, when I woke up, I took charge and stood before THE LORD OF ALL THE EARTH, and asked HIM, “LORD, may it be the FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST. THE FIRE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT consuming Israel with a big revival—the revival of JESUS—that they may know that YESHUA THE MESSIAH has already gone to the Cross and died for them.

That is the second prophecy of what is coming to the earth.

And the third prophecy, THE LORD made ME look up into the sky. Then I saw THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD, all of THEM lifted up, looking up into the sky, lifting up THEIR faces into the sky, and as I look up, then I saw the GLORY OF THE LORD up in the sky.

And the GLORY OF THE LORD was so shiny , though HE left the outline. Then HE left the outline to be shinier and THEY drew a Cross. THE GLORY OF THE LORD drew a sharp, a well drawn Cross right into the sky. The Cross of JESUS. The Cross at Calvary.

But HE drew it into the sky and as HE drew that Cross horizontal so I could see it from below, HE left the edges, the outline more so it really drew the outline, a beautiful outline of the Cross of JESUS.

I see, the outline, outlined by the TREMENDOUS BRILLIANT GLORY OF THE LORD. The Cross of Jesus, THE LORD has drawn it in the sky and HE left the edges, the outline to be shinier. So, I could see the massive Cross of JESUS, up above the sky, over the earth.

So, there is a mega revival coming to the land. There is a mega revival coming to the earth. The revival of the Cross of JESUS. The revival of the Gospel of the Cross.

THE LORD has already drawn the Cross, outlined with HIS GLORY and left the edges to be more brilliant with a sharper outline and placed above the sky, above the earth.

So, there is a big revival coming to those that will listen to these MESSENGERS here. There is a big global revival coming to the earth.

And then, at that time, I was now able to relate it with the fire that I saw in place, on Israel.

So, I said, “LORD, let it be THE FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST, that YOUR Covenant People, YOUR Beloved People in Israel may get to see, receive the holy revival, the revival of, “Prepare the way for the coming YESHUA THE MESSIAH!”

These are the prophecies THE LORD has spoken to the nations of the earth today. THE MESSIAH is coming, Blessed People.

And for Kenya, I know, you are repenting. You cannot attempt to touch these TWO GLORIOUS PROPHETS OF YHWH. You cannot!

You look at the Bible, you have never seen any of THE PROPHETS OF THE LORD sent, and then all of a sudden you realize there are TWO walking together. Never! It has never happened. Only THE LORD spoke by Voice to ME in the dream and said, “ that THESE were in the Old Testament.”

But it was concealed. Nobody was able to know THEY were walking, TWO. Walking () Egypt. And walking to all the way, when HE came on Mount Carmel also.”

And HE concealed THEM totally. They saw only ONE at the time. But only now, then GOD THE FATHER BY Voice said, “THEY did so in the Old Testament before THE MESSIAH came. THEY were walking TWO. Only that YOU never allowed anyone to see the SECOND ONE.”

Only now, when the coming of THE MESSIAH is near, now HE has unveiled a little bit for this generation to see that there are TWO.

But you can never touch THE GLORIOUS PROPHETS OF THE LORD, the apostasy, and bring your rebellion to THEM and bring your wickedness to THEM and attempt to force a scandal, to force a sin on THEM.


Because THEIR righteousness is an insurmountable challenge to you. Because THEIR anointing is astronomical, insurmountable challenge to you. You can never do so! No nation can do so! You cannot do so and get away with it!

But I have given the three (3) prophecies. But the prophecy of what is coming to Kenya, for attempting to soil these TREMENDOUS, GLORIOUS MESSENGERS OF THE THRONE, MESSENGERS OF YHWH that I will give you from Central Park on Sunday.

THE MESSIAH is coming!

Be holy. Be righteous. Turn away from sexual sin. Turn away from the love of money. Turn away rfom false prophets, false apostles, the gospel of prosperity. Return to the Gospel of the Cross.

THE LORD has already drawn the Cross with HIS GLORY and positioned above the earth. This is the moment for the Gospel of the Cross. The power of the Cross. The power of the Blood of JESUS.

Toda. THE MESSIAH is coming! Toda. Shalom.

Prophecy of Judgment to Kenya, March 17th, 2019


— HIV/ AIDS and healed HIV/AIDS in this land. Because of Kenya trying to touch, because of what they have done in attempting to touch THESE TWO MOST GLORIFIED MOST TRANSFIGURED AND MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS OF YHWH that were lowered right before the entire nation from Heaven through the clouds in the sky unto to the earth live on camera.

THE LORD wants to teach a lesson. HE wants to teach a lesson to anybody that has ever tried to blackmail these TWO PROPHETS. HE said that time has come for THEM to now reveal who these PROPHETS are. THE LORD now wants to set a lesson straight and a record straight that you cannot touch and get away with it.

You will not attempt to touch and live, you will not! Whether you are an individual or you are a nation, THE LORD JEHOVAH is THE LORD. THE LORD JEHOVAH SABBAOTH is THE LORD OF THE ARMIES, HE IS THE LORD OF HOSTS, HE is A FIGHTER, HE is THE COMMANDER OF THE ARMIES OF HEAVEN. And no single nation can stand before HIM. No single person can stand before HIM.

The verdict of the judgment coming to Kenya for attempting to scandalize THE HOLIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD that verdict will be passed at Central Park Nairobi. And when you hear what THE LORD has decided to do to Kenya you will fall down on your stomach, you will cry until all the tears will dry up inside you.

You will fear GOD. And I have seen already the fulfillment of that judgment. So it must take place that these TWO PROPHETS and THE LORD THEIR GOD, must be feared on the earth.

And HE has decided, that now HE wants to introduced who these PROPHETS are to the nations of the earth. That now all man created by JEHOVAH will fear these TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF HEAVEN.

The bible says, in Daniel 12:10, HE says, “Many shall be purified, made white and tried; but the wicked shall continue in wickedness: — in other words— but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

And you can see very clearly that THE LORD is saying, “Daniel 12:10.” That there will be a lot of wickedness in the land, a lot of wickedness on the face of the earth. And HE will use that wickedness to purify HIS own. In other words, they will suffer abuses from the wicked, the righteous will suffer abuses from the wicked, but the righteous continue becoming more righteous.

THE LORD is saying that HE is going to teach a lasting lesson to the nations of the earth based on what HE is going to do to Kenya!

And nobody on the earth, no human being, will again ever attempt to blackmail these TWO PROPHETS, and live! Never!

HE is going to teach a lasting lesson that these TWO PROPHETS, GLORIFIED, TRANSFIGURED, you cannot touch.

Again, “Many shall be purified and made white and tried;” Daniel 12:10, “But the wicked shall do wickedly:— meaning shall continue in wickedness: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand,”  Daniel 12:10.

THE LORD is saying, HE is going to teach Kenya a lasting lesson. Kenya will fear GOD. Even the little children will now fear GOD! They will kneel down their little knees and worship and fear GOD based on the judgment HE is going to bring on this land — whether it is the media or who, whosoever touched— Kenya that has done this!

And THE LORD said, “The time to introduce THE DREADFUL PROPHETS OF GOD has come! Now the earth must know who exactly THEY are and what THEY are capable of doing. If anybody touch THEM, you will fear GOD!”

Even the little children, when they hear the name, “GOD,” they will tremble and fear and run away.

“Many shall be purified, made white and tried; but the wicked shall continue in wickedness: and that none of the wicked shall understand: but the wise shall understand.”

You notice, HE says there is going to be a purification of the righteous, through the wickedness of the wicked. You notice, HE is saying that purification, they will be purified, to purify them by the wickedness of the wicked. We know too well blessed people that purification, (wheat,) you purify wheat by removing chaff. Made white happens () and made white, tried, tested that happens with gold and silver. So there is a purification that must now take place.

But THE LORD says, “ Nobody can ever touch THE TWO MOST GLORIFIED AND MOST TRANSFIGURED PROPHETS OF ETERNITY and get away with it! No nation!”

You will fear GOD when you know what THE LORD has told ME, HE has decided to do to Kenya for attempting to touch!

You will try to run but cannot find where to run to. You will fear GOD. You will fear JEHOVAH and you will choose righteousness, you will just be born again properly, those that will remain in the land.

Raising cripples, in large numbers. Opening blind eyes in large numbers. Opening deaf ears in large numbers. Thousands of cripples, thousands of blind, thousands of deaf ears opened including HIV/AIDS.

(And) to force a scandal on THEM, to force. You attempt to smear with a scandal. Look !  It cannot stick! THEY are too righteous, THEY are too holy! The scandal they tried to smear, they all failed.

But THE LORD says, “The consequence of that is going to be eternal!” Says, THE LORD YHWH.

“Many shall be purified and made white, then tried; but the wicked shall continue to do wicked and they shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise ()

For the first one week, I have () Myself from () the land. And there has been a lot of pressure on () every single day saying to () them and curse this land. () passing judgment on this country, that I () negotiating with THE LORD every single day, please hold () that () he tried to listen to them, let Me try to negotiate with them, how about this place? how about the revival? () And strike them with judgment. But now, () and strike them.

But I have been restraining Myself every single day. Every single day THE LORD has been saying, “Curse this land. Judge this nation. Judge this people.”  But I have been restraining Myself every day.

But now, I have seen the judgment coming to Kenya. You will fear GOD. Even your little children will fear THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD and THE LORD JEHOVAH THEIR GOD!

You will fear GOD.

Thank you.



Amen. Okay, We would like to speak to the nations. Thank you. Blessed people, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, THE LORD our RIGHTEOUSNESS, JEHOVAH El GIBOR, THE MIGHTY, MIGHTY GOD OF HEAVEN, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE COMMANDER OF THE HEAVENLY ARMIES, He that made Joshua () down the wall of Jericho, He that opened the Red Sea and () the children of Israel, including the () of the Covenant of THE LORD, He has spoken with me this night —this morning— blessed people.

And in this conversation THE LORD has spoken in a very tremendous way. Number one (1): THE LORD did take me into Heaven and then when He took me to Heaven He showed me how He opened Heaven over Lima, Peru. THE LORD showed me how He did it at the command of these TWO PROPHETS. And so, it is a tremendous unveiling, it is a new angle of this entire Visitation ongoing on the Earth. Then I saw the glory of THE LORD and the glorious entrance that is open. And also, I saw now the storehouse of the glory of THE LORD.

He presented His hand with a jar, a jug of oil, a jar of the glory of THE LORD, the glory of THE LORD. And that glory, He poured that glory, and that glory touched the two (2) heads of the TWO PROPHETS that stand before THE LORD of all the Earth. And then, He showed them how at () at Lima, Peru He opened Heaven. And that was such a tremendous visit again. You know, many times He takes these PROPHETS back in time and shows Him the Visitations (), stand out like when He took Him back to Mount Carmel and He showed me how He opened Heaven and how I slaughtered large numbers of false prophets. It was such a massive slaughter: one (1) hit for each and commanded them to face —to lie face-down. The tremendous, tremendous butcher of the false prophets. But this time around took me back to Lima, Peru and showed me how He opened Heaven over the TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH at Their command.

And then after that, He then took me back into the Throne Room of GOD this morning. And right inside the Throne Room of GOD He walked straight, but this time He lifted, He lifted me a little up so I could see the Tree of Life from an angle —the Tree of Life that is in the Kingdom of GOD, in our () behind the Throne Room—and I saw the blossoming; He showed me the blossoming. And then after that He took the leaves of the Tree of Life and placed on my hands. And then they blossomed into wonderful, very succulent and healthy, blossoming of tremendous leaves —a lot of them. A lot of unbelievable multitude of succulent leaves, which are very fresh and healthy, blossomed on my hands. And then after that I woke up.

And then after that, again, He slayed me and He showed me the meeting coming up at Central Park again, also: the upcoming mega, mega Word explosion. And I remember when the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD walked, walked —I have seen it already what is coming next Sunday— walked into the meeting, it was just wild. It is unbelievable. So people surged, people surged towards Them. And then I heard THE LORD saying, “Walk even this side. These people too would want to meet you.” Then I saw these people walking with their children, raising —there is this person presenting their children before the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD. There was a huge surge of that side also. It is going to be absolutely uncontrollable at Central Park, this coming mega, mega Word explosion that will take place at Central Park in Nairobi. It is going to be absolutely out of control; uncontrollable.

It looks like this revival has finally broken out and exploded out the flames of revival based on what THE LORD has showed me this morning. And the Voice of THE LORD said, “Walk this side, too, that they may see My TWO PROPHETS.” And I remember they surged —They walked this side, the people surged (). I see this person with a little baby. I think it is a baby girl walking, or baby boy, I do not know, but walking the baby towards —they were presenting the baby towards the TWO PROPHETS, and the entire crowd surging like this (prophetic demonstration), and this other side also surging. () out of control. I do not know whether it was after the meeting or before. It looks —I do not know whether it is after.

Tremendous hour in the church. A mega moment in the church. Now we have entered the realm of the grand mega. Where THE LORD is now reviving the souls. He is now directing the hearts of man back to righteousness, back to holiness, with maximum power. And this is the hour that has beheld across the face of the Earth in the House of THE LORD, that THE LORD has decided now to reach the hearts and to blow up this revival.

And I do not know when the healing service will take place. It looks like you may have to gather 84 stadiums in Kenya and all the other nations that would want to gather and then these TWO will decree from Their residence in Nairobi that let all cripples rise up and cripples will get up across the entire land, across the nations, too, that let all blind eyes now see in the mighty Name of Jesus, that let all deaf ears now listen to me and hear the words of my tongue. We are sitting on the verge of eternity, blessed people. So anything and everything is possible now.

And I know for Lima, Peru there is a big Visitation that GOD has promised when the CLOUD will come all the way like a funnel and come and settle on these TWO PROPHETS. And I do not know when that will be. So this year’s Mission has been deferred, has been postponed. But whenever They come there, They will decree that authority and GOD THE FATHER will leave Heaven and come to Them. How awesome the history of the church. How awesome the ticking of the clock.

Prepare the way, blessed people.

Beloved people, THE MESSIAH is Coming.

I know there is a lot of wickedness; this is the hour of darkness in the church. However, focus on the Mission of the Coming of THE MESSIAH. Focus on the finishing line: the entry of the church into eternity. Do not be distracted left and right. Many things will come your way but, please, focus on eternity.

I have seen the Visitation of THE LORD. Today in the morning I was in Heaven today. I was in heaven and THE LORD walked with me into His Throne Room. And slightly behind the Throne Room He showed me the New Jerusalem. I saw the Tree of Life. This time He lifted me up so I could see from the leaves, slightly from the branches, the leaves, I could see from a little bit of the top of the Tree of Life. Today, today as We speak, I was in Heaven and THE LORD took the leaves of the Tree of Life, placed in my hand, and they blossomed. That means many, many cripples will walk, many, many blind will see, many, many deaf will hear, many, many mute will speak, many, many cancers will be healed, many, many kidney failures will be restored, many, many heart conditions will be healed, many, many blood conditions, leukemia, diabetes, hypertension, all cancers of the blood will be healed, bone marrow, cancers, broken bones, psychosis, mental illnesses.

What a beautiful hour of Visitation.

Woe unto the nations that will not strive to see this revival in their land. Blessed are the nations that will tune in, tune in and partake of this revival; you, too, your people will be healed. The presence of THE LORD will Visit because there is no limit unto the authority He has given these TWO.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

He is Coming for a glorious church, blessed people.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

He is Coming for a holy church. Turn away from sin. Turn away from the gospel of prosperity. Turn away from sexual immorality. Turn away from money in the church. Go back to the BLOOD OF JESUS, the CROSS at Calvary! That is the power unto the church!

Todah rabah. Todah. Todah. Todah l’chaim.



I have listened to the conversation you are running on radio and I just wanted to weigh in and say the following: that if you look at Mark chapter 6 verses 3 to verse 4 and 5, He speaks very, very clearly. He says, “A prophet is without honor, a prophet is without honor in his own hometown.” And this is a paradox, this is a complicated doctrine. When JESUS gave this thesis, CHRIST JESUS Himself, when He spoke about this and He gave this wonderful submission —though painful— when He was going through a lot of rejection by Nazareth. THE LORD JESUS had gone through a lot of blackmail, humiliation, and He said, “A prophet is without honor in his own country, in his own town.” Sometimes many have called it the “hometown rejection”.

I am saying that when THE LORD JESUS raised this powerful submission when He said, “A prophet is without honor in his own hometown.” It is both an important saying in terms of the analysis of analyzing the reception of His message and so forth; and how it fits within this model here—and also a tragedy. It also becomes a tragedy, especially how Jerusalem rejected JESUS; and so they have to go through the Great Tribulation. And so much was spoken unto them which is actually judgment. When JEHOVAH, now through CHRIST JESUS, spoke to them and said, “Now you will never see Me again until you confess, until you come out and say that blessed is He that comes in the Name of THE LORD.” We saw that JESUS said to them these things. He said, “A prophet is not honored in his own country, and among his own kin.” In other words, among His own house. So they do not receive His message. In other words, He does not have honor and they do not take Him seriously (hm).They do not take Him the way they ought to take Him as the emissary and the MESSENGER OF YHWH. And we know the gravity of YHWH. The gravity of YHWH has no joke.

And so, yesterday was such a very powerful time when you saw the parliamentarians, the lawmakers of this land finally coming out and saying, “No, you see we have been doing our search. We have done our discovery and we found out that the MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD have only done good for this country, They are not even involved in wanting to know what land, grabbing land or whatever.” In fact it is amazing, yesternight when the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD were speaking with a lot of bishops that were here and were saying, “I do not even know what the title deed looks like. I do not even know.” At one point I thought it looked like money. I mean, the way people consider lands to be a premium. I thought it had water marks and (), it is fireproof, it cannot burn. And so I was sharing this in the light moment yesterday; I do not even know what the title deed would look like.

And so, JESUS said, “A prophet is without honor in his own country, and among his own people, and in his own household, in his own house.” And He meant that they would not take Him seriously. And yet, He is carrying the message of the CREATOR. But it also meant that evil would be spoken against Him, because Nazareth spoke evil against Him. And it also meant that His own words would be misrepresented, they would speak evil, do evil, towards Him; and then even misrepresent, deliberately misrepresent His Word.

So this is a very powerful scenario that is playing out in this country right now. And I sit back and laugh. I sit back and laugh at this because I hear you people panicking, you were saying, “Oh, you see, you know, they have done this to Him.” But that ought to have been expected. All this should have been expected earlier. For me, I expected all of this. I expected that if THE LORD sends me to you people, to this world —and especially to Kenya— and Kenyans are doing what the world is doing; they are engrossed and absorbing the life of sin, the day-to-day living you see on the Earth today —which is sin— and I come testifying against that very sin they are commissioning and committing, there is no way Kenya could have loved me. So this was totally expected. This is not any strange or different at all from what I expected on this journey. And so sometimes I sit back and laugh at you people here, the way people say, “No, this is so bad.”

Of course I understand that there is consequence. There must be consequence for everything done against these TWO. That is obvious. Heaven can testify to this; the Bible testifies to that. He says, “Touch not.” And so anyhow, it is expected that there would be unbelief, and that unbelief would restrain, would restrain so much that THE LORD would want to do. So this is expected, blessed people. When I see the kind of rejection, the kind of false, false allegations —and then the parliamentarians do their discovery and they come out with a search certificate from the lands registry saying, “Look, no, no, no, no, no. What the Star newspaper wrote is absolute blasphemy, and is falsehood and lies. Because, look, we have searched and found nobody ever attempted to touch the land they are talking about, him grabbing property, or what. Nobody under the sun even did that; leave alone the MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD. Nobody ever tried to do that.”

But you see, this kind of false accusation is what JESUS suffered. But if I came walking the footprints of JESUS it would just be automatic, it would be obvious. It is just obvious that I have to face the same brunt of blackmail, ridicule, mockery, the newspapers, the news people, every lie; they would try to do so. Of course the truth always comes out at the end but still that false accusation would have to fall on me. If the LAMB OF GOD has surely come and met me here and fellowshipped with me, and if THE LORD sent me to prepare the Way for the glorious LAMB OF GOD, it is just absolutely obvious that I will face the same vilification, the same blackmail, the same type of attempted humiliation —remember attempted, because you can never humiliate the emissary of GOD. Never. Because He bears the Word and the Name of THE LORD; so nobody can ever humiliate THE LORD. But the same vilification, blackmail, false accusation, would have to follow anyone that walks the footprints of CHRIST. And you see, from where I am here I see a lot of things, THE LORD shows me everything: how the fallen churches are involved, how the fallen churches are pursuing —they are the ones paying these people to do all these things. I see so much here I do not reveal to you.

But this was totally inevitable, blessed people. When He said that a prophet is without honor in his own town, we know that CHRIST JESUS was rejected at Nazareth; Nazareth rejected Him. He was rejected in Nazareth. And this has to continue repeating. Especially if One comes preaching righteousness, preaching holiness, preaching the coming of the Kingdom of GOD. And it was a beautiful moment yesterday when you heard the parliamentarians —I hope you play those clips— when the parliamentarians, the lawmakers were saying, some people were saying that the church needs to be vetted, the church needs to be regulated. And then they said, “But we know that in this entire land only the MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD preach repentance, and righteousness, and holiness, and the coming of THE MESSIAH, and do not take money from people. They are the only ones that come and cripples get up and walk, and blind see, HIV healed.” And they ask, “How about if we () and find that all the other churches are false, must be brought down, and only the MAN OF GOD and His church stand. What will you do?” That is a very powerful moment in the land when you watch that clip, the news clip of the lawmakers now fighting for THE LORD.

But the countrymen of JESUS tried to prejudice Him. They tried to prejudice the minds of the people against JESUS. So it is not new. They tried to prejudice, they attempted, they made endeavors and efforts to prejudice the minds of the people against JESUS; and that is not any different from what you see in this land. And that is why today is the happiest day in this country to see that wow, the lawmakers can step forward and say, “Enough is enough. There has to be sanity here.” That they went into their own process of discovery that that happened with JESUS.

And so it is very powerful at this hour because you see the Bible repeating in this country. And I said if the purpose was to be able to make me —to make the TWO PROPHETS— bitter and curse the land, then the devil has failed. Because, now I will love this land greater except for what I will share with you soon, that there must always be consequence. That I will share later. Honor. Honor. And they showed contempt unto THE LORD JESUS. How then would they not show contempt unto whoever comes to prepare His way, walking after Him? They came to the () of JESUS and attempted to contest them. How would they not do so here? Prejudice against JESUS and yet He brought this wonderful, glorious grace of GOD, divine grace of our LORD in Heaven.

But unbelief. Unbelief. They did not. Hometown rejection. A prophet is without honor, a prophet is not without honor except for his country. And so this is a very powerful submission THE LORD gave; and you see it replaying out, playing itself out again within the Bible landscape. Because, you see that the only difference now is that there is a tragedy if Kenya can try to play out, to fulfill, the Scripture and say that, “No, you see, a prophet is without honor in his country.” Why? Because these TWO are preparing the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. So They are talking about the grand finale, and so this one you have to get it right; whether you are in the home country, home town, or you are in other nations. This one nobody can fool around with.

I saw where I sit here, THE LORD was showing me, and THE LORD took some time; He was showing me some pastors laughing abroad, some people laughing, they say, “Wow. Finally. Finally they got Him. Finally they got Him.” Now look what came out: the truth that came out yesterday. And THE LORD showed me they are now grieving, they say, “Oh, not again.” () and they were grieving. So the enemies of the anointing will always still be there. But you cannot get it wrong on this one here. Why? Because it is about the coming of THE MESSIAH. You must make sure you enter Heaven; the other side is hell. They tried to make JESUS unworthy. They () his feelings. The members of those communities did not like Him; they did not like to see Him. They did not like to see one of themselves, one of their own, one that they would think they are familiar with, has grown from their own country, now communicates with the FATHER, having this wonderful relationship with GOD THE FATHER. To them that was too enigmatic, to complicated to unravel. It is amazing.

And He moved out. He moved out and went all the way to Tyre and Sidon. If you look at Matthew, we read the other time Matthew 15:21, He moved out; He walked away. And when He went to Tyre and Sidon —was received. But this time around you cannot afford this because THE MESSIAH is coming and you must listen to these TWO MESSENGERS otherwise you are doomed. Because He did mighty works in their midst. What do you see? The TWO are doing mighty works in your midst. Familiarity that they had is what raised —what was breeding— is what was raised contempt. And you see it replaying itself here again: familiarity and contempt. It is so painful because they missed their hour of Visitation. And that is why when I listen to you people talking, I realized, “Oh. How come you did not know this has to play out?” And many other things that will play out. Many other things that will play out. Many others.

Only one (1) message I received from a very senior, senior, senior person in this land. Only one(1) message I received from a very senior person saying, “THE MAN OF GOD, you are the MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD, but remember this is not the first and it will not be the last attack you get, because you rebuke sin and you walk after the stripes of JESUS.” But how come the church did not know? And I was very shocked —from a very top leadership saying that, that, “Do not worry, go to the gospel, continue preaching the gospel . JESUS was attacked. Do not fear. It will not be the first (1st); you will be attacked more and more but they will not prevail.” A prophet is not without honor but only in his own country, among his own kin, in his own house. A prophet is without honor in his hometown. They call it “hometown rejection”. You should be telling yourself —He said inside there is evil. They will speak evil and they will misrepresent His words. Misrepresent.

Amazing moment, blessed people.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

It is a beautiful time. Let us prepare for Central Park. I have seen Central Park is much bigger. Much, much bigger. And I see a plane flying and that plane is pouring some water. I also see some water; I do not know whether it is buildings or fire or something but I see a plane flying up and pouring water too.

But let us prepare the Way.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

The enemy will try to distract because right now the revival in Kenya is too big and the enemy is trying to disengage you people, to distract you people, focus you left, focus you right. Let us move on, the most powerful revival of the Word is on. This is the most important revival in the entire Bible when the cripples have walked, the blind have seen, the deaf have heard, the tumors have dissolved, HIV has been healed and directors of medical services have now come and even become pastors, when the two (2) suns have appeared, the glory has pointed on them. The wonders have happened, then now the heart. The revival of the Word. That is the revival of entry, the revival for entering the glorious Kingdom of YHWH. It is the most important revival. That is the biggest revival. That is the revival of entry into eternity. And that is why I encourage you blessed people to focus on the revival so the enemy does not send you left, focus you right, focus you where. Because, he knew that the massive revival, end revival, has broken out.

Wait and see what will happen in Central Park, Nairobi. In Swahili they say (). A lot of people have called saying, “Everybody is headed to Central Park this coming weekend.” After this one here, one (1) week, We have about six (6) or seven (7) days from here, eight (8) days from now. “A prophet is without honor in his own country, among his own people, among his kin, in his own house.” So celebrate, blessed people. Enjoy this moment when the Bible is replaying because you know your deliverance is near. And () they know they have a place in hell unless they come and repent.

I have seen THE MESSIAH Coming.

May THE LORD bless you.

Todah, shalom. Todah rabah. Todah.



Precious people, today I was attending to prayer requests and realized that a lot of prayer requests that were coming through were people looking for employment, people that were looking for job, people that some had graduated from universities for some time now, looking for placement, for places to fit their professions, their careers, and others simply —everybody looking for a job here; looking for the providence of THE LORD, for provision. And so THE LORD called me to come out on this day and make serious decree and prayer for you: those of you that are looking for employment in various places. Probably, you have put in your applications across the board, across the many institutions and some of them I saw were people moving from job positions, having lost a job, (1:20) and all these things. 

I want to begin by first (1st) () saying that it is a great blessing at this time in the history of the church, even for THE LORD to allow me to come to you, blessed people, after what a week We saw in this land, to come to you with this blessing from the Kingdom of GOD ALMIGHTY, to make decrees towards your providence that your provision may be secured in the glorious Kingdom of GOD; that you may be provided for by THE LORD JEHOVAH our FATHER in Heaven, and in the mighty Name of JESUS, after such a week. 

Before I make the decree, allow me to reflect on such a week when I did not think THE LORD would have brought me back for the conversation that has gone on, after what happened last week: the vitriol, the venom, the toxic that took place in the land against THE LORD. But look now again, added grace. THE LORD draws the attention of His SERVANT to a lot of prayer requests that are asking for placement, a place of source, place of provision, to support their families, support their personal life, (2:43), rent, water, electricity, another job, a better job, and in all the different cadres, different levels, they all have prayer requests towards the providence of THE LORD. 

And I said that now this tells us very clearly that THE LORD is our Provider. That we have to be very careful with THE LORD, blessed people. Before I make the decree, allow me to say this to you: we have to always be very, very careful with THE LORD. Once we realize He is our Provider then we need to be more reverent to Him. But sometimes, I think a nation goes through a complete cycle when they may take things for granted —as we saw this past week. And I know that many, many years down the line before, I had spoken with you on the greater need to preserve that which you have. 

I have preached from Matthew 25 verses 1 to 13: the wise virgins, the bridesmaids, and the foolish virgins. And I have said that the same JESUS that says “Knock and it shall be opened. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given.” When the foolish virgins ask for oil, He says they are not given. When they knock, JESUS Himself closes the door; He shuts the door on them as the wise church enters eternity. And I said many times as I have preached from there, I said that tells you that this treasured latter anointing for preparing the Way for the glorious coming of THE MESSIAH is very vulnerable to plunder. There is a high risk of plunder if you do not safeguard this tremendous anointing of the end, this revival of THE LORD. And you saw it from last week. You saw that the enemy was trying to touch, trying to touch on this tremendous Glory of THE LORD, this tremendous latter anointing, the latter revival. And I said it is the duty, the cardinal duty of every Christian to safeguard this, to jealously protect this because it is not in any other nation. 

And so this is another wake-up call, blessed people, before I decree on your employments and provision, and how THE LORD will care for you and your upkeep. But just to look back and see now the goodness of THE LORD that He leads me to do this to affirm to you that He is still your Provider, that you can never run away from Him, you can never blackmail Him and find another source. But I said last week teaches you, blessed people of Kenya, a lasting lesson. That do not touch. Do not touch the Glory of THE LORD. The One that speaks with you here, these TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD, Heaven has already beamed on Them.You see Heaven has beamed on Them, so They do not need any other approval from any man, any human source, physical, worldly source. That is simply sufficient. It is a shut down, shut down every single voice, everything else that Heaven has severally pointed the whole universe to Them by beaming the pure white Glory of GOD and settling over Them. And that GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT has descended from Heaven in bodily form, a huge white dove, and settles on the One that speaks with you to identify Him as the PROPHET that was promised in the Book of Malachi. They have already called FIRE from Heaven: the FIRE OF ELIJAH. And that FIRE, as I told many people, is burning sulphur. You do not want it to touchdown. And They have called rain from Heaven. So They do not need any approval by man because THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY Himself has anointed Them and placed His seal of approval, lasting, everlasting seal of approval on Them. 

And so that Is why last week was such a testing time for you, and I, too. Because, it only took me sometime later to realize that there were headlines. The nation had been blackmailing me for days without even knowing. But now this is a new chapter. A new chapter is opening up for Kenya and all the other nations that THE LORD has drawn the attention the heart of these TWO PROPHETS unto the need of the church. That even as you wait for the coming of THE MESSIAH that is tarrying , as the coming of THE MESSIAH tarries, as you wait for the glorious day when THE MESSIAH comes for the glorious church, the holy church, that THE LORD can be able to switch gears and be able to mention to these TWO that look, THE MESSIAH suffered worse. And if you are walking the footprints of THE MESSIAH, you are bound to suffer such blackmail, such ridicule, such mockery, such abuse, because of the enormity of the anointing: the insurmountable challenge that the anointing I have placed on you has caused in the status quo in the church, in the land, so these attacks are likely to be there. 

The way THE MESSIAH suffered them. For as long as you walk the footprints of THE MESSIAH, and this I said as a projection into your lives, beloved people. And then come this day He turns my heart now to the people, the suffering people, His people that are suffering in the land: looking for jobs, going to industrial areas, lining up there with identity cards, starting (9:13) and (9:14) those who have been laid off from teaching jobs, untrained teachers teaching, those who have been trained but not yet placed, no placement like teaching service commissions, and public service commission’s, the lawyers who have just graduated and they have nowhere to go to, those who have not gone to school and they have nothing to present, and they, too, are waiting for when THE LORD will place them. They always know THE LORD has a place for them. 

And that is why I am indeed very honored that THE LORD has done this tonight. And I am very blessed that THE LORD Has now switched gears, brought His compassion and grace at this time to be able to focus on the needs of His people, the greater Ministry of the CHRIST. And that is why, beginning the whole day I have been making decrees for you, praying for your job positions, praying for your job interviews, praying for your job searches, praying for the doors that should open for you to go and find favor, that they may find that you have something to contribute as we wait for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. 

And tonight I want to take advantage of this time. I want to take this opportunity to bless you: all of you in the nation of Kenya that are looking for jobs —and all the other nations, too, that are tuned in, those who are job-seeking. But sometimes when it gets rough, sometimes you may get quite tough. But I want to decree now that THE LORD will always be with you. And THE LORD for each one (1) of you, THE LORD is going to open a door. Each one (1)NI decree today with my terrible and the authority of my sharp prophetic tongue, with the Voice of THE LORD. I decree today in the mighty name of JESUS that THE LORD is going to remember each one (1) of you and open a relevant door that you may feel appreciated That wherever you go you may find favor, they may listen to you. They may say, “Yes, you are welcome here.” And they may place you in a place of comfort where you are able to communicate with them, learn the job, fit in very well, and perform. That when you perform they will appreciate your service and you will feel a job satisfaction as you continue soldiering on to wait for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. 

The many doctors that are not yet placed, many lawyers, teachers, many widows who are looking for work: cleaning jobs. They are looking for jobs where to eat shambas where they can weed and find some pennies, money, to buy soap, buy milk, buy sugar, buy food. Looking for shambas where there may be irrigation during these times of drought so that they can be given a portion to eat, and be given a daily wage. I bless you all the widows the orphans. I bless those who are in the cities looking for fare to be able to reach a place and submit an application, or looking for a fare to be able to reach a place, to sit an interview, that THE LORD will sit with you in those interviews, THE LORD will give you uncommon wisdom, THE LORD will strengthen your understanding, THE LORD will shine His shining star on you: the star of David will shine over you. 

THE MESSIAH in wheresoever you go, wherever you go, wheresoever you go, that you will find that the HOLY SPIRIT has gone ahead of you, the SPIRIT of CHRIST. That they will find, that you will find, that they will find something useful in you, they will entertain you, they will have time to listen to you. And that in the process THE LORD opens the door for you and gives you favor that they, too, may like you, that you may find a comfortable working place and fit in and do the job training, and be able to now reach a place where you are independent and you can perform in those jobs. 

The people in the villages too, that THE LORD now will open doors for your income and provision. Whether you are a farmer, a sugar cane farmer, sugar cane (13:41) you are (13:44) those working in flower farms, I am decreeing today the favor of THE LORD, the wonderful favor of THE LORD over you, so the favor of THE LORD may go ahead of you in the mighty Name of JESUS. All those in the cities, the students, who are sometimes watchmen in the night, and in the daytime they are students. But sometimes you go through a lot of thought process in the night as you are waiting there as a watchman, wonder whether this is going to be the end of it, whether there will be any opening considering you come from a poor background a less privileged background. I decree blessings over you. I bless you tonight with my sharp and mighty prophetic power of THE LORD JEHOVAH, GOD THE FATHER Himself, the tongue who’s words never drop. The tongue that decrees and Heaven opens over Lima, Peru, and Heaven opens over Kapkatet, Heaven opens over Eldama Ravine, Kissi, Njoro, Kakamega, (14:57) Lagos, Nigeria. 

This tongue of THE LORD I have healed you today in the mighty Name of JESUS decreeing. He decrees that now THE LORD will bring remission to you; He will bring healing to you. He will bring a breeze, a breeze of relief to you as you will seek those jobs. That even those who have gotten new jobs, you are still trembling, you are not sure you will make it, you will fit in, whether you will manage. But the favor of THE LORD will give you courage and (15:28), wisdom and understanding, favor and goodness ,the goodness of THE LORD, that wherever you will be THE LORD will provide for you. 

I have blessed this church in Kenya in a very, very mighty way. And there is no limit to intensity and time —time span.The time space () has no limit. But as you do this THE LORD will establish righteousness in you. And I bless the church abroad that is tuned in also. I bless you with the same blessing I have decreed over Kenya that you, too, will find remission. You will find those jobs you are seeking, that THE LORD will be able to walk with you and bring the favor of JESUS over your life that you may see your self worthiness, that they may see you can contribute as you wait for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. But this will be the testimony that will seal, will seal unto THE LORD, will seal unto you also the significance of choosing righteousness that when you choose righteousness THE LORD will walk with you. And when you choose holiness THE LORD will always bring good tidings your way. 

I have blessed you all that are looking for jobs. And I have decreed that doors will begin to open from tomorrow, tomorrow. From this morning that starts today, doors will begin to open. And there is no limit in space and time. And THE LORD will establish you and He will use that to strengthen the zeal for righteousness in you, the zeal for holiness, that His own people may have a smile on their faces: the poor people may have a smile on their faces. Even the people who are educated, they are on different levels with different job needs, job transitions, job relocation, to be able to move to different cadres. THE LORD will always be with you for as long as you choose righteousness and holiness and you listen to this Voice. 

I have blessed you all over the Earth, those who are tuned in and those who hearken to this Voice of THE LORD. I have blessed you with the providence of THE LORD, the provision of YHWH in the mighty Name of JESUS. And I have decreed that when you walk THE LORD will strengthen your zeal in that blessing, as He blesses you, your resolve for: Him, for righteousness, for holiness, for the Kingdom of GOD, will be stronger. These blessings I have decreed today, I have decreed in the mighty Name of JESUS and so they shall be amen and amen and amen.

Has not THE LORD blessed you today, you blessed nations of the Earth? 

May THE LORD bless you as you prepare for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

Todah rabah. Todah.



I am coming to you today at about probably 3:30 sharp, Sunday, on a very, very tremendous day, when I know that flames of revival , flames of joy, flames of celebration have struck the whole nation. The church is celebrating, the church is felicitating, the church is jubilating at this hour, because CHRIST JESUS THE LORD has called victory again. The calvary victory is still throbbing, is still flowing across the face of the Earth. And so that is why at this moment I have decided to come to you and to all the listeners, those who are tuned in globally, and also the church.

I want to first and foremost to welcome the Deputy Senior Archbishop, the senior counsel, legal counsel, () into the inner directory. These are now the directors within the council of bishops at this place, seated at the —rather deputy archbishops, they are the ones who sit in the board, the board of directors of the national council. And I wanted to welcome my son () whom THE LORD has raised recently as Deputy Senior Archbishop, and his church at Utawala, and to bless you Utawala, and tell you Utawala, “I am coming.” Says THE LORD. I celebrate with you because this is a very awesome and special time in the history of the church. 

And for the church all over this land of Kenya, you have seen for yourselves that carrying the revival of THE LORD, especially the end revival, calls for, it really summons for maximum responsibility. There is a way in which you have to navigate yourself. There is a way in which you have to operate so that you may operate above board, above bar, above par, you know? There are thresholds that GOD sets when He loves you. 

We are reminded so much of Israel, when THE LORD chose Israel as His chosen people, His Covenant people, and the responsibilities that there at entailed that nation. And now we see that any single blurring around, any failure to adhere to GOD’S ordinances led to such catastrophic repercussions that touched the nation of Israel. And even now we are still dealing with these kinds of matters regarding the revival and the salvation: the final salvation of Israel. These are things that are involved in with THE LORD. Apart from this Mission these are things He ministers to me now on my other Mission. 

But I am saying that that only helps to underscore the greater responsibility that is bestowed upon a people, when THE LORD chooses you to be carriers of His revival. And you see now Kenya, that carrying the revival of THE LORD involves and requires that you walk gingerly, you walk very carefully, you navigate within the entire space you see on this Earth here with the wickedness there at you know? All the time here and there you know, the Earth, the darkness that percolates in the Earth here. 

It is always very important to bear in mind that because you are the carriers of revival, you have a lot of darts, a lot of arrows may come your way. And therefore it requires greater adherence to the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. And that is why Kenya, I know that responsibility was bestowed upon you even to carry the end revival. And THE LORD made you the envy of the nations. And that is not a small calling. Yes, that THE LORD may make you this example nation that carries the end revival of GOD. That that is so envious among the Gentile nations. You know that only Israel was chosen by THE LORD. But for GOD to choose you to be the carrier and the classroom of this end revival, now you can see for yourselves that it calls for a big responsibility, personally, as a believer and a church. And that you need to continue soldiering on, focusing onto the mission: the coming of THE MESSIAH, adhering to righteousness, and ensuring that the gains you have achieved until now, you do not spill them. 

When the Bible says, please, preserve the gains you have received until now, lest they are taken away from you; THE LORD was very clear about that. He meant, essentially, that there is a looting, there is some danger that is attached to this final move of GOD, final revival towards entry. Matthew 25 is very clear about that when the wise virgins that had the jars of oil; there was the danger of plunder from the foolish virgins, you know? 

So this is what we are handling at this hour: that an awakening has been drawn right before you now (). I hope you will now walk with greater care and responsibility, and greater fear. Of course greater love for THE LORD and the HOLY SPIRIT, dependence on Him that you may be able to carry this revival all the way to the finishing mark. Do not let anyone snatch it away from you. 

And remember that the SERVANTS OF THE LORD you see in this land are totally detached from you. They may love you but They can only love you up to a place because of the disposition of your hearts towards the glorious MESSIAH and His coming, and the processes that prepare for His coming. Only that determines how much these TWO can dispense love towards you and as a nation. So if you flicker away from that and then you can expect that these TWO who are walking very close with the FATHER —THE CLOUD settled on Them, can even be moved to another country. He can move them to Israel. He can move them to any other country. Remember He could have called them from any other nation upon the face of the Earth. 

So that is why I just want to bless you as you celebrate. That you may be able to understand that victory comes with responsibility. Now you will walk more carefully, you will walk more gingerly, aware that there are slippery places on this Earth as you are walking, bearing, carrying the revival on your head. There are places that can be slippery. So you need to walk carefully that you may not fall and make it to the finishing line. 

Now I know that now Central Park has been announced. The date is going to be laid before you tomorrow; preparations are underway. We are being told that greater, greater, almost three (3) times the number that was at Central Park are now preparing to come to Central Park. When THE LORD is ready to receive you —and at that place at Central Park— also, I will share with you some deeper about how, as Kenya, you need to avert the wrath of GOD owing to what has just happened in the land. 

So may THE LORD bless you wherever you are. Cripples are walking in your midst, blind can see in your midst, the deaf can hear. You are essentially seeing the Glory of THE LORD wherever you are. 

Blessed people, mine was again to welcome Senior Deputy Archbishop (), to bless the church in Utawala and to bless the entire church in Kenya. And tell you: look, if the intention of the enemy was that I may be hurt, that these TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD may get hurt and curse the land, then I think the devil really failed in a big way. And for that alone is wonderful, is worthy to celebrate. And that is why here We are sitting with the Deputy Archbishop. The Senior Archbishop is here and () senior bishops. And there is a very big feast that has been thrown here; a big celebration is ongoing here. 

And I encourage you to celebrate the goodness of THE LORD because the victory at Calvary is indeed lasting victory. It is an eternal victory that continues to revive itself, to rekindle itself, to reveal itself, even in greater glory and height as we continue on this journey towards the Kingdom of GOD. 

Again, I can say one (1) thing. I love the church of CHRIST globally. And I know that when THE LORD does release me to go, Brazil is my rudder right now. I am looking at South Korea, I am looking at Taiwan, China, you know, and many other nations as THE LORD will allow me when He does bring me to your nations. Because the message is that He is dispensing right now in this round he is doing in Kenya has a global implication. They are the same instructions to Kenya and everyone else. So surely, you can see THE LORD is preparing the church globally. 

But how I long, oh, how I long to come to your lands and set my foot there. I know there is a big promised Visitation: THE CLOUD OF GOD, and massive rain of the HOLY SPIRIT that I will command when I get to Lima, Peru. That I know that has been spoken. But whenever THE LORD brings me there that is the authority of THE LORD that is bestowed upon these TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS.That whether this year or next year or two (2) years from now, but whenever They come there that Visitation must take place. They will command Heaven to open, and that neighborhood I saw on this side and the rain come down, there is the thick dark CLOUD come down on the altar. That will take place. That is the irrevocable, the irrevocable authority that THE LORD has bestowed upon these TWO MESSENGERS. And so, nobody has lost a Visitation at all. 

And I bless you Lima, Peru. I bless you the Latin America (). Do not worry about what is happening in Kenya. This is part of testing the Kenyans, their hearts, to find out if their hearts are salt worthy enough to carry this revival. But this also becomes a lesson to the other nations that whenever revival comes, please, separate the wickedness of the world from the glorified SERVANTS OF THE LORD. Because, Kenya almost lost the blessedness that was placed before them. Because how can you blackmail this wonderful gift of mercy towards the eternity of GOD? When THE LORD sends you mercy, begins to prepare you for the glorious Kingdom of GOD, how can you blackmail your own eternity? How can you try and attempt to force a scandal? You Photoshopped what, you put pictures what, to try to blackmail the Holders of the key, the key to Heaven. You know the repercussions are quite heavy.

But I thank GOD that THE LORD has prevailed upon these TWO to simply bless Kenya that the devil may fail. And this is a learning curve. This is an awesome place to be. And for me I can say that I will continue loving the church of CHRIST globally, and loving the church of CHRIST in Kenya, to cause them to continue carrying this revival like never before. 

May THE LORD bless you the cripples who have walked, may THE LORD bless you the blind that have seen, may THE LORD bless you the lame that have walked, HIV that has been healed. May THE LORD bless the bishops, the pastors, overseers, the church, the congregation. May you celebrate the goodness of THE LORD from this day on. 

But, please, even as you move forward, never forget what just happened back here. And that is why you need to stick together as a family. You need to understand that when I read for you Philippians chapter 3:20,” I normally mean it.” Says THE LORD. That this world is not your home. And when you are here you still have to take care to know that the enemy is still prowling around looking for people to devour .

You can imagine the amounts of blackmail THE MESSIAH went through in Jerusalem, the newspapers of Jerusalem publishing against Him. Imagine the times that He was ministering before He left and went down to Tyre and Sidon. They even sent a delegation from Jerusalem to go and contest Him and nullify His preaching —and He is THE LORD. He is GOD. So you can imagine how greater the pain that THE MESSIAH did go through. And therefore, if anybody walketh the path and the footprint of THE MESSIAH it is only befitting that you run into this.

And I bless you, I bless your eternity, I bless you eternally, I bless your provision. Remember that in the same land I have seen the healthy cows. So, please, focus and capitalize on the blessings of GOD bespoken upon this nation. Again I bless you all and I celebrate with you Kenya that you have again lived to see the victory of the CROSS, the victory of the CHRIST, the victory of the BLOOD OFJESUS. 

I would have wanted to say more but I want to release you to go on with your celebrations. Remember that the great things you have seen, many righteous men and Prophets of old really longed that they should see them, but they were not given the opportunity. 

I have blessed this nation. I bless the leadership of this country. Right now I am blessing the leadership of this country, I am blessing the church of Repentance and Holiness in this country, I am blessing the land, blessing your crops, blessing your animals, blessing everything, your undertakings your families. That this revival may be transmittable to other nations too. That the goodness of THE LORD may be seen vivid and clear. That it may be without ambiguity whatsoever that THE LORD is good in this revival, that it is worthy to take this revival. I have blessed your health. 

And I know that there is a mega healing service coming up; I am only waiting for the date. THE LORD said fresh, the freshest anointing ever, ever since He sent Us. Ever since He lowered Us from the Kingdom of Heaven, the freshest anointing ever. So I do not even know what might happen in that healing service when I will instruct according to the command of GOD YHWH that you gather in 84 stadiums and decree from Nairobi. A country where such a thing is being done is obviously, without any doubt, a very blessed country. 

I have blessed you Kenya and I have blessed the churches abroad. The Chinese church I bless you, I bless the church everywhere globally, those that have hearkened to this word and are faithful to THE LORD. 

Do not let any wickedness mess up your eternity. Kenya almost allowed it. But, well inevitably you will always find the spoiled apples on the other side. Let us focus onto the Coming of THE MESSIAH. 

May THE LORD bless you.

Shalom todah. Todah rabah. 

THE MESSIAH is Coming. 

Let us keep away from the gospel of prosperity, the gospel that preaches the things of the world, the () and all this. Let us turn away from immorality. Let us turn away from apostasy. Let us hearken unto righteousness and holiness. They are the eternal treasures deposited unto man, in the hearts of men and women. So, please, uphold the righteousness of GOD, uphold the holiness of GOD, walk in absolute stature, walk as the light of CHRIST, and everything else that you see happening in the world will have no claim over you. 

Remember the book of Zechariah Chapter 3 when Joshua —Joshua there represents Israel— appears before THE LORD and the devil tries to come to lay claim on him. Why? Because Joshua was wearing () the garment. So make sure that when you walk in righteousness, whatsoever the devil will try to claim on you will not (). You can see it for yourself. You can see it in the current example that is percolating around here. 

May THE LORD bless you 

Shalom. Todah rabah. Todah l’chaim. Todah Chaver sheli, HASHEM. Thank you. 



Well, blessed people, what a mighty time in the church. So, We wake up this day. And the reality that I discovered yesterday that the country THE LORD loves so much —the country called Kenya— and raised so many cripples in this land, and opened so many blind eyes and still promising greater visitation; the country of Kenya where the revival is being throbbed, is throbbing and vibrant, and many millions are turning to JESUS; the country that has been the sample and the example for such an enormous end time revival: the revival of righteousness, the revival of repentance and turning away from sin, the revival of holiness.

Yesterday, we woke up with a shock. That actually, the media in this land, has indeed been publishing some fake vitriol, and lies, and fake news, and even arranging pictures on the front page —absolutely unbelievable— cover page, headline page in this land, to blackmail THE LORD and HIS TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS.

So, this is the reality We have woken up to this morning. And today, is when now, I have come to terms, I am beginning to come to terms that this country can do such a thing against THE LORD JEHOVAH.

And so, this speaks so much about the times we are in. And it is very, very important, it is going to be very important.

I know there are a lot of meetings happening right now; they are trying to bring the media to account. There are many meetings going on today as we speak now that are going to bring the media to account. There is already outrage from several quarters in this country. And as We speak there are meetings going on now that are now planning to bring the media in this land, the fake media in this land, to complete account.

But in the process as a church, we need to understand that this is such a time, it is such a time in the history of the church when we can look back and see what our LORD JESUS indeed went through when they blackmailed HIM, when they spoke against HIM.  And you know, HE is THE LORD. HE is THE LORD. HE is GOD, GOD THE SON. So, you can imagine what HE went through.

I mean, I thought that if THE LORD had not veiled all this from Me, from the first day started preaching, I mean, disseminating this kind of blackmail and malice and paid propaganda, I think probably, in the snap of a second I would have cursed this land. And it would have headed south. It would have headed way south, in a very bad direction, totally.

And I think THE LORD allowed time to pass, so that I am able to synthesize, THE TWO PROPHETS can synthesize this and see the spiritual meaning of all this.

But again, now, this goes a long way, like I said, to emphasize to you that this is not your comfort. This is not your home anymore. This world is indeed not your home. And THE LORD is using all this to awaken us to the fact that the world will always be hostile to you, if you stand for CHRIST JESUS and if you walk in righteousness and you pursue holiness.

And I know that there is a very serious set of meetings going on right now, in this country right now that are now deciding to bring the media to account and asking for clear apology to THE LORD and to THE TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD on the open blackmail and malice they have published over time.

And for some reason, THE LORD kept Us away from knowing this. We are focused on the Mission of THE LORD.

But I mean, it is still important to see the spiritual value. That THE LORD is saying that this world is not your home. And I think the church and the Christians need to take this wonderful lesson from Me and say that we need to press forward now for our Heavenly home, where you will go and find the safety of Heaven, and the peace and eternity, and the rest of GOD in Heaven.

This a greater reason now to celebrate. Why? Because now you understand that surely, yes, you are walking the righteous way. You are walking on the Highway of Holiness. The only way the fake church, the fallen church can join up with the fake media and do what they did in a country where THE LORD has raised so many cripples, I just they expected that I would curse the land and probably, now, move the revival out of this country to another country.

But now, THE LORD has instead gelled up, HE has gelled up a greater love in the hearts of these TWO, for this country that the devil may fail in his mission that JESUS may succeed.

However, like I said, this morning we had phone calls from members of parliament. Who were saying they have been watching with a lot of pain, and anger, and agony to see how open, open —anyone could see— that this media is paid to attempt to character assassinate and blackmail THE TWO SERVANTS OF THE LORD that have done so much for this country. And We received a lot of phone calls also from high authorities to this extent.

So there is a lot happening now to bring the media to account.

But meanwhile as a church, we need to focus on our Mission. You know when the darkness becomes greater, then the time when we need to shine the greater Light of CHRIST. And I think, this is the time when we need to step out and bring out the love of CHRIST.

We cannot say now that you see, we answered tit for tat. Let the authorities do what they are doing.  But however, the church, We are commanded to love. And I know it is very painful to love at this time. But I want to give this direction that as this correction is being done by the authorities that we need, we owe this world love. This is a greater calling now. These are the greater reasons to understand that the world really needs JESUS.

If they can really, really, really, publish the things they have published in this land, against these TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD whom THE LORD has sent here to do such mighty works, they could do all this: that level of persecution is what is characteristic of the calling that you have. If they can do so, it really bespeaks the fact that there is still greater need.

The nation is crying out for evangelism. We need to reach them more with the saving grace of JESUS. And I know that these TWO PROPHETS do not have the chance, the opportunity to pay back by accursing the land. They do not have that chance. They do not have that bearing. If They did, it is going to be a tragedy. It is so (a shame) to see what has happened to Venezuela and Haiti, and the related country, Nepal and so forth.

And that is why, again, I bring this to your attention. That this is the time of darkness when now, you need to shine a greater Light of CHRIST as the body of CHRIST. You need to go out with greater zeal, greater power. You need to go out.

And the purpose of going out now is to be able to bring the love of CHRIST, to bring the salvation of the grace to the people. Because it looks like the nation is crying out.

If they can really do this, to these TWO TREMENDOUS SERVANTS OF YHWH, THE SERVANTS OF HEAVEN THAT WERE LOWERED FROM HEAVEN, THE CLOUD OF GOD that is moving over Them, has settled on Them, then you can imagine what they did to CHRIST JESUS.

And that is why you should really take solace on that. You should now focus on the fact that you have not suffered even unto death. You have not suffered to the point of death, beloved people.

So, THE LORD is using this also to make you feel a little bit homesick. To make you want to go to Heaven now. You know, sometimes, there is a comfort on this Earth. Sometimes, there is love. “Oh, we love THE MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD. Oh, we love Him. He raises our cripples.  JESUS sends Him to us. He poured the BLOOD OF JESUS here.”

So, sometimes that love can be very deluding. And that is why, sometimes, THE LORD can allow certain () so that it becomes a vivid reminder to us that this world is not our home. And that is why precious people, what an awesome time at which now to focus on eternity.

I did not know at all. It was very amazing, in the night, to discover this and find out that the church was in (). That you people were in the () wondering, “What is this going on?”

But anyhow, now the authorities have meets right now. They are taking serious account. They have decided to bring the media to serious account. I mean, very serious.

But not in that league. We are not in that quarter. For Us, Ours is to disseminate the love of CHRIST, the salvation of CHRIST, and to enjoy the suffering. I want to enjoy this. I love it when there is this kind of war there. Because, it reminds Me of the coming battle when the church will have been taken away. When the church will have been taken into the () will be taken into Heaven, to GOD’S Rest, to worship in peace forever. Where there will be no blackmail, no malice, no slander, no sin, no death, where there will be eternity and the presence of GOD, face-to-face with our CREATOR.

At that time, when THE TWO PROPHETS will encounter the anti-christ. But you can now see that the spirit of anit-chirst is already in operation, except that the man of lawlessness will only be released after the HOLY SPIRIT is lifted at the proper time.

So, THE LORD is using all this as a big reminder that, please, get going this place, it is going to be worse, it is going to get bad.

There is no way, I would have picked the stripes, there is no way I would have come to rebuke sin on the Earth and become their friend. This is absolutely awesome because this is the mark, these are the stripes () I have sent you indeed.

And those of you who are still in pain yesterday, I am just receiving the reports this morning, the church is in distress, people are repenting, and the sackcloth, people are wailing to THE LORD.

“It is true, yes?”

Because they did not know it would happen if THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD stand before THE LORD of all the Earth and curse the land. Of course it would demolish the revival and besmirch the country and head her to hell. And THE LORD would definitely remove His SERVANTS to a different venue —Israel, or wherever— to begin starting this mega revival for the coming of THE MESSIAH.

But thank GOD that has not happened. THE LORD has won again. And now, We are at this place when They are looking for Bungoma. Now, We are going to do even greater meeting. Now, THE LORD is going to send THESE TWO, and We are going to rebuke sin even greater. Because, now We know that ever since Menengai, We really, really inflicted greater damage on the devil.

Ever since Menengai, you see there has been a lot of (distant) tumult and the devil has come, the snake has been riled I think, injured and wounded. And THE LORD showed Me quite a few things this past night.

How the enemy was bruised you know? And in the dream. And so this tells Us that We are walking the way of THE LORD. And there is no way this world will love you.

JESUS said, “ This world will not love you. It will hate you. It has hated Me. If you walk after Me the world will hate you.”

But it is only amazing to Us that the fallen church has joined hands with the devil to do this.  And that, too, reminds us of the fact that JESUS was actually killed by the Pharisees, by the House of THE LORD then. So those in the status quo, in the house, in the church.

And so, we need to soldier on. This is now a greater reason to evangelize CHRIST more, to do bigger meetings. I want to do greater meetings now. I might even have to postpone the meetings abroad a little bit for next year, maybe one (1) meeting this year or so as THE LORD will lead.

But for now, focus here, because I realized THE LORD is inflicting big damage, greater damage unto the devil.

And it is so painful. Such that even members of parliament called Us this morning. They have called Us and said they want to summon themselves, they want to gather themselves and decide to bring the media to account.

Because they said, they have been watching open blackmail, that character assassination, open as though there is no rule of law.

And also, other quarters of the leadership have called and said , “This is totally unacceptable.”

And they are taking action. And there are meetings going on now.

However as a church, our role is to reach out in evangelism with the Gospel and because this is the nation crying out to THE LORD.

“Look, how terrible our state is. Look, how vitriol we are. Look, how venomous we are. Please, reach us through the saving grace of JESUS to neutralize our toxicity.”

So this is the nation crying out to you people, the Christians. You need to reach out more. You need to love them more. You need to lead them to CHRIST more. You need to baptize them more. Because, this is now the cry of the nation. That please, evangelize and transform us with the BLOOD OF JESUS.

Since I bless you, beloved people.

And I know that I have received reports from the church that there was a lot of pain yesterday. But now you can sit back and you can now have remission. You can now focus on the heavenly and the spiritual lesson that comes out of this.

Because, THE LORD must always win the way He did on the CROSS. And this must always happen since THE LORD has sent you.

Again, THE LORD warned and He said, “ This world will not give you peace,” and He said, “This world will hate you because you belong to ME.”

So may THE LORD bless you as you prepare for the coming of THE MESSIAH.

The revival meetings are greater. More people are receiving CHRIST. More people are repenting. It is amazing that the effect is opposite. Because more people are receiving THE LORD JESUS. More people are repenting. More people are now joining this big move of GOD.

Somehow, they hurt their intended. THE LORD is very powerful. So, whatever they had intended, now, there is the opposite effect.

And may THE LORD bless you. May THE LORD keep you in the Mighty Name of JESUS.

Todah L’Chaim. Todah Rabah.




(report) Published in this country that I have so much loved and given the heart of THE LORD to. Just this evening here, I have come across some papers that THE LORD for wonderful reasons kept away from me; did not reveal to me. THE LORD hid me from these papers that were published, including some of them not even today, published the day before and so forth. And even headlines.

So I was also shocked that even headline stories were written against the TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD. And they used open money and paid blackmail. Paid. You can tell that all this was paid by cash to some people because in one’s normal senses they cannot put such headlines in the nation, in this nation that is so beloved of THE LORD, in the newspapers that circulate within this nation, so beloved of THE LORD.

Again, this evening as We were having meetings here with the Senior Archbishop and many deputies here —and many bishops— and then We had a meeting; a guest came through. And when that guest also joined us in the meeting then those two (2) papers were produced. And I know that one (1) of them —I have not checked the dates of those papers, I have not read them; I have only seen the flash. They were listed in front of me and I saw.

And I know that even the bishops here that must have read these papers earlier, did not reveal them to me for a wonderful reason. That the bishops here must have known that if I had gotten to know these papers, probably I would have cursed the land. Probably I would have spoken a curse to this nation that I so beloved, so much loved, and have been struggling with from 2005 until now to be able to bring her into the glorious eternal Kingdom of GOD. As this wonderful glory, this nation of glory that is an example to all nations on how to walk with this revival, to behold it and how to be able to propel this revival that many nations would borrow from.

Many countries have come here; they have come here to learn, to learn what is going on in Kenya. How has Kenya carried this revival? How has Kenya hosted these TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD? How come Kenya has not conflicted with THE LORD to be destroyed? Because you know that you do not handle these TWO PROPHETS well and THE LORD, definitely, will destroy the land.

So again, this evening We were having meetings throughout the day and then this evening as We were meeting, a guest walked in through. And then as he walked in through, two (2) papers were produced and he flashed them to me. And I was very shocked to actually see that the headline, they were headlined. Headlined. Meaning, the main —the power of (2:58) font is used. The main letters, the big letters were used. Headlined. Not once, twice. They used headlines twice on the () newspaper to publish blackmail, malice, slander and propaganda against THE TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD, beloved people. In the country that I have so loved, very beloved in the heart of THE LORD.

I have tried to draw this country closer to THE LORD, to place her in a position that GOD would love her. I have even spoken many times by saying, “I think Kenya will overpopulate Heaven.” But today I saw what I never believed. And for some reason THE LORD hid these headlines from me. He did not show them to me in the dream, because I know that THE LORD knew that probably they would break my heart, for a country and a people that I love this much. But anyhow, THE LORD has deemed it right that this is the moment I get to see these headlines today. Full headlines. Front page. Very shocking.

Now I just want to bring this to your attention, blessed people, that number one (1), this world is not our home . This world is not our home. I know that some people have taken steps, but I do not want to be involved in that because I think the love THE LORD has used these TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS to portray and to unleash upon this land really removes me from even addressing such malice, and vitriol, and poison that I have seen published in Kenyan papers. Not even foreign papers.

I know that some people have decided to take action beginning tomorrow on, however, I want to bring this to you: that this is what I meant when I said that this world is not your home. This world is not our home. And when One comes preaching repentance, and holiness, and righteousness, and rebuking sin, you are likely, most likely to attract a barrage of fire, vitriol, and a lot of arrows.

And we must know very, very well, this is common and open facts that the massive anointing THE LORD has placed upon His TWO MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS —look at the meetings in Central Park, in Thika and what is coming up in Bungoma. It can tell you that it has become an insurmountable challenge to the church, to the status quo in the church. It has also become a big pain, painful for them to realize that there can be such a massive anointing that decrees from Their residence and cripples get up and walk across 84 stadiums. That is obvious. Only that We never estimated how far the () could go in trying to be able to execute compensatory behavior, displacement activity, trying to compensate themselves for their lack.

I know too well that THE LORD hid this from me because He knew that if I had woken up and seen this I would have cursed the land. But I want to say this, number two (2) that I still love Kenya. If the devil had planned this so that I may be able to hate Kenya and curse Kenya then the devil is mistaken. Now I want to love Kenya even greater. I want THE LORD to now use me to raise even greater cripples. Now I understand why He showed me the greatest anointing that He has ever released ever since He opened up the church, He birthed out the church. Fresher anointing, deeper anointing.

Now I understand the three (3) days of consecutive conversation, talking about a major Visitation where cripples will be raised, blind eyes will be opened, deaf ears would be opened, the lame legs stretched and strengthened, the broken knees restored, spinal cord injuries healed, brains and skulls that are broken, brains with cerebral problems, psychosis, healed, heart conditions, liver conditions, kidney dialysis conditions, many conditions including HIV, blood conditions, leukemia, diabetes, hypertension.

Now I understand why THE LORD has spoken three (3) days in a row about a major Visitation to Kenya. You can see very clearly that in his scheme and his plan, you can see very clearly that the devil intended to break my heart. That the nation I so belove and love this much that would do such a thing, so I may curse the land. And I want to announce it here very clearly that I will not curse Kenya. Instead, I am going to love Kenya even greater that the devil may lose. That the devil may be put to shame. I want to make sure that I inflict maximum pain on the devil. But meanwhile as I do that, beloved people, we need to understand that our LORD JESUS, too, went through unbelievable blackmail of this kind —even worse, because He is THE LORD and He is GOD.

If these TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH can go through this amount of pain by seeing the headlines THE LORD had hidden from me, and then today they are flashed before me here . I have not even read them, but just the pain of looking at them from a distance. If these TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD can go through this much pain, how much more pain then did Christ Jesus our LORD, who is both THE LORD and GOD, how much did He go through then?

And that is why after seeing them tonight I said I have to come to you and say the following: let us persevere. Let us persevere on. How will they know that THE LORD JEHOVAH has sent me to them? How? How will the world know that I have been sent from on high to rebuke sin and to direct a generation back to righteousness and holiness unless the world attacks me? How can the world love me? If you come testifying against sin the way THE MESSIAH did, the world will attack you.

And that is why I encourage you, precious people, to understand the lessons that are coming through this. Why? Why at this hour? THE LORD is saying, “No more complacency.” THE LORD is saying He is disconnecting your heart from this world. You can never be too comfortable with this world. This world is not our home. I was very shocked. I have not read them, they only flashed them, the bishops flashed them in front of me about four (4) or so meters away from me, but the pain they inflicted in my heart made me realize that CHRIST JESUS must have passed through unbelievable blackmail, and torture, and agony, because He is THE LORD.

And that is why, let us push on. Let us persevere, beloved people. This is now a greater reason to cause you to focus on Heaven. And for that matter, “Now I will do greater meetings in Kenya.” Says THE LORD. And I will love this country even greater that the devil may be put to shame. I will love this nation even greater than before that the devil may be humiliated, that the agenda of GOD may be accomplished . And this will not break the heart of the TWO. You know that the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD, you know that They are for another dispensation.

For me, I understand that THE LORD is saying, “I am sharpening you TWO PROPHETS for the greater battle ahead. I am beginning to train you for battle. I am beginning to pass you through this purification of fire. I am passing you through this rejection that this world has that you may not look at these people, this nation, as loving to you. Because after the rapture of the church, hostility will prevail.” I understand very much what THE LORD is doing . THE LORD is saying, “You can never be too comfortable.”

But I was very shocked that the country I have always loved —three (3) days in a row gave me the mighty prophecy of the most tremendous Visitation of GOD YHWH that is now unparalleled. That has not happened anywhere else. That will raise cripples from the ground, open blind eyes, open deaf ears, heal the paralytics, raise the lame, touch the internal organs, raise those who have psychosis, and everything under the sun. Now I understand that THE LORD is simply saying, as we are here on the Earth we need to be so vigilant. You can never be loved too much on this Earth. And we need to pursue for our citizenship in Heaven. That is why I said Philippians 3:20 that your citizenship is not of this world .

I know that if CHRIST JESUS was rejected, and blackmailed, and vilified by this world, and if anyone comes walking those footprints he would have to be rejected, blackmailed, vilified and humiliated like CHRIST JESUS was. So it is all right. I will still soldier on to walk this nation into the eternity of GOD, to bless this nation, to ashame the devil. I will now love Kenya from this day on even greater: one trillion fold. I want to love Kenya more. And, ‘I will now come out and deliberately love Kenya with My all.” Says THE LORD.

So may THE LORD bless you, blessed people.

But I am very shocked to have run into these printings today. How does one be paid to be able to run such a print? Until the DCIO came today and said to the bishops, the team that met him, and said, “We have never summoned the MAN OF GOD.” And he said he summoned the editor of the newspaper, he had only twenty (20) minutes to appear in his office. It shocked me that this nation can do such a thing against these TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD.

May THE LORD bless you.

Let celebrations begin everywhere now across the country. Because if the devil wanted me to hate Kenya, “Now I will love Kenya more.” Says THE LORD. More cripples will walk, Kenyans will enter eternity more than any other nation!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!



Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH ELYON, THE LORD MOST HIGH, THE LORD JEHOVAH HOSEENU, THE LORD our MAKER, THE LORD OF HOSTS, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, JEHOVAH ROHI, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, THE LORD our RIGHTEOUSNESS, JEHOVAH EL GIBBOR, THE LORD THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE MIGHTY GOD OF HEAVEN, JEHOVAH ELOHEEKA, THE LORD our GOD, He has spoken with me, blessed people, again, a third (3rd) day in a row, a third (3rd) consecutive —third (3rd) consecutive time, about the tremendous revival, the raising of the revival to another level that He has spoken in the past two (2) days.

And in this conversation this past night, THE LORD again, a third (3rd) time consecutively; third (3rd) day in a row took me before His Throne, beloved people. JEHOVAH ELOHEEKA, JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, He took me to His Throne in Heaven and then showed me the Tree of Life again, this past night, and I saw the blossoming of the tree: the tremendous growth. I saw the wonderful, beautiful leaves of the Tree of Life. And then again, He plucked the leaves of the Tree of Life and presented those leaves onto my hand, and then brought me back to the Earth. So THE LORD JEHOVAH again, presented the tremendous leaves of Life from the Tree of Life, and placed in my hands, and then brought me back —and the blossoming of those leaves on my hand; tremendous blossoming, until they became () like a garden.

Why is THE LORD speaking three (3) times consecutively about this massive, massive Visitation that is coming up to the church, blessed people? Right now as We speak, We know too well that the church is sitting on the verge of eternity. Right now the church is sitting on the verge of entry into eternity. This is the grand finale. This is the time that all generations of Christians, generations of peoples have been longing —generation of nations, generations have longed for this hour when finally the preparing of the Way and the preparing to enter eternity will arrive. And this generation has been given an unequal opportunity to live to witness the hour when the church is sitting on the verge of eternity. How powerful. How mighty, blessed people.

And that is why you see that THE LORD is speaking about a healing service that is going to take place here; a Visitation of GOD that is going to take place here, that will once more again establish, re-establish, and affirm the power and the authority of the BLOOD OF JESUS, the works of THE MESSIAH on the CROSS. And that is why it serves this generation, it serves Us —serves you— a great opportunity and privilege to bring to you this marvelous announcement, the wonderful tidings from the Throne of GOD; that YHWH has taken me to His Throne and sent me back to you to say, ”A Visitation is coming to the Earth.” He is coming to Visit the church with unequaled power. He is coming to Visit the church with unequaled anointing never seen before. And THE LORD is saying that this fresh anointing —and yesterday I celebrated as I do today how He went all the way to demonstrate to me how fresh this anointing is: a fresher anointing. That this is the freshest there has been. So I do not know what else will happen in that healing service.

But I want to share just a little bit more that came out yesterday and tonight in this tremendous Visitation of GOD YHWH, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH SHAMMAH, ADONAI, the SOVEREIGN GOD. That as He showed me the blossoming of the leaves and the tremendous light they exuded —that they are bringing now to the church at this time when that Visitation be holds— and then I saw the pure white Glory of GOD also sweeping across. The pure white Glory that you see covered He that speaks with you in Helsinki when the TWO PROPHETS were revealed, and glorified, and transfigured in Helsinki, glorified and transfigured in Nairobi, glorified and transfigured elsewhere. So at the same time He showed me that Glory that was pervading, that was flowing upon the fresh wonderful leaves of the Tree of Life that had blossomed, and going through like a wave of wind, but you could see like the mist of white Glory.

So this is the mightiest hour of the mightiest Visitation for the life of the church in this present time. And that is why I am coming to you, blessed people, at this hour to tell you—. Amen blessed people. And I am saying that the pure white Glory that is flowing over the fresh anointing of THE LORD, the fresh leaves of the Tree of Life: why is THE LORD doing this at this hour? Soliciting for audience with your souls, blessed people. And that is why I said this is the greatest hour to be born again. This is the highest hour in which to be a Christian following CHRIST at this hour. Because He says here in the Book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3:11, He says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also planted eternity in the hearts of men, and in the minds of men, a divinely implanted sense of purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but only GOD and His righteousness alone can satisfy.”

So you can see that THE LORD is setting ablaze your hearts, beloved people. He is using this Visitation to set ablaze your hearts. He is saying a mighty Visitation is coming to the church, is coming to raise the cripples, to open the blind eyes, open the deaf ears. Why? He is coming to heal HIV, He is coming to raise people, broken bones, kidney failure, diabetes, blood conditions, leukemias, and everything. He is coming to do all of it to set your hearts ablaze with the urge and the hunger for eternity, blessed people. How powerful . And He is speaking about a Visitation never seen before, a healing anointing never seen before —freshest ever seen. I have never seen this type of healing anointing.

And so, everybody should now prepare for their Visitation, because if there is any time to be born again and to enjoy your salvation on the Earth is this hour, because our GOD has now stepped forward to identify with the church and to tell the nations that only the religion of the CROSS is the true religion that gives hope beyond the Earth. He says every person has that ignitable switch of eternity in their heart, and now He is setting those switches ablaze and He is telling the church, “Look, I am coming to ignite you and prepare you on the verge of eternity.”

So there is a big Visitation, blessed people. I have seen that Visitation three (3) days in a row. GOD is reaching out to the souls of man. And if there is a time to light up your salvation, light up and light up the Glory of GOD in your salvation this is the hour, because GOD has stepped out to stand with the church. THE LORD has stepped out to exalt the church. If there is a time you need to extend the love of CHRIST this is the hour bring the sick, bring the crippled, the deplorable, those who have been abandoned in the villages, those who are lying there and they are soiling themselves, they are relieving themselves, the hospitals have no help for them, bring them to the meeting when the date is announced. Because the hour to be able to trumpet the power of the CROSS the power of the BLOOD is this hour.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people.

Be holy. Be righteous.

The purpose of the Visitation is one (1): holiness and righteousness, without which, nobody will see eternity. And He says I repeat as I close, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also planted eternity in the hearts of man, and in the minds of men, a divine holy implant that causes a sense of purpose and working its way throughout the ages in the hearts and minds of men, that kind of working that causes an urge, a hunger, that nothing else can satisfy except GOD Himself and His holiness and His eternity.”

May THE LORD bless you, precious people.

But the day will be announced. THE LORD is speaking consecutively. The day will be announced when THE LORD will Visit again in a mighty way and heal people across the world.

May THE LORD bless you.

Shalom. Todah. Todah rabah. Todah l’chaim.



Well, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH HOSEENU, JEHOVAH ADONAI, THE LORD JEHOVAH SABAOTH, JEHOVAH ROHI, JEHOVAH El OLAM He has spoken with me, blessed people. Again, precious people, THE LORD, He has spoken with me in a very, very mighty conversation. Thank you, blessed people, THE LORD JEHOVAH EL GIBBOR, THE MIGHTY GOD OF ISRAEL, THE LORD JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, JEHOVAH ROHI, THE LORD my SHEPHERD our SHEPHERD, He spoke with me, blessed people, this past night in a very, very mighty way.

GOD THE FATHER, the FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, He lifted me up from the Earth and brought me right in front of His Throne in Heaven, this past night. And then at that place He walked with me through the Throne place into the back of the Throne. And then at that place He showed me this tremendous Tree of Life. He showed me the Tree of Life, blessed people. And I see a very fresh anointing, because the leaves that He brought me —He used His hand to cut those leaves and bring me— they blossomed almost into a full garden. They blossomed into a full —the freshest anointing I have ever seen ever since He sent these TWO PROPHETS on the Earth.

The freshest —this is going to be the freshest and the mightiest, the most powerful anointing that I have seen —the church has seen— ever since THE LORD sent these TWO PROPHETS. And the levels of anointing —He was displaying the levels of anointing after He had given, after He had given me now the leaves of the Tree of Life, and then they blossomed into very fresh anointing. And then the second (2nd) level He showed the second (2nd) level which was even much fresher—.

And then, so blessed people, again, I am saying that this past night there was a massive Visitation of GOD ALMIGHTY. And in this mighty Visitation THE LORD took me right into His Throne Room and then slightly behind the Throne Room, He walked across with me slightly behind the Throne Room and showed me this tremendous, tremendous, leaves of the Tree of Life. And when He placed them on my hand and then there was a huge blossoming and you could see the different levels THE LORD wanted to show me as they blossomed: the first (1st) level. But these are the freshest, freshest —this is the freshest anointing I have ever seen ever since THE LORD sent me. Ever since He lowered these TWO PROPHETS OF YHWH this is the freshest anointing ever that I have ever seen.

And blessed people, I see two (2) different levels. The first (1st) level very fresh anointing, and then the second (2nd) level very fresh anointing and then the third (3rd) level quite deep, very deep anointing, and the fourth (4th) level now they blossom into the Tree of Life; you see the Tree now, the leaves of the Tree, the wind blowing. It is such an awesome Visitation that THE LORD brought me into. And the glory of THE LORD pervaded the whole place. It was such a powerful moment, beloved people, at the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY, this past night. And then after that and then THE LORD ALMIGHTY showed me this tremendous anointing. This is the freshest anointing ever seen; I have not seen this before ever since He sent these TWO PROPHETS. And then He brought me back.

So you can see, blessed people, that THE LORD is saying there is going to be a healing service here. There is going to be essentially a healing service that will take place soon. He has consistently and continuously spoken about this healing service. We do not know whether it is before Bungoma or after the meeting in Bungoma, but there is going to be a mighty, mighty healing. And you can see THE LORD is going to raise many cripples who are in very deplorable conditions, on the ground, on the soil, those who are sitting and you know, and help themselves there, and nobody help them. You leave them in the sun, if it rains it rains on them. He is going to remember these people. He is going to raise these people from down; He is going to raise them from the dust, from the sand (), and they are going to walk, strengthen their legs. And He is going to open blind eyes, He is going to raise baby cripples, children that are crippled: twelve (12) years, ten (10) years, and so forth, all the way to adults, those who have been born crippled for all the rest of their lives. It is going to be massive, the freshest anointing ever —that I have ever seen.

And then after that, blessed people, He is going to open blind eyes, babies that are blind, those that were blind, who are adults living blind forever. He is going to remember these people living in deplorable conditions and open their eyes, remove them from the world of the dark that they may see like Cynthia Wanjiku now seeing things for the first (1st) time asking, “What is this?” Touching them. And then opening many blind eyes, raising many cripples. He is going to raise many, many cripples across this country. That means He is going to cause me to command you to gather 84 stadiums. And He is going to command me to decree from Nairobi. To decree that your cripples will rise up from the dust, get up and walk in this land, and that the blind eyes open, and many cripples are going to get up: crippled babies, crippled adults, crippled people. And many, many, many blind eyes are going to open, little babies that are blind.

This past night, in the same conversation, He showed me a baby whose eye, it is a baby whose eyes were blind. And I do not know why I see as if THE LORD washed the eyes with water and then removed things with His hand, and the eyes saw. So it is going to be a very stunning time, blessed people. I have seen it. I have seen it happening already. And then He is going to open many deaf ears, He is going to touch many lame, pull the legs and strengthen them, fortify them, stretch them, add columns, and the lame may now get up and walk without crutches, or metals, or support, or calipers. And He is going to remember the paralytics, the spinal cord injuries, broken backs, broken bones, kidney failure, those undergoing dialysis. He is going to remember heart conditions, enlarged hearts, hearts that are weak, that are about to fail. He is going to remember blood conditions, diabetes, hypertension, leukemia, cancers in the blood. THE LORD is going to remember His people, blessed people.

There is going to be a massive healing service, a tremendous healing service, a very powerful healing service. I have never seen a healing service mightier than this that I am seeing. And this is going to take place in Kenya here, but globally too, they will partake, because of the anointing was enormous, enormous and very deep and different levels, passing four levels of anointing, and then blossomed into the Tree of Life in my hand here. It was tremendous Visitation. Shocking. And GOD THE FATHER I hear Him, I hear Him from my right hand side, and taking the leaves and putting on my hand. So this is a very first time in the history of the church. And then at the same time I see THE LORD has opened for me, He has opened for His TWO PROPHETS and released Them to the nations again.

So this here, I see again there is going to be Visitation to the nations and I think one (1) of the nations that are going to be Visited, probably, is going to be maybe one (1) or two (2). Maybe Taiwan, maybe China, and then Brazil. Probably Brazil and Taiwan. Brazil is going to be one (1) of the nations to be visited this year. It is going to be a very mighty time because I have seen myself in Rio. In the process I saw myself in Rio de Janeiro. So this is a very powerful time in the history of the church () many nations, blessed people. And that means even the meeting in Lima, Peru is going to finally take place. So this is an awesome time, blessed people. THE LORD has opened another door again. He has brought a massive anointing, enormous, this is the freshest anointing ever, the freshest I have ever seen ever since He lowered the TWO PROPHETS from eternity to here, form Heaven to here, in broad sunny summer day like recorded on video. And They are going to —there is going to be a Visitation. There is going to be a Visitation to the poor, to those in deplorable conditions, those who are suffering, those who have pain, those who have been bound on the dust, on the ground, crippled for life. He is going to remember them now. He has remembered them.

I see even a baby like I said. And I do not know why I saw the hand, but I took water and I washed the eyes of that baby and the eyes see. So many, many cripples are going to get up, crippled babies, crippled adults, crippled children, those born crippled; living crippled for life. The blind eyes are going to open, the deaf ears will open, the paralytics, the lame, the legs will be stretched and strengthened, the broken knees, broken bones, broken ribs, broken skulls. Cancers are going to dry up, tumors will dissolve, blood conditions, leukemia. He is talking about diabetes, hypertension, () of the blood, in the blood. THE LORD is going to do massive healing in this land.

And the doctors are going to go out in advance together with the medical teams. The volunteer doctors will be able to pull these people, bring them back, bring these people back. () the House of THE LORD from where they have been abandoned and the hospitals have no appliances to address their condition.

So this is an awesome time for Visitation. Then I see myself going out I saw the TWO PROPHETS ministering out. And I think one (1) of the countries is going to be Taiwan or Brazil. Taiwan and Brazil and probably Lima, Peru. Maybe three (3) nations alone. So this is an awesome time, blessed people. I have seen the massive anointing of THE LORD, the Visitation of GOD THE FATHER upon the church at this hour, blessed people.

So prepare the Way, blessed people.

All of this is to be able to quicken your hearts, to quicken your hearts, quicken your mind, to rekindle into you the eternity He has deposited in you. I do not know whether this healing service is before Bungoma or after Bungoma. But whatever the case, this is going to be the mightiest of all healing services ever.

So may THE LORD bless you.

Todah rabah.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people. Prepare the Way.

Remember, that is what you hold on to, blessed people. At your workplace, in the streets, () a student in the University, wherever you are, this is going to be what you hold on to that THE LORD is soliciting for your soul for eternity. That THE LORD is reminding you, He is reawakening , lighting up again, that urge for eternity in you. He is coming all the way to Visit you in the mightiest of the Visitations ever promised. Why? To be able to touch your heart, to win your soul, and prepare you for eternity.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people. THE MESSIAH is Coming ; prepare the Way. I have seen the coming of THE MESSIAH.

What a beautiful time to be a Christian at this hour, blessed people. What an awesome time to be born again when GOD is now Visiting the church. How awesome.

Todah rabah HASHEM. Todah rabah l’chaim. Todah rabah my friends.

Thank you, indeed.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Prepare the Way.




Precious people, again, THE LORD has warned the nation of Kenya. THE LORD has spoken a very stern warning to the nation of Kenya. And THE LORD is asking for the fear of THE LORD in this land. The Bible says, “Touch not My anointed ones.” So if you wanted to understand the stern warning THE LORD has spoken, you read that scripture. But THE LORD again spoke with me, and He has spoken about a very massive, massive healing anointing that is going to befall these TWO PROPHETS. And I see a tremendous healing, historic healing, that is going to take place in Kenya here. That means in the process of running the Sunday Services there is going to be a moment at which THE LORD is going to command me to organize a massive, massive healing service here from Runda in Nairobi .

Again, THE LORD has spoken with me about a massive, massive healing, a tremendous, shocking healing anointing that is coming, and I see a lot of healings. And THE LORD, He lifted me up and He took me all the way into His Throne Room and I stood before the Throne of GOD. And then, He showed me the tremendous Tree of Life and He went and plucked —His hand went and plucked, GOD THE FATHER Himself plucked the leaves of the Tree of Life. And then they blossomed, they blossomed into very wonderful plants, blossomed in my hand, blossomed and blossomed more —and it was a lot; it was overwhelming: the blossoming.

And so that means there is going to be a tremendous and mighty, mighty, super glorious, healing service that THE LORD is going to cause me to conduct right from here Runda in Nairobi. And again, at one (1) point you are going to gather in stadiums, maybe up to 84 stadiums, you gather: your cripples, your blind, your deaf, your mute, lame, paralytic, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, psychosis, psychotic condition, bleeding diseases, enlarged hearts, leukemias, and whatsoever the conditions under the Sun. And THE LORD is coming to heal them all in a mighty, mighty way.

So this is the massive, wonderful news that THE LORD has spoken about this nation: that soon there is going to be a massive, mighty, mighty healing service and conducted right from Nairobi here. And you will have to gather your people in different stadiums, different squares, different public squares, so that JEHOVAH may Visit your people, and raise you cripples, open the blind eyes of your blind, and open the deaf ears of the silent, your deaf, and raise them from the ground, heal HIV, heal leukemia, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney failures, and all these conditions that have really debilitated life here on the Earth.

I have seen that massive healing anointing because THE LORD, He lifted me up and took me into His Throne Room today. He took me into His Throne Room and right before His Throne, GOD THE FATHER walked with me towards the Tree of Life. And I saw the River of Life and I saw this wonderful Tree of Life, and His hand plucked, He plucked the leaves of Life and gave me, and said, “These are for the healing of the nations.” And then He brought me back.

And this is the big, big, big news that is coming to happen to the House of THE LORD, the church of CHRIST. But remember the fear of GOD. Do not familiarize with these PROPHETS. You are going to get hurt. It will hurt if you try to touch. It will hurt. But He has spoken good news now, that He is going to bring a massive healing anointing, a massive healing in this land, to remember the people that are really in very deplorable states and conditions—free of charge, in the mighty Name of JESUS.

So again, I bless you, I bless your healings, I bless your churches, I bless those who will be healed, your healings, that you may continue to live to glorify JESUS.

May THE LORD bless you.




Okay now this is a very serious warning that THE LORD is giving to the nation that bears the name ‘Kenya’, a very, very stern warning that THE LORD is giving to this nation. And THE LORD is saying that to whom much is given, much responsibility is expected. Now today, THE LORD is warning the nation of Kenya over blackmail. Blackmail. And He says it does not matter whether it is media or whoever it is. For as long as you are created by THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE LORD is saying He cannot take blackmail. He does not take blackmail.

THE LORD has loved this nation very mightily and THE LORD has done big things in this land. But all that comes with a caveat. It comes with a standard that says, “Fear THE LORD thy GOD, THE LORD JEHOVAH. () Fear of THE LORD leaves the land then you know what happens to the country. Again, when Israel began to blackmail JEHOVAH, look what happened to Israel. When the people of Israel began to blackmail THE LORD JEHOVAH, look and see what happened to Israel. He even sent them to Babylonian captivity after Egyptian slavery.

This is a stern warning. This is a very stern warning to this country. I am saying THE LORD is warning the nation called ‘Kenya’. And THE LORD is saying , He is saying that this enormous love that THE LORD has exuded and presented in this land comes with responsibility. And THE LORD is saying that this nation must uphold the fear of GOD. It does not matter whether you are media and who you are, it does not matter what rank, what pedigree, as long as THE LORD woke you up in the morning today and gave you the breath of Life, JEHOVAH SABAOTH is saying you must uphold the fear of GOD, the fear of THE LORD.

THE LORD is warning this nation today. THE LORD is saying blackmail cannot sustain a country. Media blackmail cannot sustain a land. THE LORD is speaking very clearly now that blackmail in this country will bring down this country. THE LORD is saying that attempting to blackmail these TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF YHWH amounts to blackmailing JEHOVAH YHWH Himself! Himself! GOD THE FATHER. And THE LORD is saying so much love has been poured but there is responsibility.

I am reading the book of Matthew 13, verse 13 to 17. And He says, “This is why I speak to them in parables: ‘Though seeing they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “You will be ever hearing never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s hearts has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.”’”

I warned you Kenya. Today THE LORD OF THE ARMIES, THE LORD OF THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN, has warned the nation called ‘Kenya’. And I read verse 17 that says, “For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.” I warn you Kenya, the blackmail by the media in Kenya, blackmail by the people, a section of the people in Kenya, it will bring down this country. It will bring the wrath of the judgment of GOD that would shred —tear and shred this country.

Do not joke with JEHOVAH. Read the Bible. JEHOVAH YHWH is not a joke. The TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD are walking here, MOST DREADFUL PROPHETS OF YHWH, very glorious and very glorified. Do not touch. Do not try to touch Kenya. That road you are following Kenya, you are going to get hurt. I have seen you. I have seen your future Kenya. Do not fool around. Do not try to touch. THE CLOUD OF GOD has settled on Them. GOD THE FATHER Himself moving with Them from place to place. Do not try. Do not act foolish. Let Kenya not act foolish. It will hurt. That road you have started following, it will hurt you. Just turn to the Bible and you will see that it will hurt you. He will shred you. He will shred the country. He will tear the nation. Remember the prophecy I gave 2005 and fulfilled. Be careful now, 2006 fulfilled, 2007 fulfilled. Kenya be careful. Has not THE LORD OF THE HOSTS, THE LORD OF THE HEAVENLY ARMIES warned the nation called ‘Kenya’. Be careful Kenya. Do not try to touch. I have seen you Kenya. Be careful now.



Well, blessed people, THE LORD has spoken with me. This past night THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke with me, precious people, and He spoke with me about a tremendous event that is coming to take place on the Earth. I see very, very historic floods that are coming to the Earth —very historic, absolutely historic. And I do not know whether this tsunami of flood that is coming has come out of an earthquake or a storm in the ocean, but there is huge floods. So THE LORD put me in that flood, and there is the first (1st) flood that came with a massive wave and We were running. We were running. He put His TWO PROPHETS into the flood; They were running with the people in the floods. And then after that THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke and said, “You can now speak a second judgement upon the face of the Earth.”

And then at that time, now a more massive flood came from the left side. It looks like the ocean —as though the ocean came out in a tremendous and very, very historic manner. And then I saw the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD running now. there was nowhere to run to because the second (2nd) flood coming from the left in the ocean was a greater flood and a greater tide; a greater height. And people were running all across the board. And then after that THE LORD said, “Tell these people to repent and prepare the Way, THE MESSIAH is coming.” Then I woke up.

So there is a very, very big Visitation. This kind of judgment of THE LORD is coming to Visit the face of the Earth at this time. And THE LORD is seeking for repentance as you have heard from that conversation. He is soliciting for the attention of mankind. He is asking the church, the church to be able now to return, the church to return. The church is you and I, is all people created by JEHOVAH. And the church is all people including the unborn again nations. And He created them for such a purpose as this: that they may prepare for the glorious Kingdom of YHWH at this time and at this hour.

And so I have seen historic floods coming to the Earth —very, very massive. And the first (1st) wave of the floods come —I see the TWO PROPHETS THE LORD running with the people inside there. But then the second (2nd) wave, THE LORD commands judgment, asks Them to command the second (2nd) judgment. That is when They knew that the first (1st) one was actually judgment commanded by THE LORD through Them. Now the second (2nd) wave is bigger, coming from the left the ocean comes out and there is absolutely nowhere to run. Nowhere to run to.

So THE MESSIAH is Coming, blessed people. THE MESSIAH is Coming.

The Book of Matthew 24 is very clear about the great distress and the signs that THE MESSIAH gave our LORD JESUS CHRIST while in His public ministry here on the Earth. He spoke very clearly about the signs of the end of time, and the signs of the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. And He said that there would be this kind of distress which is the beginning of birth pains. The real birth pains take place in the Great Tribulation. But there will be these beginnings of birth pains, the signs you see now, that would really signal to the hearts and souls of man that THE MESSIAH, CHRIST JESUS THE LORD is coming and He is coming back for the glorious, holy church. “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.” And that is why you hear in this major, major conversation this night, THE LORD commanding repentance across the nations of the Earth. And so it tells me that revival and judgment have entered the House, have entered the House of THE LORD at the same time.

And yet THE LORD is saying that in the Book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3:11 that I have read severally here, that He has already placed in the hearts of man eternity, the longing for eternity, the urge for eternity. He has placed in the hearts of all people tuned in globally, even those not tuned in, a certain aspect that reminds them about eternity, and nothing else under the Sun can satisfy that urge, that longing to be with GOD ALMIGHTY in Heaven. And you see very clearly He says, “Enter My people, come My people enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you for a little while for the wrath of GOD has come out.” THE LORD has come out in His wrath to judge the sins of the Earth. And then He brings account, He brings them to accountability.

So this is an awesome time to be a Christian when THE LORD is beckoning the nations to come and enter into the glorious Kingdom of Heaven.

May THE LORD bless you.

Prepare the Way, blessed people, in whatsoever your endeavors be.

In whatsoever you do globally, whether you are: in church, or at home, or at work, or traveling, you still have always an opportunity to simply repent and be right with THE LORD, and prepare the glorious Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

May THE LORD bless you as you prepare for the Coming of THE MESSIAH.

And you can see the big revival that has broken out in the body of CHRIST, shooting out from Kenya, launching from Kenya, preparing the hearts and the souls of man in righteousness and absolute holiness, hearkening to the Voice of THE LORD, reminding them that this place is not your end. This is not your home. But THE LORD has prepared forth a glorious eternal home in the glorious eternal Kingdom of JEHOVAH. The other flip side of this is hell. So the choice is very clear. Just prepare, receive CHRIST JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR and be born again, and turn away from all sin and wickedness. Turn away from everything that is not lined up with the will of GOD for your life. Read the Word of GOD all the time. Be holy, “For without holiness nobody will see THE LORD.”

I have seen THE MESSIAH Coming.

He is Coming for a glorious church. I saw the church He took; she was glorious and radiant. She was a holy church, a righteous church. That means every scripture of the Word will be fulfilled, will be given the opportunity to be fulfilled.

Massive historic floods coming: the judgment unleashed by these TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF THE LORD at the command of YHWH from His Throne Room in Heaven. And He is saying, all these are for purposes of reawakening and rekindling your souls to this tremendous eternity that is looming above the Earth here.

May THE LORD bless you.

Todah rabah. Today chaverim. Todah l’chaim. Todah. Todah HASHEM.



Well, blessed people, the LORD JEHOVAH has allowed me to come to you in your keshas tonight. And I know that many, many churches right now are having full, all night vigils —keshas. But I wanted to come to you and bless you people. All, all of you across this land, in this church, those who have hearkened to the Voice of THE LORD, and to simply announce to you that a very, very big revival has broken out. Everyone can see now. And the most important part of this revival, the revival of the Word, the revival of the Word has finally broken out in this land. And that is why THE LORD is now taking His SERVANTS from place to place, from town to town, in order to bring the Word, to bring the Word explosion. And that is the most important revival in the Bible.

The miracles are very, very important. The stunning miracles you have seen in the land they are very, very powerful and very, very important. Because, that is the signature of approval of THE LORD upon this move of GOD. GOD Himself is involved. The Visitation of the CLOUD OF GOD is tremendous, is astounding. The wonders we have seen in the heavens, in the heavenlies, in the Sun, and many other wonders that have taken place in this land, are very powerful. 
They are part and parcel of this mighty, mighty revival of THE LORD.

However, now the revival of the Word. This is the most important aspect —dimension— of this revival because this now prepares the souls for the glorious Kingdom of eternity, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of JEHOVAH. And that is why I wanted to come to you people at this time when THE LORD has finally ignited this tremendous, historic revival; powerful revival. And this revival is a revival that now finally prepares the souls, prepares the hearts, for the Kingdom of GOD, realigns the image and likeness of the souls of man to the image and likeness of THE LORD JEHOVAH GOD ALMIGHTY. And for that reason it is also broadcast globally, so you can imagine the global dimension of this. A tremendous revival of righteousness, a revival of holiness, the revival of turn away from sin and return to the righteousness of THE LORD.

This is the most important revival in the Bible now. This dimension together with the wonders and the miracles and the stunning Visitations, this now prepares the church essentially for entry. You could say it is like the church is at the door to Heaven. The church is at the point of entry into the Kingdom of GOD. And I am glad that many nations are tuned in on every occasion when the church is being instructed. Many cities, globally, are tuned in at one (1) single go and that is very powerful because at that moment, at this moment now, every single nation can be a partaker of this revival.

And so it is in the same breath that I thought now I should come before you, and THE LORD, yes, indeed, has released me to do this tonight to: bless you, to bless all of you, bless the revival in this land, to bless this mighty, mighty move of GOD ALMIGHTY: the revival of the Word, the revival of righteousness, the revival of preparing the church for the glorious Kingdom of GOD, the revival for souls. Many, many souls coming into the Kingdom that now many, many people, newly born again, those who who had not know CHRIST also coming into the House, and those who have been in the House also, polishing their salvation.

And therefore, I want to stand before THE LORD tonight and bless you. I bless your revival in this land and all the other lands that are tuned in, those that partake of this Visitation, those that are hearkened to this moment, what THE LORD is saying to the church at this hour tonight . So I bless you tonight. I bless your righteousness, I bless your zeal for holiness, I bless the Visitation that you are holding now; you are the beholders of this Visitation at this hour. I bless that Visitation that that achieves its purpose in your lives. I bless you as you come, I bless you as you go.

And I bless your families and bless your eternity into the glorious eternal Kingdom of JEHOVAH. I bless your health as you are here awaiting that day of being gathered up unto THE LORD, I bless your provision, I bless your families, I bless your children in the mighty Name of JESUS. I bless you in the mighty, mighty, most glorious Name of JESUS. I bless your jobs, your workplaces, your acquaintances, your churches. I bless the bishops and the jurisdictions they have that they will have greater power and authority in their reign, in their regions, that THE LORD will stretch their tents according to the book of Isaiah 54, He will stretch the tents, He will expand their dominions, expand their jurisdictions, and win more souls into the House of THE LORD.

I bless you and bless even the overseers under you, the presiding bishops, the senior, senior most presiding bishops, and bless the pastors under you, the pastors, the evangelists, the teachers of the Word. I bless the ushers that operate and serve in the House of THE LORD, including the widows, and the orphans, and the correspondents, and all the congregations under you. I bless this entire church of Repentance and Holiness that as you pursue the goal of entry, the goal for righteousness, the goal for eternity, the goal for holiness, the goal to enter into the glorious Kingdom of GOD, prepared by JEHOVAH your GOD your FATHER when He said He has prepared rooms for you up in Heaven. And He said, “Go My people, enter your rooms.” I bless you as you prepare, you press on now, in this final stretch to enter into the eternal glorious Kingdom of GOD .

I have blessed you with eternity that now you have a greater zeal for eternity, you may pursue eternity greater, you may pursue the matters of the Kingdom, the things of the Kingdom, with greater zeal, greater than anything else you pursue on the Earth. I have blessed your provision, I repeat, I have blessed your health, protection and safety, your marriages, your families, your children. I have blessed you, blessed people.

Today I have released huge folds, uncountable folds, of blessing as I stand in the mighty Name of JESUS before the mighty Council of THE LORD. And I have blessed this church of Repentance and Holiness, I have blessed the leadership of the church, I have blessed you, the congregation that sits here, you will see greater blessings moving forward because THE LORD has already spoken about the healthy cows in this place. So this, essentially, is the activation of that blessing THE LORD has spoken. And that is why THE LORD has compelled me to come before you and stand in front of THE LORD of all the Earth and bless you, and bless your eternity, and bless your lives here, and bless your undertakings, bless your endeavors, in the mighty Name of JESUS I have blessed you eternally.

And my words will never drop, as you know. And all these things shall come to pass that it may be known that THE LORD is coming for a glorious church and that this is the hour for the nations to turn away from sin, and return to righteousness, and prepare for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. And He says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness and everything else shall be added unto you.”

So I have blessed you, blessed you as you are here, and bless you as you prepare to enter eternity: those who are worshiping in churches, those in your homes, those traveling, those meeting in places, even the students, I bless the students that have taken up this tremendous calling. And they are really, really consumed in the move of GOD. They are focused on the heavenly. They are focused on righteousness, pursuing holiness. This is one (1) of the wonders of this time that at their age they could exude such a tremendous zeal for the Kingdom of GOD, for the holiness of JEHOVAH.

I have blessed you all. I have blessed the congregation, blessed the Senior Archbishop, blessed his deputies, blessed all the presiding bishops, blessed the overseers, blessed the senior pastors, blessed the () pastors, the evangelists, the teachers, the correspondents, the widows, the orphans, ushers, I have blessed you all in totality with eternity, protection, provision, in the mightiest most glorious Name of JESUS so shall it be, amen and amen, blessed people.

Todah, shalom.



Well blessed people , THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM , THE LORD JEHOVAH SABAOTH, JEHOVAH EL ROHI, JEHOVAH MEKADDISHKEM, JEHOVAH GANAN, THE LORD JEHOVAH MEPHALTI, JEHOVAH HASHOPET, HASHEM, has spoken with me, blessed people. THE LORD THE GOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, the One that sent CHRIST to go die on the CROSS and deliver all humanity, all, all people including those not yet born, He has spoken with me in a very tremendous way this past night and the night previous.

And in this conversation, the first (1st) part of the conversation, He brought me to a place and it was evening time. And at that place, Heaven opened right above His TWO PROPHETS, and then GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, He descended all the way from Heaven like a dove, in bodily form, and lighted on He that speaks with you tonight. Again, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, He has spoken with me in a very, very mighty way. And in that conversation He brought me to a place and then Heaven opened. And then I saw GOD coming down, GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, in bodily form. And as He came, the streak of Glory, the light of Glory beamed from Him downwards, flapping (prophetic demonstration) flapping His wings. And there was so much glory around Him. And then He lighted on THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD that are walking the Earth right now, beaming the whole of that Glory on Them. And then after that He lifted, and now He was gliding. He was very happy. He went back gliding up and He entered Heaven and entered in and in there. So that is the first (1st) conversation. There is a big Visitation that is coming up; it has already happened in the spiritual realm.

And then, in the second (2nd) conversation I see a lot of healings after that Visitation, a lot of healings, a lot of healings. There is going to be a healing service. There is going to be a healing service. And I was greeting them, “So THE LORD has healed you. You were a cripple, now you are walking.” I see them: the cripples that have walked, just walked. Massive, massive anointing, and massive power of THE HOLY SPIRIT, the power of GOD ALMIGHTY. So GOD THE FATHER is going to send me into a healing service. Probably, it is going to happen form Their residence in Nairobi here, but there is going to be meetings in different places, churches gathered with: the sick, with the crippled, the blind, the deaf, the mute, paralytics, the lame, spinal cord injuries, () manners of diseases, and afflictions, and infirmities, under the sun. So there is going to be a big healing service after the Visitation of GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, Himself, in person, bodily form, the pure, glorious, huge dove that came from Heaven and lighted on these TWO, then I saw a massive healing anointing and tremendous healings that are going to take place soon.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Many, many, many thousands of people repenting, and receiving CHRIST, and being baptized. There is a big wave of revival that has struck this country right now. And it is my prayer that all across the globe, because they can access these meetings now via the web. It is my prayer that this is happening across the entire globe. Remember, GOD is no respecter of persons or nations, except for Israel. But all nations have equal opportunity to partake of this grand revival. Wherever you can be, wherever you can gather, take the same instruction and prepare for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

So may THE LORD bless the church and may THE LORD bless the nations. May THE LORD bless you. Thank you.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Prepare the Way, blessed people.

THE MESSIAH, CHRIST JESUS THE LORD is coming for a glorious church.

Thank You.

Todah. Todah. Todah rabah. Todah l’chaim. Todah HASHEM.



Well, blessed people,THE LORD JEHOVAH spoke with me this past night. He spoke with me in such a tremendous way, this past night, about this revival that THE LORD is initiating, is beginning, is exploding out, is exploding into a huge flame from this place; moving all across the globe. And at this time THE LORD is exploding that revival, igniting that revival from this land, a very, very powerful revival, the revival of the Word, the revival of the soul. And in this conversation THE LORD took me to the meeting in Thika; He took me to the meeting that is coming up in Thika this coming weekend. And it is going to be a massive, massive, massive meeting: the Revival of the Word.

I know that you people, the church of CHRIST, the body of CHRIST has seen the wonders, the of wonders of GOD, including the TWO PROPHETS ministering together in a very, very historic move of GOD ALMIGHTY that re-astounded the church, astounded humanity, and confounded the wisdom of man. And the ministration of THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD at the same time, these are some of the greatest wonders that this age, this generation, has seen. You have seen your cripples get up and walk, you have seen the two (2) suns in the sky above the meeting, you have seen the Glory of GOD THE FATHER Himself, descending from Heaven and lighting on Them, settling on THE TWO PROPHETS in your midst; recorded by video live. You have seen: the blind see, cripples walk, blind see, deaf hear, mute speak, paralytics walk. You have seen the pure transfiguration of GOD, the pure white holiest Glory of GOD THE FATHER. You have seen many things: HIV healed, wonders.

But this particular revival is a very astonishing revival this is now the height of revival. And THE LORD took me to Thika where the meeting is coming up this weekend: the Revival meeting. Such a beautiful weather going on here, sunny days. And the big mighty revival that is coming up in Thika. So He took me to that meeting, blessed people, and I saw an enormous amount of people. Enormous. It looks like people are going to come from all over the country. Thika alone is such an industrial city and has such a huge population. So they really come to the meeting. But it looks more like people came from all over the country. Nobody wanted to be left out. And it became a huge word explosion.

And I saw THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD administering the Word, with the altar at the center and people all around. Those who missed their seats, they were seated on the grass in heaps; (3:30) others were standing with their Bibles. Those who were seated in the grass were with their Bibles open, and pen and paper. They were writing the Word. It is a tremendous, tremendous Visitation of THE LORD never seen before. Tremendous revival. This is now the explosion of the revival. After the wonders, the stunning wonders, the historic miracles, now the word, the revival of the soul. This is the biggest of all revivals in the history of creation now, because this is about entry. And so, when I was there I saw THE PROPHETS OF THE LORD ministering there, and then I saw people. Some of them had come from Kakamega; I was talking to them. Others have come from different places. Full. Full. They are taking the message, taking this revival, taking the instruction of THE LORD, opening the Word together with these TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF YHWH, THE LORD YHWH. This has really confounded the wisdom of man now.

But it is such a beautiful revival I saw this past night, when THE LORD took me to this industrial city called Thika. And Thika is about Ñif you follow the super highway, the () it is abut 30 to 40 minutes from Nairobi. But I saw a long convoy of vehicles entering the Thika highway. Tremendous moment in the history of the church. And then at that time, as THE LORD JEHOVAH led the TWO PROPHETS to minister, I saw They were giving bread. They were giving delicious bread to people. I saw that They were giving delicious bread and people were eating the bread. They were eating the bread and enjoying the bread. At first I thought it was a (), and then I realized it was bread. Just bread. Bread. And They were giving bread to people, and people were eating Ñit was so delicious bread. The bread was very delicious. People were seated on the grass; a lot of people were sitting down in their thousands. I do not know how many hundreds of thousands were sitting there receiving the bread and eating. It looks like the entire central province is going to come. The entire Ñwhat used to beÑ central province is going to come to Thika. It is going to be a stunning situation in Thika.

And then THE LORD YHWH, He shows me how THE TWO PROPHETS took an old plane, an aircraft that was old, an aircraft that was very, very old, and it was long. It is a long aircraft. It is a big Ñlike super jumbo, slightly bigger though (hm). And it was old; it had been grounded. And so, and then THE LORD said, “Look, when They entered the cockpit of that aircraft They were able to re-engineer things on the cockpit.” And a brand-new cockpit appeared, and that aircraft became new. And that aircraft started running on the runway and I saw when it was flyingÑvery, very high speed. It took off at a very high speed with a lot of people, these people you see in the meeting. And then that aircraft went vertical. A pure white plane, very white. It was a bit unclean when it was grounded but it became white when it took off. When it took off it became white. But what shocked me is it now went vertical. After flying for some time horizontal, it went vertical, totally vertical; a vertical flight. And then I woke up.

So this is the nature of the revival that is coming up to Thika, beloved people, coming into the body of CHRIST. This is a very shocking time. You know that I have seen so much about the coming of THE MESSIAH, and all these events that I have shared with you.

Well revival, in Hebrew revival means ‘chaya’. They call it ‘chaya’, which means, “to be quickened, to be made alive, to be restored, to be restored by THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. Chaya.

And in the Book of Psalms 85 verse 6, this is what He says here, “Wilt Thou not revive us again that Thy people may rejoice in thee?” Asking. That is King James. Amplified He says, “Will You not revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?” The New American Standard says, again Psalms 85 verse 6 He says, “Will You not Yourself revive usÑ” very beautiful, He says ‘Yourself’, “Will You not Yourself revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?” NIV says, “Will You not revive us again that Your people May rejoice in You?”

So, blessed people, this is the moment for revival in the history of the church, in the body of CHRIST. This is the most important moment for revival because this revival is about the entry of the church into eternity. And I do not want to speak so much about what THE LORD showed me in the dream, but I am saying that this is apparently very clear now to all people, that the revival of righteousness, the revival of holiness, the revival of repentance, the revival of salvation, the revival of the souls, the revival of the Word, this now is the greatest revival ever in the history of the Bible.

And you see that I entered this very old plane, a little bigger than 747 jumbo, and grounded, it was a plane that was grounded Ñand the white color had become brownishÑ and then THE TWO PROPHETS in there are able to renew the cockpit. It became electronic. And then They take off like a joke. They take off with the plane and the more They took off Ñhigh, They run at a high speed on the runway. They take off then the plane becomes newer. I see it whiter now. I see THE TWO up and I am also down still, I am able to see how They fly it. And They are flying that plane. And at one (1) point the plane now goes Ñit was very shocking, you would think it would somersaultÑ the plane goes vertical. And it really went vertical. And then I woke up. Brand new, white. The plane was now new, brand new.

In Hebrew the word ‘revival’, it says ‘chaya’. It says, “To be quickened, to be made alive, to be quickened by THE SPIRIT OFTHE LORD, to be made alive by THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, to be restored by THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD.” In Hebrew. And I have read the yearning for revival. It is as though this land, it is as though the Church of CHRIST, the body of CHRIST, the church in Kenya, the church globally, has been reading out, crying out the Psalm 85 verse 6, “Wilt Thou not revive us again that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?” And He says, New American Amplified says, “Will You not revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?” The New American Standard says, “Will You not Yourself” Meaning, by Your own SPIRIT, “Yourself revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You? NIV says, “Will You not revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?”

So, beloved people, this is an awesome time. There is going to be a word explosion in Thika, in this land. And I know it will be global through the world wide web and our radio broadcasts, the audio streaming. But this is an awesome time when THE LORD has decided now, after the mega miracles, the mega wonders, astronomical wonders, the two (2) suns, the CLOUD coming from Heaven and settling on these TWO, live in broad daylight, after all that has been seen: the cripples walking, the blind see, Mama Rosa resurrected, all these things, the deaf hear, then now the revival of the souls. The most important revival. The revival for entry. And that conversation of THE LORD is self explanatory, beloved people. It is self-revealing. But this is the most important revival because this revival is for entry.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, beloved people.

I would like to divulge a little bit on the conversation that took place here, yesternight, when THE LORD JEHOVAH, GOD THE FATHER, the only One ÑHe that knows the day and the hour, when He spoke with me about this mighty, mighty revival, the mighty revival that is igniting here, that THE LORD is igniting here, the flame, the flames of revival that He is setting, using to set ablaze the church, right from Kenya to the ends of the church, to the ends of the Earth. All the way to the west coast of California, and all the way to the east coast of South Korea, all the way to the southernmost coast of Tasmania and New Zealand, all the way to the northern tip coast of Finland and Russia, and those towards the Northern Lights. This is a very massive time, beloved people.

And like I said in the past conversation, I want to divulge a little bit more, that in that conversation that took place, this past night, GOD THE FATHER,JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH EL OLAM, ELYON, JEHOVAH EL SABAOTH, THE LORD OF HOSTS, He came to speak with me about this big revival, this historic revival that is coming to take place in Thika; the industrial city of Kenya. The massive revival that is coming to visit Thika. And in that conversation, beloved people, I repeat, THE LORD did take me to the meeting; and He showed me the meeting. And it is such an enormous, an enormous gathering of people for a Sunday service. This is a Sunday service in Kenya. Here this revival is tremendous.

Oh, how I wish and cry for the nations to catch this Fire. This is a Sunday Service in Kenya but it was absolutely overwhelming. And I know that the power of the might of THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is able to bring this to the nations of the Earth. That if they, too, will be able to obey and heed the instruction of these TWO SERVANTS OF REVIVAL, these TWO PROPHETS OF THE RAIN, THE PROPHETS OF THE END GLORY, the end time Glory, THE PROPHETS OF ETERNITY, then they, too, have an equal opportunity to see this explosion of revival, the setting ablaze of the House of THE LORD, to light it up aflame.

And in that meeting at Thika, the meeting that is coming up in the next three (3) or so days, THE LORD showed me a lot of people. A lot of people. And I was talking to some of them; they appear to have come from Kakamega, and another place. THE LORD is using that to let me know that they will come from all counties, all the different counties of this land. And then THE LORD made me see THE TWO PROPHETS now ministering to them, dishing out bread, one on this side, one on this other side. Giving out hot bread; very delicious bread. Delicious bread. And they were taking and eating. And so, they were saying, they were also speaking now ÑI can open up a little bit moreÑ they were speaking and they were saying, “How delicious is this bread? This bread is so delicious.” They were saying ÑI was dishing out, dishing out, one of the PROPHETS on this other side, the taller one was a little bit on the left side, and the other one was on this side. And dishing out the bread, dishing out the bread, the fresh, delicious bread from the Throne of GOD ALMIGHTY.

And then at that time now, there was worship. Worship began. And there is a powerful instrumental. There is a very powerful instrumental that was played. Again, a very, very powerful instrumental worship was played; and the worship team, the violinists were playing this song. And it was so powerful that THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, GOD THE FATHER, spoke from Heaven and He said, “What a mighty worship.” By His Voice. So, when He said so Ñand then THE TWO PROPHETS stood, even though everybody was sitting as the worshipers were presenting. Then THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD stood and went to them and asked them to replay that song. They will replay that instrumental worship song twice. So three (3) times the song was played in that episode. Three (3) times. So the first time it was played and then the Voice of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY speaks from Heaven, and then THE TWO PROPHETS rise up and tell the worshippers to replay it twice. Which means it was played three (3) times. And then some of them were with trumpets. I see one (1) of them with a trumpet, and then he comes and sits. So I see after the song was over, they sat at that place and the bread, the dishing of the bread continued.

And then after that there was a huge abandoned plane, a very, very big plane. You would think it is a 747 super jumbo, but slightly bigger, almost twice the size. Yes. And then wide, but had been rusted and abandoned and parked. Some grass had grown around it. It was parked and some grass had grown around that plane. It used to be white but you could see the dust, the soil that had soiled it. And THE LORD leads His TWO SERVANTS to enter the cockpit which was Ñif I understand right, the cockpit was made the ancient cockpit, the ancient cockpit. So let me give more detail about this conversation. The cockpit was rusty but it was ancient cockpit, an old cockpit. Most of the stuff there was (), mechanical. And so, when the TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD entered that white plane, huge plane, double decker, then the cockpit immediately became electronic. And I saw the renewal of the plane. And all of a sudden, the plane was on the tarmac with brand new wheels. The body had changed; it was pure white. And then there was a take off, because all these people in the meeting were in this flight. There was a serious take off Ñhigh-speed. All of a sudden we are on a runway and then the plane really takes off and begins to fly. And it flies to a point where I would think it is parallel to the ground. But all of a sudden then, “Fuoom!” The plane flips and faces upwards. I almost thought it was somersaulting. And then with the controls, and the plane goes up. And the more it went up, the more glorious it was. And this plane went vertical, absolutely vertical in that shock. And then I woke up.

So this is the conversation at hand that THE LORD has spoken in less than twenty four (24) hours ago. And we know that that conversation is very clear to the church of CHRIST. Like I said that the wonders you have seen as the body of CHRIST, globally, the signs you have seen, you have seen: the two (2) suns, you have seen the collision of the two (2) neutron stars that I commanded from here, more than 113 light years away, you have seen also cripples, the blind, the deaf, the cripples healed, get up and walk in large numbers, even decreeing from there in Nairobi, and many thousands of miles away you have seen baby Amy get up and walk in Finland, with a decree made in Kenya. You have also seen Anne Marie that had dyslexia in Finland. I think she is in Turku or Tampere, one (1) of those towns. The dyslexic head, the brain, the left hand side is normally damaged, and born like that. There is no pill to cure it. There is no surgery. You can see that now she reads at 50 plus, 54 or so, she now reads. THE LORD restored, put a new brain. So the cripples walking, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the mute speaking, paralytics walking, spinal cord injuries healed, cancers healed, the tumors, the leprosy, HIV, all these you have seen, the miracles and the wonders. These are the marks of the latter Visitation.

And then I said, “How greater then, this level, this notching up of the revival now.” When THE LORD is now deciding to revive the souls. The revival of the Word. This going around that THE LORD is taking me around that began with Central Park Nairobi, in the city, in the center of the city, and then now moving to the industrial city of Thika. This going around and that big meeting, this going around preaching the Word, preaching the Word, opening the Word, and preaching the Word, and talking about the salvation of CHRIST, talking about the Coming of THE MESSIAH, preparing the souls, preparing the hearts of man.

How mightier then, is this revival? That is what I have said. After the wonders, the Glory coming from Heaven, beaming on Them, prophecy given, GOD THE FATHER Himself descending on Them. After all these things, blessed people, commanding rain to come from Heaven and, instant, came down, commanding fire, the Fire of ELIJAH to come from Heaven and, instant, comes down, to purge the souls, to incinerate and clean out the dross, to realign the souls of man back to the image and likeness of GOD. How much more powerful now, when this realigning is taking place, of the Word. The Word now is being opened that the souls are being healed. Now it is a spiritual healing, and preparing them for the glorious Kingdom of GOD. Going town to town announcing the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH, preparing the Way for the Coming of THE MESSIAH and broadcasting it globally. Giving every single person on the Earth an equal footing, equal opportunity, to prepare for the glorious Coming of THE KING.

And I read from the Book of Psalms 85, I read King James now, verse 6. Psalms 85 verse 6, He says, “Wilt thou not revive us again that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?” He asks. New American Standard says, “Will You not Yourself revive us that Your people may rejoice in you?” Asking again. Amplified says, “Will You not revive us again that a people may rejoice in You?” NIV says, “Will You not revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You?” I finish again with King James, saying, 85:6, Psalms 85:6, “Wilt Thou not revive us again that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?”

And then, inside that conversation that took place yesterday, beloved people, you could see as though the nations Ñthis is what the nations are crying for now. Of course every single church, every single country, every single land, every peoples of this Earth, every people, they are crying to be revived because they can see that the Coming of THE MESSIAH has drawn nigh, and there has to be some quantum shift, some astronomical shift, for there to be substantive gains, and change, and transformation.

But you see very clearly, again, within that same conversation, as the plane went up, as the plane went up in that dream yesterday, then THE FATHER spoke. THE FATHER spoke and said, “Look, it was a very old plane, but when you entered there the cockpit became electronic. It became new now.” THE FATHER spoke what I am divulging to you now. But I am saying that now is an awesome time for the nations of the Earth. Because, He is saying that He is speaking to the church in very clear term about the Coming of THE MESSIAH.

And you see in John chapter 3 verse 7, King James He says, “Marvel not that I said unto Thee, ‘Ye must be born again.’”


And that is after Jesus answered and said unto him, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of GOD, the Kingdom of YHWH.” And verse 7 He says beautifully, “Marvel not that I say unto thee, ‘Ye must be born again.’”

And then when you go to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 5, He says, “Even when we were dead in sinsÑ” This is King James, “hath quickened us together with CHRIST. By grace ye are saved.” Again, Ephesians chapter 2, I am reading, I am reading right now. Again, I want to repeat King James, He says, Ephesians 2:5, “Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with CHRIST. By Grace ye are saved.” And Amplified said, Ephesians 2:5, Amplified says, “Even when we were dead, slain by our own shortcomings, and transgressions, and trespasses, He made us alive, together in fellowship, and in union with CHRIST. He gave us the very life of CHRIST Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him. For it is by grace, His favor and mercy, which you did not deserve, that you are saved, delivered from judgment, and made partakers of CHRISTS salvation.” How powerful, beloved people.

But I am raising forth these Scriptures here to you, because the quickening Ñyou can see the dross, and the decay of that aircraft. The aircraft was rusted, was drossed up, was decayed; the grass had grown around it. And then He says that by His grace He has now quickened, meaning, He has revived. And I told you in Hebrew the ‘chaya’, the reviving of the church. Revival means restoring back to its old () place, restoring to making whole now by THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, resuscitating, bring back to life, making alive again by THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. And He says, even when the church was caught up in a lot of trespasses, shortcomings, transgressions, slain by their sins, slain and dead to sin, and He says now there is the quickening of the hearts, and the souls of the believers, THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is now spreading out the mission of GOD, the agenda of THE LORD, right now on the Earth, to prepare the glorious church for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH, to establish the healing of the soul of the church, the reviving of the souls of man. That all men, all nations, all peoples, may be given a chance, whether through the web radio, whether through web streaming, whichever the way, you can receive the message and the instruction of JEHOVAH ELOHIM when He says, “Repent. Turn ye away from sin, and receive CHRIST JESUS, and be washed in THE HOLY SPIRIT, be baptized in water, and be totally drenched in the anointing of THE HOLY SPIRIT, baptized with Fire, and anointed with THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD, and prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.” Every single soul on the Earth can listen to that Voice, and respond to that Voice, and prepare for eternity.

Because He says, even when we were dead, slain by our own shortcomings, and transgressions, the dross, the rust of that aircraft, He is talking about the grass growing around, weeds growing around it, wheels have put on stone, no wheels anymore, He made (), again, “Together in fellowship and in union with CHRIST. He gave us the very life of CHRIST Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him. For it is by grace, His favor, His mercy, which you did not deserve, that you are saved, delivered from judgment, and made partakers of the eternal glory, the salvation of CHRIST.”

So, beloved people, THE MESSIAH is Coming.

I have now divulged a little bit more on that conversation. And remember the aircraft went vertical, then I woke up. That aircraft did not return to the Earth. That aircraft did not land back on the Earth.

So may ye prepare the Way. May your ears be circumcised that you may get to hear what THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is saying to the nations, and the church. That, please, repent. Turn away from sin: sexual sin, immorality, nudity, this dressing of women in immorality in the western world, modernism, postmodernism in salvation. He says turn away from all manner of lies and sin. Be righteous and holy.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Time is over.

Again, in that meeting, THE LORD took me to the meeting in Thika and He showed me this wonderful revival that is coming. And He is saying that this revival of the soul is about the entry of the church into eternity.

May THE LORD bless you.

Shalom. Todah rabah.

THE MESIAH is Coming. Prepare ye the Way of THE LORD.

Be holy. Be righteous. Have zero (0) tolerance to sin, blessed people.

The Kingdom of GOD is near and I have seen THE MESSIAH Coming.

Shalom, todah. Todah, todah. Todah rabah.

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There is a big churning of the land, beloved people. This is a very historic revival that has struck Kenya. A very powerful time in the history of the body of CHRIST. And we all know the Message is the glorious coming of the MESSIAH that every nation, every person, every believer, every Christian be given the opportunity to hear the announcement on the glorious coming of the MESSIAH that they too may prepare for the glorious coming of the MESSIAH.

So, this revival is endless. It is an open revival every nation has an equal opportunity to partake of this revival. And right now Kenya has seen an historic explosion the Flames of Revival right now consuming Thika. Right now consuming the industrial city of Thika, the town of Thika, the people. Yesterday such a shocking moment. People coming and kneeling down kneeling down saying, “Is it true we have heard THE MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD are coming to Thika?” And they said, “Yes!” And they simply knelt down and received JESUS, and they said, “Lead me to THE LORD, then I want to receive Jesus.

This shocking dimension of the Revival that was not written it was not spoken about in the Bible, but we are now seeing the unfolding of it in depth. This details the details the detailed nature of this end revival. Well at this past night the LORD JEHOVAH took ME to Thika.

The meeting that is going to take place tomorrow, the historic Sunday service that will take place tomorrow. And at that meeting the LORD was from above, HE Lifted ME above, and HE showed me the crowd it was historic. It is going to be a historic meeting. I’m now beginning to understand that everybody will be making their way to Thika. Becuase of what the LORD spoke previous, in the previous conversation when I saw that meeting and then HE spoke with me about this very abandoned aircraft that was double the size of your 747 jumbo, I mean in the dream, so in reality I don’t know what it would be and then rusty and so forth.

And then HE brings THE TWO PROPHETS into the cockpit, and it becomes electronic. All of the sudden instant everything lights up wonderful green lightings, and so forth, in the cockpit. And then of course the wheels get back onto the wheels and all of the sudden on the runway with people. And it takes off, and it does a vertical takeoff.

After they fly a bit and then vertical take off. Yes, so after that conversation it seems everybody is headed to Thika. This past night THE LORD took ME to Thika the industrial city of Thika into the meeting at the Thika Technical Institute and at that place, blessed people, HE showed ME, HE lifted ME above above the ground so I was really in the air near the clouds and HE showed ME the multitude.

There is going to be an historic meeting –every chair– right now you can see on Twitter, you see it is an ocean of chairs that have been put there, but all those seats are full and I see a lot of people standing. And there is a tremendous worship that takes place there and then at one point I see people waving as they worship. They are taking their hands left, they’re taking their hands right putting together. It was such a beautiful sight to behold.

And remember () from above, from the Cloud.() (transmission break)

He says here Acts 8:6:

Acts 8:6-23
6 When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. 7 For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. 8 So there was great joy in that city.

Blessed people revival brings joy. Revival brings the kind of joy that you see consuming Kenya right now. That is what Revival brings. It revives the hearts of the believers when the LORD comes and does mighty works has HE has done into this land HE essentially revives the hearts of the believers and the hearts of the nation. You see people in perpetual joy. That is the joy you are talking about here. The joy you see now throbbing in this nation the hearts of the Christians, touching every believer. And that’s why they are asking going up and students everywhere, because HE says when they saw these miraculous signs and heard what Philip was saying evil spirits were leaving, cripples were walking, paralytics were walking, the lame walking the blind seeing. He says so there was great joy in that city that is what revival brings.

The big joy that you see in Kenya right now and now has entered the city of Thika.

9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, 10 and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is rightly called the Great Power of God.” 11 They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery. 12 But when they believed Philip as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ THE LORD, they were baptized, both men and women. 13 Simon himself believed and was baptized. (A sorcerer though can you imagine?) And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw.
14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had fallen had accepted the word of God, meaning had fallen now that Samaria had accepted the Word of GOD, they sent Peter and John to Samaria. 15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”

Listen to the answer Peter gave verse twenty, (20).

20 Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God Almighty. 22 Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. 23 For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.”

So that is very powerful about what is happening in Thika, in this nation, and especially in Thika now, and by extension should happen to many other nations. He says here that eventually when now the gospel came to Samaria then they believed they heard Philip. They listened to him. They began to believe. People began to receive THE LORD. And then they saw the signs and wonders and miracles in that land and then eventually joy consumed the city of Samaria.

And HE said out of that then THE LORD began to set the totally captives from dependence of sorcery. There has been a lot of practice of sorcery. Simon was doing things chanting and whatever and they feared him. They considered him great. But when the Gospel of Jesus came it dismantled and disarmed the forces of darkness and set the people free. So joy consumed the land. But that is the same thing that is happening in Kenya right now.

You see that in Kenya right now the cripples have walked, the sun has clapped, the CLOUD has descended () in the process of building a major Tabernacle, the Temple for the CLOUD of GOD has descended this is the moment this is a very powerful moment in the land. Because the CLOUD OF GOD is resident is entabernacled, HE is Tabernacle in the land. The cripples are walking, the deaf can hear, the mute can speak, paralytics walk, spinal cord injuries healed, HIV healed, wonders have taken place: the dead have resurrected in the land, the gospel of the kingdom is being preached, “Repent and prepare ye the way of the LORD!”

People are repenting, and kneeling down and receiving CHRIST. But HE is saying that in the process HE is also setting them free dependence that they had before. Before then they had depended on sorcerers, enchanters, some witches some practice that was not right in the land. So you see even Thika now THE LORD is going to set Thika free those that have been practicing witchcraft in the church. “Sow a seed here and so forth.” Because he brings money. He brings money to Peter and John, and Peter rebukes him and says, “No you have no share. You are attempting to buy the Holy Spirit.”

That is what has been happening to the church in Central, the church in Kenya, the church in Nairobi they have been going there and saying, “If you want the Holy Spirit, if you want an anointing you pay this amount of money I’ll give you this bottle of anointing oil. I’ll give you this broom. I’ll give you this bottle of water. I’ll give you whatever, this piece of wood, this cloth.” So THE LORD set them free here in Samaria and that is the same thing THE LORD is coming to do to from city to city, town to town setting HIS people free from depending on this kind of sorcery and witchcraft and bewitchment that has consumed the land.

And this can happen in every nation: it can happen in Nigeria, it can happen in all the West African countries that are so much into this, it can happen in South Africa, the United States of America which is the center of this kind of witchcraft and spewing it and broadcasting it to the world, it can happen to Europe, it can happen to Asia.

So this is a beautiful revival and joy has come to the city, joy has come to the land. So, there was great joy in the city. So, there is great joy in the land of Kenya. So, yesterday when THE LORD lifted ME up and showed me the jubilation and the joy: they were swinging their hands in one direction together, and another direction together as they worshipped THE LORD, as THE LORD was now communicating, and fellowshipping with them communioning with them. It is a beautiful time in the land beloved people, and it can happen in any country on the face of the Earth before the MESSIAH comes.

Remember that the MESSIAH is coming, so prepare the way. Repent, be holy blessed people the KING is coming. THE LORD is coming. THE SAVIOR is coming. The REDEEMER is coming. Turn away from sexual sin. Remember, homosexuality is sin. Remember, lesbianism is sin. Remember, this prostitution that you see in the church women dressed in nudity entering the church that is sin. The men being very lewd, the lewdness you see in the Church in Kenya, and all over the world remember that is sin.

Abortion, remember now the fetuses –many universities even now as we celebrate the fact that the big wave of this revival consuming the students in the University’s– just a few days ago many many fetuses were caught in the rubbish the rubbish bin, garbage bin of the Universities here. So still there is work, but the Lord is setting his people free. He is beginning by setting you free from this enchanting, and buying, and witchcraft, and sorcery of trying to buy the HOLY SPIRIT and THE LORD is rebuking that if you do so, you have no share in the Glorious Kingdom of GOD.

HE IS coming to take his church free. HE IS coming to set his people free. HE IS preparing the way the holy anointed glorious way for the glorious coming of the MESSIAH.

May the LORD bless China. May THE LORD bless the nations. May THE LORD bless the church in Thika, the church in this land. May THE LORD BLESS JESUS as HE IS coming for the glorious church to find a perfect bride.

Shalom todah, todah Rabah.



Well, beloved people, THE LORD has spoken with me. I know everybody is tuned in globally. THE LORD has spoken with me about two (2) very major conversations that I want to share here today. Again, this past night, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, THE CREATOR of all people that are alive today, and even those that have died He created them, He has spoken with me. THE LORD that has woken up everybody that is awake today, the One that whom if He did not wake you up, you were dead today, He has spoken with me.

THE CREATOR, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, THE ETERNAL CREATOR, JEHOVAH EL HOSEENU, THE LORD our MAKER that you see in the Book of Psalms 85 verse 6, JEHOVAH ADONAI, THE SOVEREIGN LORD, He is sovereign; He can do what He wants. JEHOVAH ELYON, THE LORD MOST HIGH, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE COMMANDER OF THE HEAVENLY ARMIES, the One that nobody can fight, mere man —human being— is like sand, is like a drop of sand upon the face of the Earth to Him. JEHOVAH EL OLAM, THE EVERLASTING GOD, JEHOVAH EL ROHI, THE LORD our SHEPHERD, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, EL GIBBOR, ELOHEENU, MEKADDISHKEM, THE MIGHTY GOD OF HEAVEN, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, has spoken with me, blessed people, beloved people. And these are two (2) conversations: one (1) is regarding Kenya and the other conversation is regarding Venezuela. 

Now THE LORD has spoken with me about a very severe distress, the judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya; a very, very severe distress that is going to come to Kenya. The judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya. And it is going to be a very severe judgment upon the face of this nation. And this is because of the way this nation has handled the Revival of THE LORD and THE TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF YHWH in this land. Again, THE LORD JEHOVAH, this past night and two (2) nights before, has spoken with me. And in this conversation I want to share two (2) dimensions of the conversation. The first (1st) one (1) is: I see the judgment of THE LORD coming to Kenya. Because, to whom much is given, much is expected. So I see a severe distress that is going to come to Kenya.

And right now, already, I have spoken very clearly, I have engaged with the leadership of this country. I am trying to reach out to many more leaders of the land so that this nation can observe a national day of repentance. Right now We are working on the national day of repentance, reconciliation, and peace in this country —and that day will be announced. And the good news is that the leaders have said they are willing to come. They want to come to the national day of repentance that these TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD are going to organize: national day of repentance, reconciliation and peace. And I will set that day as THE LORD will lead. As THE LORD will instruct, I will set a day when the entire country called Kenya, the entire nation called Kenya, can appear before THE LORD, together with their leaders. And the good news is that I have already engaged the leadership of the country and reaching out to many other leaders who have said they are willing to come.

And at that time I will invite the entire nation to Uhuru park that the entire nation of Kenya, the one THE LORD has loved: many cripples walking, many blind seeing, many deaf hearing, many mute speaking, paralytics walking, spinal cords healed, broken knees healed, internal organs, livers, kidneys healed, leprosies, HIV-AIDS healed, the nation that has seen the CLOUD OF GOD. Such a mega Visitation. But if she does not appear as one (1) man with all their leaders before THE LORD, and repent before THE LORD, THE LORD will judge this country. I have seen a very, very severe judgment of THE LORD. And the good news is that the leaders of the country have said they are willing to come, and they have given me a go-ahead to prepare that nation and invite the entire country. But if the country does not repent, I have seen the tremendous judgment of GOD coming to this land. I see a very, very severe distress, unbelievable distress coming to Kenya. And Kenya is very much aware that on every occasion when I have warned them, if THE LORD did not intervene it became bad.

And so again, THE LORD has spoken with me about this nation, that you are so beloved with so much revival, the nation that other nations are looking at and  (), they are wishing they can see the revival Kenya is seeing. So I am announcing that this nation will have to hold a national day of repentance, when everybody from all counties will gather in Nairobi, and go as one (1) man, together with their leaders, before THE LORD. And these TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD will lead them before THE LORD after they have repented; will now lead them before THE LORD in order to bring the tremendous remission of GOD ALMIGHTY over the land, that this nation may continue to see revival. And that also tells you that this current move of THE LORD, where THE LORD is taking His PROPHETS from Central Park Nairobi, all around this country, now to Thika and to many other towns, that this has to be taken very seriously. There has to be moments of repentance across the land. During this move there has to be repentance —like the meeting at Thika has to begin with their repentance there. And when all repent, THE LORD is always faithful enough to bring remission to the land.

The Bible is very clear,”If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble, humble themselves and turn away from wickedness, and turn back to Me, from Heaven I will listen and restore them, restore their land.” THE LORD is very clear in that Scripture when He speaks to the nations. And remember that in the same Bible, “Whenever THE LORD warns a nation or a kingdom, and if that kingdom does repent genuinely, repent with all its leaders, then THE LORD is always faithful enough to relent on the judgment He had planned.” But if the nation does not repent, THE LORD always judges the nation. Remember, between you and THE LORD, it is you who was created, so it is you that have to bow down and worship THE LORD JEHOVAH.

So THE LORD again has spoken about a very, very massive judgment of GOD coming to Kenya. And THE LORD has commanded a national repentance. And so right now, even as THE LORD takes His TWO PROPHETS across the land, We are now working, the church leadership: Litunda and the rest are going to be working very busy —from yesterday the process began, working on the national day of repentance, the day for national repentance, reconciliation and healing. And then THE BLOOD OF JESUS would heal this land. That is the message to Kenya. And the good news is that already I have contacted quite a lot of leaders and they are willing to come to a national day of repentance, and reconciliation, and healing, and peace —if you will— that this nation may continue to see the revival it is seeing, the belovedness and the protection of THE LORD JEHOVAH.

Again, remember, THE LORD is GOD and all the nations have to bow before THE LORD. And THE LORD JESUS has already opened a powerful avenue for every nation, every person, to repent. So the good news is that Kenya is going to have a national day of repentance. However, again, I must speak with you, and speak to you very clearly, in stern terms what THE LORD has spoken. He has said, “Kenya must repent.” Otherwise, I see severe distress, unbelievable distress coming to Kenya. And the good news is that a fair warning always comes with a fair council. And so THE LORD has spoken to you. And I stand before THE LORD and ask you, “Has not THE LORD spoken with this land?”

May THE LORD bless you Kenya as you go around repenting. Every single county we go to, people will repent; the first (1st) part will be repentance, and that repentance all across the counties will culminate in one (1) mega day. Mega. This is going to be the mother of all. This is —We do not know whether ten (10) million or fifteen (15) million people, but there will be a mega national day of repentance that will take place at Uhuru Park in Nairobi, when everybody will come down, together with their leaders, as one (1) man and they will appear before THE TWO DREADFUL PROPHETS OF THE LORD, and before THE LORD their GOD. And then these TWO PROPHETS will now lead them after repentance, before THE LORD, in order that THE LORD may continue to bless this nation. Remember, every revival has always come from a warning on repentance. 2005 —We remember too well June 25th, the big meeting that took place at Uhuru Park, that is what ignited the revival you see today. But it came out of a warning when THE LORD said, “Kenya must repent. Or else.”

And now the second (2nd) conversation is regarding Venezuela. THE LORD, this past night, took me to the nation of Venezuela. And everybody is aware of what THE LORD is doing in Venezuela right now. And I remember too well that when THE LORD took me to Venezuela, and commanded the nation of Venezuela to repent. And I was all over: Caracas, El Tigre, Valencia, Puerto Ordaz, San Felix, doing big meetings across Venezuela, ciudad Santiago, all these other places, big meetings in big stadiums in Venezuela. And Venezuela did not listen to the instruction of THE LORD. Venezuela attempted to blackmail THE TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF HEAVEN. And I remember that is when I decided, as I was stepping out of the country, to clean the dust off my feet. And I decided to curse that country with the judgment of THE LORD. Then I decided to strike Venezuela with the Judgment of THE LORD. The richest country —that time it was very rich, a lot of fruits, very powerful country at that time. But look at how THE LORD shredded the country strictly based on the words of my tongue. Look at how THE LORD struck that country until this day.

And so, this night THE LORD has reminded me of the situation in Venezuela by taking me to Venezuela. And it was such a tremendous distress; THE LORD showed me people in anguish. It is a very bad situation: the financial situation, their lives, they cannot get things, even the most basics of things for life, anything, even just tissue, food and everything. And then THE LORD said,” Look how your judgment has humiliated this nation. Please tell Venezuela to repent.” And I want to repeat this severe warning to Venezuela, that the message of THE LORD, the command of THE LORD that THE LORD gave to Venezuela when He commanded the nation of Venezuela to repent, that command has not been erased. It has not been repealed. THE LORD still stands on His Word. THE LORD, He is GOD. He does not relent, He does not withdraw His Word. He says whenever He releases His Word from Heaven it never goes back empty unto Him.

And so THE LORD has commanded Venezuela to repent again, that when they repent He is able to bring remission to them. And this goes out to the pastors in Venezuela, the pastors in Puerto Ordaz, the pastors in San Felix, the pastors in Caracas, the pastors in Valencia, the pastors in El Tigre, the pastors in all the cities, Maturin, all the cities I traveled to where I did Big meetings. THE LORD has retained His Word and THE LORD has commanded Venezuela to repent again. Again, He has commanded that Venezuela repent that He may restore her.Remember the time I came to you Venezuela and many cripples got up and walked, many blind eyes opened, some of them live on camera right there, tremendous healings, including the HIV-AIDS —(Gonzales Consalez, sp) country where HIV AIDS has been healed, apart from Kenya: in Venezuela. And the doctors began to run tests right there and the next day it was a big celebration at San Felix when he came out negative. (Gonzales Consalez, sp), I still remember his name.

And so THE LORD has wanted to love you, but the blackmail that you attempted upon THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD, the old church in Venezuela, the church of prosperity where the false prophets are, when you attempted to blackmail THE TWO SERVANTS OF THE LORD, and then They struck Venezuela with the judgment of THE LORD. And they said, “Now you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of THE LORD.’”And I struck that country with a very severe judgment, the same level of judgment I used to strike Haiti, and Chile and Nepal. The same level of judgment with which I struck Asia when I struck them with the first (1st) Asian tsunami.

So again, THE LORD is speaking at this time and he is warning Venezuela. He has commanded the nation of Venezuela to observe a national day of repentance, to bring all the leaders together and decree a national day of repentance. And if you want you can invite THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD; They will lead you before THE LORD. If not, you can organize a national day of repentance on your own, invite all the leaders, bring all the people as one (1) man and repent before THE LORD. And then THE LORD will restore Venezuela.

So THE LORD has spoken with me, He has taken me, this past night, to Caracas Venezuela, to all the places I had held big meetings: Maturin, Valencia, where, everywhere, Puerto Ordaz, San Felix, everywhere, literally. And THE LORD has commanded a national day of repentance in Venezuela. He has commanded a national repentance in Venezuela. This is a clarion call from Heaven; the clarion call from JEHOVAH to Venezuela. THE LORD has commanded a national repentance in Venezuela that He may restore those people. Those pastors of Venezuela who are listening, please make sure you organize a full national day of repentance, you bring your president there, bring all the other leaders there and invite me. And then these TWO PROPHETS will lead you before THE LORD and restore that nation. Otherwise it will get worse. I have seen THE LORD strike the country with another level of judgement.

So THE LORD is asking that Venezuela organizes a national day of repentance that He may restore that country. “Remember what happened to Haiti when Haiti did not listen to me and I struck Haiti.” says THE LORD. Remember what happened when He sent me to Chile, and Chile did not listen, and they attempted to blackmail these TWO PROPHETS, and I went on their national TV in a very special program that is called “Puertas abiertas” (open doors), and I warned the nation. I said, “THE LORD will strike you with an earthquake; a very severe earthquake.” I said, “He will shake you.” And look what happened in Chile at my words. Look what happened in Haiti at my word. Look what happened to Nepal at my words.

So Venezuela needs to repent and Kenya needs to repent. Even as the revival comes, as the revival runs around this country of Kenya, let these meetings become regional repentance meetings. At least observe ten (10) minutes of repentance before the message is dispensed on the Coming of THE MESSIAH. Remember, the only way the nations prepare for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH is by: repentance and turning away from sin. So this is a good thing. This is a good conversation THE LORD is having with the nations. Blessed are the nations that THE LORD has spoken with. Blessed are they, the nations, that THE LORD does warn. Because, then it will ignite a revival. You will begin now to prepare the way, the turning away from sin, and prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

So you could essentially say that today THE LORD has loved two (2) nations. He has loved Kenya by asking Kenya to repent, and he has loved Venezuela by asking Venezuela to repent, and return to righteousness, that the pastors may stop that corruption in Venezuela. You remember the false apostles and the false prophets I warned in Venezuela. And I said,” If you do not repent THE LORD will strike your nation.” And look how He has devastated you. Look how He has shredded you. Look how He has destroyed you. Look how THE LORD has humiliated you in the eyes of the nations.

So this also stands as a stern warning for Kenya, that before THE LORD humiliates you before the nations, please heed the words of JEHOVAH. Repent. Repent in CHRIST JESUS and turn away from sin. Do not fool around with these TWO PROPHETS. These are DREADFUL PROPHETS from JEHOVAH YHWH in Heaven. These are not your brothers! Please heed and repent.





Well, beloved people, THE LORD JEHOVAH in the past twenty-four (24) hours has spoken with me in a very, very shocking manner. THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, He took me into Heaven, beloved people, and when He took me into Heaven —and then right in front of me I saw One, I saw someone who was like THE SON OF MAN, dressed in a robe that went down and reached all the way to His feet. Again, THE LORD showed me THE SON OF MAN when He brought me into the Kingdom of GOD in Heaven, just a few hours ago. And then He showed me THE SON OF MAN dressed in a white robe —like wool— reaching all the way to His feet, like snow, like wool —and it beamed. The garment beamed His Glory.

Tremendous moment, beloved people, at the Throne of GOD.

And He was standing on this very, very powerful green lawn. Absolutely green. This part of Heaven was totally green, the greenest green I have ever seen.

Again, the past few hours THE LORD JEHOVAH, He took me into the Throne Room of GOD, beloved people. And at the Throne position then He showed me THE SON OF MAN and I saw Him wearing a garment, a very long garment reaching to His feet. And He was standing on this very powerful green lawn, absolutely green. But when I looked at His garment the garment was beaming. It was pure white, whiter than the Sun that beaming —it beamed twice and then THE LORD brought me back.

THE MESSIAH is Coming, beloved people.

Prepare the way.

Return to righteousness.

Turn away from sin: sexual sin, lies, perversion, immorality, sexual lust, false prophecy, false apostles, the gospel that focuses you on this fatal and futile world.

Repent, beloved people, and be holy.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Uphold righteousness, the righteousness of THE LORD.

THE LORD JEHOVAH, He took me into the Throne of GOD and He showed me THE SON OF MAN. And I saw His garment reaching down to His feet, whiter than snow, and beaming, the Glory beaming —beamed twice and then He brought me back.

Shalom. Todah. Todah rabah. Thank you.



Well, beloved people, THE LORD JEHOVAH has spoken with me in a very, very mighty way this past (). THE LORD YHWH, THE CREATOR of Heaven and the Earth, He has spoken with me in a very, very astounding way this past night about a massive revival that is coming up to Lima, Peru. And this is very shocking because there is a big attention that THE LORD is giving to Lima, Peru many months before the meeting. The meeting in Lima, Peru takes place in November, but at this time THE LORD is relentlessly speaking about the massive Visitation that is coming up to Lima, Peru . So this past night THE LORD took me to Lima, Peru and He took me way in advance into the month of November, at the time when that meeting was taking place in Lima, Peru. And immediately, THE PROPHETS OF THE LORD walk into the nation and walk into the ground of the meeting. I see Them command Heaven to open and the massive rain pours down. A very, very shocking event that stuns the whole Earth. Massive rain falls down into the meeting in Lima, Peru.

And then after that I see a lot of () pastors are coming. They are asking, “What is next now? This is too big. What should we do next? What should we do next?” There is a big conversation going on there with the pastors as I prepare, as now I prepare to leave the land. And it is such a tremendous, historic Visitation that takes place in Lima, Peru. And I know that meeting in Lima, Peru is coming in November this year, at the end of this year. But you can see THE LORD is speaking about Lima, Peru, Lima, Peru revival as though THE LORD is saying, “I cannot wait.” He cannot wait for the meeting in Lima, Peru.

Again, this past night THE LORD took me to Lima, Peru and He presented me into the tremendous meeting of YHWH that is coming up in Lima, Peru. I have already lived to see that meeting. I have already seen that meeting. And at that meeting, as THE LORD brings me to Lima, Peru, and then I command Heaven to open. In the meeting the Heaven opens and rain pour down. Massive rain pour down. It is very shocking event that stuns the whole Earth. The entire Earth is caught in shock, in a very big shock. I saw pastors from all over the world asking, “How will you come to our countries? What should we do? What does this mean towards the Coming of THE MESSIAH?” All senior pastors across the globe began to ask the questions, running and asking, “What should we do? How should we handle this Visitation now?” And the pastors in Peru, all of them coming to me —I was talking to some of them and they were saying ,”What should we do now? What does this mean towards the Coming of THE MESSIAH? Can you help us now?” And this was a very shocking time in this conversation.

THE LORD is speaking about Lima, Peru, Lima, Peru. He cannot wait for that revival that many, many, many bishops in Kenya, including pastors, are going to start preparing for the Lima, Peru revival. And we are going to be such a large delegation that is going to Visit and to accompany THE PROPHET OF THE LORD, THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST MESSENGER of the Bible, to Lima, Peru. Because THE LORD is speaking about Lima, Peru revival. So it seems like what THE LORD is planning to do with Lima, Peru is very big and He wants to fast-track it, fast-track the Visitation to Lima, Peru; the revival of righteousness, the revival of holiness, revival of repentance, revival of turning away from sin in Lima, Peru.

So may THE LORD bless the nations that hearken to this Voice, and that you may prepare the Way, and be holy, and turn away from sin, and prepare for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH. Remember, I have seen the Coming of THE MESSIAH. THE LORD has shown me THE MESSIAH Coming to take a glorious church, to take a holy church.

THE LORD is speaking about Lima, Peru at this hour. He is speaking in a very mighty way about the revival coming up in Lima, Peru. And I know that the majority of the national council of bishops, including the pastors, in Kenya will be preparing from this point henceforth about going to Lima, Peru.

May THE LORD bless our LORD JESUS CHRIST as He prepares to come for the glorious church. May THE LORD bless THE HOLY SPIRIT that is helping the church. May THE LORD bless the nations to hearken to this and prepare in righteousness.

Shalom. Todah rabah.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.


Live by THE TWO DREADFUL WITNESSES OF REVELATION 11, THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, THE TWO MOST GLORIFIED PROPHETS OF HEAVEN, Prophet Dr. David Owuor, via Jesusislordradio.info, global broadcast and streaming, January 27th, 2019.

JEHOVAH YHWH, JEHOVAH ADONAI, THE GOD THE CREATOR of all the heavens and the Earth, THE FATHER of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, and your FATHER, He took me into the Throne Room today, and then He stood there in the thickest darkest CLOUD that is GOD, He that gave us CHRIST JESUS as our SAVIOR to save us from sin, to deliver all man, born and not yet born from sin, and from death, and from hell, He took me today, about one (1) hour and six (6) minutes ago He took me into Heaven. And then the thickest, darkest CLOUD that is GOD, the physical, manifest presence of THE FATHER, JEHOVAH NISSI, JEHOVAH ELI, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE LORD OF THE ARMIES, THE COMMANDER OF THE ARMIES OF HEAVEN, THE LORD our SHIELD, our FORTRESS, our REFUGE, our DELIVERER, our HIGHTOWER, the One that sent JESUS to bring us the righteousness of GOD that we may enter eternity. Beloved people, about one (1) hour or so —one (1) hour seven (7) minutes, now I see here— ago He took me into His Throne Room and He stood there before me in the thickest, darkest CLOUD that is JEHOVAH YHWH, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, THE LORD OF THE ARMIES, JEHOVAH ELYON, JEHOVAH ELOHIM, THE ETERNAL CREATOR.

And then after that THE LORD brought me to a meeting. There is a meeting coming up; it looks to be in the Latin America, beloved people, because the one of the women healed there, I managed to speak with her ‘en espanol’ in Spanish. And at that meeting, beloved people, it is an open-air meeting that THE LORD takes me to. And in that open-air meeting, beloved people, immediately, THE TWO PROPHETS OF THE LORD walk into the meeting; the people can see the TWO of Them, and then the cripples begin to get up and walk, get up and walk. I see THE LORD has revealed the second PROPHET a little taller. Cripples born totally crippled begin to get up and walk. I do not know which country this is, but it is a Latin speaking country and it is an open-air meeting, beloved people.

So at that open-air meeting, as I am there, THE LORD now brings me to that meeting from the Throne Room, about one (1) hour and eight (8) minutes ago, and He shows me how Heaven is going to open. And the CLOUD OF GOD, the tremendous, thick, dark CLOUD that is GOD comes out of Heaven, towards the left, and that CLOUD pans A broad section of that CLOUD pans across the sky, in the coverture of the sky. Tremendous, beloved people.

And then that thick, dark CLOUD comes and settles on these TWO MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF YHWH. They settle —He settles— on these —the TWO MIGHTIEST MESSENGERS OF YHWH. And as the CLOUD settled, I asked —everybody is shocked. There is a stun going on there. People are perplexed. There is a fear. People become —it is dreadful. And I asked Bishop Nieswand, “Have you recorded?” It was so fast. Again, the thick, dark CLOUD OF GOD, Heaven opens on one end of the sky, and then the broad section crosses the sky, the coverture of the sky, like this (prophetic demonstration), and then comes and lands on these TWO (2) PROPHETS here. The living CLOUD churning like this, the thick, dark, CLOUD that is JEHOVAH MAGEN, that is THE LORD our BANNER, our LIGHT, our HEALER, our SHEPHERD, our ROCK. So He comes and settles on these TWO (2) MIGHTIEST PROPHETS in that land. And the meeting is an open-air meeting. Open air.

The coveted generation. The coveted Visitations. The latter Visitation of GOD. Little did we know that GOD THE FATHER Himself would now come down to prepare the church, to prepare her holy and righteous for THE MESSIAH.

And then, beloved people, at that time, immediately at that moment, and then Heaven opens on the right hand side. So I shout in the meeting. The healed, I have put them at the altar. I have given them seats at the altar —the other PROPHET is also revealed walking that way— but I have put the seats (), the cripples have walked, born crippled (), the blind (), the deaf, the mute, lame, paralytics, legs are extended, columns of legs are added, creation, miracle of creation takes place. As I put () the healed, and I talked to one of the ladies ‘en espanol’. And I see one of the ladies sitting there also, had a long cloth —but there is a hole that is cut down () below her knee (). That must be that meeting out there —and I know greater details of that meeting. And at that time the thick CLOUD OF GOD THE FATHER, again, Heaven opens at the far end of the sky, and this time around He decides to traverse the entire length of the sky with His CLOUD, the thick, dark cloud in a column, a broad one. And He marks it like this (prophetic demonstration), and when you look at the sky it is like He has divided the sky into two (2) portions with the thick, dark CLOUD that is JEHOVAH, and comes and settles on He that speaks with you today.

And then beloved people, at that hour, at that moment, again He disappears, and then on the right-hand side He begins to churn the sky. And I make noise; I shout at people to let them focus on the right hand side in the sky. He is churning the sky, churning the sky, churning the sky, and opening. I told people, “Look! He is opening Heaven!” So everybody is able to watch live as THE LORD opens Heaven. He churns Heaven, He churns Heaven, then He opens Heaven. Everybody is able to see the entrance to Heaven open in live, live, live, live; in the meeting beloved people, in that country. And then it rains. First of all He beams His Glory there and then it rains. Rain falls. A very heavy rain falls from that portal that is open, beloved people.

So beloved people, I know you are going back to your regular Sunday programs, Sunday services, but I just wanted to interrupt your service to make you know that THE LORD YHWH, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, THE LORD JEHOVAH ADONAI, the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the One you worship, He has Visited with me less than one (1) hour fifteen (15) minutes ago. About one (1) hour thirteen (13), Visited with me, took me into Heaven, and He stood before me in the thick, dark CLOUD that is GOD. And then He showed me the meeting where that thick, dark CLOUD, He is coming to Visit the Earth.

What an awesome time. beloved people. I did not want you to be like Jerusalem, because we know too well that Jerusalem was locked (). They were worshipping and saying,” Send us THE MESSIAH. Send us THE MESSIAH. LORD, send us THE MESSIAH.” And THE MESSIAH was outside walking around the temple courts. Then they missed their Visitation.

Again, about one (1) hour fifteen (15) minutes ago, beloved people, I was in Heaven. I have seen GOD. I saw the thick, dark CLOUD OF GOD. He stood before me, and then He took me to a meeting in a country where that thick, dark CLOUD would come, where He is coming. And the way He traverses the entire coverture of the sky with His thick, dark CLOUD and settles on His TWO (2) SERVANTS. And at that time cripples are walking, blind are seeing, deaf can hear, mute can speak, paralytics, cancers dry, wounds dry, everything happening at that time; including creating columns of legs.

And then, beloved people, on the right-hand side again —and that Visitation is short. So some people record and then on the right-hand side He churns the sky, so I shout and yell to the people, “Everybody look up there! THE LORD is opening the sky!” And then He churns and opens a big portal in the sky. He churns and then He beams the Glory from there, and it rains heavy rain.

Beloved people, the Kingdom of GOD is near. THE LORD is coming to Visit the church. What an awesome generation. What an awesome time, precious people. What a church. What an hour to be alive, to be born again. And that is why I wanted to interrupt your service: that you may not be hiding there without knowing, that you may not be in the absence, you may not be in the not knowing, that you may be worshiping there without knowing THE LORD your GOD has actually spoken in a big way, a mighty way, historic way, astounding manner, shocking way.

Even as you go back to your services, beloved people, THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, THE LORD JEHOVAH our FORTRESS, our REFUGE, the ROCK , JEHOVAH ELOHIM, the LIGHT, our LIGHT, our HEALER, our SHEPHERD, our PEACE , He has spoken with me, beloved people, about a Visitation. He is coming to Visit the Earth in the thickest, darkest CLOUD that is GOD, THE CLOUD you see in the Old Testament. And He is coming for one (1) reason: for you, the believer. He is coming to solicit the attention of your soul. He is coming to talk to you that time is over, THE MESSIAH is Coming. It is awesome that when the Bible talked about the latter Visitation, the latter Glory, the latter rain, little did we know that He literally meant that GOD THE FATHER Himself would come to prepare the church. What a generation.

Again, about one (1) hour and sixteen (16) minutes ago, THE LORD took me to His Throne Room, beloved people, and the thick, dark CLOUD that is JEHOVAH YHWH, JEHOVAH ADONAI, He stood right in front of me and spoke things —those we cannot share here. But after that He took me to a nation, to a meeting, where His CLOUD, the same CLOUD now comes out from Heaven and traverses the coverture, the entire length of the sky, and comes and stands on me. And it is shocking. And people are stunned; some want to run away. It is a dreadful moment in that meeting.

In one of the countries that are Latin speaking, I have spoken to a lady there who is healed. I have spoken to her ‘en espanol’, and I can see that she has braided her hair. I know the greater detail. And then on the right hand side, after that Visitation vanishes —it is a short-lived— after that, THE LORD lifts — and then He churns the sky on the right hand side and I begin to shout, asking people to look at the sky. I said, “Look! THE LORD is opening the Heavens! He is opening the door to Heaven!” Then indeed, He opens the door to Heaven, the Glory beams, and it rains heavy there. How awesome, beloved people, that now as you worship, as you continue with your services, you are now aware of the hour we live in. You are aware that your CREATOR is coming; coming to love the church, coming to prepare the church, coming to connect the church with Heaven.

May THE LORD bless you.

Todah chaverim. Todah l’chaim. Todah ELOHIM. Todah Chaver sheli. I have just said in Hebrew that thank you JEHOVAH my Friend. And I have also said, “Thank you my friends listening out there.” This is an awesome time.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Make sure whatever you do, you prepare in righteousness, prepare in holiness.

Now when you go back to your regular services you will know what THE LORD has just spoken ‘moto’, ‘caliente’ from the Throne of GOD. Hot bread from the Throne of GOD.

May THE LORD bless you.




Well, beloved people, I know that there is a big meeting. I know that there is a historic meeting taking place at the Nakuru main altar. There is a big meeting —the largest probably. The largest meeting happening on the Earth now of top church leadership is happening at the Nakuru main altar. And I just wanted to come live on air and speak into that meeting, because they know this is a historic meeting, a historic gathering of all the senior-most leaders, the senior-most presiding bishops, and the senior overseers, and the senior pastors, the shepherds in the land, including senior lawyers are there, and many, many legal councils are in that meeting. And this is a historic gathering that I thought I should speak into at this very, very pivotal time in the history of the church.

Now, We have just come from this very tremendous, also historic, monumental Visitation of JEHOVAH YHWH that has just taken place at Menengai two (2) in Nakuru. Menengai two (2) in Nakuru. And every word, to the letter, every word that was spoken, THE LORD spoke, regarding the promises of GOD, the promises of Visitation, the latter Glory, the latter Visitation of YHWH, when GOD THE FATHER Himself promised that He would come down Himself and Visit that meeting, and heal His people, and bless His people, and bring forth a very tremendous conversation about the Coming of THE MESSIAH. It is very shocking that that monumental Visitation promised, I have spoken in prophecies numbering up to seventeen (17), have been fulfilled; they came to pass at the Nakuru, Menengai two (2).

What a shocking time in the history of the church. What a monumental time. What an astounding time. What a beloved time. What an awesome time to be born again and to be in the House of THE LORD. And that is why I saw it prudent, I saw it fit, that I call and speak into this meeting, because you have seen how things happened at Nakuru, Menengai two (2). These are things unfathomable. These are things unimaginable. THE LORD has come out in the very most incontestable, undeniable, unmistakable manner to announce to this generation that yes, indeed, as He has announced, as the TWO have walked there and announced, THE MESSIAH is Coming.

And that is why I thought I should share into this history that you are making in that Nakuru main altar, at the showground, by speaking into that meeting simply to bless you because this is such an opportune moment when you are all gathered as one (1). And I have called to simply bless you and to decree the massive unstoppable flood of the blessings of GOD ALMIGHTY from Heaven into: your lives, into your churches, into your families, into your households, into your Ministries, at your workplaces, into your health, into your being and all dimensions of your life as you wait for eternity. I have decided to speak into this meeting because I wanted to bring it alive, to rekindle your memories and your minds to the fact that you are now that church, that sample church, example church that entire Heaven, the entire Heaven is watching and waiting for. Because, this is the only nation that has stepped out, stepped forward, and deliberately began to prepare the Way for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH, perpetually, on a daily basis. I just wanted to remind you that Heaven is watching and waiting.

But I am calling to release the unspeakable blessings of GOD, the unspoken blessings of GOD, by the authority of my tongue. Strictly based on the word of my tongue. I am standing here today from Nairobi to speak into this biggest gathering of senior-most church leadership on the Earth to: bless your families, bless your revival, bless your holiness, bless your righteousness, bless your eternity, bless your children, bless your households, to bless your workplaces, bless your churches, bless every single aspect of your lives in this interim as we wait for THE MESSIAH. I have blessed your eternity with your children, your marriages, your health, your safety, your revival, your churches, the sheep under you, your jurisdiction. I have blessed you with the authority of GOD YHWH in the mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOR.

And you are the witnesses to the tremendous workings of the promises of the Word, the Bible, the inscriptions on the Word, what THE LORD inscribed on the Bible. You are the witnesses to the fulfillment of those wonders. How long promised. Look how when THE TWO PROPHETS walked into the Nakuru, Menengai two (2), the Sun was commanded to clap for Them. And when you watch that clip, the Sun clapped in pattern. In pattern: Bap. Bap. Bap. Bap. Bap. Stop. Bap. Bap. Bap. Bap. Bap. Stop. Amazing, amazing, amazing. And so these are THE TWO TREMENDOUS PROPHETS OF THE LORD, THE MESSENGERS OF HEAVEN, THE ANGELS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS that are speaking blessings of eternity into: your lives, into your churches, into your households, into your families, into your children, into your work, into your health, into your being, into whatsoever endeavors you engage in.

And I want you to know that now you have become the example the nations are watching. So make sure that as you carry this, humility is at the forefront of your doctrine, of your practice. The nations are looking forward to fetching this Fire. That is why you saw China is in the house now. You saw Hong Kong, you saw Singapore, Malaysia, United States, Europe, South Africa, everywhere, Nigeria, everybody is on board, Uganda, Tanzania. Everybody has come to be a witness unto this Fire that GOD has lit up in the House. And I want to remind you a little bit that it is not a right. That should really humble you now; that you are a choice. That GOD has chosen this generation. That this Gentile generation, at this moment GOD has chosen at this hour to raise forth the Gentile revival, before these TWO PROPHETS engage into this monumental campaign, monumental Mission on the redemption of Israel —and right before the rapture happens that you may be able to understand that this is your hour .

The Book of Matthew chapter 15. If you read from —I am going to pick one (1) or two (2) scriptures here and there. If you read from verse one (1) He says, “And then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to JESUS all the way from Jerusalem and asked, ‘Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders?’” And verse three (3), “JESUS replied, ‘Why do you break the command of GOD for the sake of your tradition? For GOD said, ‘Honor your FATHER.’” In fact, if you read other versions, “Why do you ignore the Word of GOD for your tradition?“ In fact, you go to verse six (6) He repeats it. Matthew 15 verse 60 He repeats it there. Verse six (6) again, once I get there I read it. He says, ”’He is not to honor his FATHER with it.’ Thus, you nullify the Word of GOD for the sake of your tradition.” And then in verse seven (7) He calls them hypocrites, “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: ‘These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain. Their teachings are but rules taught by mere mortal men.’”

And so you see, beloved people, that there was a severe contradiction and controversy and contestation. What do I mean here? I am saying that CHRIST JESUS, if you look at the paradigm and the setting of His Ministry, the blueprint that set His Ministry, that the prophets came, the prophet Isaiah came and spoke, and He commanded THE MESSIAH, how THE MESSIAH would minister. He commanded and He localized where THE MESSIAH would do His Ministry. He said, “Even the Galilee of the Gentiles,” he says, “a light has come, the dawn has come to a people living under the shadow of death.” You can imagine the light of GOD, and then death is standing in between the light of GOD and the people on this side of the Galilee. So the shadow of death is on them. Meaning, between them and GOD there is now death. The prophet Isaiah had already directed, he had commanded and commissioned how THE MESSIAH would appear into the scene —and then how, where He would minister. He directed, he commanded the Ministry of THE MESSIAH to be localized in Israel and around the Galilee of the Gentiles: a people living under the shadow of death. And you remember THE MESSIAH is JESUS of Nazareth. So Nazareth was so hostile that He ran away to the Galilee, what you call Galilee, or (). If you are in Israel they call it ().

But the bottom line of what I am trying to say here is that around this entire proximity He then came to Capernaum and that became the town of JESUS. Capernaum became the town of JESUS, the town city of THE LORD. So He lived in Capernaum and He was with the Hebrew people and the Jewish people. However, as He began doing His Ministry among them, the miracles and things, a contestation ensued, it developed. There was a genesis of a conflict, a contradiction. And that is why you see now the Pharisees and Sadducees, they sent a special delegation, a special delegation to go and contest Him, confront Him, and ask Him, “Why are You doing this? Why are You coming to break our laws, traditions—“ and name it. And then He says, “But you break the law of GOD, the command of GOD, you nullify the Word of GOD who is standing before you today. You rubbish Him for the sake of your tradition.” In verse 6 He says it.

And then He says, “Isaiah was right when he said that ‘These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from JEHOVAH, they are far from THE LORD, they are far from me.’” So you see the Hebrew people were refusing to recognize JESUS. They were refusing to call Him LORD. They were refusing to identify Him within the royal lineage of the Hebrew people, and yet, that was He. They could not place Him within the royalty. They rejected THE MESSIAH. A contradiction, the conflict, the contestation ensues and all that () Matthew 15.

But when He comes up then, from verse 21 you look at this now, what happened, verse 21 he says, “Leaving that place, JESUS withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from the vicinity came to Him crying out, ‘Rabbi, son of David have mercy on me, my daughter is suffering terribly with demon possession!’” This is absolutely astounding, beloved bishops, senior bishops, the senior archbishops in attendance, the senior deputy archbishops, the senior presiding bishops, the senior overseers, senior pastors, senior () pastors, senior elders and chair of the church councils, meeting in Nakuru. Look at this scenario here the LORD set up in the Bible, that while the Hebrew people themselves where He was sent to, when you read down there you hear THE LORD saying, “No, I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. I was sent to the lost sheep of Israel.” Verse 24 he says, “JESUS answered, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” Only. Only. ‘Pekeowa’. But Israel is refusing to recognize THE MESSIAH. The wonder workings are taking place in Capernaum, the mighty works, His mightiest works are happening in Capernaum. And then there is a conflict. They have sent a delegation to contradict Him, to fight Him, to contest Him, to confront Him.

And then look at what happens, JESUS leaves the place where He was sent. Even Isaiah had localized by command and prophecies from the Throne of GOD that THE MESSIAH would do His Ministry strictly there among the Hebrew people. And then now, out of that conflict, and rejection, and failure to recognize, look at what happened in verse 21, why you should be celebrating at verse 21 and say, “Verse 21 you draw a laughter in the hearts with a love.” Because, verse 21 He says, “Leaving that place—” That is NIV. When I go to New American Standard He says, “JESUS went away from there and withdrew into the—“ You see, went away and withdrew. When you read Amplified, verse 21 says, He says, “Going away from there—“ King James 21 says, “JESUS went thence and departed from there.” He uses the words ‘leaving’ that place, ‘departing’ the place, ‘withdrew’ from there.

THE MESSIAH decides now to go to Tyre and Sidon, the Gentile cities, to the Gentile nations where there were occults, and baby sacrifice, human sacrifice, and devil worship. People that did not know GOD. And He says in verse 21, “Leaving that place, JESUS withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.” Now the Gentiles, the Hebrew people only to whom, to whom only alone sent, when He now withdrawals from them for failure to recognize Him and He goes into the Gentile cities, the atheists, the pagans, the ones that were not raised in the synagogue, when He withdraws like this look at what happens. Look at what happens there: a Canaanite woman from the vicinity ran to Him crying out, saying, “LORD, son of David.” She called Him LORD! What the Hebrew people could not call Him.


A pagan, a Gentile is able to look at JESUS and call Him LORD. But the Hebrew people, He was struggling over the years to get them to call Him LORD. They refused. And now a pagan woman, a Canaanite woman, a Gentile woman, an atheist woman, when she looked at Him she identified Him saying, “LORD.” And then she correctly places Him in the lineage of the royalty of Israel, saying, “Son of David!” Meaning, she was aware this is THE MESSIAH who will reign on the throne of David, His father, forever and ever.

Eh! Eh! How shocking!

A Canaantite woman, a Gentile person. Now the Hebrew people to whom He was sent rejected Him totally. Totally. And she said, “LORD, son of David! Have mercy on me.” She is able to identify THE MESSIAH correctly, and address Him as GOD, and know that He is coming to reign on the throne of David forever and ever.


The reason you are meeting in Nakuru now, because of this verse 21, leaving that place, because, this is not working, then He departed from them and He brought the revival to you. And this is a Gentile church. And now it is destined that whoever is talking to you now has to go and rescue Israel after rapture. Israel must pass through the Great Tribulation.


And this woman is very stunning. She calls Him ‘LORD’. She addresses Him as ‘LORD’ and ‘Son of David’. And then she comes to JESUS and she says, “LORD, have mercy on me.” She asks Him to give her what He knows to give best. All of you at Nakuru main altar, you are there now because He gave you mercy.


I tell you… I tell ya. This is incredible, beloved people.

So even as I have blessed you today, and as I bless you today, just know that you are sitting there out of mercy because of verse 21 Matthew 15.

The original plan was to save the Hebrew church and then from the Jews, from Israel to the ends of the Earth. But when they contested Him and refused, then now verse 21 of Matthew 15 He said, “Leaving that place, departing that place, He withdrew from them and he came to you.” Now he deferred the redemption of Israel to after the Great Tribulation, after the rapture.


I bless you beloved people. I really bless you. Mercy. She knows how to identify Him. She says, “LORD, son of David! You belong to the lineage of David. This is the greater son of David. This is THE MESSIAH.” THE MESSIAH would be a Son of David. His throne is forever, He would sit on the throne of David. And she asked for what JESUS came to give the Earth, what He knows to give best, what makes you sit in Nakuru main alter, today as a priesthood. He says, “LORD, have mercy on me.” What JESUS has in plenty is what she asks —and Israel is not able. Beloved people, thank GOD. Thank GOD for mercy. Thank GOD for Matthew 15:21. Thank GOD that you are sitting there under the mercy of GOD.

May THE LORD bless you eternally, beloved people. Just enjoy. This is the greatest time. I want you to celebrate because this is the biggest Visitation; it is not happening anywhere else. It is not happening in any other nation created by YHWH on the face of the Earth. Only here. Only in Nakuru, Menengai two (2). So I want you today to celebrate without () non-stop, because I have blessed you eternally.

Shalom. Todah.

THE MESSIAH is Coming.

Be holy, beloved people. Be righteous and be ready.

Shalom. Todah. Todah rabah. Todah Hashem.


Live at the Altar of the LORD (Isa 19:19) by THE TWO DREADFUL WITNESSES OF REVELATION 11, THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHETS OF THE LORD JEHOVAH YHWH, THE TWO MOST GLORIFIED PROPHETS OF HEAVEN, Prophet Dr. David Owuor, via Jesusislordradio.info, global broadcast and streaming, January 1st, 2019.

Mighty FATHER, in the mighty Name of JESUS, FATHER I lift up my Left Prophetic Arm towards Heaven, and bring before you, my FATHER, these tremendous nations of the Earth. FATHER You have stirred them, and You have moved their hearts and compelled them to come here. You have helped them a great deal by navigating them here.

Mighty FATHER, right now as they are all assembled before You, I ask you my LORD, this new year: the year 2019, that my FATHER JEHOVAH, You who is the mighty GOD of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, that each and every nation represented here, right from the flags that they deposited here before You, JEHOVAH, all the way to the individual persons that are represented here in their wonderful assembly, my FATHER and my LORD, in the mighty Name of JESUS may you please open Heaven over their lands this new year, the year 2019, that the Glory of the latter revival may sprinkle and pour into their lands too, the way you have done it in Kenya that JESUS may win.

FATHER I ask You to remember the church in each of these countries, the bride of CHRIST. I ask you to touch them my LORD, and help them my LORD, and work with the House of the LORD, and the pulpit, and the servants in the House of the LORD, that this new year, 2019, You will cover them with the Glory of THE HOLY SPIRIT, and You will begin to reshuffle and renew their souls, and cause a greater hunger for righteousness and holiness. That You may ignite a revival, a revival of repentance, all across Europe, all across North America, Central America, Southern America, Australia, the islands, the entire Asia. That LORD, even the communities in the oceans JESUS died for them. That this time when You are remembering nations, You may now remember these nations and Visit them with the latter revival. You are their Creator. You are their GOD. They rely on You, they depend on You, their eternity is in Your hands.

I ask you JEHOVAH, in the mighty Name of JESUS to also cause the unity in the church in those nations, that the fighting and the conflict in the House of THE LORD that has humiliated the House may now come to an end. That they may center the mission of CHRIST, and the interest of CHRIST, and the agenda of the Coming of THE MESSIAH as priority before them, and work together that JESUS may make gains in their nations, that many millions of souls may accept JESUS, that muslims may come up to receive CHRIST the way you have opened it in Kenya, that hindus may find the truth and come to JESUS, that buddhists may also see the light and come to THE LORD; the revival of souls, the harvesting of souls. Help them JEHOVAH that they may see this end revival: righteousness, holiness as they walk with JESUS towards the Kingdom of GOD.

Mighty FATHER, all those assembled here in their individual capacities, I ask You my FATHER that You may strengthen them, provide for them, build their zeal, let them never lack, never ever lack, that they may serve You in peace, that they may serve You in confidence, they may serve You in testimony. Mighty FATHER I ask you to help the churches assembled here. You have assembled the nations here. You asked of the nations and You have received the nations. I asked of the nations and You gave me the nations. My FATHER, now empower them and Visit them, ignite them, revive them, restore them, and prepare them for the glorious Coming of THE MESSIAH.

Mighty FATHER, right now at this place, each one (1) of the Priesthood that is here, I ask You my FATHER to bring the anointing of THE HOLY SPIRIT over their lives that they may serve with power and authority and testimony. That as they serve it may be justified, confirmed, affirmed that You have sent them. Mighty FATHER may You bless these nations with revival. May You bless these people with revival. May You bless these communities with the end time revival. May You bless them with righteousness and holiness. In the mighty Name of JESUS I have decreed that revival, revival, revival is coming to your land; three (3) times. And the LORD will open Heaven that there be revival, that there be wisdom, that there be understanding, that the righteousness of THE LORD may be the centerpiece of the salvation that you will preach.

These words of blessings I have spoken today in my glorious prophetic tongue, in the mighty Name of JESUS, so it shall be, amen.

Even rain, it will rain in your countries and the land will be productive that the poor people may have a smile also. THE LORD will bless your nations with eternity. May THE LORD bless you.

Shalom, todah.