On Saturday, November 6th, 2021 the Senior Priesthood in the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness, USA, led by our Blessed Senior Archbishop, the General Overseer of North America; Louis Lupo, came out and stormed the “Big Apple” and pitched Tent (Exodus 33:10), in the heart of Times Square, New York City, in sack cloth for the eternity of this nation, in repentance and holiness for the sins in the House of THE LORD; starting at the Pulpit, to the congregation, then for the nation. (1 Peter 4:17)
And then, the Message of the coming of THE MESSIAH was preached throughout all the five (5) boroughs; within the hustling and bustling busy streets of New York City. The ‘City That Never Sleeps’ heard the Eternal Gospel of the Old Rugged Cross of CHRIST JESUS; the Cross & the Blood (Isa 52:13-15; Isa 53), and the need to return back to holiness and prepare the Way for the Glorious coming of THE MESSIAH. (Matthew 4:17)
After the Gospel Message of genuine Repentance was preached, and the false doctrine doctrine of the gospel of prosperity; the so called ‘Sow a Seed, Get a Miracle’ that you see on “Christian TV” was rebuked (John 2:13-16), along with rampant abuse of Grace in the House of THE LORD (Heb 6:4-6; Heb 10:26-31; 2 Pet 2:19-22); the apostasy in the church, homosexuality in the land, abortions, and just general immorality in the land, and heedlessness to the Voice of GOD, feigning ignorance, pretending to not have the capacity to detect Who it is THE LORD has sent (Exo 23:20; Deu 18:18; Isa 40:3; Mal 3:1; Mal 4:4-6; Rev 11); the false prophets, false apostles, false evangelists, false teachers, false preachers, false pastors; the sins of the Priesthood in the USA: the unmitigated and abhorrent detestable sexual sin, sexual lust, adulteries, abortions in the church pornography, homosexuality, masturbation, love of money, modernism & wordiness, corruption, among many other sins…
When the Altar Call was given to the beloved City of New York, three (3) precious souls stepped forward and received THE LORD JESUS! (Luke 15:7)

Will be Praying for This Nation, The United States of America, as every day!
The nation needs to Repent in Sackcloth and among all the Leaders of this nation and
the pastors. I am a member of the Repentance and Holiness ministry, here in Kentucky.
Amen! I will be attending this event that the United States of America may evade the judgment of GOD, that we may repent and make amends with our CREATOR. I repent before THE LORD for all of my apostasy as the Priesthood of this Nation, and I repent for all the apostasy of the United States of America.