Overcoming Sexual Sin #2
The Lord God in Heaven that created you when He sees you going into sexual sin in other words He is seeing you entering a highway to the grave. I’m heading to one thing here today on how to break the chains of sexual sin. We are going to look at how to overcome right now. But first of all we want to look at just a little Scripture. If you are writing at home Proverbs chapter 9:14 to 18 again; the others we are not reading. Read Proverbs chapter 5 verses 1 to 23. We are not reading that today. And now we are reading Proverbs 9:14 to 18, just finishing up with the foundation—How does God look at sexual sin; the Lord that created you, how does He look at sexual sin? Again I’m saying if you are reading at home for your reading write Proverbs chapter 5:1 to 23 and Proverbs 7 we didn’t finish all, so you read from 1 to 27. But you see very clearly that sexual sin is a highway that leads to the grave—the Lord says so. And now we’ll read just 2 verses and finish up with the foundation.
We are reading Proverbs chapter 9:14 to 18, “14She sits at the door of her house, and she’s on a seat at the highest point of the city,” that is sexual sin sitting out there. “15 calling out to those who pass by, who go straight on their way, 16 “Let all who are simple come in here!” She says to those who lack judgment.” Look at that; Halleluyah. “Those who lack judgment” listen to me. Halleluyah; and she goes all the way down, “18 But little do they know that the dead are there,” Halleluyah; look at verse 18, “18 little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave.”
I am finishing with the foundation. How does the LORD look at sexual sin in your life? And if you have been with us since we started this teaching, you can see that there is one thing that the Lord is speaking without confusion; without ambiguity—He’s saying sexual sin will always lead to death. Let us finish up with now one thing on the foundation, the last one. How does God Look at sexual sin? And now in this Scripture I’m beginning to transition with you; I’m beginning to move now from how God looks at it to how the LORD has given us solutions on how to overcome now. And I want you to know that the devil presents sexual sin in several ways; in other words the devil is presenting death but he has covered it with so called sexual lust, seductiveness smooth talking. So you want to be very careful about these things the LORD is warning you of—smooth talking, the beauty of yeast, eyes of her eyes; that is cosmos in Greek, the world, be careful with the beauty of the world—cosmetics of the world.
Let us see the last Scripture on how the LORD looks at sexual sin. The Book of 1 Corinthians chapter 6; now we are beginning to see how can you get out, after this Scripture. 1
Corinthians chapter 6 verse 12 he says, “Everything is permissible for me—but not everything is beneficial…I will not be mastered by anything.” Verse 13 he says, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food—but God will destroy them both.” The body is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body” somebody; one thing you see listener here that is very interesting is that the Lord is talking about food. When it comes to sexual sin, He’s now talking about food and the stomach. Then He’s talking about the freedom you have— “Everything is permissible.”
David had all the freedom to go to war instead of remaining home and looking at that woman bathing naked downstairs. As we go on you begin to understand what happens how to overcome sexual sins; one of the things is make sure you go to war. Don’t only stay home. Halleluyah; but we are not yet handling the solutions yet somebody. And you see that He’s talking about freedom. Samson had all the freedom not to go to Delilah. The Kenyan church has all the freedom to refuse Delilah from entering. And yet Delilah entered and seduced her already and she already gave all the secrets of the LORD. And the power of God left her just like the power of God left Samson. And yet here we see that the Lord is very clear that sexual sin always leads to death.
And you he’s talking about food when it comes to sexual sin here. Why is he talking about food? He wants you to understand that it’s always about the flesh. You can see right in there even the first beginning of the solution to sexual sin right in there. You can see that if you are talking about the flesh and food that fasting becomes the first thing that sticks in your mind. So he’s bringing food when it comes to sexual sin and he’s talking about the flesh and he says the body is not meant for sexual immorality, somebody, but for the Lord. 1 Corinthians 6:14, he says, “By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.” 15 he says, “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself?”
Now that is a surprise, somebody. He’s beginning to tell you that actually your body does not belong to you, somebody. Look at how he’s approaching you with sexual sin right now. Regarding sexual sin he begins to tell you, your body does not even belong to you any more now. Your body belongs to the Holy Body of Christ; Holy, Holy! “Shall I then take members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute?” He says, “Never! Do you not know that one who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her? For it is said, ‘The two become one flesh. But he who unites with Christ himself” Halleluyah; “becomes one with him in spirit.” Look at now what he says there in verse 18, “Flee from sexual immorality.” (Torokeni!) Get out of there!
Don’t try to manage it—don’t say, “I am dealing with it;” run away from sexual immorality, somebody! That sijui I’m still talking to my pastor about it. And I’m living with this man here and we are not married. My pastor is helping me how to get out of this thing. He says, “Flee.” That’s one of the few areas where God commands you to flee. He says—“Don’t try to manage it. Run away from this sin.”
When it comes to sexual sin, He divides it. He says, “All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.” He begins to explain to you that when it comes to sexual sin, I Jehovah God, then I have to divide sin into 2. Sexual sin is the only sin in which you are sinning against your own body—inside your body. In Spanish they say, entro. And he says all the other sins are committed outside your body. Now when it comes to sexual sin I want you to know I am ready to put all the others here; but this one here you are sinning against your own body. And listen to what He says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” Halleluyah; He begins to tell you one thing—your body is actually the holy tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. So there is no way you can combine that body with sexual sin. In other words when it comes to sexual sin, you actually grieve the Holy Spirit. That means your body is the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.
And every time; I’m just helping you to look at how God looks at sexual sin. Every time you sin sexually you grieve the Holy Spirit that is supposed to be resident in you. If you are a Christian it is even worse because every Christian is supposed to be a holy temple of the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit has nowhere to live in you now. Look at what he says here, “You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” That means now your body does not even belong to you. Jesus bought that body of yours. You have to ask the Lord for permission before you do anything on that body. That means if you go and sin sexually listen to what you have done—you have just ignored the price He paid; the heavy price to purchase your body, somebody. And you are defiling Jesus.
When you walk out there what is the definition of sexual sin? The Bible says that based on the way a woman is dressed she can be called a prostitute; the same thing with men. If you walk around where you have pierced your ears, you are frying your hair—in some cities like San Francisco in the US if you do that they say you are a homosexual, men follow you. You are a prostitute, and I’ve seen them in the church. They have fried their hair, they have pierced their nose, they have pierced their ears and they are men. They are prostitutes. (Ata wanaume pia). Based on the way you dress, the Bible calls you a prostitute. And he’s telling you should be honoring God with your body. There is no way ever you can begin to bring sexual immorality in your body you grieve Jesus. There is no difference between you and the person that did the movie Da Vinci Code.
“I am a Christian. I put on miniskirts—nini nini; tombo cuts and exposing my legs, my breasts.” People begin to wonder what kind of image is this. You are giving Jesus a very defiled image. You are not different from the one that made the movie Da Vinci Code. And you say you are a Christian. You are defiling the Holy Name of Jesus. You are not different from the blasphemy in the movie theaters. He is saying your body has been purchased. The Lord purchased your body with His own life; the darling of Heaven. And then he says, “You cannot combine it with a prostitute.” How come now you have allowed even Homosexuality in the church. How come? How Come? How come you didn’t know that he says there is always death to sexual sin?
Remember Eli. Eli love God. He really loved the ways of God. And God had a covenant with this man. And He told him your sons will always come before me. He had an everlasting covenant with him. And remember our God is an everlasting respecter of covenant with men. He respects it to milele, to the end. But Eli, when Eli failed to rebuke sexual sin among the people at the altar, God forgot about the agano. He killed him right there. When it comes to sexual sin God is always ready to say “I don’t know you.” He will close doors on you. And Eli died. Eli that God used to speak with finally does not even know how God speaks.
When the Lord starts to send you a prophet, be very careful. There is a prophet that was sent to Eli. There was a prophet that was sent to David, Nathan. When the Lord begins to send you a prophet, listen to me; that means He is closing the door to talking to you direct. He’s done with you. He’s closed it. And you women that are out listening to me now, you have suffered in things, you have being rejected, your husbands have died, the only one you are left with is Jesus—is Jehovah your God and you don’t want that one to forget about you and yet when it comes to sexual sin, He’s willing to close the door on you. That means sexual sin is one sin where God is ready anytime to shut the door on you. No wonder the Anointing leaves the servants right away. You see this? Do you see how the Lord looks at sexual sin? Why have the church treated sexual sin very lightly?
I was very shocked when I walked into this country. I saw the type of sexual dancing at the altar. At first I thought maybe something is wrong with the cultural situation here—“Is it cultural or what?” But I said, “Lord, I know your ways they are holy. This is unholy. Even if we say we are this tribe or we are this tribe, we have our utamaduni and so” but our God is the same Holy One of Israel. I saw the sexual dressing in the church; I heard the stories of the women going to sit on the balconies of the church up and the pastor is preaching down and defiling the altar of the Lord.
The Lord showed me in mighty visitations. Many churches of this country, the condoms being picked up after kesha nights and I wondered and said, “Lord are you still having the same Bible in this land?” I went to the bishops; I went to the pastors, I said, “I want to speak with you. The Lord has shown me your church.” I was shocked at how this church treats sexual immorality—very light. And I have just finished with building for you a foundation for the teaching here. You see that every corner God is speaking—death, death, death, death to sexual sin. Halleluyah; I want you to know how do you break the chains of sexual immorality?
Let us just begin now looking at how do you handle the situation of sexual sin in your life, in your church; how do you handle these things? The Book of 1 Thessalonians let us go to solutions probably to help us there now. But I want you not to forget the following: that I’ve made it very clear to you—God’s view, the Lord’s view on sexual immorality, sexual sin.
When it comes to sexual sin, now He wants to put all sins together and divide them into 2. When it comes to sexual sin, He is willing now to say, the rest are different, this one here is a special sin. This one here now is serious to me, and something is very critical here because you see him bringing the Holy Spirit now. And the last part of the Trinity you want to grieve is the Holy Spirit. And he says very clearly if you grieve the Holy Spirit; if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit you are sitting at a very tricky place, you cannot be even forgiven. And you also know that our Lord says very clearly that you cannot see Him. No one will see the Lord except for when they walk in Holiness—Hebrews 12:14.
And yet you find out very clearly that in the Book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 27 he says, “Whoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed sexual sin with that woman.” And that means you cannot live in Holiness except when you receive the Holy Spirit. And now the same temple that you have that the Holy Spirit should have come and He occupies is the same temple you’ve defiled and he says, “He cannot mix wickedness with righteousness.” I am confused about these things because you need to sanctify your body to be the Holy Temple of the Holy Spirit so you can receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit and walk in holiness and see the LORD otherwise you will not see the LORD.
So you need to make sure you sanctify that body. And yet now you are defiling that body with prostitution, sexual sin, and you see it all over church. You see the youth church sexual sin is full there; you see the adult church, sexual sin is there; you go to the pulpit, sexual sin is there. This is the day, this is the hour for this church to know how God looks at sexual sin and separate from this sin. This is the time for the church to know the true Word of God regarding sexual sin so the church can separate otherwise the non-Christians will not want to come to church. They will see sexual sin in the church and then they will fail to come. It’s very important.
Let us look at how do you break the chains of sexual sin and lust. And again I want to make it clear to you here: It starts with desire. It goes into lust. If you can just think about sexual sin, you have fallen. If it just crosses your mind, you have fallen. That is the key. If you see that it’s crossing your mind, you need to repent and cry to God to fill you with the Holy Spirit because when the New Law came, the LORD said, now you don’t need the 2 to 3 witnesses Moses needed for death to occur on somebody that defiled the covenant. Now He says a mere look at a woman and lust at her, you have committed adultery with that woman. And yet the same Bible says if anyone came from wherever and they preached you a gospel other than what you’ve received whether be they angels let them be condemned to death forever.
The Book of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 3 to 8, he says, “3 It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;” that means already when the Lord created you, He saw the weakness of your flesh and yet the same God cannot disobey His own Word. His own Word says that there is death for sexual sin. So He said then therefore I will give a way out here and He says, “It is my will that even as you were created by me that you should be sanctified so you can avoid sexual sin.” He’s talking about controlling your flesh. How can you control flesh here somebody. I know you are going to say, “To control my body I need the Holy Spirit.” But let me tell you something very important here: You need to have the will first of all that I want; because you remember in the beginning He said that you are allowed to do whatever you want. Samson was allowed; David was allowed; Eli was allowed.
You must have the will, want. Once you have the will, then the Holy Spirit can be able now to be welcome, invited into you and so now you can begin the process of sanctification so He can lead you into being self-controlled in a way that is honorable and holy; remember those two: honorable and holy. And he says, verse 5, “5 not in passionate lust like the heathens, who do not know God;” and verse 6 he says “6 and in that matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you.” somebody, up to verse 6.
Romans chapter 1 just to add on to that so you begin to see what God can do about sexual sin. Listen to me precious people; one of the main solutions to sexual sin, one of the main tools that is in the Bible that you can use even to break the chains of sexual sin to have the wisdom and the knowledge of the Word of God regarding sexual sin. “My people perish for lack of knowledge and wisdom.” Romans chapter 1 verse 21 so you see what God can do about sexual sin. I brought this intentionally to you so you may be able to be equipped so you are aware of the gravity; so you can choose for yourself.
Romans chapter 1:21 he says, “21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Verse 22 Romans 1 says, “22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.”
This knowledge will be a very big piece of equipment for you to overcome sexual sin. Now you mark verse 24, he says, “24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.” Listen to me: You see that God is willing to give you up when it comes to sexual sin. The knowledge of the fact that God in the New Covenant of the LORD is willing to give you up when it comes to sexual sin that is a tool for you to choose against sexual sin. Now He’s repeating that when it comes to sexual sin, “I am your creator. No one can love you more than I that created you. But when it comes to sexual sin, I am willing to give you up—to surrender you to the sinful desires of your sexual lust.”
Verse 26, “26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged their natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way their men abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves, for themselves, the due penalty for their pervasion.” Listen to me: that is the second time God He is saying He gave them up because of sexual sin. Verses 24 and 26 the Lord is able to give you up when it comes to sexual sin. Verse 26 He repeats it, that “when it comes to this matter here, I am still willing and able to surrender you; give you over to shameful lusts—to sexual sin.”
Verse 28, “28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind,” three times He says “I can give you up.” Three times; the wisdom of God; the knowledge of the fact that God can give you up is a tool for you to fear sexual sin and live it alone. Halleluyah; let us go back to what we were reading. The Book of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 we had come up to verse 6. And I just brought in the Book of Romans so you can understand that the wisdom and the knowledge of the Word of God regarding sexual sin is the tool number 1 for breaking the chains of sexual sin. If you know that (nikishika hili moto itanichoma); if you know that if I touch this fire it will burn me, you will not touch it.
The church did not have the wisdom and the knowledge that touching that fire will burn it. And she touched it and she’s burning now. Sexual sin is very deep in the church right now and burning also means missing the Lord because without holiness nobody sees the Lord. So there is a deep need for the church to begin addressing the sin of sexual sin in the church. I wonder why you would even tolerate women dressing in lustful ways in the church.
Let us stand up and rebuke sexual sin. Let us know that a church that receives sexual sin has invited death to the congregants. Verse 7 of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, verse 7 he says, “7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” And he says, “8 Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject men but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.”
When it comes to sexual sin here, He is giving you instruction that God called you to live a pure and a holy life. And he says, if you reject this, you have actually rejected me.
Now listen to this, when it comes to sexual sin He says if you reject my instruction against sexual sin, you have actually rejected me; in other words I am done with you—you have not chosen me. So when you reject the instructions of the Lord when He is warning you, it is like fire. It always brings death—“Avoid that woman; avoid that man. Don’t be seduced by the cosmos, the world in them—the so called seductive beauty that he presents or she presents. He or she is death actually.” When you don’t follow the instruction of God towards sexual sin he says, actually you have rejected me.
And now let us take it to the next level. How do you break off the chains of sexual lust? And we’ve just seeing in the Book of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 that he is saying the first thing you need to do is to equip yourself with the knowledge of the consequence of falling into sexual sin. And we see that he speaks very clearly that if you don’t follow my instructions and you fall you have rejected me. “Lord Jesus, I love Him.” And yet you are in sexual sin. And yet He says here if you fail to follow His instruction on this you have rejected Him. And He says it was His will, His plan, His blueprint, that you be sanctified even before you were created and be separated from sexual immorality.
Let us continue now, the Book of 1 Corinthians chapter 5; now we are looking at how to break the chains; resisting sexual temptations—how to close the door. 1 Corinthians chapter 5 verses 1 to 2 is sufficient for now. He says, “1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among the pagans: A man has his father’s wife. 2 And you are proud! Shouldn’t you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this kind of thing?”
Now listen to me; he is saying here very clearly that the way the enemy brought sexual immorality in the church is such that in the House of the Lord you find a kind of sexual immorality that you do not even see among the pagans. For example, we’ve been to places; we went to repentance like in Egerton when the students came out and said, “For us we’ve seen even homo sexuality at the altar into the church in the night”—the pagans don’t even do such a thing. He says when it comes to sexual immorality you should be grieved like somebody has died.
I want you to know that the LORD created you with a capacity to be able to know what is wrong and what is right. Whether you are born-again or not—what is right you know is right; what is wrong, you are aware this is wrong! Even the non-Christians, they have the fear of God. They know what the altar of God is and so they cannot do that. But the Christians have done it! They have brought girls to the pulpit; they have brought homo sexuality at the pulpit.
So one of the main tools that you can use to break off the chains of sexual immorality is to be aware of the filth; of the rot and so you can be able to be grieved; so you can be able to live in grief when you look at just how bad it is in the eyes of God and you look at what the Lord is talking about and you compare with the non-Christians; you begin to grieve; you begin to mourn; you begin to cry for the church.
That is one of the main tools. And I’ll look at another tool which is called sensitivity; sensitivity in the Spirit. That means you are beginning to become sensitive. I am not just living for me; I am sensitive of what is happening in the House of the Lord; in the land; in the nation; on earth so I am separating from there. I am interceding from there. So I just want you to understand that the Lord is saying very clearly here that He has a plan to redeem you, but most important let us understand before we go into repentance.
Millions of millions of Kenyans are locked in sexual sin; even the majority of the church. But before we go into repentance, let us make sure that we understand the gravity of how the LORD looks at it and the way out. And not just to repent and then go back to it; the kind of repentance David brought before the Lord until the Lord called him “This is the man after my own heart.” Let us understand what did David arm himself with when he was going back to God, until he won the heart of God. He took the heart of God because of the way he went back to him. But what did he arm himself with? You see; let us look at the Book of Psalms 51. The 51st Psalm; I’m going to give you some very important tools; I can just read for you here of where we are heading to.
Some of the tools if you are writing down are: prayer, spiritual solitude and physical solitude, and then fasting to kill the flesh that you saw him talk about in 1 Corinthians chapter 6, the Word of God and the Holy Spirit and many others. We are heading there but for now I just want to bring you slowly in to how do you break the chains; how did David get out of those chains. How can you break those chains?
The 51st Psalm and I’m beginning from verse 1 all the way to 19, but I’m reading from verse 5 to verse 11. Look at what 5 says, Psalm 51, “5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. 6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me the wisdom in the innermost place. 7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. 8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that have crushed rejoice. 9 Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. 10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Do you see the secret somebody? That means he’s talking very clearly here that sexual sin is something about the heart. That’s why the Lord said in Matthew chapter 5:27 that whoever looks at a woman and lusts at her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. It’s all about the heart! And so he’s explaining to you very clearly here that if you want to start your way out of the way of the chains of sexual sin, let the Lord create in you a new heart. You cannot continue trying to sijui mend here, do this; ask him to give you a new heart because there is something called addiction. They get addicted to pornography; they get addicted to sexual sin; they are addicted to men; they are addicted to women; that addiction can only be broken by asking God to create in you a new heart, He is more than able. That is the beginning of breaking the chains. You cannot say clean 20% and leave for me 30%.
It comes from the wisdom of knowing that it is time to tremble before God because God speaks death to sexual sin. And you see David’s crying out to him sincerely, genuinely. You cannot hide anything from our God. You may say sijui I’m a pastor, I’m clean or I’m a mshiriki, I’m clean. But the Lord knows your heart—you are lusting at that woman in church, you have fallen; you are lusting at that man in church, you have fallen. The Lord knows every fiber of your heart. I am walking you very slowly the way out of sexual sin. Look at what he says verse 12 here, “12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation” listen to me somebody, “…and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Give me joy. If it is joy I was looking for from that woman and man, please can you give me the joy of your salvation so I will have joy unspeakable in your salvation. No woman, no man will replace that joy. That is the secret to breaking out.
If you are looking for joy from women ask God to fill you with the joy of salvation; joy unspeakable that you just sit and laugh. You just begin laughing and people think you are crazy. In Hebrew they call it if you translate it, “carefree joy; carefree”—I don’t care anymore. I’m just joyful. I don’t care whether my fellow friends they are going for beer in the evening. From work they are saying, you know what “I am going to meet my boyfriend in the beer garden; I’m going to meet, nanii amekuja kunipick na gari yake.” You don’t even care anymore about those things. You have carefree joy. I don’t care anymore. I am just joyful because the Lord Jesus amenikomboa; He has delivered me from those things. And your heart is full of joy because you know the joy of salvation; the joy of salvation coming into your heart. Asking the Lord to fill your hearts with the joy unspeakable—joy of salvation is one of the major keys to break out of the chain of sexual sin.
Halleluyah; and verse 15 he says, “15 O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praises.” So you may just begin to praise the Lord; just praising the Lord. Opening your mouth and praising the Lord and speaking the holy words of the Lord will definitely cleanse out your hearts because out of the abundance of the heart comes what you speak in your tongue. I’m telling you we are walking out of sexual sin. And I’m slowly walking you into how you can break the chains. And you begin to see that pouring out your heart to the Lord; being sincere with the Lord and telling Him Lord, “Please don’t look at my sins, I deserve death.” And this heart I have is a rotten heart. I want you to give me a new heart and fill that heart with the joy of salvation because sexual sin is addictive. I don’t want this old heart that likes sexual sin. I want a new heart and fill it with the joy of salvation to cause my lips to speak praises to you Lord.”
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