Right Reverend Louis Lupo is the Senior Archbishop of the United States of America & the General Overseer of North America; He is also the Senior Pastor of Paradise Altar Family Church in Drumore, Pennsylvania; the Main Altar of USA.
Louis Lupo’s Testimony
Many years before being Anointed by THE TWO OLIVE TREES THAT POUR OUT THE GOLDEN OIL (Zechariah 4:11) THE ELIJAH, THE TWO WITNESSES OF REVELATION 11, THE MIGHTIEST MIGHTIEST PROPHET OF THE LORD, (Rev 11, Mal 4:5, Mal 3:1, Isa 40:3) as the Archbishop in 2016, and General Overseer in North America in 2021, and as Right Reverend in 2022, Louis Lupo was not even in the formal church, outcasted and considered, ‘Apostate in the Apostate Church’ given the rotten condition & the detestable fall in the church in USA preaching money, full of lies, corruption, sexual sin, false prophecies, ’Sow a Seed & Get a Miracle’ (but no miracle), the immorality at the pulpit, name it. The Church was the laughing stock of the world.
But all of that came to an end when Louis Lupo witnessed a leper cleansed right before his bare eyes, at the Historic Grand Mega Revival Meeting, in Kakamega, Kenya, in 2012 when ELIJAH, THE ONE PROMISED IN THE BOOK OF MALACHI CHAPTER 4, THE PROPHET OF THE LORD JEHOVAH YAHWEH that would come to prepare the Way for the glorious coming of the Messiah, laid his hands on that leper, and the skin started to fall of in chunks —instantly!
Upon witnessing that life changing Miracle in real-time, backed up with hearing the sound of the trumpet calling all the nations of the Earth to repentance; the turning away from sin, and to prepare the Way for the Glorious coming of THE MESSIAH, and return back to the one & only true Gospel of the Christ JESUS of the Blood & the Cross that delivers us from all sin, changed his life. (Isa 52:13-15, Isa 53:1-12)
That ‘Bitter Truth’ of the Gospel of Repentance & Holiness and the return to righteousness pierced his heart, with the conviction brought by the MIGHTY HOLY SPIRIT learning that the Grace of GOD is not be abused by living in willful sin, but GOD judges sin (Hebrews 6:4-6; Hebrews 10:26-31; 2 Peter 2:19-22); therefore, leaving him with no other choice but to change his behavior & conduct into a GOD-Fearing righteousness seeking life. (Hebrews 12:14)
The Message of Repentance from THE MIGHTIEST PROPHETS has brought in a newfound hope that the present day church never believed was possible: a better life, no longer focused on this perishable Earthly living, but focused on the Glory, eagerly awaiting a Heavenly Home prepared for the righteous! (Revelation 21:1-7)
FOCUS ON THE GLORY! (1 John 3:1-3)
The Seat of the Archbishop is at the USA Main Altar; Paradise Altar Family Church, Drumore, Pennsylvania.

“Locals missions Street to Street, door to door, bull horn on the corner, sack cloth in the city square, regional repentance, National Repentance, and international missions, revival a must, THE MESSIAH is coming!
-Right Reverend Louis Lupo, the Senior Archbishop of the United States of America
Ministry of Repentance and Holiness
422 S Newkirk St., Baltimore, MD 21224
Service Time: Sunday 11:00 a.m., Wednesday 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Phone: +1 (240) 779-7585